CPG Ascr Diverticulitis-2020
CPG Ascr Diverticulitis-2020
CPG Ascr Diverticulitis-2020
Jason Hall, M.D., M.P.H.1 • Karin Hardiman, M.D., Ph.D.2 • Sang Lee, M.D.3
Amy Lightner, M.D.4 • Luca Stocchi, M.D.5 • Ian M. Paquette, M.D.6
Scott R. Steele, M.D., M.B.A.4 • Daniel L. Feingold, M.D.7 • Prepared on behalf of
the Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the American Society of Colon and
Rectal Surgeons
1 Section of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Boston Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
2 Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
3 Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, USC Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California
4 Department of Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
5 Division of Colorectal Surgery, Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, Florida
6 Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
7 Section of Colorectal Surgery, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons care workers, and patients who desire information about
(ASCRS) is dedicated to ensuring high-quality pa- the management of the conditions addressed by the topics
tient care by advancing the science, prevention, covered in these guidelines.These guidelines should not be
and management of disorders and diseases of the colon, deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or exclu-
rectum, and anus. The Clinical Practice Guidelines Com- sive of methods of care reasonably directed toward obtain-
mittee is composed of society members who are chosen ing the same results. The ultimate judgment regarding the
because they have demonstrated expertise in the specialty propriety of any specific procedure must be made by the
of colon and rectal surgery. This committee was created physician in light of all the circumstances presented by the
to lead international efforts in defining quality care for individual patient.
conditions related to the colon, rectum, and anus and
develop clinical practice guidelines based on the best a-
vailable evidence. While not proscriptive, these guidelines METHODOLOGY
provide information on which decisions can be made and These guidelines are constructed on the platform of
do not dictate a specific form of treatment. These guide- the previously published Practice Parameters for the
lines are intended for the use of all practitioners, health Treatment of Sigmoid Diverticulitis published by the
American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (AS-
Earn Continuing Education (CME) credit online at cme.lww.com. CRS) in 2014.1 A systematic search was conducted un-
der the guidance of an information services librarian.
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL ci- This search strategy is outlined under the search ap-
tations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are pro- pendices (see Supplemental Digital Content, http://
vided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web
site (www.dcrjournal.com).
links.lww.com/DCR/B209). The PubMed, EMBASE,
Cochrane, and Web of Science databases were searched
Funding/Support: None reported. from January 1, 2013, until October 26, 2019. Relevant
manuscripts identified by individual authors were also
Financial Disclosures: None reported. included. Key word combinations using the MeSH terms
including “Diverticulitis,” “Diverticulosis,” “Diverticu-
Correspondence: Daniel L. Feingold, M.D., Professor and Chair, lar,” “Colonic,” “Colon Diverticulosis,” “Surgery,” “Med-
Section of Colorectal Surgery, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
ical Therapy,” “Antibiotics,” “Probiotics,” “Laparoscopic
Dis Colon Rectum 2020; 63: 728–747 Lavage,” “Mesalamine,” “Rifaximin,” and “Surgery” were
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000001679 performed. The search was limited to English language
© The ASCRS 2020 abstracts with human subjects. A directed search of ref-
erences embedded in the candidate publications was the studies reviewed in this guideline used and defined
also performed. Emphasis was placed on prospective recurrence differently.
trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and practice
guidelines. Peer-reviewed observational studies and ret-
rospective studies were included when higher-quality STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
evidence was insufficient. In brief, a total of 4885 unique The prevalence of diverticular disease has risen steadily in
journal titles were identified. Initial review of the search industrialized nations over the past few decades.5,6 A 2016
results led to the exclusion of 4223 titles based on irrel- study using data from the National Inpatient Sample esti-
evance of the title or because they consisted of a case mated that the prevalence of hospitalization for divertic-
report, letter to the editor, or nonsystematic review. A ulitis increased from 74.1 of 100,000 in 2000 to a peak of
review of the remaining 662 titles included assessment 96.0 of 100,000 in 2008.7 These authors found that there
of the full-length articles. This led to exclusion of an were 2,151,023 hospitalizations for diverticulitis during
additional 494 titles for which similar but higher-level this time period with an average of 195,548 admissions
evidence was available. The remaining 168 titles were per year.7 Another study compiled data from the National
considered for grading of the recommendations (Fig. 1). Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and the National Hos-
The final source material used was evaluated for the pital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey and found that in
methodological quality, the evidence base was exam- 2010 there were more than 2.7 million discharges in the
ined, and a treatment guideline was formulated by the ambulatory setting associated with a diagnosis of diver-
subcommittee for this guideline. The final grade of rec- ticular disease, and that in 2012 there were more than
ommendation and level of evidence for each statement 340,000 emergency department visits associated with a di-
were determined using the Grades of Recommendation, agnosis of diverticulitis and 215,560 of these patients were
Assessment, Development, and Evaluation system (Ta- admitted. Admission was associated with a median length
ble 1).2 When agreement was incomplete regarding the of stay of 4 days and a median cost of treatment of US
evidence base or treatment guideline, consensus from $6333.8 The authors recently used updated data from the
the committee chair, vice chair, and 2 assigned review- same 2 surveys and estimated that in 2014 there were 1.92
ers determined the outcome. Members of the ASCRS million patients diagnosed with diverticular disease in the
Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee worked in joint ambulatory setting.9
production of these guidelines from inception to pub- Another contemporary analysis demonstrated that
lication. Recommendations formulated by the subcom- the rate of diverticulitis-related emergency department
mittee were reviewed by the entire Clinical Practice visits rose 26.8% from 89.8 to 113.9 visits per 100,000
Guidelines Committee. The submission was peer-re- population between 2006 and 2013 and that the aggregate
viewed by Diseases of the Colon & Rectum and the final national cost of these visits was $1.6 billion in 2013.10
recommendations were approved by the ASCRS Execu- As our understanding of diverticulitis has evolved,
tive Council. In general, each ASCRS Clinical Practice so have recommendations for the clinical management
Guideline is updated every 5 years. No funding was re- of these patients. Patients with diverticular disease are in-
ceived for preparing this guideline and the authors have creasingly being treated as outpatients. Rates of admission
declared no competing interests related to this material. to the hospital after emergency department evaluation for
The terms uncomplicated and complicated divertic- diverticulitis dropped from 58.0% in 2006 to 47.1% in
ulitis, symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease 2013.10 In addition, fewer patients are undergoing emer-
(SUDD), and recurrent diverticulitis are used through- gency bowel surgery; the rate of patients undergoing an
out this document. For purposes of this guideline, intestinal operation per emergency department visit for
complicated diverticulitis is defined as diverticulitis as- diverticulitis decreased from 7278 of 100,000 to 4827 of
sociated with uncontained, free perforation with a sys- 100,000 between 2006 and 2013.10 Concomitantly, there
temic inflammatory response, fistula, abscess, stricture, has been an increase in the use of elective and laparoscopic
or obstruction. Micro-perforation with small amounts surgery in the management of diverticulitis.11
of contained, extraluminal gas, in the absence of a sys- This publication summarizes the changing treatment
temic inflammatory response, is not considered com- paradigm for patients with left-sided diverticulitis. Al-
plicated diverticulitis. Uncomplicated diverticulitis is though diverticular disease can affect any segment of the
defined as diverticulitis that is not associated with any large intestine, we will focus on left-sided disease. Bowel
of the aforementioned features.3 Symptomatic uncom- preparation, enhanced recovery pathways, and prevention
plicated diverticular disease is defined as diverticulosis of thromboembolic disease, while relevant to the manage-
with associated chronic abdominal pain in the absence ment of patients with diverticulitis, are beyond the scope
of clinically overt colitis.4 Meanwhile, the term recurrent of these guidelines and are addressed in other ASCRS clin-
diverticulitis has no universally accepted definition and ical practice guidelines.12–14
(n = 168)
INITIAL EVALUATION OF ACUTE DIVERTICULITIS in multiple case series in an attempt to identify a bio-
marker that can discriminate patients who have com-
1. The initial evaluation of a patient with suspected acute plicated disease. Many of the series are small and the
diverticulitis should include a problem-specific history suggested cutoff values vary.18–22 However, in one retro-
and physical examination and appropriate laboratory spective study of 350 patients presenting with their first
evaluation. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recom- episode of diverticulitis, CRP >150 mg/L significantly
mendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. discriminated acute uncomplicated from complicated
diverticulitis and the combination of CRP >150 mg/L
Classic findings related to sigmoid diverticulitis include and free fluid on CT scan was associated with a sig-
left lower quadrant pain, fever, and leukocytosis. Fecaluria, nificantly greater risk of mortality.23 In a study of 115
pneumaturia, or pyuria are concerning for possible colo- patients, Jeger et al15 demonstrated that procalcitonin
vesical fistula, and stool per vagina is concerning for possi- was able to discriminate between patients with uncom-
ble colovaginal fistula. plicated and complicated disease. Another study of 48
Physical examination, complete blood count, uri- patients demonstrated that elevated fecal calprotectin
nalysis, and abdominal radiographs can be helpful in was associated with diverticulitis recurrence.17 Recently,
refining the differential diagnosis. Other diagnoses to a diagnostic prediction model differentiating uncompli-
consider when patients present with suspected diver- cated diverticulitis from complicated diverticulitis (de-
ticulitis may include constipation, irritable bowel syn- fined as Hinchey >Ia) was developed. Incorporating 3
drome, appendicitis, IBD, neoplasia, kidney stones, parameters, abdominal guarding, CRP, and leukocytosis,
urinary tract infection, bowel obstruction, and gyneco- this validated model had a negative predictive value for
logic disorders. detecting complicated diverticulitis of 96%.24 Additional
C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin, and fecal studies are needed to elucidate the utility of laboratory
calprotectin have been explored as potential predic- testing in the setting of diverticulitis and, currently, the
tors of diverticulitis severity.15–17 C-reactive protein has limited evidence does not support a particular manage-
been assessed as a marker of complicated diverticulitis ment algorithm.
2. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis is the most appro- contraindicated. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
priate initial imaging modality in the assessment of recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
suspected diverticulitis. Grade of Recommendation:
Ultrasound and MRI may be useful in patients with a
Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality ev-
contrast allergy where CT can be challenging or in preg-
idence, 1B.
nant patients. Ultrasound can be particularly useful to
Computed tomography imaging has become a standard tool rule out other causes of pelvic pain that can mimic di-
to diagnose diverticulitis, assess disease severity, and help verticulitis when the diagnosis is unclear, especially in
devise a treatment plan. Low-dose CT, even without oral or women.30 However, ultrasound can miss complicated di-
intravenous contrast media, is highly sensitive and specific verticulitis and thus should not typically be the only im-
(95% for each) for diagnosing acute abdominal complaints aging modality utilized if this is suspected.31 Although
including diverticulitis as well as other etiologies that can ultrasound evaluation is included as a diagnostic op-
mimic the disease.25 Computed tomography findings asso- tion in the practice guidelines of several societies, ultra-
ciated with diverticulitis may include colonic wall thicken- sound is user dependent and its utility in obese patients
ing, fat stranding, abscess, fistula, and extraluminal gas and may be limited.32,33 Where available, MRI can also be
fluid and can stratify patients according to Hinchey classifi- useful in patients in whom CT is contraindicated and
cation.26 The utility of CT imaging goes beyond the accurate may be better than CT at differentiating neoplasia from
diagnosis of diverticulitis; the grade of severity on CT cor- diverticulitis.34
relates with the risk of failure of nonoperative management
in the short term and with long-term complications such as MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE DIVERTICULITIS
recurrence, the persistence of symptoms, and the develop-
ment of colonic stricture and fistula.27–29
Selected patients with uncomplicated diverticu-
3. Ultrasound and MRI can be useful alternatives in the litis can be treated without antibiotics. Grade of
initial evaluation of a patient with suspected acute di- Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
verticulitis when CT imaging is not available or is high-quality evidence, 1A.
Until recently, the routine use of antibiotics has been the A number of other systematic reviews and meta-
primary treatment for patients presenting with acute di- analyses have also supported this approach.37,43–46 A meta-
verticulitis. The generally accepted pathophysiologic analysis of 9 studies that included 2565 patients compared
mechanism of diverticulitis has been challenged because the efficacy of treatment with and without antibiotics.
new evidence suggests that diverticulitis is primarily an in- Two studies were randomized trials, 2 were prospective
flammatory process that can result in micro-perforation cohort studies, and 5 were retrospective analyses. The au-
rather than a complication of micro-perforation itself.4 thors noted that there were no differences between the 2
Two randomized controlled trials as well as systematic re- groups in terms of rates of treatment failure, recurrence of
views have found no significant difference in outcomes of diverticulitis, complications, readmission rates, need for
patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis treated with or surgery, or mortality. Treatment without antibiotics was
without antibiotics.35–38 The AVOD trial (Swedish acronym more likely to fail in patients with associated comorbidi-
standing for “antibiotics in uncomplicated diverticulitis”) ties.45 A retrospective study of 565 patients with Hinchey
randomly assigned 623 inpatients with CT-confirmed un- Ia disease found that those with a CRP >170 mg/dL had a
complicated left-sided diverticulitis to receive intravenous higher risk of treatment failure when treated without an-
fluids alone or intravenous fluids and antibiotics and found tibiotics.47 Another meta-analysis of 7 studies compared
no differences between the treatment groups in terms of observational management and antibiotic treatment in
complications, recurrence, or time to recovery.35 This study 2321 patients and concluded that there were no significant
group recently published a long-term follow-up of this co- differences between the groups in terms of emergency sur-
hort. At a median follow-up of 11 years, the authors found gery (0.7% versus 1.4%; p = 0.10) and recurrence (11%
no significant differences between the 2 groups in terms versus 12%; p = 0.30). However, when the authors exam-
of recurrences (both 31.3%), complications, surgery for di- ined only randomized trials, elective surgery during fol-
verticulitis, or reported quality of life (EQ-5DTM).39 low-up occurred more frequently in the observational
The most recent randomized controlled trial (DIAB- group than in the antibiotic group (2.5% versus 0.9%;
OLO) from The Dutch Diverticular Disease Collaborative p = 0.04).37 Taken as a whole, these data suggest that anti-
Study Group compared the efficacy of treating patients biotic therapy may not be necessary in selected, otherwise
presenting with their first episode of sigmoid diverticulitis healthy patients with early-stage diverticulitis.
with antibiotics versus observation.36 Five hundred twen-
2. Nonoperative treatment of diverticulitis may include
ty-eight patients with CT-proven, uncomplicated divertic-
antibiotics. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recom-
ulitis were randomly assigned to either a 10-day course of
mendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (48 hours of intravenous treat-
ment followed by oral administration) or observation in Before the 2 randomized trials questioning the benefit of
an outpatient setting, and the primary end point was time antibiotics in uncomplicated diverticulitis, antibiotic ther-
to recovery. The median time to recovery for the antibiotic apy was and still is a standard component of the arma-
treatment group was 12 days (interquartile range (IQR) mentarium used to treat all stages of this disease.1 The use
7–30) versus 14 days in the observation group (IQR 6–35; of antibiotics continues to be appropriate for higher-risk
p = 0.15). There were no significant differences between patients with significant comorbidities, signs of systemic
the treatment groups in terms of the occurrence of mild infection, or immunosuppression. Both of the random-
or serious adverse events, but the antibiotic group had a ized trials supporting avoidance of antibiotics included
higher rate of antibiotic-related adverse events (0.4% ver- only patients with early-stage disease (Hinchey I and
sus 8.3%; p = 0.006). After 24 months of follow-up, there Ia).35,36 Therefore, the use of antibiotics continues to be
were no significant differences between the 2 groups with appropriate in all other stages of the disease.
