On The Evaluation of Elastic Critical Moments in Doubly and Singly Symmetric I-Section Cantilevers
On The Evaluation of Elastic Critical Moments in Doubly and Singly Symmetric I-Section Cantilevers
On The Evaluation of Elastic Critical Moments in Doubly and Singly Symmetric I-Section Cantilevers
The so-called 3-factor formula is one of the most commonly employed general formulae to estimate the elastic critical moment of steel beams
prone to lateral-torsional buckling. This work extends its domain of application to I-section cantilevers (i) with equal or unequal flanges, (ii) fully
built-in or free to warp at the support and (iii) acted on by uniformly distributed or concentrated tip loads (applied either at the shear centre or at
one of the flanges). The paper includes (i) a discussion of the theoretical basis of elastic lateral-torsional buckling, (ii) the description of the main
steps involved in posing the buckling problem in a non-dimensional form over a fixed reference domain, features that are particularly convenient
for the purpose of this work, (iii) the numerical results of a parametric study, obtained by the Rayleigh–Ritz method, and (iv) their use for the
development of approximate analytical expressions for the C1 , C2 and C3 factors appearing in the aforementioned formula.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Lateral-torsional buckling; Elastic critical moments; I-section cantilevers; Dimensional analysis; Rayleigh–Ritz method; Eurocode 3
tip load Q = Qk, where k is the unit vector directed along (recall that V and Φ are both identically zero in the fundamental
the z-axis −, both with the same direction and initially acting state), (ii) Iz , It and Iw are standard geometrical properties
on the plane y = 0. Their magnitudes q, Q are assumed to of the undeformed cross-section, (iii) β y is a cross-sectional
be proportional to a single factor λ (therefore, we may write asymmetry property, defined by
q = q0 λ and Q = Q 0 λ, where q0 , Q 0 are non-negative Z
reference magnitudes defining the loading profile) and their βy = z( y 2 + z 2 )dA − 2z S , (2)
conservative character is ensured by the fact that they follow Iy A
the beam deformation, always remaining parallel to the z-axis. f
(iv) M y denotes the bending moment distribution in the
For convenience, we also assume throughout this section that
fundamental state, given by
q0 and Q 0 are strictly positive.
It is well-known that such a cantilever is prone to lateral- f 1
M y (x, λ) = − q0 (l − x) + Q 0 (l − x) λ
torsional buckling, a bifurcation-type of instability (from the 2
Latin word bifurcus—‘with two branches’) where (i) the f
fundamental path corresponds to equilibrium configurations = M y0 (x)λ, (3)
(parameterised by λ) that are symmetric with respect to the f
where M y0 is a function of x alone and denotes the bending
plane y = 0 (i.e. the cantilever is subjected solely to major
moment diagram caused by the reference loads q0 k and Q 0 k,
axis bending) and (ii) the buckled states are associated with
and (v) z q and z Q identify the point of load application—
non-symmetric configurations—the cantilever deflects laterally,
see Fig. 1(a). In the sequel, we exclude the limiting cases of
along y, and twists. This phenomenon is an obvious instance
T, inverted T and narrow rectangular cross-sections, so as to
of symmetry breaking. However, not all symmetry is lost:
ensure that Iw 6= 0.
given any possible buckled state, its reflection upon the plane
In order to completely define the functional δ 2 Π , it is
y = 0 is also a possible buckled state—i.e. instability breaks
necessary to specify the class of admissible functions v and
the symmetry of the equilibrium configuration, but not the
φ. There are two properties that must be characterised: (i) the
symmetry of the solution set. smoothness required of these functions and (ii) the boundary
In this section, we aim at formulating the problem conditions they must satisfy. The integrals in (1) only make
of identifying the bifurcation points along the cantilever’s sense if v and φ are square-integrable in (0, l) and possess
fundamental path in a way that is well suited for the square-integrable first and second derivatives. In addition, the
systematic development of approximate buckling formulae. In admissible functions v and φ must satisfy the homogeneous
order to linearise the problem, we neglect the pre-buckling form of the essential (Dirichlet) boundary conditions, i.e.
