2012e Pages 1 16
2012e Pages 1 16
2012e Pages 1 16
and UGHT
R This incident took place in October 1917, when, due to some special reason, my
friend and his wife could pay their obeisance in Sai’s Darbar for the second time in the
E same week.
Since there was no place in Dixit’s wada, Sri Balabhau Chandorkar offered his
M stock room next to the boarding house for their stay. Unfortunately, the abundant
termites in the room bit them day and night and made their lives miserable.
I My friend was sure that if he spread Baba’s Udi around the sleeping area, they
would be able to sleep comfortably; but he did not feel it appropriate to put the Udi to
N this use and so they both bore the discomfort.
I One night, when my friend could not sleep, he thought, ‘Sai loves me dearly. He
takes care of all my worldly troubles. Though I constantly realise this, I am not doing
S any seva of Sai. In 1911, Baba gave me a special blessing which I insist on being fulfilled
in this very life. This makes it impossible for Him to leave His body. My mental demand
C thus causes His body great anguish. My unbreakable bond with Sai is for this life and
for all lives gone and yet to come. So, why should I enforce Him to keep my vow ? It is
E not my wish to be legendary. Since Sai is taking care of me in this life, why should I
bother about future lives ? Why should I worry about life and death ? When I have
N such a loving and caring mother in Sai - The Mother of the world - why should I be
apprehensive ?’
C So, in his mind he lovingly made a pledge - ‘Baba, my wish to fulfil Your blessing in
this very life is improper for a mere mortal like me. Kindly fulfil Your blessing in
E whichever birth You may desire it to be accomplished. Henceforth I will not hanker for
it.’ He made this mental promise and went to sleep. He did not tell his wife about it, lest
she changed his mind.
The next morning, when he reached for Sai Darshan, Sai said to Dixit, “Kaka, this
Bhau has flung what I gave him on my face ! He wishes to go down in the doldrums !
What can I say ?”
Dixit did not understand anything. When he came to know the whole story from
my friend after the Aarati, he felt sad.
When they both went for Sai Darshan in the afternoon, Baba said to my friend,
“You should read some spiritual books !” ‘When there is a walking – talking book in front
of me, what can I read ?’ thought my friend and smiled. Sai looked at him and smiled
lovingly. Seeing the benevolent smile, my friend got rid of any ifs and buts in his mind
and with tears flowing from his eyes did Abhishek on Baba’s Feet. Sai placed His hand on
my friend’s head and blessed him.
When they returned, Dixit asked, “So what will you read ?” My friend replied, “Ask
Baba !” Dixit had great regard for my friend and he was curious. In the evening, he asked
Sai, “Baba, what should he read ?” Sai said, “What about him ? We’ll see !”
The main reason for writing this story is that, wherever we may be, all our actions
and thoughts are perceived by Sai even after leaving the mortal world. All that we think
or do is not without His knowledge and we devotees should always remember this.
Just like Sai during His first Darshan, and later time and again said, “I am keeping
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
an eye on everyone !” Sri Krishna too has said in the Bhagwad Geeta – “Not only do I
keep a loving eye on people from all walks of life – but even people far and wide !”
R Sai Baba left this mortal world ! Sri Krishna left this mortal world ! How will They
C How can we cross such vast distances ? With the power of our thoughts ! The
speed of thought is much more than that of light. We can think and our thoughts can
E reach across the sun – its heat cannot burn them, diffuse them, stop them or break
them. Isn’t it amazing ?
N Thoughts good and bad, are like eddies in the water. They leave a human mind,
travel all over the universe and come back to the same mind ! Bad thoughts make a
C person to be born again and again. Good thoughts help a person stabilise his mind and
attain self-enlightenment.
E Auto–suggestion helps to stabilise the mind. The wisdom of the saints, divine
knowledge and spiritual study as well as Nam-jap or chanting the name of an Ishta
Devata brings a person closer to attaining enlightenment. Of course, this depends on
the person’s mental preparedness.
Ultimately this leads to complete self-realisation with the blessings of a Sadguru
and taking birth becomes a matter of choice.
Great souls like Shri Sai Baba, Who outwardly look like you and me, are enlightened
souls who are in complete alignment with the seen and unseen world. His words and
thoughts are reverberating throughout the entire universe and these same words
help us ordinary men and women attain salvation.
