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Issue 3, March 2005: Rodger Richey

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Issue 3, March 2005

Rodger Richey
Senior Applications Manager

This issue focuses on Electrical Fast Transients or EFT. EFT Compatibility (EMC), What is Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)? and
primarily affects applications that are connected to AC mains. What are Electrical Fast Transients (EFT)? Look for new web
EFT is fast transient signals that are coupled onto the AC mains seminars on PCB Layout, Transformerless Power Supply Design,
by a variety of equipment (refer to the article “What is EFT?” in and EMI Suppression among others.
Issue 1 of this newsletter). This noise then travels the wiring in If you would like to be placed on the distribution list for the EMC
your house or building to potentially wreak havoc on your newsletter, we have combined our list with the list for the
appliances, computers or anything else connected to the wall Microsolutions e-newsletter. This newsletter covers new product
outlets. The articles in this issue will focus on how to minimize the announcements for all types of Microchip products, tips & tricks
effect of EFT on your circuit. for using Microchip devices, recently released application notes,
In case you missed the first two issues of the EMC newsletter, you to name a few. You can sign up for the mailing list at the following
can download them both from the Microchip website under link: http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=
Application Design Centers > Home Appliance Solutions, or SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1421
Automotive Design Centers. We have received lots of feedback on these first few issues,
Microchip will be posting a new Design Center to our website that especially on future topics. Some of these include detailed
focuses on EMC Robustness. This Design Center will collect all information on ground planes, high intensity radiated fields and
the EMC related items available on the Microchip website in one lightning protection. If you have a topic you would like to see
place. This will include application notes, newsletters, web included in a future issue, please send an email to:
seminars, and so on. Did you know that Microchip has posted EMC@microchip.com.
three EMC related web seminars? To find these archived The next issue of the EMC newsletter will focus on defensive
seminars follow this link: http://techtrain.microchip.com/ software techniques to make your application more robust.
webseminars/WebSemCListArch.aspx Articles will include power-ups, detecting RAM corruption, using
These web seminars are the first in a series of seminars that will serial EEPROMs, using WDT, among others.
be presented over the next year. These first few cover the basics
of EMC including an Introduction to Electromagnetic

In This Issue Tips and Tricks

Know Your Transient Suppression Device ........................... 2 Need to increase the input impedance of your circuit? This
Fixing Transients is Easy ...................................................... 3 simple, zero-cost method increases the impedance and can
Managing Your Lifeline ......................................................... 4 significantly reduce EMC effects when coupled with protection
Interfacing to the Real World ................................................ 6 devices. The step in the trace width causes an impedance
Low Cost Method to Improve EFT Performance................... 8 mismatch. Signals encountering this mismatch will seek the
lowest impedance path that will be through the protection
Recommended Reading
Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems
by Henry Ott, ISBN 0-471-85068-3
This book takes the reader step-by-step through the effect and
mitigation of EMC problems in practical situations. It doesn't
dwell on the math so it is very readable. It also includes a lot of
practical examples, tips and "rules of thumb" to quickly educate
the novice reader in "Design for EMC" techniques. A superb Transient suppression
introductory book. device

© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. 1

EMC Newsletter
Know Your Transient Suppression Device
Rodger Richey
Senior Applications Manager

When improving the EFT performance of your application, The following table shows the comparison of these
resistors, ferrite beads and capacitors usually don’t devices. The MOV is the most commonly used device
provide the necessary level of suppression. The energy because it is less expensive and provides relatively good
and speed of EFT signals are bigger and faster than these performance.
passive and extremely inexpensive components can The first row in the table shows the ideal transient
handle. suppressor characteristics. I don’t know if such a device
Most applications will use Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV), actually exists, but if you find one, let us know.
Silicon Avalanche Diodes (SAD), Gas Discharge Tubes Being aware of how transient suppression devices
(GDT), Thyristors or a Spark Gap. The difficulty is compar- compare, and designing accordingly can contribute much
ing these devices in terms of speed, energy dissipation to improving the EFT performance of your applications.
and loss, and ultimately cost.


Device V/I Curve Speed Loss Cost Failure Mode
Ideal Sharp/Flat Fast Infinite None Free Open
MOV Sharp/Non-linear Medium High High Low Short
SAD Sharp/Flat Fast Low Low Moderate Open/Short
GDT Erratic/Non-linear Slow High Low Moderate Open
Thyristor Sharp/Flat Medium High Low Moderate Open/Short
Spark Gap Erratic/Non-linear Slow High Low Low Open

2 © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.

