Battlestar Galactica: The Boardgame Pegasus Exodus Daybreak
Battlestar Galactica: The Boardgame Pegasus Exodus Daybreak
Battlestar Galactica: The Boardgame Pegasus Exodus Daybreak
9 2014-02-01
Battlestar Galactica:
the Boardgame
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
Battlestar Galactica: the Boardgame ................................................................3 The Demetrius Game Board ........................................................27
Introduction.......................................................................................................3 The Rebel Basestar Game Board ..............................................27
Game Overview................................................................................................3 Crisis Step ......................................................................................................28
Components......................................................................................................3 New Caprica Crisis Cards..............................................................28
Game Boards and Character Sheets..........................................3 Activate Cylon Ships Step........................................................................28
Tokens and Markers ...........................................................................4 Cylon Ship and Occupation Forces Icons on New Caprica
Cards ..........................................................................................................5 ....................................................................................................................28
Plastic Models and Die.......................................................................7 Prepare for Jump Step ............................................................................29
Other Components...............................................................................7 Preparing for Jump and Evacuating Civilian Ships on New
Object of the Game .....................................................................................................8 Caprica ...................................................................................................29
Human Objective ............................................................................................8 Discard Step .................................................................................................29
Cylon Objective.................................................................................................8 Skill Cards.....................................................................................................................29
Two Core Concepts.....................................................................................................8 Destiny Deck .................................................................................................29
“Cylon Players” and “Human Players”...................................................8 Treachery .......................................................................................................29
Secrecy................................................................................................................8 Discarding Treachery Cards and Drawing Mutiny Cards 30
Setup .................................................................................................................................9 Skill Checks.....................................................................................................30
Components Removed from Game .......................................................9 Partial Passes......................................................................................30
Setup Sequence..............................................................................................9 Game Board Skill Checks................................................................30
Creating the Loyalty Deck .......................................................................11 Skill Card Abilities ........................................................................................30
Game Board Breakdown.......................................................................................13 Movement Powers ............................................................................30
Characters...................................................................................................................14 Skill Check Abilities.............................................................................30
Character Sheets........................................................................................14 Crisis Cards with a “Consequence” Result ............................31
Using Abilities................................................................................................14 Reckless Skill Cards ..........................................................................31
Miracle Tokens.............................................................................................14 Skill Supervisor .............................................................................................31
The Alternate Version of Gaius Baltar .....................................14 Skill Card Clarifications and Errata .....................................................31
Title Cards.......................................................................................................14 The Objective Card...................................................................................................32
The President.......................................................................................14 Jumping the Fleet .......................................................................................32
Line of Succession - President.....................................................15 Destination Cards ..............................................................................32
The Admiral ..........................................................................................15 FTL Control Jump ..............................................................................33
Line of Succession - Admiral.........................................................16 Combat..........................................................................................................................33
The CAG Title .......................................................................................16 Activating Vipers..........................................................................................33
Line of Succession - CAG ................................................................16 Piloting Vipers................................................................................................33
Character Clarifications and Errata ...................................................16 Moving and Actions when Piloting .............................................33
Loyalty Cards...............................................................................................................17 Viper Destruction...............................................................................33
The Mutineer.................................................................................................17 Moving from a Viper .........................................................................33
Mutiny Cards ........................................................................................18 Viper Mark VIIs....................................................................................34
Mutiny Cards and the “Brig”..........................................................18 Assault Raptors ..................................................................................34
Mutiny Cards and Cylons................................................................18 Assault Raptors and FTL Jumps.................................................34
Personal Goals..............................................................................................18 Activating Cylon Ships................................................................................34
The Final Five .................................................................................................18 Activate Raiders .................................................................................34
Sleeper Agent Phase ................................................................................19 Launch Raiders ...................................................................................34
Cylon player ...........................................................................................19 Activate Heavy Raiders and Centurions..................................35
The Mutineer Card ............................................................................19 Activate Cylon Basestars................................................................35
Cylons .............................................................................................................................19 Cylon Fleet game board ...........................................................................35
Revealed Cylon Players.............................................................................19 Placing Cylon Ships on the Cylon Fleet Game Board ........35
Revealed Cylon Players’ Abilities .................................................20 Placing Cylon Ships on the Main Game Board .....................36
Revealed Cylon Players’ Turns .....................................................20 Advancing the Cylon Pursuit Marker ........................................36
Cylon Leaders................................................................................................21 Attacking .........................................................................................................36
Playing a Cylon Leader.....................................................................21 Attack Table..........................................................................................36
Motive Cards ........................................................................................21 Launching Nukes ................................................................................36
Revealing Motive Cards...................................................................21 Damage, Destruction and Remove from Game .................37
Winning as a Cylon Leader............................................................21 Damage Tokens ..................................................................................37
Infiltrating ...............................................................................................21 Destruction of Galactica and Pegasus.....................................37
Athena’s “Resolute” Ability Clarifications.................................22 Damage to Basestar ........................................................................37
Boomer and Athena?.......................................................................22 Alternate Basestar Damage Tokens ........................................37
Execution.......................................................................................................................22 Miscellaneous Rules................................................................................................38
Executions and Trauma ...........................................................................23 Losing and Gaining Resources..............................................................38
Selecting Specific Characters after an Execution .......................23 Raptors and Risking...................................................................................38
Game Turn...................................................................................................................24 The Colonial One Overlay Locations....................................................38
Game Turn Sequence ...............................................................................24 The Cylon Overlay Locations...................................................................38
Receive Skills Step ......................................................................................24 Destroying Civilian Ships ..........................................................................38
Drawing Skill Cards............................................................................25 Timing ...............................................................................................................38
Movement Step ...........................................................................................25 Component Limitations ............................................................................39
New Caprica Locations ...................................................................25 End game .....................................................................................................................39
The Demetrius.....................................................................................26 Ending the Game .........................................................................................39
The Rebel Basestar ..........................................................................26 Personal Goals..............................................................................................39
Encountering Allies ............................................................................26 Cylon Leader Motive Cards.....................................................................39
Action Step.....................................................................................................26 The New Caprica Phase........................................................................................39
Attacking Occupation Forces and Detaining Humans on New Caprica Setup ....................................................................................40
New Caprica .........................................................................................27 Prepared Civilian Ships and Locked Civilian Ships .......................40
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
This is version 0.9 of a combined rule Game Boards and Character Sheets
book for the Battlestar Galactica
Main Game Board (1): The
board game. It is based on the rule
main game board is where
book for the base Battlestar
most of the action of the
Galactica game, the rule book for the
game takes place. It
Pegasus expansion, the rule book for
depicts the locations on
the Exodus expansion, the rule book
Galactica and Colonial
for the Daybreak expansion, the
One, as well as the
official 4 new ways to play variant
areas of space
rules and the official version 1.1.3
surrounding them.
Galactica is the large
The point of these rules is to collect
ship that leads and
everything in one place. Therefore
defends the human fleet,
many rules that are replaced in later
and is depicted in the center of the main game
expansions have been removed. Most
board. There are many locations on Galactica where
of the examples from the rule books
characters can take different actions. Colonial One is a
have also been omitted in order to
smaller ship than Galactica and is the President’s base of
save space.
operations. There are several locations on Colonial One
These rules are written with the assumption that all options where characters can take different actions.
except the Kobol, the New Caprica, the Ionian Nebula and the
Resource Dials and Plastic Connectors (4): The resource
Earth Objective Cards, which are still optional, will be used
dials are used to track the dwindling resources of the
and that players are familiar with the base game. Rules which
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
humans. They are attached to the main game board using Demetrius Game Board (1):
the plastic connectors. Once attached, they should not be This board is only used when
removed. The number a given dial shows represents how playing with the Earth
much of that particular resource is available at that time. Objective Card. The
When a resource is lost or gained for any reason, its dial is Demetrius game board
rotated to indicate the new total. If any resource is reduced features locations that allow
to zero (at the end of a player’s turn), then the human players players to go on vital scouting missions.
lose the game.
Rebel Basestar Game Board
Cylon Location Overlay (2): (1): This board is only used
This large overlay is placed when playing with the Earth
over the Cylon locations of the Objective Card. The Rebel
main game board. The new Basestar features locations
locations on the overlay are that provide human and
used instead of the Cylon Cylon players with powerful
locations on the original board. Pay careful attention abilities.
to how these locations have changed (for example, the
“Resurrection Ship” is a Hazardous location). Remove the For a full diagram of the game boards, see “Game Board
Cylon Location Overlay from Pegasus and only use the Breakdown”.
overlay from Daybreak.
Character Sheets (33): Each
Colonial One Overlay (1): character has a sheet that
This overlay replaces the describes that character’s
Colonial One locations used skill set and special abilities.
in the base game of Seven of the characters are
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game. Cylon Leaders.
Pegasus Game Board (1): The
formidable Battlestar Pegasus
Tokens and Markers
has joined the struggle against Character Tokens and Stands (33): Each
the Cylon forces that character is represented by a token that is
relentlessly pursue the slotted into a plastic stand.
remaining humans. This
game board features locations Piloting Tokens (10): Each character
on Battlestar Pegasus, and it provides humans with who has the ability to pilot has a
valuable abilities during their travels. corresponding piloting token. A character’s
piloting token is placed under a viper when
Cylon Fleet Game Board (1): that character is piloting it.
This game board features the
“Basestar Bridge” location Miracle Tokens (10): Players must spend
which grants Cylon players these tokens to activate their character’s
several ways to undermine miracle ability.
humanity. Surrounding the Current Player Token (1):
basestar on the Cylon Fleet This token is used to help
game board are Cylon the players remember which player is
space areas that currently taking his turn.
correspond to the space
areas surrounding Nuke Tokens (3): The Admiral starts
Galactica. At the top of the board is a the game with two nuke tokens. These powerful
Pursuit track used to calculate how quickly the Cylon fleet weapons can destroy basestars, but are finite
catches up to humanity. and should not be wasted. The third token is only
used if the Admiral gains a third nuke (as a result of the
New Caprica Game Board (1): “Build Nuke” engineering card, for example).
This board is only used when Civilian Ship Tokens (12): These
playing with the New Caprica tokens represent the civilian ships
Objective Card. This game that the humans must protect
board features locations on during Cylon attacks. These
the surface of New Caprica tokens have a common back, and the
that may be used by either face lists the resources (usually
humans or Cylons. Characters are moved to this population) that are lost if that ship is
board at the start of the New Caprica phase as the Cylons destroyed.
hold humanity prisoner.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
Damage Tokens (16): These Centurion Markers (4): These markers were used
tokens represent the vital to track progress on the Boarding Party track.
systems that can be They are replaced by the plastic centurions and
damaged when Galactica, are not used in the game.
Pegasus or a basestar is hit
Scar Token (1): Scar is a dangerous Cylon raider
by an enemy attack. Keep the Pegasus
occasionally encountered by the human fleet.
damage tokens separate from the Galactica damage tokens.
This token is not used in this version of the
Alternate Basestar Damage game.
Tokens (6): These tokens are
used only when playing with the
Ionian Nebula Objective. They Expansion Icons: All cards from the expansions are
represent damage to the vital systems of a marked with the Pegasus, Exodus or Daybreak
basestar or other detrimental effects suffered by Cylons expansion icons on their front, to allow easy
when a basestar is hit by an attack. If used, these tokens distinction from the core game of Battlestar
replace the basestar damage tokens. Galactica: the Board Game.
Fleet Marker (1): This marker is used to track Destination Cards (34): These cards
progress on the Jump Preparation track. When are used when the fleet jumps, to
this token reaches the end of the track, the fleet determine which destination the fleet
jumps to its next destination (see “Jumping the reaches. Remove the “Mining
Fleet”). Asteroid” Destination Card from the
Destination deck.
Cylon Pursuit Marker (1): This marker is used
to track progress on the Pursuit track. When Objective Cards (4): These cards list
this marker reaches the end of the track, Cylon when the sleeper agent phase takes
ships on the Cylon Fleet game board jump to the place and how the human players win
corresponding areas surrounding Galactica. the game. Only one objective card is
used in a game of Battlestar Galactica.
Occupation Forces Tokens (4): These tokens are Players agree before the game starts
used only when playing with the New Caprica which card will be used.
Objective and only on the New Caprica game If the Kobol Objective Card is selected the
board. They represent the Cylon forces that humans win the game by jumping the fleet one more time
patrol New Caprica. after a distance of eight has been reached.
Trauma Tokens (38): These tokens are used If the New Caprica Objective Card is selected the New
only when playing with the Ionian Nebula Caprica phase comes into play as described on the card.
Objective. They represent the lingering
effects a character suffers as a result of the If the Ionian Nebula Objective Card is selected the
many challenging experiences he has Crossroads phase comes into play as described on the card.
undergone. During the Crossroads phase, the
number and type of trauma tokens each character
If the Earth Objective Card is selected the humans win the
has determines which characters are deemed worthy to
game by jumping the fleet one more time after a distance of
continue fighting in the struggle between human and Cylon.
ten has been reached.
Ally Tokens (35): These tokens are used only
when playing with the Ionian Nebula Skill Cards (234): These cards are
Objective. They are used to indicate the drawn by players at the start of their
location of individuals who players may turn. They are used to overcome
encounter. Players may find these allies to be crises, or may be played to provide
either helpful or harmful. Each token corresponds to a special abilities. Each character has
matching Ally Card. access to different skills and will
therefore be able to help overcome
different types of crises. The Treachery Cards are Skill cards
Basestar Allegiance Marker (1): This
that represent nefarious and underhanded tactics. The
double-sided marker is used only
seven replacement “Investigative Committee” Politics Skill
when playing with the Earth Objective
Cards are used to replace the corresponding cards in the
and indicates whether human or
Politics deck. The Treachery Cards from Pegasus should
Cylon players are able to move to
not be used.
locations on the Rebel Basestar
game board.
Crossroads Cards (7): These basestar is damaged, simply place the basestar damage
cards are used only when token adjacent to it on the game board.
playing with the Ionian Nebula Plastic Centurions (4): These figures replace
Objective. Each card the centurion markers found in the base
represents an important game. They are used to track progress on the
decision that a character must Boarding Party track. Should any of these
make near the end of the game figures reach the end of the track, the humans
during the Crossroads lose the game.
Eight-sided Die (1): This die is used primarily
Agenda Cards (12): There are to resolve combat, but may also be used by
two sets of Agenda Cards certain Crisis Cards. After all modifications to a
for the Cylon Leaders - die roll have been calculated, any number
Hostile and Sympathetic. greater than an “8” is treated as an “8” and any
These cards provide Cylon number less than a ”1” is treated as a ”1”.
Leaders with specific
objectives they need to fulfill in Other Components
order to win the game. The Complete BSG Quick Reference: To
Agenda Cards are not used facilitate the play of the game under
while playing with these rules. these rules there is also a Quick
Reference card available as a pdf.
Plastic Models and Die The version number on the CBSGQR
Plastic Vipers (8): These ships are used by the corresponds to the version number
humans to defend their fleet and to attack Cylon of this document.
ships. Vipers are placed in the “Reserves,” Battlestar Galactica: the Variants:
“Damaged Vipers,” or space areas of the game In order to keep these rules in line
board. Their limited quantities make them a with the official rules but still allow
precious commodity. Remove two of the vipers. for some variants all unofficial
Plastic Viper Mark VIIs (4): Viper mark VIIs are more variant rules that were part of
advanced models of the older mark IIs, like the earlier releases of these rules have been moved to a
ones aboard Galactica, but an update to their separate document. Again, the version number of the variant
navigational software was sabotaged by the rules corresponds to the version number of this document.
Cylons. By removing this update, these ships can Game Mats: Battlestar
be used again as powerful weapons. Galactica: The Board Game
Plastic Raptors (4): These ships are used by the uses a large amount of
humans to scout for new destinations, as well as cards and game
to attempt to find more resources (such as fuel components. In order to
and food). These ships are never used in combat keep these sorted and
and remain in the “Reserves” until destroyed. readily available during play
it can be helpful to have
Plastic Assault Raptors (4): These figures represent additional game mats. An
a powerful ship type with FTL available to the excellent set of such mats were designed by
humans. Chalta and can be downloaded as pdfs.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
A key element of Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game is
the paranoia and tension surrounding the hidden Cylons.
