Maintaing A Safe Enginering Watch 1

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During UMS rounds at night during a sea

dengan aman (Maintain a safe engineering passage the duty engineer discovers the
watch) main engine lube oil pump starter "chattering"
1. Before leaving the machinery spaces of a loudly. What is the correct action to be
UMS vessel after routine watchkeeping taken?
rounds in the evening, the duty engineer A. Switch over to the other pump and inform
inspects the doors to Fuel Oil Treatment the CE of the noise
rooms which are covered by a fixed fire fighting immediately. Keep engine room manned.]
installation. For what purpose does 7. If the oil content high alarm is actuated on
he do this? an automatic oily water separator what
A. To make sure that they are properly closed should the resulting action be?
with the self closing A. Overboard discharge valve should close
device so that any fire is contained and the automatically.
extinguishing 8. In accordance with SOLAS and other
medium can be released without delay. international regulations, certain important
2. Before leaving the machinery spaces of a machinery functions, such as operation and
UMS vessel whose engine room is protected control of the steering gear and propulsion
by a fixed CO2 installation, should the duty machinery, must be tested at specified times.
engineer: When should these tests be carried out?
A. Ensure all doors are in closed position. A. Prior to arrival and departure from port and
3. Crewmen are carrying out maintenance work following
in the engine room on overtime. The maintenance.
work does not affect machinery operation. At 9. Is it necessary to cool the samples taken
the end of normal working hours, what from a diesel engine cooling water system
should the Engineer on Duty do? before carrying out tests to determine the
A. Continue with manual operated engine room concentration of treatment chemicals?
until the 10. The bilge holding tank level is being
maintenance work is finished reduced by discharging through the OWS. What
4. During a routine check of one of the auxiliary action should be taken when the oil/water
engines in an UMS operated engine interface in the holding tank is reached?
room, a minor leakage on a high pressure fuel A. Stop the OWS and pump the oil to the
pipe is observed. What would be the incinerator tank.
appropriate action and/or precaution to be 11. The duty engineer notices that there is full
taken? (Assume normal operation; 2 gen flow through overflow line observation
sets operating and 1 on standby) glass to the fuel oil overflow tank. What action
A. Inform the Chief Engineer and the Bridge. should be taken?
Change over to A. Stop all F.O. transfers and other fuel
manual mode, switch over generators and operations immediately
repair the fault before and check all fuel tank levels.
returning to UMS mode. 12. What action should the Duty Engineer take
5. During an unmanned period on a UMS vessel when entering an UMS-mode operated
the "low water level" alarm for the engine room due to an alarm or due to a
jacket cooling water system expansion tank scheduled routine check?
activates. What action would you take as A. Notify the Bridge and switch the UMS
duty engineer? selector switch to
A. Answer the alarm, top up the tank and check manual mode and engage the "dead man
the system for alarm"
leakage before resuming unmanned operation
13. What would be the most likely cause of a leak is found. What action should be taken?
smell of "rotten eggs" in the upper casing of A. Try and quickly stop the leak and then
the engine room? inform the engineer on
A. A leak of exhaust gas from a boiler or diesel watch of what has happened.
engine exhaust. 21. The engine room rating has been assisting
14. Why is it necessary to carry out routine with ballast operations during a period of
tests of the water in a diesel engine cooling engine room watch duty. Ballast operations
water system? have stopped for a couple of hours while
A. To check that the correct concentration of stores are being taken. What action should the
corrosion inhibitors rating take during this break in
are maintained. operations?
15. After an engine following start up it is A. Stop all of the ballast pumps and close all of
discovered that the start air pipe to one of the the ballast valves
cylinders is hotter than normal. What is the as soon as operations are stopped. Ballast lines
likely cause of this problem? should always
A. The air start valve for the cylinder is leaking be closed except when they are being used.
or stuck open. 22. What action should be taken if it is noticed
16. After cleaning some machinery components a quantity of oil on the engine room tank
at sea, the engine watch rating is top?