regard to mortality, recurrent diverticulitis (uncompli- A randomized controlled trial of 106 patients with
cated or complicated), readmission, adverse events, or uncomplicated diverticulitis compared a short course of
need for resection.40 intravenous antibiotic treatment (4 days) to a more stand-
A Cochrane review also found no significant differ- ard course (7 days) and found the shorter course was as
ences in outcomes between patients with uncomplicated effective as the longer course.48 Another randomized trial
diverticulitis treated with or without antibiotics.41 These of 132 patients examined outpatient versus inpatient ad-
studies suggest that a proportion of patients with uncom- ministration of antibiotics for diverticulitis and demon-
plicated diverticulitis can be treated without antibiotics. strated no significant clinical outcome differences between
It is important to emphasize that nearly all of the patients the groups, although there was a significantly lower cost
included in these studies were relatively healthy and had associated with outpatient treatment.49 A recent meta-
early-stage diverticular disease (Hinchey I and Ia). Some analysis of 4 studies (355 patients) also suggested there
investigators have also demonstrated that an antibiotic- was no difference in treatment failure (6% versus 7%;
free approach can be successful in the outpatient setting.42 p = 0.60) or recurrence (8% versus 9%; p = 0.80) when the
initial episode of diverticulitis was treated with oral versus person-years of follow-up. They defined patients with a
intravenous antibiotics.37 low-risk lifestyle as those who had an average red meat in-
take (<51 g per day), dietary fiber intake in the top 40% of
3. Image-guided percutaneous drainage is usually recom-
the cohort (about 23 g per day), approximately 2 hours of
mended for stable patients with abscesses >3 cm in size.
exercise weekly, normal BMI between, and never smoked.
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
They found an inverse linear relationship between the
based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
number of low-risk lifestyle factors and diverticulitis in-
Complicated diverticulitis with abscess formation occurs cidence (p for trend < 0.001). When all 5 low-risk factors
in 15% to 40% of patients who present with acute sigmoid were present, the relative risk of diverticular disease was
diverticulitis. Overall, nonoperative treatment with either 0.27 (95% CI, 0.15–0.48) leading these authors to recom-
antibiotics alone or in combination with percutaneous mend a low-risk lifestyle.
drainage is successful in up to 80% of cases.50–52 Treatment A variety of agents have been studied to try to prevent
failure is typically defined as requiring surgery, developing recurrent attacks of diverticulitis. Although a high-fiber
worsening sepsis, or having a recurrent abscess within 30 diet is associated with a lower risk of having a first episode
days.53 of acute diverticulitis, the utility of fiber supplements in
Antibiotic treatment alone for abscesses smaller than secondary prevention of diverticulitis is unclear.64–66
3 cm is typically successful and, in stable patients, treat- Aune et al67 performed a meta-analysis of 5 prospec-
ment can usually be administered in the outpatient set- tive studies that comprised 6076 cases of diverticular di-
ting. When this approach fails, percutaneous drainage sease. The relative risk for having an initial episode of
should be considered, particularly in patients with larger diverticular disease was 1.36 (95% CI, 1.15–1.61) for cur-
abscesses (>3 cm) where antibiotics alone have a much rent smokers, 1.17 (95% CI, 1.05–1.31) for former smok-
higher failure rate (up to 34%).53,54 There is no correlation ers, and 1.29 (95% CI, 1.16–1.44) for the group including
between abscess size and failure of percutaneous drain- both current and former smokers (“ever smokers”). The
age.53,55,56 Although recurrence after antibiotic treatment relative risk for having a complication of diverticular di-
of diverticular abscesses ranges from 25% to 60% of pa- sease (abscess or perforation) was 2.54 (95% CI, 1.49–
tients, recurrence after percutaneous drainage is signifi- 4.33) for current smokers and 1.83 (95% CI, 1.25–2.67)
cantly lower (15%–25%).50,57,58 Patients who do not have for ever smokers, and the authors concluded that tobacco
a safe access window for percutaneous drainage or who do smoking is associated with an increased incidence of di-
not respond to medical treatment including percutaneous verticular disease and its associated complications. The
drainage should typically be considered for surgery. Lap- same authors also examined the role of obesity in a meta-
aroscopic abscess drainage rather than surgical resection analysis of 5 studies and found that the relative risk for a
can be considered in certain cases.59 5-unit increase in BMI was 1.31 (95% CI, 1.09–1.56) for
4. Tobacco cessation, reduced meat intake, physical activ-
having a first episode of diverticulitis and 1.20 (95% CI,
ity and weight loss are recommended interventions to
1.04–1.40) for having a diverticular disease-related com-
potentially reduce the risk of diverticulitis. Grade of
plication.68 Although data are still emerging, interventions
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
such as weight reduction and smoking cessation may be
low-quality evidence, 1C.
recommended as strategies to reduce the incidence of di-
verticulitis, but the role of these strategies in secondary
The progression of normal colonic architecture to di- prevention is unclear.67,68
verticulosis and subsequent diverticulitis is not well un-
5. Mesalamine, rifaximin, and probiotics are not typically
derstood but is multifactorial and involves diet, genetics,
recommended to reduce the risk of diverticulitis recur-
lifestyle, and, possibly, the microbiome.60,61 In a prospec-
rence but may be effective in reducing chronic symp-
tive cohort study of 46,295 men from the Health Profes-
toms. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommenda-
sionals Follow-Up Study, a “Western” dietary pattern (high
tion based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B.
in red meat, refined grains, and high-fat dairy) was asso-
ciated with an increased risk of diverticulitis when com- Interventions that have been studied with regard to the
pared to a “prudent approach” (high in fruits, vegetables, incidence of diverticulitis include mesalamine, rifaximin,
and whole grains). Men who consumed the highest quin- and probiotics. Although some studies evaluating the ef-
tile of a Western dietary pattern had a multivariate hazard ficacy of mesalamine in preventing SUDD demonstrated
ratio of 1.55 (95% CI, 1.20–1.99) for diverticulitis com- superiority over placebo, the majority of randomized con-
pared with men in the lowest quintile, and the authors trolled trials and meta-analyses do not demonstrate effi-
attributed the association primarily to the intake of less cacy in preventing recurrence.69–73 A recent meta-analysis
fiber and more red meat.62 Liu et al63 demonstrated a sim- of 6 randomized controlled trials demonstrated no differ-
ilar pattern when they studied 907 incident cases of diver- ence between mesalamine and placebo regarding recur-
ticulitis that were prospectively identified during 757,791 rent diverticulitis (OR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.96–1.50; p = 0.11).
Although mesalamine does not seem to effectively reduce review and meta-analysis by Sharma and colleagues80
the incidence of recurrent diverticulitis, it may play a role demonstrated that the risk of malignancy was 11% in
in symptom resolution in patients with SUDD.69,70 patients with complicated diverticulitis and was 0.7% in
A number of studies examining the efficacy of rifaxi- those with uncomplicated diverticulitis. Another recent
min in secondary prevention of acute diverticulitis reported systematic review found that the incidence of malignancy
promising results, albeit these utilized questionable meth- was 7.9% (95% CI, 3.9%–15.3%) in patients with com-
odology. In one study, patients were randomly assigned to plicated diverticulitis and was 1.3% (95% CI, 0.1%–2%)
a high-fiber diet with or without rifaximin, but, because of in those with uncomplicated diverticulitis.81 The colon
poor accrual, the study design was changed to a feasibility should typically be evaluated to exclude a malignancy in
study and the study accrued only 165 patients. The study patients who have had an episode of complicated diver-
demonstrated a lower rate of recurrent diverticulitis in the ticulitis, and this examination is often performed about
fiber + rifaximin group in comparison with the fiber-alone 6 weeks after the acute episode to decrease the likelihood
group (10.4% versus 19.3%).74 Another retrospective co- of a procedure-related perforation.1 It should be noted,
hort of 142 patients with symptomatic diverticular disease however, that the data supporting this timing are scant.
