Comparative Analysis of Study Habits Between Males and Females
Comparative Analysis of Study Habits Between Males and Females
Comparative Analysis of Study Habits Between Males and Females
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Study habits play a critical role in a student’s A student’s academic performance is directly related
life. Success or failure of a student depends on his/her to his study habits. (Dikko, 2008) discovered that there is
own study habits. The effective and efficient way of significant relationship between study habit skills and
learning depends on the study habits of the students. academic performance. (Julius & Evans, 2015) reported that
Study habits are important, as they influence the study habits help promote effective learning and additionally
educational performance of the students. Good study high academic performance. Students are perpetually in
habits are a prerequisite for good academic performance search of educational success, the success of their academic
(Rabia, Mubarak, Tallat, & Nasir, 2017). performance is their ultimate goal.
The present study aims to look at the gender When children go to higher classes, they find it
differences in the study habits of college students. The difficult to keep up with their studies. But good study habits
Study Habits Inventory, a tool developed by would not just help them study well but also improve their
M.N.Pulsane and Anuradha Sharma was used for the grades and academic performance. Good study habits
purpose of this research. The inventory consists of 45 include planning a specific time for studying, being
questions which were used to measure the study habits of organized, maintaining class notes, being attentive in class,
students. Poor habits of study are one of the main causes reading the textbook, and finishing work before deadlines.
of educational backwardness. This research was Bad study habits include skipping classes, not completing
conducted to get a better understanding of the habits of the work assigned in class, playing video games or watching
study of college students. It will help the students TV instead of studying. (Jafari, Aghaei, & Khatony, 2019)
provide basis for awareness and know how their current found that study habit skills such as time management and
study habits affects their performance in examinations. note-taking have a significant impact on academic
It has been proven that gender is an important variable achievement. Several factors are accountable for poor study
while researching on student’s learning. The research habits skills some of which include note taking techniques,
was conducted among 80 males and 80 females. The poor time management, lack of clean study room which is
results showed that there exists a significant difference devoid of litter and dust and dirt, lack of well ventilated
between the study habits of males and females and room of study in a noiseless area, and an inability to
further also revealed that females tend to have better remember what is taught, that is, inability to recall easily.
study habits as compared to males.
Majority of the students complain about other factors
I. INTRODUCTION being responsible for their poor academic performance.
They hardly ever look at their study techniques which result
The American Journal of Psychology (1903) defines a in their poor performance. Through this research students
‘habit’, as, “a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or can get a better understanding of their study habits and take
feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental the necessary measures to improve it. They can recognize
experience.” In other words, a habit is simply a behavior where they are going wrong and work upon it. It can also be
that’s repeated until it becomes automatic. Habit is a helpful for parents and the teachers/professors to understand
recurrent and many times unconscious pattern of behavior the study patterns of the student so that they can guide the
that is acquired through frequent repetition. students to study effectively.
Study Habits is the amount and kinds of study routines Moreover ‘Gender’ is a significant factor to be noted
which the student used during a regular period of study while looking at study habits. Findings on gender difference
occurred in conducive environment (Ozsoy, in study habits have differed from one study to another. A
Metacognition,Study habits and attitudes, 2009). We can say study conducted by (Aluja & Blanch, 2004) found that
that study habits are regular practices adopted by a student females had a higher score on the study habit measure.
to maximize his/her productivity, efficiency, and retention (Ossai, 2012) conducted a study which showed that
while preparing for a particular evaluation. (Amuda, 2006) significant difference existed in the study habits of the
reported that study habits are a systematic conscious effort students on the basis of age and gender. On the other hand
to gather specific knowledge which is general towards a set (Mushoriwa, 2009) conducted a study on Zimbabwe
standard. It is a behavior that is simply manifested without students in which he found no significant difference in the
conscious effort on the part of the learner. study habits of male and female students. Also gender was
not found to be a notable determinant of study habits skills
Median 58.5
Mean 53.40625 Mode 52
Standard Error 0.746969605 Standard Deviation 8.810214287
Median 53 Sample Variance 77.61987578
Mode 49 Kurtosis 0.169086164
Standard Deviation 9.448501179 Skewness -0.072433207
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