Thoughts are part of our mind. Intelligence, mind and soul are intertwined and
blend into each other. Great saints have written about this and it is my sincere and
loving effort as Baba’s devotee to establish how western science is in tune with it.
Old Man
Shri Sai Leela, Year VII, Issues 9-10-11
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
(Contd. from Sept.-Oct. 2011)
Second Innings
Towards the latter part of his life,
Madhavrao was immersed in the love for the
Almighty. He was keen to visit Pandharpur,
bathe in the holy river of Chandrabhaga, avail In Sai’s Proximity
the darshan of Lord Pandurang and stay there
for some time. He conveyed this to Swami undertaking one such journey, he met some
Rangacharya Maharaj who was residing in warkaris who were on their way to Pandharpur.
Ram Baug at Pandharpur. After getting his They began persuading Madhavrao to
consent, Madhavrao stayed there from May accompany them. Madhavrao said, ‘‘I have just
1944 till June 1953. come back after completing a long journey. I will
need some rest. I suggest that you people carry
In this stay of about 10 years, he also
on as per your plan. I will catch with you at
stayed in Ram Baug. During this period, he was
village Chaufala at 9 am.’’ Adhering to his
engrossed in only one subject – Lord
request, the other members of the group left the
Pandurang. His daily routine consisted of three
place early in the morning and saw Madhavrao
times bath in the river Chandrabhaga, seva,
was fast asleep. On reaching Chaufala, they
aarati, upasana, darshan of the Lord and a walk
were surprised to see that Madhavrao was
around the town.
waiting for them there.
He also regularly performed kirtans and
Madhavrao was a pillar of strength for
pravachans. There is a mention that, in the Das
many. Many villagers, who were facing
ganu’s wada, Madhavrao delivered an aakhyan
difficulties or problems, would come to him for
on saint Damajipant. During his stay in
advice or help. He would suggest ways of
Pandharpur, Dasganu would invite him to
mitigating their woes – like recite the name of
participate in the observance of saint
the God, observe fast on a Thursday, perform
Dnyaneshwar Maharaj’s punyatithi (death
abhishek and the like.
anniversary). Till his last in 1953, the people
felicitated Madhavrao during this function. Let me and other devotees
Even if had to travel to some other place, rest at Your Feet
he would come walking back to the town. While In December 1953, Swami Rangacharya
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
Maharaj sent a word to at village Loni to clammy and cold. My recital was going on. I did
Madhavrao’s son Ramachandrapant that his not realize when he breathed his last. We
father was seriously ill. He immediately rushed performed his final rites at Pandharpur.
to Ram Baug at Pandharpur and brought his Thereafter, I went to meet my Guru Dasganu.
father to Loni. There Ramachandrapant’s wife He was overcome by emotions and said, ‘He
Mrs. Mathurabai and other family members took has achieved the goal in his life. He laid down
good care of Madhavrao. his body with a very contented mind. Therefore,
do not rue about his passing away.’ I returned to
Several relatives visited him there and
Loni with a heavy heart.’’
enquired about his health. Madhavrao’ younger
brother Shri Ganpatrao also came and stayed At village Dhanore, there is a samadhi (a
with the family. Everyday minimum 3-4 letters tomb) of Madhavrao’s ancestor Swami Yogiraj.
wishing his speedy recovery arrived. Around It was Madhavrao’s wish that the samadhi be
this time, he also received money orders from preserved. His grandson has maintained it
Dasganu and G. T. Karnik. And then he received accordingly.
a very valuable audio record from His Master’s
With an objective of cherishing the
Voice Company. It was the record of ‘Aarati Sai
memories of Madhavrao, Ramachandrapant
Baba’ ! His joy cannot be described in mere
has established a charitable trust ‘Aarati Sai
Baba Rachanakar Madhavrao Adkar Trust’.
His physical strength had weakened. Food The villagers of Loni have donated a plot
intake also had gone down. When one enquired, admeasuring 2 acres to the trust.
‘‘Do you wish to eat anything in particular ?’’ He Ramachandrapant has put in his lifetime
would reply, ‘‘Are, I am totally satisfied and savings and with additional help from his sons a
immersed in the thoughts of Baba.’’ total amount of about Rs. 8 lakhs has been
spent in constructing a Shri Sai Baba temple.
