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Group Standard PV 3919

Issue 2010-01
Class. No.: 55221

Descriptors: nonwoven fabric, sound insulation, compression stress, insulation, spring/mass system

Nonwoven Fabric Sound Insulation

Determining Compression Stress

Previous issues
PV 3919: 1993-06, 1999-02, 2004-03

The following changes have been made as compared to PV 3919: 2004-03:
– Standard has been editorially revised

1 Scope
This Test Specification (PV standard) is used to determine both the compression stress (cushioning
range) and the thickness reduction of sound insulation and absorption materials after load application.
Particular emphasis is placed on nonwoven fabrics bonded with resin or fusible fiber and on sandwich
sound insulation systems (e.g., nonwoven fabric with heavy film) with or without self-adhesive coating.
This Test Specification also applies to PUR foams and foam-backed sandwich systems (e.g., foam-
backed heavy film).
The compression stress is a measure of the functional dependence between the compressive load
and the deformation (change in thickness or height) resulting from the compression.
It is a measure of both the crushing resistance and the absorption behavior required for acoustic
Both tests on component segments (specimens are mechanically removed from the samples/com‐
ponents) and tests on complete components (non-destructive tests) are possible.
This PV standard is used for development samples and for series production monitoring tests.

Check standard for current issue prior to usage.

This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. Page 1 of 6
The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern.
Numerical notation acc. to ISO practice.

Technical responsibility Standards Department

GQL-LP/5 Heinz-Peter Trowe Tel.: +49-5361-9-25102 EKDV/4 Ute Hager-Süß EKDV
GQL-LP Dr. Roger Hillert Tel.: +49-5361-9-49035 Manfred Terlinden
Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without prior permission of a Standards Department of the Volkswagen Group.
Parties to a contract can only obtain this standard via the B2B supplier platform www.vwgroupsupply.com.
© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2008-12l
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PV 3919: 2010-01

2 Description
Compression stress according to PV 3919

3 Requirements
Requirements and deviations from the test procedure according to Technical Supply Specification
(TL standard) and/or release.

4 Test

4.1 Test equipment

– Tensile test machine according to DIN EN ISO 7500-1, Appendix 1 "Metallic materials - Verifi‐
cation of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1: Tension/compression testing machines; veri‐
fication and calibration of the force-measuring system; general for requirements, verification and
calibration of tension, compression and flexion testing machines"
– Curve recorder for recording the change in force/elongation
– Test tool measuring at least (85 x 85) mm, or test tool with ∅ (140 ± 5) mm for the segment test
– Test tool II (100 cm2), test tool III (50 cm2) or test tool IV (25 cm2) acc. to DIN 53579 for component
– Tool for application of counter pressure, ∅ (140 ± 5) mm, for component and component segment

4.2 Conditioning
Prior to testing, the specimens must be conditioned in an ISO 554 - 23/50 standard climate for at
least 24 h.

4.3 Preparing specimens

4.3.1 Specimens (component segments)

Specimens measuring (80 x 80) mm and with a total thickness of approx. 50 mm are used for the
In order to obtain specimens of this thickness, it may be necessary to stack several (80 x 80)-mm
sections of the same kind, making sure that they are flush. Any intermediate layers (such as, e.g.,
the removable protective films on self-adhesive parts) must be removed from these sections.
The heavy film is not removed for the compression test on sandwich systems (e.g., spring/mass
system consisting of nonwoven fabric and heavy film).
In the case of this structure, the thickness of the non-compressible heavy film is taken into account
during both the test procedure and evaluation. Please refer also to the evaluation example.

4.3.2 Component testing

This test does not require specimens to be prepared.
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4.4 Test procedure

4.4.1 Standard specimens (single-layer) Measuring thickness

Measure the thickness of the specimens under a pre-load of 1,2 N. For this purpose, place the spec‐
imens on a rigid base plate and locate them under the test tool. Make sure that the total thickness of
the individual specimens is approx. 50 mm.
Now lower the test tool acc. to Section 4.1 onto the specimen with a traverse speed of 50 mm/min
until reaching the preload. Compression test

Compress the specimen by 40% of its previously measured total thickness by lowering the test tool
into the specimen at a speed of 50 mm/min.
The force/deformation diagram is recorded by the activated curve recorder.
Provided that this function is available in the software used, set the previously determined 40% value
(deformation travel) as the test machine´s switch-off point.
The end point of the recorded curve thus corresponds to the compression force related to the spec‐
imen surface area (64 cm2).
The compression test is completed at this point if only the 1st compression is to be evaluated (re‐
quirements set forth in Technical Supply Specifications).
If it is necessary to evaluate further compressions in addition to the 1st compression, e.g. the 4th
compression (fatigue), perform two further compressions (setting cycles). During these compres‐
sions, compress the specimen by 70% of its new total thickness with the line recorder switched off.
Proceed as described in Section in order to measure the thickness for the 2nd and 3rd com‐
pression tests (setting cycles).
Prior to the 4th compression, determine the residual thickness as specified in Section and
then perform the compression test according to Section
The time between the individual compression tests must not exceed 30 seconds.
If the specimen is to be evaluated after the 10th compression, perform 5 additional intermediate
compressions (setting cycles). During these compressions, compress the specimen by 70% its total
thickness. Reduction in thickness after load application

In this Test Specification, the difference in thickness between the 1st thickness measurement and
the measurements performed prior to the 4th or 10th compression is designated "reduction in thick‐
ness after load application".

