Acide Base Prediction

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NTIS PB94-201829


December 1994

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Office of Solid Waste
Special Waste Branch
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Acid Mine Drainage Prediction


This document was prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA). The mention of company or product names in this document is not
to be considered an endorsement by the U.S. Government or by the EPA.

This technical document consists of a brief review of acid forming

processes at mine sites, followed by a summary of the current methods used
to predict acid formation, selected state regulatory requirements, and case
histories. This report was distributed for review to the U.S. Department of
the Interior's Bureau of Mines and Bureau of Land Management, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, the Interstate Mining Compact
Commission, the American Mining Congress, the Mineral Policy Center,
representatives of state agencies, and public interest groups. EPA is
grateful to all individuals who took the time to review this technical

The use of the terms "extraction," "beneficiation," and "mineral processing"

in this document is not intended to classify any waste stream for the
purposes of regulatory interpretation or application. Rather, these terms are
used in the context of common industry terminology.
Acid Mine Drainage Prediction



1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Oxidation of Metal Sulfides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Source of Acid and Contributing Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2. ACID GENERATION PREDICTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1 Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Static Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.1 Acid-Base Accounting (ABA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 Modified Acid Base Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3 British Columbia Research Initial Test (BC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.4 Alkaline Production Potential : Sulfur Ratio (APP:S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.2.5 Net Acid Production Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Kinetic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Humidity Cell Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.2 Soxhelet Extraction Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.3 Column Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.4 British Columbia Research Confirmation Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.5 Batch Reactor (Shake Flask) Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3.6 Field Scale Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 Application of Test Results in Prediction Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4.1 Some Experience With Static and Kinetic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.5 Mathematical Modeling of Acid Generation Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.1 Overview of Existing Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.5.2 Empirical Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5.3 Deterministic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3. CURRENT REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4. CASE HISTORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.1 Newmont Rain Facility, Elko County, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1.2 Waste Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1.3 Acid Generation Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.4 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2 Cyprus Thompson Creek, Challis, ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.2 Waste Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.3 Acid Generation Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2.4 Tailings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.5 Acid Generation Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.6 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3 LTV Steel Mining Company, The Dunka Site, Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3.2 The Acid-Generating Duluth Complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

4.3.3 Acid Rock Drainage Prediction Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.3.4 Environmental Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.5 Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 California Gulch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.5 Clear Creek/Central City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.6 Iron Mountain Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.7 Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44



Table 1. Comparison of Acid Rock Drainage Factors In Waste Rock Piles and Tailings
Impoundments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Table 2. Partial List of Sulfide Minerals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Table 3. Sulfide Ore Bacteria and Their Growth Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Table 4. Sources of Information on Acid Generation Potential for New and Operating
Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table 5. Summary of Static Test Methods, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Table 6. Summary of Some Kinetic Test Methods, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages . . . . . . . . 20
Table 7. Summary of State Regulations for Acid Generation Prediction Testing (August
1994) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the states, and the Federal Land Management Agencies
all need better tools to manage acid mine drainage at mine sites. This report examines acid generation
prediction methods as they apply to non-coal mining sites. Following a brief review of acid forming
processes at mine sites, the report summarizes the current methods used to predict acid formation including
sampling, testing, and modeling. Selected State requirements for testing the potential of mining wastes to
generate acid are summarized. Case histories from active mining sites and sites on the Superfund National
Priorities List (NPL) are also presented. It is hoped that this report will assist states and the mining industry
in their use of predictive methods. The Agency has not yet determined whether any one method is more
accurate than another. This report also does not incorporate material presented at the Third International
Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in April 1994. The
Agency is preparing additional reports to update this information, including a document containing extended
summaries of selected papers presented at the conference.

The formation of mine acid drainage and the contaminants associated with it has been described by some as
the largest environmental problem facing the U.S. mining industry (U.S. Forest Service 1993, Ferguson and
Erickson 1988, Lapakko 1993b). Commonly referred to as acid rock drainage (ARD) or acid mine drainage
(AMD), acid drainage from mine waste rock, tailings, and mine structures such as pits and underground
workings is primarily a function of the mineralogy of the rock material and the availability of water and
oxygen. Because mineralogy and other factors affecting the potential for AMD formation are highly variable
from site to site, predicting the potential for AMD is currently difficult, costly, and of questionable reliability.
The U.S. Forest Service sees the absence of acid prediction technology, especially in the context of new
mining ventures, as a major problem facing the future of metal mining in the western United States (U.S.
Forest Service 1993).

Acid mine drainage from coal and mineral mining operations is a difficult and costly problem. In the eastern
U.S., more than 7,000 kilometers of streams are affected by acid drainage from coal mines (Kim et al. 1982).
In the western U.S., the Forest Service estimates that between 20,000 and 50,000 mines are currently
generating acid on Forest Service lands, and that drainage from these mines is impacting between 8,000 and
16,000 kilometers of streams (U.S. Forest Service 1993). In addition to the acid contribution to surface
waters, AMD may cause metals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, silver, and zinc to leach from mine wastes.
According to the Forest Service, the metal load causes environmental damage, and is of greater concern than
the acidity in environmental terms.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Acid mine drainage prediction tests are increasingly relied upon to assess the long-term potential of acid
generation. This concern has developed because of the lag time at existing mines between waste
emplacement and observation of an acid drainage problem (Univ. of California, Berkley 1988). The issue of
long-term, or perpetual care of acid drainage at historic mines and some active mines has focussed attention
on the need for improving prediction methods and for early assessment of the potential during the exploratory
phase of mine development. In addition to many other mines, examples of three mine sites where the
potential to generate acid was either not considered or not expected but later developed include: Cyprus
Thompson Creek in Idaho; the Newmont Gold Company's Rain Mine in Nevada; and the LTV Dunka Mine
in Minnesota. Case studies for these mines are presented in Section 4.0 of this report. Also included are
short case studies of four sites on the NPL due, in part to acid drainage (U.S. EPA 1991).

Wastes that have the potential to generate acid as a result of metal mining activity include mined material
such as spent ore from heap leach operations, tailings, and waste rock units, including overburden material.
While not wastes or waste management units, pit walls in the case of surface mining operations, and the
underground workings associated with underground mines and subgrade ore piles, also have the potential to
generate ARD.

As mineralogy and size variables change, the ability to accurately predict the acid potential becomes quite
difficult (Brodie, et al. 1991). Waste rock piles and subgrade ore piles, when left onsite, are both
characterized by wide variation in mineralogy and particle size. Changes in these variables appear to
influence drainage water quality (Doepker 1993). Coarse grain material allows air circulation; however, fine
grain material exposes more surface area to oxidation (Ferguson and Erickson 1988). Drainage water quality
from waste rock piles at several mines in British Columbia have demonstrated wide variability. Research at
these sites focussed on variables affecting the frequency of acid effluent observed in permit-related
monitoring (British Columbia AMD Task Force, 1990). The results reflect the diurnal and seasonal
fluctuations in drainage quality as well as variation in mineralogy and particle size common to waste rock
piles. In contrast, drainage from tailing impoundments are more likely to carry a more uniform contaminant
load due to their more uniform mineralogy and texture. Table 1

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Table 1. Comparison of Acid Rock Drainage Factors In Waste Rock Piles and
Tailings Impoundments

Acid Generation Waste Rock Piles Tailings Impoundment

Factors Affecting

Sulphide Source • Variable in concentration•and location.

Conditions uniform, often with
• Conditions may vary from sulphide very high sulphide content.
rich to basic over short distances.

Particle Size • Average rock size typically

• greaterTailings may be 100% less than
than 20 cm (but highly variable). 0.2mm.

pH Variation • Highly variable conditions

• over short
Fairly uniform conditions with a
distances. few major horizontal zones.

Initiation Of • Usually starts immediately after first • Usually starts after tailings
Rapid Oxidation rock is placed (in "trigger" spots). placement ceases at end of mine

Oxygen Entry • pid along preferential flow paths. • Seepage slow and uniform.
• Seasonal variations in flow path • Reduced flow path variation and
"flushes" out stored products resulting stored product "flushing."
in concentration peaks.

ARD Releases • Large infiltration resulting• in largeLarge early top surface ARD
seepage from toe and to groundwater. runoff.
• Rapid release following generation, • Lower infiltration.
sometimes with both neutralized and • Gradual transition in seeps from
acid ARD seeps. process water to neutralized
ARD to low pH ARD.

(Source: Brodie et al., 1991)toS

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

compares acid rock drainage factors of waste rock piles and tailings impoundments. In examining this table,
it is important to note that diffusion of oxygen into water is slow and, therefore, oxidation of iron sulfide is
inhibited until the water level drops, which can occur periodically or seasonally in some cases.

1.1 Oxidation of Metal Sulfides

Acid is generated at mine sites when metal sulfide minerals are oxidized. Metal sulfide minerals are present
in the host rock associated with most types of metal mining activity. Prior to mining, oxidation of these
minerals and the formation of sulfuric acid is a function of natural weathering processes. The oxidation of
undisturbed ore bodies followed by release of acid and mobilization of metals is slow. Discharge from such
deposits poses little threat to receiving aquatic ecosystems.

Extraction and beneficiation operations associated with mining activity increase the rate of these same
chemical reactions by exposing large volumes of sulfide rock material with increased surface area to air and

The oxidation of sulfide minerals consists of several reactions. Each sulfide mineral has a different oxidation
rate. For example, marcasite and framboidal pyrite will oxidize quickly while crystalline pyrite will oxidize
slowly. For discussion purposes, the oxidation of pyrite (FeS2) will be examined (Manahan 1991). Other
sulfide minerals are identified in Table 2.

Table 2. Partial List of Sulfide Minerals

Mineral Composition
Pyrite FeS2
Marcasite FeS2
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
Chalcocite Cu2S
Sphalerite ZnS
Galena PbS
Millerite NiS
Pyrrhotite Fe1-xS (where 0<x<0.2)
Arsenopyrite FeAsS
Cinnabar HgS

(Source: Ferguson and Erickson 1988)

2FeS2(s) + 2H2O + 7O2 --> 4H+ + 4SO42- + 2Fe2+

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

In this step, S22- is oxidized to form hydrogen ions and sulfate, the dissociation products of sulfuric acid in
solution. Soluble Fe2+ is also free to react further. Oxidation of the ferrous ion to ferric ion occurs more
slowly at lower pH values:

4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H+ --> 4Fe3+ + 2H2O

At pH levels between 3.5 and 4.5, iron oxidation is catalyzed by a variety of Metallogenium, a filamentous
bacterium. Below a pH of 3.5 the same reaction is catalyzed by the iron bacterium Thiobacillus
ferrooxidans. Other bacteria capable of catalyzing the reaction are presented in Table 3. If the ferric ion is
formed in contact with pyrite the following reaction can occur, dissolving the pyrite:

2FeS2(s) + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O --> 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+

This reaction generates more acid. The dissolution of pyrite by ferric iron (Fe3+), in conjunction with the
oxidation of the ferrous ion constitutes a cycle of dissolution of pyrite. Ferric iron precipitates as hydrated
iron oxide as indicated in the following reaction:

Fe3+ + 3H2O <--> Fe(OH)3(s) + 3H+

Fe(OH)3 precipitates and is identifiable as the deposit of amorphous, yellow, orange, or red deposit on stream
bottoms ("yellow boy").

Table 3. Sulfide Ore Bacteria and Their Growth Conditions

Microorganism pH Temp., C Aerobic Nutrition

Thiobacillus thioparus 4.5-10 10-37 + autotrophic
T. ferrooxidans 0.5-6.0 15-25 + "
T. thiooxidans 0.5-6.0 10-37 + "
T. neapolitanus 3.0-8.5 8-37 + "
T. denitrificans 4.0-9.5 10-37 +/- "
T. novellus 5.0-9.2 25-35 + "
T. intermedius 1.9-7.0 25-35 + "
T. perometabolis 2.8-6.8 25-35 + "
Sulfolobus acidocalderius 2.0-5.0 55-85 + "
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 5.0-9.0 10-45 - heterotrophic

(Source: Thompson 1988)

1.2 Source of Acid and Contributing Factors

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

The potential for a mine to generate acid and release contaminants is dependent on many factors and is site
specific. Ferguson and Erickson identified primary, secondary, and tertiary factors that control acid drainage.
These factors provide a convenient structure for organizing the discussion of acid formation in the mining
environment. Primary factors involve production of the acid, such as the oxidation reactions. Secondary
factors act to control the products of the oxidation reaction, such as reactions with other minerals that
consume acid. Secondary factors may either neutralize acid or react with other minerals. Tertiary factors
refer to the physical aspects of the waste management unit (e.g., pit walls, waste rock piles, or tailings
impoundments) that influence the oxidation reaction, migration of the acid, and consumption. Other
downstream factors change the character of the drainage by chemical reaction or dilution (Ferguson and
Erickson 1988). These downstream factors are beyond the scope of this paper and are not discussed herein.