On 18th November, 1955 he set for his
heavenly abode from village Loni, taluka Ramachandrapant
Paranda, district Osmanabad. While describing
In the year 1937, Madhavrao requested
the events of the day, Janardanpant says :-
Dasganu to grant anugraha to his only son
As per usual practice, Madhavrao’s Ramachandrapant at Pandharpur.
granddaughter Mandakini went to him in the
He is presently 94 years old and resides at
morning carrying tea for him. He enquired, ‘‘Has
Pune. He and his wife Mrs. Mathurabai have
Ram gone to school ? What is Mai (Mrs.
undergone many transitions, ordeals, trials and
Mathurabai) doing ? Where are the children ?’’
tribulations in their long life. However, with the
Generally, he never made such enquiries. blessings of Baba and the punyayee (good
deeds done in the earlier births) of his father,
Around 1 pm. in the noon,
they have sailed smoothly through all the
Ramchandrapant asked, ‘‘Tell us what you
difficult times.
wish !’’ Madhavrao replied, ‘‘Light a samai (a
type of lamp) before Baba. Light dhoop (a type In 1958, Baba appeared in a dream and
of incense) and sing ‘Aarati Sai Baba’. blessed Mrs. Mathurabai saying - ‘The
Thereafter, first read chapter 15 from Geeta and Goddess Laxmi will shower Her blessings on
then begin recital of ‘Vishnusahasranam’ !’’ you and your family.’
His these wishes were fulfilled. Around 14-15 years back, some unknown
Ramachandrapant recollects ‘‘Anna’s persons attacked Ramachandrapant with
(Madhavrao’s) feet were gradually turning (Contd. on page 52)
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
Sai Experiences
had not seen the original image and its colour
tone. But, she was beset with feelings of guilt and
sought Sai Baba’s guidance.
Shri Sai Baba She brought the issue up with the printer’s
inspires His devotees... staff; he shrugged and said that nothing can be
done about that particular card. Just then, the
Shri Sai Baba has urged His devotees to serve press production supervisor, Darshan arrived and
the society through building a temple, school, she informed him. He said, “We can better this
hospital, etc. quality.” He went and fixed a few knobs and
He bade Shamshaad Ali Baig to write a book, soon reams of fabulously printed sheets started
which she did in 2006, which is called ‘Sai Katha coming out !
Sagar’, which is very well received by the
Shamshaad was only going to give two
readers. And with Baba’s grace very soon she
will be launching the second edition of the book pamphlets on how to use the deck; but Baba
keeping the international devotees in mind. inspired her to pen a guidebook, while the
printing was on. And while she was writing the
In 2011, Shri Sai Baba inspired her to spread
guidebook, another of her niggling worry was
His Utterances through Blessing Cards (like
resolved by Baba. She would often think, how
Tarot Cards) on Sai Baba. But, thinking, how she
can Baba’s philosophical Utterances ever resolve
can do it, where is the money for printing, any
way, who will buy such cards, etc. But, the the devotees’ questions regarding finance,
inspiration would keep on re-surfacing. career, marriage, etc. ? Baba in His infinite
wisdom guided her that, when the question is
Finally in May 2012, she was participating in
posed to Him, He will guide the seeker through
Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer Programme
the image or message on the card or through a
by Master Zhi Gang Sha and on the last day of
the programme, she saw Shri Sai Baba standing thought, image, sound, feeling, etc. that will
on the stage and urging her : ‘Why do you worry arise in that moment of ‘Communion’.
about the finance ? Everything will be taken care These are not prediction or astrology-based
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
cards. These are guidance cards. For e.g., it is His people. There are over 700 people on
mentioned in the step by step guide book, how to Shamshaad’s facebook account, so even if she
still one’s mind, how to shuffle the cards, how to modestly say only 20 percent are reading her
connect with the Divine, etc. statuses, yet she got order from only four people.
