Wall-Mount Horns, Strobes, and Horn/Strobes: A U D I B L E / V I S I B L E N O T I F I C AT I O N

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A U D I B L E / V I S I B L E N O T I F I C A T I O N

Wall-Mount Horns, Strobes,

and Horn/Strobes
Models Available*
Horn/Strobes Horn/Strobe Strobe
P1215 P121575
P2415 P241575
P2430 P2475

S1215 S121575
S2415 S241575
S2430 S2475
Horn Back Box Skir t

*Refer to Ordering Information for other


Product Overview

Meet UL and ADA signaling requirements System Sensor’s SpectrAlert® wall-mount series includes a complete line of electronic
horns, strobes, and horn/strobes. Intended for primary signaling use, SpectrAlert
Lower current draw
products meet UL1971, UL464, and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
More devices per loop
Lower installed cost Technology. With its extremely efficient reflector design and Xenon flash tube,
SpectrAlert offers current draw reductions as high as 40% over previous gener-
Universal mounting plate included
ation designs. By consuming less current, the flexibility to connect more devices
Accessory mounting plates available per loop is possible, for a lower installed cost.
Field-selectable horn tones Installation. SpectrAlert products offer installation ease which also lowers the
Electromechanical / 3kHz installed cost. By taking up no room in the back box, SpectrAlert strobes and
Temporal 3 / Non-temporal 3 horn/strobes make wiring connections simpler and faster. Each SpectrAlert
High / Low dBA output includes a universal mounting plate for 4″ square and single gang back box
mounting. Accessory mounting plates are also available for small footprint or
Available in 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 110
surface mount applications.
Flexibility. SpectrAlert offers the flexibility to meet a broad range of
Synchronizable horns and strobes with
requirements. The SpectrAlert horns and horn/strobes feature a number of
Sync•Circuit™ module
field-selectable/reversible horn tones. For visible requirements, SpectrAlert
Aesthetic design strobes and horn/strobes are available in a wide variety of configurations to
address non-sleeping area, sleeping area, and corridor requirements.
Offerings include 24-volt models at 15, 15/75, 30, 75, and 110 candela,
and 12-volt devices at 15 and 15/75 candela.
Aesthetics. To meet building owner aesthetic requirements, SpectrAlert
incorporates a stylish, low profile design. And this aesthetic is consistent across
all SpectrAlert wall-mount products.
Engineering Specifications

General Horn/Strobe Combination

SpectrAlert horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capa- Horn/Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model
ble of mounting to a standard 4″ x 4″x 11/ 2″ back box or a listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be
single gang 2″ x 4″ x 17/ 8″ back box using the universal approved for fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall
mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert product. be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance
Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in conjuction and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act
with the accessory Sync•Circuit Module, shall be pow- requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at
ered from a non-coded power supply and shall operate 1Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range.
on 12 or 24 volts. 12 volt rated devices shall have an The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and
operating voltage range of 10.7–17 volts. 24-volt rated associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two
devices shall have an operating voltage range or 20–30 tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the
volts. SpectrAlert products shall have an operating tem- option to switch between a temporal 3 pattern and a
perature of 32° to 120°F and operate from a regulated non-temporal continuous pattern. Strobes shall be powered
DC or full wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. independently of the sounder with the removal of factory
installed jumper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models
Horn shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply
Horn shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model (the strobe must be powered continuously).
capable of operating at 12 and 24 volts. Horn shall be
listed to UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. The Synchronization Module
horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options Module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit
(at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective
3 pattern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. All horn service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes
models shall operate on a coded power supply. at 1Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall
silence the horns on horn/strobe models, while operating
Strobe the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall
Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Model be capable of mounting to a 411/16″ x 411/16″x 21/8″ back
listed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective box and shall control two Style Y (class B) or one Style Z
service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling (class A) circuit. Module shall be capable of multiple zone
notification appliance and comply with the Americans with synchronization by daisy chaining multiple modules
Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- together and re-synchronizing each other along the chain.
ances, flashing at 1Hz over the strobe’s entire operating The module shall not operate on a coded power supply.
voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon
flash tube and associated lens/reflector system.