Because of this, secrecy is very important, and the following
rules must be observed at all times. The reason for these
restrictions is to keep hidden information secret and to
protect Cylons from being discovered too easily.
Blind Accusations: Players may accuse each other of being
Cylon operatives at any time. Although these blind
accusations have no game rule effects, they can help, or
confuse, the human players in their hunt to find the Cylons.
Loyalty Cards: If a player is able to look at another player’s Skill Cards and Skill Checks: Players are prohibited from
loyalty cards, he may not share specific information about revealing the exact strength of cards in their hands. They
the cards (such as an ability printed on it). He may however may use vague terms such as “I can help out on this crisis a
make open accusations of the player being either a Cylon or little bit,” but they may not make more specific statements
a Human. If the player looked at multiple Loyalty Cards, he such as “I am playing 5 piloting.” In addition, after a skill check
may not share the number of Cylon cards the player has, and is resolved, players may not identify which cards they played.
may simply accuse him of being a Cylon (or not). When the
When adding cards to skill checks, players are forbidden
player looks at another player’s Loyalty Cards, the owner of
from listing what card types, colors or strength they played
the Loyalty Cards is allowed to know which cards are being
into (or plan to play into) the skill check.
looked at.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
They may only share information that follows the “Secrecy Top Card of the Deck: There are times when players receive
Golden Rule”. Common terminology that players use in this information about the top card of a deck (such as Destination
situation is “a lot” or “a little.” The only instance in which a or Crisis cards). Players may not share specific information
player may say that he is adding “a medium amount” to a skill about these cards, but may classify the card as being “bad”
check is if he plays multiple cards into the check. or “good”.
Players may also say such statements as “I am playing five Civilian Ships: When a player is able to look at the face of a
low cards to this skill check”. They may do this because the civilian ship token, he may not reveal it or share the specific
number of cards being added to the skill check is open information listed on it. He may however say that it has “a lot”
information. or “a little” resources.
Skill Card Abilities: If a player is hoping that another player Secrecy Golden Rule: When in doubt, players may make
has a specific Skill Card ability, he may ask other players. For statements that are “polar opposites”. This means that
example, if a player is thinking of using the “FTL Control” players may say if they have a “high” or “low” strength card,
location during his Action step, he may ask if any players have but may not say that they have a “pretty high”, “kinda low” or
a “Strategic Planning” Skill even a “medium” strength card.
Card. Players may admit
Revealed Cylons: Revealed Cylon players must also follow all
to having a requested
rules of secrecy. They may not show their hands to other
card, but are not
players and may not say which Super Crisis Card they have in
required to. This
their hands.
information should not
be abused (for Secrecy and Conflicted Loyalties: The secrecy rules apply to
example, a player the Personal Goal and Final Five Loyalty Cards as well. Players
should not just list off may not discuss any of the details of the text on their Loyalty
all card abilities in his Cards beyond claiming or denying their status as either a
hand). human or a Cylon. A player may suggest that he has a
Personal Goal or Final Five Loyalty Card by, for example,
Hand and Deck Size: The
strongly warning others to not look at his Loyalty Cards
number of cards in each
(whether the warning is legitimate or not), but he may not
player’s hand, each Skill
explicitly state that he has a card of either type nor may he
deck, Quorum deck and
give any details of a card’s effects.
the destiny deck
are open Secrecy and Trauma Tokens: If the Ionian Nebula Objective
information. The card is in play, the secrecy rules also apply to trauma tokens.
top card of each Players may not discuss the symbols on unrevealed trauma
discard pile is tokens. A player may suggest that an ally token should or
open should not be encountered, but he must not explicitly state
information, that a trauma token of a specific type is on the card.
but players
are not
allowed to count the number of cards in it.
Components Removed • The Sympathetic and Hostile Agenda Cards from
from Game • The Infiltration Reference Card from Pegasus.
The following items should be removed from the game before • The two Basestar Tokens (use the plastic basestars
set up as they are not used when playing with these rules: instead).
• The Cylon Location Overlay from Pegasus. • The Centurion tokens (use the plastic Centurions
• The seven original “Investigative Committee” Leadership
Cards (they are replaced by the corresponding seven • The Scar token.
cards from the Pegasus expansion). • Two standard vipers (the total number of vipers to use is
• The Treachery Cards from Pegasus. thus six standard vipers and four Mark VIIs).
• The Destination Card “Mining Asteroid”.
Setup Sequence
• All Cylon Attack Cards in the Crisis and Super Crisis
decks (19 from the Crisis Deck and 2 from the Super Follow these steps to prepare to play Battlestar Galactica:
Crisis Deck). The Board Game.
• The President Title Card from the base game. 1. Select Objective: Select (or randomly draw) which
• The Admiral Title Cards from the base game and the Objective Card to use; Kobol, New Caprica, The Ionian Nebula
Pegasus expansion. or Earth. Remove the other Objective Cards from the game.
• The “You Are a Sympathizer” and the “You Are a 2. Place Main Game Board: Place the main game board at
Sympathetic Cylon” Loyalty Cards. the center of the table. Set the food and fuel dials to “8,” the
morale dial to ”10,” and the population dial to “12.”
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
3. Place Colonial One and Cylon Location Overlays: Place Only one Cylon Leader may be chosen in any game. To play a
the Colonial One overlay on top of the Colonial One locations seven player game, one player must play a Cylon Leader, but
and the Cylon locations overlay on top of the Cylon locations Cylon Leaders may not be used in a three player game. As
on the base game’s game board. Make sure the sides that long as these restrictions are followed, any player may
say “Colonial One Destroyed” and “Hub Destroyed” are both choose to play as a Cylon Leader. If more than one player
facedown. wants to play as a Cylon Leader, priority goes to the player
who chooses his character first.
4. Pegasus Game board: Place the Pegasus game board to
the right of the main game board, lining up the bottom of the After choosing a character, the player receives the
two boards. corresponding character sheet and stand-up character
token, as well as a piloting token if applicable. Give one
5. Cylon Fleet board: Place the Cylon Fleet board to the left
miracle token to each player. Each player places his token on
of the core game board.
his character sheet. He then places his character token on
6. Set Up Tokens and Ships: Place ship models as follows: the location specified on his character sheet.
• Four basic vipers in the “Viper and Raptor Reserves”. 9. Distribute Title Cards: The President title is given to the
• Four raptors in the “Viper and Raptor Reserves”. character who is the highest in the order of succession for it.
One assault raptor in the “Viper and Raptor Reserves”. The President shuffles the Quorum deck and draws one
Quorum Card.
• Four viper mark VIIs in the “Damaged Vipers” box.
Place two basic vipers below Galactica and two civilian The Admiral title is given to the character who is the highest
ships behind Galactica. in the order of succession for it. The Admiral is then given
two nuke tokens. Place the third nuke token adjacent to the
• Place one basestar and three raiders in front of game board. The humans start with only two nuke tokens,
Galactica. but a third one could become available during the course of
the game.
Give the CAG Title Card to the character who is the highest in
the order of succession for it.
10. Set Up Loyalty Deck and Motive Cards: Set up the
Loyalty deck and Motive Cards according to the “Creating the
Loyalty Deck” below. If you are playing a three player game, do
not use Cylon Leaders or the Motive deck.
11. Set Up Other Cards: Shuffle the Quorum deck, Crisis
deck, Super Crisis deck, Mutiny deck and Destination deck.
Then separate the Skill Cards into six decks by type, as shown
on their faces. Shuffle each deck separately. Lastly, place the
selected Objective Card faceup next to the Destination deck.
12. Receive Skills: Each player, except the starting player
and Cylon Leaders, draws a total of three Skill Cards from
Place the fleet token on the start space of the Jump among any of the cards he can draw during his Receive Skills
Preparation track. step (see “Receive Skills Step”). The starting player does not
Place the Cylon pursuit marker on the “Start” space of the receive Skill Cards now, but will draw Skill Cards at the start
Pursuit track on the Cylon Fleet game board. of his turn. A Cylon Leader draws two Skill Cards.
Last, place all other tokens (facedown) and plastic ships 13. Create Destiny Deck: Deal two Skill Cards of each skill
adjacent to the game board. type facedown onto the “Destiny deck” space on the game
board and shuffle them thoroughly.
7. Determine First Player: Randomly choose a player to be
the first player, and give him the current player token. This 14. New Caprica: If New Caprica was selected as the
player will choose his character first and take the first turn of Objective Card set up the following:
the game. New Caprica Game board: Set the New Caprica game
8. Choose and Place Characters: Starting with the first board to the right of the main game board.
player and proceeding clockwise, each player chooses a • Occupation Forces Tokens: Set the Occupation Forces
character of the character type(s) that is most plentiful Tokens aside. They will not be needed until the New
(political leader, military leader or pilot). This restriction does Caprica phase.
not apply to support characters or Cylon Leaders, who may New Caprica Crisis Cards: Shuffle the New Caprica Crisis
be chosen at any time. Cards and set them aside. They will not be needed until
There are alternate versions of Lee Adama, Tom Zarek, Karl the New Caprica phase.
“Helo” Agathon, and Gaius Baltar. If a player chooses the If not playing with the New Caprica Objective Card, return the
original or alternate version of one of these characters, other New Caprica game board, the New Caprica Crisis Cards and
players cannot choose the remaining version of that the Occupation Forces Tokens to the box.
character. However, players must continue to count the
remaining version when determining which character type
(political leader, military leader, or pilot) is the most plentiful. 15. Ionian Nebula: If the Ionian Nebula was selected as the
Objective Card set up the following:
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
Alternate Basestar Damage Tokens: Return the core 1. Organize Loyalty Cards: Remove the “You Are a Mutineer”
game’s basestar damage tokens to the box. Place the Card from the Loyalty deck and place it near the game board.
basestar damage tokens provided in the Exodus Then, separate the remaining cards into a “You Are Not a
expansion facedown adjacent to the game board. Cylon” (including the Personal Goal and Final Five Loyalty
Cards) pile and a “You Are a Cylon” pile. Shuffle each pile and
• Trauma Tokens: Place the trauma tokens face down next place the decks facedown near the game board.
to the game board and randomize them. This is the pool
of trauma tokens. Draw two random tokens from this 2. Create Deck: Deal the appropriate number of cards from
pool and, without looking at them, place one facedown on the “You Are a Cylon” deck and the “You Are Not a Cylon”
the “Sickbay” and the other facedown on the “Brig.” deck into the Loyalty deck as listed below.
• Each player draws three random tokens from the pool of • Three Players: Create a seven-card deck consisting of:
trauma tokens, looks at them without revealing them, and - 1 Card from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
places them near his character sheet. If any of these
- 6 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
trauma tokens has the disaster symbol on it, the player
reveals it, sets it aside, and draws a new trauma token. • Four Players without Cylon Leader: Create a ten-card
The player then returns any trauma tokens with a deck consisting of:
disaster symbol facedown to the pool and randomizes - 1 Card from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
them. - 8 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
• Crossroads Cards: Shuffle the Crossroads Cards and set - The ”You Are a Mutineer” card
them aside. They will not be used until the Crossroads
• Four Players with Cylon Leader: Create a seven-card
deck consisting of:
• Ally Cards and Tokens: Shuffle the Ally Cards and place
- 1 Card from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
them and the ally tokens next to the main game board.
Draw the top three cards from the Ally deck and place - 6 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
each one faceup adjacent to the Ally deck. Note: If an Ally • Five Players without Cylon Leader: Create an eleven-
Card is drawn that represents a character who has been card deck consisting of:
chosen by a player, return that Ally Card to the box and 2 Cards from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
keep drawing Ally Cards until one is drawn that
represents a character not being used by a player. For - 9 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
each of the three Ally Cards, draw one trauma token • Five Players with Cylon Leader: Create a ten-card deck
from the pool of trauma tokens and, without looking at it, consisting of:
place the trauma token facedown on the Ally Card. - 1 Card from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
• Finally, for each of the three Ally Cards, place the - 8 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
matching ally token in the location listed on the card
- The ”You Are a Mutineer” card
under the image.
• Six Players without Cylon Leader: Create a fourteen-
If not playing with the Ionian Nebula Objective Card, return card deck consisting of:
the trauma tokens, ally tokens, alternate basestar damage
- 2 Cards from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
tokens, Ally Cards, Crossroads Cards and the Ionian Nebula
Objective Card to the box. - 11 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
- The ”You Are a Mutineer” card
16. Earth: If Earth was selected as the Objective Card set up • Six Players with Cylon Leader: Create an eleven-card
the following: deck consisting of:
• Demetrius Game Board: Place the Demetrius game - 2 Cards from the “You Are a Cylon” deck and
board to the right of the main game board. - 9 Cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck
• Rebel Basestar Game Board and Basestar Allegiance • Seven Players: To play a seven player game, one player
Marker: Leave room for the Rebel Basestar game board must play a Cylon Leader. Each player should anticipate a
to the left of the main game board, but do not place the longer wait between his turns. Construct a fourteen-card
Rebel Basestar game board or basestar allegiance Loyalty deck made up of:
marker in play until instructed to do so by the “Cylon Civil
- 2 cards from the “You Are a Cylon” deck
War” Mission Card.
- 11 cards from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck.
• Mission Cards: Shuffle the Mission deck and place it next
to the Demetrius game board. - The ”You Are a Mutineer” card
If not playing with the Earth Objective Card, return the 3. Deal Motive Cards to the Cylon Leader: If a player chose
Demetrius Game Board, the Rebel Basestar Game Board, a Cylon Leader character, deal two Motive Cards to that
the Basestar Allegiance Marker, the Mission Cards and the player (see “Motive Cards”). Cylon Leaders are not available
Earth Objective Card to the box. in a three player game.
4. Adjust Deck for Characters: Add one extra card from the
Creating the Loyalty “You Are Not a Cylon” deck if a player has selected the
Deck original version of “Gaius Baltar”. Also, add one extra card
from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck if a player has selected
Use the following steps to create the Loyalty deck: the character “Sharon ‘Boomer’ Valerii”. Do not add an extra
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
card for a player who has chosen the alternate version of 6. Place Decks: Place the remaining Loyalty deck and the
Gaius Baltar. remaining “You Are Not a Cylon” deck next to the game
board. Be sure to place them in such a way as to not confuse
5. Shuffle and Distribute: Shuffle the Loyalty deck thoroughly
the two decks. Return the remaining cards in the “You Are a
and then deal one Loyalty Card facedown to each player
Cylon” deck to the box without looking at them.
(Note: If a player has selected the the original version of
“Gaius Baltar,” he receives a second Loyalty Card at the start 7. Read Cards: Allow 30 seconds for all players to read and
of the game). Do not deal a Loyalty Card to a player who understand their Loyalty Card(s). Note that all players have to
chose a Cylon Leader. read their card for the specified time, so as to not give away
who has cards with more or less complex text.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
1. Destiny Deck Location: Two cards of each Skill Card type 11. Boarding Party Track: Centurion models are placed on
are placed here to form the Destiny Deck. Two cards from this track. If a centurion model reaches the end of this track,
this deck are added to every skill check. then the humans lose the game.
2. Damaged Viper Box: When a viper is damaged, it is 12. Space Areas: Basestars, civilian, and plastic ships are
placed here. placed in these six areas, each separated by thick blue lines.
The concentric circles in space areas have no game effect.
3. Viper and Raptor Reserves: All vipers, raptors and
assault raptors that have not been launched, damaged, or 13. Viper Launch Icons: These icons represent the space
destroyed are placed here. This space is referred to as areas in which vipers may be launched. There are no launch
simply the “Reserves.” icons on the other side of Galactica because, the starboard
hangar deck was a museum and later housed refugees.
