This document provides definitions for photography and editing app terms. It defines key photography concepts like exposure, highlights, shadows, tones, contrast, white balance, perspective, and types of lighting. It also defines compositional techniques like the rule of thirds, symmetry, implied movement, and visual weight. Additionally, it defines common editing app terms like brightness, curves, saturation, and selective mask.
This document provides definitions for photography and editing app terms. It defines key photography concepts like exposure, highlights, shadows, tones, contrast, white balance, perspective, and types of lighting. It also defines compositional techniques like the rule of thirds, symmetry, implied movement, and visual weight. Additionally, it defines common editing app terms like brightness, curves, saturation, and selective mask.
This document provides definitions for photography and editing app terms. It defines key photography concepts like exposure, highlights, shadows, tones, contrast, white balance, perspective, and types of lighting. It also defines compositional techniques like the rule of thirds, symmetry, implied movement, and visual weight. Additionally, it defines common editing app terms like brightness, curves, saturation, and selective mask.
This document provides definitions for photography and editing app terms. It defines key photography concepts like exposure, highlights, shadows, tones, contrast, white balance, perspective, and types of lighting. It also defines compositional techniques like the rule of thirds, symmetry, implied movement, and visual weight. Additionally, it defines common editing app terms like brightness, curves, saturation, and selective mask.
before hitting your camera. Ex.- shooting outside on
a cloudy day is shooting in indirect light D E P T H : the distance of space in a photograph that will appear sharp. A shallow depth of field means the distance it will take for an object to go from sharp to blurry on your camera is very small, while a wide depth of field means the distance it will take for an object to go from sharp to blurry is farther C O M P O S I T I O N : the arrangement of objects around your scene S Y M M E T R Y: an invisible line that splits a symmetrical object in half R U L E O F T H I R D S : the idea that you should place the most important parts of your photograph either along the horizontal third lines of a photograph, the vertical third lines of a photograph, or at the intersection of a horizontal and vertical third line A C T U A L M O V E M E N T: an object physically in motion E X P O S U R E : the amount of light let into your camera I M P L I E D M O V E M E N T: the idea that objects can be H I G H L I G H T S : the brightest parts of your photograph arranged in a certain way within your photograph to mimic actual movement, thus guiding a viewer’s eye S H A D O W S : the darkest parts of your photograph around a scene M I D T O N E S : all the tones in between the shadows G R I D L I N E S : the lines on the screen of your camera and highlights (usually rule of thirds lines) that help to compose your T O N E S : the amount of lightness or darkness in subject in a compositionally interesting way a certain part of a photo V I S U A L W E I G H T: the idea that some objects can C O N T R A S T: the difference in tones of the feel heavier than others within a photograph highlights and shadows. High contrast means intense Balance: the idea that a photograph should have blacks and whites, while low contrast means a lot a balanced visual weight more grey tones. N E G AT I V E S PA C E : a part or parts of a photograph WHITE BALANCE: the process of adjusting the with nothing in it colors in an image so the whites appear pure white, M I C R O A D J U S T M E N T S : making tiny movements and the overall colors in the image appear as they of objects in your scene would in front of your eyes DY N A M I C : the idea that a photograph has energy P E R S P E C T I V E : the spatial relationship between and feels lively the camera and the objects in your image N AT U R A L L I G H T: light that comes from the sun, and not from electric lights EDITING APP TERMS
S I N G L E L I G H T S O U R C E : having your light come B R I G H T N E S S : the amount of light in a photo
from only one source (like the sun) and from only C U R V E S : a digital map of an image’s tonality. one direction Curves can be used to add brightness and/or D I R E C T L I G H T: light that goes directly from a light contrast to an image source into your camera. Ex.- shooting outside on S AT U R AT I O N : the amount of intensity a color has a sunny day is shooting in direct light S E L E C T I V E M A S K : an edit applied to a certain part I N D I R E C T L I G H T: light that passes through a filter of a photograph