Sending Children To The Schools of The Taghoot Is Clear Kufr
Sending Children To The Schools of The Taghoot Is Clear Kufr
Sending Children To The Schools of The Taghoot Is Clear Kufr
The goal of this booklet is to show the evidences for the kufr of sending
children to the schools of kuffar and taghoot. As there is already another
lengthy book, in which many issues concerning this kufr has been
clarifed, I want to keep this booklet short and ponder on some issues
which some people don't want to see.
In Islam the kafr does not have walayah over the Muslim. In all
domains of life Allah has ended the walayah of the kafr over the
Muslim. Allah (awj) states: "…And never will Allah grant to the
unbelievers a way (to triumph) over the Believers." (Surah An Nisa 4;
And “O you who believe! Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and those in
authority amongst you…” (Surah An Nisa 4; 59)
And “And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites…” (Surah Al
Ahzaab 33; 48)
The Muslim scholars have explained the fact of the kafr not having the
right of walayah over the Muslim with the following approach: Jassas
states; This ayah and other similar ayahs shows that the kafr in no
manner have walayah over the Muslim and that no kafr can have
hakimiyyah and management over Muslims. In fact, a kafr man who
has a little son who is accepted Muslim because his mother is Muslim,
cannot use the possessions of the child and can not have walayah rights
for when the child is getting married. A kafr father has no right of
walayah at all over his Muslim child. The issue of walayah is so
sensitive that it is not possible for the case of a Muslim be taken to a
non-Muslim court and while one of the parties is Muslim it is not
possible that someone other than a Muslim judges even if it is in favour
of a Muslim. (Shaafee, al-Umm, V/11, 38; Shirazee, al-Muhazzab,
11/257; Ibn Qudama, al-Mukni, 1/532 and al-Mughni, X/623; Zadu’l-
Maad 3/20)
One of the truths which must not be forgotten about this is that all
Muslims are obligated to reject the walayah and judgment of the kuffar
while they are living in dar ul harb or in dar ul Islam. (Hukuku-u
Islamiyya wa istilahat-i Fiqhiyya Kamus, 8/250)
From this ayah we can obtain the following message; the only type of
permitted walayah is that of which is between the believers. And the
antonym which must be understood is that the prohibited walayah is
that of which is between the Muslim and the kuffar.
The scholars have agreed that administration can not be given to a kafr
and if a Muslim administrator performs kufr he will be discharged, his
guardianship will be annulled and that he will not be obeyed.
(Nawawee, Sharh of Sahih Muslim, 12/229; Fathu’l-Baari, 9/13)
Ibn Mas’ud (ra) states: “Abu Moosa Al Ashaaree (ra) paid his dept to
Umar b. Hattab. Umar (ra) admiring his detailed and attentive
calculation said: “Call upon your bookkeeper so he can teach all, how he
has done his calculation.” Abu Moosa (ra) said: “He does not enter the
masjid.” Upon this Umar (ra) said: “Why? Is he junuub?” Abu Moosa
Al-Ashaaree (ra) answered: “No. He is a Christian.” Umar b. Hattab (ra)
came down on him hard and lectured him saying: “While Allah (swt) as
estranged them do not make them close. While Allah (swt) has
humiliated them do not praise them. After Allah (swt) has declared they
are not to be trusted do not trust them.” (Abu Dawud)
Someone came to Umar (ra) and said: Among the Hira Christians there
is a young man who knowledgeable and can do calculations. Make him
your clerk. Umar (ra) replied: Upon making him my clerk I will have
made him my confdant. (Ibn Abi Hateem)
In the Tafsir of Qurtubi, tafsir of ayah Al-i Imran 118-120 the narration
includes the young man being the best known and that Umar (ra) stated
he would not take on any other than a Muslim as a confdant. As a result
it is not permitted to take on ahl dhimmee as clerks. And their outside
infuence and appointing them as power of attorneys is also prohibited.
Now in signifcance to the topic it is relevant to discuss the fact that the
kuffar have no right of walayah or hidana over the Muslim. Children
which attend school are taught to take their teachers as a reference
points and an authority above them. As mentioned above these actions
are not allowed and actions as such will lead them to misguidance.
