Uipath - Orchestrator Questions

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UiPath Orchestrator Questions

1. What are queues and how can we work on that.

a. A queue is a container that enables you to hold an unlimited number of items. New
queues created in Orchestrator are empty by default. As soon as queue items are
processed, they become transactions. Information stored in queue items is displayed in
Orchestrator, in the Transaction Details window, under Specific Data. For more
information please refer below mentioned links.
2. How can we schedule a process in an orchestrator?
a. By using schedule tab and then selecting a process to schedule.
b. We can schedule a process using cron expressions else we can select the days and time
on which it will get schedule.
3. How can we deploy a process in orchestrator?
a. By publishing the package from studio and uploading it to the orchestrator and then
creating a process against the package.
4. How queue management prioritize task in orchestrator?
a. By setting the property to high, low, normal while using add queue item or add
transaction item in the workflow
5. How can we schedule a process based on UK/US holidays?
a. By adding calendar to the non-working days in UiPath orchestrator settings.
(Manually/uploading csv file)
b. By adding the holidays in the config file and matching it with the calendar date inside the
6. Difference between Robot per value and global value in asset.
a. Global value allows all the robots to access the assets whereas Robot per value allows the
use of the assets for a selected robot.
7. If max retries are specified in config and in orchestrator, then from where it will take the value
for the same.
a. It will fetch the value from orchestrator as it first gives the priority to orchestrator.
8. If we have NuGet package of the code, then can we run the code if yes then how.
a. Yes, we can run the code by replacing the extension from .nupkg to .zip and then we can
extract the code.
9. What should be used in case of killing a process from orchestrator
a. We should use terminate job in order to kill the process smoothly and not forcefully.
10. What is name of Package when the Bot is published in Orchestrator from Studio?
a. Nupkg Package
UiPath Studio Questions
1. What is the output of the select query on a DT?
a. Array of data row objects
2. Difference b/w element exist and find element
a. Find element provide the Uielement as an output and element exists provide the Boolean
variable as an output
b. Find element finds the element and fails if the element is not found whereas element
exists Enables you to verify if a UI element exists, even if it is not visible.
3. Difference between onElementAppear and element exists
a. A container that waits for a UI element to appear and enables you to perform multiple
actions within it.
4. What does the use of should stop activity?
a. if somebody stopped a running job using the Stop option in UiPath Orchestrator.
This activity assures a smooth termination of a job since it prevents the sudden
interruption of an ongoing process.
5. In which state does the should stop activity be used?
a. Get transaction Item state
6. Difference between should stop and terminate workflow?
a. Should Stop - Stop the job in a safe manner, when a Should Stop activity is
encountered in the workflow.
b. Terminate - Forcefully stop the job, regardless of where the execution is.
7. What is raise alert
a. Helps you add custom alerts in Orchestrator, with a selected severity
8. Difference between simulate click and send window messages
a. Simulate Type/Click method uses the technology of the target application. Lastly,
the SendWindowMessages works by sending a specific message directly to the target
b. if you want a process to take place in background, i.e., you do not want to lose your
cursor control, then you can use SendWindowMessage or SimulateType. The latter is
faster but does not support hotkeys.
9. Difference b/w type into and set text activity
a. ‘Type Info’ and ‘Set Text’ both will set the given value to the field. However, in case the
field is not visible in the UI (you may need to scroll down to see the field), ‘Type Into’ will
not work. In that case, it’s better to use Set Text.