4. Resource Dials: These dials keep track of the fleet’s
dwindling resources. 14. Cylon Fleet Board: Cylon ships hunting for the human
fleet are placed here. This board also has a Cylon location
5. Colonial One Locations: These locations may be moved to
which can be used in the same manner as the Cylon
and activated by human players. If Colonial One is destroyed
locations on the main game board.
flip this overlay.
15. Pursuit Track: This track indicates when the Cylons
6. Galactica Locations: These locations may be moved to
catch up to the human fleet.
and activated by the human players.
16. Skill Deck Regions: These colored regions mark where
7. Pegasus Locations: These locations may be moved to and
the appropriate Skill decks can be placed.
activated by the human players. If Pegasus is destroyed
remove this board from play. 17. New Caprica Board: This board is only used during the
8. Hazardous Locations: Some of these locations have New Caprica phase and represents the surface of New
ongoing negative effects. Players may never voluntarily move Caprica.
to these locations.
18. Demetrius Board: This board is only used if the Earth
9. Cylon Locations: When a Cylon player is revealed, his
Objective Card is in play.
character token is moved to, and then among, these
locations. Other players may never move to or activate these 19. Rebel Basestar Board: This board is only put into play
locations. If the hub is destroyed flip the Cylon locations when the “Cylon Civil War” Mission Card so instructs. These
overlay on the main game board. locations may be moved to and activated by the human or
Cylon players depending on which side of the Allegiance
10. Jump Preparation Track: The fleet marker is placed on
marker is up.
this track, and marks how close the fleet is to jumping.
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Character Sheets Miracle Tokens
Each player takes on the role of a character from the Each character has an ability that begins with
Battlestar Galactica universe. Each character has different the phrase, “Once per game.” This ability is
strengths and weaknesses as listed on her character sheet. referred to as a miracle ability. At the
The following information can be found on each character start of the game, each player receives a
sheet. miracle token that represents the ability
to use his character’s miracle ability. When a player uses his
character’s miracle ability, he must discard his miracle token.
If a player does not possess a miracle token, he cannot use
his character’s miracle ability.
A player can have only one miracle token at any time. If a
player is instructed to gain a miracle token, he can do so only
if he does not currently have one. If a player uses his miracle
ability and then gains a miracle token, he may use his
character’s miracle ability again, but he must discard his
miracle token again.
When a player reveals himself as a Cylon, he must discard
his miracle token. Revealed Cylon players cannot gain miracle
tokens. Cylon Leaders do not discard their miracle tokens
1. Name when their Infiltration ends (see “Infiltrating”).
2. Character Type (Political Leader, Military Leader, Pilot,
Support or Cylon Leader): Each character has a type listed When a player is instructed to choose a player to gain a
on her character sheet. This type only matters during setup, miracle token, he must choose a player who does not have a
and exists to help players choose a well-rounded group of miracle token. If all players who can have a miracle token
characters. already have one, no player gains a miracle token. A Cylon
3. Positive Abilities: Each character has two positive abilities Leader who does not have a miracle token can be chosen to
and one negative ability. Some of these abilities are passive gain one, even if he is not Infiltrating.
(always affecting the character) while others require the
player to use them as an action (see “Action Step”).
The Alternate Version of Gaius Baltar
4. Negative Ability The alternate version of Gaius Baltar follows special rules for
5. Setup Location: Each character has setup instructions on his miracle ability, “Broadcast.” He can have up to three
her card. This usually lists the location where the character is miracle tokens at any time, and he must discard three
placed at the beginning of the game. Some characters have miracle tokens to use his “Broadcast” ability. If he has less
special instructions (such as “Apollo,” whose sheet instructs than three miracle tokens on his character sheet, he can be
the player to launch a viper and place him in it as a pilot). chosen to gain a miracle token.
6. Skill Set: Each character sheet lists the skills the
If a player chooses the alternate version of Gaius Baltar, he
character has expertise in. At the start of the player’s turn,
does not add an additional card to the Loyalty deck during the
she gains the number and types of Skill Cards listed in her
“Adjust Deck for Characters” step of Creating the Loyalty
character’s skill set. When a character is allowed to draw
Deck (see “Creating the Loyalty Deck”).
Skill Cards of an unspecified type, they must be from within
her skill set unless specified otherwise.
Title Cards
Each character is also represented by a stand-up character
token, which is used to track her location on the game board. Title and Quorum Cards provide powerful abilities to the
player who controls them. Title Cards are assigned at the
Using Abilities beginning of the game, but may change hands through the
use of certain locations or because of certain Crisis Cards. In
Character sheets, Skill Cards, Loyalty Cards, Mutiny Cards addition to the abilities listed below, the President, Admiral
and Quorum Cards can all provide abilities to players. Many and CAG are given many important decisions to make by
abilities are prefaced with the word “Action” followed by a Crisis Cards.
colon, which means that the character may only use it as his
action during his Action step. The President
All other abilities do not require an action, and are used when Quorum Cards: The President starts the game with one
specified. If multiple players wish to use an ability at the same Quorum Card in her hand and can draw more using the
time, the current player decides the order. President Title Card, or “Quorum Chamber” location. These
cards provide special actions that only the President can
perform and provide her a wide range of powerful abilities.
Whichever player has the President title has control over this
hand of Quorum Cards. These cards are kept secret, but
there is a maximum hand size of 10 Quorum Cards. At the
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
end of any turn, if she has more than 10 Quorum Cards in If a new character is chosen after an execution that is higher
her hand, she must discard Quorum Cards until she has 10. on the line of succession than the current President, the new
character does not automatically gain that title.
Succession: Should the President be executed or revealed to
be a Cylon, the highest player in the line of succession Note that if the President is in the “Brig” or ”Detention”, she
(including the new character replacing the executed keeps the President title and all associated abilities.
character, if any) for that title claims the title.
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Note that when the Admiral is sent to “Detention” he retains Note that when the CAG is sent to “Detention” he retains his
his title. title.
Placing Civilian Ships: Whenever a game effect instructs the ”Chief” Galen Tyrol’s Blind Devotion ability: Chief Tyrol may
CAG to place a civilian ship on the main game board, but use his “Blind Devotion” ability on a skill check affected by an
does not specify in which space area, the CAG chooses which “Investigative Committee” Skill card. He could even wait until
space area to place the ship in. The CAG must, if able, place all cards have been added (faceup) to the skill check and then
the civilian ship in a space area that does not already have a decide to use his ability.
civilian ship in it. If all space areas contain a civilian ship, the Ellen Tigh’s “Politically Adroit” ability: Ellen Tigh’s “Politically
CAG may place the new civilian ship in any space area. When Adroit” ability or the text effect of the “Support the People”
placing civilian ships, the CAG will want to carefully consider Skill Card does not allow a player to draw cards from outside
where Cylon ships are on the Cylon Fleet game board as that the Skill set. Any time a player draws cards, they must be be
indicates where they will appear on the main game board. from within his Skill set unless expressly noted otherwise.
Succession: Should the CAG be executed or revealed as a Ellen Tigh’s “Manipulative” ability: If, at the end of her turn,
Cylon, the highest character in the Line of Succession Ellen no longer is in possession of the Admiral or President
(including the new character replacing the executed title she gained through the use of her once- per-game ability,
character, if any) for the CAG title claims it. In addition, if the she may not return it and so it stays where it is. If the
CAG is placed in the “Brig,” the highest character in line previous title holder becomes ineligible for its return for any
claims the CAG title. reason, Ellen attempts to return it, fails, and the title moves
If all human players are in the “Brig”, the character in the to the character highest in the Line of Succession (which may
“Brig” who is highest in the line of succession becomes CAG. be Ellen Tigh herself).
If one player leaves the “Brig”, he immediately becomes CAG. Felix Gaeta’s “Coup” ability: If Felix Gaeta uses his “Coup”
If a CAG stripped of his title later moves out of the “Brig,” he ability while in Detention on New Caprica, he gains the
does not automatically reclaim the title. Admiral title and, if Galactica has not yet returned to orbit he
moves to “Resistance HQ.” If Galactica has returned to orbit,
If a new character is chosen after an execution that is higher he moves to “Command” (and does not need to discard any
on the line of succession than the current CAG, the new Skill Cards to do so).
character does not automatically gain that title.
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Felix Gaeta’s “FTL Operator” ability and Karl “Helo” board. This includes (but is not limited to), when a player
Agathon’s “ECO Officer” ability: If Felix Gaeta wants to use activates the “Command” location. He may not use this ability
the FTL Operator ability on Karl “Helo” Agathon’s turn and if he is in the brig, or the viper is piloted by another character.
Karl “Helo” Agathon wants to use his “ECO Officer” ability,
Lee ”Apollo” Adama’s Headstrong ability: Lee Adama has to
either character’s player may reroll the die after the die is
use his “Headstrong” ability whenever he is forced to discard
rolled. If both wish to, the current player (in this case, the
cards. This includes discarding down to 10 cards at the end
player who is playing Karl “Helo” Agathon), decides who has
of a player’s turn, and when required to do so by a Crisis
the first opportunity to reroll the die. Note that if one of the
Card. It does not include when he discards a card to move
two players rerolls the die, the other will still have an
between ships.
opportunity to reroll the die after that, even if he did not state
his intention to do so previously. Louanne “Kat” Katraine’s “Hot Shot” ability: “Strategic
Planning” and other effects that modify die rolls cannot be
Helena Cain’s “Blind Jump” once-
used in conjunction with Louanne “Kat” Katraine’s “Hot Shot”
per-game ability: Helena Cain’s
“Blind Jump” ability supersedes
the text on the “Assign Mission Louanne “Kat” Katraine’s Stim Junkie ability: “Stim Junkie”
Specialist” Quorum Card. The should read: Stim Junkie – At the end of your Action step, if
“Assign Mission Specialist” card you are in the same location or space area that you were in
is ignored and remains in play at the start of your turn, you are moved to “Sickbay”. This
ready for the next time the fleet ability does not, however, move her to “Sickbay” if she is in the
jumps. Helena Cain cannot “Brig” or ”Detention”.
use her “Blind Jump” once-
per-game ability on New Tom Zarek’s “Friends in Low Places” ability: Tom Zarek’s
Caprica. “Blind Jump” is “Friends in Low Places” ability affects both the “Brig” and
no longer usable once “Detention” locations. All abilities that affect the “Brig”
Galactica has traveled 7 location affect “Detention” while that character is on New
or more distance. Caprica. So, Tom Zarek can modify the difficulty of the
Players who have “Detention” skill check only while he is on New Caprica
selected Helena Cain himself.
are well advised to Tory Foster’s “Adaptable” ability: Tory Foster can use her
use her “Blind Jump” ability earlier in the game, rather than “Adaptable” ability when a player uses the President’s Office
later. to play a Quorum Card. Each Quorum Card has an action
Kara ”Starbuck” Thrace’s Expert Pilot ability: If Starbuck listed on it. Anytime that action is resolved, Tory Foster may
starts her turn piloting a viper and moves to Galactica, use her “Adaptable” ability. Things that may cause the action
Pegasus or Colonial One, she does receive two actions. on a Quorum Card to be resolved include using the
President’s Title Card, using the President’s Office location
Karl ”Helo” Agathon’s ECO Officer ability: If Helo rerolls a ability, resolving the benevolent result of Aaron Doral’s Ally
die that was modified by a “Strategic Planning” tactics card Card, or using Laura Roslin’s “Skilled Politician” ability. Note
the reroll also receives +2 to its result. that in a case such as the “Assign Mission Specialist”
Quorum Card, the “Adaptable” ability only applies when the
Laura Roslin’s Terminal Illness: If Laura Roslin does not
card is given to another player, not when that player who
have at least two Skill cards in her hand she cannot activate
received the card uses it (since the latter is not an action).
a location.
Lee ”Apollo” Adama’s “Alert Viper Pilot” ability: Lee Adama
may use this ability whenever a viper is placed on the game
Loyalty Cards
Each player starts the game with one Important: If a player has at least one “You are a Cylon”
(or two) Loyalty Card(s). Later in the card, then he is a Cylon and ignores all “You are not a Cylon”
game, players receive additional cards that he may have.
Loyalty Cards (see “Sleeper Agent
Phase”), which increase their chances The Mutineer
of being Cylons.
The “You Are a Mutineer” Card is a
Loyalty Cards are kept facedown, but unique Loyalty Card. Treat the “You
their owners may look at them at any Are a Mutineer” Card like a “You Are
time. A player may not look at other Not a Cylon” Loyalty Card for
players’ Loyalty Cards unless purposes of determining if a player is
specifically allowed to do so by a card a human or a Cylon. While a player
or ability. When a player is allowed to has the “You Are a Mutineer” Card,
look at a single Loyalty Card belonging to a player who has he is referred to as the Mutineer. The
more than one, the card viewed is selected randomly. Mutineer is more likely to draw
Each Loyalty Card specifies whether the controlling player is Mutiny Cards, which increases his
a Cylon, is not a Cylon, or is a Mutineer. chances of being sent to the
“Brig” (see “Mutiny Cards and the
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
‘Brig’”). hidden Cylon reveals himself, he must discard all of his Mutiny
When a player receives the “You Are a Mutineer” Card
facedown, he must immediately reveal the card and draw an Cylon Leaders only draw and use Mutiny Cards while they are
additional Loyalty Card. Anytime a player receives the “You Infiltrating. When the action on a Mutiny Card requires a
Are a Mutineer” Card, he draws one Mutiny Card and gives player to choose a player, he can choose an Infiltrating Cylon
each Title Card he has to the player whose character is Leader. When a Cylon Leader ends his infiltration, he must
highest in the order of succession for that title (excluding discard any Mutiny cards he has (see “Infiltrating”).
himself). After that, the Mutineer gains and loses Title Cards
normally. Personal Goals
During the “Prepare for Jump” step of the Mutineer’s turn, if Individual characters may have personal motivations that
his Crisis Card has the “prepare for jump” icon, he must exist outside of their loyalty to either humanity or the Cylons.
draw a Mutiny Card. These motivations are reflected by Personal Goal Loyalty
If the Mutineer reveals himself as a Cylon, he chooses a Cards.
human player and gives that player the “You Are a Mutineer” Revealing Personal Goals: Each of these Loyalty Cards has
Card. Unlike hidden Loyalty Cards, he gives this card to an action printed on it that allows the player who received it
another player no matter how much distance has been to reveal the card. However, he may only reveal the card if
traveled. That player must then draw one Mutiny Card and the conditions described on the card are all currently true.
gives each Title Card he has to the player whose character is After a player reveals a Personal Goal Loyalty Card when the
highest in the order of succession for that title (excluding fleet has traveled six or less distance, he adds the top card
himself). A player who receives the “You Are a Mutineer” from the “You Are Not a Cylon” deck to the Loyalty deck,
Card from another player does not draw an additional Loyalty shuffles the Loyalty deck thoroughly, and then draws a new
Card. Loyalty Card, which he examines but keeps hidden from other
players. If the fleet has traveled seven or more distance after
Mutiny Cards a player has revealed a Personal Goal Loyalty Card, he does
Mutiny Cards provide special not draw a new Loyalty Card.
abilities that players The Personal Goal Loyalty Cards makes winning the game
may perform as an more difficult for the humans. The humans must still
action. If a player is complete the conditions described on the Objective Card
instructed to draw a being used. However, each unrevealed Personal Goal Loyalty
Mutiny Card, he draws Card belonging to a human player at the end of the game
it from the top of the reduces the resource listed on the card. If, after all the
Mutiny deck and keeps reductions, no resources have been reduced to 0 or lower,
it hidden from other the humans win. If, however, any resource has been reduced
players. to 0 or lower, then the victory goes to the Cylons.
When a player discards a Mutiny Card, he places the card If a revealed Cylon player has an unrevealed Personal Goal
faceup in a discard pile next to the Mutiny deck. If the deck Card at the end of the game, do not reduce the resource
runs out of Mutiny Cards, players shuffle the discard pile to listed on that card.
create a new Mutiny deck.
