TAFJ New Environment Creation2

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The document describes how to set up an environment for TAFJ including configuring directories, databases, and printers.

The BASIC source directory is specified as E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\bnk\UD\GBI.BP, the insert source directories are listed on page 1, and the precompile class directories are listed on page 2.

The database URL is specified as jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=NEWISB_DEV and the username and password are NEWISB_DEV and NEWISB_DEV respectively.

NEW Environment setup procedure

1. Create a Properties files in the home directory as shown below.

# TAFJ Main Configuration file
# The special tag <...> will be substituted by the values
# specified before.

# Directories
tafj.home = E:\GBI_ISB\TAFJ
temn.tafj.policy.file = <tafj.home>/conf/TAFJ.policy

# Specify the BASIC sources directories

# You can specify multiple directory, separated by
# ':' or ';' (eg /home/t24/T24_BP;/home/t24/LOCAL_BP))
temn.tafj.directory.basic = E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\bnk\UD\GBI.BP

# Specify the Insert BASIC sources directories

# You can specify multiple directory, separated by
# ':' or ';' (eg /home/t24/INSERT;/home/t24/INSERT_MOD)
temn.tafj.directory.insert =
#temn.tafj.directory.insert =

# Specify where the java files will be generated

# by the compiler
temn.tafj.directory.java = E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\bnk\UD\GBI.BP\java

# Specify where the classes files will be generated

# by the compiler
temn.tafj.directory.classes = E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\bnk\UD\GBI.BP\classes
# Specify the Precompile classes directories
# You can specify multiple directory, separated by
# ':' or ';' (eg /home/t24/lib;/home/t24/FT)
temn.tafj.directory.precompile =

# Database setup

# URL that describes database connection,

# ex. oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host_or_ip>:1521:<db_name>
# ex. db2: jdbc:db2://<host_or_ip>:50000/<db_name>
# ex. ms-sql:
# ex. H2: jdbc:h2:tcp://<host_or_ip>/<db_name>
# ex. H2(Embedded): jdbc:h2:<path_to_my_db>
temn.tafj.jdbc.url =

# Class that describes the specific Driver for a database,

# ex. oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
# ex. db2: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
# ex. ms-sql: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
# ex. H2: org.h2.Driver
temn.tafj.jdbc.driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

temn.tafj.jdbc.username = NEWISB_DEV
temn.tafj.jdbc.password = NEWISB_DEV

# Read Only Database Resources
# Comma seperated list of URLs or dataSourceNames. Use one or the other but not both. If
temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.urls used, then fill out
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.drivers, temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.usernames, temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.passwords as
well. temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.dataBaseLinks
# should be filled out in either case, and should match up with either the url or
dataSourceName of the read-only database
# Database links are required in the parsing of urls for the dimensional database. For $DIM
files, they aren't actually used.
# See the documentation for more information.
# Datasource names are mapped in ejb descriptor like the below in the TAFJEE_EAR.ear file.
# <resource-ref>
# <res-ref-name>jdbc/t24RODataSource</res-ref-name>
# <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type>
# <jndi-name>java:/jdbc/t24RODS</jndi-name>
# </resource-ref>
# Example of a standalone TAFJ install not using an app-server
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.drivers=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver,oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.usernames=myuser1,myuser2
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.passwords=mypass1,mypass2
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.dataBaseLinks
# Uncomment the following lines to utilize a TAFJ Read-only datasource name t24RODS that
is already defined in the TAFJEE_EAR.ear file.
# More than one RO datasource requires manipulation of the ear file. This assumes that
there is a database link named TAFJRO in the transactional db.
# Database links are required in the parsing of urls. For $DIM files, they aren't actually
used. See the documentation for more information.
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.dataSourceNames =java:comp/env/jdbc/t24RODataSource
# temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.dataBaseLinks =TAFJRO

temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.urls =
temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.drivers =
temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.usernames =
temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.passwords =
temn.tafj.jdbc.ro.dataBaseLinks =
# Database Specific setup

# Use the MERGE statement instead of UPDATE/INSERT for XML Schema

temn.tafj.jdbc.write.use.merge = true

# Use the MERGE statement instead of UPDATE/INSERT for NO XML Schema and NO XML
Schema work
temn.tafj.jdbc.write.use.merge.no.xml = true