Primary factors of acid generation include sulfide minerals, water, oxygen, ferric iron, bacteria to catalyze the
oxidation reaction, and generated heat. Some sulfide minerals are more easily oxidized (e.g., framboidal
pyrite, marcasite, and pyrrhotite) and hence, may have a greater impact on timing and magnitude during acid
prediction analysis compared to other metal sulfides. Also important is the physical occurrence of the sulfide
mineral. Well crystallized (euhedral) minerals will have smaller exposed surface areas than those that are

Both water and oxygen are necessary to generate acid drainage. Water serves as both a reactant and a
medium for bacteria in the oxidation process. Water also transports the oxidation products. A ready supply
of atmospheric oxygen is required to drive the oxidation reaction. Oxygen is particularly important to
maintain the rapid bacterially catalyzed oxidation at pH values below 3.5. Oxidation of sulfides is
significantly reduced when the concentration of oxygen in the pore spaces of mining waste units is less than 1
or 2 percent. Different bacteria are better suited to different pH levels and other edaphic factors (edaphic
factors pertain to the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil and water environments). The type of
bacteria and their population sizes change as their growth conditions are optimized (Ferguson and Erickson
1988). Table 3 identifies some of the bacteria involved in catalyzing the oxidation reactions and their growth

The oxidation reaction is exothermic, with the potential to generate a large amount of heat, and therefore
thermal gradients within the unit. Heat from the reaction is dissipated by thermal conduction or convection.
Research by Lu and Zhang (undated) on waste rock using stability analysis indicates that convective flow can
occur because of the high porosity of the material. Convection cells formed in waste rock would draw in
atmospheric air and continue to drive the oxidation reaction. Convection gas flow due to oxidation of sulfide
minerals depends on the maximum temperature in the waste rock. The maximum temperature depends on
ambient atmospheric temperature, strength of the heat source, and the nature of the upper boundary. If the
sulfide waste is concentrated in one area, as is the case with encapsulation, the heat source may be very

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Secondary factors act to either neutralize the acid produced by oxidation of sulfides or may change the
effluent character by adding metals ions mobilized by residual acid. Neutralization of acid by the alkalinity
released when acid reacts with carbonate minerals is an important means of moderating acid production. The
most common neutralizing minerals are calcite and dolomite. Products from the oxidation reaction (hydrogen
ions, metal ions, etc.) may also react with other non-neutralizing constituents. Possible reactions include ion
exchange on clay particles, gypsum precipitation, and dissolution of other minerals. Dissolution of other
minerals contributes to the contaminant load in the acid drainage. Examples of metals occurring in the
dissolved load include aluminum, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, and others (Ferguson and Erickson 1988).

Some of the tertiary factors affecting acid drainage are the physical characteristics of the material, how acid
generating and acid neutralizing materials are placed, waste, and the hydrologic regime in the vicinity. The
physical nature of the material, such as particle size, permeability, and physical weathering characteristics, is
important to the acid generation potential. Particle size is a fundamental concern since it affects the surface
area exposed to weathering and oxidation. Surface area is inversely proportional to particle size. Very coarse
grain material, as is found in waste dumps, exposes less surface area but may allow air and water to penetrate
deeper into the unit, exposing more material to oxidation and ultimately producing more acid. Air circulation
in coarse material is aided by wind, changes in barometric pressure, and possibly convective gas flow caused
by heat generated by the oxidation reaction. In contrast, fine-grain material may retard air and very fine
material may limit water flow; however, finer grains expose more surface area to oxidation. The relationships
between particle size, surface area, and oxidation play a prominent role in acid prediction methods. As
materials weather with time, particle size is reduced, exposing more surface area and changing physical
characteristics of the unit. Though difficult to weigh, each of these factors influences the potential for acid
generation and are therefore important considerations for the long-term (Ferguson and Erickson 1988, Lu and
Zhang undated).

The hydrology of the area surrounding mine workings and waste units is also important in the analysis of acid
generation potential. When acid generating material occurs below the water table, the slow diffusion of
oxygen in water retards acid production. This is reflected in the portion of pits or underground workings
located below the water table. Where mine walls and underground workings extend above the water table, the
flow of water and oxygen in joints may be a source of acid. A similar relationship is evident with tailings,
which are typically fine grained and disposed of subaqueously; the slow diffusion of oxygen inhibits
formation of acid. However, since tailings are placed in either raised or valley impoundments, they are likely
to remain saturated for only a limited period of time during mine operation. Following mine closure, the free
water surface in the impoundment may be drawn down substantially, favoring AMD conditions.

The spatial distribution of mining wastes in units, or waste placement, affects acid generation potential. For
example, the distribution of acid generating wastes with neutralizing wastes may be controlled by the stacking
sequence. Calcareous material may be mixed with or placed above sulfidic wastes to buffer acid production
or provide alkalinity to infiltrating solution prior to contact with acid generating wastes. An alternative to
layering or mixing is encapsulation. This technique attempts to isolate acid generating wastes from oxygen

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

and water, thereby reducing its potential to produce acid. It is unclear if encapsulation is feasible over the

Wetting and drying cycles in any of the mine workings or other waste management units will affect the
character of any acid drainage produced. Frequent wetting will tend to generate a more constant volume of
acid and other contaminants as water moves through and flushes oxidation products out of the system. The
build-up of contaminants in the system is proportional to the length of time between wetting cycles (Ferguson
and Erickson 1988, Doepker 1993). As the length of the dry cycle increases, oxidation products will tend to
accumulate in the system. A high magnitude wetting event will flush accumulated contaminants out of the
system. This relationship is typical of the increase in contaminant load observed following heavy
precipitation for those areas having a wet season.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction


The objectives of predictive testing are to: (1) determine if a discrete volume of mining waste will generate
acid and (2) predict the quality of the drainage based on the rate of acid formation measured (California
Mining Association 1991). There are two important points that must be considered when evaluating the acid
generation potential of a rock material. The first is how to collect samples from the field for use in analytical
testing. The second is which analytic test method should be used. Both points have a profound impact on the
reliability of analytical tests. Results from any analytical test are only as reliable as the samples used for the
test. Once the sampling strategy is selected, an appropriate analytical method (or methods) can be selected.
Methods used to predict the acid generation potential are classified as either static or kinetic. Factors
affecting the selection of the sampling regime and analytical method include an existing knowledge of the
geology, costs, and length of time available to conduct the test. This section will examine sample
methodology and analytic tests used to predict acid generation potential.

The following list of components describes the solid phase composition and reaction environment of sulfide
minerals. Potential contaminants are included to indicate their importance in the scope of acid generation.
These components should be kept in mind while evaluating information on acid generation potential.

Components affecting the total capacity to generate acid are characterized by:

• Amount of acid generating (sulfide) minerals present [Note: assumes total reaction of sulfide

• Amount of acid neutralizing minerals present

• Amount and type of potential contaminants present.

Components affecting the rate of acid generation include:

• Type of sulfide mineral present (including crystal form)

• Type of carbonate mineral present (and other neutralizing minerals, as appropriate)

• Mineral surface area available for reaction

- Occurrence of the mineral grains in the waste (i.e., included, liberated)

- Particle size of the waste

• Available water and oxygen

• Bacteria.

Analytical tests used to assess a material's acid generation potential are either static or kinetic in nature. A
static test determines both the total acid generating and total acid neutralizing potential of a sample. The

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

capacity of the sample to generate acidic drainage is calculated as either the difference of the values or as a
ratio of the values. These tests are not intended to predict the rate of acid generation, only the potential to
produce acid. Static tests can be conducted quickly and are inexpensive compared to kinetic tests. Kinetic
tests are intended to mimic the processes found at mining sites, usually at an accelerated rate. These tests
require more time and are considerably more expensive than static tests. Data from the tests are used to
classify wastes or materials according to their acid generating potential. This information can be collected
and evaluated during the economic analysis of mines in their exploratory phases. Based on this information,
decisions can be made with respect to specific mitigation practices for existing mines.

In this discussion, it will be useful to keep in mind sources of information needed to assess acid potential.
Some of the primary and secondary factors that affect the drainage character from waste management units
are presented in Table 4. The variables identified may be appropriate when considering other than waste
units, such as mine pits and underground workings.

Table 4. Sources of Information on Acid Generation Potential for New and Operating Mines

Information Type New Mine Operating Mine

Mine Rock Classification • Outcrop exposures • Outcrop and excavation exposures
• Exploration drill samples, logs • Drill core
• Geological sections • Production sampling
• Core assays • Core assays
• Specific sampling from working
areas and piles
Mine Rock Distribution • Mine planning • Mine planning
• Mine rock placement records
• Pit and underground plans and
• Pile surveys
• Pile drilling and sampling
• Site personnel
Acid Generation, Leaching • Static testing • Observation of old cores
Potential • Short term leach extractions • Field sampling
• Mineralogy • Static testing of distinct sub-units
• Site comparisons from working areas
Drainage Water Quality • Kinetic testing • Regular monitoring
• Background water quality • Seep surveys
• Kinetic testing
• Leach extraction

(Source: Modified from Robertson and Broughton, undated)

Efforts by both the mining industry and state regulatory agencies to develop the best protocols for sampling
and/or analytical methods to predict acid generation potential have demonstrated that site specific conditions
(e.g., climate and geology) dictate a case-by-case approach when evaluating acid potential. This is
complicated by the fact that a variety of research efforts on different methods by the Bureau of Mines, EPA,

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

and the Canadian Mine Environment Neutral Drainage (MEND), as well as those used by mining companies
and their consultants, make comparison of data difficult. Several authors have conducted comparative
evaluations of predictive tests (Lapakko 1992, Bradham and Caruccio 1990, Coastech 1989). Kim Lapakko
of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has conducted comparative evaluations of static and
kinetic test methods using a range of rock types. Bradham and Caruccio conducted a comparative study on

When evaluating the acid generation potential, a phased testing plan selects samples appropriate for the detail
needed (California Mining Association 1991). This approach allows investment in acid prediction testing to
be commensurate with a deposit's economic potential and saves time and expense associated with
unnecessary tests. Sampling and testing should be an iterative process, collecting, testing, and evaluating a
small amount of information to establish the acid generation potential. Based on the preliminary findings,
subsequent sampling and testing can be selected to refine the information as needed.

The typical steps in predicting the acid forming potential, as described in summary documents on the subject,
are listed below (California Mining Association 1991, British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989):

1. Define the geologic (or lithologic) units that will be encountered during mining. Describe the
geology and mineralogy of these units in detail.

2. Develop a sampling plan based on understanding of geology (rock mass, etc.). Collect samples to
represent ranges of compositional variation within a rock unit (see Lapakko 1988, 1990a).

3. Select static or kinetic tests and evaluate potential for acid formation.

4. Evaluate sampling criteria and conduct additional kinetic tests as required.

5. Develop a model as appropriate.

6. Based on findings, classify geologic (lithologic) units as acid, non-acid forming, or uncertain.
(Note: the potential to produce acid may vary within a given geologic unit.)

2.1 Sampling

Selection of samples has important implications for subsequent acid prediction testing. The purpose of
testing rock material is to allow classification and planning for waste disposal based on the predicted drainage
quality from that material. Samples must be selected to characterize both the type and volume of rock
materials and also account for the variability of materials that will be exposed during mining. When to
collect samples for testing is an equally important consideration. Researchers agree that sampling and testing
should be concurrent with resource evaluation and mine planning (Lapakko 1990a, British Columbia AMD
Task Force 1989). Sampling techniques used to evaluate recoverable mineral resources (assay samples) are
similar to those required for prediction of acid generation potential. Active mining operations for which

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

predictive tests were not conducted in advance of mining lack the advantage of front end planning; however,
these mines can still use these samples and other information collected to establish the acid generating

The pressure is increasing for new operations or those in the exploratory phase to accurately predict future
drainage water quality. By comparison, the acid drainage potential at old mines may be well established.
Examples of information needed from existing operations are the quantity of existing acid products, the
potential and stage of acid generation in each of the waste units, and the acid forming potential of future
wastes to be generated (see Table 4). Broughton and Robertson recommend that the first two stages of an
acid prediction analysis for either new or existing mines are (1) to review the geology and mineralogy and (2)
classify the rock and collect samples (Robertson and Broughton, undated; Broughton and Robertson, 1992).

Sample collection for prediction tests for both old and new mines should consider both geologic and
environmental factors. Geologic factors for sample selection are primarily a good understanding of the local
geology. If available, this may include information from mines, core logs, or other sources in the immediate
area. The exploration geologist or mine geologist is probably the best resource for understanding and
describing the mine's geology in detail. This information is important to both the sampling program and
application of test results. Environmental factors include consideration of the potential environmental
contaminants in the rock and climatic variables. A quality assurance/quality control program should be
developed and coordinated with the mine plan for sample collection and acid generation testing.