The following are verses from the Qur’an providing evidence to this
Allah (swt) says “…and follow not the path of those who know not.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah 2; 169),
“…But the evil ones ever inspire their friends to contend with you if ye
were to obey them, ye would indeed be Pagans.” (Surah Al Anam 6;
“And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites…” (Surah Al Ahzaab
33; 48)
“So obey not the mukadhibeen (denier of the Truth).” (Surah Al-Qalam
68; 8)
“And obey not every hallaafn maheen (despicable men, ready with
oaths)” (Surah Al Qalam 68; 10)
“…and do not obey from them a sinner nor an ingrate.” (Surah Al Insan
76; 24)
“…follow not the whims of those who deny Our revelations, those who
believe not in the Hereafter and deem (others) equal with their Lord.”
(Surah Al-Anam 6; 150)
"Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord and follow
not any awliyaa' besides Him. Little do you remember" (Surah Al A’raf
7; 3)
“…Do right and do not follow the way of the mufsideen (mischief-
makers).” (Surah Al A’raf 7; 142)
“…so both go straight and do not follow the path of those who know
not.” (Surah Yoonus 10; 89)
“…and obey not him in whose heart We have made heedless of Our
Remembrance and who follows his own desires and whose affair has
been lost” (Surah Al Kahf 18; 28)
It will not be hard to notice that in the Islamic sense walayah carries all
of the above meanings all at once. However the most important and the
most relevant meanings to our topic of walayah are guardianship,
power of attorney, riyasah, to be an Amr, to support and to own
The term walayah will be used to explain and make clear the
relationship between the Muslim child and the kafr, the child will come
across and has to deal with on day to day bases in the schools of the
Imam ash-Shafi said: "A kafr has no walayah over a muslim woman,
even if she is his own daughter. Because even though (her father) Abu
Sufyan was alive it was Ibn Said ibn al-As who married Umm Habiba to
Rasulullah (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam). [He is Khalid ibn Said ibn as-
As, the son of the uncle <brother of her father>.] It was also reported
that it has been Negus or Uthman ibn Affan who married her to
Rasulullah (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam). In any case wasn't it her father
who gave her to marriage. And it is far from truth that Abu Sufyan
gave her to marriage. Both were muslims (Ibn Said and Uthman) and I
don't know a muslim male who is a nearer relative to Umm Habiba. But
Abu Sufyan didn't have walayah over his daughter. Because Allah, the
Almighty has cut the bonds of muwala between muslims and
mushrikun, ergo He has cut the bonds of heritage, blood money etc."
(ash-Shafi, al-Umm 5/15)
"A kafr father has no right of walayah over his muslim daughter."
(Imam al Marginani-al Hidaya sharh al Bidayatu'l Mubtadi)
Ikhtilat is the mixing of men on women in one place, mingling with each
other, sitting with each other and so on and so forth. All this are from
the things which are haram in the Sharia, because this is a cause of
ftnah (dissonance) and leads to following desires which will make
people fall into immorality and misdeeds.
The evidences that mixing of genders is haram are many in the Qur'an
as well as in the Sunnah. From these evidences are:
The child absorbs all that he receives as a child, so the childhood period
is a period of reception, following and imitation. So these tawagheet
took advantage of this point and established those castles of kufr
(schools) which establish kufr and destroy anything that is related to
deen. Instead of creating children on the love of deen and dedication to
it, these schools are based on the love of the country and nationalism.
As for the glorifcation of the taghut, they teach this from the primary
stage, they urge them to love the taghut and they teach devotion to him.
They also take away from their hearts the Aqeedah of al Walaa and al
Baraa by urging them to love the other and that all human beings are
equal. There is no difference between a Buddhist, a Crusader, or a
They also obligate them to commit clear kufr and shirk through their
performance of pagan holidays and their commitment to some kufr
rituals that they practice, such as celebrating national holidays and other
manifestations of kufr and shirk in Allah.
If we deal with each of the subjects taught in these castles in the frst
years of the primary stage, for example, we will fnd that this particular
stage is stage in which all the curriculum materials are flled with kufr.
And by Allah, almost every lesson in each subject is full of establishing a
kufr principle or a kufr theory or a kufr slogan, whether this is in a
direct or indirect way. Such as placing pictures that have a certain
insinuation and content. And the child is affected by it, such as putting
pictures where genders are mixing, women are half naked (without
hijaab), glorifying idols, and glorifying personalities of kufr and
atheism, and this is known to everyone who has seen these approaches.