# Define if the database has been converted in UTF8 or not.

# This property is only valid for the TAFC database RDBMS
temn.tafj.jdbc.jbase.utf8 = true

# Dict Tables are CLOB or BLOB ?

# When running on a Database having been create by the jBase Export tool or DBUpdate,
there are BLOB
# When the Database has been created with DBImport, there are CLOB
# Default is CLOB
temn.tafj.jdbc.default.dict.type = CLOB

# Make use of TRUNCATE instead of DELETE in case of CLEAR-FILE Statements

# Setting the below to true will enable the TRUNCATE. Default is false and use DELETE

temn.tafj.db.use.truncate.for.clearfile = false
# Cache the dictionary items? To be used only in a single JVM environment, ie. do not use in
multi-appserver environment

temn.tafj.runtime.use.cache.dict.item = false

# Override the ON ERROR clauses for READ/WRITE/DELETE and the ELSE clauses for
# In place of going back to T24 just exit the process and roll back the transaction and exit the
temn.tafj.jdbc.fail.immediate.on.db.error = false

# Oracle Database Specific setup

# How do we want to make the commit.

# The faster is BATCH, NOWAIT, however, it could have unpredictable results.
# All tests have been passed with IMMEDIATE, NOWAIT.
# If this value is remed out, the database default will be used (IMMEDIATE, WAIT)

# For Oracle 11GR1

#temn.tafj.jdbc.commit.mode = IMMEDIATE, NOWAIT

# For Oracle 11GR2 and 12c

temn.tafj.jdbc.commit.logging = IMMEDIATE
temn.tafj.jdbc.commit.wait = NOWAIT

# DB2 and DB2 zOS Database Specific setup

# DB2 page size, determines the max length of a VARCHAR column, default if property
removed is 4096
# For 8K pages use 8128 bytes, for 16K pages use 16320 bytes and for 32K pages use 32670
temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.page.size = 32670

# DB2 zOS Database Specific setup
# Set the mode zOS if the database is DB2 on zOS
temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.mode = false

# Set the default database name in DB2 on zOS

temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.default.db = T24DB900

# Set the default tablsespace name in DB2 on zOS

temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.default.tablespace = T24TS000

# Set the default stogroup name in DB2 on zOS

temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.default.stogroup = T24STORE

# Set the default Buffer pool name in DB2 on zOS

temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.default.bufferpool = BP32K2

# Used for dynamic table creation for zOS DB2, ie. CREATE TABLESPACE " + tableSpace + " IN
# Alternatively, set temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.mode to false and let table be created in an
autogenerated db and tablespace and let the DB2 dba worry about default properties...

temn.tafj.jdbc.db2.zos.default.tablespace.props =

# Oracle to H2
temn.tafj.conversion.oracle.url = jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:#instanceName#
temn.tafj.conversion.oracle.user = t24_test
temn.tafj.conversion.oracle.password = t24_test

temn.tafj.conversion.h2.url =
temn.tafj.conversion.h2.user = t24
temn.tafj.conversion.h2.password = t24

temn.tafj.conversion.nbthreads =4
# Compiler properties

# Flag to indicate if development is internal or not.

# This will spawn additional development rules validation
# if turned on.
temn.tafj.compiler.internal.development = true

# Maximum grammar level when compiling. The highest is 3.

temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.maxlevel =3

# Minimum grammar level. For example, if a program cannot be compiled in

# grammar 3, it will tried to be compiled in grammar 2, then 1 ...
# Setting this value higher than 0 will make the program to fail compiling
# if it fails at the level specified.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.minlevel =0

# Specify if the source must be generated with the BASIC line numbers.
# If set to false, no Debugger would be available.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.line.number = true

# set encoding of the BASIC Source

# ex for zOS : temn.tafj.compiler.basic.encoding = IBM-1047
# default is ISO-8859-1
#temn.tafj.compiler.basic.encoding = IBM-1047