Walk Test SpectrAlert horn/strobe and horn only Weight, horn only Weatherproof (horn and horn/strobes)
work on “walk tests” with time durations of 7.2 oz. Operating Temperature
4 seconds or greater Weight, strobe and horn/strobe 32°F to 150°F (0°C to 66°C)
Input Terminals 8.8 oz. (outdoor strobe only)
12 to 18 AWG –40°F to 158°F (–40°C to 70°C)
Mounting ULC Canadian Models
Dimensions 4″ x 4″ x 1 1/2″ or 2″ x 4″ x 1 7/8″ –40°C to 66°C
Strobe and horn/strobe with universal plate standard boxes
5″ x 5 5/8″ x 2 15/16″ Voltages
Indoor Operating Temperature 12 or 24VDC and FWR unfiltered
Strobe and horn/strobe with small 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
footprint plate Operating voltage range*
3 3/8″ x 5 5/8″ x 2 5/16″ Maximum humidity 12V: 10.5-17V; 24V: 20-30V
Horn with universal mounting plate 95% as tested per UL464 Operating voltage range*
5″ x 5 5/8″ x 1 5/16″ (with Sync•Circuit module, MDL)
Horn without mounting plate 12V, 11-17V; 24V, 20-30V
2 15/16″ x 5 5/16″ x 1 5/16″ * These products should be operated within their rated
voltage range; UL does, however, test functional
integrity to -20% and +10% of manufacturer's stated

U.S. Patent Numbers

SpectrAlert Current Draw Table

Strobe Only
Average Current (mA) Peak Current (mA) In Rush Current (mA)
12V Models 24V Models 12V Models 24V Models 12V Models 24V Models
10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V 10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V 10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V

15 133 159 114 157 81 128 50 61 43 60 38 60 460 460 450 460 420 480 135 204 135 208 135 185 80 108 92 124 140 190 97 129 116 152 147 198

15/75 168 182 142 171 99 150 56 65 49 64 44 62 490 520 490 520 460 480 150 199 150 207 150 198 76 104 88 126 160 185 97 135 116 164 147 211

30 NA NA NA NA NA NA 78 84 67 82 58 72 NA NA NA NA NA NA 183 201 183 219 183 216 NA NA NA NA NA NA 97 129 116 152 147 198

75 NA NA NA NA NA NA 145 170 123 159 102 141 NA NA NA NA NA NA 350 440 340 460 330 480 NA NA NA NA NA NA 190 240 230 280 290 380

110 NA NA NA NA NA NA 169 220 140 191 115 174 NA NA NA NA NA NA 460 560 450 570 420 620 NA NA NA NA NA NA 190 230 220 290 290 370

Horn Only Horn/Strobe 30 cd

Average Current (mA) Average Current (mA)
12V Models 24V Models 24V Models
High/Low Temp/ 10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V High/Low Temp/ 20V 24V 30V
Electro- High Temp 10 11 10 10 14 14 19 21 25 18 29 26 Electro- High Temp 97 105 92 100 87 98
mech. Non 10 16 10 19 14 25 17 29 23 34 30 42 mech. Non 95 113 90 116 88 114
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 11 12 13 13 17 15 Low Temp 89 96 80 95 75 87
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 12 16 14 19 17 24 Non 90 98 81 101 75 96
3000 Hz High Temp 11 13 11 11 16 16 24 26 28 23 37 33 3000 Hz High Temp 102 108 95 105 95 105
Interrupt. Non 11 17 11 21 14 28 19 34 27 39 35 45 Interrupt. Non 97 116 94 121 93 117
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 14 17 15 21 19 Low Temp 92 96 84 97 79 91
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 13 18 16 21 22 25 Non 91 100 83 103 80 97