Note that for the purposes of determining whether a player
Mutiny Cards and the “Brig” is a human or a Cylon, the Personal Goal Loyalty Cards are
treated exactly the same as “You Are Not a Cylon” Loyalty
When a player who already has a Mutiny Card draws a
second Mutiny Card, he must immediately move to the “Brig,”
unless specifically told not to do so (for example, if a player
has been targeted by the “Press Room” location or uses the
The Final Five
alternate version of Tom Zarek’s “Abuse Power” ability). Any Twelve models of Cylons exist, but the seven that command
time a player with more than one Mutiny Card is in the “Brig,” the Cylon Fleet never speak of the other five. Their identities
he chooses one Mutiny Card to keep and discards the rest. are shrouded in mystery and to search for them is to put
While a player is in the “Brig,” he may draw and play Mutiny one’s life in danger. If a player receives a Final Five Loyalty
Cards as normal. If a player in the “Brig” already has a Mutiny Card, his character is one of these models of Cylon (even
Card and draws a second, he must immediately choose one though the card says “You Are Not a Cylon”; see “Not a
to keep and discard the other. Cylon?” below). The Final Five are not like other Cylons, and
their allegiance in this conflict cannot be taken for granted.
The Mutineer does not move to the “Brig” when he draws a
second Mutiny Card. Instead, when the Mutineer draws a The text on Final Five Loyalty Cards is only resolved if another
third Mutiny Card, he must immediately move to the “Brig,” player looks at the card as a result of a game effect (for
unless specifically told not to do so. Any time the Mutineer example, Gaius Baltar’s Cylon Detector ability) or the card is
has more than two Mutiny Cards while in the “Brig,” he must revealed as a result of an execution.
choose two Mutiny Cards to keep and discard the rest. If a player looks at a Final Five Loyalty Card belonging to
someone else, he must immediately reveal it and return the
Mutiny Cards and Cylons card to the player who was dealt the card. The player who
Revealed Cylon players can never draw or play Mutiny Cards, was dealt the card then resolves the text on the card, turns
nor can they be chosen to draw Mutiny Cards. When a
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the card facedown again, and, finally, shuffles the card with After the new cards have been dealt allow 30 seconds for all
any other Loyalty Cards he has. players to read and understand their Loyalty Cards. Note that
all players have to read their cards for the specified time, so
If the Final Five Loyalty Card is revealed as a result of an
as to not give away who has cards with more or less complex
execution, the player who was dealt the card resolves the
text on the card and then returns the card to the box. Note
that, as with Crisis Cards and skill checks, revealed Cylon Cylon player
players are not affected by the abilities on Final Five Loyalty
Cards. When a Cylon player
receives Loyalty Cards
Note that for the purposes of determining whether a player during the Sleeper Agent
is a human or a Cylon, the Final Five Loyalty Cards are phase, he looks at all of
treated exactly the same as “You Are Not a Cylon” Loyalty his facedown Loyalty
Cards. Cards and gives them to
Not a Cylon? If a player receives a Loyalty Card indicating one human player of his
that his character is one of the Final Five models of Cylon, choice.
why does the card say, “You Are Not a Cylon” on it? The
answer is that the Final Five models still cling to the identities
The Mutineer
they’ve had while part of the fleet. Even with the knowledge of Card
their true origin, these individuals do not necessarily join their If a human player
Cylon brethren. In regard to whether a player wins with the (including
humans or the Cylons, the Final Five Loyalty Card functions unrevealed Cylon)
exactly the same as a normal “You Are Not a Cylon” Loyalty receives the
Card. “You Are a
If a player has a Final Five Loyalty Card and a “You Are a Mutineer” Card facedown, he must immediately reveal the
Cylon” Loyalty Card, he is treated as any other player that has card and draw an additional Loyalty Card. Anytime a player
a “You Are a Cylon” Loyalty Card. Thematically, the character receives the “You Are a Mutineer” Card, he draws one
is one of the Final Five who has allied himself with the other Mutiny Card and gives each Title Card he has to the player
Cylons. whose character is highest in the order of succession for
that title (excluding himself). After that, the Mutineer gains
Resurrection and the Final Five: While it may be true that a and loses Title Cards normally.
character who is one of the Final Five should thematically be
resurrected in the event of an execution, if that character is If a Cylon player receives the “You Are a Mutineer” Loyalty
not allied with the Cylons (that is, if the player with the Final Card, he does not reveal it. Instead, the human player he
Five Loyalty Card does not also have a “You Are a Cylon” gives it to must immediately reveal the “You Are a Mutineer”
card), the other Cylons will try to keep the character in his Card as if it had been dealt to him.
rebirthing tank indefinitely. Consequently, the character is no After all players have received Loyalty Cards during the
longer available for play. The player resolves the execution as Sleeper Agent phase, if the “You Are a Mutineer” Card was
if he were a human, losing morale and choosing a new included in the Loyalty deck and was not revealed, the current
character. player chooses a human player to draw an additional card
Sleeper Agent Phase from the Loyalty deck. If this player then reveals the “You Are
a Mutineer” Card, he follows the above steps but does not
Once the fleet has traveled at least four distance, each player draw an additional Loyalty Card.
(including revealed Cylon players, but not Cylon Leaders) is
dealt one card from the top of the Loyalty deck. Cylon
Leaders get two additional Motive cards.
In each game, there will be at least one Cylon working against 2. Lose Titles: If the player had any Title Cards, they are given
the humans. The number of Cylons varies based upon the to a different player (see “Line of Succession”).
number of people playing the game.
3. Resurrect: The player moves his character token to the
Revealed Cylon “Resurrection Ship” (or ”Hub Destroyed”) Cylon location (or to
”Medical Center” during the New Caprica phase if Galactica
Players has not yet returned to orbit). If he was piloting a viper it is
returned to the Reserves.
A player who has a “You are a Cylon” Loyalty Card may reveal
it as an action (only). After a player has revealed himself as a 4. Receive Super Crisis: The player receives one random
Cylon, he performs the following steps: Super Crisis Card. This card remains in his hand and may be
played by activating the “Caprica” Cylon location. Super Crisis
1. Discard: The player discards down to three Skill Cards. He Cards are treated like normal Crisis Cards, but are immune
must also discard all of his Mutiny Cards and any remaining to all character abilities that affect Crisis Cards or skill
miracle tokens. If he has any “keep in play” Quorum Cards checks. Exception: Executed Cylons do not get a Super
they are discarded. Crisis Card at this time.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
Quorum Cards. All of the abilities listed on a revealed Cylon Each Motive Card shows both an allegiance, which
player’s character sheet are also ignored. determines if the Cylon Leader’s victory requires the humans
or the Cylons to win, and the requirements that must be met
When a player activates the “Basestar Bridge” location, he
in order for the Cylon Leader to reveal the card.
chooses two of the four listed abilities to resolve, one at a
time. (Note that he may only resolve each ability once per Revealing Motive Cards
activation of the location. He could not, for instance, activate
the location and use the ability that compels the CAG to place A Cylon Leader may reveal a Motive Card any time its
a civilian ship twice.) requirements are currently being met. It is possible to reveal
a Motive Card in the middle of resolving an action, a skill
Important Note: There are no “Crisis” or “Activate Cylon check, or a Crisis Card. At the end of the game, a Cylon
Ship” steps during a revealed Cylon player’s turn. Leader may reveal Motive Cards if the requirements listed on
4. Prepare for Jump Step (if necessary): This step is not those cards are met, based upon the status of the game
skipped on Cylon turns. For example, if a Cylon player when it ended. He cannot reveal a Motive Card if its
activated the “Caprica” location and chose a Crisis Card that requirement is not currently being met, even if it was
has a “prepare for jump” icon on it, the fleet marker previously met.
advances one space up the Jump Preparation track (after It is possible for a Cylon Leader to reveal all four of his Motive
resolving the Crisis Card). Cards. If two of these cards show human allegiances and two
show Cylon allegiances, the Cylon Leader wins alongside
Cylon Leaders either group.
Unlike other players, a Cylon Leader is known to be a Cylon Winning as a Cylon Leader
from the beginning of the game. However, his true allegiance
may be either human or Cylon, determined by the Motive A Cylon Leader wins along with the winning team if the
Cards he receives throughout the game. following two conditions are met:
• At the end of the game, the Cylon Leader has no more
Playing a Cylon Leader than one Motive Card that he has not revealed.
Cylon Leaders are treated as revealed Cylons for all cards • The Cylon Leader has revealed at least two Motive Cards
and effects, except as noted here. with an allegiance that corresponds to the winning group,
either humans or Cylons.
Cylon Leaders have a skill set, and must draw their Skill
Cards from within their set. During setup, Cylon Leaders Infiltrating
draw two Skill Cards, not three. Note: Sharon “Athena”
Agathon starts the game Infiltrating (see “Infiltrating”), so she A Cylon Leader may Infiltrate the humans by activating the
draws three Skill Cards at the start of the game. revised “Human Fleet” location. When a Cylon Leader
Infiltrates, he moves from the “Human Fleet” location to any
All abilities (including the negative ability) printed on a Cylon Galactica location. While Infiltrating, a Cylon Leader follows
Leader’s character sheet are always in effect. Cylon Leaders these special rules, which are summarized on the Infiltration
may use action abilities printed on their character sheet Reference Card:
instead of the action listed on their current location.
• While Infiltrating, a Cylon Leader is treated as a human
A Cylon Leader disregards any game effect that instructs player, except as noted below. He may move to any
him to add a “You Are Not a Cylon” card to the Loyalty deck location available to human players, and cannot move to
and draw a Loyalty Card. Cylon locations.
• An Infiltrating Cylon Leader draws a Crisis Card at the
Ionian Nebula Objective: If playing with the Ionian Nebula
end of his turn, and can use the text abilities of Skill
Objective, an Infiltrating Cylon Leader may encounter Ally
Cards exactly the same as any human player. At the start of
the Crossroads phase, if a Cylon Leader is currently • An Infiltrating Cylon Leader draws one extra Skill Card
Infiltrating, he resolves “The Trial/Boxing the Line” as if he from within his Skill set during his “Receive Skills” step for
were a human. If he is not Infiltrating, he resolves “The Trial/ a total of three Skill Cards.
Boxing the Line” as a Cylon. • An Infiltrating Cylon Leader cannot become President,
Admiral or CAG. He cannot be given the “Assign Vice
Motive Cards President” Quorum Card, but may be given other Quorum
Cards, such as “Assign Mission Specialist” or “Assign
Unlike other players, Cylon Arbitrator.” When a Cylon Leader ends his Infiltration, he
Leaders need to must discard any Quorum Cards he has been given,
reveal (and fulfill the without effect.
conditions of) Motive
• An Infiltrating Cylon Leader can play a maximum of two
Cards in order to win
Skill Cards into each Skill check. An Infiltrating Cylon
the game.
Leader in the “Brig” can play a maximum of one Skill Card
During setup, a player into each Skill check.
who chose to be a Cylon
Leader receives two
Motive Cards. During the Sleeper Agent phase, he receives
two additional Motive Cards. Cylon Leaders do not receive
Loyalty Cards.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
• An Infiltrating Cylon Leader still wins or loses as Athena’s “Resolute” Ability Clarifications
determined by his Motive cards; Infiltrating does not
affect his allegiance. If Athena is Infiltrating and uses her “Resolute” ability to
activate the “Human Fleet,” she cannot choose to Infiltrate
• An Infiltrating Cylon
Galactica. If she activates “Caprica” while Infiltrating, she
Leader may always
does receive an Activate Cylon Ship step. If she activates the
return to the
“Hub Destroyed” location while Infiltrating, she moves to the
“Cylon Fleet” and is no longer Infiltrating. She cannot activate
Ship” (or ”Hub
the “Hangar Deck” while in the “Brig.”
Destroyed”) as an
action. When using Boomer and Athena?
this action in the
“Brig” or in It is possible for both Sharon “Boomer” Valerii and Sharon
“Detention”, he “Athena” Agathon to be in the same game. While the
must discard all but presence of Athena indicates that Boomer is not human, it
three Skill Cards does not determine whether she is loyal to Cylon objectives
from his hand. If a or not. Boomer is extremely unique, capable of both
Cylon Leader tremendous deceit and fierce loyalty. Even among the Cylons,
returns to the her true nature is enigmatic.
Boomer’s Loyalty Cards may indicate that she is devoted to
Ship” (or ”Hub
her human peers to such an extent that she would never
Destroyed”) for any
dare risk sending herself to the Resurrection Ship and end
reason, he is no
up being trapped in her rebirthing tank indefinitely. Of course,
longer Infiltrating.
her Loyalty Cards may also indicate that her allegiance to her
human peers is an utter fabrication and she would be
welcomed by the other Cylons as a hero. It’s up to the other
humans to discover her true intent.
There are various effects that will result in the execution of a B. The player returns his character sheet and token to
character, most notably the “Airlock” location on Pegasus. the game box. This character may no longer be used
Being executed is extremely unpleasant and should be during the game.
avoided at all costs. If too many humans are executed, the
C. The player discards all his Loyalty Cards. If playing with
fleet’s morale will plummet, so players should only execute
the Ionian Nebula Objective, he also discards all of his
their fellows when they are sure a player is secretly a Cylon!
trauma tokens.
When a character is executed, the player controlling that
D. The player then chooses a new character, placing that
character performs the following steps.
character in his starting location. He does not gain a
1. Discard Cards: He discards his hand of Skill and Mutiny miracle token when he chooses a new character, but
Cards and his miracle tokens (Quorum Cards in his hand are may gain a miracle token later in the game through game
unaffected). He also discards any Quorum Cards played on effects. If his character was the Mutineer, his new
his character (for example the “Assign Mission Specialist” character immediately receives the “You Are the
Quorum card). Mutineer” Card faceup.
2. Prove Loyalty: If one or more of the player’s Loyalty Cards Starting location: If the character’s normal starting
is a “You Are a Cylon” card, he reveals one “You Are a Cylon” location is unavailable (for example, as a result of the
card and gives all his remaining facedown Loyalty Cards to a “Bomb on Colonial 1” Super Crisis Card), the character
human player of his choice (the player does not take the starts in “Sickbay” instead. During the New Caprica
Action on his “You Are a Cylon” Loyalty Card). If his character Phase new characters are placed at ”Resistance HQ”. He
was the Mutineer, he chooses a human player and passes may choose any character without regard to character
him the “You Are the Mutineer” Loyalty Card faceup as he type (however, the player should consider the identities of
would when he reveals as a Cylon. He then proceeds to step known humans and suspected Cylons when selecting his
4, “Cylon.” character). If playing with the Ionian Nebula Objective, he
also draws three new trauma tokens.
If all of the player’s Loyalty Cards are “You Are Not a Cylon”
cards, he reveals all of them and proceeds to step 3, Allies: If a player chooses a character who corresponds
“Human.” to an ally token on the board, remove the ally token,
If a player is a Cylon Leader, he has no Loyalty Cards to discard the trauma token on the corresponding Ally Card,
reveal, but instead proceeds to step 4, “Cylon”. and return the card to the box. The Cylon player with the
most trauma tokens draws a new Ally Card to replace
3. Human: the one returned to the box and places the
A. Lose 1 morale. corresponding ally token on the appropriate location. (Ally
tokens can be placed in locations that are already
damaged.) The Cylon player then chooses one of his own
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
trauma tokens to place facedown on the Ally Card he just showing them to the other players. As at the start of the
drew. If more than one Cylon player is tied for the most game, the player draws a replacement for any trauma token
trauma tokens, the current player chooses which Cylon with a disaster symbol on it and returns the disaster trauma
player will draw the Ally Card and place a trauma token token to the pool.
on it. If there are no Cylon players with trauma tokens,
A player who is proven to be a Cylon while resolving an
the current player draws a card from the Ally deck,
execution keeps his trauma tokens.
draws a random token from the pool of unused trauma
tokens, and, without looking at it, places it facedown on
the card. Repeat this process until all Ally Cards returned Selecting Specific
to the box have been replaced. Once the Ally deck is
depleted, no further Ally Cards may be drawn.