flexural deflections, thus assuming that the cantilever remains
straight up until the onset of buckling—in design, it is v(0) = 0 v,x (0) = 0 φ(0) = 0 φ, x (0) = 0, (4)
prudent to disregard the beneficial effect of pre-buckling
the last one applying only if warping is prevented at the fixed
deflections because (i) it may be significantly reduced, or
end section (NW). The real-valued functions fulfilling the above
even fully removed, by any pre-cambering of the member
requirements are termed kinematically admissible.
and (ii) it depends heavily on the actual conditions of lateral
According to Trefftz’s criterion [27,28] – for a critical
restraint [24]. Moreover, the analysis is carried out under the appraisal of this criterion, together with a brief historical
assumption of small strains. account and references to its application, the interested reader is
referred to [29] –, the variational form of the buckling problem
2.2. Mathematical modelling
can be stated as follows:
Using Vlassov’s classical thin-walled beam theory hypothe- Problem A (Variational Form). Find real scalars λ and
ses [25] – the cross-sections do not deform in their own plane kinematically admissible functions v, φ 6= 0 rendering δ 2 Π
and the shear strains on the mid-surface are negligible −, it is stationary, i.e. satisfying the variational condition
possible to show that the second variation, from a given funda-
mental state, of the cantilever total potential energy Π is defined δ (δ 2 Π ) = 0. (5)
by (e.g., [26]) Applying standard Calculus of Variations techniques [30],
E Iz l 2
G It l 2
E Iw l 2
Z we obtain the classical or strong form of Problem A, which
δ2Π = v,x x dx + φ,x dx + φ dx may be phrased as follows:
2 0 2 0 2 0 ,x x
1 l f Problem A (Strong Form). Find λ ∈ R and real-valued
+ M y (2v,x x φ + β y φ,x
)dx + (z q − z S )q functions v, φ ∈ C 4 ([0, l]), with v, φ 6= 0, satisfying the
2 0 2
Z l differential equations
× φ 2 dx + (z Q − z S )Qφ(l)2 , (1)
0 2 E Iz v,x x x x + M y0 φ λ=0 (6)
,x x
where (i) v(x) and φ(x) are variations of V (x, λ) (shear f f
(M y0 v,x x + q0 (z q − z S )φ − β y (M y0 φ,x ),x )λ − G It φ,x x
centre displacement along y) and Φ(x, λ) (rotation about the
undeformed shear centre axis), which are independent from λ + E Iw φ,x x x x = 0 (7)
A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908 897
in (0, l) (Euler–Lagrange equations of δ 2 Π ) and the boundary 2.3. Equivalent scaled problems
By an appropriate change of variable and subsequent scaling
v(0) = 0 Q 0 φ(l)λ + E Iz v,x x x (l) = 0 (8) of the functions v and φ, Problems A and B may be transformed
v,x (0) = 0 E Iz v,x x (l) = 0 (9) into equivalent ones, posed in a fixed reference domain
φ(0) = 0 (z Q − z S )Q 0 φ(l)λ + G It φ,x (l) (i.e. independent of the cantilever length l) and written in a non-
dimensional form—this is most convenient because it enables
− E Iw φ,x x x (l) = 0 (10)
a general and systematic representation of the cantilever LTB
φ,x (0) = 0 (NW) or E Iw φ,x x (0) = 0 (FW) behaviour.
