Evaluation of Wavelet Denoising Methods For Small-Scale Joint Roughness Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Evaluation of Wavelet Denoising Methods For Small-Scale Joint Roughness Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Evaluation of Wavelet Denoising Methods For Small-Scale Joint Roughness Estimation Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
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3 authors:
Kourosh Khoshelham
University of Melbourne
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All content following this page was uploaded by Maja Bitenc on 23 February 2016.
KEY WORDS: terrestrial laser scanning, joint roughness, range noise, discrete wavelet transform, stationary wavelet transform,
denoising performance
The precision of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data depends mainly on the inherent random range error, which hinders extraction
of small details from TLS measurements. New post processing algorithms have been developed that reduce or eliminate the noise
and therefore enable modelling details at a smaller scale than one would traditionally expect. The aim of this research is to find the
optimum denoising method such that the corrected TLS data provides a reliable estimation of small-scale rock joint roughness. Two
wavelet-based denoising methods are considered, namely Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Stationary Wavelet Transform
(SWT), in combination with different thresholding procedures. The question is, which technique provides a more accurate roughness
estimates considering (i) wavelet transform (SWT or DWT), (ii) thresholding method (fixed-form or penalised low) and (iii)
thresholding mode (soft or hard). The performance of denoising methods is tested by two analyses, namely method noise and method
sensitivity to noise. The reference data are precise Advanced TOpometric Sensor (ATOS) measurements obtained on 20×30 cm rock
joint sample, which are for the second analysis corrupted by different levels of noise. With such a controlled noise level experiments
it is possible to evaluate the methods’ performance for different amounts of noise, which might be present in TLS data. Qualitative
visual checks of denoised surfaces and quantitative parameters such as grid height and roughness are considered in a comparative
analysis of denoising methods. Results indicate that the preferred method for realistic roughness estimation is DWT with penalised
low hard thresholding.
Two analyses were performed in order to justify suitability of Figure 5. Fixed-form global and local, and penalised low global
the wavelet denoising methods for rock joint roughness threshold values for the DWT and SWT decomposition.
estimation. First, the noise of a denoising method itself is
analysed (method noise analysis) by applying denoising 4.3 Method noise
methods on original ATOS data. If assuming that ATOS data
have no or very little noise and that a denoising method Method noise analysis is performed on the original ATOS
removes just noise and not also details, the output (denoised) surface. Figure 6 shows mean and standard deviation of the two
surface should match the input surface. Second, original ATOS performance measures, ΔZ (left plot) and ΔR (right plot), versus
data is corrupted with different levels of Gaussian white noise denoising methods. Mean of ΔZ is as expected zero for all
and the method sensitivity to noise is studied as the noise denoising methods, however the standard deviation, which
increases. The aim of this controlled noise level experiment is to indicates noise produced by denoising method, ranges from
study dependence of thresholds and denoising method approximately 0.1 mm for DWT penalised low hard
performance on amount of noise. Noise levels were chosen thresholding (left plot, red mark at PLGH) to 0.6 mm for SWT
based on empirical noise estimation for the Riegl VZ400 laser fixed-form local soft thresholding (left plot, blue mark at FLS).
scanner in (Vezočnik, 2011). His experiment showed that noise Similar pattern can be observed in error plot of ΔR, where the
on concrete surfaces reaches maximum 2.2 mm for scanning DWT penalised low hard thresholding surface shows the
distances up to 65 m and incidence angles up to 60ᵒ. Therefore smallest mean roughness difference -0.3ᵒ (right plot, red mark at
in our experiment five noise levels were chosen, namely 0.5, 1, PLHG) compared to biggest mean difference of -9ᵒ by SWT
1.5, 2 and 2.5 mm. Noise was added to grid points of original fixed-form local soft thresholding (right plot, blue mark at
ATOS data and those noisy surfaces entered the denoising FLS). In general, considering the wavelet transform and
procedure. As an example, surface of 2 mm added-noise is thresholding mode, method noise is lower in case of DWT and
shown in Figure 9, middle. hard thresholding.
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