Characters after an
E. The player adds one card from the “You Are Not a
Cylon” deck to the Loyalty deck, shuffles the Loyalty deck Some characters have unique rules that complicate their
thoroughly, and draws one new Loyalty Card, which is selection after an execution as follows:
kept hidden from the other players. If the executed
Sharon “Boomer” Valerii: If Sharon “Boomer” Valerii is
character was Sharon “Boomer” Valerii and the game
selected as a new character before the Sleeper phase,
has not yet reached the Sleeper phase, the player draws
shuffle one “You are Not a Cylon” Loyalty Card into the Loyalty
an additional Loyalty Card.
If a human is executed and there are no available characters
If selected after the Sleeper phase, she is immediately placed
left to be selected, then the humans immediately lose the
in the “Brig” and the player who selected her draws an
additional Loyalty Card. (If the character she is replacing was
If the Admiral or President is executed, the title will change executed on a New Caprica location, send her to “Detention”
hands after the new character is selected. instead.)
4. Cylon: Karl “Helo” Agathon (Original Version, Military Leader): If
Karl “Helo” Agathon is selected, he will count as “stranded”
A. Move to the “Resurrection Ship” (or ”Hub Destroyed”)
during his player’s next turn, even if it’s not the first turn of
Cylon location. During the New Caprica Phase and
the game.
before Galactica returns, he instead moves to ”Medical
Center”. If playing with the Ionian Nebula Objective, he Lee “Apollo” Adama (Original Version, Pilot): If Lee “Apollo”
keeps his trauma tokens. Adama is selected as a new character, immediately launch a
viper and place him in it as a pilot. If there are no vipers
B. Follow the normal procedure for a revealed Cylon, but
available in the reserves, he is instead placed on the “Hangar
do not draw a Super Crisis Card.
5. End Turn: If the executed character was being played by
Gaius Baltar (Original Version, Political Leader): If Gaius
the current player, that player’s turn ends, regardless of
Baltar is selected as a new character before the Sleeper
whether his character was a human or Cylon.
phase, immediately add one “You Are Not a Cylon” card to
the Loyalty deck, shuffle it, and deal one Loyalty Card to his
Executions and player. If Gaius Baltar is selected as a new character after
Trauma the Sleeper phase, he may not use his “Cylon Detector”
If playing with the Ionian Nebula Objective the following rules Samuel T. Anders: If Samuel T. Anders is selected as a new
apply to trauma tokens: character, his player skips the Receive Skills step of his next
While resolving an execution, a player who was proven to be turn.
human discards all of his trauma tokens at the same time Tom Zarek (Alternate Version, Military Leader): If he
that he discards his Loyalty Cards. chooses the alternate version of Tom Zarek as his new
Immediately after the player chooses a new character, he character, he must immediately draw a Mutiny Card.
draws three trauma tokens and examines them without
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
Game Turn
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game is played over a step. During the New Caprica phase and until Galactica
number of game turns. Starting with the first player and returns to orbit, all Cylon ship activation icons are ignored.
proceeding clockwise, players take complete game turns in
6. Prepare for Jump Step (if necessary): If the
order until either the human or Cylon players have won the
Crisis Card has the “prepare for jump” icon on
it (see “Prepare for Jump Step”) the fleet
Game Turn Sequence token advances one space up the Jump Preparation track. If
the token reaches the end of this track, then the fleet jumps
Each game turn consists of the following steps, carried out in (see “Jumping the Fleet”). During the “Prepare for Jump”
order: step of the Mutineer’s turn, if his Crisis Card has the
“prepare for jump” icon, he must draw a Mutiny Card.
1. Receive Skills Step:
7. Discard Step: If a player has more than 10 Skill Cards or
If the Ionian Nebula Objective Card is in play and 10 Quorum Cards in his hand at the end of any player’s
before a player draws his Skill Cards, if he is turn, he must discard cards (of his choice) until he has only
located in either “Sickbay” or the “Brig”, he will 10. This hand limit does not include other cards, such as
receive a trauma token from that location (see Super Crisis Cards that may be in a player’s hand.
After the Discard step, the current player’s turn is over, and
he hands the current player token clockwise to the player on
The current player draws the number
his left. This player then begins his turn starting with the
and types of Skill Cards listed on his
Receive Skills step.
character sheet (see “Receive Skills
Step” below). Cylon Leaders who are The following sections explain each step of a player’s turn in
infiltrating draw an extra Skill Card for a detail.
total of three. Revealed Cylons draw two
cards. Characters in sickbay, medical Receive Skills Step
center or on the resurrection ship draw only one.
2. Movement Step: The current player may move to a Acquiring Trauma
different location. If he moves to a different ship (from
Locations and Trauma: If the Ionian Nebula
Galactica or Pegasus to Colonial One for example), he must
Objective Card is in play and at the start of a
discard one Skill Card from his hand. Instead of moving a
player’s turn, before he draws his Skill Cards,
character may perform a Movement ability as granted by a
if he is located in either the “Sickbay” or the
“Brig,” he takes the trauma token on that
location, examines it without showing it to the
If the Ionian Nebula Objective Card is in effect
other players, and performs the steps outlined
and a character is in the same location as an
below. Afterward, he replaces the trauma token by taking a
ally token, he must encounter that token’s
token from the pool of trauma tokens, without examining it,
corresponding Ally Card at the end of the
and placing it on the location where he started his turn.
Movement step (see below).
Acquiring Trauma: Any time a player takes the trauma token
3. Action Step: The current player chooses one action to from a location or draws a token from the pool of unused
perform. Options include the actions listed on his location, trauma tokens, he performs the following steps in order:
character sheet, Skill Cards or other cards in his hand (see
the full list of actions under ”Action Step”). 1. If the trauma token has either an antagonistic symbol or a
benevolent symbol, the player does not reveal it, and he
4. Crisis Step: The top card of places the token with any other trauma tokens he has.
the Crisis deck is drawn and
then resolved (see “Crisis 2. If the trauma token has the disaster symbol on
Step”). Exceptions: Revealed it, the player must immediately reveal the token.
Cylons and characters in the A. If a human player drew this token, his
Brig do not perform this step. If character is executed (see “Execution”).
a player activates the “Bridge”
location on the Demetrius game B. If a Cylon player drew this token, he draws two more
board at any point during a turn, trauma tokens, which he examines without revealing
the current player does not draw them. If either of these tokens is the other trauma token
a Crisis Card during his Crisis step. with a disaster symbol on it, the player must again reveal
it and draw two more trauma tokens. He then places all
5. Activate Cylon Ships Step (if the trauma tokens he drew that do not have disaster
necessary): Cylon ships are activated symbols with any other trauma tokens he has.
according to the icon on the Crisis Card
drawn (see “Activate Cylon Ships Step”). Cylon 3. The player returns any trauma tokens with the disaster
ship activations may also cause the Cylon Pursuit marker to symbol facedown to the pool of unused trauma tokens, and
move. Exceptions: Revealed Cylons do not perform this then randomizes the pool.
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
During this step, the current player draws Skill Cards Sending characters to the Brig and Sickbay: If a character
according to the skill set listed on his character sheet. The is in the “Brig”, and a card sends him to “Sickbay” he is not
player always draws the cards listed on his character sheet moved from the “Brig”. If a player is required to choose a
regardless of the number of cards already in his hand. character to send to the “Brig” or “Sickbay”, he cannot
choose a character that is already there. He also cannot
• Human players: Human players draw Skill Cards
choose a revealed Cylon player, or “Helo” before he is on the
according to the skill set listed on the character sheet.
board (due to his negative ability).
• Revealed Cylons: Revealed Cylon players only draw two
Skill Cards on their turns. A Cylon player may draw Skill Basestar Bridge: The “Basestar Bridge” location on the
Cards of any type, however each Skill Card must come Cylon Fleet game board provides Cylon players with options in
from a different Skill type. In other words, a Cylon player their battle against humanity. Only revealed Cylons may move
may not draw more than one Skill Card from any single to the “Basestar Bridge” location. (Note: Cylon players do not
Skill deck during his Draw Skills step. need to discard a Skill Card when moving between the
“Basestar Bridge” and any of the other Cylon locations.)
• Infiltrating Cylon Leader: An Infiltrating Cylon Leader
may draw one extra Skill Card (from within his Skill set) Movement powers: Movement powers are abilities granted
during his Receive Skills step (for a total of three cards by some cards that a player may use during the Movement
instead of two). This additional card may be of a type that step of his turn (only) in lieu of moving. A player may either
he has already drawn. move or use a Movement ability during his Movement step,
but not both. He may not use more than one Movement
Multi-Skills: Some character sheets list multi-colored skills
ability per turn. Note that a player may not use a Movement
known as multi-skills. When a character with a multi-skill
ability when he is allowed to move during someone else’s turn
receives Skill Cards, he must first decide how many cards he
(such as when he has been targeted by an “Executive Order”
will draw from each type. The total number of cards that he
Skill Card). Effects that prohibit the use of actions of a specific
draws must be equal to the number listed on his sheet.
type also prohibit the use of Movement abilities of that type.
For instance, while the “Hornet’s Nest” Cylon attack card is in
play, players cannot use actions or Movement abilities on
Piloting Cards.
No Skill Cards Available: In the unlikely event that a Skill deck New Caprica Locations
and discard pile have run out of cards, players will be unable
to draw cards of that type until some of that type of cards The following rules only apply if the New Caprica Objective is
have been discarded. in play.
Movement Step Moving During the New Caprica Phase: Until Galactica
returns to orbit, no player (human or Cylon) may move to any
During this step, the current player may move his character location other than the New Caprica locations. After
token to another location if he wishes. Human characters Galactica returns, humans may move to any New Caprica,
may not move to Cylon locations, and revealed Cylons may Galactica, or Pegasus location (provided the Pegasus has not
only move to Cylon locations. been destroyed). A player must discard one Skill Card when
moving between ships and/or the planet surface. Similarly,
Moving between ships: If a player moves to a different ship after Galactica’s return, Cylon players may move to any New
(or New Caprica), he must discard one Skill Card from his Caprica or Cylon locations. If moving between New Caprica
hand. and the Cylon locations, the Cylon player must discard one
Skill Card. Note that during the New Caprica phase,
Piloting: If the player’s character is piloting a viper, he may
characters may no longer move to Colonial One, even after
move to an adjacent space area during this step, or may
Galactica is in orbit.
discard a Skill Card to move to a location on Galactica,
Pegasus, Demetrius, Colonial One or the Rebel Basestar (if “Medical Center” and “Detention”: There are six New
otherwise allowed) and return his viper to the “Reserves”. Caprica locations printed on the New Caprica game board.
The following special rules apply to the “Medical Center” and
Hazardous Locations:
Locations with a yellow-
striped border are • Until Galactica returns to orbit, when a character would
considered hazardous. be sent to the “Resurrection Ship” (or ”Hub Destroyed”)
These locations include the (either due to revealing himself as a Cylon or being
“Brig”, “Sickbay”, the executed), he is instead sent to the “Medical Center.”
“Resurrection Ship”, the After Galactica returns to orbit, characters are sent to
”Hub Destroyed”, the the “Resurrection Ship” (or ”Hub Destroyed”) as normal.
“Medical Center” and • Any effect that would send a character on a New Caprica
“Detention”. Players may location to the “Brig” sends them to “Detention” instead.
not move to a hazardous Any character ability that applies to the “Brig” applies
location as part of their instead to “Detention” while that character is on a New
normal movement. They Caprica location.
may only move to a
hazardous location when a • While the President is on a New Caprica location, any
card or effect sends them to Quorum Card effects that apply to the “Brig” apply to
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
“Detention” instead. (Note that, as stated on the new antagonistic result. If the token has a disaster symbol, he
President Title Card, when the President plays a Quorum resolves neither result. (Note: Revealing a trauma token
Card while on a New Caprica location, she rolls a die. If 3 with a disaster symbol when encountering an ally does not
or less, she is sent to “Detention.”) result in the execution of the character encountering that
• As is the case with the “Brig,” players may not use the ally.) After revealing the trauma token, the player discards it.
reveal actions on Loyalty Cards while in “Detention.” 2. Discard and Draw a New Ally Card: After resolving the
• When the Admiral or CAG is sent to “Detention,” he Ally Card, the player removes the ally token from the board
retains his Title Card. and returns the Ally card to the box. He then draws a new
• Cylon players cannot be sent to “Detention.” card from the Ally deck to replace the one he just discarded.
(Once the Ally deck is depleted, no further Ally Cards may be
The Demetrius
Any time an Ally Card is drawn, if it represents a character
As with other ships, if a player moves from a viper to a (even an alternate version) who is being used by a player or
location on Demetrius or between a location on the who has been executed, return that Ally Card to the box and
Demetrius and a location on another ship, he must discard draw a new one. If the location listed on the Ally Card is no
one Skill Card from his hand. longer in the game (for example, as a result of the “Bomb on
Colonial 1” Super Crisis Card), return the Ally card to the box
The Rebel Basestar and draw a new one.
If the basestar allegiance marker has its human side faceup, The player then places the corresponding ally token in the
human players treat the rebel basestar as another ship, like location indicated on the card.
Colonial One or Demetrius. If a player moves from a viper to a
location on the rebel basestar or between a location on the 3. Place a Trauma Token: Finally, the player who drew the
rebel basestar and a location on another ship, he must Ally Card chooses one of his own trauma tokens to place
discard one Skill Card from his hand. If the basestar facedown on the Ally Card he just drew. If the player has no
allegiance marker’s human side is faceup, Cylon players trauma tokens, he draws a random token from the pool of
cannot move to the rebel basestar or activate its locations. trauma tokens instead and, without looking at it, places it
facedown on the Ally Card. (Note: The player only draws a
If the basestar allegiance marker has its Cylon side faceup, token from the pool of unused trauma tokens if he does not
Cylon players can discard a Skill card to move between any have any trauma tokens of his own.)
location on the Cylon Location overlay and the rebel basestar.
If the basestar allegiance marker’s Cylon side is faceup, Helena Cain Ally Card: The benevolent result should read:
human players cannot move to the rebel basestar or You may choose another character to be executed. You may
activate its locations. not choose a revealed Cylon.
Note: Ally Cards are only encountered at the end of a player’s
Encountering Allies Movement step. If a player moves to a location when it is not
his Movement step (for instance, as a result of an “Executive
If the Ionian Nebula Objective Card is in effect Order” leadership card), he does not encounter any Ally
Galactica and Colonial One are populated Cards.
with individuals who possess remarkable
talents, useful knowledge, and positive traits
that may prove beneficial to humanity’s efforts. Action Step
However they also posses bad habits, selfish motivations, and
During this step, the current player chooses one action to
destructive elements to their personalities that may prove
perform. The action types are listed below, and are usually
harmful to those who encounter them. Players may interact
identified by the word “Action:” followed by an ability.
with these individuals by using the Ally Cards and ally tokens.
• Activate Location: The player may perform the action
At the end of a player’s Movement step, if his character is in listed on his character’s current location.
the same location as an ally token, he must encounter that
• Skill Card Action: The player may play a Skill Card from
token’s corresponding Ally Card before proceeding to his
his hand to perform the action specified on the card.
Action phase.
Note that not all Skill Cards have actions on them (see
If more than one ally token is in the location, the player “Skill Cards”).
chooses one of those allies to encounter. A player may only • Character Action: The player may perform an action
encounter an ally on his turn and may encounter only one ally listed on his character sheet. Note that only some
per turn. Perform the following steps when encountering an character sheets have actions listed on them.
Ally Card.
• Activate his Viper: If the player is piloting a viper, he may
1. Resolve Ally Card Result: Each Ally Card lists two potential activate it to move or to attack a Cylon ship.
results of being encountered. The upper result described on • Title, Quorum and Mutiny Cards: If the player has a Title,
the card is the benevolent result and the lower result is the Quorum or Mutiny Card that provides him with an action,
antagonistic result. then he may perform it during this step.
When a player encounters an Ally Card, he first reveals the • Loyalty Card: The character may reveal one of his “You
trauma token on that card. If the token has the benevolent are a Cylon” Loyalty Cards to perform the specified action
symbol on it, he resolves the card’s benevolent result. If the on it (unless he is in the ”Brig” as specified on the card).
token has the antagonistic symbol, he resolves the card’s He then follows the rules for revealed Cylon players.
