Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Pilani Campus Instruction Division

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division


Course Handout

In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives specific details regarding
the course.
Course No. : GS F232
Course title : Introductory Psychology
Instructor-in-charge: : TANU SHUKLA

Scope and objective of the course: To develop a conceptual framework for understanding the human behavior; relevance
of psychology in daily life and its application in social, educational, industrial, personal and other spheres.

Course Description : The development of psychology as a science – individual and the environment; Nature, kinds and
determinants of Perception; Biological bases of behaviour; Consciousness; Motivation; Emotion; Modification of behavior
through learning; Memory and forgetting; Thought processes, Problem solving and Creative thinking; Individual differences
– Intelligence, Gender, Personality, Stress and coping; and Social thought and Social Behavior.

Text Book:
T1. Robert A. Baron, “Psychology”, Revised 5th Edition, Pearson, 2009
Reference Books:
R1.Ceccarelli & Meyer, Psychology, South Asian Edition, Pearson Longman, 2006
R2. A. K. Singh, “Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences”, Revised 4th
Edition, Bharati Bhawan, 2009
Course Plan:
S. No. Title of the Chapter Learning Objectives Reference in
1 Psychology: A Science Modern Psychology: Definition, Origin, Classical T1: Chapter 1
& Perspective Studies, Issues and Perspectives, Trends, Psychology in
India, Overview of Research Methods in Psychology
2 Biological Bases of Nervous System: Neurons as Building Blocks, Basic T1: Chapter 2
Behavior Structure and Functions, The Brain; The Brain and (40- 81)
Human Behavior; Heredity and Behavior: Genetics &
Evolutionary Psychology
3 Sensation & Perception: Sensation: The Raw Materials for Understanding; Vision; T1: Chapter 3
Making Contact with the Hearing; Touch, Smell and Taste; Perception; The (82- 127)
World around us; Plasticity of Perception, Extrasensory Perception RA^

Cognition: Thinking, Thinking: Forming Concepts and Reasoning to T1: Chapter 7

Deciding & Conclusions; Making decisions; Problem Solving; (246- 283)
Communicating Language: The Communication of Information RA^
4 States of Consciousness Biological Rhythms; Waking States of Consciousness T1: Chapter 4
Sleep, Dreams, Hypnosis and Consciousness- Altering (128- 142)
Drugs RA^
(142- 165)
5 Learning: How we’re Learning: Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, T1: Chapter 5
changed by Experience Observational Learning, Social Cognitive Learning (166- 207)
6 Memory: Of Things Human Memory; Kinds of Information Stored in Memory, T1: Chapter 6
Remembered and Forgetting, Memory Distortion and Memory Construction, (208- 245)

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Forgotten Memory in Everyday Life; Memory & Brain

7 Motivation Motivation; Theories of Motivation; Motives & T1: Chapter 10
Motivation- Hunger, Aggression, Achievement; Extrinsic (368- 395)
and Intrinsic Motivation
8 Emotions Emotions: Their Nature, Expression & Impact T1: Chapter 10
(395- 409)
9 Intelligence: Cognitive, Intelligence: Contrasting Views of its nature; Measuring T1: Chapter 11
Practical, Emotional Intelligence; Human Intelligence: Role of Heredity and (410- 447)
Environment; Group Differences in Intelligence;
Emotional Intelligence : The Feeling Side of Intelligence;
Creativity: Generating the Extra ordinary
10 Personality: Uniqueness Personality: What is it?; The Psychoanalytic Approach; T1: Chapter 12
and Consistency in the Humanistic Theories, Trait Theories; Learning (448- 487)
behaviour of Individuals Approaches to Personality; Measuring Modern Research
on Personality: Applications to Personal Health and
Behavior in Work
11 Health, Stress & Coping Health Psychology; Stress- Causes, Effects and Control; T1: Chapter 13
Understanding and Communication our Health Needs; (488- 503; 521-
Behavioural and Psychological Correlates of Illness; 529); RA^
Promoting Wellness: Developing a Healthier Lifestyle T1: Chapter 13
( 504- 520)
12 Social Thought & Social Social Thought- Social Perception, Attribution, Social T1: Chapter 16
Behaviour Cognition, Attitudes; Social Behavior- Prejudice & (616- 658)
Discrimination, Social Influence, Attraction & Love,
13 Research Methods in Psychology & the Scientific Method; Research Methods T1: Chapter 1
Psychology in Psychology- Observation, Correlation, (19- 34)
Experimentation Method; Issues in Psychological
RA^: Reading Assignment
Reading Assignment:
Specific portions from different Chapters will be given as reading assignments in the class.
Evaluation Scheme: Evaluation Component Weight age(%) Date, Time & Venue
1 Mid Semester Test 30 28/2 2:00 -3:30 PM

2 Surprise Tests/Group
3 Comprehensive Exam. 45 9/5 FN

• Students are expected to read newspapers, magazines, journals etc. and collect the relevant articles for relating the
concepts of psychology learnt.
• Journals to consult: American Psychologist (by APA), Psychological Studies, JIAAP

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class.

Instructor-in charge

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