There are many opinions concerning the number of samples to be collected in a fixed-frequency sampling
program. One mining consulting firm recommends about 8 - 12 samples of each significant rock type or 1
sample for each 1 million tons, at a minimum (Schafer 1993). In this case a significant rock type represents
one or two percent of the total mine rock volume. Gene Farmer of the U.S. Forest Service suggests that one
sample (about 1,500 grams) be collected per 20,000 tons of waste rock, or about 50 samples for each 1
million tons (USDA Forest Service 1992). These samples would be collected by compositing from individual
drill hole cuttings prior to blasting. The British Columbia AMD Task Force recommends a minimum number
of samples based on the mass of the geologic unit. Their recommended minimum sample number is 25 for a
1 million ton geologic unit, or one sample for every 40,000 tons. Using the British Columbia method, as
waste volume increases, the number of samples decreases. For example, for a unit of 10 million tons, the
minimum sample number is 80, or one sample for every 125,000 tons (British Columbia AMD Task Force

There are reservations to prescribing a fixed number of samples for collection per volume of material. This is
particularly true for existing mines when collecting samples from waste rock dumps for acid generation
potential tests. Waste rock dumps are usually constructed by end-dumping of rock from trucks, creating
heterogeneous deposits that are very difficult to sample with confidence. Tailings are comparatively more
uniform due to milling and depositional methods used, and it is easier to characterize their variability. Fixed-
frequency sampling does not encourage the use of best judgement on the part of the sample collector

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

(typically a mining company). It also does not provide the statistical basis to account for variability among
samples. The determination of how many samples should be taken at any one time appears to be dependent
on variability of the site's geology and how the mine will be developed. Due to general uncertainty regarding
AMD predictive methods, it may be prudent to sample wastes or material throughout the life of the mine.

Factors to consider in a sampling program for existing or planned mines include the method of sample
collection, length of time samples are to be (or have been) stored, and the sample storage environment. Each
of these can affect the physical and chemical characteristics of a sample. Samples collected from cores
exposed to the environment may be physically and/or chemically altered. If samples are collected from drill
core, contamination may be a problem if a lubricant was used. At existing mines, tailings samples should be
taken over a variety of depths to determine if oxidation of sulfide minerals is occurring. The influence of lime
addition during milling may maintain alkaline conditions. Collecting samples of waste rock is difficult
because of the variability inherent in these waste units. Drilling is considered to be the preferred method for
collecting samples from waste rock piles (Ferguson and Morin 1991).

Since individual samples will be used to test and classify larger volumes of waste, it is important to consider
how representative samples are to be collected. Compositing is a common practice used to sample large
volumes of material. Typically, composite samples are collected from drill hole cuttings on benches prior to
blasting. However, compositing merges information about the variation of sample that would be identified if
more samples were collected and analyzed. Therefore, information about sample variability is lost (British
Columbia AMD Task Force 1990, Robertson and Broughton undated). Composite sampling of tailings may
be useful as a "first look" for characterizing tailings; compositing with stratification by lithology and
alteration can help to avoid the problems of simple composite samples (Schafer 1993).

2.2 Static Tests

Static tests predict drainage quality by comparing the sample's maximum acid production potential (AP) with
its maximum neutralization potential (NP). The AP is determined by multiplying the percent of total sulfur
or sulfide sulfur (depending on the test) in the sample by a conversion factor (AP = 31.25 * %S). NP is a
measure of the carbonate material available to neutralize acid. The value for NP is determined either by
adding acid to a sample and back titrating to determine the amount of acid consumed or by direct acid
titration of the sample; the endpoint pH is usually 3.5 (Ferguson and Morin 1991, Lapakko 1993a). Lapakko
(1992) reported that using an endpoint pH of 3.5 measures a sample's acid neutralizing potential below 6.0,
but noted that a drainage pH in the range of 3.5 may not be environmentally acceptable. The net
neutralization potential (NNP), or acid/base account (ABA) is determined by subtracting the AP from the NP
(NNP = NP - AP). A ratio of NP to AP is also used. An NNP of 0 is equivalent to an NP/AP ratio of 1
(Ferguson and Morin 1991). Units for static test results (AP, NP, and NNP) are typically expressed in mass
(kg, metric ton, etc.) of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per 1000 metric tons of rock, parts per thousand.

If the difference between NP and AP is negative then the potential exists for the waste to form acid. If it is
positive then there may be lower risk. Prediction of the acid potential when the NNP is between -20 and 20 is

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

more difficult. If ratios are used, when the ratio of a sample's neutralization potential and acid production
potential is greater than 3:1, experience indicates that there is lower risk for acid drainage to develop (Brodie
et al. 1991). For ratios between 3:1 and 1:1, referred to as the zone of uncertainty, additional kinetic testing
is usually recommended. Those samples with a ratio of 1:1 or less are more likely to generate acid.
Prediction of drainage quality for a sample based on these values requires assumptions that reaction rates are
similar and that the acid consuming minerals will dissolve (Lapakko 1992). When reviewing data on static
tests, an important consideration is the particle size of the sample material and how it is different from the
waste or unit being characterized.

Information on these and other static acid prediction tests, including summaries of test results, is available
(Coastech 1989, Lapakko 1993b). The following descriptions are excerpted from Lapakko (1993b).
Lapakko (1992) has also conducted comparison tests of static methods using mine waste samples from
different mines. Additional summaries of static tests have been completed by Coastech (1989) as part of the
MEND Project, and the California Mining Association (1991). Five static tests will be summarized here and
in Table 5.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction
Table 5. Summary of Static Test Methods, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Table 5. Summary of Static Test Methods, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages

Acid Base Accounting MODIFIED Acid Base BC RESEARCH Alkaline Production Net Acid Production
(Sobek et al, 1978) Accounting INITIAL Potential: Sulfur (Coastech 1989)
(Coastech, 1989) (Duncan and Bruynesteyn, (Caruccio et al, 1981)


Acid Producing Potential = Acid Producing Potential = Total Acid Production = Total S used as indicator 300 mL H2O2 added to
31.25 31.25 31.25 5 g rock to directly
* Total S * Total S * Total S oxidize sulfides present


-60 mesh (0.24 mm) -60 mesh (0.24 mm) -300 mesh (0.038 mm) -0.023 mm sample particle size not
sample sample sample presented
20 mL 0.1 N HCl to 0.4g
add HCl as indicated by add HCl as indicated by fizz titrate sample to pH 3.4 solid for 2 hours at acid produced by iron
fizz test, boil one minute test agitate for 23 with 1.0 N HSO
2 3 room temperature sulfide oxidization
than cool hours at room dissolves buffering
temperature minerals

pH 1.4 - 2.0 required

after six hours agitation

titration endpt pH 7.0 titration endpt pH 8.3 titration endpt not titration endpt pH 4.0 titration endpt pH 7.0

cost: 34-110 cost: 34-110 cost: 65-170 cost: 34-110 cost: 25-68


simple and short time1,3 simple, simple and simple, simple,
no special equipment short time, fairly short time1,3 short time, and short time,
and easy interpretation1 no special equipment, no special equipment and no special equipment1 no special equipment,
many samples can be and easy interpretation1 easy interpretation1 and
tested3 many samples can be easy interpretation1

does not relate to kinetic2 does not relate to kinetic2 assumes parallel acid/ moderate interpretation1 limited reproducibility4
assumes parallel acid/ assumes parallel acid/ alkaline release, uncertain if extent of
alkaline release2,3 alkaline release2,3 different particle size not sulfide oxidation
if APP and NP are close, if AP and NP are close, reflected, and simulates that in field
hard to interpret and hard to interpret and if APP and NP are close,
different particle size not different particle size not hard to interpret3
reflected3 reflected3

1 = Coastech 1989, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

2 = Bradham and Caruccio 1990, as referenced in Lapakko 1993
3 = Ferguson 1984, as referenced in Lapakko 1993
4 = Lawrence 1991, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

(Source: Lapakko 1993b)

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

2.2.1 Acid-Base Accounting (ABA)

The acid-base accounting test, a form of static testing, was developed in 1974 to evaluate coal mine waste
and was modified by Sobek et al. in 1978. The acid production potential (APP) is determined from the total
sulfur content as follows:

31.25 x percent S = APP

and assumes that two moles of acid will be produced for each mole of sulfur. Units for APP are tons of
acidity per ton of rock. Neutralization Potential (NP) is determined first by a simple fizz test to select the
acid strength to use in the next step. Based on this information, hydrochloric acid is added to the sample and
the sample is boiled until the reaction stops. The resulting solution is back titrated to pH 7 with sodium
hydroxide to determine the amount of acid consumed in the reaction between HCl and the sample.

The net neutralizing potential (NNP) is determined by subtracting the APP from the NP and is a measure of
the difference between the neutralizing and acid forming potentials. The value for NNP may be either
positive or negative. Tests conducted by Ferguson (reported by Lapakko 1993b) indicate that NNP values
less than 20 (kg CaCO3/ton) are likely to form acid. Those with NNP values greater than 20 were not likely
to form acid. For NNP values between -20 and 20 it was difficult to determine the acid potential.

Assumptions of the test are that all the sulfur in the sample is reactive. This assumption does not take into
account the presence of gypsum and other non-reactive sulfur minerals. A shortcoming of the technique is the
potential to overestimate NP in one or more of the following ways: (1) use of strong acid may dissolve
minerals that would not otherwise react to maintain drainage pH within an environmentally acceptable range;
(2) use of boiling acid may cause an overestimation of NP by reacting with iron and manganese carbonates,
which would not otherwise factor in the natural NP (this observation is problematic with samples that contain
large quantities of these carbonates; (3) the NP may be underestimated by contribution from metal
hydroxides that precipitate during the titration with sodium hydroxide.

2.2.2 Modified Acid Base Accounting

The Modified Acid Base Accounting method is similar to the previous method with some exceptions. It
calculates APP on the sulfide sulfur content (Lawrence 1990). This is different from the total sulfur
calculation used in the ABA test in that the sulfur contribution from non-sulfide sources is not included.
Determination of NP uses a longer (24-hour) acid digestion at ambient temperature, rather than boiling
hydrochloric acid as used in the ABA method. When back titrating with sodium hydroxide to determine the
acid consumed in the digestion, an endpoint of 8.3 is used instead of 7.

This modified method assumes that sulfur present as sulfate is not acid producing, and therefore may
underestimate available APP if jarosite or other acid producing sulfate minerals are present. Conducting the

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

acid digestion at standard temperature may reduce the contribution of iron carbonate minerals when
determining the NP.

2.2.3 British Columbia Research Initial Test (BC)

The B.C. Research Initial Test, as developed by Duncan and Bruynesteyn (1979), is similar to the ABA test
in that it calculates APP based on total sulfur. Consequently, similar concerns should be kept in mind for the
APP values. NP (or acid consuming capability) is determined by titrating the sample with 1.0 normal sulfuric
acid to pH 3.5. Coastech (1989) notes that this requires more sophisticated equipment (i.e., automatic
titrator) than the ABA procedure and is more time consuming. Samples are crushed to minus 400 mesh.
Data for APP and NP are compared by difference or ratio, as described above. If a sample is determined to
be potentially acid generating, the B.C. Confirmation kinetic test may be conducted. This test is presented in
the next section.

2.2.4 Alkaline Production Potential : Sulfur Ratio (APP:S)

The Alkaline Production Potential : Sulfur Ratio test was developed by Caruccio et al. (1981) and modified
by Coastech (1989) to measure the acid forming potential of coal waste. Like the ABA and B.C. initial tests,
the APP:S test uses total sulfur to determine the total acid potential. Again, similar problems exist for the
APP:S test as were experienced with these other tests. A change in nomenclature should be noted here. The
acid consuming potential (NP in the previous tests) is referred to as the Alkaline Production Potential. The
value is determined by grinding a 500 mg sample to minus 23 micron and adding 20 mL of 0.1N HCl and
allowing it to react for 2 hours at ambient temperature. The sample and solution are then titrated to pH 5 to
determine the alkaline production potential.

Samples representative of the geologic variation at the site are collected as in other tests and the Alkaline
Production Potential is determined. Results from the alkaline production potential test are plotted with the
results for total sulfur content of the same samples. Samples of several APP:S ratios are selected for kinetic
testing to determine which will be acid producing. With this calibration, the acid producing potential of
future samples from the various geologic units can be projected based on the APP:S ratio, rather than
depending on kinetic tests, which require more time.

Because this test uses total sulfur, similar to the ABA, to determine acid production, it also tends to
overestimate potential acid production for samples containing sulfate minerals. Coastech (1989) noted the
shorter exposure to less concentrated acid used in the digestion reaction would tend to underestimate Alkaline
Production Potential (NP), and preclude the complete reaction of all buffering carbonates present.

2.2.5 Net Acid Production Test

In the Net Acid Production Test, hydrogen peroxide is used to accelerate the oxidation of sulfide (Lawrence et
al. 1988). For the test, five grams of material are oxidized by 100 mL of 15 percent hydrogen peroxide to

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

oxidize the metal sulfide minerals. The reaction generates acid which in turn reacts with the buffering
minerals in the sample. The reaction is allowed to continue for one hour after all visible signs of reaction
have ended. The pH of the solution is determined and then titrated to pH 7. This gives a value for the Net
acid or neutralizing potential of the sample. This test is different from static tests described above in that it
mimics the reaction of APP and NP and determines a single value, NNP. One potential limitation of the test
was noted. If the extent of oxidation in the field setting is greater than in the test, the potential exists for the
test to underestimate acid production, creating the possibility that some acid producing waste may be
incorrectly classified as non-acid-producing.