treated with rifaximin demonstrated a reduction in disease Lahat et al82 randomly assigned 86 patients diagnosed with
symptoms like abdominal pain and tenderness, bloating, acute diverticulitis to either early colonoscopy during the
and disturbances in bowel habits.75 An older meta-analysis index hospitalizaton (n = 45) or late colonoscopy 6 weeks
of 4 randomized controlled trials including 1660 patients later (n = 41). The study showed no differences in terms
found that rifaximin plus fiber supplementation is effective of safety or complications related to colonoscopy, and the
in obtaining symptom relief at 1 year.76 authors concluded that early colonoscopy is feasible and
Other studies have explored the possible effect of safe under these circumstances. These data should be in-
probiotics on the incidence of diverticulitis, although no terpreted with caution because the authors did not report
standard probiotic regimen was used. A randomized con- a sample size calculation or power analysis, and the results
trolled trial evaluated the effect of a combination of mesa- could be subject to a type II error.
lamine and probiotics on recurrence of SUDD defined as Specific CT findings associated with an increased like-
the recurrence of abdominal pain scored as ≥5 (0 = best; lihood of finding occult malignancy on endoscopy include
10 = worst) for at least 24 consecutive hours. A total of 210 abscess, “shouldering” where the leading edges of the pre-
patients were randomly assigned to mesalamine 1.6 g/day sumed inflammatory mass have a shelf-like appearance,
plus Lactobacillus casei placebo, active L casei plus mesala- obstruction, and mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphad-
mine placebo, active L casei plus active mesalamine, and enopathy.79,83 Multiple series and one systematic review
L casei placebo plus mesalamine placebo for 10 days per have found that patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis
month for 12 months.77 The authors found that Lactoba- diagnosed on CT are at risk of having colorectal cancer
cillus and mesalamine in combination reduced the chanc- or advanced polyps similar to the general population and
es of recurrence. These results must be interpreted with
may not require further colonoscopies beyond those rec-
caution because the primary outcome was recurrence of
ommended for screening.84–87 However, if imaging, symp-
symptoms and there was no evidence presented regarding
toms (eg, narrowed stools, bleeding), or clinical recovery is
patients’ burden of disease as measured by imaging or in-
atypical, patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis should
flammatory markers.
typically undergo further assessment with colonoscopy.88
In general, studies evaluating the use of mesalamine,
rifaximin, or probiotics are heterogeneous, and the rou-
tine use of these agents following an attack of diverticulitis ELECTIVE SURGERY FOR ACUTE DIVERTICULITIS
is typically not recommended.66
1. After successful nonoperative treatment of a diverticu-
EVALUATION AFTER RECOVERY FROM ACUTE lar abscess, elective resection should typically be consid-
DIVERTICULITIS ered. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommenda-
tion based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
1. After resolution of an episode of acute complicated di- In general, current literature suggests that patients who pre-
verticulitis, the colon should typically be endoscop-
sent with a diverticular abscess experience recurrences at a
ically evaluated to confirm the diagnosis if a colon-
substantial rate. A number of large data sets, however, suggest
oscopy has not been performed recently. Grade of
that many of these recurrences can be managed nonopera-
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
tively and that there are many patients who do not experience
low-quality evidence, 1C.
a recurrence under these circumstances.52 The recommenda-
Patients with complicated diverticulitis are at risk of ac- tion to consider colectomy after successful medical treatment
tually harboring an occult malignancy.78,79 A systematic of an abscess therefore represents a change from the 2014
practice parameters that advised interval, elective colectomy the first 30 days was inversely associated with recurrence
after successful medical therapy of a mesocolic abscess ≥5 cm (HR, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.05–0.48).
or a pelvic abscess.1 While decreasing the risk of recurrence is Another retrospective review of 73 patients with di-
an important factor, there are other considerations that influ- verticular abscess managed with nonoperative intent and
ence the decision to undergo elective surgery, such as coexist- long-term expectant management documented a 30%
ing medical conditions, tolerance of surgical risk, etc. recurrence rate over a median follow-up period of 62
A retrospective study from the California Office of months.58 Nine of the 22 patients who experienced recur-
Statewide Health Planning and Development database of rence had repeat complicated attacks. A meta-analysis ex-
179,649 patients who were hospitalized with diverticuli- amining 22 studies including 739 patients regarding the
tis and managed medically found that patients who pre- long-term outcomes of patients who had a diverticular ab-
sented with a diverticular abscess were significantly more scess successfully managed nonoperatively demonstrated
likely to have recurrent diverticulitis (HR, 2.02; 95% CI, a 28% diverticulitis recurrence rate, and the authors rec-
1.92–2.13) and to have a complicated recurrent attack ommended that routine elective resection after successful
(HR, 4.08; 95% CI, 3.79–4.40).89 Another study examined medical treatment of a large abscess should be discussed
10,342 patients from the Statewide Planning and Research with patients.92
Cooperative System (New York State) who had a diverticu- Although recurrence rates are notable after medical
lar abscess. Of this cohort, 3270 patients (32%) underwent management of a diverticular abscess, interval elective
surgery within 30 days of diagnosis. Of the 7072 remain- surgery may be omitted in certain situations with accept-
ing patients, 1660 (24%) underwent elective colectomy able outcomes. A retrospective review of 32 patients with
within 6 months. The 5-year recurrence rate for the 5412 significant comorbidities who had percutaneous drainage
patients who did not undergo surgery within 6 months of a diverticular abscess and did not undergo subsequent
was substantial at 24.8% (median time to recurrence, 278 colectomy found that, over a 7-year follow-up, 5 (16%)
days (IQR, 93.5–707)).52 A number of retrospective single- patients had recurrences with uncomplicated diverticu-
center cohort studies have suggested that recurrence rates litis and 4 (13%) patients had recurrent abscess requir-
range from 9.6% to 61% after having an abscess.51,57,58,90,91 ing repeat percutaneous drainage.93 All recurrences were
Of particular interest are patients who had a divertic- managed nonoperatively. Patients who experienced recur-
ular abscess treated with a percutaneous drain. In a retro-
rences were more likely to have had an abscess >5 cm (p <
spective review of 185 patients with diverticular abscess
0.001) at their index presentation. The authors concluded
treated initially without surgery, 112 patients (60.5%) had
that expectant management after nonoperative manage-
recurrent diverticulitis after an average of 5.3 months.57
ment of a diverticular abscess is safe in selected patients.
Notably, the modified Hinchey class at the time of recur-
rence compared with the index presentation increased In a retrospective review of 14,124 patients managed
in 51 of 112 patients (45.6%) and 29 of the 112 patients nonoperatively after their first episode of diverticulitis,
(26%) required urgent operation. Patients who experi- patients with complicated disease had a higher readmis-
enced recurrent diverticulitis had significantly larger ab- sion rate than patients with uncomplicated disease (12%
scesses at their index presentation than patients who did versus 8.2%; p < 0.001) and an increased risk of having
not have recurrent diverticulitis (5.3 cm versus 3.2 cm; p future emergency surgery (4.3% versus 1.4%; p < 0.001).94
< 0.001). Of the 65 patients who underwent percutaneous The authors concluded that the vast majority of patients
drainage, the recurrence rate was 74%.57 managed medically will not require future readmission or
A retrospective, multi-institution study examined the emergency surgery and suggested that elective colectomy
outcomes of 447 patients with an initial episode of diver- may not be routinely needed in this situation; however,
ticular abscess, the majority of whom (74.3%) were treat- they suggested that patients with higher-risk abscesses
ed without percutaneous drainage. These authors found (larger size, pelvic location, or who required percutaneous
no difference in treatment failure which was defined as drainage) are more suitable for elective colectomy.
the composite outcome of complications, readmissions, 2. Elective colectomy should typically be recommended
persistent diverticulitis, emergency surgery, death or need for patients with diverticulitis complicated by fistula,
for percutaneous drainage in patients treated with antibi- obstruction, or stricture. Grade of Recommendation:
otics only at initial presentation. Patients with abscesses Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality ev-
>3 cm in size were at higher risk of treatment failure (OR, idence, 1B.