E Iw φ,x x (l) = 0. (11) Since the interval [0, 1] is taken as the fixed reference
domain, the associated change of variable is defined by the
Due to the regularity of the data – constant mechanical and
f stretch ξ : [0, l] → [0, 1], ξ = x/l. Moreover, we introduce
geometrical properties and M y0 ∈ C ∞ ([0, l]) –, the strong and
variational forms of the problem are equivalent. p scaled non-dimensional functions v : [0, 1] → R, v(ξ ) =
E Iz /(G It )v(ξl)/l and φ : [0, 1] → R, φ(ξ ) = φ(ξl). Then,
From a mathematical viewpoint, Problem A is an the strong form of the scaled versions of Problems A and B may
eigenvalue problem—the elastic bifurcation load factors and be stated as follows:
the corresponding buckling modes are its eigenvalues and Problem C (Strong Form). Find λ ∈ R and v, φ ∈ C 4 ([0, 1]),
eigenfunctions. Given the self-adjoint character of this problem, with v, φ 6= 0, satisfying the differential equations
all eigenvalues are real and the eigenfunctions may be taken to
be real [31,32]—this is the mathematical justification for having v ,ξ ξ ξ ξ + (µ0 φ),ξ ξ λ = 0 (14)
formulated Problem A in terms of real scalars and real function f f
spaces, in line with its physical nature. The lowest positive (µ0 v ,ξ ξ + 2εq γq φ − δ y (µ0 φ ,ξ ),ξ )λ − φ ,ξ ξ
eigenvalue is termed elastic critical load factor and denoted by K2
λcr —accordingly, the corresponding buckling mode (vcr , φcr ) + φ =0 (15)
π 2 ,ξ ξ ξ ξ
is labelled critical as well. We also speak of the elastic critical
in (0, 1) and the boundary conditions
moment, defined as
f v(0) = 0 γ Q φ(1)λ + v ,ξ ξ ξ (1) = 0 (16)
Mcr = |M y (x, λcr )|max = (1/2q0l 2 + Q 0l)λcr
f v ,ξ (0) = 0 v ,ξ ξ (1) = 0 (17)
= −M y0 (0)λcr .
φ(0) = 0 ε Q γ Q φ(1)λ + φ ,ξ (1) − φ (1) = 0 (18)
Integrating twice the field equation (6), together with the π 2 ,ξ ξ ξ
natural (Neumann) boundary conditions (82 )–(92 ), we are led
to the conclusion that v,x x and φ are related by the equation φ ,ξ (0) = 0 (NW) or φ ,ξ ξ (0) = 0 (FW) φ ,ξ ξ (1) = 0,(19)
M y0 l
v,x x = − φλ. (12) f
µ0 (ξ ) = √
M (ξl)
E Iz E Iz G It y0
This equation can be viewed as a holonomic kinematical = −(1 − ξ )((1 − ξ )γq + γ Q ) (20)
constraint [33], which can be used to eliminate v and write the
buckling problem in terms of a single unknown field φ. Indeed, s
the incorporation of (12) into (7) yields q0 l 3 Q 0l 2 π E Iw
γq = √ γQ = √ K = (21)
M y0 2 E I z G It E I z G It l G It
− φλ2 + (q0 (z q − z S )φ − β y (M y0 φ,x ),x )λ s s
E Iz β y E Iz z q − z S E Iz
δy = εq =
− G It φ,x x + E Iw φ,x x x x = 0 (13) l G It l G It
and Problem A may then be replaced by the following one, z Q − z S E Iz
which takes on the form of a quadratic eigenvalue problem: εQ = (22)
l G It
Problem B (Strong Form). Find λ ∈ R and φ ∈ C 4 ([0, l]), are non-dimensional parameters, very much identical to the
with φ 6= 0, satisfying the field equation (13) and the boundary ones proposed by Anderson and Trahair [15].
conditions (10) and (11).
Problem D (Strong Form). Find λ ∈ R and φ ∈ C 4 ([0, 1]),
It is obvious that a variational characterisation can be given for with φ 6= 0, satisfying the differential equation
Problem B: it suffices to introduce (12) into (1) and to consider f2 f
again Eq. (5). If required, v can be obtained through the −µ0 φλ2 + (2εq γq φ − δ y (µ0 φ ,ξ ),ξ )λ − φ ,ξ ξ
mere integration of Eq. (12) subjected to the initial conditions K2
(81 )–(91 ). + φ =0 (23)
π 2 ,ξ ξ ξ ξ
898 A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908
along the cross-section height (or, to be exact, its location factorisation of K (K = LLT , where L stands for a lower
in between the flange mid-lines). Typical values of these triangular matrix with positive diagonal entries) and reduce (39)
parameters are (iii1 ) ζq(Q) = 0 (load applied at the shear to the standard symmetric form
centre), (iii2 ) ζq(Q) = −(1 + ψ f ) (load applied at the top
flange centroid) and (iii3 ) ζq(Q) = 1 − ψ f (load applied at (L−1 GL−T )y = y, (40)
the bottom flange centroid) [17]. λ
(iv) Since the set {K , δ y , εq , ε Q } can be uniquely determined where y = LT x. The standard problem (40) can be solved by the
from {K , ψ f , ζq , ζ Q } by means of the expressions symmetric QR algorithm (e.g., [41]) or any other eigensolver
for real symmetric matrices.
