Chapter 9 - Manufacturing: 9.1 Getting Started
Chapter 9 - Manufacturing: 9.1 Getting Started
Chapter 9 - Manufacturing: 9.1 Getting Started
As we discussed in Chapter 1 about the product realization process, the models and drawings
created by designers will undergo manufacturing processes to get to the finished products, which
is the essence of CAD/CAM integration. The most widely and commonly used technique is to
generate control codes for CNC machines to mill the desired part. This technique reduces the
amount of human programing in creating CNC codes, which facilitates the designers to create
products with complex geometries. In this chapter, we will cover the Manufacturing Module of
NX 12 to generate CNC codes for 3-Axis Vertical Machining Centers. This module allows us to
program and do some post-processing on drilling, milling, turning and wire-cut EDM tool paths.
A few preparatory steps need to be performed on every CAD model before moving it into the
CAM environment. In this chapter, we are going to work with a model that was finished in the
previous exercise problem. All the units are followed in millimeters in this model and
manufacturing of the component.
Length = 150 mm
Width = 100 mm
Height = 80 mm
For the Origin option, choose the lower most corner of the base block, so that the new
block created can wrap up the whole previous model as shown below
This block encloses the entire design part so we need to change the display properties of the block
to have a better visualization.
Click on the Edit Object Display icon in the Visualization group of the View tab
When a window pops up, change the display Color and change the Translucency to 50
click OK
There are many different customized CAM templates available for different machining
operations. Here, we are only interested in the milling operation.
Click on the Operation Navigator tab on the left on the Resource Bar
The Operation Navigator gives information about the programs created and corresponding
information about the cutters, methods, and strategies. A list of programs can be viewed in different
categorical lists. There are four ways of viewing the list of programs in the Operation Navigator,
which are Program Order view, Machine Tool view, Geometry view and Machining Method view.
Click OK
This will open the Blank Geometry Window. As mentioned earlier there are several ways to define
the Blank. You can use a solid geometry as the Blank or can allow the software to assign a prismatic
block with desired offsets in the X, Y, and Z directions. As we have already created a block, here
we can use that as the Blank geometry.
Now we are finished assigning the Part and Blank geometries. Sometimes it may be required to
assign Check geometry. This option is more useful for shapes that are more complex or 5-Axes
milling operations where the tool cutters have a higher chance of dashing with the fixtures. In our
case, it is not necessary to assign a Check geometry.
There are a set of different subtypes under Mill-Contour, namely Cavity Mill, Z-Level Follow
Cavity, Follow Core, Fixed Contour, and so on. These
different subtypes are used for different situations and
profiles of the design part. As mentioned before, how you
select a strategy for a certain situation depends on your
knowledge and experience.
Click OK
These cutters have a sharp tip at the end of the cutter as shown in the figure below. These cutters
are used for finishing parts that have flat vertical walls with sharp edges at the intersection of the
floors and walls.
These cutters have the corner radii exactly equal to half the diameter of the shank. This forms the
ball shaped profile at the end. These cutters are used for roughing and finishing operations of parts
or surfaces with freeform features.
These cutters have small corner radii and are widely used for roughing and/or semi-finishing the
parts as well as for finishing of inclined and tapered walls.
The cutter that we are going to use to rough out this huge volume is BUEM12X1 (Bullnose End
Mill with 12 diameter and 1 corner radius).
In the Cavity Mill popup menu click on the Create New button in the Tool dialog box
Trochoidal: This cutter is huge and is used for removing a large amount of material. The bulk
of material is removed by gradual trochoidal movements. The depth of cut used will be very high
for this strategy.
Zig with Contour: This takes the path in one direction either climb or conventional. The
unique thing is that it moves along the contour shape nonlinearly.
For this exercise, select the Follow Part icon from the Cut Pattern drop-down menu since
we have both projections and cavities in the part
Scallop Height
Scallop Height controls the distance between parallel passes according to the maximum height of
material (scallop) you specify to be left between passes. This is affected by the cutter definition
and the curvature of the surface. Scallop allows the system to determine the Stepover distance
based on the scallop height you enter.
Now we will add the level ranges. This will split the part into different levels along the Z-direction
to be machined.
Select OK
Click OK
9.2.7 Avoidance
Click the Non Cutting Moves
From Point
Start Point
This is the point at which the program starts and ends. This value is also 50 or 100 mm above the
Z=0 level to enhance safety. It is also the point at which the machine operator checks the height of
the tool mounted on the spindle with respect to the Z=0 level from the job. This cross checks the
tool offset entered in the machine.
Choose Specify
Clearance Plane is the plane on which the tool cutter will retract before moving to the next region
or island. This is also known as Retract Plane. Sometimes the Clearance Plane can be the previous
cutting plane. However, when the tool has to move from one region to another, it is necessary to
move to the Clearance Plane before doing so. The value of the Clearance Plane should be at least
2 mm above the topmost point of the workpiece or fixture or whichever is fixed to the machine
For the Surface Speed and the Feed per Tooth, you should enter the recommended values given
by the manufacturers of the cutter (for this example, click on the calculator button near spindle
speed). By entering these values, the software will automatically calculate the cutting feed rate and
spindle speed. You can also enter your own values for feed rates and spindle speeds.
Click OK
The Tool-Path verification can be used to view the cutter motion in the entire program. You can
observe how the tool is engaged and how it retracts after cutting. It also shows the actual material
being removed through graphical simulation. You can also view the specific zone of interest by
moving the line of the program.
Right-click on the program in the Operation Navigator and choose Tool Path → Verify
This will allow you to set the parameters for visualization of the Tool-Path.