2.3 Kinetic Tests

Kinetic tests are distinguished from static tests in that they attempt to mimic natural oxidation reactions of the
field setting. The tests typically use a larger sample volume and require a much longer time for completion
than for static tests. These tests provide information on the rate of sulfide mineral oxidation and therefore
acid production, as well as an indication of drainage water quality. Of the different kinetic tests used, there is
no one test that is preferred. The preference for tests changes with time as experience and understanding
increase. In a 1988 summary article by Ferguson and Erickson, the B.C. Research Confirmation Test was
considered to be the most widely used. A similar 1991 article by Ferguson and Morin stated that the use of
modified humidity cells was becoming more common. From information reviewed for this report, there does
seem to be a trend toward the preference for modified humidity cell and column type tests.

Kinetic tests can be used to assess the impact of different variables on the potential to generate acid. For
example, samples may be inoculated with bacteria (a requirement for some tests); temperature of the sample
environment may also be controlled during the test. Most tests require the sample particle size to be less than
a specified sieve size (e.g., minus 200 mesh). Larger sample volumes and test equipment may examine acid
potential from coarse particles. Acid drainage control mechanisms, such as increasing alkalinity by adding
lime, may also be examined using kinetic tests.

It is helpful to supplement kinetic tests with an understanding of empirical data characterizing the sample.
Examples include analysis of specific surface area, mineralogy, and metals. Such information may affect the
interpretation of test data and are important when making spatial and temporal comparisons between samples
based on the test data. As with static tests, it is important to consider the particle size of the test sample,
particularly when comparing test results with field scale applications.

Seven kinetic tests are summarized primarily from Lapakko's (1993b) review and the BC AMD Task Force,
Draft Technical Guideline, Volume I (1989). Other sources are noted in the text. Brief descriptions of the
kinetic tests discussed are also presented in Table 6.

2.3.1 Humidity Cell Tests

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Both Standard and Modified Humidity Cell Tests are used to determine the rate of acid generation. Tests are
conducted in a chamber resembling a box with ports for air input and output. The modified humidity cell
uses crushed samples and resembles a column. There is no standard for either humidity cell test.

The Humidity Cell Test, as conducted by Sobek (1978), leaches a 200 g sample crushed to minus 2.38 mm in
an enclosed plastic container. The test is typically run for ten weeks and follows a seven day cycle. The
sample may be inoculated with bacteria. During the seven day cycle, dry air is passed through the sample
container for the first three days and humidified air for the next three days. On the seventh day the sample is
rinsed with 200 mL of distilled water. The solution may be analyzed for pH, acidity, alkalinity, and specific
conductance; redox potential (the oxidation-reduction potential of an environment), sulfate, and dissolved
metals may also be tested. The humidity cell test method is very similar to the column test described below.

Depending on the sample, the test duration may need to be extended. Monitoring sulfate and dissolved metal
loads is important to track both the oxidation reaction and metal mobility. Two points are important when
using this and other kinetic tests: (1) if the sample was allowed to react before testing began (e.g., in storage)
there may be a build up of oxidation products in the sample—this would be flushed out in the early water
rinses, and (2) neutral drainage may lead to an incorrect prediction of acid potential if the test period is not
long enough.

2.3.2 Soxhelet Extraction Tests

This test simulates geochemical weathering using a soxhelet extraction apparatus to recirculate solution
through the sample. The sample is placed in a thimble in the unit and solution is circulated from a reservoir.
Two procedures are used—one is the standard test described by Singleton and Lavkulich (1978); the other is
the modified test described by Sobek et al. (1978). In the standard test the sample is leached using a 70 C
solution of acetic acid or distilled water over a period of six weeks (duration of the procedure may vary). The
modified test uses only distilled water at 25 C.

Research by Coastech (1989) determined that use of acetic acid yielded unrealistic results. Soxhelet
extraction test conditions are more extreme than other kinetic tests. However, it is a shorter test and may be
useful in simulating long weathering trends in a relatively short test time. Drawbacks include the complex
equipment required and the more complex nature of the test in general.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Table 6. Summary of Some Kinetic Test Methods, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages


(Sobek et al., 1978) (Singleton and Lavkulich, 1978; (Bruynesteyn and Hackl, 1982;
Sullivan and Sobek, 1982) Hood and Oertel, 1984)


-2.38 mm particle size particle size not presented variable particle size

200g of rock exposed to three days dry air, T=70 C (Singleton and Lavkulich, 1978) columns containing mine waste are leached
three days humidified air, and rinsed with T=25 C (Sullivan and Sobek, 1982) with discrete volumes or recirculating
200 mL on day seven water passed through sample is distilled solutions
and recycled through sample

cost: 425-850 cost: 212-425 cost: dependent upon scale


models AP and NP well and simple, models AP and NP,
models wet/dry3 results in short time, and models effect of different rock types,
approximates field conditions and assessment of interaction between AP and models wet/dry, and
rate of acidity per unit of sample NP3 models different grain sizes3

moderate to use, moderate to use and difficult interpretation,

results take long time, and need special equipment1 3
not practical for large number of samples
some special equipment1 moderate interpretation1,3 large volume of sample2
moderate ease of interpretation1,3 in developmental stage and lots of data generated,
large data set generated2 3
relationship to natural processes not clear long time, and
potential problems: uneven leachate
application, channelization2,3

(Source: Lapakko 1993b)


(Duncan and Walden, 1975) (Halbert et al., 1983) (Edger and Lapakko, 1985)
-400 mesh particle size -200 mesh particle size1 field scale particles

15-30g added to bacterially active solution sample/water slurry is agitated 800 to 1300 metric ton test piles
at pH 2.2 to 2.5, T=35 C 200g/500 mL1 constructed on liners flow and water
if pH increases, sample is non acid quality data collected
producer tests began in 1977 and are ongoing
if pH decreases, 1/2 original sample mass
is added in each of two increments
cost: initial construction is expensive,
cost: 170-340 cost: 425-850 subsequent costs are comparable


simple to use, able to examine many samples uses actual mine waste under
low cost, simultaneously and environmental conditions
assesses potential for biological leaching relatively simple equipment4 can be used to determine drainage volume
mitigation methods can be tested

moderate to use, subject to large sampling errors and expensive initial construction
longer time needed, and lack of precision4 long time
some special equipment needed1
difficult interpretation if pH change is
does not model initial AP step, and
long time for pH to stabilize3

(Source: Lapakko 1993)

1 = Coastech 1989, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

2 = Bradham and Caruccio 1990, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

3 = Ferguson 1985, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

4 = Babij et al. 1980, as referenced in Lapakko 1993

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

2.3.3 Column Tests

Column Tests are conducted by stacking the waste or material in a cylinder or similar device. Wetting and
drying cycles are created by adding water and then allowing the column to dry. Each of the cycles may occur
over a period from several days to a week or more, though they typically last for three days each. Care must
be taken to avoid piping along the sample-wall interface when packing the column. Water added to the
column is collected and analyzed to determine the current oxidation rate, sulfate production, metal release,
and other parameters.

Column test equipment, like humidity cells, is a relatively simple apparatus compared to a soxhelet extraction
device. It is easily modified to test control options, such as the addition of limestone, the influence of
bacteria, and water saturation (Water Resources Control Board 1990). Results from research indicate that
column tests of well sorted tailings material greater than 0.5 cm in diameter accurately represents field test
conditions (Bradham and Caruccio 1990). Tests of waste rock material were not reported. Some of the
disadvantages of column type tests are that the long time required, the associated high costs, and as
mentioned above, the potential for channeling.

2.3.4 British Columbia Research Confirmation Test

Originally developed by Duncan and Bruynesteyn (1979), this test is intended to confirm results of the B.C.
Initial (static) Tests; specifically, it is intended to determine if bacteria can catalyze enough reactions to
satisfy their acid demands. As described in the Draft Technical Guide, Volume I (1989), sulfuric acid is
added to a sample volume to a pH of 2.5. Although not identified in the Draft Technical Guide, other
researchers use sample volumes in the range of 15 to 30 g of material passing a 400 mesh screen (Lapakko
1993b). The sample is shaken for four hours and acid is added to maintain a solution pH between 2.5 and
2.8. The sample is then inoculated with Thiobacillus ferrooxidans and the flask weighed. The flask is
plugged with cotton, incubated at 35 C, and shaken continuously. The pH and metals in solution are
monitored for the first three days and the pH maintained below 2.8. Distilled water is added to maintain
constant weight. When the pH is established below 2.8, monitoring for pH and the metal is performed every
second day until microbiological activity stops. This occurs when pH and metal values remain constant.
Additional sample material is then added to the flask and this is shaken for 24 hours. When tested, if the pH
is 3.5 or higher, the test is terminated. If the pH of the solution is less than 3.5, more of the sample is added
and is shaken for 24 hours. The pH is tested; if it is greater than 4 or less than 3.5, the test is terminated. If
the pH is less than or equal to 4, or greater than or equal to 3.5, the sample is shaken for 48 more hours and a
final pH reading is taken (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

If the bacteria are sustained in the sample, there is a strong possibility that acid drainage will be generated in
the waste unit being characterized (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989). If insufficient acid is
produced, the solution pH will approach the natural pH (above 3.5), and the sample is determined to be non-
acid producing. If the solution remains below 3.5 then there is a strong possibility that the sample will be an
acid producer.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

The initial acidification of the sample in this test presents conditions significantly different than in a typical
waste unit. The test does not examine mineral/bacterial reactions above a pH of 2.5 (2.8 as described above).
Reactions above these levels may be a major influence in determining if acid drainage is generated (Lapakko
1993b). Other disadvantages are that the test ignores neutralization potential and sulfide oxidation rates
(British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

2.3.5 Batch Reactor (Shake Flask) Tests

In the Batch Reactor test, like the British Columbia Confirmation test, a mine sample and water are slurried
together in a flask. The solution is usually distilled water, however, nutrients may be added. Sample size and
solution volume are determined by the user. Coastech (1989) conducted tests using 250 g of waste and 500
mL of distilled water. Flasks are shaken continuously during the test. Water samples are taken at regular
intervals to determine water quality parameters such as pH, sulfate, and metals in solution. Sampling for
water quality analysis during longer tests may require addition of water to maintain volume. This would
complicate interpretation of test data. Data from the tests are used to estimate the rate of sulfide mineral
oxidation and release of contaminants, such as metals.

The batch reactor is relatively simple and allows examination of multiple factors, such as pH and
temperature, which can be tested simultaneously. The influence of bacteria and control measures may be
used as test parameters. The primary difficulty with the method is that the duration of the test may not
exceed the lag time prior to acid formation (Lapakko 1993b). Other concerns are that the water volume in the
flask may inhibit acid formation and bacteria may not acclimate in the test conditions (British Columbia
AMD Task Force 1989).

2.3.6 Field Scale Test

Field Scale Testing, similar to On-site Rock Piles described by B.C. AMD Task Force, use large volumes of
material to construct test cells in ambient environmental conditions, typically at the mine site in question.
These tests are very different from laboratory tests where the experiment is conducted under controlled
conditions. Sample size varies and may be as much as 1000 metric tons or more, depending on space
availability. Particle size of the test material is not usually reduced for the test to better approximate field
conditions. The sample is loaded on to an impervious liner to catch solutions and a vessel is used to collect
the leachate. The volume of solution is determined and an aliquot is analyzed for pH, sulfate, dissolved
metals, and other parameters.

Consideration of climatic conditions is important when evaluating results from field scale tests. Climatic
effects must be distinguished from the rate of sulfide oxidation, acid generation, neutralization, and metal
dissolution as determined by analysis of the leach solution. This is necessary because climatic effects,
especially precipitation, determine the flushing rate but do not influence either reaction rate or the subsequent
chemical composition of the leachate (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Lapakko (1988) demonstrated that carefully constructed kinetic tests in the laboratory could be extrapolated
to field scale tests. That research is summarized in Section 5.3 of the report.

Field scale tests have the advantage of being conducted under the same environmental conditions as the waste
or other units they are simulating. They also allow monitoring of the influence of bacteria and control
measures. Drawbacks to field tests are that they require long test durations. Unlike other kinetic tests, field
test do not accelerate environmental conditions, which tend to assess the potential to generate acid more
quickly. Consequently, field tests will provide information on acid generation potential for a mine waste unit
for that amount of time that they are started before waste emplacement begins. For some operations this may
be 10 years or more and test results may be used to optimize reclamation design (Lapakko 1993b).

2.4 Application of Test Results in Prediction Analysis

Results from static and kinetic tests are used to classify mine wastes on the basis of their potential to generate
acid. Static tests yield information about a sample's ability to neutralize and generate acid. The difference or
ratio of these values becomes the basis of the classification. As discussed, for samples with NNP values
greater than 20 tons CaCO3/1000 tons of waste (ratio of 3:1), the potential to generate acid is low (Smith and
Barton-Bridges 1991). For NNP values between -20 and 20 (ratios between 1:1 and 3:1), the potential for
acid generation remains, and uncertainty will exist. It is important to note that each of these values are
generalities and can be affected by the relative availability of surface areas of iron sulfides and calcium-
magnesium carbonates.