EMC Newsletter
Fixing Transients is Easy
Gaurang Kavaiya
Microcontroller Systems Group Manager
If you are like many of our customers who don’t mind Hybrid Transient Suppressor
adding a reasonable amount of cost to a product to make Use a hybrid transient suppressor to achieve better tran-
it more robust or quickly fix a transient issue, then this sient suppression. Figure 2 shows an example of a hybrid
article is for you. transient suppressor.
The power line entry point is a main source for electrical FIGURE 2: HYBRID TRANSIENT SUPPRESSOR
transients. The effective fixes highlighted in this article can
help in quickly resolving the electrical transient problem.
Most of these fixes involve creation of some kind of tran-
sient suppressor, which can be categorized into two major
1. Those that attenuate transients, thus preventing
their propagation into the sensitive circuit.
2. Those that divert transients away from sensitive
loads, therefore limiting the residual voltages.

Transformer-based Power Supply SCR/Diode Array

The transformer-based power supply is least susceptible Use an SCR/Diode array (i.e., SP724 series from
to power line transients than a transformerless or SMPS Littlefuse) to protect the critical device and inputs (i.e.,
type power supply. Use a low frequency (i.e., iron core) microcontroller).
transformer. The transformer acts as a low-pass filter and
suppresses most transients.
• Use a transient suppression device on the power V

entry point of the transformer. Table 1 in the article

“Know Your Transient Suppression Device” in this
issue shows the relative performance comparison of I/O
the devices.
• Use a line or voltage regulator with a transformer-
based power supply.

Power Line Filter

Zener Diode
A well-known fix is to use a power line filter. However, the
common mistake of taking any filter from a shelf for use in Use a zener diode to limit the peak voltage at the device
a system is often made. The performance of any filter you are trying to protect. You can use two zener diodes in
depends heavily on the impedance at its terminals. The back-to-back opposite polarity, where the cathode of one
four relevant impedances for a simple single-phase mains zener diode is connected to the anode of another as a con-
filter are: figuration to protect against AC transients (see Figure 4).

• Differential mode at the mains side FIGURE 4: BACK-TO-BACK ZENER DIODES

• Common mode at the mains side
• Differential mode at the equipment side
• Common mode at the equipment side
Select a filter that best matches the source and load
impedances. The selected filter must be able to supply the
peak current requirement of your system.
If you use a power line filter, install it at the power entry
point in your system rather than placing it close to the
board or component you are trying to protect (see
Figure 1). Multi-layer Board
Use of a multi-layer board provides one or more surfaces
dedicated to ground and power with the following benefits:
• Minimizes loop area and signal return path
• Minimizes crosstalk
• May provide 10x to 100x performance improvement

FL FL These are some of the quick fixes you can use to address
the Electrical Fast Transients issue. These fixes are
POOR GOOD generally well known, are easy to implement, and have
worked for many who have implemented them.

© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. 3

EMC Newsletter
Managing Your Lifeline
Gaurang Kavaiya
Microcontroller Systems Group Manager
Every system in the world needs an energy source. The consider the input and outputs of the function block. If the
most common energy source for most systems is the component (i.e., TRIAC) is interfacing with power lines, it
mains outlet. This supply line is a lifeline for most of the is also a possible source of noise (EFT pulses) and should
system. However, this lifeline also brings the biggest threat be separated from other sensitive blocks. In a typical
to the system, Electrical Fast Transients (EFT). To improve system, all components can be divided into three
susceptibility of the system, it is important to manage your functional sub-blocks for power and ground (see Figure 1).
lifeline. The article “Fixing Transients is Easy” in this issue 1. Analog Supply and Ground: The signal
discussed some quick ways to increase immunity by conditioning circuit, op amps and stand-alone A/D
adding cost. This article will focus on some low- to no-cost fall into this category.
ways to improve the immunity. 2. Digital Supply and Ground: The microcontroller,
Transients can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. They can external memory (i.e., serial EEPROM) and glue
be of either polarity and may be coupled only on line, logic fall under this category.
neutral or power earth, or, a combination of all three. 3. High Power Supply and Ground: The power
Depending on the system, it may be sensitive to one control components such as Triac and relays fall
coupling mode over another. Typically, the worst case for under this category.
EFT is a system using a transformerless power supply or
Use a separate schematic symbol for each group. This
a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS). Let’s look at a few
results in a different net name for each instance of VDD or
things you can do in either system
VSS, providing isolation at the PCB layout level. It is
If you use a transformerless power supply, then the use of necessary to merge various grounds to bring them to the
a transient suppressor is an absolute must. It’s very same logic level to allow circuit operation. Merge them at
difficult to protect this kind of system without a transient a low impedance common point of reference (typically the
suppressor. Refer to the article “Know Your Transient voltage regulator or similar block in power supply). You
Suppression Device” in this issue for help in selecting the can put in jumpers (see J1 and J2 in Figure 1) to create a
right type of suppressor. The PCB layout and location of a schematic. In the PCB layout, place them next to a
transient suppressor is equally important. Refer to “Tips common point of reference and during assembly, use a
and Tricks” in this issue for the layout/placement shorting link on boards. If you do not want to put a shorting
suggestion. link, then route your whole board. Do a Design Rule Check
The next most important thing is power and ground (DRC) to make sure everything is okay. Turn off the DRC
planning. The emphasis is on the word planning. The first check and route the PCB trace for these jumpers. This will
step in planning is to group the circuit components. Group help in avoiding the use of a PCB jumper (shorting link).
them based on their noise sensitivity and impact of However, after this your DRC will show an error on VDD
possible malfunction on the system. You also need to and VSS.


High Power Supply HP block

High Power Ground

HP block


Digital Supply
AIN Digital
Digital Ground

VSS Analog Supply



J1 J2 Analog Ground

4 © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.

EMC Newsletter
The next step is the component placement. For help, you quality capacitor to even lower frequencies (still quite
can refer to the article “The Art or Science of Component high). This kind of localized plane is quite helpful if used
Placement” in Issue 2 of the EMC newsletter. with switching digital devices like microcontrollers.
Now you are ready to begin routing your board. The first If you are using a single- or double-layer board design, you
things you should route are your power and ground traces. may not be able to use a power and ground plane. How-
Figure 2 explains various configurations to route power ever, try to find an opportunity to place a localized power/
and ground traces and their relative rating. ground plane. Fill all the blank space in the PCB with
The first routing example, type (a), is considered poor ground or power fill. Use ground fill more than the power
routing practice. This type of routing practice can result in fills. Try to maximize the PCB capacitor between VDD and
big ground and power loops. The article “Every Loop is an ground by routing them as close as possible and by
Antenna, Like It or Not” in Issue 2 of this newsletter increasing the contact area. One important thing to
discusses the effect of loops in detail. Another issue with remember is to make a low-impedance connection
this configuration is the power and ground traces are between the entire localized plane. If you place a plane,
skinny, increasing the impedance in ground and power but if it is connected with a skinny trace to the rest of the
lines. circuit, then it may do more harm than good as the floating
piece of copper may act as an antenna and pick up the
In the second example, type (b), the power and ground
traces are running in parallel. This helps in reducing the
loop size. In this case, this parallel trace has some break In addition to this, there are a few other things that help in
to make a device connection. On a single-side board this improving EFT performance at low- or no-cost. Although
results in one jumper on VDD. This may increase the most of them deserve an article all their own, some of them
inductance in the VDD line. If the decoupling capacitor is are:
placed after this jumper, it may result in even better • Power supply decoupling: You must use a 0.1 μF
performance. The parallel ground and VDD traces have ceramic capacitor for each power pin pair. The
another advantage. This creates a PCB capacitor between decoupling capacitor must be placed as close to the
VDD and ground (refer to “PCB Layout Fundamentals” in pins as possible. Try to add another capacitor in
Issue 2 of this newsletter). This results in a continuous, parallel to optimize the performance even further.
good quality, low-ESR capacitor between VDD and ground. Please experiment with the value of this parallel
This can be an effective capacitor for a high-frequency capacitor. Try a value in decade on both sides (High
signal. and Low) of 0.1 μF.
Type (c) is similar to type (b); however, the device orienta- • Layout of critical pins: Carefully route critical
tion has been changed to avoid a break in the PCB capac- signals and there return paths. Some of the critical
itor between VDD and ground. The thicker power traces signals are reset, interrupt etc.
also help in reducing the inductance further. • Reset pin: The reset pin is most likely the weakest
Types (a) to (c) are examples of a single-layer layout. Type link on microcontroller if an unwanted reset is a sign
(d) is an example of a two-layer design. On one layer, the of a problem in the system. Please refer to the
area under the device is filled with ground and another device data sheet or related documents for
layer is filled with power. This creates localized power suggestions.
planes under the device. This also increases the value of These and other improvements will be discussed in
the PCB capacitor, increasing the usability of this good greater detail in upcoming issues.