instructed to dispose the small amount of dirty A. Notify the duty engineer and try and find the
diesel oil which is left. How should the cause of the
dirty oil be disposed? leakage so that it can be stopped and the oil
A. Put it straight into the dirty oil tank for cleaned up
incineration at the next 23. What is the main difference between a
opportunity. stuffing box gland and a mechanical seal on a
17. An engine room rating is assisting the duty centrifugal pump?
engineer during a period of UMS A. If packing fails the pump can be kept running
operation. After completing the tasks they leave by tightening the
the engine room which is returned to glands, but if a mechanical seal fails it must be
UMS mode. The rating realises that an oil tank renewed to stop
filling valve has been left open. What the leakage
action should be taken? 24. What is the main purpose of a heat
A. Inform the duty engineer immediately so exchanger in a cooling water system?
that the engine room A. To transfer heat from one fluid to another
can be re-entered and the valve can be shut. 25. What is the normal indication that an oil
18. During bilge pumping operations the pump filter is becoming blocked?
suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. A. The pressure drop across the filter
What is the most likely cause of the high 26. What is the normal maximum oil content
vacuum reading? permitted for machinery space bilge
A. A blocked bilge suction strainer. overboard discharge via OWS equipment?
19. How can water hammer be avoided when A. 15 ppm
operating the valves and pumps in a cooling 27. What should be the first indication the
water system? engine room watchkeepers get that there is oil
A. Operate valves slowly or water leakage in the engine room?
20. The engine rating on watch finds the level A. They should see it on the tank top or in the
of the diesel engine jacket water header bilge well during
tank well below normal. After topping up the regular inspections.
tank and checking around the engine, a
28. What term is used to describe a fresh water can be changed over and the gland can be
cooling system which contains a seawater repacked.
cooled common freshwater cooler and which 37. While trying to deballast a double bottom
meets the cooling requirements for all tank problems are encountered getting
the engine room machinery? suction on the ballast pump, a centrifugal pump
A. A central cooling system mounted above the tank top. What
29. What would be the most probable cause of action can be taken to solve the problem?
an increase in cooling water temperature A. Prime the pump with seawater from the
for all cylinders of a diesel engine? main inlet valve.
A. Fouling of the jacket water cooler. 38. Why is it important that all the system
30. What would be the most probable cause of valves are closed after completing bilge or
high temperature readings for the bearings ballast pumping operations?
in a diesel engine? A. To avoid accidental intake of water into the
A. Lubricating oil pressure too low. engine room in
31. What would you do if you are told to case of valve or pipeline failure.
operate a piece of mechanical equipment which
you are not familiar with?
A. Seek advice from your superior before
attempting to operate it.
32. Which of the following pump types will
normally require a separate means of
A. Centrifugal pump
33. Which of the following statements
regarding a centrifugal pump is correct?
A. It is important that the rotation direction is
correct to avoid dry
34. Which statement is true in relation to the
operating parameters for a marine diesel
A. The normal temperature of the lub oil after
the cooler is
approximately 45 C.
35. While assisting the watchkeeper with
routine cleaning of the fuel oil separator the
watch rating is requested to clean the plate
stack. Which one is the preferred method
for this task?
A. Soak the plates in a suitable solvent until all
of the dirt has
loosened off and wipe clean with rags.
36. While on watch, an engine room rating
notices a leak from the gland of a running
seawater pump. What action should be taken?
A. Inform the engineer officer of the watch so
that the pump
Mengoperasikan mesin induk dan mesin operation without any new oil being added.
bantu dan sistem kontrol yang terkait What action would you take?
(Operate main andauxiliary machineryand A. Stop the engine and check for a fuel or
associatedcontrol systems) water leak.
1. A ship has a medium speed engine and a 9. The lubricating oil in the bearing housing
controllable pitch propeller propulsion at the turbine end of a turbocharger
system. What would the propeller pitch gets very dirty after only a few hours in
normally have to be at to allow starting service. What is the most likely reason
of the engine? for this happening?