4.4.2 Sandwich specimens (multilayer system) Measuring thickness

In the case of sandwich specimens from the spring/mass system, the first thing to do is to determine
the average specimen thickness of the heavy film. Use a caliper for this purpose. Perform at least 5
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individual measurements in order to determine the average thickness. Subtract the thickness of the
heavy film from the overall thickness of each individual specimen.
If the total specimen has four layers, for example, subtract 4 times the film thickness from the total
thickness of the specimen under test. The subtracted value represents the non-compressible portion
of the measurable total structure. Compression test

Perform the compression test as described in Section
The 40% deformation travel specified in said Section refers exclusively to the deformable portions

4.4.3 Component testing

Non-destructive component testing is the preferred testing method.
Large component segments removed from the defined areas of the component may also be used for
the test. These segments must measure at least (300 × 300) mm.
Both the compression stress and the reduction in thickness after load application are determined on
areas of molded parts that are defined on a component-specific basis. These areas are identified as
"test surface" in the component drawings.
The component area to be tested is supported by a tool allowing a counter pressure to be applied.
The load is applied via the test tool (test tool II is to be used as a preference) perpendicular to the
test plane (component surface), preferentially on the backside of the molded part.
This ensures that the test tool is positioned correctly (e.g., in plane areas without beads).
Test tool III or test tool IV may be used for smaller component-specific test surfaces.
This must be indicated separately (e.g., in test reports). Measuring thickness

In order to measure the thickness, lower the test tool onto the specimen at a speed of 50 mm/min
until it touches the specimen in the defined component area. The preload in this case must be 1,2 N.
In the case of sandwich systems, subtract the determined thickness of the heavy film from the total
thickness of the specimen as described in Section
With these spring-mass systems, the side of the specimen on which the heavy film has been applied
is supported by the counter pressure tool while the test tool is lowered onto the spring (e.g., nonwoven
fabric, nonwoven fabric/foam flock). Compression test

Perform the compression test as described in Section

4.5 Evaluation
Depending on the respective requirement (1st and/or 4th or 10th compression), the compression
stress is specified in relation to the surface of 64 cm2 in N/cm2 or kPa.
In the case of non-destructive component testing, the hardness value is preferably specified in N. It
may also by specified in N/cm2 or kPa if it relates to the specific test surface.
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Requirements are part of the component drawing.

The reduction in thickness after load application is specified in mm or as a percentage relating to the
original thickness.

4.6 Evaluation examples

4.6.1 Standard specimens

See Table 1.
Task a): Compression stress after 1st compression with 40% deformation
Sample: Nonwoven fabric, approx. 11 mm
Specimen: 5 stacked layers of nonwoven fabric
Surface area: 64 cm2
Task b): Compression stress after 1st and 4th compression as well as reduction in
thickness after load application

Table 1
Task: Compression Specimen thick‐ Specimen thick‐ Force at 40% Surface-related
ness measured ness at 40% de‐ deformation compression
under preload formation stress with 40%
mm mm N N/cm2
a) 1. Compression 52 21 240 3,75
b) 1. Compression 52 21 240 3,75
4. Compression 48 20 600 9,38
Reduction in thickness after load application is 4 mm or 7,7%.

4.6.2 Standard specimens

See Table 2.
Task a): Compression stress after 4th compression with 40% deformation and reduc‐
tion in thickness after load application
Sample: Spring/mass system of nonwoven fabric and cover layer with a total thickness
of approx. 16 mm; average cover-layer thickness is 2,5 mm
Specimen: 4 stacked sandwich layers
Surface area: 64 cm2
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Table 2
Task: Compression Specimen Thickness Specimen Force at 40% Surface-re‐
thickness reduced by 4 thickness at deformation lated com‐
measured times the 40% defor‐ pression
under heavy film mation stress with
preload thickness 40% defor‐
mm mm mm N N/cm2
a) 1. Compres‐ 64 54 22 360 5,63
4. Compres‐ 58 48 20 740 11,56
Reduction in thickness after load application is 6 mm or 12,2%.

5 Referenced documents
The following documents cited in this standard are necessary for application.
In this Section terminological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used.
Standards with the titles given in German are either only available in German or may be procured in
other languages from the institution issuing the standard.

DIN 53579 Testing of flexible cellular materials - Indentation test on finished parts
DIN EN ISO 7500-1, Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 1:
Appendix 1 Tension/compression testing machines; verification and calibration of the
force-measuring system; general for requirements, verification and cali‐
bration of tension, compression and flexion testing machines
ISO 554 Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; Specifications

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