By: Dr. (MRS.) Kanwaljit Kaur Gill Principal & Professor S.K.S.S College of Nursing

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Dr. (Mrs.) Kanwaljit Kaur Gill

Principal & Professor
S.K.S.S College of Nursing

The curriculum in a literal sense, a pathway toward a

goal. The educational process is set into motion
towards its aim through the curriculum of course.
Education finds its effect and culum or course.
Education finds its effect and results through
implementation of its curriculum by the school.
Curriculum may be considered as an educational
Curriculum is a Latin word, ‘currere’ means ‘the
race ,the path, lap or course or runway’ which one
talks to reach a goal applied to a course of study. if
the teacher is the guide, the curriculum is the total
structure of ideas and activities

The term curriculum is defined in many ways by

the educators some defined in very limited,
specific context, while others used in a broad,
general meaning in descriptive manner. It is define
din terms of subject, activities and experiences.
‘A curriculum is an attempt to communicate the
essential principles and features of an educational
proposal in such a form that it is open to critical
scrutiny and capable of effective translation into
practice’ -Stenhouse(1975).
 ‘All the learning activities which are planned and
guided by the school, whether they are carried out in
groups or individually, inside and outside the school’-
 ‘The curriculum is the manifestation of many
composite parts and factors which together enable the
achievement of nursing education goals that have
been fully identified, selected and articulated’-
 ‘It is a complex of more or less planned and
controlled conditions under which students
learn to behave and do behave in their various
ways. In it, new behavior may be acquired,
present behavior may be modified, maintained
or eliminated and desirable behavior may
become both persistent and viable’-Kearney
and Cook.
 A curriculum is the offering of socially and
scientifically valued knowledge, skills and
attitudes made available to students through a
variety of arrangements during the time they are at
school, college or university-Bell (1973)
 The curriculum is primarily an aid in the process
of adjusting the child to the environment in which
he function from day-to-day and in the
environment in which he will have to organize his
activities later’-KG Sayyidain.

 It includes all the learning experiences which a child
has, regardless of when or how they take place under
the guidance of the school.
 The systematic arrangement of certain courses
designed with certain objectives for the pupil.
 The courses offered within a certain field in the
schools and colleges , e.g. GNM program me, Basic
B.Sc (N),Post basic (N) curriculum, M.Sc (N) program
 Total educational program me of the school and
colleges or whatever learning, activities and
experiences occur within.

 By this process the students develop the learner’s

intellect , personality, social life and cultural
 According to the best modern educational thought,
curriculum does not mean only the academic
subjects traditionally taught in schools and
colleges, but includes the sum total of experiences
that a students receives through the manifold
activities that exists in the schools, classroom,
library, laboratory, workshop, p[lay grounds and in
the numerous informal contacts between teachers
and students which helps balanced personality of
the students- Kothari commission.
 Curriculum refers to the totality of activity and
experiences planned by the school with a view to
achieve the objectives of education. Thus a
curriculum is the instructional and educative
programme, through which the pupil will achieve
their goals, ideas and aspirations of life.
 It provides formal and informal contacts
between teachers and pupils in educational
institutions the curriculum touch the whole life
of students at all points and helps in the
evolution of balanced personality of the learner.

 Curriculum is the blueprint or plan of the

school that includes the experiences for the
learners to have.
 It reflects the pattern of life-a careful selected
pattern, covers the entire range of activities and
 It is a tool in the hands of the teachers to give
training to students in the art of living.
 It helps to inculcate the standards of moral
action, which are essential for successful living
in society, for getting true satisfaction out of
Three facets of curriculum are :-
Goals and purposes
of education

Evaluation of Process of
products curriculum
 Intellectual development is conceived as a mastery
of subject matter achieved primarily through
teachers exposition, drills, tests etc.
 Intellectual development is conceived as being
directed toward the development of the process
itself i.e., problem solving, creative thinking etc.
 Intellectual development of an individual is related
to and dependent on the development of all aspects
of personality.
Therefore the curriculum must give
consideration to curricular and co curricular
activities e.g. emphasis on the inclusion of :-

1. Subject matter and directed learning

experiences relating to interpersonal

2. More and better use of group techniques.

3. Widening the nursing students contact with

students and teachers.
The curriculum for nursing includes:-
 All the planned learning opportunities
 Subject matter
 Learning activities that the faulty plans and
implements in all settings : Classroom,
laboratory, hospital, public health agency, For a
particular group of students at a specified time

 Curriculum is a plan of logical sequence of co

related and integrated subjects which students
may pursue in the attainment of a given goal.
In reality two curricula in each instance :

Planned by
by each
 If the curriculum provided is broad, varied and
flexible in learning opportunities the curriculum
selected and experienced can be highly
appropriate for each individual learner.
Four C’s of Curriculum Planning



The Four C’s of curriculum Planning:-

 Cooperative: A programme prepared jointly by

a group of persons will be less liable to error
than one prepared by a single person.

 Continuous: The preparation of a programme

is not a one shot operation , provision should be
made for its continuous revision.
 Comprehensive: In an approach which accepts
the interaction of all the programme components
must be defined with the requisite precision.