A. Zero A. Damaged rotor shaft sealing bushes
2. After water-washing the turbocharger allowing exhaust gas
exhaust side it starts to vibrate even though to leak into the bearing housing.
it was operating normally prior to the 10. The main engine turbocharger speed has
washing procedure. What is the most likely increased during the night while
cause of this problem? operating in UMS mode. From the options
A. The rotor blades are damaged or the given, what is the most likely cause of
blades are not this?
properly cleaned A. The engine load has increased due to
3. Choose the option which most accurately external factors such
completes the following statement. The as current and wind.
expansion tank in a closed cooling water 11. What could be the most likely reason for
system is designed to maintain a an increase in the viscosity of a diesel
4. How is the effective delivery stroke of a engine lubricating oil during operation?
helix type fuel pump for a diesel engine A. Fuel oil leakage into the lub oil system.
controlled to increase or decrease the 12. What could cause diesel engine
quantity of fuel delivered? lubricating oil to appear cloudy with a
A. Rotation of the plunger by the fuel rack slightly
from the governor "milky" colour?
5. How is the temperature of the high A. Water contamination of the system.
temperature circuit of a central cooling 13. What is likely to be the cause of black
system normally controlled? smoke from a diesel engine exhaust seen
A. By mixing with water from the low at the funnel?
temperature circuit. A. Incomplete combustion of the fuel.
6. In a diesel engine lubrication system the 14. What is the purpose of an oil mist
circulating pump normally takes suction detector, OMD, as fitted to a diesel engine?
from the oil sump tank. Where would the oil A. To detect and give an alarm and
normally pass to directly after the slowdown of any
pump? potentially explosive atmosphere in the
A. Lube oil cooler. crankcase.
7. The exhaust gas temperatures of all 15. What is the purpose of diesel engine
cylinders of a diesel engine are seen to be cylinder head safety valve?
high. Select, from the options given, the A. To indicate and relieve excessive high
most likely cause of this. pressure in the
A. Poor fuel oil quality cylinder to protect the engine frombeing
8. The level in a diesel engine lubricating oil damaged.
sump has increased noticably during
16. What is the recommended range for the chemicals are maintained at all times.
pH-value for the water in a diesel engine 25. With reference to diesel engine ancillary
cooling system engine cooling water be system operation, which one of the
maintained? given statements is true?
A. Between 7 and 10. A. The normal jacket water temperature
17. What would be the most probable cause before the jacket
of light, smoky exhaust from a diesel water cooler is approximately 80 to 90 C.
engine? 26. With reference to non-VIT diesel engine
A. Water carry over from charge air cooler high pressure fuel pumps that have helix
to engine control, how is the timing of fuel injection
cylinders. normally adjusted?
18. What would be the most probable cause A. By raising or lowering the pump plunger
of the exhaust gas temperature from one relative to the
cylinder of a diesel engine being lower than pump barrel.
normal? 27. In a circuit diagram of a simple
A. The opening pressure for the injection hydraulic circuit, which of the alternatives
valve for the does
cylinder is set too high. the following symbol indicate?
19. When should adjustments to the fuel A. Double check valve.
injection valve spring tension be made? 28. A piston ring set for a trunk piston
A. Only on the fuel injection valve test rig. engine often includes a slotted ring
20. Which of the following options would be tensioned
the cause of a low exhaust temperature by an internal spring. What is the purpose of
in one cylinder of a diesel engine? this type of piston ring?
A. Faulty fuel injection valve. A. It is an oil control ring.
21. Which of the given options characterizes 29. During the cycle of a four stroke diesel
a 2-stroke diesel engine ? engine there is a load reversal on the
A. A 2 stroke engine completes a full cycle bottom end bearing when the load transfers
every revolution. from the upper part of the bearing to
22. Which would be the most suitable point the lower part. What is the main cause of
in the system to obtain a representative this load reversal on a modern,
of diesel engine lubricating oil for analysis? turbocharged, medium speed diesel engine?
A. From the lubricating system pipeline on A. The lack of gas load to oppose the inertial
the discharge side forces generated
of the circulating pump. during the exhaust stroke.
23. Why are duplex filters usually employed 30. During the normal operating cycle of a
in the lubricating oil system of an diesel engine there are side thrusts
auxiliary diesel engine? generated by the piston as it moves up and
A. Changing of the filter element can be down the cylinder due to the changing
carried out without angle of the connecting rod. How are these
interrupting engine operation. side thrusts accommodated in a trunk
24. Why is it necessary to have routine piston engine?
testing of diesel engine cooling water A. The side thrust is transmitted to the
systems? cylinder liner and the
A. To ensure that the recommended levels of engine frame by the piston skirt in way of
treatment the gudgeon pin.