(c) Better

(a) Poor (b) Good

(d) Best

© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. 5

EMC Newsletter
Interfacing to the Real World
Gaurang Kavaiya
Microcontroller Systems Group Manager
The basic commonality between all embedded systems is • All of the noise picked up by the external cable is
that most of them need to communicate with the external directly injected into an I/O pin. Assume that the
world. The most common way of interfacing to the external cable picks up 10V of noise (quite common in a noisy
world is to use some kind of connector. The system may environment) and the cable resistance is 1Ω. In this
have cables that connect to various objects, and theoreti- case, it will result into 10A of current into the I/O pin –
cally, everything works fine. However, in the ‘real world’, it enough to damage any device. In an actual system
is necessary to deal with some serious threats. One of you may not see this much current, as noise is not a
them is Electrical Fast Transients (EFT). DC signal. Therefore, we need to look at AC proper-
When you run cables in your system they can either ties. The inductance of the cable and system tends
capacitively couple a noise, or can act as an antenna and to be higher, which limits the current. At the same
pick up the noise. This EFT coupling mechanism is time, AC peak voltage tends to be higher too. There-
different than power line coupling. fore, in a normal condition, this injects a high amount
of current into the pin (worst case is the input pin). If
The International Electrical Commission (IEC) 61000-4-4
this high energy doesn’t damage the pin then it may
standard has a section on EFT that deals with data I/O
upset the operation of the microcontroller. It may flip
ports. It tries to address this requirement. The Microchip
the status of some flip-flops or may disrupt the logic
web seminar, “What is EFT?”, explains the testing style for
switching. The end-user may see this as a RAM or
this. If you have read the article “Fixing Transients is Easy”
SFR corruption or misexecution of a particular
in this issue, then most of the fixes described there may
instruction causing a system failure.
not fix the data line EFT issue. The only applicable quick
• This noise can couple back to power and ground
fix is the use of an SCR/Diode array on these signals. The
lines through protection diodes on the microcontrol-
article “Managing Your Lifeline” doesn’t explain any fixes
ler. This will expand the damaging effect of the noise,
for the data line EFT threat; however, this article will try to
as power and ground are common points for most of
explain some low-cost ways to improve the data line EFT
the circuit.
Therefore, at a minimum, series resistors should be used
Figure 1 shows a few variants of such a connection. In the
(see option (b) in Figure 1) with all inputs (preferably with
case of option (a), the external connection returns to the
output too). This will limit the current that goes into the
microcontroller directly. This kind of coupling introduces
micro pin and limit its damaging effect.
several issues.


(a) Poor (b) Good (c) Best

Data Line Filter




6 © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.

EMC Newsletter
The third option, (c), is the preferred way. One can imple- The previous circuit can be further enhanced by addition
ment many variants of this configuration for varying of one extra capacitor terminated to digital ground.
degrees of performance. Let’s look at a few options.
• Add a ferrite bead in series to option (b). This will I/O Cn
help in reducing high-frequency noise. The ferrite
bead selection is critical. Please look at the
characterization graphs of the ferrite bead. Most
beads offer very low resistance to a DC signal and a
few 100 ohms at higher frequency. Select the bead
• Another possible variant of the above circuits does
that offers the highest impedance at the noise
not use a ferrite bead at all. If you do not need a
frequency. The EFT pulses tend to have a bandwidth
frequency dependant behavior of the bead, then you
of 100 MHz. Therefore, try to use a bead that has a
can replace it with a resistor. Replace the bead with
useful impedance of around 20 MHz.
a resistor in the above two variants.