 Concrete: General and abstract considerations are

not as sufficient basis for drawing up a programme.
Concrete professional tasks must constitute the
essential structure of a relevant programme.
Purposes of curriculum
1. To equip the learners through bringing the desirable
behavioral changes in them.
2. To cope with and handle life situations realistically,
rationally without sacrificing humane principles.
3. Help in
 Development of health personnel at all levels
 Preparation of respective health team members
specifically for the tasks they will require to perform
in their respective job positions.
 Students participation in curriculum development
 Planned curriculum helps to realize the
educational objectives
4. Curriculum is intended
 To draw out, cultivate, excite, and inspire the full
development of each student
 To create an atmosphere in which the students
will learn to think, where faculty and students
will be critically enough to be objective, to be
constructive, truthful to solve the problem,
reason out and develop the power of thought.
 To establish values through intimate acquaintance
with the humanities, arts, natural sciences and
 To develop the character of students, i.e. integrity,
honesty, judgment, cooperation, friendliness and
good will.
 To prepare the pupil for citizenship in a democratic
society where liberty, freedom, law, justice,
responsibility will takes place.
 To meet the needs of students with a wide range of
ability, aptitudes and interests.

 To discover the landmarks of human achievement

 It makes good decision and judgments in a socially

desirable direction.
Need and significance of the
The child of today is the builder of tomorrow. A well-
designed curriculum, if it is effectively implemented,
the child will be equipped with inner potentialities in a
meaningful manner for nation building. curriculum is
basic to the aesthetic, emotional, ethical, intellectual,
physical, social, material, spiritual and vocational
development of the child.
it increases the abilities of students by becoming
active, participating adults.
Basic principles of curriculum
Nursing curriculum planners always consult with:
a) National health policy goals, recommendations of
health related committee reports, e.g. high power
committee, kartar Singh committee, Bhore
committee, INC etc.
b) Obtain a feedback from different categories like
clientele, peers, and Colleagues, non-nurse members
of health team, controlling officers, supervisors and
superiors, opinion leaders of community etc.
The success of a curriculum depends on certain principles
which are:
 The purpose and educational objectives of the
program me.
 The educational objective should be stated in clear,
unambiguous and behavioral term, which is
observable, measurable, feasible and achievable.
 The students and teachers should have a clear
perception of the expected results.
 Learning experiences should be related to the
theoretical, practical and clinical components.
The teaching learning content should be
selected accordingly.

 Selection of actual content of teaching

learning activity in the class room, clinical
nursing fields and community oriented
nursing practical field
Grading of content can be done .

E – Essential or must learn.

D - Desirable or useful to learn.

S – Supportive or nice to learn.

Principle of conservation
“Nations live in the present, on the past and for the
future.” hence, the past, present and future needs of
the community should be taken into considerations.
We should select only those subjects and activities,
which are required by the present generation.
The principle of selectivity
It should be adopted in the selection of the
curriculum on the basis of the past.
Principle of forward looking
Today’s children are future citizen of tomorrow.
Their education should enable them to be
progressive minded persons. Education should
give them a foundation of knowledge, feeling,
which will enable them to change the
environment where change is needed.
The creative principle
The curriculum should exercise creative and
constructive power. The education should
discover and develop special interests, tastes
and aptitudes among learners. It should meet
the needs of today and of the future.
The activity and experience
The curriculum should be taught in terms of activity and experience,
rather than of knowledge to be acquired and facts to be stored. Growth
and learning take place only where there is activity. Experience rather
than instruction is to meet the needs of various stages of growth.
Curriculum should provide varied and many-sided individual activities
in keeping with child’s interests.
Playgrounds, shops, workrooms and laboratories not only direct the
natural active tendencies of youth, but also involve course,
communication and cooperation.
Principle of preparation of life
Education must equip the individual for life.,
hence curriculum must include the activity which
enable the child to take his part effectively and
amiably in the activities of the community when
he becomes an adult. We have to prepare the child
that he is capable of facing the various challenges
of the complex problem of the future.
Principle of liking with life
The community needs and characteristics should
be kept in view while framing the curriculum
Child centered curriculum
We can help the child to live carefully and richly,
his life at that stage at which he is. The child
automatically prepares himself for the next stage
by living well and truly life at one stage, by living
fully in the environment.
Principle of maturity
Curriculum should be adapted to the grade of the
pupils and to their stage of physical and mental

 In the early childhood, ‘wonder’ and ‘romance’

pre-dominate, so these elements should be
included in the subjects.
 At the later stage, the child is interested in
practical things, so at the junior secondary stage the
curriculum should orient the practical problems.

 At the senior secondary stage, students are interested in

generalizations, accordingly curriculum should provide
such activities. The experience provided should be
within the comprehension of the students.
Principle of individual differences
Individuals differ in qualities like taste,
temperature, skill, experience, aptitude, and
innate ability. Therefore it should be adapted to
individual difference. Curriculum should be
flexible, not to be rigid.
Vertical and horizontal articulation
Each year’s course should be built on what has
been done in previous years and at the same time
should serve as basis for subsequent work. Entire
curriculum should be coordinated.
Principle of comprehensiveness
and balance
Every aspect of life, e.g. spiritual life, social and
economic relationships, social activities, occupation
etc., is given due emphasis
Principle of loyalties
Curriculum should teach a true sense of loyalty to
the family, the school, community, country and the
world at large. It should enable the child to
understand that there is unity in diversity.
Principle of flexibility and need

Curriculum should meet the special needs and

circumstances of the pupil.
Principle of core or common
Broad areas of knowledge, skill and appreciation
with which all the children must be made
conversant. Core subjects, e.g. mathematics,
science, crafts, language, basic subjects have to be
Principle of leisure
The curriculum should prepare the child for the
use of leisure time. Literature, art, music occupy
the leisure part of education. The capacity to enjoy
leisure greatly determines a man’s capacity to
Principle of sensitivity

Curriculum should sensitive to the feeling of the

students, community and nation

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