The determination of AP based on estimated or reactive sulfur content in the sample has some inherent
limitations. When total sulfur is used as the basis to estimate sulfide content, this uncertainty may be
attributable to possible errors in: (1) assessment of true acidity and neutralization in the sample; (2)
calculated acidity based on total sulfur conversion value; and (3) analytical error. Similar errors exist for
static tests that determine reactive sulfide mineral concentrations. Estimating long-term reactive sulfide
based on short-term tests may result in uncertainty due to difficulties in making oxidation rate predictions
(British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

Acid base accounting tests conducted on an iterative basis, where the initial sample set is small, are helpful
when establishing boundaries between lithologic units. As data from static tests is collected and evaluated,
the sampling selection can be refined. The goal of sampling is to collect representative samples that define
the variability of the lithologies present. If significant variability in the acid generation or neutralization
potential is identified in the initial sample test results, additional sampling to refine lithologic boundaries is
necessary (California Mining Association 1991).

Kinetic tests are often conducted to confirm results of static tests and estimate when and how fast acid
generation will occur. The test provides insight on the rate of acid production and the water quality
potentially produced and is used to evaluate treatment and control measures. Unlike static tests, there is no
standardized method for evaluating test results. Data are examined for changes through time and water

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

quality characteristics. Kinetic tests tend to accelerate the natural oxidation rate over those observed in the
field. This may have the advantage of condensing time, and providing earlier insight into the potential for
acid generation.

Generally, kinetic tests are evaluated for changes in pH, sulfate, acidity and a host of potential metals.
According to the B.C. AMD Task Force (1989), samples with pH values less than 3 are considered strongly
acid; between 3 and 5 the sample is acid generating and there may be some neutralization occurring; at pH
values >5, the sample is not significantly acid, or an alkaline source is neutralizing the acid. Sulfate is a by-
product of sulfide oxidation and can be used as a measure of the rate of oxidation and acid production. When
evaluating test data it is important to examine the cumulative sulfate production curve as an indicator of
sulfide oxidation, in addition to other parameters. An analysis of metals in the sample solution serves as an
indicator of contaminant load but is not a good indicator of acid generation.

Based on test data, decisions with respect to the mine plan are made. Similar to static tests, kinetic tests are
refined to address variability of the geology. Information collected from kinetic tests, such as oxidation rates
and water quality, are more commonly being used as inputs to models, which are discussed in the following

2.4.1 Some Experience With Static and Kinetic Tests

Ferguson estimated that for about 50 percent of the mines it is easy to determine whether acid generation is a
problem, and noted that predicting the potential for the other 50 percent is more difficult (U.S. EPA 1992a).
When data collected from static and kinetic tests is inconclusive it may be necessary to extrapolate from
existing data using oxidation rates and other factors and project how a sample may react. The soundness of
the extrapolation is dependent on the representativeness of the sample, accuracy of the tests data, and the
interpretation of the data.

Ferguson and Morin (1991) found that samples with an NP/AP ratio of less than 0.1 tended to produce acid
during typical laboratory timeframes. They expected that if laboratory tests were conducted for longer time
periods the NP/AP ratio would shift closer to 1 and did not speculate on what the values for NNP and NP/AP
would be in the future. Extrapolating a sample's ability to generate acid was divided into short (less than one
year), medium (a few years), and long-term (many years) time frames. Short term projections are based on
laboratory data. Medium term projections require knowledge of the neutralization process, primarily
consumption of carbonate. Long-term extrapolations of acid generation potential will require an
understanding of weathering rinds and diffusion of oxygen into and reaction products out of that rind. Long-
term projections were identified as being extremely problematic.

Researchers in British Columbia, Canada, have examined results of static and kinetic tests conducted on
tailings and waste rock (Ferguson and Morin 1991). The results are based on a study of 20 active or abandon
mines in British Columbia. Their findings indicate that for tailings, only those samples having a negative
NNP produced acid. The test method was not identified and the limitations are therefore not discussed here.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

According to this report, waste rock data from static tests is very limited and demonstrates the variability
expected with these waste units. They observed that samples of waste rock that had weathered for one month
(prior to sample collection) needed to be flushed initially to remove existing oxidation products.

Lapakko (1990b) used solid phase characterization of the sample in conjunction with acid base accounting
data and the rates of acid production and consumption to extrapolate information beyond the timeframe of
kinetic tests. The rates of acid production and consumption were based on kinetic test results over a 20 week
period. The time required to deplete sulfide and carbonate minerals was determined using rates established
from kinetic tests. Based on these observations the time required to deplete the iron sulfide content was 950
weeks and the time to deplete the carbonate content was 40 weeks. This prediction agreed with an observed
drop in pH between week 36 and week 56 from 8.7 to 6; after another 20 weeks the pH dropped below 5.
This research appears to indicate that kinetic tests should be run for periods of at least 20 weeks in length.

2.5 Mathematical Modeling of Acid Generation Potential

As the preceding discussion indicates, static and kinetic testing provide only a partial picture of the potential
of mine wastes to produce ARD. Static testing estimates the ultimate APP and NP of waste material but is
generally silent with regard to the rates of generation of acidic and alkaline flows in actual waste matrices.
Kinetic testing is more helpful with regard to estimating the rates of oxidation and neutralization. As
discussed above, actual waste units can be very non-homogenous and anisotropic with respect to the
distributions of mineral types, particle size, hydrologic conditions and so forth. Thus, while a given kinetic
test may well approximate the potential for ARD in a portion of a waste unit, the result may not be
representative of the "global" potential for ARD. Equally important is the practical limitation on the duration
of kinetic tests: because kinetic tests are generally short-lived with respect to the potential period of
persistence of AMD, they inadequately mimic the evolutionary nature of the process of acid generation.

To overcome the uncertainties inherent in short-term testing, as well as avoid the prohibitive costs of very
long-term testing, some researchers have developed mathematical models to aid in predicting the long-term
effects on water quality of acid generating wastes. Predictive modelling offers the hope of providing tools for
estimating the potential extent of acid generation prior to its occurrence. Ideally, such information may be
compared for scenarios entailing alternative management options to identify the design, operating, and
closure methods that best meet economic and environmental objectives. As a practical matter, existing AMD
models fall short of the ideal. Nevertheless, these models may provide valuable information for planning
purposes, and may have an important role in understanding and predicting AMD.

2.5.1 Overview of Existing Models

A number of distinct approaches to modelling ARD have emerged to date. In general, all the models attempt
to describe the time-dependant behavior of one or more variables of a mine waste geochemical system in
terms of observed behavior trends (empirical models) or chemical and/or physical processes that are believed
to control ARD (deterministic models). Empirical models extrapolate values for the desired output variables

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

(e.g., acid generation) from laboratory or field data (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).
Deterministic models simulate the changes in system values according to the causal mechanisms relating each
element of the system to the others.

It is important to remember that all ARD models are simplifications of reality. Simplification is required by
incomplete understanding of all factors influencing ARD. Simplification can substantially reduce the cost
and time required to model the system under study. However, simplifying assumptions can lead to incorrect
conclusions if they result in the omission of important causal mechanisms. For instance, failure to consider
the presence of neutralizing materials in a waste pile could result in an overestimation of the rate of acid
generation. Similarly, failure to consider hydrogeochemical conditions within a waste pile may preclude
consideration of adsorption/precipitation reactions involving metals, thereby miscalculating the potential for
metals loading in effluent streams. Because the importance of any given controlling factor may vary from site
to site, the significance of a simplifying assumption for any particular modelling effort must be weighed

2.5.2 Empirical Models

As stated above, empirical models extrapolate values of sulfide oxidation from existing laboratory and field
test data. The method of extrapolation typically involves determination of the "best-fit lines" through test
data points (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989). The equations so derived may then be solved to
provide, for instance, the acid generation rate of a particular waste unit at some time in the future. Using the
projected acid generation rate as an input to a separate hydrogeochemical model that accounts for attenuation
of seepage constituents in soils and dilution in receiving waters, the estimated constituent loading rates and
consequent receiving water quality at time T may be estimated (Broughton and Robertson 1991).

Empirical models generally do not explicitly consider the causal mechanisms driving oxidation of sulfides and
neutralization of seepage. Rather, such models assume that the operation of such controls is accurately
represented in the test data. Therefore, the accuracy of empirical models in predicting AMD depends heavily
on the quality of the test data used in the models. Principle sources of uncertainty may be expected to include
variations in the spatial and particle size distribution of sulfide and alkaline minerals not captured by the data
due to insufficient spacial distribution of samples; changes in the distribution of particle sizes throughout the
waste unit (due to weathering) not captured by the data; and failure to accurately calibrate the model to reflect
the actual quantity and type of materials disposed of (British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

It is important to note that empirical models, by their nature, are site-specific. Because the models rely on
actual trends observed at a specific site, rather than generic causal mechanisms, the best fit lines for one site
can not be assumed to be representative for another site. Further, significant changes in waste unit
composition, geometry, or controls over time may invalidate previous representativeness of empirical models.
Nevertheless, empirical models may provide cost-effective and reasonably reliable estimations of short-term
future AMD conditions for sites with sufficient spatial and temporal data.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

2.5.3 Deterministic Models

Deterministic models simulate AMD by solving systems of equations that represent the various controlling
factors in the waste reaction process (Broughton and Robertson 1991). The simulation approach allows the
users to examine the potential sulfide oxidation rate and resulting seepage quality over periods of tens to
hundreds of years in the future. The greatest promise of deterministic models is that they may allow the user
to predict AMD as it evolves over time under the changing influence of rate controlling factors. Existing
models have built upon earlier work on acid releases from coal mine spoils as well as work on leachate
quality in metals heap leach operations (Nicholson 1992). The models may rely solely on the causal
relationships described in the equations, or may include empirical data as exogenous drivers (outside the
model structure) to solve for certain aspects of the system (Nicholson 1992; Broughton and Robertson 1991).
The most important differences between the models lie in the particular causal mechanisms (e.g., oxygen
diffusion, changing particle size, temperature variations due to exothermic reactions) addressed within each
model structure.

Nicholson presents a review of AMD models. In that review, Shumate (1971)1 is credited with first
recognizing that diffusion of oxygen within mine rock limits the overall rate of oxidation of sulfides
(Nicholson 1992). The first working models to incorporate this process (Morth 19721, Rica and Chow
19741) used the acid generation rate to calculate resulting drainage water quality. Rittchie (1977)1 added to
this concept by explicitly accounting for the removal of oxidized sulfur from the store of available unreacted
sulfide. Other models have included convection as a means of oxygen transport within waste piles (Lu and
Zhang undated). Convection may be influenced by changes in barometric pressure or by the release of heat
from the exothermic oxidation of sulfides. Some researcher's have modelled the feedback mechanisms
operating between temperature and biological and chemical oxidation rates, noting that the mechanism is only
significant where waste permeabilities are high enough to allow convective oxygen transport to occur
(Nicholson 1992).

More recent models have addressed the hydrologic and geochemical conditions in waste unit matrices, as well
as reaction product transport, to more realistically represent changes in seepage quality (Nicholson 1992).
Bennett (1990)1 and others found that water flow through the waste pile strongly influences sulfide oxidation
rates by acting as a heat sink and removing heat produced by oxidation.

Jaynes et al. (1986)1 and Schafer (1991)1 have incorporated chemical equilibrium relationships of varying
complexity to model the mobilization and attenuation of oxidation and dissolution products within the waste
pile. These relationships drive the residence times of various constituents within "mixing cells" of the waste
matrix, and, along with allowing for consumption of acid by alkaline materials, result in changes in effluent
chemistry as conditions within the matrix evolve (Nicholson 1992).

As cited in Nicholson 1992.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Model developments such as those listed above have significantly contributed to understanding of the
processes controlling AMD. For instance, explicit consideration of oxygen diffusion reveals that, in instances
where diffusion is restricted, fast processes such as biologically catalyzed oxidation can be unimportant to the
overall rate of oxidation. Similarly, consideration of hydrologic flow within the waste matrix shows that the
rate of release of oxidation products from waste piles depends strongly on the flow characteristics within the
wastes (Nicholson 1992). More recent models have corroborated the proposition that waste dump geometry
can be important to oxidation rates by influencing the surface area exposure and air infiltration rates
(Nicholson 1992).

2.6 Conclusions

Notwithstanding the understanding that existing models have provided, AMD models to date have not found
extensive applications in predicting oxidation rates and effluent quality at operating or proposed sites
(Ferguson and Erickson 1988). As stated above, models are simplifications of reality, and consequently are
subject to a high degree of uncertainty. Among the sources of uncertainty are incomplete or invalid model
structure; natural variability of certain parameters; and lack of parameter calibration and model verification
(British Columbia AMD Task Force 1989).

