Review Essay: Transactional Man: Teaching Negotiation Strategy in The Age of Trump
Review Essay: Transactional Man: Teaching Negotiation Strategy in The Age of Trump
Review Essay: Transactional Man: Teaching Negotiation Strategy in The Age of Trump
The election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States has
left many people in a state of head-spinning disorientation. With him,
as with Lewis Carroll’s Humpty-Dumpty, a word means “just what I
choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” And when we ask, as Alice
does in Through the Looking Glass, “whether you can make words mean
so many different things,” Trump confidently replies, as does Humpty
Dumpty: “The question is: which is to be the master – that’s all” (Carroll
1871: 112). For now, Trump is the master. From the halls of academia to
the shores of North Korea, professors, foreign leaders, policy analysts,
and media pundits are parsing his every tweet, trying to determine
when to take him “literally” and when to take him, as his supporters
usually do, “seriously.”
Nowhere are the implications of this new style of presidential lead-
ership more fraught than in negotiations. Words matter in bargaining.
Guessing what they mean when deployed as part of an aggressive,
G. Richard Shell is the Thomas Gerrity Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics and
Management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in Philadelphia. His e-mail
address is [email protected].
© 2019 Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School Negotiation Journal January 2019 31
competitive negotiating style is an important form of judgment. But
it is also something of a lost art in law schools (and to a lesser extent
in business schools), where the language of relationship-oriented col-
laboration has ruled supreme for over thirty years. When you are in a
collaborative negotiation and your counterpart says, “Your proposal is
utterly unacceptable; I am insulted by it,” that negotiator has crossed the
Rubicon. Her credibility is now on the line to hold that position come
hell or high water. When you hear these same words in the type of ne-
gotiations Donald Trump and his lawyers routinely engaged in during
his real estate and Trump-brand-licensing careers, they could easily
mean something quite different, as in: “We don’t like your proposal and
intend to fight hard against it. Game on!”
Love Trump or hate him, his ascendancy to the stage of global
politics has forced those of us who study and teach negotiations to
become better acquainted – or reacquainted – with a type of negotiator
we tend to keep at arm’s length. In this review essay, I will take a page
out of Trump’s rhetorical playbook and pin a label on Trump’s type:
Transactional Man (with “Man” denoting negotiators of all genders).1
Our students will see a lot of Transactional Man in the Age of Trump, so
it is up to us to explain him and, even more important, prepare them to
cross swords with him at the bargaining table.
The book that occasions this essay, Martin Latz’s The Real Trump
Deal: An Eye-Opening Look at How He Really Negotiates, provides a
good starter kit for attempting this effort. It is a sprawling book full of
how-to-negotiate advice, bits and pieces of Latz’s earlier writings, includ-
ing Gain the Edge! Negotiating to Get What You Want (2005), and more
than three hundred fifty pages of negotiation anecdotes from Trump’s
career organized by tactic (although unfortunately without an index to
keep track of the key people and deals). Trump’s relentlessness in pur-
suing his goals is evident on every page, making it an exhausting read.
In the end, Latz answers a question we already know the answer
to: by research-based standards, is Trump really the negotiation genius
he claims to be? Well … no. Latz’s evidence shows that Trump is an
aggressive, persistent, win-lose negotiator who is good at setting high
goals, targeting others’ motivations to gain leverage, manipulating per-
ceptions, and anchoring the bargaining range at his end. He is also
impulsive, ill-prepared, unethical, and prone to exaggerations, bluffs,
and bullying. Whatever business success Trump enjoyed using these
tactics, Latz has his doubts about turning them into a new presidential
formula for achieving consistent legislative and diplomatic victories. He
concludes by saying that history will be Trump’s ultimate judge.
Fair enough. But my encounter with Latz’s book led me to take a
deep dive into the associated Trump literature he cites (and a few more
5. The art of the bluff: When he holds … and when he folds. Bluffs are
leverage-enhancing manipulations of other people’s perceptions.
You lie, hoping the other side will believe they need the deal more
than you do. Latz reports that Trump bluffs a lot. As Ross (2006:
22) wrote, when you are engaged in “Trump style negotiation …
[f]eel free to make statements that you know are only posturing.”
More broadly, when asked, “Are lying, cheating, and deception
permitted?” in Trump’s playbook, Ross (2006: 3) replied, “Yes, any-
thing goes.”
Several disclosures are appropriate regarding this essay. First, as a Wharton School professor,
I taught two of Donald Trump’s children, Donald, Jr. and Ivanka. I have no ongoing relation-
ships with either of them. Second, Martin Latz cites my work in his book and flatteringly char-
acterizes me as “one of the world’s leading scholars on negotiation.” That is beyond generous.
I have nonetheless tried to provide an unbiased account of his book.
1. I first encountered this characterization of Trump in Jane Mayer’s New Yorker interview
with Trump ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz, about the writing of the book, Trump: The Art of the
Deal. Schwartz commented that Trump would “like people when they were helpful, and turn
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