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• Stop Infiltrating: An Infiltrating Cylon Leader may always Earth. By using the locations on the Demetrius game board,
return to the “Resurrection Ship” (or ”Hub Destroyed”) as human players can activate missions and interact with the
an action. When using this action in the “Brig” or in Mission deck.
“Detention”, he must discard all but three Skill Cards
from his hand. Locations on the Demetrius game board cannot be
• Attacking Occupation Forces and Detaining Humans on
New Caprica: A human player on New Caprica may Crisis Cards and the Bridge: If a player activates the
always use an action to attack occupation forces in his “Bridge” location at any point during a turn, the current
location. If a Cylon player’s character is in the same player does not draw a Crisis Card during his Crisis step.
location as a human character and an occupation forces The “Active Mission” Space: Players activate missions by
token, he may use an action to attempt to detain that using the “Bridge” location on the Demetrius game board.
human. When a player activates a mission, he places the top card of
• Do Nothing: If the player does not wish to perform any the Mission deck faceup on the “Active Mission” space on the
actions, he may decide to do nothing during this step and board. If a card is already on the “Active Mission” space on
proceed to the Crisis step. the board, players cannot activate the “Bridge” location. If the
Mission deck is depleted, shuffle the Mission Card’s discard
Allowable Actions in The Brig: A player may take any actions pile facedown to form a new Mission deck.
he wishes while in the “Brig”. Only his movement and
participating in skill checks are restricted. He may, however, Once a card has been placed on the “Active Mission” space,
use Movement abilities. it remains there until the next time the fleet jumps. This
prevents players from activating a new mission until after the
Basestar Bridge: When a player activates the “Basestar next jump.
Bridge” location, he chooses two of the four listed abilities to
resolve, one at a time. (Note that he may only resolve each Mission Cards and Activating Missions: Each Mission Card
ability once per activation of the location. He could not, for features a skill check that players must resolve when the
instance, activate the location and use the ability that card is revealed. If players pass the skill check, resolve the
compels the CAG to place a civilian ship twice.) “pass” result on the card. If they do not pass the check,
resolve the “fail” result on the card.
“Human Action” and “Cylon Action” Locations: Some Character abilities and card abilities that affect Crisis Cards
locations on New Caprica have actions listed as “Human do not affect Mission Cards. Similarly, character abilities and
Action” or “Cylon Action.” Only a human player may use a card abilities that affect skill checks do not affect skill checks
“Human Action” ability. Only a Cylon player may use a “Cylon on Mission Cards. This includes “Investigative Committee,”
Action” ability. (For clarification on the different types of “Restore Order,” and “Declare Emergency” Cards. Players do
players, see “‘Cylon Players’ and ‘Human Players’”.) not resolve skill check abilities when resolving Mission Cards.
Effects or abilities that limit the number of cards that a player
may contribute to a skill check (such as being in the “Brig,”
Attacking Occupation Forces and Detaining being a Cylon player, or Aaron Doral’s “Vanity” negative
ability) do limit the number of cards a player may contribute
Humans on New Caprica to skill checks on Mission Cards.
The following rules only apply if the New Caprica Objective is
Mission Cards that Count as
in play.
Additional Distance: Some Mission
Attacking Occupation Forces: A human player on New Cards count as additional distance
Caprica may always use an action to attack occupation when the “pass” result on them is
forces in his location. To do so, he rolls a die. If the result is a resolved. These cards are easily
5 or higher, the attack is a success and one occupation identified by the distance number on the bottom of the card.
forces token in that location is removed from the board. The If the “fail” result on one of these cards is resolved, the card
human player may also discard a “Maximum Firepower” Skill is turned facedown on the “Active Mission” space and it does
Card to reroll the die. (Note that if a “Strategic Planning” not count as additional distance. A card that counts as
Tactics Card has been played on this roll, the reroll also additional distance adds its distance number to the total
receives +2 to its result.) distance traveled as soon as the “pass” result on it is
Detaining Humans: If a Cylon player’s character is in the
same location as a human character and an occupation Example: The fleet has traveled eight distance when the skill
forces token, he may use an action to attempt to detain that check on the “Search for Home” Mission card is passed, the
human. To do so, the Cylon player rolls a die. If the result is a card counts as two additional distance immediately. Since the
1-3, the human is moved to “Detention”. If the result is 4-7, total distance traveled is now 10, the humans win the next
human is moved to the “Medical Center”. If the result is an 8 time the fleet jumps.
nothing happens.
The Rebel Basestar Game Board
The Demetrius Game Board The Rebel Basestar game board comes into play after the
skill check on the “Cylon Civil War” Mission Card is resolved.
The following rules only apply if the Earth Objective is in play. When it comes into play, place the Rebel Basestar game
The Demetrius game board provides human players with board in play.
opportunities to travel the extra distance needed to reach
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The Rebel Basestar game board features a “Basestar three Skill Cards. If the President is the current player, then
Allegiance” space which is used to indicate whether the rebel he must discard five cards.
basestar is allied with the humans or the Cylons. “Unwelcome Faces” Crisis Card: The first option should
If the “pass” result on the “Cylon Civil War” Mission card is read: The Admiral must discard all of his skill cards and then
resolved, place the basestar allegiance marker on the choose a character to send to the “Brig.”
“Basestar Allegiance” space with the human side faceup. If
Crisis Cards and the Bridge: If a player activates the
the “fail” result on the “Cylon Civil War” Mission Card is
“Bridge” location on Demetrius at any point during a turn, the
resolved, place the basestar allegiance marker on the
current player does not draw a Crisis Card during his Crisis
“Basestar Allegiance” space with the Cylon side faceup.
Locations on the Rebel Basestar game board cannot be
New Caprica Crisis Cards
Raider Bay Clarifications: When a player activates the
During a player’s Crisis step in the New Caprica phase, he
“Raider Bay” location, he can only activate the two raiders or
draws from the New Caprica Crisis deck instead of the
the four vipers he places. He cannot activate any raiders or
normal Crisis deck. New Caprica crises are resolved in the
vipers that were placed before he activated the “Raider Bay”
same manner as normal crises, with a number of exceptions
and special rules as indicated. Any game effect that targets
If a player using the original version of Apollo uses his “Alert the Crisis Deck also affect the New Caprica Crisis Deck (for
Viper Pilot” ability to pilot one of the vipers placed when the example, the “Launch Scout” Tactics Card).
“Raider Bay” location is activated, the player who activated
“Resistance Bombing” New Caprica Crisis Card: Revealed
the “Raider Bay” location cannot activate the viper Apollo is
Cylons may not ignore the execution effect on this Crisis
piloting. The player using Apollo can use the action granted to
him by the “Alert Viper Pilot” ability even though it interrupts
the player who is activating the “Raider Bay.”
Activate Cylon Ships
Crisis Step Step
During this step, the current player draws the top card of the Cylon ships may appear, move or attack based on the icon on
Crisis deck (unless he is a revealed Cylon), reads it aloud, and the bottom left of the Crisis Card (see “Activating Cylon
then resolves it. There are two types of Crisis Cards: skill Ships”). Cylon ship activations may also cause the Cylon
checks and events. Pursuit marker to move.
Skill Check Crises: These Crisis Exceptions: Revealed Cylons do not perform this step. During
Cards list a difficulty and one or more the New Caprica phase and until Galactica returns to orbit ,
skill types, listed as colored boxes, in all Cylon ship activation icons are ignored.
the upper left corner. These cards
are resolved according to the rules Cylon Ship and Occupation Forces Icons on
for skill checks (see “Skill Checks”)
and have outcomes based on New Caprica
whether the players pass or fail the The following rules only apply if the New Caprica Objective is
skill check. Some of these cards give in play.
the current player, the President, the
Admiral or the CAG the choice to During the New Caprica Phase and until
either resolve the skill check or carry Galactica returns to orbit, all Cylon ship
out some alternate instruction. activation icons are ignored. During the
New Caprica phase, however, occupation
Event Crises: Any Crisis Card that is forces are activated by the occupation forces
not a skill check is an event. These icon.
crises have instructions that must be
immediately followed. Some of them Note the activate heavy raiders and centurions icons do not
provide a decision for the current activate occupation forces, and occupation forces icons do
player, the President, the Admiral or not activate centurions on the Boarding Party track.
the CAG. Activating Occupation Forces: Occupation forces
Choice Crises: When a player makes tokens represent the Cylons’ armed centurion
a choice on a Crisis Card, he can patrols on New Caprica.
always choose the top or bottom Occupation forces tokens are activated during
section of the card, regardless of the Activate Cylon Ships step by New Caprica Crisis Cards
whether he will be able to fulfil the (see above) or by the “Occupation Authority” location. Each
game text listed (unless the card specifically restricts this). time they are activated, each occupation forces token is
Some clarifications for specific Crisis Cards: moved one space to the right following the track along the
bottom of the board.
“Food Shortage” Crisis Card: This card causes the
President to discard two, and the current player to discard If an occupation forces token on the “Shipyard” location is
activated, remove it from the game board and destroy the
civilian ship on the top of the “Locked Civilian Ships” box. If the
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Locked Civilian Ships stack is empty, destroy the civilian ship New Caprica Crisis Cards have two
on top of the Prepared Civilian Ships stack. If both stacks are icons used during the Prepare for
empty, no civilian ship is destroyed. Jump step, the evacuation icon
and the prepare for jump icon.
If there are no occupation forces tokens on the game board
when occupation forces are activated, place one on the Until Galactica returns to orbit, disregard the evacuation
“Occupation Authority” location. Note that occupation forces icon. However, use the prepare for jump icon as normal.
tokens are subject to the same rules of component Once the fleet marker reaches the “Auto Jump” space of
limitations as all other tokens in the game. If there are not the Jump Preparation track, Galactica returns to orbit.
enough tokens to place more occupation forces, no new During the Prepare for Jump step of every subsequent New
tokens are placed. Caprica Crisis Card, when an evacuation icon appears, the
current player takes one civilian ship from the top of the
Prepare for Jump Prepared Civilian Ships stack and moves it to any space area
with a viper launch icon. If the Prepared Civilian Ships stack is
Step empty, ignore the evacuation icon. Once Galactica has
returned to orbit, the Jump Preparation track will no longer
If the drawn Crisis Card has the “prepare for be used and the jump icons may be ignored.
jump” icon on its lower right corner, then the
fleet token moves one space ahead (toward
the “Auto Jump” space) on the Jump Discard Step
Preparation track. If this causes the token to move to the If a player has more than 10 Skill Cards or 10 Quorum Cards
“Auto Jump” space, then the fleet jumps to a new destination in his hand at the end of any player’s turn, he must discard
(see “Jumping the Fleet”). cards (of his choice) until he has only 10. This hand limit does
Mutineer: During the “Prepare for Jump” step of the not include other cards, such as Super Crisis Cards that may
Mutineer’s turn, if his Crisis Card has the “prepare for be in a player’s hand.
jump” icon, he must draw a Mutiny Card. After this step, the current player’s turn is over. He discards
any Crisis Cards drawn this turn, and hands the current
Preparing for Jump and Evacuating Civilian player token to the player on his left, who begins his turn
Ships on New Caprica (starting with the Receive Skills step).
Skill Cards
Skill cards are used to overcome skill checks or to provide Whenever a player discards a Skill Card, it is placed in a
players with special actions (and other abilities) that they can discard pile faceup next to the appropriate Skill deck. When a
perform. Each skill type specializes in different strategies: deck runs out of Skill Cards, the discard pile is shuffled to
• Politics: This skill represents a character’s ability to create a new Skill deck.
control morale and help the fleet overcome crises. This is
the most common skill type required by Crisis Cards. Destiny Deck
Some politics cards also provide the ability to allow a
At the start of the game, a deck of
player to draw Skill Cards from outside his skill set.
12 Skill Cards (two of each type) is
• Leadership: This skill represents a character’s ability to created and shuffled. Two random
take charge of situations and command other individuals. cards from this deck are placed into
This is the second-most common skill type required by each skill check, and add an element
Crisis Cards. Some leadership cards allow other players of uncertainty.
to move and grant them a bonus action.
After the last card from the Destiny
• Tactics: This skill type represents a character’s ability to
deck is played, the current player
plan missions as well as to physically overcome
creates a new one by dealing out two
obstacles. Tactics cards allow players to gain bonuses to
cards of each skill type. He then
die rolls as well as scout the galaxy for new destinations.
shuffles those cards thoroughly and
• Piloting: This skill represents a character’s ability to fly places them on the appropriate space on the game board.
vipers. Piloting cards allow players to reroll enemy attack
rolls as well as gain additional attacks. Treachery
• Engineering: This skill represents a character’s strength
in the mechanical and scientific fields. Some engineering All Treachery Cards have skill check abilities (see “Skill Check
cards allow players to repair vipers and locations aboard Abilities”) that threaten the human players’ chances of
Galactica. survival. Unless otherwise specified, Treachery Cards count
as negative strength in all skill checks. Unlike other Skill Card
• Treachery: Treachery is a Skill type, representing types, Treachery Cards are primarily used by Cylon players,
nefarious and underhanded tactics. Unlike other Skill although other players may be forced to use them by certain
types, it is primarily used by Cylon players. game effects.
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Discarding Treachery Cards and Drawing card with a Skill Check Ability icon in the order of his
choosing. Then, if the skill check was called for by a Crisis or
Mutiny Cards Super Crisis Card, determine if that card lists a
Some Treachery Cards include the phrase, “When a player “consequence” result. If so, resolve the “consequence” result
chooses to discard this card, he must draw 1 Mutiny Card.” listed on the card. Finally, after resolving all skill abilities
Any time a player chooses to discard one of these cards for during a Reckless skill check follow the procedure for
any reason (including as a result of a Crisis Card, exceeding Reckless skill checks below.
his hand limit of Skill Cards, or moving between ships) he
6. Total Strength: The total strength (upper left number) of
must draw a Mutiny Card. He is not required to draw a
each card pile is totalled. The total strength of the non-
Mutiny Card when the card is discarded randomly or when
matching pile is subtracted from the total strength of the
he plays one of these cards into a skill check.
matching pile, giving a final strength.
A player cannot draw more than one Mutiny Card as a result
7. Determine Result: If the final strength is equal to or
of discarding these Treachery Cards in a single turn. After
greater than the skill check’s difficulty, then the “pass” result
drawing the first Mutiny Card, he disregards the phrase,
of the skill check is carried out. Otherwise, the “fail” result is
“When a player chooses to discard this card, he must draw
followed. All Skill Cards contributed toward the skill check are
1 Mutiny Card,” for the rest of the turn.
then discarded into the appropriate discard piles.
Skill Checks Partial Passes
Many Crisis Cards and game board locations require skill Some skill checks have a partial pass number listed between
checks. Skill checks represent struggles and challenges that the “pass” and “fail” results. If the skill check is not passed,
require particular skill types to overcome. They are always but this partial pass number is equaled or exceeded, then
represented by a difficulty number (listed first) followed by the this result is followed (instead of the “pass” or “fail” results).
necessary skill types (colored boxes). All skill checks are
resolved as follows: Game Board Skill Checks
1. Read Card: The current player reads the entire card (or Five game board locations –
location) out loud to all players. Players may then discuss “Admiral’s Quarters”, “the Brig”, “the
what they would like to do (following the guidelines under Airlock”, “Resistance HQ” and
“Secrecy Rules”). If the card requires the current player, the ”Detention” (the last two locations
President, or the Admiral to make a choice, he must make are only available on the New Caprica
the decision at this time. Any choice that does not have a Board)– instruct the player using the
pass/fail effect requires players to carry out specific location to carry out a skill check. In
instructions instead of a making a skill check. these cases, a skill check is resolved
(following the rules above).