# Generate traces (logger COMPILER) if a Program cannot be compiled with the

# highest grammar level.
temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.depreciation = false

# Generate traces (logger COMPILER) if duplicates are found in EQUATE.

temn.tafj.compiler.grammar.warning.equate = false

# Accept any name for $INSERT file

temn.tafj.compiler.insert.name.any = true

# Java package to be used when compiling a program.

temn.tafj.package = com.temenos.t24

# Options for the java compiler. These options

# have to be the same than the javac command of the JDK
# This property is not used by the Eclipse plug-in builder
temn.tafj.compiler.javac.options = -g:none -nowarn

# Options for java compiler. Generate class files that target a specified version of the VM.
# Class files will run on the specified target and on later versions, but not on earlier versions
of the VM.
#Valid targets are 1.6 / 1.7.
# This property set the compliance option of java compiler
temn.tafj.compiler.javac.compliance = 1.7

# When compiling a JBC file, specify if we want to generate

# the java file or not. Note that we can generate the class
# without generating the java.
temn.tafj.compiler.generate.java = false

# When asking for compilation, do we want to do the java compilation ?

# The obvious would be 'true', but in some cases, we could only want
# the java generation or nothing (just parsing)
temn.tafj.compiler.generate.class = true

# When compiling, do we want to also put the classes in a jar file.

# This will obviously only work if we are generating the classes (see above)
# The jar name will be the name of the package with _ instead of .
# The jar location will be defined by the property
# temn.tafj.compiler.generated.jar.dir
temn.tafj.compiler.generate.jar = false
# Where should the jar be generated during compilation.
# default value is same as temn.tafj.directory.classes directory but in
# "jars" instead of "classes"
temn.tafj.compiler.generated.jar.dir =
# When set to true enable compilation of new resources in eclipse
temn.tafj.compiler.eclipse.new.basic = false

# When set to true enable the rating update in the BASIC code
temn.tafj.compiler.update.rating = false

# Extensions the compiler will consider. If null, all types

# or file will be accepted
temn.tafj.compiler.extensions = .b;.component;.tut

# When set to true stop the compilation if an error append

# This property is not used by the Eclipse plug-in builder
temn.tafj.compiler.exit.if.error = false

# Eclipse basic editor When set to true file parsing won't be processed on each CR.
# To be used to speed up edition.
#Live code colorizer will be executed on save only.
temn.tafj.compiler.disable.cr.refresh = true
temn.tafj.compiler.naming.strict.mode = false
temn.tafj.compiler.component.strict.mode = false

# Component

# When compiling a .component file, where should we generate the

# different files and the header for TAFC ?
# ** will be replaced by the component name with underscore instead of dot.
# example : compiling XX.Test.component will generate data in
# <tafj.home>/tafc_components/XX_Test/
# The path can be absolute or relative to the .component file.
#default : <tafj.home>/tafc_components/**
temn.tafj.compiler.tafc.component.dir = <tafj.home>/tafc_components/**

# When compiling a .component file, where should we generate the

# different Enterprise artefacts ?
# ** will be replaced by the component name with underscore instead of dot.
# example : compiling XX.Test.component will generate data in
# ../../../build/XX_Test/generated/t24services/JBCAPI
# and ../../../build/XX_Test/generated/t24services/JBCInsert
# if not ending with *, everything will be generated in
# ../../../build/XX_Test/generated/t24services/
# The path can be absolute or relative to the .component file.
# default : ../../../build/**/generated/t24services/*
temn.tafj.compiler.enterprise.component.dir = ../../../build/**/generated/t24services/*

# Filter on BASIC source

# Switch to enable the filters apply on the BASIC code

temn.tafj.compiler.filter.enable = false

# name of filter separate by a coma

temn.tafj.compiler.filter.names =

# Runtime parameters

# List the path / jars to consider at runtime.

# TAFJ Manage the classloader
# 1. <temn.tafj.directory.classes>
# 2. <temn.tafj.runtime.classpath>
# 3. <tafj.home>/ext
# 4. <temn.tafj.runtime.extended.classpath>
# 5. <temn.tafj.directory.precompile>

# Specify the list of jars or directories to load in the classloader.

# Before <tafj.home>/ext
temn.tafj.runtime.classpath =

# Specify the list of jars or directories to load in the classloader.

# After <tafj.home>/ext
temn.tafj.runtime.extended.classpath =

# Specify what will be considered as the "current" directory (eg in an OPEN "." ...)
temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current = E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\Bnk/UD
# By default all UD Tables is no UTF-8 encoding.
# you have to specify the codepage of UD tables
# Latin character ISO-8859-1, cp1252 or UTF-8
temn.tafj.runtime.ud.encoding = UTF-8