I/O Cn
I/O Cn

• The ferrite bead on its own isn’t that effective. Ideally,

you should use a ferrite bead in conjunction with a
capacitor to form a low-pass filter to filter out high-
frequency noise. Use high-power ground for the
capacitor. The common mistake is to use a digital To summarize, we’ve looked at a few examples of the
ground for the capacitor and connect it directly to the circuits you can use to protect your inputs against
microcontroller ground pin. transients, which offer various levels of protection. In most
cases, one series resistor is enough to protect outputs.
Select the right configuration depending on your
I/O Cn
environment. Initially, you may need to experiment with
this configuration to find the best match for you. Hopefully,
this will provide you with a smooth interface to the ‘real

© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. 7

EMC Newsletter
Low Cost Method to Improve EFT Performance
Jon Charais
Applications Engineer

There are many ways to improve the EFT performance of

a design, but unfortunately, many of them are too
expensive for a cost sensitive design, such as ferrite
shielding, optoisolators, isolation transformer, and so on.
An example of a low cost solution to improve your EFT
performance can be seen in the following two figures.
Board Ground Plane +5

+5 C1 C4
PICmicro® MCU
0.1 μf 47 μf
0.1 μf

Noise Source R6
Digital I/O Digital I/O
Analog Input Analog Signal

R2 10k

To start, we want to identify the noise source and make the With two ground planes and two 5-volt supplies you will
physical distance between the noise source and the need to pay special attention to how signals are connected
microcontroller as large as possible. In most applications, to the microcontroller. In general, any signal that crosses
the microcontroller will be the most sensitive to an EFT over the boundary between the two ground planes must
event, but the same techniques discussed in this article go through a series resistance. The physical placement of
can be applied to any other part of the design. this resistor needs to be directly over the gap between the
Next, we will create two ground planes: one for the two ground planes. Once the signal passes through this
microcontroller and one for the remainder of the board. series resistance, it must be referenced to the ground
The ground planes and 5-volt supplies are connected by plane that the signal now resides on. The example below
RC filter networks. The resistors of these filter networks is for a digital I/O, but the same technique can also be
need to be sized according to the maximum allowable applied to analog signals.
voltage difference between the +5 high-power supply and Example: On the board’s ground plane, the block labeled
the +5 digital supply. In this design, I am allowing 50 mV of Digital I/O is a digital input which consists of a common
potential difference between the two 5-volt supplies. My emitter NPN transistor that is used to actuate a relay. The
current budget for the +5 digital supply is 5 mA. Under micro’s Digital I/O block is operating as an output. The
these conditions, I can have 10 ohms of resistance base of this transistor is connected to the output of the
between the 5-volt supplies. The 10 ohms of resistance is microcontroller through the 1k ohm series resistor. In this
split evenly between R4 and R5, because it is just as easy case, the emitter of the NPN needs to be referenced to the
for an EFT event to propagate through the supply, as it is Board ground. All other parts of the relay circuit need to be
to propagate through the ground. Also, the physical referenced to the Board supply and ground. Now, any EFT
placement of these resistors needs to be directly over the that occurs in this part of the circuitry has only one path
gap between the two ground planes. Placing the resistors back to the microcontroller and that is through the 1k ohm
in such a way forces the EFT event to pass through the resistor.
resistors without the possibility of coupling around them.

8 © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.

EMC Newsletter
The last change made to the design is the splitting of the The changes to this design that affect the overall board’s
bulk capacitor so both 5-volt supplies will have some bulk cost are the addition of two resistors, a 0.1 μF capacitor,
capacitance. This will have very little effect on your EFT and a bulk supply capacitor. These changes should cost
performance, but it is done instead for smoothing of the approximately 1 to 10 cents depending on the volume, and
+5 digital supply. should significantly improve the EFT performance of your

Micro Ground Plane Board Ground Plane

+5 Digital +5 Digital +5 High-power
PICmicro® MCU
VDD Power
C5 C3 C2 4.7 C1 C4
0.1μf 22 μf 0.1 μf R5 0.1 μf 22 μf

Digital I/O Digital I/O
Analog Input Analog Signal

R2 10k
Noise Source

© 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. 9

EMC Newsletter

10 © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc.

List of Issues
• Know Your Transient Suppression Device
• Fixing Transients is Easy
• Managing Your Lifeline
• Interfacing to the Real World
• Low Cost Method to Improve EFT Performance


• The Importance of Capacitance
• PCB Layout Fundamentals
• The Art or Science of Component Placement
• Every Loop is an Antenna, Like It or Not
• Ground Planning Case Study
• PCB Design Techniques for High-speed Digital Systems


• What is EMC?
• What is ESD?
• What is EFT?
• What is Latch-up?

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