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Metal Building Vehicular-Access Door Wind Analysis and Design

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Metal Building Vehicular-Access Door

Wind Analysis and Design

Paul S. Mueller1 and Cristopher D. Moen A.M.ASCE2

Abstract: An analysis-based vehicular-access door design protocol for pre-engineering metal buildings is introduced. Existing access door
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curtain and jamb design approaches are viable for rigid door jambs. However, it was shown with experiments that wind-lock forces decrease
and door out-of-plane deflection increases when the door jamb and framing are more flexible (e.g., in the case of typical cold-formed steel-
framing details in which a C-section jamb is discretely braced by wall girts). A beam strip model based on an Euler–Bernoulli elastica solution
is implemented in a freely available wind-analysis computer program that considers jamb and framing flexibility. This tool is integrated with
an access door design protocol that provides designers both door serviceability and jamb strength limit-state checks that are explained with
step-by-step videos and spreadsheets. Maximum and minimum values for the wind-lock spacing, wind-lock gap, and door curtain moment of
inertia are provided for various door spans to accommodate situations in which the door jamb and framing design must be completed before
the door type is selected. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000267. © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Cold-formed steel; Deflection; Stiffness; Vehicular-access door system; Hurricane wind pressures; Design guide.

Introduction it from rolling up after a storm. The door jamb can fail if the wind-
lock forces, developed by catenary action across the door, exceed
Annual wind damage costs in the United States are estimated to be $5 the jamb’s structural capacity or the jamb-to-wall framing connec-
billion (Pielke and Landsea 1998), and pre-engineered metal buildings tion strength. Accurate door out-of-plane deflection and wind-lock
have proven especially susceptible, as documented in posthurricane force predictions are both vitally important when designing a metal
surveys, for example, after hurricanes Ike (RICOWI 2009) and building for extreme wind pressures.
Katrina (RICOWI 2007) in the United States and after Tropical Current design practice places responsibility for door perform-
Cyclones Larry (Cyclone Testing Station 2006), George (Cyclone ance on the door manufacturer (DASMA 2011). Each door type and
Testing Station 2007), and Yasi (Cyclone Testing Station 2011) in span are tested according to a standard procedure [i.e., ANSI-
Australia. In these surveys, a critical weakness in metal building exte- DASMA 108-2002 (ANSI 2002), written by the Door and Access
riors was the vehicular-access door (Westerfield 2006; Walker and Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA)]. The door is in-
Stark 2010). It was common to see doors fail at the door jamb from ei- stalled in a test chamber where a uniform static air pressure differ-
ther unhinging or excessive jamb deformation (Fig. 1). When the ence is applied to simulate wind pressures during an extreme wind
doors failed, interior wind pressures caused catastrophic façade fail- event. The wind locks are typically fixed directly to a rigid jamb—
ure, and the buildings and their contents were a total loss [Fig. 1(a)]. hot-rolled hollow structural section (HSS) or masonry wall—that
On the basis of these findings, the Metal Building Manufacturers form part of the test chamber. Air pressure is applied in the chamber
Association (MBMA) invested in a multiyear study to improve access on the basis of the design wind speed, and the out-of-plane door
door design, the results of which are summarized in this paper. deflection is measured. To pass the test, the door must stay within the
The focus of this study is rolling-sheet doors (such as that shown allowable deflection limit at maximum pressure, and the residual
in Fig. 2). These doors are made up of a thin, continuous corru- deflection, after unloading, should be 25% of the maximum deflec-
gated-steel curtain. The curtain is typically fitted with wind locks tion to ensure that the door can be rolled up after returning to service.
Wind-lock forces and door deflections can be predicted with cat-
riveted to the vertical door edges at regular intervals (300–600
enary cable calculations [e.g., with the DASMA calculation method
mm). The door slides up and down unimpeded in service along a
(Gao and Moen 2009, Appendix D) or a similar approach used in
wind bar attached to the door jamb (Fig. 2, Section A-A) and locks
Australia (Haddad and Woolcock 2012)]. The calculations solve for
in place when wind pressure is applied to the door curtain. If the
catenary forces under the assumption that the door jambs carrying
door deflects too much, the wind lock may slip off the wind bar, and
the wind forces from the door into the building are rigid, which
the door curtain may be deformed plastically, which might prevent
implies that the steel door out-of-plane displacement increases until
the wind-lock gap closes (see Fig. 2, Section A-A). Once the wind
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental locks engage, it is assumed that there is no additional out-of-plane
Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg, deflection and that additional wind pressure is transferred to the
VA 24061 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected] jamb as a cable in tension. However, these assumptions were found
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, to be inconsistent with rolling-sheet door experiments in which typ-
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 24061.
ical U.S. cold-formed steel C-section jambs were used; in those
E-mail: [email protected]
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 28, 2015; approved experiments, jamb flexibility increased door out-of-plane deflection
on May 29, 2015; published online on January 22, 2016. Discussion period and decreased wind-lock forces (Gao and Moen 2009, 2012).
open until June 22, 2016; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- This paper presents a comprehensive vehicular-access door
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Practice Periodical on Structural design protocol that considers the door, the door jamb, and building
Design and Construction, © ASCE, ISSN 1084-0680. framing together as a system. The importance of collaboration