2.05; 95% CI, 1.09–3.86) within 30 days. Abscesses 5 cm
or larger were associated with the need for surgery (OR, A retrospective review of 672 patients followed after their
2.96; 95% CI, 1.03–8.13) within 30 days.51 In this study, first episode of diverticulitis treated medically found that
age (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 1.00–1.03) and history of divertic- patients with an index complicated presentation were sig-
ulitis (HR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.17–2.48) were associated with nificantly more likely to have a subsequent complicated
recurrence after 30 days, whereas sigmoid resection within recurrence compared with patients whose index presen-
tation was uncomplicated (HR, 14.6; 95% CI, 6.2–34.4).29 frequently underwent urgent surgery during subsequent
In situations where diverticulitis is complicated by fistula episodes (RR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.29–1.66).104
formation, obstruction, or stricture, elective or semielec-
4. The decision to recommend elective sigmoid colectomy
tive resection is generally recommended to provide symp-
after recovery from uncomplicated acute diverticulitis
tomatic relief.95 Neither phlegmon nor extraluminal gas
should be individualized. Grade of Recommendation:
alone seen on cross-sectional imaging is considered com-
plicated disease, and these findings should not, in and of Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality ev-
themselves, dictate a specific therapy. Rather, the clinician idence, 1B.
should consider these findings together with the clinical Studies examining patients with uncomplicated diverticu-
scenario when deciding on possible operative intervention. litis treated nonoperatively report recurrence rates ranging
3. Elective resection based on young age at presentation is from 13% to 33% and low rates of subsequent complicated
not recommended. Grade of Recommendation: Strong disease or need for emergency operation.29 After recover-
recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C. ing from an initial episode of diverticulitis, the estimated
risk of needing emergency surgery with stoma forma-
Historically, diverticulitis among young patients has been tion is 1 in 2000 patient-years of follow-up.105 According
associated with worse clinical outcomes.96,97 In terms of a to these data, 18 patients would need to undergo elective
possible pathway for developing diverticulitis at a younger colectomy to prevent 1 emergency surgery for diverticuli-
age, Coble et al98 used whole exome sequencing and de- tis.106 The practice of recommending elective colectomy to
scribed genes associated with early-onset diverticulitis. prevent a future recurrence requiring stoma formation is
These authors identified LAMB4, a gene localized to the not supported by the literature and should be discouraged.
colonic myenteric plexus, and proposed that decreased Retrospective review of a Washington State hospital
LAMB4 levels may alter the function of the enteric nerv- discharge database analyzed 84,313 patients hospitalized
ous system leading to early-onset diverticulitis. for diverticulitis and demonstrated that, between 1987 and
Young age has been used as an indication for elective 2012, the elective colectomy rate more than doubled with-
surgery following recovery after an acute episode of even
out a significant decrease in the rate of emergency surgery
uncomplicated diverticulitis. Although the controversy
or percutaneous interventions.107 This data set, together
persists regarding the risks for recurrence or complications
with the fact that 80% to 90% of emergency resections are
for younger (age <50 years) versus older patients, more re-
performed during index attacks of diverticulitis, supports
cent data suggest that age does not increase the risk for
worse clinical outcomes. Although the literature describes the practice of continued medical therapy rather than e-
higher recurrence rates with younger patients compared lective colectomy for patients with uncomplicated diver-
with older patients, younger patients do not necessarily ticulitis, because elective colectomy does not significantly
have more complicated recurrences.94,99,100 Although mul- reduce the rate of needing emergency surgery.106,108,109
tiple national and statewide databases and systematic re- Although patients who present with uncomplicated
views demonstrate that younger patients are significantly disease at their first attack are unlikely to have another
more likely to require repeat hospitalization for diverticu- attack (complicated or uncomplicated), patients who are
litis, there are conflicting data regarding their lifetime risk admitted for a recurrence of uncomplicated diverticuli-
of undergoing emergency surgery.101–103 Li et al,94 in a ret- tis are at increasing risk of having further attacks.89,103 A
rospective cohort study of 14,124 patients managed non- review of 181,115 patients who recovered from their first
operatively after a first attack of diverticulitis and followed episode of diverticulitis nonoperatively found that 8.7%
over a median 3.9 years (IQR 1.7–6.4), demonstrated that of patients went on to have a second admission for diver-
younger patients had a higher rate of readmission (10.5% ticulitis.110 Interestingly, of patients admitted twice, 23%
versus 8.4%; p < 0.001) but had a similar risk of requiring required a third admission and, of the patients admitted 3
emergency surgery compared with older patients (1.8% times, 36% ultimately required 4 or more hospitalizations.
versus 2.0%; p = 0.52). Because the risk of recurrence increases after each recur-
A meta-analysis of 4982 patients with CT-confirmed rence, at some point, patients may prefer resection over
diverticulitis demonstrated a higher rate of elective colec- repeated medical therapy. Consideration of elective colec-
tomy in younger patients (18.1% versus 8.5%; RR, 2.39; tomy after repeated bouts of uncomplicated diverticulitis
95% CI, 1.82–3.15) which was felt to be due to a lower should assess the operative risks unique to the patient, the
threshold for operating on younger patients who may frequency and severity of prior flares (eg, missed work,
have a higher risk of experiencing recurrent disease.99 need for hospitalization), persistent residual symptoms
Another meta-analysis including 8 studies and 23,079 related or attributed to prior attacks, operative morbidity
patients demonstrated a significantly increased risk of re- including anastomotic leak and stoma creation, the risk of
current diverticulitis in younger patients (RR, 1.73; 95% persistent or recurrent abdominal symptoms after under-
CI, 1.40–2.13) and found that patients <50 years old more going resection, as well as patient preferences.107,111–113
Although elective sigmoid resection addresses the risk recurrence of diverticulitis without undergoing resec-
of future recurrence as well as complications related to fu- tion, and recurrence or persistence of symptoms after
ture diverticulitis, it may also, in certain patients, improve resection.
quality of life. In a prospective study of 45 patients who
5. The decision to offer sigmoid colectomy after recovery
underwent elective laparoscopic colectomy after medical
from uncomplicated acute diverticulitis in immuno-
therapy for diverticulitis, 36 patients had significant im-
suppressed patients should be individualized. Grade of
provement in their GI quality-of-life index (GIQLI).114
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
Another retrospective study of 105 patients noted im-
low-quality evidence, 1C.
provements in quality of life 12 months after surgery using
a visual analog scale.100 The DIRECT trial, a multicenter, Immunocompromised patients are a unique group of
randomized controlled trial of patients with recurrent di- patients that deserves consideration in terms of recom-
verticulitis or persistent abdominal complaints attributed mending an elective operation after medical therapy for
to diverticular disease, compared 53 patients who under- diverticulitis. A retrospective review of the National Sur-
went sigmoidectomy with 56 nonoperative patients in an gical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database
intent-to-treat analysis.115 The primary end point, GIQLI compared 736 immunosuppressed patients with 21,980
at 6 months, was significantly better in the resection group immunocompetent patients who underwent elective sig-
(mean difference, 14.2; p < 0.001). Of note, this trial was moidectomy for diverticulitis.119 Multivariate regression
terminated because of difficulties with recruitment and analysis found that the groups had comparable mortal-
had particularly high rates of stoma creation (21%) and ity, but the rates of major morbidity (OR, 1.46; 95% CI,
anastomotic leak (15%). At 5-year follow-up, the surgery 1.17–1.83) and wound dehiscence (OR, 2.69; 95% CI,
group continued to have higher quality of life in compar- 1.63–4.42) were significantly higher in the immunosup-
ison with the nonoperative group (mean difference, 9.7; pressed group. The decision to proceed with colectomy in
95% CI, 1.7–17.7). The operative group also had improved the elective setting for immunosuppressed patients should
SF-36 physical (p = 0.03), mental (p = 0.01), and pain consider these increased risks.