# Specify what is the COMO directory.

temn.tafj.runtime.directory.como = <temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current>/&COMO&

# set the file encoding of the output file COMO

# ex for zOS : temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding= IBM-1047
# default is ISO-8859-1
#temn.tafj.runtime.como.encoding = IBM-1047

#Specify where is the &HOLD& directory when SETPTR is used with the HOLD option
temn.tafj.printer.directory.hold = <temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current>/&HOLD&

# Directory where T24 TAFJ updates will be written to.

# This could be an appserver directory perhaps.
# A TAFJ update that updates TAFJ core will directly overwrite the jar.
temn.tafj.directory.updates = <tafj.home>/updates

# set the port range of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.port.range = 10-45,76,89,2,130-150
temn.tafj.runtime.port.range =

# set the timezone of the system

#ie : temn.tafj.runtime.timezone = Europe/London
temn.tafj.runtime.timezone =
# set the locale language and country
temn.tafj.runtime.local = en_US

# Specify whether a "EXECUTE PHANTOM ..." will be a new process or

# a new Thread. In multiple CPU machines, a new process (true) could
# be more efficient.
temn.tafj.runtime.phantom.as.process = true

#If the phantoms are executed as process, what JVM options to

#use to launch them.
temn.tafj.runtime.new.process.params = -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

# Default precision when not specified.

temn.tafj.runtime.default.precision = 13

# Rounding Mode for operands : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)
temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode = HALF_UP

# Rounding Mode result : HALF_UP(Default) (2.25 -> 2.3 and 2.24 -> 2.2)
temn.tafj.runtime.rounding.mode.result = DOWN

# set to true if the runner is on a zOS LPar machine

# and it have to work in legacy mode
temn.tafj.runtime.zos.mode = false

# Define if, in case of exception, we are stopping the execution or

# just throwing the exception (in case of TAFJ is used like an API)
temn.tafj.runtime.exception.mode = false

# When set to true a terminating session will be cleaned up.

# All locks released and the database connection closed.
temn.tafj.runtime.clean.on.shutdown = true

# By default data files loaded require manual authorization.

# When set to true data are uploaded in $INAU table.
# When set to false data are uploaded directly in the LIVE table
temn.tafj.runtime.authorize.record = true

# If set to false, any 'DEBUG' statement will be ignored.

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.debug = true

# Performance :cache OPF

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.cached.opf = false

# Performance : internal java TAFJ System_getCache

temn.tafj.runtime.use.cache.get = false

# If set to false, data records changed in eclipse will not be loaded.

# into the database. by default the property is false .

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.data.records.load = false

# Tests

# Should we generate jUnit kind of report for unitTests ?

# temn.tafj.utf.generate.results = false
# Where should the UnitTests result be generated.
# Default value is same as temn.tafj.directory.classes directory but in
# testResults directory#
temn.tafj.utf.results.directory =

# Code coverage

# Enable the Code Coverage of BASIC execution.

# This feature will potentially slow down your runtime.
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.coverage = false

# Host name or IP of where is cobertura server

temn.tafj.runtime.coverage.host = localhost

# TCP port of the cobertura server is listening on

temn.tafj.runtime.coverage.port = 7474

# TEC and logger API
# JMS Connection settings
# used by the TEC Items logger (for Monitor) but also for all kind of
# JMS Communication. Note that the specific
# java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
# java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming
# java.naming.provider.url=localhost:1099

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items recording using JMS (used by T24Monitor)
temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api.jms = false

# Enable the Logger api for TEC Items (used by T24Monitor)

temn.tafj.runtime.enable.logger.api = true

# Enable TEC Items recording

temn.tafj.runtime.disable.tec = false

# Specify if jimi is on, off or can be switched
# 1 : On, can be changed programatically
# 0 : Off, can be changed programatically
#-1 : Off CANNOT be changed programatically.
temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.on =0

