Fertimine: Fritz Haber Carl Bosch" Fritz Haber

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FERTIMINE – Functions and Need for Crop Governance

Crop plants are a complex composition of vital nutrients, juices, fibers and cellulose. Seed to
Seed cycle of a plant is 100% dependent on variable climate effects, proper nutrition & water
management, good soil health and preventive and punitive measures to protect crop from
pests and blights.

86 or more Elements & EMs comprised of Carbohydrate, Vitamins, Enzymes, Purines, Proteins,
Amino Acids, Organic Acids, Sugars, Minerals and Microbes built up the complete structure of
plant and ultimately provide a good crop.

Our farmers are technology-starved. We have discovered that gullible farmers are losing hard-
earned money for inventions that never have been done for them and just heaped upon them
which do no good in long term. Primarily Urea was produced as explosive for world war and
Phosphate Fertilizers to dispose-of the waste of uranium processing plants.

Were the scientists Haber and Bosch merely defending their country or did they take an evil
tangent and become war criminals? Both Haber and Bosch were richly rewarded, within
Germany with honors and money, and outside of Germany – both won the Nobel Prize. But
both were directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people in World War I.

What is it that is better than science? Better than science is Science with Heart, Science with
Ethics, Science with Equity and Science with Justice. “Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch” ignored all of
these, so the society’s memory of them should be as killers, as war criminals. Haber and Bosch
chose to use science to kill people. Fritz Haber - His wife, also a scientist, committed suicide ten
days after the first use of chemical warfare. Haber's son from his first marriage, Hermann,
immigrated to the United States during World War II. He committed suicide in 1946 because of
his shame over his father's chemical warfare work

It’s a big joke with farming and farmers when we call NPK as fertilizers. NPK are merely
chemical supplement which can meet only 1.5% nutrition needs of a plant and all the chemical
fertilizer put together can meet a maximum of 2% nutrition need of a plant whereas rest of the
nutrition need of a plant is met by nutrition in farmland soil and therefore with every
subsequent application of NPK soil tends to become weak and nutrient deficient.

Fertimine is the only fertilizer which meets absolutely 100% nutrition need of plants and crop.
In true sense only Fertimine deserves to be called as a Pure & Perfect Fertilizer which meets
100% nutrition need of a crop.

Fertimine forms plant food. It forms starches and sugars. These starches and sugars are the
plant's food. Fertimine forms the backbone of starch and cellulose within the plant cell. Due to
its physical structure and chemical properties, Fertimine form a number of structures and
configurations that are key to cell structure and functioning. Fertimine forms carbohydrates,
organic acids, fats, proteins, nucleoprotein, Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), Nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide (NAD), Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), enzymes,
hormones etc., which build up the protoplasm. Fertimine is a constituent of amino acids,
proteins, amides, nucleic acids, enzymes some co-enzymes, chlorophyll, phospholipids and
alkaloids. It is, therefore, essential for cell division, full vegetative and reproductive growth,
metabolic activities of cell and photosynthesis. Since the young cells are the seat of maximum
metabolic activities, that’s why Fertimine is absolutely essential for root tips, young leaves,
stems, fruits and seeds. Stomatal opening and closing is linked to its influx and efflux from the
guard cells. Deficiency of Fertimine causes retardation of growth and yield.

Fertimine is essential to plants in order for them to perform photosynthesis - the chemical
reaction that plants use to create energy. Fertimine form molecular bonds at very basic levels.
For this reason, important organic compounds such as simple proteins and sugars are easily
synthesized in the environment, providing necessary nutrients for plants. Fertimine enhances
the number of nodules and nitrogen fixing bacteria in legumes (See Photo 1&2).

Photo 1- Paddy sapling Root Length by Fertimine Photo 2 - Nodules in Paddy Roots by Fertimine

Deficiency of Fertimine causes:-

1. Fragility of chromosomes. 15. Apical buds may die
2. Root growth is stunted 16. Reduced vegetative and reproductive
3. Roots become translucent and stop apical growth.
growth. 17. Phloem and pith become reduced or remain
4. Stunted growth of plant. undeveloped.
5. Premature leaf fall. 18. There will be less tillering in cereals.
6. Defoliation may occur. 19. Cereals may show lodging.
7. Reduced transpiration due to defunctioning 20. Flower and fruit stalks break - premature
of stomata. falling
8. Chlorosis, which starts from older leaves 21. Flower formation is either suppressed or
and progresses to younger leaves. only a few flowers are formed, which lead
9. Necrosis at the leaf tip, margin or irregular to the formation of small fruits and less
patches. viable seeds.
10. The leaves show mottled appearance over 22. In potato, smaller and fewer tubers are
the vein. produced
11. Inward rolling of leaf margin and rapid 23. Necrosis in lamina, petiole and skin of soft
defoliation. fruits.
12. Leaves become wilted 24. Reduction in juice content in fruits.
13. Vascular tissues are poorly developed. 25. Reduced pulp and woolly flesh in fruits.
Causes disintegration of softer tissues 26. Fruit formation is retarded.
14. Lateral buds remain dormant. Killing of
young branches.

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