© ASCE 04016001-1 Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr.

Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr., 2016, 21(2): 04016001

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Fig. 1. (a) Rolling-sheet door failure north of Biloxi, MS, after Hurricane Katrina; (b) door wind locks remained in place, but the door jamb failed


22.2 cm. OPENING WIDTH 22.2 cm.
14.9 cm. (CLEAR OPENING)
10.8 cm.
(1.75 cm.)
GUIDE SCREW 1/4 - 14 X 2.54 cm.
6.10 m MAX STEEL @ 30.5 cm. O.C. MAX



Fig. 2. Rolling-sheet door with wind locks and a wind bar (Janus Series 3100 12  20 T1004C)

between the building’s owner, engineer, and door manufacturer is Under pressure, the doors exhibited a bilinear pressure–displace-
discussed and treated in the design protocol. Rolling-sheet door ment relationship (Fig. 4). In the first low-pressure region, the wind
behavior is explored in the next section with a review of recent locks were free to displace and were not restrained by the wind bar.
experiments, followed by the introduction of a wind-analysis com- As the pressure increased, the out-of-plane curtain deformation
puter tool that is integrated with an access door system design pro- increased until the wind locks fully engaged the wind bar. The door
cedure. The work herein focuses on rolling-sheet doors; however, jamb restraint limited further in-plane curtain deformation, which
the analysis and design protocols presented could also be applied to led to an increase in stiffness, denoted by the sharp change in slope
slat doors with future experimental validation. in Fig. 4.
Each wind lock was instrumented with strain gauges, and the
strains were recorded as pressure was applied to the door. The
Rolling-Sheet Door and Door Jamb Behavior maximum measured forces in the wind locks calculated from
the strains (Gao and Moen 2009) were approximately 50% lower
Wind-lock forces on a rolling-sheet door had not been measured than that predicted by the DASMA procedure that uses catenary
until an experimental program was designed to quantify these equations and assumes rigid door jambs (at a pressure of 2.87 kPa,
forces when the door is exposed to design-level wind pressures. A 2.18 kN per wind lock in the experiments versus 5.56 kN per wind
3,050-  3,050-mm access door with wind locks was tested in both lock predicted by the DASMA procedure, as shown in Fig. 5). The
negative pressure (pulling the door out of the building) and positive measured out-of-plane door deflections were more than double
pressure (pushing the door into the building) with a custom vacuum those of the DASMA predictions [at 2.87 kPa, 305 mm in the Gao
chamber, as documented by Gao and Moen (2009). The door had and Moen (2009) experiments versus 135 mm predicted by the
18 wind locks along each vertical edge [Fig. 3(a)], and the door DASMA procedure).
jambs were cold-formed steel C-sections braced by Z-section girts The difference between the measured and predicted behavior
[Fig. 3(b and c)] that were bolted to connection plates welded to the was attributed to cold-formed steel C-section jamb deflection (Fig.
jamb web [Fig. 3(d)], which is consistent with typical metal build- 6), which caused additional in-plane movement of the door after the
ing detailing in the United States. wind locks engaged. A small in-plane movement resulted in a large