q 1
K = K 1 − ψ 2f εq (Q) = K ζq (Q) (34) The discretisation scheme employed in this work is the
π Rayleigh–Ritz method, named after Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh,
2 × 0.8 and Ritz [42,43]—for a comprehensive analysis of the method
ψ f K if ψ f > 0
δy ≈ π (35) and a broad discussion of its application areas, see works by
− ψ f K
if ψ f < 0, Mikhlin [32,44]. The functions v and φ were approximated by
π the sequences of linear combinations of coordinate functions
the latter can also be used to write the governing equations
(2k − 1)π
in non-dimensional form. X (n)
v n (ξ ) = ak 1 − cos ξ
3. Numerical implementation
n = 1, 2, . . . (41)
(2k − 1)π
The application of a structure-preserving discretisation X (n)
φ n (ξ ) = bk 1 − cos ξ
method (such as the methods of Rayleigh–Ritz and Bubnov– 2
Galerkin) to Problem D generates an algebraic quadratic
eigenvalue problem of the form n = 1, 2, . . . (NW) (42)
(n) (n)
(A + λB + λ2 C)x = 0, (36) φ n (ξ ) = b1 ξ + bk sin ((k − 1)π ξ )
where A, B and C are real symmetric matrices (of order n, n = 1, 2, . . . (FW), (43)
say)—A and C are positive and negative definite, respectively. (n) (n)
In the case of small-to-moderate n, the standard approach where the superscript in the coefficients ak , bk stresses their
to solve (36) numerically involves its linearisation, i.e. its dependence on n. Since the same number n of terms is used
conversion into an equivalent linear generalised eigenproblem to approximate v and φ, one is led to a discrete problem
by means of an augmentation procedure resembling the with 2n degrees of freedom—note also that (43) satisfies the
reduction of a second-order linear differential equation to a natural boundary condition (191 ). The numerical procedure was
system of two first-order ones [38,39]. In practice, the most continued until the relative differences between the buckling
commonly used linearisations involve one of the companion capacities γq λcr or γ Q λcr computed with three consecutive
forms values of n did not exceed 0.1%—it was found that this criterion
could always be satisfied by considering up to nine terms
(n ≤ 9) in (41)–(43).
0 N x N 0 x
=λ (37)
−A −B u 0 C u
4. Parametric study
−A 0 x B C x
=λ , (38) A parametric study was conducted to determine the non-
0 N u N 0 u dimensional elastic buckling capacities γq λcr or γ Q λcr of
where N is any non-singular n × n real matrix and u = λx. I-section cantilevers and the associated normalised buckling
This approach has two major drawbacks: (i) the dimension of mode shapes φ cr as a function of the beam parameter K (0.1 ≤
the linearised problem is twice that of the original quadratic one K ≤ 2.5), for (i) selected values of the flange asymmetry
and (ii) backward stability cannot always be guaranteed for the parameter ψ f (in the range −0.8 ≤ ψ f ≤ 0.8) and (ii) three
quadratic problem, even if a backward stable algorithm is used load positions (shear centre, top and bottom flange centroids).
to solve the linearised problem [40]. The cantilevers were acted on by a uniform load or a tip load
Therefore, we opted for the discretisation of Problem C, (i.e. Q 0 = 0 or q0 = 0)—the simultaneous application of the
leading directly to an algebraic linear generalised eigenproblem two loads was not considered in this work. As discussed earlier,
of the form warping at the fixed end section was either fully prevented (NW)
or completely free (FW).