# Specify what directory will contains the jimi reports

temn.tafj.runtime.directory.jimi = <temn.tafj.runtime.directory.current>

# Specify whether we want to append on existing trace files or create

# a new file every times we start jimi.
temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.append = false

# The first index when using the FILEIO option

temn.tafj.runtime.jimi.image.index =1

# TAFJ Monitor
# Enable the TAFJMonitorSession
temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.enable = true

# Host name or IP of where is the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.host = localhost

# TCP port of the TAFJMonitorSession

temn.tafj.runtime.session.monitor.port = 8377

# TAFJ Locking mechanism
# Tafj locking mode
# JDBC : locks managed in database uses LOCK_RECORDS table.
# ORCL : locks managed in database using DBMS_LOCK Oracle specific package.
Recommended solution for Oracle.
# MSQL : locks managed in database using DBMS_LOCK MS-SQL specific package.
Recommended solution for MS-SQL.
# PROC : TAFJ lock manager, external process, server accepting client connections on a port.
# PROCHASH : TAFJ lock manager, external process, server accepting client connections on a
port (for performance).
# MEM : Memory mode version of the TAFJ lock manager.
# DATABASE : Use database locks of the underlying database in conjunction with the
secondary lock manager for non-existing records.

temn.tafj.locking.mode = JDBC

temn.tafj.jdbc.db.locking.secondary.lockmanager = JDBC

# Host name or IP of where is the tLockManager daemon

temn.tafj.locking.hostname =

# TCP port of the tLockManager daemon is listening on

temn.tafj.locking.port = 7425

# Bring the current call stack over to the LockManager?

temn.tafj.locking.callstack = false

# if we want to override the URL as unique key for the DBInstance

# we have to give a name here (eg myDatabase). This is usefull
# if the DBServer has multiple adapters. The URL's are different
# but this is still the same Database.
# only for PROC and PROCHASH
temn.tafj.locking.name =

# T24 Collector
# Location of the T24Collector for monitoring and managing.
# Default value : localhost:4444 registration canceled if value empty.
temn.tafj.t24.collector = localhost:4444

# Packaging
# Specify the path to F.PGM.DATA CONTROL file
temn.tafj.pgm.data.control =

# Specify the default jar file name while using component splitting.
# mention only jar name without '.jar' extension
temn.tafj.default.jar.name =

# Specify the Temp.Release path for tIntegrate.bat/sh

temn.tafj.eb.temp.release =

# Basic Replacement
# These properties are shortcuting the CALL statement to invoke
# Directly a javaClass.
# The Parameters are all jVar and the count must match the
# Basic equivalent.
# The count must not be discountinuous. This means that if
# there is ...1, ...2, ...4 without ...3, ...4 will not be read and thus ignored.
temn.tafj.directory.ext = <tafj.home>/ext

temn.tafj.migration.basic.1 = CHECK.ROUTINE.EXIST
temn.tafj.migration.java.1 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.CheckRoutineExist
temn.tafj.migration.basic.2 = EB.CREATE.VIEW
temn.tafj.migration.java.2 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbCreateView

temn.tafj.migration.basic.3 = EB.TRACE.CALL
temn.tafj.migration.java.3 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbTraceCall

temn.tafj.migration.basic.4 = EBS.CREATE.FILE
temn.tafj.migration.java.4 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.EbsCreateFile

temn.tafj.migration.basic.5 = BUILD.EDICT.JBASE
temn.tafj.migration.java.5 = com.temenos.tafj.basic.BuildEdictJBase

# Printer
# Printer list
# This list has been generated during the setup. You can modify it at any moment to reflect
# change to the printer list.
# If the Channel 1 is missing (or remed-out), it will be defaulted to the default printer (if any)
# of your operating system.

temn.tafj.channel.name.0 = PRN0

temn.tafj.driver.name.0 = PRN0
temn.tafj.driver.device.0 = Microsoft XPS Document Writer
temn.tafj.driver.class.0 = com.temenos.tafj.jlp.drivers.jPrinterDriver

# Appserver
# Default appserver name
# When running in appserver mode the MBean server will be queried to get the registered
domain and
# setup the application server provider. It's used to do specific DB parsing (XML - CLOB)
depending on the provider.
# If the appserver could not be infered a log error will report it, in that case only this
property should be used
# to determine the appserver provider.
# Supported values are JBOSS - WEBLO - WAS
temn.tafj.default.appserver.name =

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