Among the greatest concerns facing the reliability of predictive deterministic models are model calibration
and validation. Model parameters must be adjusted to match the conditions prevailing at an actual site.
Therefore, reliable waste characteristics, hydrologic and geochemical data must be collected and incorporated
into the model structure. Validation requires comparison of model predictions with actual field sampling
results. To date, the availability of field data for validation is very limited.


prediction. A summary of the regulatory requirements for California, Minnesota, Idaho,
Regulatory programs for five states were reviewed for their requirements concerning acid generation
Table 7. Summary of State Regulations for Acid Generation Prediction Testing (August 1994) (Continued)

Regulations/Guidance Sampling Analysis

Regulations address process components, Wasterock and overburden must be evaluated for its potential to The Meteoric Water Mobility Procedure should be used to determine
Nevada regulations, § 445.242 release pollutants and its acid generation potential. (NDEP 1990) the potential release of pollutants from samples. Consult NDEP's
"Meteoric Water Mobility Procedure", dated September 19, 1990 for
Guidance documents include the Nevada Drill core samples should be collected during initial orebody specifics regarding the procedure requirements. Acid generation
Division of Environmental Protection's definition, and used to characterize materials. Samples should be potential must be evaluated using the Static Test, Acid/Base
(NDEP's) "Waste Rock and Overburden sent to an assay lab. During active mining operations, samples can Accounting procedure, to determine neutralization potential (NP).
Evaluation" document, dated September 14, be collected from remaining, saved, assayed materials to be (NDEP 1990)
1990. "representatively composited" (not defined) on a quarterly basis for
on-going evaluations. Samples are also required of waste materialsAcidification potential (AP) should be determined based on two
This evaluation document requires the use of that were not subject to assaying. (NDEP 1990) alternatives: (1) determining total sulfur content, or (2) determining
the Meteoric Water Mobility Test (MWMT) to peroxide oxidizable sulphur. For alternative (1), compare results to
determine a sample's potential to release A representative sampling program must consider lithological and NP. If NP exceeds AP value by 20%, material is considered non-acid
pollutants. This test does not test for AGP, but mineralogical variation, the extent of "sulfide" mineralization, colorgenerating. If less than 20%, determine total sulfide sulfur content
is required as a precursor to acid generation variation, degree of fracturing and of oxidation, and extent of according toStandard Methods of Chemical Analyses , or equivalent
tests. Procedural requirements for the MWMT secondary mineralization. (NDEP 1990) procedure. If NP is less than 20% greater than AP, kinetic testing
are provided in NDEP's September 19, 1990 must be initiated. For alternative (2), if NP value exceeds value by
guidance document titled, "Meteoric Water 100%, material is non-acid generating. If less than 100%, initiate
Mobility Procedure," dated September 19, kinetic testing. (NDEP 1990)
Operating facilities with positive acid generating results from static
testing, must notify the NDEP and begin kinetic testing within 10

days. Kinetic testing is required to be conducted according to

procedures identified in attachment I. If kinetic testing confirms acid
generating potential, containment/neutralization methods must be
evaluated on site specific basis and proposed to the NDEP for
approval. (NDEP 1990)

(Source: Based on phone conversations with State personnel and collected documents)

(Source: 1Humphries, 1994)

(Source: 2Lapakko, 1994)

(Source: 3Schuld, 1994)

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

(Source: 4Miller, 1994)

(Source: 5Gaskin, 1994)

Montana,andNevada is presented in Table 7

Table 8. Summary of State Regulations for Acid Generation Prediction Testing (August 1994)
Table 7. Summary of State Regulations for Acid Generation Prediction Testing (August 1994)

Regulations/Guidance Sampling Analysis

Regulations: Waste classification under No specific requirements indicated. Each site is considered on a California is considering adoption of new regulations. These new
§2571C of Chapter 15, of the California Miningcase-by-case basis. regulations require testing of rock using a procedure for predicting
Code. No other requirements specified. AMD. Neither specific static or kinetic testing procedures are
identified. Test results would be analyzed and interpreted by the
mining company or its contractor.

The state sets a trigger level at a 3:1 ratio (NP/AP) with a 95 percent
confidence interval. If samples do not meet this requirement, kinetic
tests are required, or the mine has the option to develop a management
plan for waste disposal.
Regulations: Under §6132.1000 Mine Waste Sample types include material generated from exploration, pre- Based on results of analyses and tests, additional mine waste
Characterization: production sampling, and process testing. An outline of chemical characterization may be required. May include laboratory dissolution
and mineralogical analyses and laboratory tests must be conducted tests to describe a material's acid-producing and acid consuming
and presented to the commissioner for use in evaluating mining andmineral content. (Minnesota §6132.100)
reclamation plans. Mine waste characterization data submitted must
include laboratory tests describing acid generation and dissolved Results of mine waste characterization data should be submitted
solids release from mine waste. (Minnesota §6132.100) throughout the life of the operation to regulatory agencies establishing
water quality and compliance monitoring standards. (Minnesota

Regulations: There are no formal policies or Sampling should begin during exploration. The state requires that Idaho does not require the use of a specific static or kinetic test,
regulations that specifically address AMD. exploration plans stipulate that half the samples collected should behowever, the state must be informed of, and approve, the test
Under Chapter 47-1513 of Idaho's Surface kept in storage. Storage should minimize potential for sample methodology selected. Tests are conducted by U.S. EPA approved
Mining Act and Dredge and Placer Mining Act, weathering. CLP laboratories only.
reclamation and operating plans are required
that are protective of Idaho's water resources. Materials selected for sampling should include waste rock, Idaho uses BMPs in place of monitoring requirements to prevent any
(Schuld 1993) overburden, and ore/subore. Composites of core samples should becontact of AMD with groundwater or surface waters of the State.
obtained as samples. BMPs must function to avoid AMD generation, or should collect and
Protocols based on BC Acid Mine Task Force treat AMD until it no longer exists.
Report "Acid Rock Drainage Technical Guide." The number of samples obtained for AMD prediction testing should

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Also, a proposed "Policy Guidance be based on the size of probable ore reserves and overburden. Future goals for BMPs will include (1) Leachate
Memorandum" has been submitted to the DEQ, Consult "Acid Rock Drainage Guide" or other technical guidance Detection/Collection Systems, (2) Closure requirements and
but has not been signed by Administrator as of document, in addition to best professional judgement, to determine monitoring, and (3) Bonding.
April 1993. (Schuld 1993) Under this policy, minimum number of samples. (Schuld 1993) The sampling interval
Idaho may request Federal land managers is based on lithology and changes in units. If the ratio of acid potential (AP) to neutralization potential (NP) is
(BLM, USFS) to determined AGP for sites on greater than 2:1, the State requires a kinetic test to be performed.
Federal lands. Reporting should occur prior to excavation and continue after
mining has commenced. Results of static tests must be reported in If State waters are impacted, an NOV and/or Consent Order may be
order to prepare permit. issued, and other site specific requirements may be imposed.
Table 7. Summary of State Regulations for Acid Generation Prediction Testing (August 1994) (Continued)

Regulations/Guidance Sampling Analysis

Regulations: Under Title 82, "Metal Mine Sample collection is preferred during the advanced exploration stage For splits from each sample provide analyses for: total element or
Reclamation", § 82-4-336 (7), reclamation of project. This allows data to be compiled and long term leachate trace element and any static test. After data is reviewed and
plans are required to provide for "...reclamation extraction tests to be performed before submittal for a mining permit.
compared to average crustal abundances and/or regional background
of disturbed land to comparable utility and Information requested includes descriptions of climate, topography,values, a carefully picked subset of samples should be analyzed using
stability,...". The State interprets this to mean hydrology, vegetation, geology, mineralogy especially iron sulfides,any humidity cell test method and/or any field leachate extraction test
both chemical and physical stability. Review and total element content for mineralized and unmineralized method to help establish limits for suitable and unsuitable material.
and approval of reclamation plans gives the lithologies. The definition of "suitable" and "unsuitable" may vary with each site
State the authority to reject plans that do not depending on the regional geology. Any laboratory and/or method
adequately assess AMD potential. The number of samples to collect is dependent on the variability of may be used but must be approved by the agency prior to use.
the lithology/alteration assemblage. The British Columbia Draft Rationale must be given as to why certain methods were used.
Guidance: DRAFT, "Geochemical Task Force Guide (SRK, 1989) and the Saskatchewan Mine Rock
Characterization Checklist", Montana Guidelines (SRK, 1992) are used as references for a rough guide asAfter all information has been compiled and reported for each suite,
Department of State Lands. This provides to methods and sample sizes needed to characterize mine waste. decisions are made as to what materials are suitable for reclamation
specific recommendations that are only purposes and which materials are unsuitable and need to be isolated.
summarized in this table. Samples should not be composited if possible. Samples should be The above mentioned testing sequence will not predict whether a
split 4 ways. For each sample please record: sample location, material will produce contaminants. It will define which
sample description including mineralogy/petrology especially lithologies/alteration assemblages are suspect with respect to
sulphur fractionation and carbonates, grain size and crystal form of contaminant production and should be segregated from the suitable
iron sulfides, particle size distribution, paste pH, and slaking waste materials. Independent interpretations of the data set can be
characteristics after Brodie et al, 1991. forwarded but the agencies' interpretation will comprise the effective
recommendation. Testing should be ongoing throughout mine life to

Two suites of samples should be collected. better substantiate preliminary conclusions made during the
permitting process.
1) Collect representative samples from each lithology for a reference
suite. This suite should incorporate samples from unmineralized More detail and references are given in "Permitting Guidelines for
areas to establish regional background. The "representativeness" for Mine Rock Characterization" available from the Department of State
each sample should be determined by the geologist who is most Lands, Hard Rock Bureau, 1625 11th Ave, Helena, MT 59620.
familiar with the site. This sample set will be biased. (406) 444-2074.

2) Collect random samples over the entire deposit to limit bias. This
(References: Brodie, 1991; Steffen et al, 1989; Steffen et al, 1992)
sample set will be much larger than the representative suite. At least
8 samples should be analyzed for each lithology or alteration
assemblage. A statistical analysis of the data should be compiled.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

. In addition, the U.S. Forest Service is developing a protocol. In the meantime, the acid generating potential
associated with mines on Forest Service land is considered on a case-by-case basis as part of their review of
proposed plans of operation.


Presented below are selected case studies for mines where acid drainage from mine wastes or mine works has
occurred. Both active sites and sites on the National Priorities List are described. The active sites were
selected to represent sites where the potential to generate acid was either not considered, or not expected, but
later developed. Case histories for the Newmont Rain facility in Nevada, Cyprus Thompson Creek in Idaho,
and the LTV Steel Mining Company Dunka site in Minnesota are presented below in Sections 4.1, 4.2, and
4.3, respectively. EPA visited each of these sites to further its understanding of the mining industry. Each
site has experienced acid generation problems; however, it is important to note that each is also taking
corrective action to mitigate the problem. The companies are working with appropriate State and Federal
agencies to determine long-term treatment needs.

The EPA (1991) has prepared National Priorities List (NPL) Site Summary Reports for the mining sites on
the NPL. NPL sites were selected from these reports if acid generation was identified as a problem. Using
this criteria, seven of 56 mining-related sites were selected for review. The purpose of the review was to
determine if acid generation predictive tests were conducted at individual sites, and if such tests were
conducted, how the data were used. The review included examination of available literature on each site and
interviews with each site's Remedial Project Manager (RPM). Based on incomplete information for the seven
sites studied, tests for either acid prediction or pH prediction have not been conducted at Silver Bow Creek,
Eagle Mountain Mine, Tar Creek, and Whitewood Creek. Eagle Mountain Mine and Silver Bow Creek have
not conducted prediction tests because acid generation is such a clear and extreme problem (Taylor 1993,
Forba 1993, and Overbay 1993).

Sites that have assessed the acid generation potential include Clear Creek/Central City, California Gulch, and
Iron Mountain. At Clear Creek acid/base potentials were calculated for waste materials and potential acid
generation testing is being required by the City of Clear Creek for any new development that disturbs the
ground. Both the RPM and State contact for Iron Mountain indicate that acid generation predictive tests have
been done while mucking out tunnels. Acid generation prediction has also occurred at California Gulch.
Further details on the sampling and analytical methods used to predict acid generation have not been
obtained. Sections 4.4 through 4.7 provide details on acid generation prediction experiences at these three
NPL sites (Fliniau 1993, Hyman 1993, and Sugarek 1993).

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

3.1 Newmont Rain Facility, Elko County, NV

3.1.1 Introduction

EPA visited Newmont Gold Company's Rain facility in September of 1991 (U.S. EPA 1992b). The facility
is located on approximately 627 acres, 9 miles southeast of Carlin in Elko County, Nevada. The facility is a
mining-milling-leaching operation for beneficiating disseminated gold ore. Ore and waste rock are mined
from an open pit. Of the ore removed from the mine, over forty percent is milled and beneficiated by the
carbon-in-leach method at a current rate of about 840,000 tons per year (TPY). The remaining ore (about
1,000,000 tons per year) is leached using a modified heap method referred to as a valley leach. An average of
35,000 tons of material was being removed from the mine each day as of late 1991. Of this, 5,500 tons was
ore grade, 29,500 tons was waste rock. This rate varies between 7,000 and 40,000 tons per day, respectively.

Most of the ore-grade material is taken from the oxidized sediments of the Webb Formation, proximal to the
Rain fault. Gold concentrations in this material range from 0.01 to 0.15 ounces of gold per ton of rock.
According to Newmont, sulfide-bearing rock does not contain gold in sufficient quantity to be economically
recoverable, and is therefore disposed of as waste rock.

3.1.2 Waste Rock

Projected waste rock tonnage was estimated to be 41.4 million tons by the end of 1990, and 62.5 million tons
during the life of the mine. In late 1991, the waste rock dump covered 211 acres north and east of the pit.
Waste rock production from the pit averaged 29,500 tons per day. Of this, 7,500 tons were sulfidic and
22,000 tons oxide. Newmont had estimated that by mine closure in 1995, there will be 62.5 million tons of
waste rock; of this, 77.8 percent was expected to be mostly oxidized mixed sedimentary material of the Webb
Formation (some of which will contain sulfide mineralization), 15.4 percent carbonaceous and potentially
sulfidic, 4.3 percent limestone of the Devil's Gate Formation, and 2.5 percent alluvium from surface deposits.