10. Difference b/w workbook and excel activities

a. Excel activities will work when the excel is installed on a system however workbook
activities do not require excel to be installed on a system.
11. Terminal emulator
a. Used mainly for mainframe applications. For more information please refer below
mentioned links.
12. Use of anchor base?
a. A container that searches for a UI element by using other UI elements as anchors. This
should be used when a reliable selector is not available.
13. What is RE framework and what are its stages?
a. RE framework is used for modularizing the process. For more information please refer
below mentioned links.
14. How can we work on mainframe application using UiPath?
a. By using Terminal emulator activities
b. By using UiPath activities like, Open application for opening application, send hotkeys for
navigation, copy selected text for getting text and string manipulation for scraping the
15. Output variable of get queue item.
a. IEnumerable <Queue Items>
16. How can we connect to mainframe application using UiPath?
a. By using terminal session or open application
17. How to make dynamic selector?
a. By replacing the part of a selector with variables or wild cards (* or?).
18. What is the use of UiExplorer?
a. UiExplorer is an advanced tool that enables you to create a custom selector for a specific UI
19. String manipulation functions.
a. Substring, Split, Trim, Replace, Index of
20. Formatting of date and time?
a. By using datetime. parse
21. Migration of code from Dev to UAT and then to prod.
a. We can migrate a code from one environment to different environment by publishing the
package based on the specific environment.
22. Difference between get queue item and get transaction item.
a. Get queue item will fetch all the transactions in a queue whereas get transaction item will
fetch the single transaction Item.
23. Difference between SMTP and outlook activities.
a. Outlook activities requires outlook to be installed on the machine where the BOT is running
whereas SMTP do not require outlook and it works on port and server
24. How can we perform Exception handling (System/business)?
a. Exception Handling mainly deals with handling errors with respect to various activities in
UiPath. The Error Handling activity offers four options: Rethrow, Terminate Workflow,
Throw, Try Catch. For more information please refer below mentioned links.
25. Difference between Throw and rethrow activity.
a. You use the Throw when you want to send to a particular exception. The Rethrow is used to
loop while you are into an exception.

b. the “Throw” activity is only useful if you want to simulate an Exception like in an If condition
or something which will end the process or enter the Catch. The “Rethrow” activity is useful
if you want activities to occur before the Exception is thrown, so in the Catch you would put
that activity and it will throw the Exception that occurred originally that put you into the
Catch and end the process.

