Bestani Et Al. 2008 - Methylene Blue and Iodine Adsorption Onto and Activated Desert Plant
Bestani Et Al. 2008 - Methylene Blue and Iodine Adsorption Onto and Activated Desert Plant
Bestani Et Al. 2008 - Methylene Blue and Iodine Adsorption Onto and Activated Desert Plant
Bioresource Technology
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Article history: Although frequently less toxic than many colorless effluents, colored effluents are generally considered
Received 30 April 2004 by the public as an indicator of pollution. The present investigation aimed at identifying the effectiveness
Received in revised form 14 February 2008 of a local desert plant characteristic of Southwest Algeria and known as Salsola vermiculata, which was
Accepted 21 February 2008
pyrolyzed and treated chemically with a 50% zinc chloride solution, to remove methylene blue and
Available online 14 April 2008
iodine. The natural plant adsorption capacities were respectively 23 mg/g and 272 mg/g for methylene
blue and iodine. Corresponding results for the pyrolyzed plant uptakes were 53 mg/g and 951 mg/g,
while those for the pyrolyzed plant, chemically treated and activated at 650 °C, were 130 mg/g and
1178 mg/g, respectively. In comparison, the standard Merck activated carbon capacities were 200 mg/g
Salsola vermiculata for methylene blue and 950 mg/g for iodine. Consequently, this low-cost local plant may also prove useful
Methylene blue for the removal of large organic molecules as well as potential inorganic contaminants.
Iodine number Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Zinc chloride activation
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
8442 B. Bestani et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 8441–8444
a jar mill to pass through a 0.071 mm (212 mesh) sieve. The acti- changing adsorbent concentration from 0.05 to 0.4 g/25 mL (1–
vated carbon production process consisted of two successive 16 g/L) while keeping the initial concentration at 150 mg/L at a
phases: carbonization followed by chemical activation with ZnCl2. pH of 6.94. For the all the concentration range studied (100–
Carbonization of 45 g of pulverized leaves was conducted in a 1000 mg/L), the mixture was magnetically stirred at 250 rpm for
tubular furnace at 600 °C under nitrogen gas flow for one hour. 90 min as determined from kinetic tests. Absorbance measure-
The precursor or char obtained (21 g) afterwards (SVPR for S. verm- ments were performed on methylene blue solutions at 660 nm
iculata pyrolyzate) was chemically treated by soaking in a 50% con- using a UV–VIS 120-01 Shimadzu spectrophotometer to determine
centrated ZnCl2 solution for 60 hours to ensure equilibrium and the equilibrium concentration. Solutions were diluted as required
then activated in a 181-3B muffle furnace at 650 °C for two hours so that their absorbance remained within the linear calibration
under nitrogen. The resulting activated carbon (SVAC) was washed range.
once with a HCl (0.1 N) solution and rinsed repeatedly with hot
distilled water to remove chloride and zinc compounds. This oper- 2.4. Iodine number determination
ation was stopped when no reaction was observed after adding
0.002 g of potassium ferro cyanide K4[Fe(CN)6], 3H2O to the rinsing The capacity of adsorbents for removing color can be evaluated
water indicating that no zinc was present. After overnight drying at through iodine adsorption from aqueous solutions using test con-
110 °C, the activated carbon obtained (SVAC), the inactivated or ditions referred to as iodine number determination. This indicates
untreated plant (UNSV), the pyrolyzed plant (SVPR) and the com- their relative activation level and the surface area available for
mercial activated carbon from Merck (MAC) were all tested for io- micropores. Usually adsorbents with a high iodine number have
dine and methylene blue adsorption. a high surface area and are suitable for adsorbing small compounds
(Noszko et al, 1984). The samples studied (UNSV, SVPR, SVAC,
2.2. Solutions preparation MAC) were characterized by measuring their iodine number (mg/
g) using the 0.1 N standardized iodine solution. Sample volumes
All reagents used were of analytical grade from Merck, (Ger- of 100 mL of the iodine solution were treated with 0.4, 0.6, and
many). A 102 M stock solution was prepared from methylene blue 0.8 g of the different samples. After equilibrium, the remaining io-
dye of chemical formula C16H18ClN3S with a molecular weight of dine in the supernatants was titrated with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate
319.87 g/mol. Subsequent solutions were all prepared by diluting solutions. The iodine number expressed in (mg/g) was reported as
the stock solution. Iodine standard solutions (0.1 N) were prepared the amount of iodine adsorbed per gram of adsorbent at a residual
from sublimed iodine dissolved in potassium iodide and titrated iodine concentration of 0.02 N.
with (0.1 N) sodium thiosulfate which was standardized with
chemically pure potassium iodate.
3. Results and discussion
2.3. Methylene blue adsorption
3.1. Effect of contact time
Methylene blue adsorption studies are widely used for the eval-
uation of adsorbents because this dye can be viewed as a model for Preliminary tests were conducted to assess the contact time
visible pollution and is an indicator of mesoporosity. Adsorption necessary for each adsorption system to come to equilibrium
test of methylene blue on prepared activated carbon was studied and, for experimental purposes, each system was given a contact
using a batch process by mixing 0.1 g of adsorbent in stoppered time in excess of this period. To determine the equilibrium,
conical flasks with 25 mL of methylene blue solutions of concen- 25 mL of diluted solution containing 104 M of methylene blue
tration ranging from 100 to 1000 mg/L. The adsorbent loading of was separately mixed with 0.1 g of the untreated plant (UNSV),
0.1 g (4 g/L) was initially chosen on the basis that it was the lowest the pyrolyzed plant (SVPR), the chemically activated plant (SVAC)
dosage giving a high methylene blue removal percent as shown in and Merck activated carbon (MAC) at room temperature. The
Fig. 1. No noticeable improvement was observed for higher adsor- resulting supernatants were analyzed at 20-min time intervals un-
bent loadings. The adsorbent dosage was determined at 24 °C by til equilibrium was attained. The equilibrium times for the adsorp-
tion of methylene blue onto the different adsorbents were found to
be 65 min, 58 min, 48 min and 50 min, respectively. Hence, rela-
tively rapid equilibrium time was attained using all four adsor-
bents. As a consequence, subsequent adsorption experiments
140 Merck Activated Carbon
Chem. Activated Plant were all performed for 90 min, a period which was assumed to
Methylene blue removal (%)