Mengoperasikan sistem listrik, 9. What type of component does this
sistem elektronik dan sistem graphical symbol illustrate?
kontrol (Operate electrical,electronic A. Pressure-reducing regulator.
andcontrol systems) 10. What will be the probable outcome, if
1. An important quantity which is useful in the amplification is set too high on a
circuit analysis is known as temperature controller?
conductance G (Siemens). Which of the A. The process will oscillate and get out of
formulas A to D expresses the control
conductance for this circuit? 11. Which component does this graphical
A. G = 1 / R symbol illustrate?
2. In terms of instrumentation and A. Pressure indicator, installed on
measurement, what is an I/P Transducer? panel/console
A. A transducer that converts a known 12. Which of the following instruments is
electric current to a normally part of a control-loop?
pressure proportional to the current. A. Transducer
3. Measuring instruments must be routinely 13. Which of the following systems will
calibrated. What is the meant by include a D/P transmitter in the
instrument calibration? control-loop
A. Comparing input and output values A. Pressure
against a documented 14. Why is it important that a transmitter has
standard been correctly installed at the
4. Thermistors are temperature sensitive correct location
devices. A positive temperature A. The control system is depending on the
coefficient thermistor will typically have best possible process
A. Relatively non linear characteristicDPKP signal
5. This block diagram illustrates an 15. A resistor has three red bands. If they all
elementary control system. What is the carry information about
common name for this type of system? resistance value as opposed to tolerance,
A. Closed loop feed back system what is the indicated resistance?
6. Transducers are devices which translate A. 2200 ohm
the value of one measured value 16. A thermistor may be used to measure
into diferent measurement units (for instance temperature. Which of the following
units of temperature to descriptions most accurately describes this
millivlots). What is the meant by the device?
“Range” of a transducer? A. Temp sensitive semi-conductor
A. The difference between possible 17. During routine checking of alarm
maximum and minimum functions of main and auxiliary
measurement equipment, some setpoints are cancelled due
7. What is a ZENER BARRIER? to a mistake. What is the
A. A zener barrier is a unit made to obtain appropriate routine to ensure correct
intrinsic safety in setpoints are set?
installations for instrumentation in A. Consult with the instruction manual for
hazardous areas. the equipment in
8. What is the resistance value of this question for correct values.
A. 10 M ohm
DPKP A. Higher measuring accuracy.
18. In installations of INTRINSICALLY 27. Radio frequency signals can carry
SAFE equipment it is required that information from one place to another if
all cabling should be separated from non- they are modulated. There are several ways
intrinsically safe equipment, and to modulate a carrier. Which
(where colour coding is relied upon) to be of modulating method is illustrated here?
a special colour. What A. Amplitude modulation (AM
colour is that? 28. Some areas of ships require that any
A. Blue electrical equipment used must be
19. In measurement systems there is often a intrinsically safe. What is meant by being
need to specify performance intrinsically safe?
characteristics. One such characteristic may A. Can not produce enough energy to ignite
be referred to as 'dead band'. a gas (explode)?
What is the definition of DEAD BAND? 29. Some equipment may be marked with
A. The change needed in the input signal to the following symbol: What does it
produce a change mean?
in the output signal. A. Intrinsically safe.
20. In measurement systems, which of the 30. The circuit consists of two inductors,
listed sensors is suitable for L(1) = 6 H and L(2) = 12H,
physical displacement? connected in parallel. Calculate the
A. Strain gauge equivalent L(S) of the two inductors.
21. In terms of electronic hardware, what is A. L(S) = 4 H
the meaning of the abbreviation
A. Printed Circuit Board
22. In terms of instrumentation and
measurement, what is a digital signal?
A. A signal with discrete levels such as 0 =
"low" and 1 = "High"
23. It is common practice to connect a
resistor over an alarm contact (see
diagram) in many applications. Why is this
connection used?
A. To monitor the cable/wires for break.
24. Measurement and transmission of
electronic values may be in the form of
digital or analogue signals. What is an
analogue signal?
A. A continually variable electric signal.
ctric signal.
25. P = U x I x Root of 3) x cos (fi) What is
the formula for I ?
A. Formula 1
26. PT-100 sensors are some times used
with 3 or 4 wires. What is the reason
for this?

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