Prior to the spring of 1990, sulfide, oxide, and calcareous waste rock were disposed of together. On May 8,
1990, acid drainage was observed flowing from the base of the waste rock dump and into the unnamed
drainage above Emigrant Spring, toward Dixie Creek. Inspection of the drainage downstream of the dump
revealed that approximately two miles of the channel contained a red-brown precipitate. Discharge to the
drainage was estimated by Newmont to be 3 gpm. According to Newmont, snow removed from the roads
was disposed of on the waste dump. As the snow melted, it infiltrated the waste rock pile, oxidizing sulfur-
bearing minerals and generating acid. The solution migrated along pre-mining topography and discharged at
the toe of the dump.

Surface-water samples were taken along 5 points in the drainage above and below Emigrant Spring in May,
June, and July of 1990. They showed pH values ranging from 2.37 to 3.21 near the base of the waste rock at
the discharge point, and from 6.5 to 8.64 about 4,000 feet downstream. Arsenic levels near the effluent point

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

were 46 ppm in May and 1.5 ppm in July; at the distant sampling point, arsenic levels were 0.023 ppm in
May and 0.005 ppm in July. Mercury levels near the discharge point were 0.19 ppm in May and 0.0019 ppm
in July; at the distant sampling point, mercury levels were <0.0001 ppm in May and 0.0003 ppm in July.

3.1.3 Acid Generation Prediction

Following detection of the acid generation in 1991, Newmont's Rain facility Water Pollution Control Permit
was revised. As part of the revised Permit, Newmont is required to report quarterly on results of Meteoric
Water Mobility testing and Waste Rock Analysis. The meteoric water mobility test is an extraction
procedure that determines moisture content of the waste, percent of a sample passing -200 mesh, pH of
deionized water, and final pH of extract (following 24-hour extraction time). Following the meteoric water
mobility test, total carbon, organic-carbon, and sulfur assays are obtained on the composite waste sample by
combustion-infrared analysis to measure sulfur and sulfide contents, and to estimate carbonate content. Acid
neutralization potential is then measured using titration. The extracted solution is analyzed for nitrate,
phosphorous, chloride, fluoride, total dissolved solids, alkalinity, sulfate, and metals. Waste rock analysis is
intended to determine the net acid generation potential of the material placed in the waste rock dump during
the quarter.

Data for the third and fourth quarters of 1990 and the first quarter of 1991 were examined by EPA following
the site visit (U.S. EPA 1992b). Third quarter results for the waste rock analysis indicated a net acid
generation potential of -10.6 tons of CaCO3 for each 1,000 tons of waste. This suggests that the wastes
generated during this quarter had sufficient buffering capacity to neutralize any acid solution generated by
sulfidic material. Fourth quarter results showed a large shift, with an acid generating potential of 5.35 tons of
CaCO3 for each 1,000 tons of waste. The total acid generating potential of waste rock disposed during this
quarter was equivalent to the amount of acid neutralized by 5.35 tons of CaCO3 for each 1,000 tons of waste
rock. For the first quarter of 1991, waste rock analysis data showed a net acid generating potential of 8.57
tons. In these circumstances, Newmont is required to perform kinetic testing according to State of Nevada
protocol. Results of this analysis were not available; however, in the third Quarterly Monitoring Report for
1991, Newmont indicated that column studies were underway to fulfill this requirement.

3.1.4 Treatment

In response to the drainage, Newmont took the following actions. By May 9 (one day after the drainage was
noted), a small pond was constructed to collect the flow from the dump. On May 11, an HDPE liner was
installed in the pond, and on May 18, Newmont constructed a cutoff trench across the channel downstream of
the collection pond to collect subsurface solution. The trench was twenty feet deep and forty feet across and
included a HDPE liner. Inflow to this trench was pumped to the collection pond and then trucked to the
tailings impoundment for disposal.

The State and BLM approved Newmont's long-term mitigation plan with construction beginning in
November of 1990, and completed in March of 1991. The solution collection and return system consists of

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

surface and subsurface water collection and recovery system. Surface water is collected in a ditch and drains
to a sump located at the toe of the waste rock pile. Drainage collected in the sump drains by gravity to a
200,000-gallon capacity, double-lined pond. Subsurface flow is recovered in an HDPE-lined trench and also
drains to the double-lined pond. Flows average 23.8 gpm with a maximum of 183 gpm. In the event of a
power failure, the pond has a capacity to retain in excess of 65 hours of inflow at the maximum projected
flow rate. In addition, storm water from the surface of the waste rock dump and surrounding area is collected
in a single-lined, 600,000-gallon pond located just below the double-lined pond. Solution from both ponds is
pumped to the mill area and added to the tailings pipeline.

As a long-term mitigation/prevention measure, Newmont began encapsulating sulfidic waste rock within
oxidized and/or calcareous waste rock that has either no net acid generating potential or some acid
neutralizing potential. As of late 1991, this was being accomplished by placing a pervious layer of coarse
oxidized waste rock on the native soil. On this, five feet of compacted oxidized ore was placed. Additional
oxide ore was placed against the natural hillslope to act as a barrier. These layers were to act as barriers to
water movement into and out of the sulfidic waste rock. Following these steps, sulfidic waste rock was
placed on and in front of the oxide ore. Several lifts were expected to be added to the sulfidic waste pile. In
addition, haul trucks follow random routes during construction to compact the material, thereby reducing its
permeability. Eventually, the front edge and top will be covered with 15 feet of oxidized material to complete
the encapsulation. Prior to encapsulation, sulfide waste rock will be mixed with oxidized material or the
limited quantity of calcarious material available to buffer any acidic solution generated. The sulfidic
materials are fine to coarse grain sedimentary rocks extracted primarily from the Webb Formation.

Neither the draft nor the final Environmental Assessment prepared for the Rain Facility discussed the
potential for sulfidic material to generate acid drainage.

3.2 Cyprus Thompson Creek, Challis, ID

3.2.1 Introduction

EPA conducted a site visit of the Cyprus Minerals Corporation Thompson Creek (Cyprus) facility in
September 1991 (U.S. EPA 1992c). Cyprus mines molybdenite (molybdenum disulfide, MoS2) from an open
pit mine near Challis in central Idaho. Cyprus staked its first mineral claims at Thompson Creek in 1967. In
1981, mining operations began and the first concentrates were produced in 1983. In late 1991, the Cyprus
Thompson Creek Mine site consisted of (1) an open pit mine and two waste rock dumps; (2) a primary in-pit
crusher; (3) a mill with grinding and flotation, and (4) a tailings impoundment.

Cyprus has been conducting a study to investigate the potential for the waste dumps and the tailings
impoundment to generate AMD. The results of the AMD study of the waste rock and tailings were to be
provided to USFS by March 1, 1992. Proposed revisions to the facility's reclamation plan were also to be
submitted to the U.S. Forest Service (U.S.FS). According to USFS personnel, the revisions to the Plan of
Operations were to be subjected to the environmental review requirements of National Environmental Policy

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Act (NEPA). This review may include preparation of a supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (U.S.
EPA 1992c). The AMD study has been requested.

3.2.2 Waste Rock

When mining began in 1981, approximately 130 million tons of overburden were initially removed as "pre-
production stripping." Most of the overburden was placed in two waste rock dumps (the Buckskin and Pat
Hughes dumps) located adjacent to the pit. In 1990, approximately 16.2 million cubic yards of waste rock
were generated, consisting mainly of metasediment, quartz monzonite, challis volcanics, and clayey rock (i.e.,
decomposed volcanics).

3.2.3 Acid Generation Prediction

Both intrusive and metasedimentary rocks have high sulfur content (up to 1.13 and 1.66 percent,
respectively). Therefore, in 1990, Cyprus began a study of the potential for AMD generation from the waste
rock and tailings, using both static and kinetic test methods. As of late 1991, static testing had been
performed on twenty intrusive rock, and 58 metasedimentary rock samples collected from both the lower and
upper benches of the pit. For each sample, Cyprus calculated the neutralization potential (NP) and the acid
generation potential (AP) to determine the net neutralization potential (NNP) and the NP/AP ratio. The NNP
represents the neutralization potential (the tons of calcium carbonate required to neutralize 1,000 tons of
waste rock) minus acid generation potential (calculated based on the total sulfur content). According to
Cyprus personnel, waste rock with an NP/AP ratio in excess of 3:1 was considered non-acid generating.
According to USFS personnel, a NP/AP ratio of at least 5:1 should be required before a material is
determined to be non-acid forming (U.S. EPA 1992c).

Static testing of eight intrusive rock samples from the lower benches of the pit, close to the ore zone, yielded
an average net neutralization potential (NNP), and neutralization ratio (NP/AP) of 0.53 and 1.88:1,
respectively. These results exhibited more AMD potential than the average NNP (4.93) and average NP/AP
(3.80:1) values obtained from 12 intrusive rock samples from the upper bench. They indicate a greater
potential for AMD with intrusive waste rock in the vicinity of the ore zone. The AMD potential decreased
with distance from the ore zone. The difference between intrusive rock samples collected from the upper and
lower benches was believed to be caused by a relatively predictable pattern of mineralization and alteration
zoning around the ore body.

According to Cyprus, the metasedimentary rocks did not appear to be sources of AMD. Cyprus has
performed static testing on the metasedimentary rock in the lower benches and found average NNP and
NP/AP values of 24.95 and 3.11:1, respectively. It should be noted that, while the metasedimentary rocks are
considered non-acid forming by Cyprus (NP/AP greater than 3:1), the average NP/AP ratio is less than the
minimum (5:1) ratio suggested by the USFS. Metasedimentary rock samples obtained from the upper
benches showed average NNP and NP/AP values of 19.02 and 8.52:1, respectively. Though the average

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

NNP value did not increase in samples from the upper bench, the NP/AP ratio increased significantly,
supporting the theory that AMD potential decreases with distance from the ore zone.

Kinetic testing of intrusive and metasedimentary rock was ongoing in 1991 for those static test samples
showing acid generating potential. Results of these tests were to be incorporated into the AMD study as they
became available.

3.2.4 Tailings

During the ongoing acid drainage study, indications of acid generation were found in the tailings. As of late
1991, the tailings impoundment covered a total of approximately 150 acres with the embankment covering
about 60-70 acres and the tailings pond behind the embankment approximately 90 acres. According to
Cyprus personnel, tailings oxidation to a depth of several feet had been evident for over two years (U.S. EPA

3.2.5 Acid Generation Prediction

In October 1990, ten hollow stem auger borings were completed in the tailings embankment. Samples
collected from the these borings were subjected to humidity cell testing, and showed that the average sulfur
content of the tailings sands was 0.79 percent and the pH ranged from 3.5 to 7.3 s.u. (Analyses of tailings
sands have shown pH levels as low as 3.0 s.u.) In addition, of eight samples tested, six produced elevated
iron and sulfate concentrations, and associated increased acidity, within a 15-week test period. The kinetic
tests affirm the reactive nature of the tailings found in static test results.

According to Cyprus personnel, the tailings pond and the seepage return pond were not a problem (pH > 5.7
s.u.). However, in 1991, Cyprus conducted a water quality trend analysis for six surface water quality
monitoring locations in the tailings impoundment area. These locations included the main drain of the rock
toe, springs located on the left and right abutments of the rock toe, the discharge from the rock toe, the sump
below the seepage return pond dam, and Bruno Creek (immediately downstream of the sump). This analysis
found that during the period 1981-1990, (1) pH decreased at four locations (but not at the left and right
abutment springs), (2) sulfate had increased at all locations, (3) iron had increased at four locations (not at the
left and right abutment springs), and (4) no trends in zinc, copper, or arsenic were recognized. The increase
in sulfate concentrations was attributed to tailings oxidation and acid generation.

3.2.6 Treatment

Cyprus applied trisodium phosphate (TSP) to tailings embankment sand to address the AMD problem.
Previous column testing had found that TSP addition increased the pH, and reduced iron concentrations in
leachate samples. According to Cyprus's consultant, two TSP tests, humidity cell tests and large scale tests,
were being conducted in 1991 to determine TSP's effectiveness in controlling AMD from the embankment,
and maintaining impoundment water quality. However, because the tailings impoundment unit has no

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

discharge and water from the impoundment, seepage return pond, and pump back system is returned to the
mill, the TSP application were expected to cause elevated phosphorus levels in the reclaim water. Cyprus
personnel indicated these levels may adversely affect flotation operations and that this issue was being

Cyprus' original plan for reclamation of the tailings impoundment indicates that Cyprus initially anticipated
that water quality standards could be met by diluting impoundment seepage with natural runoff. No water
treatment beyond sediment control was expected to be required. However, the original reclamation plan did
not consider the AMD issue. According to Cyprus personnel, the AMD problem could extend well beyond
the life of the mine and perpetual care/treatment may be necessary. Therefore, Cyprus was evaluating
remedial alternatives (other than perpetual care) and was preparing to submit a revised tailings pond
reclamation plan (as a modification to their operating plan).