I say whoever knows the truth about these fortresses of kufr and sends
his children to them in spite of his knowledge of the kufr in it, this is
apparent and obvious compliance with it and aid for it and it does not
beneft him to say my intention was such and such. This is clear kufr in
Allah, and there is no excuse this. We ask Allah for safety.
Relying on this and similar ayahs the ulama said anyone which shows
content to any sin will be accounted as having performed it. It will not
be accepted from him even if he states that he does not accept it by heart
or that he dislikes it. It is because the hukm is according to the dhahir.
He performed kufr openly and became kafr. (Sabil an Najat)
So He (Blessed and Most High is He) mentioned that He has sent down
a Command upon the Mu’minin, in the Book, [Al-An‘am: 68] that when
they hear the Verses of Allah being denied and ridiculed, that they
should not sit with them until they discuss something else; and that
whosoever sits with those disbelieving in the Verses of Allah and
mocking them, at the time of their kufr and mockery, then that person is
just like them. And He did not differentiate between the Kha’if
(someone with Khawf, someone who fears) or other than him- except
the Mukrah (the one who is forced). (ad Dalail)
The one who knows the state of these castles of kufr, and despite that
lets his children join these castles of kufr is a big kafr. Because he is
aware of the condition of these kufr castles, and despite that he went out
with own will and in his whole mind and put his children in it. So by
Allah, is this not a clear indication and evidence of the kufr of this father
(parent)? No excuse will beneft such a person.
Then some ignorant people come to us, after the rulings of the Lord of
the Worlds, saying, that as long as their children avoid kufr then it is not
kufr to send them to this schools and other empty nonsense like this!!
We say to people like them, you ignorant, you are yourself an adult, you
are lacking mind and deen, you fear for yourself from falling from your
deen among these kufr societies So how can you be sure of a small child
that it protects its deen? How can you burden it to stand against all the
kufr, fusuq and shirk that it will face in this institutions of the
tawagheet? How do you expect that it will be able to speak up against
each and every kufr while it is all day amongst the kuffar teachers,
kuffar principals and children from the mushrikeen? Do you really see
your child safe for a single moment in this kufr castle?!!
The correct view is that whoever sits in a assembly where the Ayah of
Allah are denied and is silent and does not rise or deny, then he is
content with this, because silence is a sign of contentment.
Do you insure that he is infuenced by a kufr doctrine from the doctrines
that they study in these kufr castles? !!
We say to him that Allah says to those who sit with the kuffar while
they hear the Ayah of Allah being denied and mocked that they are
kuffar. So how about the one who sends his children to places he knows
for certain that they call to kufr in the verses of Allah and call for its
destruction and call for fghting against the Deen of Allah in all forms?
And despite this he sends his children to these kufr castles who fght
against the Deen and the Millah Hanifyyah (pure of faith). Can such a
person be a Muwahhid Muslim?
And the ones who don't know the situations and states of these schools,
they are even doing a bigger evil. They expose their children to
something that they have no knowledge of.
The one who believes this principle necessarily knows that attending
seminars, meetings and conferences in which the ayah of Allah or
denied and mocked kufr is irrefutable and indisputable. And whoever
doubts this, let him review his religion and ask Allah for guidance. Its
only rule now is to avoid, move away, prohibit, and completely absolve
oneself from it and what is in it. This is exactly what Allah Almighty
commanded His Messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon
him, to follow the Millah of Ibrahim Hanifa (pure of faith) and he was
not from the mushrikeen.
Allah (ta'ala) says:
There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Ibraham and
those with him, when they said to their people, "Indeed, we are
disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than
Allah. We have denied you (made takfeer on you), and there has
appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you
believe in Allah alone." (Mumtahana 60/4)
It is narrated on the authority of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, "A people who
drank alcohol was taken in front of him and he was told about one of
those present that he was fasting, so he sterted the punishment with
him. And recited this ayah: Indeed, you would then be like them.
Meaning, compliance with disobedience is disobedience. That is why
the perpetrator and the contented are punished.
The Millah of Islam is Tawheed in its belief and its deeds at the same
time, it is the sincerity of worship to Allah Almighty in all its meanings.