Even the technique of asking questions is The rest of the people who ordered them, she
given - You can ask, ‘What is it that I need to doesn’t even know them, nor do they know her.
know the most now ?’ Or formulate a question, She sometimes feels, He calls or writes to her
that results in ‘yes’ / ‘no’ or asking a question that placing order for His Own Cards.
could be requesting for further guidance. Complete strangers write to her and say, how
Baba is guiding them with the help of these
For e.g., ‘Baba, should I apply for xyz job ?’
Blessing Cards.
Or ‘Baba, I want to apply for xyz job, what it is
that I should know now ?’ Some write to her and say how Baba came
ceremoniously to them, after they had concluded
As she went ahead with the project more
the Aarati at their home, and the courier person
clarity came in, her question about, why these
just appeared to hand over their parcel. Some
Blessing Cards, was further clarified to her -
stay at far off destinations and they have been
today the people are going through the most
eagerly waiting for days, and when they get the
turbulent times in the history of humanity and
parcel it is on a Thursday, which many consider
Baba want the people to pass this trying phase
as Baba’s day.
with His teachings of ‘Shraddha’ and ‘Saburi’
(Faith and Patience). Parvez J Daruwala is a beautiful soul and a
friend of her. One day, Shamshaad felt like
Inspite of all the miracles all the way,
gifting him a box. So she sent him the box
Shamshaad was still doubting Baba’s Leela
without informing him, and he was simply
called - Shri Sai Baba Blessing Cards, and again amazed; because his friends were planning to go
Baba came to her aid and helped her boost her to Shirdi and he could not go because of some
confidence. On August 12, 2012, Shamshaad work. But, when the unexpected box of cards
was participating in a spiritual retreat and two reached him, he felt Baba has Himself come to
young women – Renu Chawla and Geeta him. He now carries the pack wherever he goes
Bodwani, whom she did not know then, came to on tour out of Mumbai. Some weeks later, he
her. Geeta had seen the cards in a friend’s hand happened to speak with the friend, who was to
and was curious to know about them. She organize the trip, and was amazed to learn that
handed them the one box which had arrived from they did not go to Shirdi. So they could re-plan a
the printer to them. They were ecstatic seeing the trip together. Another of Baba’s Leela !
Blessing Cards. Geeta said, she wanted one box
Three months after the launch of the Blessing
and Renu said, she wanted four boxes.
Cards, people are using the Blessing Cards for
Shamshaad just could not believe them.
various purposes -
But, since she has gone through so much
* Healing and Blessing Tool
failure (perceived failure) in life, she thought
* Tool to divine answers/ solutions
Baba is showing her a carrot by sending these * Meditate
two women, and her doubtful mind said, ‘let me
see if these cards really sell.’ People have noted that these cards of Sai
Baba’s Utterances provide clarity, courage,
In fact, Shamshaad was so skeptical of the peace and joy.
cards selling that she felt, she will have to give - Sendur Nagarajan
away the 500 decks as gift to friends. But, E-mail : [email protected]
gradually one or two orders started coming.
As usual Baba has His own way of reaching ❍❍❍
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
In fact, it is again Baba’s blessings that my The ayurvedic medicine I was taking for my
son has appeared for the exam of his last year intestinal problem was not working; Baba helped
BE. My son had failed in Std. 9; because I was me by sending me this message : ‘Never go to a
going through an adverse period, because of doctor’s office whose plants are dead.’ I presume
which he too got affected. At that time my father plants must be ayurvedic medicine, so I stopped
was 82 years old and passing through the last taking the medicines.
days of his life. He called me and told me to
I had bought some hing goli (asoefotida
make my son appear for Std. 10 privately, instead
balls) from a hawker on the road; but due to
of making him sit for Std. 9 again. He urged me
depression, was not taking it. Then on December
that since, there was no engineer in our family I
24, 2008 the message was : ‘Have faith in the
should see to it that my son becomes an engineer.