Horn/Strobe 15 cd Horn/Strobe 75 cd
Average Current (mA) Average Current (mA)
12V Models 24V Models 24V Models
High/Low Temp/ 10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V High/Low Temp/ 20V 24V 30V
Electro- High Temp 143 170 124 167 95 142 69 82 68 78 67 87 Electro- High Temp 164 191 148 167 131 167
mech. Non 143 170 124 167 95 142 67 90 66 94 68 103 mech. Non 163 188 146 169 132 169
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 61 73 56 73 55 76 Low Temp 156 182 136 162 119 156
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 62 77 57 79 55 85 Non 157 182 137 162 119 157
3000 Hz High Temp 144 172 125 168 97 144 74 87 71 83 75 94 3000 Hz High Temp 169 196 151 172 139 174
Interrupt. Non 144 173 125 168 95 146 69 95 70 99 73 106 Interrupt. Non 164 192 150 175 137 177
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 64 75 60 75 59 80 Low Temp 159 184 140 164 123 160
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 63 79 59 81 60 86 Non 158 188 139 163 124 162

Horn/Strobe 1575 cd Horn/Strobe 110 cd

Average Current (mA) Average Current (mA)
12V Models 24V Models 24V Models
High/Low Temp/ 10.5V 12V 17V 20V 24V 30V High/Low Temp/ 20V 24V 30V
Electro- High Temp 178 193 152 181 113 164 75 86 74 82 73 88 Electro- High Temp 188 241 165 209 144 200
mech. Non 178 193 152 181 113 164 73 94 72 98 74 104 mech. Non 186 238 163 211 145 202
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 67 77 62 77 61 77 Low Temp 180 232 153 204 132 189
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 68 81 63 83 61 86 Non 181 232 154 204 132 190
3000 Hz High Temp 179 195 152 183 115 166 80 91 77 87 81 95 3000 Hz High Temp 193 246 168 214 152 207
Interrupt. Non 179 196 152 183 113 168 75 99 76 103 79 107 Interrupt. Non 188 242 167 217 150 210
Low Temp NA NA NA NA NA NA 70 79 66 79- 65 81 Low Temp 183 234 157 206 136 193
Non NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 83 65 85 66 87 Non 182 232 156 205 137 195

Sound Output Guide (dBA)

UL Reverberant Room dBA @ volts DC Anechoic Room Peak dBA @ 10ft./volts DC
10.5 12 17 20 24 30 10.5 12 17 20 24 30
Temporal Low Tone Electromechanical NA NA NA 75 75 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98
3000 HZ Interrupted NA NA NA 75 79 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98
High Tone Electromechanical 75 75 79 82 82 82 94 95 98 100 101 102
3000 HZ Interrupted 75 75 79 82 85 85 94 95 98 100 101 102

Non-Temporal Low Tone Electromechanical NA NA NA 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98