26. Use of Retry scope and How it works?

This Activity Contains Two blocks:
*Action Block
*Condition Block
->Retry Scope Activity “Retries the contained activities as long as the condition is not met, or an
error is thrown.”
Condition Block - There are activities like “Element exists” that can be used in Retry scope
(because they have a Boolean result). Similarly, Image Exists and so on.
Only those activities are supported in Condition Block which have a Boolean Result.
Action Block - Here you can define your actions or steps what you want to achieve if that
condition block will return true.
It supports following attributes like
The number of times that the sequence is to be retried.
Retry Interval
Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) between each retry.
So, Retry Scope activity will keep retrying to perform particular set of steps till the condition will
be true for “Number of retires” mentioned.
27. Different ways to debug a code in UiPath.
a. Add breakpoints
b. Select highlight elements
c. Slow step
28. What are state machines and what should we prefer in our automation and why?
a. A state machine is a type of automation that uses a finite number of states in its execution.
It can go into a state when it is triggered by an activity, and it exits that state when another
activity is triggered.
b. State machine workflows provide a modeling style with which you can model your workflow
in an event-driven manner. A State Machine activity contains the states and transitions that
make up the logic of the state machine and can be used anywhere an activity can be used.
There are several classes in the state machine runtime:
State Machine
29. When to use Sequence, flowchart and state machines.
a. Sequences are the smallest type of project. They are suitable to linear processes as they
enable you to go from one activity to another seamlessly, and act as a single block activity.
One of the key features of sequences is that they can be reused.
b. Flowcharts can be used in a variety of settings, from large jobs to small projects that you can
reuse in other projects. The most important aspect of flowcharts is that, unlike sequences,
they present multiple branching logical operators.
c. A state machine is a type of automation that uses a finite number of states in its execution.
It can go into a state when it is triggered by an activity, and it exits that state when another
activity is triggered. Another important aspect of state.
30. In try catch activity, if no exceptions have occurred then finally block will be executed or not?
a. Yes, finally block should be executed always, no matter if exceptions were raised or not.
31. How to create reusable components/libraries?
a. UiPath provides an option of Creating a Library by using which you can create any custom
reusable package or component activities. A Library is a package which contains multiple
reusable components. Libraries are saved as .nupkg files and can be installed as
dependencies to workflows using the Package Manager. To create a Library, please refer
below mentioned link
32. What are WaitForReady properties? When we should use which activity?
a. None – does not wait for the target to be ready.
Interactive – waits until only a part of the app is loaded.
Complete – waits for the entire app to be loaded.
33. Which activity we should use if an element is not visible?
a. Set focus
34. How can we get of the check box is checked or not?
a. By using Get attribute activity and selecting “checked” attribute.
35. Transitions of all the states in RE Framework (Mainly process transaction state).
a. Init state transitions and next state of transitions
Success: Get transaction data & System error: End process
b. Get transaction data transitions and next state of transitions
New transaction: Process transaction & No data: End process
c. Process transaction transitions and next state of transitions
Error: Init & Rule exception: Get transaction data & Success: Get transaction data
36. If UiPath studio is not there on a machine, then can we edit a selector of an element on that
a. Yes, by opening UiExplorer on that machine which is inside the installation folder of UiPath
37. What is the use of Global handler in UiPath?
a. The Global Exception Handler is a type of workflow designed to determine the project’s
behavior when encountering an execution error. Only one Global Exception Handler can be
set per automation project. It contains 2 Arguments: Error Info (IN Direction) and Result
(Out Direction).
b. When using the Global Exception Handler with a project that includes a Try Catch, make
sure to group activities into a Sequence inside the Try container. Otherwise, the Global
Exception Handler does not execute.
c. In the case of nested activities, the Global Exception Handler executes for each activity in
the call stack. However, it does not execute for activities directly encapsulated in a Try
Catch, unless they're contained in an activity.
38. Can we create logs using write line activity in orchestrator? If yes, then How?
a. Yes, By Changing the logging level to trace in UiPath robot tray.
39. Difference between log message activity and add log field activity?
a. Add Log Fields -Adds custom log fields to the [Robot Execution Logs] Log Message- Writes
the specified diagnostic message at the specified level. These messages are also sent
to Orchestrator and displayed in the Logs page.
40. How can we maintain the versioning of the code?
a. https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/about-version-control
41. Connecting the database using UiPath?
a. Please refer https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/database-connect for database
42. How can we run python code in UiPath?
a. Under Python scope use load python script.
43. Difference b/w execute query and execute non-query?
a. The ExecuteNonQuery Method returns the number of row(s) affected by either an INSERT,
The ExecuteQuery Method returns the Result Set object when we use the SELECT
44. What is the container of web recording and desktop recording?
a. Desktop recorder – Attach window
b. Web recorder – Attach browser
45. What are the different types of recording and how they differ among each other?
a. Basic – Generates a full selector for each activity and no container. The resulted automation
is slower than one that uses containers and is suitable for single activities.
b. Desktop – Suitable for all types of desktop apps and multiple actions. It is faster than the
Basic recorder and generates a container (with the selector of the top-level window) in
which activities are enclosed, and partial selectors for each activity.
c. Web – Designed for recording in web apps and browsers, generates containers and uses the
Simulate Type/Click input method by default.
46. Difference between screen scraping and data scraping?
a. There are two main types. Screen scraping can be used to extract raw text as a string value
from any element, image or region in any application type; you can optionally convert it into
a Data Table structure if this is appropriate. It generates the activities Get Full Text, Get
Visible Text or Get OCR Text, depending on your choices. Data scraping instead works only
on (web) application data that is recognizable to UiPath as a table structure and only
generates Data Table output. Instead of a whole table element or region, you select a single
table cell; if the table can be scrapped the wizard will then let you configure what to extract.
This wizard creates an Extract Structured Data activity.
47. Difference between get field activity and get text activity in Terminal emulator?
a. Get field activity fetches the single value or a selected field whereas Get text activity fetches
entire screen data.
48. How will you compare the Data of 2 Excel Sheets, whether there exist any Duplicate Rows?
a. By using the counter loop and Comparing the Data tables.

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