Guru’s words and work. If you have no Guru,
My son after his SSC did polytechnic and scored
then pray to God with a longing heart, He will let
78 percent in his final year, and got direct
you know what He is like.’ I started taking these
admission in BE second year with the blessings
golis and it worked for the ailment with the
of Baba.
blessing of Baba and today I have no health
There is a Sai Baba temple in my building concerns.
compound, which I would visit regularly. 2005-
Today the happiness, peace and prosperity
06 were the worst years of my life (Sadesati
that I and my family are experiencing are
period), I lost my father, my son failed, I was
because of Baba’s and my parents’ blessings.
beleaguered with - depression, weight loss due to
stomach and intestine problems, cough, ear Bow to Shri Sai Baba !
whistling, sleepless nights, fear of death, etc. - Manoj S. Joshi
During this phase I had lost faith in Baba. This Shivchhaya C. H. S. Ltd., A 5/103, Gillbert Hill Road,
Dholkia Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400 058.
was one of the most unforgivable mistakes, but Mobile : (0)9967293055
Baba is merciful, humble, loving God, and He
forgave me.
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012
Sai showers His mercy... I had also carried some poster size photos for
Sri Amit – images of Vitthal-Rakhumayee,
I am a devotee of Shri Sai Baba and am
Swami Samarth and Tulja Bhavani goddess. I
experiencing His grace continuously.
was stunned when he said, “Aapko Baba ne hee
I had read many readers’ miraculous bheja hai. Main yahee photos dhund raha tha,
experiences of Sai Baba; so went to Sai Baba’s jyon ki yahan nahee miltee”. (Baba has sent you;
temple in Shibpur (PS Nakashipara - 741 191, I was looking for the same photos and was
Dist. - Nadia, West Bengal.) on December 11,
unable to find them.) Strange indeed are the ways
of our Sai. The thought came that if he wishes to
I too had several miraculous experiences, make me an instrument of his divine will, it is a
which go beyond the rational thought. great blessing.
Before I left I had gone to purchase two The Aarati began in the thatched temple and
chhaddars to be presented to Baba - one from me the group then moved on to the original brick
and my mom; when the shopkeeper came to structure in which Ramdas Biswasji prayed 150
know the purpose, he not only gave me a years ago, then, the Gurusthan and finally the
discount, but also gave a chhaddar of his own for Bade Baba temple.
After the evening Aarati and Bhog, I got a
Shibpur is a quiet village, which is about 60 chance to sit before Baba alone in the thatched
k.m. away from the nearest town. The original hut. The atmosphere seemed so peaceful and
fibre statue of Sai Baba is housed in a very divinely charged, the room being lit with only a
charming thatched structure at the rear end of the lantern. I sat there for almost half an hour pouring
compound. This statue of Baba is lovingly called
my heart out to Him. There was a piercing gleam
‘Bade Baba’ and faces the gate. The entire
in Baba’s eyes. Occasionally His eyes seemed to
compound has a very charming ambience with
be darting across the room, here and there. When
its temples and garden. There is also cement
I got up to leave, there was an indulgent smile on
structure to house the ‘Dhuni’ which was to be lit
Baba’s face. I distinctly felt, Baba telling me that
shortly, another thatched cabin which serves as
I should come here more often and should come
the office and an open round thatched roof
here periodically just the way I go to Shirdi.
structure used as the visitor’s room.
Next morning I rose early for the morning
The marble temple facing the gate houses the
Aarati and joined the group at the Bade Baba
‘Bade Baba’ marble statue which bears a striking
resemblance to the statue in the Samadhi Mandir temple. It is the marble statue which is bathed
at Shirdi. (Abhishek) and dressed every day. Amitjee told
me that there are specific instructions from Sai
I believe Sri K. V. Ramani who donated the
Baba not to bathe the fibre statue.
statue was told by Baba in a dream to donate a
statue exactly like the Shirdi one. Below the After the Aarati I was thrilled to see Sai Baba
Neem tree near Ramdasji’s old Mandir is a dressed in the chhaddar I had offered. I had not
slightly smaller statue of Baba. even told them which chhaddar was from
I took Darshan of Bade Baba and handed
over all the chhaddars. However the thatched The temple has a very interesting history - it
Shibpur Sai temple was closed and Sri Amit is said that one day a fakir came and told Ramdas
Kumar Biswas, grandson of Ramdas Biswas Biswas, a wealthy villager of Shibpur village of
(who built the original temple) and chairman of Nadia’s Nakashipara to build a temple and pray.
Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samiti asked me if I In the middle of the 19th century, he established a
wanted my chhaddar to be draped on Baba temple in the compound of his house to offer
during my visit. I replied that it was up to him. daily Pooja.
SHRI SAI LEELA September-October 2012