120 Pyrolized plant be largely ample for performing all the experiments.
Untreated Plant
100 3.2. Effect of pH
Chem. activated plant
Merck activated carbon
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Initial solution pH
Fig. 2. pH effect on methylene blue adsorption onto SVAC (initial dye concentra-
tion: 150 mg/L. Adsorbent dose: 4 g/L).
resulting in an enhanced attraction between the positively charged 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
dye molecule and the SVAC surface. Since this adsorption efficiency Ceq (mg/L)
was not affected greatly by pH variation, all the methylene blue
adsorption experiments were performed at the natural solution Fig. 3. Adsorption isotherms of methylene blue onto the adsorbents studied.
Table 1
3.3. Adsorption isotherms Langmuir constants for methylene blue, and iodine number values for Salsola
vermiculata plant and Merck activated carbon
The equilibrium adsorption isotherms are of fundamental
System Methylene blue Iodine number
importance in the design of adsorption systems. In a batch system, (mg/g)
equilibrium is established between the liquid phase (free solution) K (1/mg) b (mg/g)
and the solid phase (adsorbent-attached solute) concentrations. It Untreated plant (UNSV) 0.141 23 272
can be described by adsorption isotherms determined at a fixed Pyrolized plant (PRSV) 0.252 53 951
Chemically activated plant (SVAC) 0.77 130 1178
temperature. In general, Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms de- Commercial activated carbon (MAC) 0.135 200 950
scribe in a satisfactory way adsorption equilibriums. The relevant
model used in this study describing the adsorption process is the
Langmuir isotherm expressed in its linearized form by: and 140 mg/g (Manocha et al., 2002), respectively. The maximum
C eq 1 1 adsorption capacity attained here for the Merck activated carbon
¼ þ C eq
X=m Kb b was 200 mg/g, which is indicative of its large mesoporosity. Values
of the iodine number (mg/g), which reflect the adsorption capacity
where X/m (mg/g) is the adsorption density, Ceq (mg/L) is the con-
of activated carbon in micropores, ranged from 272 mg/g to
centration of adsorbate in solution at equilibrium, b (mg/g) is the
1178 mg/g for the untreated (UNSV) and chemically activated plant
adsorption capacity corresponding to complete monolayer cover-
(SVAC), respectively. Slightly lower values of 950 mg/g were ob-
age, and K (L/mg) is the Langmuir constant related to the energy
tained for the steam and phosphoric acid activated plant (Bestani
of adsorption. The linear behavior of Ceq/(X/m) versus Ceq yields
et al., 2003). For instance, Manocha et al., 2002 found a value of
the Langmuir constants b and K. The adsorption isotherms of meth-
1000 mg/g for babbool wood.
ylene blue studied on the samples prepared (UNSV, SVPR and SVAC)
compared to Merck powdered activated carbon are presented in
3.4. Development of surface area versus treatment
Fig. 3. It can be observed that the highest values for the adsorbed
concentrations were obtained for the Merck activated carbon and
The determination of specific surface area of solids using meth-
the chemically activated plant, while the lowest values were those
ylene blue adsorption has been widely applied to activated carbons
for the natural untreated plant. Therefore, a significant enhance-
and also to clays (Kaewprasit et al., 1998; Chen et al., 1999). Since
ment was attained through the activation process as was previously
the adsorption process of methylene blue was well described by
shown for the adsorption of acetic acid by phosphoric acid treat-
the Langmuir models, the adsorption capacity (for complete mono-
ment (Benderdouche et al., 2003). Table 1 lists the Langmuir con-
layer coverage) can be used to evaluate the available area for mes-
stants obtained from the equations of the fitted straight lines with
opores provided the area occupied by an adsorbed methylene blue
high correlation coefficients, R2 = 0.99. The highest values obtained
molecule is known. The latter is assumed to be 130 Å2 as it is fre-
from adsorption capacity (b) measurements for the activated sam-
quently cited in the literature (Santamarina et al., 2002). The fol-
ple (SVAC) are clear evidence that chemical activation process im-
lowing formula was used to compute this specific surface area (Sg):
proves the sorptive ability of the desert plant significantly, from
22 mg/g for the untreated plant up to 130 mg/g for the chemically NA
Sg ¼ b rMB ðm2 =gÞ
activated plant representing an enhancement in the adsorption M MB
capacity by a factor of 6. Comparatively, the adsorption capacity where b is the adsorption capacity obtained from previous curves,
for methylene blue onto biosorbents (hair and pyrolyzed babbool NA is Avogadro’s number, MMB is the molecular weight of methylene
wood at 900 °C) was found to be 158 mg/g (McKay et al., 1999) blue and rMB is the area occupied by an adsorbed methylene blue
8444 B. Bestani et al. / Bioresource Technology 99 (2008) 8441–8444