Can You Think of Additional Ways That OD Might Make Use of Technology in An Intervention? (15 Marks)
Can You Think of Additional Ways That OD Might Make Use of Technology in An Intervention? (15 Marks)
Can You Think of Additional Ways That OD Might Make Use of Technology in An Intervention? (15 Marks)
Can you think of additional ways that OD might make use of technology in an
intervention? (15 marks)
The world is passing through the turbulent times. Companies expanding their
business, acquiring new enterprises and going through significant changes.
Tomorrow’s world will be different from todays, calling for new organizational
approaches. Organizations will need to be adapting to these changes market
conditions and at the same time coping with the need for a renewing rather than
reactive workforce.
Organizations today are exposed to much more rapid changes than they were
decades ago. Organizations must settle themselves in increasingly complex and
uncertain technological and cultural changes. The speedily changing conditions of
last few years shown that the organizations are facing the unprecedented uncertainty
and nothing short of a management revolution will save them. Organizations from
time to time innovate and create technology for better product development and
management of organization. Because in era of competition the manager’s overall
attention toward proper management and allocation of resource.
Information technology is one of the major trends in which shaping change in
organizations. This trend have a considerable impact on organization development
and the nature of the outcomes depends on a number of company’s characteristics
as well as on the abilities of each worker to meet the expectations, learn new
information and get an idea on how to implement it properly. Information technology
has drastically changing the old business model and defining new parameters of how
knowledge is used and how work is performed. Due to the revolution in information
technology, electronic data interchange while a state of the art information
technology application few years ago is now considered as routine business
The last tools to be use is virtual team building. As one of the main
challenges presented by virtual teams is how to maintain a sense of a group identity
and a feeling of being part of a valued team. Some applications designed for virtual
team building that use games and shared tasks to train remote workers in this area.
Remote workers can use these tools to learn how to best use virtual team
technology, enhance their communication skills and build their trust in fellow team
members. Some well regarded virtual team building applications are Prelude,
Quizbreaker and MiniTreasure.
On the whole, technology has and will continue to have a profound impact on
the practice of organization development and change in initiatives both today and in
the future. It has been shown that much of the success of using technology to
facilitate organizational intervention change depends on the characteristics of the
organization itself. Organization with employees who are comfortable with
technology and have access to systems will undoubtedly have more success
delivering technology-driven change. Although the contribution of technology to OD
practitioners is clearly evident, the opportunities to ensure that these new
methodologies and applications are applied in an appropriate and professional
manner may well be the next major hurdle for the field.
Chapter 15
Choose one country in Chapter 15 and choose an intervention that can make the
interaction smoother. Explain challenges that you will experience in the cross-
cultural experience or interaction. (15 marks)