Gx = Kx, (39) The numerical results were compared with values reported
λ by (i) Wang and Kitipornchai [17], for cantilevers with no
where G and K are real symmetric matrices and K is warping at the fixed end and both equal and unequal flanges,
positive definite. Then, it is possible to perform the Cholesky and by (ii) Trahair [12], for cantilevers free to warp at the fixed
900 A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908
Fig. 2. Cantilevers acted on by a uniform load applied at the top flange centroid (ζq = −1 − Ψ f ): variation of γq λcr with K and Ψ f .
Fig. 3. Cantilevers acted on by a uniform load applied at the shear centre (ζq = 0): variation of γq λcr with K and Ψ f .
end and equal flanges—to the best of our knowledge, no Mcr extent, on the warping torsion generated during buckling—
values for cantilevers with unequal flanges and free to warp this effect is hardly mobilised in the absence of an external
at the fixed end are available in the literature. An excellent warping restraint. On the other hand, the warping torsion is
agreement was found in all cases. not relevant in cantilevers with very low K , which implies
Figs. 2–7 show plots of the elastic buckling capacities γq λcr that the warping restraint at the support has little impact on
and γ Q λcr against the beam parameter K , for selected values of γq λcr or γ Q λcr .
the flange asymmetry parameter ψ f and the three load positions (ii) Although the plots concerning cantilevers subjected to
considered. These plots show that: uniform and tip loads display similar qualitative features,
(i) As expected, the cantilevers restrained from warping at the γq λcr values are always higher: for equal end values (at
the fixed end (NW) exhibit higher buckling capacities than ξ = 0 and ξ = 1), the magnitude of the non-dimensional
the ones that are free to warp at that section (FW). While bending moment distribution |µ0 (ξ )λ| associated with the
the difference is only marginal for very low values of K , uniform load is smaller at any given interior point (0 <
it gradually increases with this parameter and becomes ξ < 1).
substantial for high K values. This indicates that the (iii) The so-called Wagner’s effect [15,45], which may be
buckling capacity of a cantilever restrained from warping viewed as an increase (reduction) in the actual torsional
at the support and having a high K depends, to a large rigidity of the cross-sections when the compression
A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908 901
Fig. 4. Cantilevers acted on by a uniform load applied at the bottom flange centroid (ζq = 1 − Ψ f ): variation of γq λcr with K and Ψ f .
Fig. 5. Cantilevers acted on by a tip load applied at the top flange centroid (ζ Q = −1 − Ψ f ): variation of γ Q λcr with K and Ψ f .
flange is larger (smaller) than the tension one, is clearly The critical buckling mode shapes φ cr of cantilevers with
noticeable for the cantilevers loaded at the shear centre: K = 1.0 and acted on by tip loads are shown in Figs. 8–10
both γq λcr and γ Q λcr increase monotonically with ψ f . (these shapes are normalised so that φ cr max = 1)—since the
(iv) In the cantilevers loaded at the top or bottom flange, the buckling mode shapes of the cantilevers subjected to uniform
variation of the buckling capacity with ψ f stems from loads are qualitatively similar, they are not presented here. The
the interplay between (iv1 ) Wagner’s effect and (iv2 ) most striking difference between the two graphs in each of
the location of the point of load application relative to these figures concerns the shape of the critical modes near the
the shear centre—recall that, for top or bottom flange supported end—while the cantilevers prevented from warping
loading, the value of the parameters ζq and ζ Q depends at the support (NW) display a considerable curvature, the ones
on ψ f . This explains why, in some cases, this variation that are free to warp (FW) exhibit a linear ascending branch,
is not monotonic (e.g., warping restrained cantilevers with which is an immediate consequence of the natural boundary
ψ f > 0 and bottom flange loading). It is also worth noting condition φ ,ξ ξ (0) = 0. It is also interesting to note that, in
that, for top flange loading and moderate-to-high K values, the cases of shear centre and top flange loading, φ cr increases
the maximum buckling capacity occurs for sections with monotonically with ξ , so that the maximum torsional rotation
equal (or nearly equal) flanges. occurs at the cantilever free end. Conversely, for bottom flange
902 A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908
Fig. 6. Cantilevers acted on by a tip load applied at the shear centre (ζ Q = 0): variation of γ Q λcr with K and Ψ f .
