Aicd Lab Practical Examination 2020

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Submitted to
ID :- 19266017 Dr.Ankush chunn Sir
Name :- Shaik Musthafa
MTECH 1st year
Vlsi & Embedded Systems
Article Title:- High – Rejection RF Code Domain Reciver for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive

Authors:- Ahmed Hamza, Cameron Hill, Hussam AlShammary, James Buckwalter

Volume Page:- VOL. 55, NO. 7

Month/Year:- July/2020

Affiliation:- University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.

The Problem:- This Article addressing high means 100db Transmitter Self-interference (Tx
SI) rejection should be achived by using RF Code Domain simultaneous Transmitter and
Receiver Applications(STAR). because in the previous work they have achived 52db Tx SI
rejection only achived To improve rejection effeciny they have used various techniques in
collaboration of that all techniques the filtering of signal of simultaneous transmitter and
receiver by Code domain Technique.
In previously For STAR there are two ways FDD(frequency Division Duplex) and FD(full
Duplex) FDD allocate the uplink and downlink frequency bands with gap between them and
require selective filters to prevent sensitization. The SAW(surface acoustiv wave) filtering used
For good rejectivity. This work done by Npath filter instead of SAW eventhough it suffers
from limited Rejection.
This work done by using FD this technique allows to use of RF spectrum by using BW for TX
and RX and FD demands 100db TX SI rejection

The AppRoach:- this simultaneous transmitter and receiver(STAR) can be achived by direct
sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) techniques and RF correlators, transmit (TX) self-
interference (SI) is separated from the receive (RX) signal at the antenna interface for STAR.
In the RF code Domian RX ,support full-duplex (FD) operation as shown in Fig. 1, along with
CMOS circulators , electrically balanced duplexers (EBDs) , and cancellation in the radio

Fig1 RF code Domain signal processing for Tx Si rejection

frequency (RF),
Anloag, and digital domains. High TX SI rejection has been achieved from a combination of
these techniques Code-division multiple access (CDMA) techniques are another way for
implementing STAR transceivers By allocating orthogonal pseudo-noise (PN) codes to the TX
and RX signals. But in this article they have used Full Duplex(FD) for STAR which is used
allow the TX and RX to occupy the same channel bandwidth.

RF Code Domain Rx is they implemented shown in fig1 Pn code length M and TX signal
Combinely spreaded over bandwidth M.B.W and the TX signal is spreaded over B.W before
Power Amplifier(PA) The code-domain RX operates by related to the wanted signal against a
matching PN code (PNRX) while rejecting the TX signal out of the signal band due to its
orthogonal PN code (PNTX).
the input signal the TX PN code (PNTX) to de-spread the TX signal and filter the signal energy
through a Code Notch Filter. After, the notch filter output is again multiplied by the TX PN code
(PNTX) then will get RX signal. So the RX signal is de-spread through multiplication by the RX PN
code (PNRX) and after that it passes to bandpass filter (BPF). The BPF also rejects the TX signal
that is spread by the RX PN code (PNRX) out of the BPF BW at the end LNA .

code-domain front ends shows good SI rejection using a specific small subset of Walsh
codes. To reject TX SI, only a PN code is required. To this U users, an M > U length code
should be selected. To increase M, either the spread-spectrum BW is increased or the signal
BW is reduced. And Walsh codes provide excellent rejection, a practical system could not
rely on using Walsh codes only due to difficulty in synchronization due to repetitive nature,
limited processing gain, and ease of jamming with uncoded blockers Also, they require all
transmitters and receivers to be synchronized for orthogonality (meaning that four codes
should be synchronized, two at each transceiver). A practical system would need to have
good rejection while using any family of PN codes to be able to serve multiple users. This
can be achieved by the addition of the TX notch filter.

The code Domain RX have of two filters are CNF and CPF. These filters are followed by
an LNA with N-path feedback for amplification and frequency down-conversion. After that,
the N-path feedback capacitors are sampled by harmonic recombination gm cells to generate
I and Q BB outputs. The chip also have frequency dividers to generate the nonoverlapping
clock pulses for the N-path filters and digital logic for PN code generation. The chip
schematic is shown in Fig. 10, and this section describes the design of the RX different

Fig2:-schematic of code domain RX

Result:- The code-domain RX is implemented by a 45-nm CMOS SOI process and the chip
micrograph is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig3 code domain RX chip

The chip area of 2.6 mm2, while a standalone filters breakout occupies an area of 1.3 mm2.
The chip is tested at 1 GHz and the dc power consumption is 90 mW of which 40 mW is
consumed in the code-domain filters.

The RX tuning from 0.25 to 1.25 GHz. The conversion gain and single-tone rejection are
plotted in Fig. 4

Fig4 gain vs rejection plot

Different FD Receiver comparison:-

Previous Work:-

1. A. Hamza, H. Alshammary, C. Hill, and J. Buckwalter, “A 52-dB selfinterference rejection

receiver using RF code-domain signal processing,” in Proc. IEEE Custom Integr. Circuits
Conf. (CICC), Apr. 2019, pp. 1–4.
2. C. Hill, A. Hamza, H. Alshammary, and J. F. Buckwalter, “A 1.5-dB insertion loss, 34-dBm
P1dB power modulator with 46% fractional bandwidth in 45-nm CMOS SOI,” in IEEE MTT-
S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., Jun. 2019, pp. 243–246.
3. C. Hill, C. S. Levy, H. Alshammary, A. Hamza, and J. F. Buckwalter, “RF watt-level low-
insertion-loss high-bandwidth SOI CMOS switches,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn.,
vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 5724–5736, Dec. 2018

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