3000 HZ Interrupted NA NA NA 82 82 85 NA NA NA 94 96 98
High Tone Electromechanical 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 100 101 102
3000 HZ Interrupted 79 82 85 88 88 88 93 95 98 100 101 102
SpectrAlert Ordering Information
Avg. mA* Avg. mA*
Red White Voltage Candela @Nom. VDC @Nom.FWR**
Horn/Strobes P1215 P1215W 12 15 124 167
P121575 P121575W 12 15/75 152 181
P2415 P2415W 24 15 68 78
P241575 P241575W 24 15/75 74 82
P2430 P2430W 24 30 92 100
P2475 P2475W 24 75 148 167
P24110 P24110W 24 110 165 209
P121575K (weatherproof) — 12 15/75 124 167
P241575K (weatherproof) — 24 15/75 74 82
P2475K (weatherproof) — 24 75 148 167
P24110K (weatherproof) — 24 110 165 209
P241575P (no lettering) P241575PW 24 15/75 74 82
P241575AG (AGENT) — 24 15/75 74 82
P241575EV (EVAC) — 24 15/75 74 82
Canada P2415A P2415WA 24 15 68 78
P241575A P241575WA 24 15/75 74 82
P2475A P2475WA 24 75 148 167
P24110A P24110WA 24 110 165 209
P241575KA (weatherproof) — 24 15/75 74 82
P2475KA (weatherproof) — 24 75 148 167
P24110KA (weatherproof) — 24 110 165 209
Latin America P241575F (FUEGO) — 24 15/75 74 82
Strobes S1215 S1215W 12 15 114 157
S121575 S121575W 12 15/75 142 171
S2415 S2415W 24 15 43 60
S241575 S241575W 24 15/75 49 64
S2430 S2430W 24 30 67 82
S2475 S2475W 24 75 123 159
S24110 S24110W 24 110 140 191
S121575K (weatherproof) — 12 15/75 142 171
S241575K (weatherproof) — 24 15/75 49 64
S2475K (weatherproof) — 24 75 123 159
S24110K (weatherproof) — 24 110 140 191
S241575P (no lettering) S241575PW 24 15/75 49 64
S241575AG (AGENT) — 24 15/75 49 64
S241575EV (EVAC) — 24 15/75 49 64
Canada S2415A S2415WA 24 15 43 60
S241575A S241575WA 24 15/75 49 64
S2475A S2475WA 24 75 123 149
S24110A S24110WA 24 110 140 191
S241575KA (weatherproof) — 24 15/75 49 64
S2475KA (weatherproof) — 24 75 123 149
S24110KA (weatherproof) — 24 110 140 191
Latin America S241575F (FUEGO) — 24 15/75 49 64
Horns H12/24 H12/24W 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18
H12/24K (weatherproof) — 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18
Canada HC12/24A HC12/24WA 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18
HC12/24KA — 12/24 NA 10/25 10/18
Sync•Circuit MDL MDLW 12/24 NA 10/11 12/15
Module Canada MDLA MDLWA 12/24 NA 10/11 12/15
Small Footprint Mounting
Plate for Single Gang Only S-MP S-MPW NA NA NA NA
Sur face Mount Back Box Skir t BBS BBSW NA NA NA NA
Universal Mounting
Plate (replacement) D-MP D-MPW NA NA NA NA
Weatherproof Back Box WBB — NA NA NA NA
Notes: Agency Listings – Indoor models: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, MEA. Weatherproof models: UL, CSFM (strobe only), MEA, ULC.
All of these SpectrAlert products are designed for wall mount only. All weatherproof models must use weatherproof back box model WBB. Installation of less than 75 can-
dela strobes may be permissible under the equivalent facilitation clause of the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2). However, it is the responsibility of the person or entity designing the fire
alarm system to determine the acceptability of less than 75 candela strobes. All 15/75 candela strobes or horn/strobes are recommended for 20′ × 20′ rooms or less.
*Horn and horn/strobe current draws assume horn is set at temp 3, electromechanical tone and high audibility.
** FWR = Full Wave Rectified

System Sensor Sales and Service

System Sensor Headquarters System Sensor Canada System Sensor in China System Sensor – Far East System Sensor – India
3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 Ph: 86.29.524.6253 Ph: Ph: 91.124.637.1770 x.2700
St. Charles, IL 60174 Fx: 905.812.0771 Fx: 86.29.524.6259 Fx: 85.22.736.6580 Fx: 91.124.637.3118
Ph: 800/SENSOR2 System Sensor Europe System Sensor in Singapore System Sensor – Australia
Fx: 630/377-6495 Ph: 44.1403.276500 Ph: 65.6273.2230 Ph: 613.54.281.142
Documents-on-Demand Fx: 44.1403.276501 Fx: 65.6273.2610 Fx: 613.54.281.172
800/736-7672 x3
© 2002 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0936-010•9/02•#1002

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