Fig. 7. Cantilevers acted on by a tip load applied at the bottom flange centroid (ζ Q = 1 − Ψ f ): variation of γ Q λcr with K and Ψ f .
loading the critical mode shapes reach a maximum for ξ < 1 referred to [47,48]. The 3-factor formula, as it appeared in [5,
and then decrease towards the cantilever free end, a feature that 37], reads
becomes gradually more significant as the value of the flange π 2 E Iz
asymmetry parameter ψ f diminishes. Mcr = C1
(k z L)2
5. Approximate formulae to estimate elastic critical kz Iw (k z L)2 G It 2
+ C2 z g − C3 z j − C2 z g − C3 z j .
× +
moments kw Iz π 2 E Iz
Fig. 8. Cantilevers (K = 1.0) acted on by a tip load applied at the top flange centroid (ζ Q = −1 − Ψ f ): normalised critical mode shapes φ cr .
Fig. 9. Cantilevers (K = 1.0) acted on by a tip load applied at the shear centre (ζ Q = 0): normalised critical mode shapes φ cr .
dealing with cantilevers, this definition has to be modified defined (there is no direct relation to the distance between
and, therefore, we take L as the cantilever length—recall inflection points of the critical buckling mode shape
that it was previously denoted in this paper by the lower {vcr , φcr }) and (iii2 ) do not fully account for the end
case letter l. support conditions—indeed, when k z changes so do the Ci
(ii) According to [5,37], the Ci factors depend only on factors. Thus, the values assigned to k z and kw should be
(ii1 ) the bending moment diagram and (ii2 ) the end regarded as merely conventional.
restraint conditions. However, it has been recognised by (iv) For gravity loads, we define z g = −(z q(Q) − z S ), which
several authors (e.g., [13,47,49]) that, except in a few means that one has z g > 0 for loads applied above the
particular cases, these factors also depend on (ii1 ) the shear centre and there is no need for any sign convention—
beam parameter K , (ii2 ) the location of the point of load incidentally, the convention adopted in [37] is incorrect.
application (C2 , C3 ) and (ii3 ) the degree of cross-section Moreover, it should be made clear that formula (44) is
asymmetry with respect to the y-axis (C3 ). not valid when the beam is subjected to transverse loads
(iii) The quantities k z and kw are effective length factors, applied at different levels (e.g., if one has z q 6= z Q ).
(v) The cross-sectional property z j is defined as
the former associated with the end rotations about the
z-axis and the latter with the end warping restraint. It 1
z j = zS − z(y 2 + z 2 )dA = − , (45)
should be noticed that these factors (iii1 ) are not properly 2I y A 2
904 A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908
Fig. 10. Cantilevers (K = 1.0) acted on by a tip load applied at the bottom flange centroid (ζ Q = 1 − Ψ f ): normalised critical mode shapes φ cr .
Table 1
Cantilevers with warping prevented at the fixed end (NW)—C1 and C2 factors (L = l; k z = 2; kw = 1; 0.1 ≤ K ≤ 2.5)
C1 C2
Top flange loading Bottom flange loading
q q
2 2 2 2
Point load 2.462/ 1 + K + 2.383K / 1 + K 0.380 + 2.092K − 0.318K 0.512 + 0.370K − 0.033K
q q
2 2 2 2
Uniform load 3.962/ 1 + K + 5.531K / 1 + K 1.130 + 1.539K − 0.176K 1.049 + 0.234K − 0.020K
which means that, once again, no sign convention is γq(Q) λcr , this approach yields more accurate estimates
needed. than an alternative one that consists of fitting a polynomial
of the same degree to tabulated C1 vs. K data.