(p = 0.01) scores.116 A cost-effectiveness study using the A retrospective review of a single-institution experi-
data from these groups of patients 1 year after treatment ence over a 14-year interval compared 107 immunosup-
found a 0.06 difference in quality-adjusted life-years be- pressed patients with 550 immunocompetent patients who
tween the groups favoring resection, and this difference had successful medical management of their first episode
increased to 0.43 at 5 years. The authors concluded that of diverticulitis with a mean follow-up of 81.6 months.120
elective sigmoid resection in patients with recurring diver- The rate of recurrent diverticulitis was similar in both
ticulitis was cost-effective.117 groups (21.5% of immunosuppressed patients versus
The DIABOLO study which compared antibiotic 20.5% of immunocompetent patients; p = 0.82). Although
and observational strategies for the management of di- immunosuppressed patients who had a severe first episode
verticular disease recently published quality-of-life as- (defined as abscess or perforation) were significantly more
sessments (EuroQol 5D, Short Form-36, and GIQLI) likely to have a recurrence or a complicated recurrence,
measured at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after random as- the rate of requiring emergency surgery was comparable
signment. Patients who had the lowest 16% of scores between the 2 groups. The authors concluded that, due
measured at 12 and 24 months were considered to have to low recurrence rates and the low risk of needing emer-
persistent symptoms. Overall, 32.2% to 38.2% of pa- gency surgery, immunosuppressed patients successfully
tients had persistent symptoms after 1 or 2 years, de- treated nonoperatively for uncomplicated diverticulitis do
pending on which questionnaire was assessed. Patients not typically require interval elective sigmoidectomy.
who reported increased pain scores on the GIQLI during A single-institution retrospective review compared
the first 10 days of symptoms were more likely to have 12 patients who underwent renal transplant (median fol-
persistent complaints (OR, 2.77; 95% CI, 1.60–4.80). Pa- low-up, 33 months) with 93 immunocompetent patients
tients who had prolonged resolution of symptoms (>28 (median follow-up, 41 months) after successful medical
days) on their index attack were also more likely to have therapy for diverticulitis.121 Although there was no differ-
persistent complaints (OR, 2.25; 95% CI, 1.31–3.88).118 ence in recurrence rates between the groups, the recur-
Taken together, these data suggest that some patients rence rates across the board were high (42% in patients
may have persistent symptoms following an episode of receiving transplants versus 57% in immunocompetent
uncomplicated diverticulitis. In most patients, surgery patients; p = 0.37). These authors concluded that nonop-
is effective in relieving persistent symptoms following erative management of patients undergoing renal trans-
an attack of acute diverticulitis. The decision to proceed plant with uncomplicated disease is safe and challenged
with surgery should be individualized through shared the 2014 ASCRS clinical practice guideline that recom-
decision making, including considerations like linger- mended maintaining a low threshold for colectomy in
ing symptoms, lifestyle limitations, and concerns about these patients.1
Other authors, citing small series of patients undergo- be made to convert an urgent or emergent operation to an
ing transplant and patients on steroids, recommend colec- elective operation to try to reduce postoperative morbid-
tomy for immunosuppressed patients after one episode of ity and mortality.
diverticulitis and usually during the index admission.122 A Other patients may undergo semielective or other-
retrospective review that included 14 “high-risk” patients wise nonelective operation after a more indolent course.
with immunosuppression, chronic renal failure, and/or For instance, patients who do not significantly improve
collagen vascular disease and 74 patients without these from a clinical standpoint with medical therapy or con-
conditions who were followed after successful nonopera- tinue with significant abdominal pain or the inability to
tive treatment of diverticulitis found that the “high-risk” tolerate enteral nutrition are typically recommended to
patients had a 5-fold higher risk of future diverticulitis undergo colectomy, although they may not have evidence
with perforation (36% versus 7%; p = 0.002).95 of a significant systemic inflammatory response. Although
The authors concluded that because of the high mor- repeat abdominal imaging to evaluate potential abscess
tality and morbidity associated with elective resection in formation or to otherwise guide management of antibi-
patients with end-stage renal disease, colectomy should be otic coverage and parenteral nutrition may be useful, clini-
reserved for patients “in whom surgery cannot be avoid- cal judgment ultimately determines the need for definitive
ed.” The literature supporting a low threshold for elective surgical treatment in this setting.
resection after a single episode of uncomplicated divertic-
2. Following resection, the decision to restore bowel
ulitis in immunosuppressed patients is not compelling.
Whether or not the specific cause of immunosuppression continuity should incorporate patient factors, intra-
(eg, organ transplant, end-stage renal disease, connective operative factors, and surgeon preference. Grade of
tissue disease) should influence treatment recommenda- Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
tions is unknown, because much of the literature pools moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
data across the spectrum of immunosuppression. Once the diseased colon is resected, the surgeon may
complete the operation by performing a primary colo-
rectal anastomosis with or without a diverting colostomy
or ileostomy or by constructing an end-colostomy with a
DIVERTICULITIS Hartmann stump. Although a Hartmann procedure was
once considered standard for emergency surgery in diver-
1. Urgent sigmoid colectomy is typically advised for pa- ticulitis, there is now an abundance of randomized and
tients with diffuse peritonitis or for those in whom administrative data demonstrating significantly improved
nonoperative management of acute diverticulitis fails. morbidity and mortality rates following resection and pri-
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation mary anastomosis with or without stoma formation.125–128
based on low-quality evidence, 1C. On the basis of the available newer evidence, this clinical
Although the majority of patients hospitalized for di- practice guideline recommendation has been changed
verticulitis respond to nonoperative treatment, 15% to from a strong recommendation based on low-quality evi-
32% may require an emergency operation.51,123 Emergent dence (1C) in the 2014 guideline to a strong recommenda-
indications for operation typically include patients with tion based on moderate-quality evidence (1B).1
multiquadrant peritonitis or overwhelming systemic in- Binda et al125 randomly assigned patients with diver-
flammatory response due to purulent or feculent perito- ticulitis and peritonitis to sigmoid resection and primary
nitis who are acutely ill and/or appear toxic. These patients anastomosis or Hartmann procedure, but this study was
generally require expedited fluid resuscitation, antibiotic closed due to difficulties in recruiting patients. Over 9
administration, and operation. In a retrospective NSQIP years, 34 patients were randomly assigned to the primary
study evaluating complications after emergency colec- anastomosis arm and 56 to the Hartmann arm. These au-
tomy for diverticulitis in 2214 patients, the overall 30-day thors reported no statistically significant differences in
operative mortality was 5.1%.123 Predictors of mortality mortality between primary anastomosis and Hartmann
included age >80 years, ASA class 4 or 5, serum creatinine patients (2.9% versus 10.7%; p = 0.24) or morbidity
>1.2 mg/dL, and an albumin <2.5 g/dL. Patients with 2, (35.3% versus 46.4%; p = 0.38), and stoma reversal rates
3, or 4 of these predictors had a 30-day mortality rate of were comparable (64.7% versus 60%; p = 0.65). However,
10%, 22.9%, and 53.4%. patients who had a Hartmann procedure had significantly
There is a small proportion of highly selected, stable higher rates of morbidity from stoma reversal (23.5% ver-
patients with perforated diverticulitis, even with pneu- sus 4.5%; p = 0.05).