Click OK
Click OK
9.4.1 Roughing
In case of milling operation, the first operation should be rough milling before finishing the job.
The main purpose of roughing is to remove bulk material at a faster rate, without affecting the
accuracy and finish of the job. Stock allowances are given to provide enough material for the
finishing operation to get an accurate and good finish job. What we did in the previous part of this
chapter is generating a roughing program. Now we have to moderately remove all the uneven
material left over from the previous program.
9.4.2 Semi-Finishing
Semi-Finishing programs are intended to remove the unevenness due to the roughing operation
and keep even part stock allowance for the Finishing operations. Once we are done with the first
roughing program, semi-finishing is always easier and simpler to perform.
Now we will copy and paste the first program in the Operation Navigator. In the new program,
you only have to change a few parameters and cutting tool dimensions and just regenerate the
You can see that next to the newly created CAVITY_MILL_1 is a red mark, which indicates that
the program is not generated.
Let us now set the parameters that need to be changed for the second program. Before we start, we
should analyze the part geometry to figure out the minimum corner radius for the cutter diameter.
In our model, it is 5 mm and at the floor edges, it is 1 mm. Therefore, the cutter diameter can be
Just as we did in the previous program, we will create a new cutter. In the Tool tab, you will see
the cutter you first chose. It will show BUEM12X1 as the current tool.
Click OK
In Process Workpiece is a very useful option in NX. The software considers the previous program
and generates the current program such that there is no unnecessary cutting motion in the No-
material zone. This strategy reduces the cutting time and air cutting motion drastically. The
algorithm will force the cutter to only remove that material, which is left from the previous
program and maintain the current part stock allowance.
Then click OK
The parameters and settings are finished for the semi-finishing program.
Then replay the Tool Path Visualization. The overall Tool Path generated in the second program
will look like the following figure. You can replay it or check for the gouging in a similar way.
Repeat the same procedure as before to copy and paste CAVITY_MILL_1 on Operation
In the popup parameters window, change the Cut Pattern to Profile and the Stepover
percentage to 40
Change the Plane from Automatic to Specify and click on the Plane Dialog
Choose the XC-YC Plane from the drop-down menu under Type
Click OK
Now we will start selecting edges from the part. These selected edges will be projected on the Z =
3 plane as curves and used as the boundary.
Select all the top outer edges on the wall along the contour surface as shown in the figure.
Make sure to select all 8 edges and in a continuous order
Choose OK
Enter the Part Side Stock and Part Floor Stock values to be 0.00
Click OK
The finishing program for the outer profile is now ready. You can observe while replaying the tool
path that the cutter never crosses the boundary that has been given for trim and check. The cutter
retracts to the Z=3 plane for relocation.
Double click CAVITY_MILL_3 to edit the parameters or right click on it and choose Edit
Select the Specify Trim Boundaries tab and choose Trim Side to be Outside in the popup
dialog box
This will prevent the cutter from passing outside the boundary.
Change the plane manually to be the XC-YC plane and enter the offset distance as 3
Click OK
Select all the top inner edges along the contour surface as shown in the figure. Again, make
sure all 8 edges are selected in a continuous order (using Shift+click to de-select a curve).
The finishing program for the inner profile is now ready. By replaying the tool path, you can
observe that the cutter never crosses the boundary that has been given for trim and check.
Click OK
On the Parameters window, under Drive Method, make sure that Boundary is selected
The Tool Position determines how the tool will position itself when it approaches the Boundary
Member. Boundary Members may be assigned one of three tool positions: On, Tanto, or Contact.
In On position, the center point of the tool aligns with the boundary along the tool axis or
projection vector.
In Tanto position, the side of the tool aligns with the boundary.
Click OK
Select the outer loop of the top contour surface as shown in the figure. Remember to select
the edges in a continuous order
We have trimmed the geometry outside the loop. Now we have to trim the geometry inside the
inner loop so that the only geometry left will be the area between the two loops.
Change the Stepover method to Scallop and enter the height to be 0.001 and click OK
Click OK
Click OK
Click OK
The contour surface is now finished and you can view the
simulation by Tool Path Verification.
Click OK
Click OK
Choose the Stock tab button and enter the Intol and Outtol values as 0.001
Click OK
Click OK
Choose OK
The following figure shows the Tool Path display for the flooring.
The primary use of the Manufacturing Application is to generate tool paths for manufacturing
parts. Generally, we cannot just send an unmodified tool path file to a machine and start cutting
because there are many different types of machines. Each type of machine has unique hardware
capabilities, requirements and control systems. For instance, the machine may have a vertical or a
horizontal spindle; it can cut while moving several axes simultaneously, etc. The controller accepts
a tool path file and directs tool motion and other machine activity (such as turning the coolant or
air on and off).
Naturally, as each type of machine has unique hardware characteristics; controllers also differ in
software characteristics. For example, most controllers require that the instruction for turning the
coolant on be given in a particular code. Some controllers also restrict the number of M codes that
are allowed in one line of output. This kind of information is not in the initial NX tool path.
Therefore, the tool path must be modified to suit the unique parameters of each different
machine/controller combination. The modification process is called Post Processing. The result is
a Post Processed tool path.
There are two steps involved in generating the final post-processed tool path.
1. Create the tool path data file, or called CLSF (Cutter Location Source File).
2. Post process the CLSF into machine CNC code (Post Processed file). This program reads
the tool path data and reformats it for use with a particular machine and its accompanying
Choose OK
Select the MILL_3_AXIS machine and enter a location for the file
Select OK
This will create the Post Processed file for the target machine. You can find the block numbers
with G and M codes concerning the machine controller type. The extension of the file is .ptp.