Muhammed (BPUH)
Muhammed (BPUH)
Muhammed (BPUH)
It's not logical to say that lust had appeared suddenly at the
Prophet's life at 52, and at
the middle of the fierce
physical and psychological
Aaishah , was the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the daily life of the Muslim
and how it should go as was lived by the
Prophet himself . But how come he married her
when she was only nine years old? The desert
climate answers to that. In such environment
Girls reached youth very young. Not only in
Arabia, but also in Roma and Persia, girls were
married that young
Second:To strengthen the relationships with his companions, he married Abi Bakr's
daughter and Omar's sister, married his
daughters to Othman and Ali, May God be
pleased with them all
Third: out of mercy and rewarding the early Muslim widows and divorcees he gave them the honor
of marrying them himself (Husbands either died in battles or were non Muslims who divorced
Sawdah, Om-salama and Habeebah were
Fourth: The Prophet was being a role model for the Muslims being kind to the widows and to the
people of the book who newly
embracedIslam. He married Safiyah after
herfather , a Jew, embracedIslam, so giving
him and his daughter the honor among his
Fifth: He wanted to have ties and links with the different nations of the world. When he
married Mariya, all Egyptians were on his
side, and when he married Gowayriyah, all
her people(they were called the Bani
Almustalaq and were captured by the
Muslims after a battle),, they all embraced
I wish this makes you more assured and able take a stand up to allegations against the Prophet
(pbuh). May peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you all.