moperitoneum but without diffuse peritoneal findings, The ColonPerfRCT (n = 62) and DIVERTI (n = 102)
who may be successfully managed nonoperatively in the trials reported similar findings.126,127 In both trials, pa-
acute setting.124 In these selected situations, attempts can tients with Hinchey stage III or IV diverticulitis under-
going emergency surgery were randomly assigned to a mann procedure. Patients who underwent primary resec-
primary anastomosis with diverting loop ileostomy versus tion and anastomosis were more likely to be stoma-free
Hartmann procedure. Both studies found no differences at 12 months compared with patients who underwent the
in overall morbidity and mortality, but complications with Hartmann procedure (RR, 1.40; 95% CI, 1.18–1.67) and
stoma reversal were significantly reduced in the proximal had fewer major complications related to stoma reversal
diversion group in the ColonPerfRCT trial and long-term (RR, 0.26; 95% CI, 0.07–0.89).131 These authors recently
stoma-free rates were significantly higher in the proximal updated their meta-analysis to include the results of the
diversion groups in both trials (90% versus 57%; p = 0.005 LADIES trial and found that patients undergoing primary
and 96% versus 65%; p = 0.0001). In fact, accrual to the anastomosis were more likely to be stoma-free 12 months
ColonPerfRCT study was terminated early because an in- after initial surgery (RR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.15–1.54).135 There
terim safety analysis found that Hartmann reversal had were no significant differences in major postoperative
significantly more serious complications (20% versus 0%) complications (RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.59–1.32) or postop-
compared with ileostomy reversal. The DIVERTI trial was erative mortality (RR, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.34–2.08) but there
unable to accrue its targeted 246 patients by the end of the was a lower risk of complications following stoma rever-
study period. sal when comparing patients who underwent primary a-
In 2019, the DIVA arm of the LADIES trial published nastomosis in comparison with patients who underwent
its findings.128 This study randomly assigned 133 patients Hartmann procedures (RR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.07–0.70).135
with Hinchey III or IV disease to Hartmann procedure ver- These authors concluded that primary anastomosis is the
sus sigmoid resection with primary anastomosis, with or procedure of choice for Hinchey III and IV diverticulitis
without defunctioning ileostomy. The decision to perform in stable patients and that “there is no additional need for
fecal diversion after primary anastomosis was left to the further randomized trials or meta-analyses to explore this
discretion of the surgeon. Twelve-month stoma-free sur- question. Instead, efforts should be focused on translation
vival was significantly higher in patients undergoing pri- of this evidence into practice.”
mary anastomosis compared with Hartmann procedure A more recent analysis of the NSQIP database evalu-
(94.6% versus 71.7%; HR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.86–4.18). There ating 2729 patients who required emergency operation for
were no significant differences between the Hartmann diverticulitis found that patients who underwent Hart-
and primary anastomosis groups in terms of morbidity mann procedures (n = 2521) had more comorbidities (eg,
(44% versus 39%; p = 0.60) or mortality (3% versus 6%; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 9.8% versus 4.8%;
p = 0.44) after the index procedure. These authors con- p = 0.01) and were more frequently in septic shock (11.1%
cluded that a primary anastomosis is preferable to a Hart- versus 5.3%; p = 0.01) compared with patients who under-
mann procedure for perforated Hinchey III or IV disease. went primary anastomosis with diverting loop ileostomy
Gachabayov et al129 performed at meta-analysis of 17 (n = 208) and had a higher mortality (7.6% versus 2.9%;
studies, including 3 of the 4 randomized studies mentioned p = 0.01). After adjusting for multiple confounders on
above, and concluded that primary anastomosis was asso- multivariable analysis, patients who underwent primary
ciated with lower rates of organ space infection and stoma anastomosis with ileostomy did not have a higher risk of
nonreversal rates.125–127 Another recent meta-analysis in- postoperative morbidity (OR, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.63–1.45).
cluded 3292 patients from observational studies and dem- These authors concluded that primary anastomosis with
onstrated that primary anastomosis had a lower mortality ileostomy appears to be a safe alternative to Hartmann
rate in comparison with the Hartmann procedure (8.2% procedure in the emergency setting.136
versus 10.8%; OR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.38–0.95; p = 0.03).130 As creating a primary anastomosis at the time of e-
Meanwhile, meta-analysis including 3 randomized con- mergency surgery for diverticulitis is increasingly pop-
trolled trials did not demonstrate significant differences in ularized, the role of proximal diversion under these
mortality (OR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.14–1.34) or wound infec- circumstances has been studied but remains unclear. An-
tion (OR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.20–2.78) when comparing pri- other NSQIP study regarding patients undergoing emer-
mary anastomosis and Hartmann procedure.125–127,130 gency surgery for diverticulitis compared patients who
A recent meta-analysis including 3 of the 4 randomized underwent a Hartmann procedure (n = 991), primary
trials examining primary anastomosis for acute diverticu- anastomosis (n = 285), or primary anastomosis with
litis and 3 randomized trials that also examined laparo- proximal diversion (n = 38) and found no differences in
scopic lavage demonstrated that outcomes for primary morbidity and mortality when comparing the 3 groups
anastomosis versus Hartmann procedure were equivalent of patients; however, there was a trend toward increased
across a number of categories including overall morbidity mortality and postoperative sepsis when diversion was
and mortality.125,126,131–134 Sigmoid resection with primary not utilized in the setting of a primary anastomosis.137
anastomosis had similar rates of major complications (RR, The small number of patients who underwent primary
0.88; 95% CI, 0.49–1.55) and postoperative mortality (RR, anastomosis with diverting ileostomy in this study weak-
0.58; 95% CI, 0.20–1.70) in comparison with the Hart- ens the conclusions of the article.
Other variables that have been studied regarding data and the DILALA trial reported 2-year follow-up
whether or not to create an anastomosis in the setting of data.132–134,142–144 Inclusion criteria, operative techniques,
emergency surgery for diverticulitis include the training and end points were substantially heterogeneous between
of the surgeon involved and the applicability of this ap- the studies, which limits the ability to compare their re-
proach in immunosuppressed patients. A recent study sults. In all cases, Hinchey IV disease was excluded and the
that used a New York State all-payer sample database com- majority of patients treated with laparoscopic lavage had
pared 10,600 patients who underwent urgent or emergent purulent peritonitis (Hinchey III). Because laparoscopic
Hartmann procedure with 180 patients who underwent lavage has not been critically studied in patients with
primary anastomosis with proximal diversion over a 15- Hinchey IV diverticulitis, these patients should typically
year interval. This study demonstrated a 2-fold greater risk be treated with resection.
of postoperative mortality when noncolorectal surgeons 2. In patients with purulent peritonitis, colectomy is
performed a primary anastomosis in comparison with preferred over laparoscopic lavage. Laparoscopic la-
colorectal surgeons (15% versus 7.4%; p < 0.001). In this vage is associated with higher rates of secondary in-
study, a colorectal surgeon was defined as a surgeon who tervention in comparison with colectomy. Grade of
was board certified in Colon and Rectal Surgery.138 With Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
regard to immunosuppressed patients, although there is high-quality evidence, 1A.
a well-established increased morbidity and mortality fol-
lowing emergency surgery, primary anastomosis appears The actual technique of laparoscopic lavage used in the
to be safe in selected patients.139 3 randomized controlled trials studying this approach
Recent data suggest that, despite recommendations was not uniform and the trials were designed differently
regarding the outcomes of primary anastomosis, adoption and examined different end points.132–134 The volume
rates of this approach remain low (3.9%).140 The decision of saline irrigation, number of drains used, and man-
to restore intestinal continuity and whether to perform agement of intraoperative adhesions around the area of
proximal diversion in the setting of a primary anasto- presumed diverticular perforation varied across the stud-
mosis should be individualized as the clinician considers ies. With respect to examined outcomes, the LOLA trial
the risks associated with anastomotic failure. Parameters used a composite end point of morbidity and mortality,
generally favoring colostomy and Hartmann procedure the SCANDIV trial used the rate of severe postoperative
complications within 90 days (Clavien-Dindo >3a), and
include patient and intraoperative factors such as hemo-
the DILALA trial compared reoperation rates within 12
dynamic instability, acidosis, acute or chronic organ fail-
months postoperatively.132–134,143
ure, and immunosuppression. There may be a role for
In the LOLA trial, an interim analysis demonstrated
Hartmann procedure in certain patients, typically older,
a significantly increased rate of short-term serious ad-
with poor bowel function and sphincter tone, in whom
verse events in the lavage group in comparison with the
GI continuity may not be considered as high a priority
sigmoidectomy group (39% versus 19%; p = 0.04).145 Spe-
secondary to quality-of-life considerations. Quality-of-
cifically, the laparoscopic lavage group had higher rates
life data obtained after undergoing emergency surgery for
of surgical reintervention (20% versus 7%; p = 0.12), al-
diverticulitis documented worse quality of life following though this was not statistically significant, and higher
the Hartmann procedure compared with patients who un- rates of abscesses requiring drainage (20% versus 0%;
derwent resection with primary anastomosis; which was p = 0.002). These data led to early termination of the trial
mainly due to the presence of an end colostomy.141 Ulti- by the data and safety monitoring board. The primary
mately, surgeon preference and experience will determine composite end point (morbidity and mortality) assessed
the most appropriate course. at 12 months was comparable between the laparoscopic
lavage and sigmoid resection groups (67% versus 60%;
LAPAROSCOPIC LAVAGE p = 0.58). Following laparoscopic lavage, 52% of patients
did not require any acute or elective surgical intervention,
1. Laparoscopic lavage is not recommended in patients and 74% of patients never required a stoma.145
with feculent peritonitis; rather, colectomy should In the SCANDIV trial, the rate of severe complica-
typically be performed in this situation. Grade of
tions among patients with purulent peritonitis was com-
Recommendation: Strong recommendation based on
parable between the groups at 90 days and also 1 year after
surgery.134,142 The rates of deep surgical site infection (32%
high-quality evidence, 1A.