Alternatives to be considered included installing an additional flotation unit to remove pyrite and/or in-place
treatment of tailings with trisodium phosphate as a buffer. Preliminary flotation tests have been conducted to
investigate the possibility of removing sulfides from the tailings prior to disposal in the impoundment. Test
results indicated that a high percentage of pyrite may be recovered. Limited static testing performed on a
whole tailings sample from which pyrite was recovered indicated a NP/AP ratio in excess of 4:1 compared to
an average value of 0.84:1 for all tailings analyses.

According to Cyprus personnel, oxidation had only been found to occur in the top two to three feet of tailings
(despite the results of analyses of the 1990 borehole samples that showed oxidation at all depths down to 150
feet). Therefore, an additional alternative under consideration was to encapsulate the tailings. Information on
specific types of cover materials was not provided. Additionally, Cyprus was investigating the potential use
of wetlands treatment.

3.3 LTV Steel Mining Company, The Dunka Site, Minnesota

3.3.1 Introduction

EPA visited the LTV's Dunka site in August 1991 (U.S. EPA 1992d). The site is located approximately 20
miles northeast of LTV Steel Mining Company's (LTV SMCo.) Hoyt Lakes facility. The site is on private,
State, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Forest Service lands; LTV SMCo. holds surface and mineral
leases for the area. The Dunka pit is part of the eastern-most extension of the Biwabik iron formation and is
one of the smaller pits on the Mesabi Range at three miles in length. Although additional material may be
removed from the pit for beneficiation, in 1991, plans called for no further exploration activity at the site or
enlargement of the pit.

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

3.3.2 The Acid-Generating Duluth Complex

The taconite ore at the Dunka site contacts Duluth Complex material (DCM), which must be removed to
reach portions of the taconite ore deposit. The Duluth Complex is a sulfur-containing, mafic intrusive rock
unit, considered to be one of the largest known sources of copper and nickel resources. As of late 1991, LTV
SMCo. had removed and placed in "gabbro" stockpiles approximately 50 million tons of Duluth Complex
material containing an average of more than 0.2 mass percent copper oxides and/or 0.05 mass percent nickel
oxides as gabbro stockpiles.

The remaining Duluth Complex material stockpiles were categorized as waste rock stockpiles and are made
up of material containing less than 0.2 percent copper oxide and less than 0.05 percent nickel. Since these
waste rock stockpiles were constructed in 1976, monitoring of drainage from the piles has revealed a decrease
in pH levels, as well as an increase in trace metal concentrations. Copper and nickel concentrations as high as
1.7 and 40 mg/L, respectively, were observed in seepage/runoff from Duluth Complex waste rock stockpiles
at the site. In addition, during sampling conducted by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
between 1976 and 1980, pH values as low as 5.0 at Seep 1 were reported.

3.3.3 Acid Rock Drainage Prediction Methods

To address this drainage, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in conjunction with LTV SMCo.,
constructed full scale test piles of the Duluth Complex material to monitor its acid generation potential. The
MDNR continues to monitor the test piles and study acid generation. Lapakko (1988) conducted kinetic tests
of Duluth Complex material using a humidity cell. Nine samples were selected from core material and one
sample from a test stockpile. This experimental method was selected based on ongoing field test results,
which demonstrated a strong correlation between sulfur content, trace metal mobility, and acid production.
Laboratory scale tests provided better control and simplified analysis. Sulfur content was identified as the
independent variable. Samples that had variable sulfur content were selected. Part of the study was to
determine the feasibility of extrapolating laboratory results to operational conditions.

Each cell was loaded with 75 gram rock samples passing 100 mesh but less than 270 mesh. Samples were
rinsed with 200 ml of distilled-deionized water, which was allowed to remain in contact with the sample for
five minutes. Rinse water was collected and filtered through a 45 micron filter. At the beginning of the
experiment, the samples were rinsed five times to remove oxidation products generated during sample
preparation. Two rinses were used each week during the remainder of the experiment. Between the weekly
rinsings, the samples were stored in a box fitted with temperature and humidity controls.

The laboratory study found that drainage pH decreased as the sulfur content of the sample increased.
Drainage pH also decreased as the experiment time increased. Both of these findings are consistent with field
observations on pH variation correlated with sulfur content and time. Based on the data, Lapakko (1988)
concluded that the small particles (<2.0 mm) have a large influence on field stockpile drainage quality. The
weighted average sulfur content for particles in this fraction is 1 percent compared to 0.6 percent in the bulk

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

rock. Most of the sulfur occurs as pyrrhotite. The higher sulfur content combined with the higher surface
area of these particles make this fraction susceptible to more intense oxidation reactions.

3.3.4 Environmental Risks

Toxicity testing of the leachate showed that copper and nickel concentrations exceeded the 48-hour lethal
concentration (LC50) for Daphnia pulicaria; nickel concentrations also exceeded the 96-hour LC50 for
fathead minnow. Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, and sulfate in the stockpile drainage were also
elevated. According to LTV SMCo., there was some question whether the metals were the toxic agent.

Most of the seepage from waste rock piles at the Dunka site has historically been discharged to Unnamed
Creek. Unnamed Creek flows into Bob Bay, a part of Birch Lake. In a 1976-1977 study of trace metals in
Bob Bay, it was found that concentrations of copper, nickel, cobalt, and zinc in the waters of the Bay were
higher than the regional average concentrations and decreased with distance from the mouth of Unnamed
Creek. Elevated metal concentrations were also observed in the sediments, as well as in aquatic plant and
clam tissue. In the study, it was estimated that the total discharge from the Dunka watershed into Bob Bay
through Unnamed Creek was 500 million gallons per year. Unnamed Creek contributes more than 90 percent
of the trace metals load to Bob's Bay. Annual loading is over one ton of nickel. Less than 40 percent of this
nickel load was found to be removed from the system through natural lake processes. According to LTV
SMCo., carbon dating of sediment samples from Bob Bay indicates significant metal concentrations which
predate mining.

3.3.5 Treatment

As of late 1991, the State and LTV SMCo. were working to develop technologies to mitigate leachate
generation and release of trace metals associated with stockpile drainage. The technologies being tested and
employed included pile capping/channeling to limit infiltration, active treatment in a neutralization pond to
lower pH and remove metals, and use of artificial wetlands to remove metals. The ultimate goal was a
passive treatment system that would require little or no maintenance (U.S. EPA 1992d).

3.4 California Gulch

The California Gulch NPL site is located in the upper Arkansas River Valley in Lake County, Colorado. It is
bounded by the Arkansas River to the west and the Mosquito Mountains to the east, and is approximately
100 miles southwest of Denver. The study area for the remedial action encompasses approximately 15
square miles, and includes California Gulch and the City of Leadville. California Gulch is a tributary of the
Arkansas River. Mining for lead, zinc, and gold has occurred in the area since the late 1800's. This site was
added to the NPL in 1983 (U.S. EPA, 1991).

A Remedial Investigation conducted by EPA in 1984 indicated that the area is contaminated with metals
(including cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc migrating from numerous abandoned and active mining

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

operations). A primary source of the metals contamination in the Arkansas River is acid-mine drainage from
the Yak Tunnel into California Gulch. The Yak Tunnel was built to drain the mine workings in the area of
California Gulch. The acid dissolves and mobilizes cadmium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, zinc, and other
metals. The tunnel and its laterals and drifts collect this metal-laden acidic water, and drain it to the tunnel
portal. The tunnel drains into California Gulch and then to the Arkansas River. The Yak Tunnel's discharge
contributes to the contamination of California Gulch, the Arkansas River, and the associated shallow alluvial
ground-water and sediment systems. From previous investigations and sampling data, it was concluded that,
as of the early 1980's, the Yak Tunnel discharged a combined total of 210 tons per year of cadmium, lead,
copper, manganese, iron, and zinc into California Gulch, which is biologically sterile (U.S. EPA 1991).
Results of acid generation predictive tests of tailings and waste rock samples were not available for this

3.5 Clear Creek/Central City

The Clear Creek/Central City NPL site is located approximately 30 miles west of Denver, Colorado, and
includes the Clear Creek mainstem and the North and West Forks of Clear Creek. Active operations, which
began in 1859, include gold, silver, copper, lead, molybdenum, and zinc mining. Initial investigations at the
site focused on the discharges of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and milling and mining wastes from five
mines/tunnels in the Clear Creek and North Clear Creek Drainages. The five mines/tunnels of interest are:
(1) the Argo Tunnel; (2) the Big Five; (3) the National Tunnel; (4) the Gregory Incline; and (5) the Quartz
Hill Tunnel. The first two are portals along Clear Creek and the last three are in the North Clear Creek
Drainage. They are close to the Cities of Idaho Springs, Black Hawk, and Central City. Associated with the
AMD is contamination of surface drainages by metals in solution such as cadmium, chromium (VI), lead,
manganese, nickel, and silver (U.S. EPA 1991).

Acid/base potentials, similar to acid/base accounting, of waste materials were tested as part of the Remedial
Investigation. The acid/base potentials (NNP) were calculated as the neutralization potential (NP) minus the
potential acidity (AP). Results indicated that waste materials at the Gregory Incline, the Quartz Hill Tunnel,
and the Argo Tunnel have the capacity to generate large quantities of acid leachate. The mill tailings at the
Gregory Incline are especially capable of producing acid through the oxidation of large quantities of pyrite.
For example, the average acid potential for the Gregory Incline mill tailings was -21.5, the waste rock was
1.7, and the alluvium was 11.6 (a negative acid/base potential indicates acid forming potential). In the waste
rock and alluvium, 11 of 18 and 2 of 13 samples showed acid forming potential. Information on the types of
sampling and analytical methods used was not available.

The City of Blackhawk, with guidance from EPA, is requiring, through a city ordinance, acid generation
potential testing of onsite materials prior to any development activities. Central City is in the process of
doing the same. The ordinance requires that, for any excavation or site development, a sample collection plan
that includes chemical analysis of acid-base potential must be prepared. The ordnance requires that the tests
conform to the methods outlined in EPA-670/2-74-070, Mine Spoil Potential for Soil and Water Quality or
an equivalent method, and that sampling must be representative of the conditions at the property. If the

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

acid/base potential is negative, the applicant must have a mitigation plan approved by the city (Fliniau,

3.6 Iron Mountain Mine

The Iron Mountain Mine is a 4,400-acre NPL site in Shasta County, California, approximately nine miles
northwest of the City of Redding. Between 1865 and 1963, the area was used for the mining and processing
of copper, silver, gold, zinc, and pyrite. In 1983, Iron Mountain Mine was added to the NPL. Acid mine
drainage, leaching from both the underground mine workings and from the tailings piles located at the site, is
causing zinc, cadmium, and copper contamination of the Spring Creek Watershed and the Sacramento River.
Environmental damage is primarily in the Sacramento River and tributaries in the Spring Creek and Flat
Creek watersheds, where fishery productivity loss and periodic fish kills have been observed. Drinking water
drawn from the Sacramento River for the City of Redding (population 50,000) is also threatened (U.S. EPA

In general, acid mine drainage generation is seasonal and is accelerated during periods of heavy rainfall.
According to EPA, the annual average rate of acid mine drainage at the site is 100 gallons per minute (gpm)
with peak flows of 300 to 600 gpm. The average loading per day to the Spring Creek Watershed from Iron
Mountain Mine is 423 lbs of copper, 1,466 lbs of zinc, and 10.4 lbs of cadmium (U.S. EPA 1991, Biggs

According to the Remedial Project Manager acid generation potential tests were conducted while the tunnels
were being mucked out. The procedures used are those required by California State law. Information on test
results and sampling and analytical methods used was not available (Hyman 1993 and Sugarek 1993).

3.7 Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Site

The Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area NPL site is one of four separate but contiguous Superfund Sites located
along the course of the Clark Fork River in southwestern Montana. The Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area
Superfund Site is the largest (450 acres) and most complex of the four sites. The site was listed on the NPL
in 1983. The Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area site includes the Cities of Butte and Walkerville (population
38,000), the Berkeley Pit (a nonoperating open-pit copper mine); numerous underground mine workings; the
Continental Pit (operated by Montana Resources); Silver Bow Creek; Warm Springs Ponds (mine tailings);
and Rocker Timber Framing and Treating Plant.

In the early 1980s the Berkely Pit open pit mine was closed and dewatering pumps were shut down. As a
result, the interconnected underground workings and the open pit began filling with water. EPA is concerned
with the waters filling Berkeley Pit because they are highly acidic (the RI shows pH values ranging between
2.5 and 3.3, depending upon at what depth the samples were taken) and contain high concentrations of
copper, iron, manganese, lead, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, and sulfates. If the water continues to rise in the
Berkeley Pit, contaminated water may eventually flow into shallow ground water (alluvial aquifer) and into

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction

Silver Bow Creek, creating the potential for significant environmental impacts and human health problems
(U.S. EPA 1991). There have been no tests performed to predict pH changes either in Berkely Pit or the
drainages that feed the Berkely Pit (Forba 1993). Total acidity has been tested for some samples collected at
the Silver Bow Creek site. Information on the materials sampled, analytical methods, and results were not

Acid Mine Drainage Prediction


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