SDS Asphalt Emulsion CRS-1 & CSS-1h

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt

INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

1. Product Identification, Company Identification, Recommended

Uses and Use Restrictions
Product Family Asphalt Mixture
CAS Number Mixture
Emulsified Asphalt, CRS-1, CRS-1h, CRS-2, CRS-2h, CRS-2L, CRS-2P,
CMS-2, CMS-2N, CSS-1h, CQS-1hLM, CQS-1hLM Flex, Novabond™, Thimaco,
Fibermat™, Tack Coat, Tack Coat (diluted 30-50% with water), NTT,
Non-Tracking Tack, Cold In-Place Recycling Emulsion, IPR Emulsion
1524 Valley Road 7700 Fort Darling Road 8730 Vulcan Lane
Richmond, VA 23222 Richmond, VA 23237 Manassas, VA 20109
804-321-5912 703-369-1326

18000 Cockpit Point 801 Terminal Avenue 151 Emmett Road

Road Newport News, VA Dunn, NC 28334
Dumfries, VA 22026 23607 910-230-3764
703-221-1171 757-244-6545

107 Arendell Street

Morehead City, NC
Technical Contact 3617 Nine Mile Road
Richmond, VA 23223
Emergency ChemTrec – 24 hour
Contact 1-800-424-9300
Recommended Road Maintenance Operations including Slurry Seal, Microsurfacing, Surface
Uses Treatment, HMA Paving, Cold In-Place Recycling
Use Restrictions Temperatures must be above freezing

2. Hazard Identification
Physical State Liquid
Color Brown to Black
Odor Mild Petroleum Odor

Liquid can cause eye and skin irritation

Avoid prolonged contact with eyes, skin and clothing
Hot product can cause burns
Fumes from hot product can cause irritation to eyes, skin and
respiratory system

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

2. Hazard Identification, continued

Harmful to aquatic organisms

Respiratory Sensitizer

Health=1, Fire=1, Reactivity=0

NFPA Rating
Health=1 (Chronic), Fire=1, Reactivity=0
HMIS Rating

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Component Name CAS Number Concentration, %
Petroleum Asphalt 8052-42-4 38-72
Water 7732-18-5 62-28
Fuel Oil Flux 68334-30-5 0-6
Stoddard Solvent 8052-41-3 0-6
Hydrochloric Acid 7647-01-0 0.1-2.5
SBR Co-Polymer 9003-55-8 0-4.5
Dispersion Polymer Modifier Mixture 0-5
Fatty Amine Emulsifier Mixture 0.1-2.5
Hydrogen Sulfide 7783-06-4 0-0.1

CMS-2N: Contains Stoddard Solvent

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

4. First Aid Measures

HOT PRODUCT: Immediately flush the area with large amounts of cool water. Do
not attempt to remove material from the skin or to remove contaminated clothing.
Seek immediate medical attention
Skin Contact COOL PRODUCT: Wash the skin with plenty of soap and water. Remove
contaminated clothing and shoes and place into a container for laundering or
disposal – clean contaminated clothing before reuse. If skin is reddened or blistered,
seek medical attention.
HOT PRODUCT: Hold the eyelids apart and flush with cool water for at least 15
minutes. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Hot Product may cause
Eye Contact
thermal burns to eyes
COOL PRODUCT: Flush with cold water or saline solution. Seek medical attention
Ingestion HOT PRODUCT: May cause thermal burns in the mouth, throat and esophagus
COOL PRODUCT: May cause irritation in the mouth, throat and esophagus
Move the person to fresh air and monitor for respiratory distress
Inhalation ATTENTION.
NOTE: Inhalation exposure of fumes of hot product can produce toxic effects. Treat
intoxications as hydrogen sulfide exposures.

5. Fire Fighting Measures

Extinguishing Media Dry chemical foam, carbon dioxide or water fog
Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of sulfur and/or
nitrogen, unburned hydrocarbons and smoke fumes. At
Hazardous Combustion Products
elevated temperatures hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur
containing gases may be produced.
Asphalt emulsions normally will not ignite. Asphalt residues will
burn if heated. At elevated temperatures asphalt emulsions may
Special Properties separate to form a layer of asphalt and a layer of water. Fire in
the vicinity of storage tanks may cause a boiling liquid-
expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE).