versus 13%; p = 0.006) and unplanned reoperation (27%
The role of laparoscopic lavage has been evaluated by mul- versus 10%; p = 0.01) were higher in the laparoscopic la-
tiple retrospective series and 3 randomized controlled tri- vage group. The lavage group, however, had lower rates of
als (LOLA, SCANDIV, and DILALA) that compared lavage superficial wound infection (1% versus 17%; p = 0.001)
with sigmoid resection. The first 2 trials reported 1-year and stoma formation (14% versus 42%; p < 0.001). Colon
adenocarcinoma was ultimately found in 4 patients fol- The principles of surgical management are the same when
lowing laparoscopic lavage and in 2 patients who under- operating for complicated and uncomplicated diverticular
went sigmoid resection. disease. Once the diseased segment of colon is removed,
In the DILALA trial, when reoperations within 30 intestinal continuity is typically restored depending on the
days were compared, there was no difference between the specific clinical circumstances. Although the proximal re-
laparoscopic lavage and Hartmann groups (13.2% versus section margin should be in soft, pliable, colon without
17.1%; p = 0.67). When all reoperations after the index gross evidence of inflammation, it is not necessary to re-
treatment were assessed, the laparoscopic lavage group re- sect all proximal diverticula. The distal resection margin
sulted in a 45% reduced risk of undergoing one or more should be in a healthy rectum because anastomosis to the
reoperations within 24 months of surgery.133,144 distal sigmoid is associated with a higher risk of recur-
A number of meta-analyses and systematic reviews rent diverticulitis.149,150 It may be necessary to mobilize the
have attempted to clarify the contradictory results of stud- splenic flexure to perform a tension-free anastomosis; al-
ies regarding laparoscopic lavage. A review of 589 patients ternatively, rectal mobilization can also afford additional
from the 3 randomized controlled trials and 4 comparative length and may be required to address postinflammatory
studies comparing resection to lavage found that laparo- rectal strictures that can interfere with passing the circu-
scopic lavage was more frequently used in younger patients lar stapler and with creating an anastomosis. Some studies
with lower ASA grade and higher BMI.146 Mortality, 30-day suggest that a mid-mesenteric dissection with preserva-
reoperation, and unplanned readmission rates were similar tion of the inferior mesenteric artery may decrease the
between the groups. The advantages of laparoscopic lavage incidence of anastomotic leak; however, one meta-anal-
included shorter operative times, reduced risk of wound ysis failed to demonstrate a significant benefit with this
infection, cardiac complications, and stoma formation, approach.151–153
shorter length of hospital stay, and, based on the results of
2. When expertise is available, a minimally invasive ap-
one trial, reduced costs.147 However, laparoscopic lavage was
proach to colectomy for diverticulitis is preferred.
associated with significantly increased risks of intra-ab-
Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
dominal abscess, peritonitis, and future emergency reopera-
based on high-quality evidence, 1A.
tion. Over 90% of patients undergoing resection required a
stoma (colostomy or diverting ileostomy) in comparison to The advent of minimally invasive surgery has ushered in a
14% after laparoscopic lavage. The rate of stoma takedown new era in the surgical management of diverticular disease,
in the resection group was 74% at 1 year, whereas patients and in the past decade increasing numbers of resections
who had a stoma following laparoscopic lavage had a lower for diverticular disease have been performed laparoscop-
rate of stoma reversal (48%) at 1 year. It is important to note ically.11 Whereas the relevant literature is retrospective in
that, in this analysis, 36% of patients who underwent lapa- nature and subject to selection bias, there is substantial
roscopic lavage had a sigmoid colectomy within 1 year.146 evidence supporting the use of laparoscopy when the op-
Some patients with purulent peritonitis can be effec- erating surgeon feels this is a safe approach after account-
tively treated with laparoscopic lavage and avoid the longer ing for individual factors such as hemodynamic stability,
recovery, morbidity, and risk of a stoma associated with a bowel dilation, previous abdominal surgery, and the pres-
sigmoid resection. However, laparoscopic lavage is also as- ence of comorbidities.154–156 Similar to the well-described
sociated with an increased risk of unresolved or recurrent advantages of a laparoscopic approach for elective sigmoid
diverticulitis, abscess formation, and having an incom- resection, there is now literature, although retrospective,
pletely sealed perforation, fecal peritonitis, fecal fistula, and supporting the use of laparoscopy for emergent sigmoid
sigmoid adenocarcinoma.131,148 Studies are needed to bet- resection and subsequent ostomy reversal.157–160 A retro-
ter identify selection criteria for patients who might benefit spective cohort analysis of 42 patients undergoing surgery
from laparoscopic lavage and to standardize the operative after failed medical management of complicated diverticu-
technique. Surgeons utilizing laparoscopic lavage should be litis demonstrated a 4-fold decrease in postoperative mor-
aware of the clinical outcomes and risk of unresolved septic bidity and significantly shorter hospital stay in patients
foci associated with this approach, and should be prepared who underwent a laparoscopic approach in comparison
to offer secondary interventions, as needed. with those who had an open approach.158 A propensity-
matched analysis using NSQIP data also demonstrated
fewer overall complications and equivalent mortality rates
TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS in patients who underwent an emergency laparoscopic
Hartmann procedure compared with an open approach.161
1. The extent of elective resection should include the entire Robotic surgery has also been applied to the mini-
sigmoid colon with margins of healthy colon and rec- mally invasive management of diverticular disease and
tum. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommenda- initial reports suggest that clinical outcomes are similar
tion based on low-quality evidence, 1C. to laparoscopy.162,163 A NSQIP study comparing 472 ro-
botic colorectal operations with 8392 laparoscopic cases 5. Heise CP. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of diverticular di-
found that there was lower risk of conversion with the sease. J Gastrointest Surg. 2008;12:1309–1311.
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sociated with an increase in complicated diverticulitis? Dis Co-
the National Inpatient Sample examined the use of robotic
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differences in the groups, selection bias could not be com- 11. Masoomi H, Buchberg B, Nguyen B, Tung V, Stamos MJ, Mills
pletely mitigated.166 S. Outcomes of laparoscopic versus open colectomy in elective
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significant differences in time to first bowel movement Rectal Surgeons. The American Society of Colon and Rectal
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13. Carmichael JC, Keller DS, Baldini G, et al. Clinical practice
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were significantly increased when compared to laparos- from the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (AS-
copy ($41,159 versus $25,761; p < 0.001).167 CRS) and Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic
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15. Jeger V, Pop R, Forudastan F, Barras JP, Zuber M, Piso RJ. Is
and incisional hernia (0% versus 11%; p = 0.02) in com-
there a role for procalcitonin in differentiating uncomplicated
parison with robotic sigmoidectomy with extracorporeal and complicated diverticulitis in order to reduce antibiotic
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