And staying away, avoiding and completely disbelieving and rejecting
all forms of shirk and its types, and to show hostility and hatred
whenever possible. Whoever sits with the kuffar while they reject,
disbelieve and mock the ayah of Allah, there is no doubt about his
Shawkani said in „ad Dawa'a al 'ajil f difa' al aduw" (Urgent medicine in
pushing the enemy): „There is no difference between the one who does
the deed of disobedience and the one who is content with it but doesn't
do it. Or between those who are not content with it, but abstained from
forbiding it … And whoever is able to enjoin good and forbid evil (but
doesn't do it), his guilt was more severe, his punishment greater, and his
transgression bigger.“
Ibn Arabi said in his book „Ahkam al Qur'an“ in the frst volume about
this ayah:
Sulayman, alayhi salam, never disbelieved nor did magic, but the devils
disbelieve in their magic and that they taught it to people. And the one
who believes in kufr is Kafr, and the one who speaks it is Kafr and the
one who teaches it (is a kafr).
The intention of citing this verse and the legal ruling that Ibn Al-Arabi
deduced from it is that the teacher of kufr and the one who learns it are
kuffar (disbeliever) alike, i.e. the teacher who teaches people kufr and
the learners who learn from him this kufr -and there is no expression
that this rule only applies to magic- are kuffar.
Ibn al-Salah was asked about the ruling of someone who works with the
books of Ibn Sina and reads in his books and those of other
He said: This is not allowed. And whoever does this, deceived his
religion and was subjected to great ftnah. And he is not from the
scholars, but he is a shaytan from the human shayatin.
It is no secret to those who have seen the books of some scholars, their
emphasis on not going into the science of ilm ul kalam, philosophy and
logic because it leads to clear kufr, like Ibn Sina and other philosophers.
And this in learning and teaching philosophy and logic which is the
theory of Kufr (disbelief) and Ilhad (atheism). What do you think about
learning what is kufr in itself? Is this not the more important to prohibit
and emphasize it as a matter of priority?!
You know that the laws in the College of Law and Economics and the
study of kufr curricula in schools is a clear kufr. There is no doubt in the
kufr of its teachers and its students alike and they the frst whom
shaytan takes possession of and they are from his party.
Every child is born on the ftrah, on the true nature with the instinct of
Islam. And if he was left in this condition, he would not have chosen
other than Islam. He would not had have turned away from this ftrah if
there wasn't corruptions and alterations. The most important of them
are false teachings and bad corrupt education. The saying of the
Messenger of Allah, salliAllahu alayhi wa sallam: It is his parents who
make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian clearly shows this.
That is: they deal with the child with causes and means, which makes
him a pure Christian, or a Jew or a Majusi. And from this: handing the
young kids to the deceitful schools of the kuffar, or atheists under the
pretext of learning. They are raised in their lap and receive their
education and their beliefs from them. And the heart of the child is
subject to what is thrown in it from the good and evil. But that is
tantamount to engraving on stone. They deliver them to these schools
cleanly, then they get them back polluted. So woe to those who are the
cause for their children's error, delusion and temptation.
Cursed were those who disbelieved among the Children of Israel by the
tongue of David and of Jesus, the son of Mary. That was because they
disobeyed and [habitually] transgressed.
They used not to prevent one another from wrongdoing that they did.
How wretched was that which they were doing.
You see many of them becoming allies of those who disbelieved. How
wretched is that which they have put forth for themselves in that Allah
has become angry with them, and in the punishment they will abide
And if they had believed in Allah and the Prophet and in what was
revealed to him, they would not have taken them as allies; but many of
them are defantly disobedient. (Maida 5/78-81)
After they graduated, they started to call for the religion of the taghut
and his law. And they want to implement this kufr religion of
democracy and the free mixing of genders and nudity under the name
of civilization and personal freedom. And all of this was injected to
them in the temples of education of these tawagheet which they call
schools. A muslim stays away from these institutions and teaches his
children in his home under his eyes and protection and under his
All the reasons in this small booklet prove that it is clear kufr to send
children to the school of taghut. The kufr for this is an so many different
levels, from giving walayah to the kuffar, to compliance to kufr,
learning and teaching kufr. Everybody who sends his children to the
schools of the taghut is a kafr. Even if he doesn't send them to these
castles of kufr but doesn't see it as kufr or doesn't make takfeer on the
ones who send their children to these schools is a kafr.