5.2. C1 , C2 and C3 factors for cantilevers (iii) Next, the cases corresponding to z j = 0 and z g 6= 0
(i.e. cantilevers with equal flanges and loaded at the top
The numerical results presented in Section 4 are now used to or bottom flange) are considered. The numerical results
develop approximate analytical expressions for C1 , C2 and C3 , given in Section 4 and the C1 approximations obtained in
by adopting the following step-by-step strategy: the preceding step are used to evaluate C2 by means of the
(i) Fixed values are assigned to the effective lengths factors: expression
k z = 2.0 (the most intuitive value, in view of the analogy 2
with column flexural buckling) and kw = 1.0.
4γq(Q) λ2cr − π 2 C12 (1 + K )
C2 = . (47)
(ii) Initially, only the cases corresponding to z g = z j = 0 (or, 2πC1 γq(Q) λcr K ζq(Q)
equivalently, ζq(Q) = ψ f = 0—i.e. cantilevers with equal
Polynomials in K are then fitted to the tabulated C2 vs. K
flanges and loaded at the shear centre) are dealt with. Then,
values—see Tables 1 and 3.
the non-dimensional version of formula (44) reads
(iv) Finally, the cases associated with z j 6= 0 (i.e. cantilevers
2 with unequal flanges) lead to the C3 values, which
γq(Q) λcr = C1 K + 1. (46) are obtained using the approximations for C1 and C2
For the NW case, Figs. 3 and 6 show that the variation of developed earlier and the expression
the buckling capacity with K is practically linear. Thus, 2
4γq(Q) λ2cr − π 2 C12 (1 + K (1 − ψ 2f )) − 2πC1 C2 γq(Q) λcr K ζq(Q)
straight lines are fitted to the γq(Q) λcr vs. K numerical C3 = ( ) .
0.8 if ψ f > 0
results—the approximate analytical expressions for C1 , 2π × × C1 γq(Q) λcr K ψ f
1.0 if ψ f < 0
shown in Table 1, stem from these fits.
For the FW case, on the other hand, a quadratic
polynomial is fitted to the γq(Q) λcr vs. K numerical Then, curve fitting techniques are again employed to
results, as shown in Table 3—it was found that, concerning construct polynomials in K and ψ f matching the tabulated
the statistical parameters qualifying the difference (or C3 , K and ψ f values as closely as possible—see Tables 2
distance) between the numerical and proposed values of and 4. It should be noted that the step function appearing
A. Andrade et al. / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 63 (2007) 894–908 905
Table 2
Cantilevers with warping prevented at the fixed end (NW)—C3 factor (L = l; k z = 2; kw = 1; 0.1 ≤ K ≤ 2.5; −0.8 ≤ ψ f ≤ 0.8, ψ f 6= 0)
Top flange loading 1.520 − 1.342ψ f − 0.010ψ 2f − 0.424ψ 3f + (0.162 + 2.419ψ f + 0.875ψ 2f + 0.400ψ 3f )K
+ (0.148 − 0.623ψ f − 0.216ψ 2f + 0.141ψ 3f )K
Point load Shear centre loading 1.808 − 0.944ψ f + 0.299ψ 2f − 0.061ψ 3f + (0.060 + 1.235ψ f − 0.574ψ 2f − 0.337ψ 3f )K
+ (0.128 − 0.409ψ f + 0.047ψ 2f + 0.237ψ 3f )K
Bottom flange loading 1.966 − 0.792ψ f + 0.139ψ 2f − 0.341ψ 3f + (0.061 + 0.549ψ f + 0.077ψ 2f − 0.206ψ 3f )K
+ (0.064 − 0.135ψ f − 0.050ψ 2f + 0.058ψ 3f )K