2. Play from Destiny Deck: Two cards from the Destiny deck
are dealt facedown together, starting a common pile. Skill Card Abilities
3. Play Skills: Starting with the player that is to the left of the
There are a variety of Skill Card abilities, some of which are
current player (and ending with the current player), each
actions while others are triggered effects.
player may play a number of Skill Cards from his hand
facedown to the common pile: Movement Powers
• A character in the “Brig” may play only one Skill Card
Movement powers
• A character in ”Detention” may play a maximum of two are abilities that a
Skill Cards player may use during
• A revealed Cylon may play only one Skill Card the Movement step of
• An Infiltrator may play a maximum of two Skill Cards his turn in lieu of
moving. A player may
• Every other character may play any number of Skill Cards
either move or use a
Any text on the Skill Cards played onto the pile in this manner Movement ability during his Movement step, but not both.
is ignored (exception: Skill Cards with a Skill Check Ability, see Note that a player may not use a Movement ability when he
below). Only the strength and types of skills on each Skill Card is allowed to move during someone else’s turn (such as when
is relevant when played into a skill check. he has been targeted by an “Executive Order” Skill Card). A
player may use Movement abilities while in the “Brig” or
4. Shuffle and Divide Cards: After each player has had one
opportunity to play Skill Cards, the current player takes all
Skill Cards from the pile and shuffles them. (The cards are Skill Check Abilities
shuffled so none of the players will know which players
contributed which cards to the pile.) He then deals them Some Skill Cards feature a Skill Check Ability. These
faceup into two new piles. All cards that match a skill type cards can be identified by the presence of the
(color) listed on the Crisis Card are placed in one pile, and all Skill Check Ability icon printed beside the card’s
other cards (i.e., those that do not match) are placed in the strength.
other pile. The text on a Skill Card that has a
5. Check and resolve Skill Check Abilities and Skill Check Ability icon is resolved only
Consequences: Determine whether any of the cards have a when that card is played into a skill
Skill Check Ability icon. If so, the current player resolves each check. The text is resolved regardless
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of whether the Skill Card was added to the skill check by a After resolving all skill abilities during a Reckless skill check,
human player, by a Cylon player, or from the Destiny deck. Do turn the top card of the Treachery deck faceup and carry out
not resolve the text on a Skill Card played into a skill check one of the following steps, based on the card’s strength:
if it does not have a Skill Check Ability icon. • If the card has a strength greater than “0,” discard it and
During a skill check, once all Skill Cards have been shuffled continue resolving the skill check. Do not resolve the
and divided into two piles (see the ”Shuffle and Divide Cards” card’s skill check ability and do not include it when totaling
step of resolving a skill check), determine whether any of the strength.
cards have a Skill Check Ability icon. If so, the current player • If the card has a strength of “0,” turn the next card from
resolves each card with a Skill Check Ability icon in the order the Treachery deck faceup as well. Resolve the skill check
of his choosing. However, do not resolve the same Skill Check abilities on both of these cards, even if the ability has
Ability more than once, even if more than one copy of the already been resolved during this check. Then, discard
same card was played into the check. (For instance, if two both cards and continue to resolve the skill check. Do not
“Establish Network” cards were played into a skill check, include these cards when totaling strength.
double the strength of all engineering Skill Cards played in the
check, but do not double them a second time.) Skill Supervisor
When the current player resolves the skill check ability on a Although it is technically the current player’s responsibility to
“Dogfight” or “Quick Thinking” Skill Card, he may have the make sure that Skill Cards are discarded properly, many play
opportunity to remove a card from the skill check. If he groups prefer to assign one player the role of Skill Supervisor
removes a card with a skill check ability that has already at the start of the game.
been resolved, the ability is unaffected. If the current player
removes a Skill Card before its skill check ability is resolved, This player is in charge of sorting discarded Skill Cards into
he does not resolve that ability. the appropriate discard piles. In addition, when a Skill deck
runs out, this player is responsible for reshuffling the
Crisis Cards with a “Consequence” Result appropriate discard pile to form a new deck. Lastly, when the
Destiny deck runs out, this player is in charge of creating a
Some Crisis and new Destiny deck (by collecting two of each Skill Card type
Super Crisis Cards and then shuffling them together).
feature a
“consequence” result
(indicated by the Skill
Skill Card
Check Ability icon) Clarifications and
that is triggered when at least one Skill Card with
a Skill Check Ability icon is played into that Crisis Card’s skill Errata
check. This section describes errata and makes some clarifications
After Skill Cards with Skill Check Ability icons are resolved relating to various Skill Cards:
during a skill check, determine if the check lists a “Executive Order” Skill Card: The “Executive Order” Skill Card
“consequence” result. If it does, and least 1 Skill Card with a should include the following text: Limit of 1 “Executive Order”
Skill Check Ability icon was played into the check, resolve the card may be used per turn.
“consequence” result. Note that the presence of a Skill Check
Ability icon on a Skill Card played into a skill check triggers the “Executive Order” Skill Card and Cylons: If an unrevealed
“consequence” result regardless of whether the skill check is Cylon is targeted by an “Executive Order” and reveals himself
passed or failed. as his first action, he is unable to take his second action,
since once he is revealed as a Cylon, he may no longer be
Reckless Skill Cards targeted by an “Executive Order”. The current player then
continues his turn.
Reckless Skill Cards
are played before any “Iron Will” Skill Card: If the “Iron Will” Skill Card is played into
cards are added to a a skill check that has had its difficulty reduced by either a
Skill check. They “Jury Rigged” Skill Card or a “Declare Emergency” Skill Card,
represent an effort to the total strength has to be within 4 of the modified difficulty.
cut corners or make However, if the total strength is 0 or less, players still lose 1
sacrifices to help morale.
resolve the challenge. Only one Reckless Skill Card may be
played for each Skill check. The “Iron Will” Skill Card does not change whether or not a
partial success result is resolved or the number required to
When a “Restore Order” Card is played before a skill check, resolve a partial success. Note that there are situations
that check cannot then be made Reckless. Similarly, a where humans might gain greater benefit from the total
“Restore Order” Card cannot be played before a skill check if strength of a skill check being low enough to not resolve a
that check has been made Reckless. If two or more players partial success if the skill check includes an “Iron Will” Skill
wish to play cards at the same time, the current player Card.
determines which player may play his card first.
“State of Emergency” Skill Card: A “State of Emergency”
When a Reckless Skill Card is played, the current Skill check Skill Card allows Cylon players to move or take an action.
is considered Reckless. Unlike an “Executive Order” Skill Card, which a Cylon player
may not benefit from, “State of Emergency” is not targeting a
specific player.
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If the current player plays the “State of Emergency” Skill Card, the first action provided by the card. In this case, the player
its action will be resolved completely, even if the current does not gain the second action provided by the card
player is executed or revealed as a Cylon. This is different because, as a Cylon player, he may no longer be targeted by
from an “Executive Order” Skill Card which, once played, is not an “Executive Order”.
resolved completely if its target reveals himself as a Cylon as
• Reach Kobol: If the Kobol Objective Card is in play, after 2. Move Cylon Ships: Move any Cylon ships in space areas
eight or more units of distance have been traveled, the on the main game board to the corresponding Cylon space
humans are only one jump away from winning the game. areas on the Cylon Fleet game board (see “The Cylon Fleet
The next time the humans jump, they do not draw a Game Board”). All basestar damage tokens on basestars
Destination Card; instead, they simply win the game (as are removed and randomly mixed into the pile of unused
long as every resource is higher than 0). damage tokens. Any centurion models on the Boarding Party
track remain in play when the fleet jumps.
• Reach New Caprica: If the New Caprica Objective Card is
in play, after seven or more units of distance have been 3. Remove Mission Cards: Remove the card on the “Active
traveled, the game moves to the New Caprica phase. Mission” space and do one of the following:
• If the card was faceup and has a distance number on it,
• Reach Ionian Nebula: If the Ionian Nebula Objective Card
place the card next to the Earth Objective Card.
is in play, after eight or more units of distance have
been traveled, the game moves to the Crossroads phase. • If the card was faceup and does not have a distance
Once the game has resumed after the Crossroads number on it, place the card faceup in the discard pile.
phase, the next time the humans jump, they do not draw • If the card was facedown, reshuffle the card back into
a Destination Card; instead, they simply win the game (as the Mission deck.
long as every resource is higher than 0).
4. Choose Destination: The Admiral draws two cards from
• Reach Earth: If the Earth Objective Card is in play, after the Destination deck, chooses one, and places the other on
ten or more units of distance have been traveled, the the bottom of the deck without showing it to the other
next time the humans jump, they do not draw a players.
Destination Card; instead, they simply win the game (as
5. Follow Instructions: The Admiral places the chosen card
long as every resource is higher than 0).
faceup next to the Objective Card and follows any instructions
on the Destination Card.
Jumping the Fleet 6. Objective Instructions: If the previous step causes the
In Battlestar Galactica, moving ships at faster-than-light total distance on Destination Cards placed adjacent to the
(FTL) speed is referred to as “jumping.” Objective Card to equal or exceed the given distances for the
first time, then follow the instructions on the Objective Card.
The fleet jumps to a new location in one of two ways:
• Auto Jump: If the fleet token is moved to the “Auto Jump” 7. Reset Jump Preparation Track: Move the fleet token to
space of the Jump Preparation track (see “Prepare for the start space of the Jump Preparation track.
Jump Step”).
Destination Cards
• FTL Control Jump: If a player activates the “FTL Control”
location. If the fleet jumps this way, then some population Each Destination Card has two important pieces of
may be lost (see “FTL Control Jump” below). information on it. In the center of the card are the special
effects of traveling to this destination. These effects usually
Whenever the fleet jumps, the Admiral draws Destination include losing fuel or other resources and/or following
Cards to determine where the fleet jumps to. To choose the special instructions. The effects of a Destination Card are
destination, the Admiral performs the following steps: immediately followed when the fleet travels to that
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As long as there is at least one Cylon ship on the main game slightly differently than an unmanned viper and may not be
board, the fleet is considered to be in combat. Cylon ships activated using the “Command” location.
are activated at the end of each turn, based upon the Crisis
A player who wants his character to pilot a viper simply
Card drawn. This section describes the details of combat,
moves his character to the “Hangar Deck” location and uses
including how to activate, attack, and pilot ships.
the action listed there. He then launches a viper as normal
Activating Vipers (see the previous section), places his piloting token beneath
it, and removes his character token from the game board,
Although Galactica does have mounted weaponry, its real placing it on his character sheet.
military strength lies in its squadrons of single-man fighters If all vipers are already in play and a player wishes to activate
known as vipers. The main purpose of vipers is to defend the the “Hangar Deck” location, he may choose to move an
fleet, particularly civilian ships, from Cylon ships. Vipers are unmanned viper from any space area to the “Reserves” so
usually activated by using the “Command” location. that he may pilot it.
Each viper may be activated any number of times during a
player’s turn, but players may not activate ships that are Moving and Actions when Piloting
being piloted by another player. Vipers without piloting tokens While a character is piloting a viper, his player still takes his
under them are referred to as unmanned vipers. turn as normal. During his Movement step, he may move the
When a player activates a viper, he must choose one of the viper to an adjacent space area or move his character back
following options: to a location (see “Moving From a Viper” below).
• Launch a Viper: The player takes In addition to the normal things that a player may do
a viper from the “Reserves” and during his Action step (for example, play a Skill Card), he
places it in one of the two space may instead choose to activate his viper (to move again,
areas marked with the viper attack or escort a civilian ship).
launch icon.
Move a Viper: The player chooses a viper that is already
Viper Destruction
in a space area. He may move the viper to an adjacent If a character is piloting a viper when it is damaged or
space area (Mark VII vipers may move two areas). Note destroyed, his character token is placed in “Sickbay,” and the
that vipers may not fly “over” Galactica; they may only viper is placed in the appropriate space (the “Damaged
move clockwise or counterclockwise “around” it, between Vipers” area or back in the game box.)
directly adjacent space areas.
• Attack with a Viper: The player chooses a viper and a
Moving from a Viper
Cylon ship that are in the same space area. He then rolls When the fleet jumps, all characters who were piloting vipers
one eight-sided die to resolve an attack following the rules are placed in the “Hangar Deck,” and their vipers are
under “Attacking”. returned to the “Reserves.”
• Escort Civilian Ships: When any player activates a viper, A player may also choose to move to Galactica, Pegasus,
he has the option to escort a civilian ship to safety Demetrius, Colonial One or the Rebel Basestar (if otherwise
instead of moving or attacking. When a player uses a allowed) from a viper during his Movement step. In order to
viper activation to escort a civilian ship, he chooses one do this, he must discard one Skill Card, and then he simply
civilian ship in the viper’s space area and shuffles the places his viper in the “Reserves” and his character token on
civilian ship back into the pile of unused civilian ships. the location of his choice. He may do this from any space
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Whenever a character moves from piloting a viper to a assault raptor in its space area rather than returning it to
location, his piloting token is removed from the game board. the “Reserves.”
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Placing Cylon Ships on the Main Game corresponds to the target of the attack (and, sometimes, the
method of the attack). Depending upon the rolled result, the
Board target can become damaged or destroyed.
When a game effect instructs a player
to place Cylon ships on the main game Attack Table
board (for example, the “Cylon Ambush” UNIT ATTACKED DIE RESULT
Destination Card or a “Launch Raiders”
icon), follow these steps in order: 3–8 = Destroyed
1. Choose the appropriate types of
Cylon ships from among the ships that 7–8 = Destroyed
are on neither the main game board nor the Cylon
Fleet game board. Place these ships on the main game 7–8 = Destroyed
board as instructed.
2. If, after step1, there are not enough ships to fulfill the
instructions, take ships of the appropriate types from Cylon 5–7 = Damaged
space areas, starting with the lowest-numbered Cylon space
8 = Destroyed
area and proceeding in numerical order until enough of the
appropriate ships have been placed. 6–7 = Damaged
3. If, after step 2, there are still not enough ships to fulfill the 8 = Destroyed
instructions, the current player decides which ships are not 7–8 = Destroyed
Note that players may never attack human ships with vipers
or with the “Weapon’s Control” location.
Launching Nukes
Although the Admiral still starts the game with
two nuke tokens, it is possible, through the
“Build Nuke” engineering card, to acquire a third
nuke or to regain nukes after they have been
After launching a nuke, place the nuke token adjacent to the
board instead of returning it to the box. The Admiral may not
have more than three nukes at one time.
Whenever a ship attacks, the current player rolls an eight- When firing a nuke, the Admiral chooses a space area to
sided die and consults the entry on the table that target, rather than a basestar, and rolls a die. On a roll of 1–
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2, the nuke damages a basestar in that space area twice. On that location from the game board, discard the trauma
a roll of 3–6, the nuke destroys a basestar in that space tokens on the corresponding Ally Cards, and return those
area. On a roll of a 7, the nuke destroys a basestar and three cards to the box.
raiders in that space area. On a roll of an 8, every ship in that
space area is destroyed, including raiders, heavy raiders, The Cylon player with the most trauma tokens draws a new
basestars, vipers, and civilian ships. In cases where a 7 or Ally Card to replace the one returned to the box and places
lower was rolled and more than one basestar is in a space the corresponding ally token on the appropriate location. (Ally
area, the Admiral chooses which basestar to damage or tokens can be placed in locations that are already damaged.)
destroy. In cases where a 7 or lower is rolled and there are The Cylon player then chooses one of his own trauma tokens
no ships of the appropriate type in the space area to damage to place facedown on the Ally Card he just drew. If more than
or destroy, the nuke has no effect, although the nuke token is one Cylon player is tied for the most trauma tokens, the
still discarded by the Admiral and placed adjacent to the current player chooses which Cylon player will draw the Ally
main game board. Card and place a trauma token on it. If there are no Cylon
players with trauma tokens, the current player draws a card
Damage, Destruction and Remove from from the Ally deck, draws a random token from the pool of
Game unused trauma tokens, and, without looking at it, places it
facedown on the card. Repeat this process until all Ally Cards
Depending upon the ship type, different things happen if a returned to the box have been replaced.
ship is damaged or destroyed.