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

6. Accidental Release Measures

Wash hands and other exposed skin areas with soap and water
before eating, drinking, smoking, using toilet facilities or leaving
Personal Precautions the work area. Use only cleaning soaps/agents approved for
human use – do not use gasoline, kerosene, solvents or harsh
GENERAL: Minimum PPE recommended is safety glasses,
work gloves and work shoes.
EYE: Safety glasses for small spills, Goggles or face shield for
large spills. A suitable eyewash station should be located in the
vicinity of the work area.
HAND: Standard work gloves recommended. Nitrile, neoprene
Personal Protective Equipment
or butyl gloves recommended for repeated or prolonged use.
RESPIRATORY: With adequate ventilation a respirator is
usually not required. In those cases where exposure exceeds
the occupational control limits a NIOSH/MSA approved air
purifying particulate respirator suitable for dusts, fumes and
mists is recommended. Respirators should be used in
accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134.
Absorb or cover with earth, sand or other inert non-combustible
Small Spills absorbent material. Scrape up and place into containers for
Immediately contact emergency personnel. In all cases stop the
source of leak only when it is safe to do so.
LAND: Contain the spill with dikes of earth or sand. Do not
allow to enter waterways or sewer. Recover as much liquid as
possible for re-use/reclamation. Scrape up residual product and
Large Spills
diking material and either reclaim or dispose of.
WATER: The emulsion will slowly begin to disperse in water.
Contain as much as possible with booms and begin recovery as
soon as possible. Notify local and state authorities and the
National Response Center if required.

7. Handling and Storage

HOT PRODUCT: Avoid breathing fumes or vapors – hydrogen
sulfide can accumulate in bulk transport or storage tanks. Wear
appropriate PPE to avoid skin, face and eye contact, especially
when opening hatches or vents, since the bulk transporter or
tank may be pressurized.
COOL PRODUCT: Avoid breathing fumes or vapors. Wear
appropriate PPE when opening hatches or vents in case
pressure has built up in the bulk transporter or storage tank.
HEATING: Avoid overheating product -- temperature >200oF
(93oC). Keep heating coils and flues in storage tanks and trucks
covered with material when heating.
Storage COLD WEATHER: Protect product from freezing.
GENERAL: Empty containers will contain product residues. Do
not cut, grind, weld or expose containers to potential ignition
sources unless precautions are taken against these hazards.

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Asphalt 8052-42-4 ACGIH 8-hr TWA: 0.5 mg/m3
Fuel Oil Flux 68334-30-5 ACGIH TWA: 100 mg/m3
ACGIH TWA: 100 ppm
Stoddard OSHA PEL TWA: 500 ppm
Solvent NIOSH PEL TWA: 350 mg/m3
NIOSH Ceiling: 1800 mg/m3 [15 minute]
ACGIH TWA: 1 ppm, STEL: 5 ppm
7783-06-4 OSHA PEL 8-hr: 10 ppm / 14 mg/m3, 15-min STEL: 15 ppm /
21 mg/m3
Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls in
Engineering Controls enclosed areas to keep airborne vapor concentrations below
respective exposure limits.
Personal Protection (PPE)
PPE should be based on a risk assessment of the work area. In
all cases use good personal hygiene.
Skin Work clothes, work boots and work gloves should be worn.
OSHA- approved safety glasses. A suitable eyewash station
should be available
With adequate ventilation a respirator is not required. If the risk
assessment indicates a respirator is required a NIOSH/MSA
approved air-purifying particulate respirator suitable for dusts,
fumes and mists should be used. Respirator selection must be
based on known or anticipated exposure limits for the hazards
and the safe working limits of the respirator

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

9. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State Liquid
Color Brown-Black
Odor Mild Petroleum-like
pH 2-4
Melting Point, oF (oC) Not Applicable
Freezing Point, oF (oC) 32 (0)
Boiling Point, oF (oC) 212 (100)
Flash Point, oF (oC) Not Applicable
Evaporation Rate INA
Flammability NFPA Class III-B combustible material
Lower Flammable Limit, % by Vol. Not Applicable
Upper Flammable Limit, % by Vol. Not Applicable
Vapor Pressure INA
Vapor Density >1 (Air = 1)
Relative Density >1 (Water = 1)
Solubilities Water: Dispersable
Partition Coefficient (n-octanol/water) INA
Auto-Ignition Temperature Not applicable
Decomposition Temperature Not applicable
Viscosity See AASHTO M-208