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Fig. 3. Rolling-sheet door experiment setup (reprinted from Gao and Moen 2009, with permission): (a) door with wind locks instrumented on the
right vertical edge; (b) cold-formed steel C-section door jambs braced by Z-girts; (c) cold-formed steel jamb welded to vacuum chamber floor; (d)
bolted plate connection between the Z-girt and the C-section jamb

Simulated wind pressure (kPa)

2 Experiment (loading)



wind lock
Experiment (unloading)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Out−of−plane door deflection (mm)

Fig. 4. Rolling-sheet door out-of-plane bilinear pressure–deformation response

out-of-plane deformation. Therefore, as the C-section jamb de- door jambs. A new method for evaluating vehicular-access door
flected from the applied wind-lock forces, curtain deflection was forces and deflections with flexible door jambs, including a freely
amplified. The additional door deflection reduced the in-plane com- available software tool, is introduced in the next section.
ponent of the catenary force transferred to the door jamb.
It was concluded from this experimental program that wind-lock
forces and door deflection are sensitive to jamb stiffness, and this Rolling-Sheet Door Wind Analysis
stiffness should be included in the design approach for vehicular-
access doors. The DASMA design procedure is viable when the The access door experiments demonstrated that away from the top
door jambs are rigid; however, it underestimates door deflection and bottom of the door curtain, deflections caused by wind pressure
and overestimates catenary forces for access doors with flexible result in primarily one-way deformation across the span of the door.

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Location from the top (m)
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-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Maximum force (kN)

Fig. 5. Experimental wind-lock catenary forces are lower than the DASMA-calculated forces for a rolling-sheet door with flexible door jambs
(reprinted from Gao and Moen 2009, with permission)

Fig. 6. Vehicular-access door behavior is influenced by (reprinted from Gao and Moen 2009, with permission): (a) jamb cross-section bending and
twist; (b) the door system with wind locks can be idealized as a spring-beam model; (c) high wind-lock forces cause C-section door jamb plastic

If one-way action is assumed, catenary force and deflection predic- A nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations that
tions for a vehicular-access door can be simplified to an inextensible describe elastic beam strip behavior was derived (Janas and Moen
beam strip model similar to that shown in Fig. 6(b). This assumption 2011) on the basis of a beam elastica solution using Euler–
is consistent with the existing DASMA prediction approach, except Bernoulli beam theory, which accounts for large flexural defor-
translational springs were added to the beam ends to simulate door mations (Timoshenko and Gere 1961). The equations are solved
jamb flexibility. for curtain displacement and internal forces with a freely

© ASCE 04016001-4 Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr.

Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr., 2016, 21(2): 04016001

available Windows-based computer program (CBSA) written in kb, and jamb torsional stiffness, kt, both of which can be determined
MATLAB The program inputs are the door span (S), with tests or calculations considering the jamb boundary conditions
the wind-lock gap (WS), wind-lock spacing (WT), the door elastic along the door height. These two effects are combined as springs in
modulus (E), the door cross-section moment of inertia per wind series, with kjamb = (1/kb + 1/kt)−1. For rigid jambs, such as a ma-
lock (I), the jamb stiffness (kjamb), and the wind pressure range. sonry wall, the kjam value approaches infinity, and for a HSS, kjamb =
There is an option to reduce the door curtain moment of inertia kt. The wind-analysis program and jamb-stiffness procedures were
(Iloss) to account for curtain flattening at high wind pressures validated in a later experimental program (Gao and Moen 2012) for
(Janas and Moen 2011, Section 4.6). The program outputs jamb both flexible and stiff cold-formed steel jambs. This wind-analysis
reactions per wind lock (Fx, Fy) the midspan out-of-plane door protocol is integrated with a comprehensive access door design
deflection (D), the catenary force per wind lock (C), and the cur- approach in the next section.
tain rotation (slope) at the wind lock (u ).
Vehicular-access door jamb details vary widely from manufac-
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turer to manufacturer and from building to building and with the Vehicular-Access Door Design Protocol
door span. The wind bar may be fastened to a hot-rolled steel jamb,
a cold-formed steel C-section, or a masonry wall. Detailed proce- It is clear from the experimental programs that vehicular-access
dures for calculating jamb stiffness (i.e., kjamb) were developed for door performance during extreme wind events depends on both
C-section cold-formed steel jambs by Janas and Moen (2011). The the door details and the door jamb stiffness and strength. This
jamb stiffness is a function of jamb web-flange bending stiffness, interdependency is complicated by the fact that the building

Fig. 7. Vehicular-access door design flowchart

© ASCE 04016001-5 Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr.

Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr., 2016, 21(2): 04016001

owner typically selects a door brand and type after the building is Acknowledgments
designed, leaving the metal building engineer to make assump-
tions when designing the jambs. The door manufacturer certifies The authors are appreciative of the support they received
the door for a certain wind pressure while assuming rigid jambs; throughout this project from the MBMA, especially the thought-
however, the actual door’s behavior may be quite different in ful advice from the steering group. Mr. Jerry Hatch of NCI
service. Building Systems, Inc., provided valuable guidance throughout
A design protocol to improve and clarify vehicular-access door the test program. Coordination with the sponsor was provided by
design is proposed in Fig. 7. The design works as follows. The Dr. Lee Shoemaker and Mr. Dan Walker of the MBMA. Mr. Joe
door type, door size, and jamb are selected, after which a wind Hetzel of the DASMA provided important input regarding access
analysis is performed to confirm that the out-of-plane door deflec- door design procedures and details. Dr. Raymond Plaut, Professor
tion (D) does not exceed a serviceability limit that can be obtained Emeritus in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
from the door manufacturer or taken as S/12 on the basis of obser- at Virginia Tech, assisted in the elastica beam equation derivations
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vations in the Gao and Moen (2009) experiments. If the deflection used to predict access door behavior.
limit is not satisfied, the jamb size and details are modified, and
the wind analysis is performed again. Once the serviceability limit References
state is satisfied, the catenary wind-lock forces Fx and Fy, obtained
from the wind analysis in CBSA or with the DASMA procedure ANSI (American National Standards Institute). (2002). “ANSI-DASMA
for rigid jambs, can be compared with the calculated jamb and 108-2002 American National Standard specifications for sectional
jamb-to-framing connection capacities. doors.” Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association
It is common for the engineer to know only the door span but International, Cleveland, OH.
not the specific door details (e.g., curtain moment of inertia and CBSA [Computer software). Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
wind-lock gap, both important parameters that influence door Cyclone Testing Station. (2006). “Tropical Cyclone Larry: Damage to
deflection and catenary wind-lock forces). In these cases, rolling- buildings in the Innisfail area.” CTS Technical Rep. TR51, School of
Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville City, QLD, Australia.
sheet access door manufacturers have provided a range of param- Cyclone Testing Station. (2007). “Tropical Cyclone George: Damage to
eters based on a DASMA survey that can be used in the design. buildings in the Port Hedland area.” CTS Technical Rep. TR52, School
For door spans (S) between 2,440 and 6,100 mm, the wind-lock of Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville City, QLD,
gap (WT) ranges from 10 mm (minimum) to 28 mm (maximum), Australia.
the wind-lock spacing (WS) ranges from 102 to 305 mm, and the Cyclone Testing Station. (2011). “Tropical Cyclone Yasi: Structural dam-
curtain moment of inertia per 30.5 cm of curtain height (I) ranges age to buildings.” CTS Technical Rep. 57, School of Engineering and
from 0.624 to 0.708 cm4. How these ranges are used is left to the Physical Sciences, Townsville City, QLD, Australia.
Door and Access Systems Manufacturers Association International
engineer’s discretion—selecting the most conservative parameter
(DASMA). (2011). “Architects and designers should understand loads
combination and taking the average of the parameter limits are exerted by overhead coiling doors.” Technical Data Sheet No. 251, 2001
both viable approaches. Sensitivity to each parameter can be rev. 4, 2011, Cleveland, OH.
explored with CBSA. FEMA (2006). “Summary report on building performance.” Federal
Working through a full access door design can be complicated. Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.
To assist designers, roll-up access door spreadsheets were created Haddad, G., and Woolcock, S. (2012). “A method for estimating in-plane
for a “flexible” C-section jamb and a “rigid” steel HSS jamb, forces on roller shutter door guides.” J. Aust. Steel Inst., 46(1), 3–28.
including step-by-step videos. The spreadsheets and videos lead a Gao, T., and Moen, C. D. (2009). “Experimental evaluation of a vehicular
access door subjected to hurricane force wind pressures.” Virginia Tech
designer through wind analysis, jamb-stiffness calculations, jamb
Research Rep. No. CE/VPI-ST-09/03, Blacksburg, VA.
flexure, torsion-capacity checks, and jamb connection strength. The Gao, T., and Moen, C. D. (2012). “Vehicular access doors under hurricane
tutorials are available for download from the Virginia Tech digital force wind pressure: Experiments to study jamb behavior.” Virginia
repository (VTechWorks 2014). Tech Research Rep. No. CE/VPI-ST-12/01, Blacksburg, VA.
Janas, M., and Moen, C. D. (2011). “Vehicular access doors under hurricane
force wind pressure: Analysis methods and a design tool.” Virginia Tech
Research Report No. CE/VPI-ST-11/02, Blacksburg, VA.
Conclusion MATLAB (R2012a) [Computer software]. MathWorks, Natick,
A multiyear research program to study rolling-sheet vehicular- Pielke, R. A., Jr., and Landsea, C. W. (1998). “Normalized Atlantic hurri-
access door behavior during an extreme wind event was completed cane damage 1925–1995.” Weather Forecasting, 13(3), 621–631.
RICOWI (Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues). (2009).
recently. The work resulted in a new design protocol for the metal
“Hurricane Ike wind investigation report.” Roofing Industry Committee
building industry and door manufacturers. Existing door curtain on Weather Issues, Inc., Powder Springs, GA.
and jamb design approaches are viable for rigid door jambs (e.g., RICOWI (Roofing Industry Committee on Weather Issues). (2007).
the wind bar attached directly to a masonry wall); however, for flex- “Hurricane Katrina wind investigation report.” Roofing Industry
ible jambs (e.g., a cold-formed steel-framing system), the wind- Committee on Weather Issues, Inc., Powder Springs, GA.
lock forces and the door deflections should be calculated consider- Timoshenko, S. P., and Gere, J. M. (1961) Theory of elastic stability,
ing jamb and framing stiffness. A beam strip model based on an McGraw-Hill, New York.
Euler–Bernoulli elastica solution is implemented in a freely avail- Walker, G., and Stark, G. (2010) “Wind resistance of external overhead roller
and sectional doors.” CTS Information Bulletin 4, Cyclone Testing
able computer program that assumes one-way curtain action to cal-
Station, James Cook University, Townsville City, QLD, Australia.
culate these deflections and forces. The project culminated in an Westerfield, M. (2006). “Code compliant sectional doors.” The Construc-
access door analysis-based design approach coupled with a wind- tion Specifier, Buffalo, NY.
analysis computer tool and spreadsheet tutorials that treat both door VTechWorks (2014). “Vehicular access door analysis and design.” hhttp:
serviceability and jamb strength limit states. //vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/handle/10919/47940i (May 9, 2014).

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Pract. Period. Struct. Des. Constr., 2016, 21(2): 04016001

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