Top flange loading 2.441 − 1.589ψ f + 0.176ψ 2f − 0.658ψ 3f + (−0.412 + 2.442ψ f + 0.635ψ 2f +
0.261ψ 3f )K + (0.273 − 0.601ψ f − 0.140ψ 2f + 0.205ψ 3f )K
Uniform load Shear centre loading 2.609 − 1.801ψ f + 0.522ψ 2f + 0.461ψ 3f + (−0.445 + 2.251ψ f − 0.620ψ 2f −
1.443ψ 3f )K + (0.244 − 0.710ψ f + 0.044ψ 2f + 0.611ψ 3f )K
Bottom flange loading 2.793 − 1.235ψ f + 0.428ψ 2f − 0.630ψ 3f + (−0.492 + 1.008ψ f − 0.134ψ 2f −
0.095ψ 3f )K + (0.194 − 0.263ψ f − 0.003ψ 2f + 0.060ψ 3f )K
Table 3
Cantilevers free to warp at the fixed end (FW)—C1 and C2 factors (L = l; k z = 2; kw = 1; 0.1 ≤ K ≤ 2.5)
C1 C2
Top flange loading Bottom flange loading
q q q
2 2 2 2 2 2
Point load 2.437/ 1 + K + 0.613K / 1 + K − 0.105K / 1 + K 0.409 + 1.444K + 0.070K 0.529 + 0.234K + 0.149K
q q q
2 2 2 2 2 2
Uniform load 3.840/ 1 + K + 1.496K / 1 + K − 0.247K / 1 + K 0.987 + 1.420K + 0.165K 1.028 + 0.388K + 0.150K
Table 4
Cantilevers free to warp at the fixed end (FW)—C3 factor (L = l; k z = 2; kw = 1; 0.1 ≤ K ≤ 2.5; −0.8 ≤ ψ f ≤ 0.8, ψ f 6= 0)
Top flange loading 1.732 − 0.648ψ f − 0.062ψ 2f + 0.059ψ 3f + (0.066 + 1.539ψ f + 0.520ψ 2f − 0.032ψ 3f )K
+ (0.446 + 0.221ψ f − 0.037ψ 2f + 0.066ψ 3f )K
Point load Shear centre loading 2.021 + 0.361ψ f + 0.176ψ 2f − 0.655ψ 3f + (0.242 + 0.120ψ f − 0.426ψ 2f + 0.891ψ 3f )K
+ (0.337 + 0.052ψ f − 0.198ψ 2f − 0.099ψ 3f )K
Bottom flange loading 2.156 − 0.055ψ f + 0.101ψ 2f − 0.079ψ 3f + (0.435 + 0.168ψ f − 0.083ψ 2f − 0.077ψ 3f )K
+ (0.238 − 0.022ψ f − 0.011ψ 2f − 0.030ψ 3f )K
Top flange loading 2.669 − 0.815ψ f + 0.071ψ 2f − 0.066ψ 3f + (0.113 + 1.812ψ f + 0.359ψ 2f + 0.007ψ 3f )K
+ (0.499 + 0.289ψ f + 0.043ψ 2f + 0.081ψ 3f )K
Uniform load Shear centre loading 3.036 + 0.310ψ f + 0.306ψ 2f − 0.888ψ 3f + (0.066 + 0.036ψ f − 0.585ψ 2f + 1.180ψ 3f )K
+ (0.462 + 0.098ψ f − 0.227ψ 2f − 0.123ψ 3f )K
Bottom flange loading 3.277 − 0.350ψ f + 0.348ψ 2f − 0.263ψ 3f + (0.190 + 0.348ψ f − 0.195ψ 2f − 0.137ψ 3f )K
+ (0.395 − 0.071ψ f − 0.009ψ 2f + 0.009ψ 3f )K
in the denominator of (48) is obviously incompatible with to-date treatment of this topic, see [50]. Table 5 provides
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over the whole domain (i.e. for −0.8 ≤ ψ f ≤ 0.8). This quality (accuracy) of the estimates yielded by the proposed
problem is attenuated by the fact that one has C3 ≈ 0 in expressions. The degree of the polynomials adopted in the
the vicinity of the discontinuity (i.e. for ψ f ≈ 0) and its curve fitting process, which, for consistency, was kept the same
effect on the accuracy of the proposed expressions is only for similar cases, was selected in order to ensure a targeted
accuracy. In view of the plethora of possible accuracy measures,
All the above curve fittings are performed using standard we opted to aim at guaranteeing that the maximum absolute
linear least squares procedures—for a comprehensive and up- value of the relative error never exceeds 5%, with the relative
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