Ui Path - Interview Questions
Ui Path - Interview Questions
Ui Path - Interview Questions
1. What is RPA?
Answer: Robotic Process Automation is a type of automation where a machine or
computer mimics a human's action in completing rule based tasks. It is used to automate
business process.
Automate the business process by robot is known as RPA.
Bot Development: RPA developer (Team) starts working on the requirement in their
environment possibly a distinct development environment.
Testing: Some companies conduct Testing by Separate Testing Team, while some have a
dedicated testing team which performs a dedicated QA like normal SDLC flow. Best
Practice is to have a dedicated testing team which performs QA of a developed bot.
Deployment and Maintenance: After the Development and Testing phases, a bot is
ready for distribution and enters maintenance phase.
This question is frequently asked in RPA interviews. You should know the RPA Life
It provides the below options full compliance with the enterprise security and
• Process modelling
• Change Management
• Access Control
• Remote Execution
• Scheduling
5. Components of Uipath?
UiPath Platform consists of three main components:
UiPath Studio:- UiPath Studio is a complete solution for application integration, and
automating third-party applications, administrative IT tasks and business IT processes.
UiPath Robot- UiPath Robots are a fundamental component of the UiPath Enterprise
RPA Platform. Robots execute the automation workflow designed in UiPath Studio and
can be centrally managed from UiPath Orchestrator.
b) Unattended - Runs unattended in virtual environments and can automate any number
of processes. On top of the Attended Robot capabilities, this Robot is responsible for
remote execution, monitoring, scheduling and providing support for work queues.
1. It Saves Cost: Since it can automate almost all manual and repetitive tasks, you
can reduce the size of your workforce and hence reduce costs.
2. More Accurate in Lesser Time: To err is human, but computers or machines
don’t commit any mistakes, they do exactly as they are told and hence are more
3. Easy to Implement and learn: Like earlier stated, there is no coding required.
Any automation can be created using a simple drag and drop.
4. No Coding Required!: RPA can be implemented to automate any repetitive
process which is done on a computer. This process can be related to any desktop
tool or web application, if the process is repetitive it can be automated, that too
with minimum coding required.
17. How many types of variable & direction of argument you have
used till now?
Mostly used variable are:-
String, Int32, Double, Data Table, Array, List ,Generic Value ,Boolean
For more variable you can click browse for types in variable panel.
Direction of Argument:-
In ,Out, In/Out
Full selectors:
• Contain all the elements needed to identify a UI element, including the top-level
• Generated by the Basic recorder
• Recommended when switching between multiple windows
Partial selectors:
UI Explorer is an advanced tool that enables you to create a custom selector for a
specific UI element. It is available only if the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package is
installed as a dependency to the project.
To open the UI Explorer window, click the button in the Selectors section, in
the Design tab.
These features are available through the Manage Packages window that you can open by
clicking the Manage Packages button on the Activities panel.
Publishing an automation project means archiving the workflow and all the other files in
the folder so that it can be sent to Robots and then executed.
Additionally, automation projects may be published to a custom NuGet feed, with the
option to also add an API key if the feed requires authentication.
Publishing projects locally requires you to provide a path on the local machine, different
than the location where process packages are published. From here, you can later
manually send the packages to the Robots, so they can be executed. The default local
publish location is %ProgramData%\\UiPath\\Packages.
33. How to run bot through command prompt & create shortcut of
First we have to publish that from design panel, then we have to take that published
nugget package location & -file your .xaml location.
& You have to provide all the datails of whatever database you are using in activity
36. How to create database connection with Uipath & take the data
from database?
For database automation you have to install Uipath database activity from Manage
& You have to provide all the details of whatever database you are using in activity
47. What is difference between for each, for each row & parallel For
For Each-- allow you to iterate through a collection of items. It can be an array, a list, a
datatable etc.
For each row-When using For each you need to specify the data type and because you
might need to iterate through a datatable more often you have the specific Activities for
Data tables.
Parallel for Each-Asynchronously executes a series of activities on each element of an
enumeration, in parallel.
Yes, I have worked on the virtual machine automation previously.
• Rethrow is used when you want activities to occur before the exception is thrown.
• Terminate workflow is used to terminate the workflow the moment the task
encounters an error.
• Throw activity is used when you want to throw error before the execution of the
54. Do you know about TFS, SVN & all repository in Uipath?
Tfs stand for Team foundation server f
Svn –Sub Version
56. How many Activity you have used for excel Automation?
There are lots of activity in excel automation
65. Difference between Imap, Get Outlook, Send outlook & smtp?
IMAP stands for internet map access protocol, through imap we can receive the
customized mail.
Get outlook -Through get outlook activity we can receive the static mail
Smtp-it stands for simple mail transfer protocol for sending the dynamic mail
Send Outlook-Through this activity we can automatically send the static mail.
g)Queue:- A queue is a container that enables you to hold an unlimited number of items.
Queue items can store multiple types of data, such as invoice information or customer
details. This information can be processed in other systems - SAP or Salesforce, for
84. Difference between Add queue items, get queue item & get
Add Queue item-it is used for uploading data to queue.
Get Queue Item-it is used for getting the data from queue for all transactions.
Get transactions –It is used for getting the single transactions from queue.
• FTE is calculated based on Manual effort, volume and time taken to complete a
• FTE = (volume * AHT)/ Manual hour per day (8 hours)
• AHT is Average Handling Time
95. How can we call another xaml file inside one xaml file?
Non-mainframe applications:
99.Robot status:-
a)Available - The Robot is not running a process and is free to be used;
b)Busy- The Robot is running a process
c)Disconnected:- The Robot and Orchestrator have not communicated in the last two
d)Unresponsive – The UiPath Robot service is not running.
100.Queue Status:-
a)New:- the item has just been added to the queue with the Add Queue Item activity, or
the item was postponed or a deadline was added to it.
b) In Progress:- the item was processed with the Get Transaction Item or the Add
Transaction Item activity; when an item has this status, your custom progress status is
also displayed, in the Progress column
f) Retried - the item failed with an application exception and was retried. After the
Robot finishes retrying the item, the status changes to Failed or Successful, according to
your workflow.
g) Deleted - the item has been manually selected from the Transactions page and
marked as deleted; an item with this status can no longer be processed.