10. Stability and Reactivity

Reactivity Not reactive under normal conditions
Chemical Stability Stable under normal conditions
Possibility of Hazardous Reaction Minimal
Conditions to Avoid Excessive heat, freezing, sources of ignition.
Incompatible Materials Strong oxidizers such as nitrates, chlorates, peroxides
Combustion produces carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides
of sulfur and/or nitrogen, unburned hydrocarbons. At elevated
Hazardous Decomposition Products
temperatures hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur gases may be

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

11. Toxicological Information

Major Routes of Entry Skin Contact
Symptoms related to
Irritation with reddening, itching, burning feeling and/or swelling.
Contains component(s) that may cause allergic skin reactions.
Repeated skin contact may cause harmful effects to other parts of
the body. Hot material may cause thermal burns
Irritation with tearing, redness, stinging or burning feeling. Hot
Eye material can cause thermal burns with eye tissue destruction and
possible permanent injury.
Ingestion Stomach and/or intestinal pain, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
No significant adverse health effects expected during normal
Inhalatiion exposure to product at room temperature. Fumes from hot
product may cause irritation to the respiratory tract.
Short Term Exposure
HOT PRODUCT: May cause skin and respiratory tract irritation.
COOL PRODUCT: No significant adverse effects expected.
HOT PRODUCT: May cause skin and respiratory tract irritation.
COOL PRODUCT: No significant adverse effects expected.
Long Term Exposure
HOT PRODUCT: may cause dermatitis, acne and/or
photosensitization of the skin. May cause respiratory tract
COOL PRODUCT: No significant adverse effects expected.
HOT PRODUCT: May cause dermatitis, acne, and/or
photosensitization of the skin. May cause respiratory tract
COOL PRODUCT: No significant adverse effects expected.
Toxicity Data
Oral LD50: Acute >5000 mg/kg [rat]
Dermal LD50: >2000 mg/kg [rabbit]
Octane (111-65-9): Inhalation LC50: 118mg/l 4 hrs [rat]
n-Nonane (111-84-2): Inhalation LC50: 3200 mg/l 4 hrs [rat]
Fuel Oil Flux n-Heptane (14282-5) Inhalation LC50: 103 mg/l 4 hrs [rat]
Naphthalene (91-20-3): Dermal LD50: >2 g/kg [rabbit]
Oral LD50: 450 mg/kg [rat]
Inhalatiion LC50: >20 mg/l 1 hr [rat]
Stoddard Solvent Oral LD50: >7000 mg/kg [rat]
Dermal LD50: >2000 mg/kg [rabbit]
Intraperitoneal LD50: 2300 µg/kg [rat]
Intravenous LD50: 270 µg/kg [rat]
Hydrogen Sulfide
Inhalatiion (Vapor) LC50: 820 mg/kg 3 hrs [rat]
Inhalatiion (Gas) LC50: 712 ppm 1 hr [rat]

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

11. Toxicological Information, continued

Carcinogenic Data
IARC: Determined that there is sufficient evidence that extracts
of stream and air refined bitumens are carcinogenic in animals
but there is inadequate evidence that bitumens alone are
Asphalt carcinogenic to humans.
NTP: Reasonably expected to be a carcinogen.
ACGIH: A4 – Not classifiable as a carcinogen.
OSHA – Select Carcinogens: Listed
ACGIH (Fuels, diesel 68334-30-5): A3 confirmed carcinogen with
Fuel Oil Flux
unknown relevance to humans
No data available to indicate product or any components present
Stoddard Solvent
at greater than 0.1% are carcinogenic
Hydrogen Sulfide No known significant effects

Target Organs Skin, Eyes, Respiratory System

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

12. Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity Harmful to aquatic organisms
Persistence & Biodegradability Expected to have a low rate of biodegradation
Bioaccumulative Potential Expected to have a low rate of bioaccumulation
Mobility in Soil Not mobile in soil – will not penetrate to a significant depth.