Once the Ally deck is depleted, no further Ally Cards may be
When a Cylon ship is destroyed, it is removed from the game drawn.
board, but may return later in the game.
When a viper is damaged, it is placed in the “Damaged Viper” Destruction of Galactica and Pegasus
box of the game board. A viper in this box may not be
If six or more areas on Galactica have damage tokens at the
launched or used until it has been repaired (usually by an
same time, then the Cylons win the game.
engineering card).
If all four Pegasus locations have a damage token on them at
When a viper, assault raptor or raptor is destroyed, it is
the same time, Pegasus is destroyed. Move all characters on
removed from the game.
Pegasus to “Sickbay” and remove the Pegasus game board
When a civilian ship is destroyed, it is turned faceup. The fleet from the game.
then loses the resources (usually population) listed on the
token. The token is then removed from the game. Damage to Basestar
Whenever a ship (or other component) is removed from the When a basestar is damaged, the current player
game, it is placed in the game box and may not be used for draws a random damage token of the
the remainder of the game. appropriate ship type. Their effects vary
depending on the token type.
Damage Tokens • Critical Hit: When drawn, this token is placed
Damage to Galactica or Pegasus: When on the basestar. While it remains, it counts as
Galactica or Pegasus is damaged, the two damage tokens (it takes three damage
current player draws a random damage tokens to destroy a basestar).
token of the appropriate ship type. Their • Disabled Hanger: When drawn, this token is
effects vary depending on the token type. Each placed on the basestar. While it remains, the
time Galactica would be damaged, the current basestar may not launch raiders or heavy
player may choose to draw a Pegasus damage token raiders.
instead of a Galactica damage token. These tokens behave • Disabled Weapons: When drawn, this token is
identically to Galactica damage tokens, except that they placed on the basestar. While it remains, the
depict Pegasus locations. basestar may not attack Galactica.
Lost Resource: When drawn, the fleet loses • Structural Damage: When drawn, this token is
the listed resource. This token is then placed on the basestar. While it remains, all
removed from the game. attacks against the basestar gain +2 to their
die rolls.
Damage Location: When drawn, this token is
placed on the matching location. All characters Destruction of Basestar: If a basestar receives three or
in this location are moved to “Sickbay.” more damage tokens, then it is destroyed and is removed
Characters may move into a damaged from the game board. All damage tokens on it are returned
location, but may not use the action listed on and randomly mixed into the pile of unused damage tokens.
it (until repaired by an engineering card). If
Other effects destroying a Basestar: If a game effect
the “FTL Control” location is damaged, the
instructs you to destroy a basestar, you remove the basestar
fleet marker can still advance and the fleet can
without drawing any damage tokens.
still Auto Jump, however. When a damaged location is
repaired, return the damage token to the pile of unused
damage tokens and randomize them. Alternate Basestar Damage Tokens
The alternate basestar damage tokens replace the basestar
Damaged Ally locations: If a location containing an ally token damage tokens if playing with the Ionian Nebula Objective
is damaged or removed from play, remove all ally tokens in Card. The critical hit, disabled hangar, disabled weapons, and
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structural damage tokens each function as described above. While the token remains, it counts as one damage token.
Additionally, there are two new types of basestar damage • Damage to Personnel: When drawn,
tokens, detailed below: each Cylon player draws two trauma
• Collateral Damage: When drawn, tokens. Place this token on the
destroy up to three raiders in the basestar. While the token remains, it
same space area as this basestar. counts as one damage token.
Place this token on the basestar.
Miscellaneous Rules
Losing and Gaining The Colonial One
Resources Overlay Locations
The four resources (fuel, food, morale, and population) are all Certain effects require players to flip the Colonial One overlay
vital to the survival of humanity. These resources are usually to its destroyed side. (If the “fail” result on the “Bomb on
lost due to Crisis Cards, civilian ships being destroyed, or Colonial 1” Super Crisis Card is carried out, flip the Colonial
Galactica damage tokens. One overlay to the “Colonial One Destroyed” side.)
If the Colonial One overlay is flipped to the “Colonial One
Destroyed” side, send all characters on Colonial One to
Crisis cards list resource loss as text, for example “–1
population,” while tokens list resource loss as a number of The Cylon Overlay
red icons. For example, one red population icon means the
same as “–1 population.” The list of resource icons is found
on the game board. Certain effects require players to flip the Cylon locations
If there is a tie among resources when players are instructed overlay to its destroyed side.
to reduce or increase the highest or lowest resource, the If the Cylon Location overlay is flipped to its “Hub Destroyed”
current player chooses one of the tied resources to reduce side, remove any character tokens on the overlay, flip the
or increase. overlay, and then place those tokens in the same location as
Whenever a resource is lost for any reason, the appropriate they were on before the overlay was flipped. If any tokens are
resource dial is adjusted to represent the new total. The red on the “Resurrection Ship” location, players place those
color on the resource wheels tells players when a resource is tokens on the “Hub Destroyed” location after flipping the
half (or less) full. Cylon Location overlay. If the Cylon Location overlay is flipped
to its “destroyed” side and an effect or ability references the
Resource Maximums: Although resources can sometimes “Resurrection Ship” location, the “Hub Destroyed” location is
be increased by cards, they can never be raised higher used instead.
Destroying Civilian
Raptors and Risking Ships
Raptors are not used
during combat and When a player is instructed to “draw a civilian ship to
are usually “risked” destroy” (such as by Helena Cain’s Blind
according to the Jump ability or by the “Misjump”
instructions on Skill Destination Card), draw a random
and Destination Cards civilian ship token from the tokens not
to receive particular currently on the board and destroy it. If
rewards. In order to all remaining civilian ships are
risk a ship, there must currently on the board, the
be at least one of the current player may choose any
required type of ship civilian ship on the board to
in the “Reserves.” destroy.
These cards usually instruct the player to roll a die and
receive a reward if he reaches a specified number. Timing
If the die roll is less than the number, then the risked ships If two or more players wish to
listed on the card are destroyed, and no reward is gained. play a card or use an ability at
the same time (such as two
players wishing to use
different Skill Card abilities
before resolving a skill check),
the current player decides which
player plays his card or uses his
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ability first. If a card cannot be played as a result (for includes Skill Cards, Quorum Cards, Mutiny Cards, Crisis
example, if two players attempt to play a “Strategic Planning” Cards, Super Crisis Cards, and Destination Cards.
Tactics Card), it is returned to the hand of the player who
Tokens and plastic ships are limited to the quantity provided,
tried to play it.
and can run out during the game. The current player always
Component decides the order in which a component type is placed, and if
there are not enough, he decides which ones are not placed.
Whenever a deck of cards runs out, the current player
shuffles the appropriate discard pile to form a new deck. This
End game
Ending the Game Personal Goals
The game can end in a number of different ways: If the humans may have won, all unrevealed Personal Goal
• If at least one resource (food, fuel, morale, or population) Loyalty Cards have to be examined.
is depleted to 0 or less at the end of a player’s turn, the Each unrevealed Personal Goal Loyalty Card belonging to a
game immediately ends and the Cylons win. Note that it is human player at the end of the game reduces the resource
possible for the humans to reach 0 of a resource type listed on the card. If, after all the reductions, no resources
and then increase it during the same turn without losing have been reduced to 0 or lower, the humans win. If,
the game. however, any resource has been reduced to 0 or lower, then
• If at least one centurion model reaches the end of the the victory goes to the Cylons.
Boarding Party track, he game immediately ends and the
If a revealed Cylon player has an unrevealed Personal Goal
Cylons win.
Card at the end of the game, do not reduce the resource
• If six or more locations on Galactica have damage tokens listed on that card.
on them at the same time, then Galactica is destroyed
and the Cylons immediately win. Cylon Leader Motive
• If a human is executed and there are no available
characters left to be selected (although this is not very Cards
likely), then the humans immediately lose the game. Cylon Leader Motive Cards are finally assessed to determine
• If the Kobol Objective is in play and a final jump has been victory for a Cylon Leader.
made after eight or more units of distance the humans
may have won. Motive Cards that include the phrase, “Reveal this card if the
game is over,” cannot be revealed until after resources have
• If the New Caprica Objective is in play and the New been reduced for all unrevealed Personal Goal Loyalty Cards.
Caprica Phase is over, the humans may have won.
Motive Cards and the Final Jump after the New Caprica
• If the Ionian Nebula Objective is in play and a final jump Phase: After the Admiral orders Galactica to leave, Motive
has been made after the Crossroads Phase, the humans Cards that include the phrase, “Reveal this card if the game
may have won. is over,” cannot be revealed until after players destroy all
civilian ships on New Caprica and execute all human players
• If the Earth Objective is in play and a final jump has been on New Caprica.
made after ten or more units of distance the humans
may have won.
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Prepared Civilian
Ships and Locked
Civilian Ships
The New Caprica phase starts with the civilian ships stacked
on the “Locked Civilian Ships” box. When a player prepares a
civilian ship, he moves the ship on the top of the Locked
Civilian Ship stack to the bottom of the Prepared Civilian
Ships stack. Once Galactica reaches orbit, do the following, in order:
Ships stacked on the “Prepared Civilians Ships” box may only 1. Place a basestar and four raiders in each of the two space
be evacuated (moved to a space area with a viper launch icon areas above Galactica (adjacent to its starboard side). Note:
on the Galactica board) once Galactica has returned to orbit. Be sure to use the steps outlined in the “Placing Cylon Ships
on the Main Game Board” section.
From that point on, any time a civilian ship is evacuated, the
current player moves the top ship on the Prepared Civilian 2. Launch 2 vipers into each space area containing a viper
Ships stack to a space area with a viper launch icon. launch icon.
When the Admiral ends the game (by using an action to From this point forward, Cylon ship activation icons are no
order a final jump with Galactica and leave New Caprica), any longer ignored.
civilian ships in either the Prepared Civilian Ships box or the
Locked Civilian Ships box are destroyed.
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When an evacuation icon is revealed, the current player Winning the Game
moves one civilian ship from the Prepared Civilian Ships stack
to any space area with a viper launch icon. Once the Admiral has ordered Galactica to leave and ended
the game, destroy all civilian ships still on New Caprica, and
Human players may now move between New Caprica and execute any human players still on a New Caprica location. If
Galactica (or Pegasus) by discarding one Skill Card. Cylon after resolving those losses, no resource has been reduced
players may move between New Caprica and the Cylon to 0 or lower, the humans win the game!
locations by discarding one Skill Card.
If any resource has been reduced to 0 or lower, or at least
At any point after Galactica’s return, the Admiral may, as an six locations on Galactica (not including locations on Pegasus)
action, order Galactica to leave. This ends the game (see have been damaged, or a centurion has reached the end of
“Winning the Game”). the Boarding Party track, the Cylons win the game!
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2. Launch two vipers into each space area containing a viper Cylons) discard all of their tokens with a benevolent symbol,
launch icon. while Cylon players discard all of their tokens with an
antagonistic symbol.
3. Move the fleet marker to the start space of the Jump
Preparation track. Note that this replaces the Reset Jump 3. Discard Two or Fewer Trauma Tokens: Each player with
Preparation Track step of “Jumping the Fleet.” two or fewer remaining trauma tokens discards them as
2. Draw and Resolve Crossroads Cards
4. Total Remaining Trauma Tokens: If no players have any
Arriving at the Ionian Nebula, each character faces a pivotal remaining trauma tokens, proceed to step 6. However, if one
moment. The nature of this moment varies, but for each or more players still have trauma tokens, each of those
character, it is an opportunity to potentially overcome his players determines the total number of tokens he has.
past or to have a major impact on the search for Earth.
5. Elimination: The player who has the most trauma tokens
After placing ships for the Battle of the Ionian Nebula and remaining is eliminated from the game (see below). Resolve
resetting the fleet marker, the current player shuffles the ties for having the most trauma tokens in the following
Crossroads deck and deals one card facedown to each manner:
player. Each Crossroads Card features two results, one for a
trauma token with a benevolent symbol and one for a trauma A. In the event of a tie among human players, the
token with an antagonistic symbol. After secretly looking at President chooses one of the human players tied for the
his Crossroads Card, each player places it facedown in front most trauma tokens. That player is eliminated.
of himself and chooses one of his trauma tokens to play B. In the event of a tie among Cylon players, each tied
facedown next to his Crossroads Card. This token indicates Cylon player is eliminated.
which result on the card will be resolved. If a player has no
trauma tokens, he may choose either of the two results to C. In the event of a tie between human players and Cylon
resolve when his card is revealed. players, each tied Cylon player is eliminated. The tied
human player is also eliminated. If more than one human
After all players who have trauma tokens have played one player was tied, the President chooses which of the tied
facedown next to their Crossroads Card, the current player human players is eliminated.
reveals his Crossroads Card and the trauma token he placed
next to it. He then resolves the result that matches the When eliminating a player, first resolve the execution of his
trauma token he played (or the result of his choosing if he character, including any loss of morale for executing a
had no trauma token to play). Play proceeds clockwise, and human. However, an eliminated human player does not
each subsequent player reveals both his Crossroads Card choose a new character. Eliminated Cylon players do not
and trauma token and then resolves the appropriate result. move their characters to the “Resurrection Ship,” but instead
return their character sheets and tokens to the game box
If at any point during this step a character is executed, the and discard any Super Crisis Cards they have. In either case,
execution is resolved fully. However, the player does not an eliminated player no longer receives a turn; he is out of
discard his Crossroads Card or the trauma token he played the game completely. If he was the current player, the
next to it (his Crossroads Card will still be resolved in turn). current player token is passed to the next player.
Note that being executed while resolving Crossroads Cards is
not the same as being eliminated (see “Resolve ‘The Trial/ 6. Discard Remaining Trauma Tokens: After resolving player
Boxing the Line’” below). eliminations, return all trauma tokens to the box and resume
normal game play from the point at which it was interrupted
3. Resolve “The Trial/Boxing the Line” (or from the beginning of the new current player’s turn, if the
previous current player was executed and/or eliminated
After each character has faced his crossroads, his peers
during the Crossroads phase).
must judge whether that character, either Cylon or human,
still belongs among his own kind. Once the game has resumed, the next time the humans
jump, they do not draw a Destination Card; instead, they
If not, that character is deemed unworthy of continuing in the
simply win the game (as long as every resource is higher
struggle to find Earth. In the case of a human, this judgement
than 0).
means he has been found guilty by his peers and sentenced
to death. For a Cylon, this judgement means having his entire Clarifications
model line “boxed” and kept in cold storage forever.
Unrevealed Cylons are still treated as human players, even
To resolve this step, players do the following: during the resolution of “The Trial/Boxing the Line.” If an
1. Remove Cards and Tokens: After all Crossroads Cards unrevealed Cylon is eliminated as a result of resolving “The
have been resolved, discard all the trauma tokens that were Trial/Boxing the Line,” he follows the normal steps for execu-
placed next to the Crossroads Cards as well as the trauma tion, including revealing one “You Are a Cylon” card, but the
tokens on Ally Cards and on the “Brig” and “Sickbay.” Return character is not moved to the Resurrection Ship. The player
all Ally Cards, ally tokens, and Crossroads Cards to the box. returns his character sheet and token to the box, no longer
They will not be used for the remainder of the game. takes his turn, and has lost the game. It would seem neither
the humans nor the Cylons wanted him around.
2. Reveal Trauma Tokens: Each player reveals all of his
trauma tokens. All human players (including unrevealed
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Battlestar Galactica Combined Rules v0.9 2014-02-01
The Core Battlestar Galactica Game and the Pegasus and
Exodus Expansions were designed by Corey Konieczka, Daniel
Lovat Clark, James Kniffen and Tim Uren and published by
Christian T. Petersen and Fantasy Flight Publishing. The
board game mechanics and rules are © Fantasy Flight
These combined rules were edited and updated by Mattias
Elfström based on that original work and no permission to
publish them has been obtained. This is not to be seen as a
challenge to their copyright, but rather as a service to the
players of this excellent game.
If you have any comments or suggestions for these rules
contact the author: [email protected]
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