13. Disposal Considerations

The product as supplied is not considered a hazardous waste.
The hazard characteristic and regulatory waste stream
RCRA Classification classification can change with product use. It is the responsibility
of the user to determine at the time of disposal whether the
material is a hazardous waste subject to RCRA or not.
Disposal of this product, solutions and any by-products must
Waste Disposal
comply with Local, State and Federal Regulations

14. Transportation Information

Type Proper Shipping Name Class PG* Label Other
Not Regulated
Not Regulated
IATA-DGR Not Regulated
IMDG Not Regulated
*PG = Packing Group

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

15. Regulatory Information

This product and/or its components are listed on the Toxic
TSCA Inventory
Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory
OSHA Hazard Communication This product has been determined to be hazardous as defined in
Standard the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
Extremely Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 302.4, 40 CFR 355)
SARA 302 Emergency Planning
identified in this product:
and Notification
Hydrogen Sulfide (500 lb TPQ)
Extremely Hazardous Substances or CERCLA Hazardous
SARA 304 Emergency Planning Substances which in the case or spill may be subject to reporting
and Notification requirements;
Hydrogen Sulfide (100 lb. Final RQ)
SARA 311/312 Emergency
EPA Hazard Category: Acute
Planning and Notificatiion
This product contains the following components that may be
SARA 313 Emergency Planning
subject to reporting on the Toxic Release Inventory Form R:
and Notification
CERCLA requires notification to the National Response Center of
CERCLA the release of “hazardous substances” equal to or greater than
the RQ listed in 40 CFR 302.4: NONE
The product as supplied is not considered a hazardous waste.
The hazard characteristic and regulatory waste stream
RCRA classification can change with product use. It is the responsibility
of the user to determine at the time of disposal whether the
material is a hazardous waste subject to RCRA or not.
This product is classified as an oil under Section 311 of the CWA.
Discharges or spills which produce a visible oil sheen on waters
of the United States or adjoining shorelines or conduits leading
Clean Water Act
into surface waters must be reported to the National Response
Center at 1-800-424-8802. Local and state regulations may be
more restrictive and require additional reporting.
This product is classified as an oil under the OPA. Discharges or
spills which produce a visible oil sheen on waters of the United
States or adjoining shorelines or conduits leading into surface
Oil Pollution Act
waters must be reported to the National Response Center at 1-
800-424-8802. Local and state regulations may be more
restrictive and require additional reporting.
This product contains the following components designated as
Clean Air Act hazardous, toxic or flammable air pollutants under Section 112 of
This material contains the following components which are known
to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other
California Proposition 65 reproductive harm:
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (4-6 member condensed
For New Jersey RTK labeling requirements refer to components
New Jersey Right-To-Know
listed in Section 3
Additional Regulatory Remarks None

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

16. Other Information

Date Prepared November 2013
Revision Number 1
Prepared By
=, eq Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
INA Information not available
NE Not Established
ACGIH American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists
AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association
AASHTO American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
CAA Clean Air Act
CAS Chemical Abstract Service
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and
Liability Act of 1980
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CWA Clean Water Act
DGR Dangerous Goods Regulations
EPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
HMIS Hazardous Materials Identification System
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IATA International Air Transport Association
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods
MSA Mine Safety Administration
NFPA National Fire Protection Administration
NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety
NTP National Toxicology Program
OPA Oil Pollution Act of 1990
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL Permissible Exposure Limits
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
TWA Time Weighted Average

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ASPHALT EMULSION Emulsified Asphalt
INDUSTRIES, LLC Cationic, All Grades

The information contained in this SDS was obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is
considered to be accurate as of the data of preparation of this SDS. However, the information is provided
without warranty, express or implied, regarding its accuracy. Some information and conclusions
presented in this SDS are from sources other than direct test data. The SDS was prepared for and is to
be used only for this product. If this product is used as a component in another product or formulation,
this SDS information may not be applicable. This SDS may not be used as a commercial specification
sheet of the manufacturer or seller. The conditions or methods of handling storage, use and disposal of
this product by the user is beyond our control and the manufacturer does not assume responsibility for
and expressly disclaims liability for loss, damage, or expense arising out of or connected in any way with
the handling, storage, use, and disposal of this product by the user.

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