Emilio Aguinaldo College: Midterm Exam
Emilio Aguinaldo College: Midterm Exam
Emilio Aguinaldo College: Midterm Exam
make the conditions of others d. Principle of Utilitarianism
a. Duty of justice 19. Ms. Liberty is a Jehovah’s Witness.
b. Duty of reparation She was advised to undergo blood
c. Duty of beneficence transfusion due to her profuse bleeding.
d. Duty of nonmaleficence But she refused, explaining this is due
to the belief in their religion. Which
13. Exact one not to injure or harm others, principle applies in this case of Ms.
much less to take the lives of innocent Liberty?
individuals- a. Principle of Beneficence
a. Duty of nonmaleficence b. Principle of Nonmaleficence
b. Duty of beneficence c. Principle of Autonomy
c. Duty of justice d. Principle of Justice
d. Duty of reparation
20. An element of human act which
14. It is the right of individuals to makes the act deliberate-
determine their own fates the live the lives a. Freedom
the way they choose- b. Voluntariness
c. Knowledge
a. Utilitarianism d. Conscience
b. Autonomy
c. Justice 21. When a person chose to do
d. Beneficence something out of curiosity means he
does the act under the control of
15. What is Republic Act 9173 all about? his/her will. This tells about which
a. Philippine Nursing Act element of human act?
b. Child Abuse Law a. Voluntariness
c. Scope of Nursing b. Freedom
d. Code of Professional Ethics c. Knowledge
d. Conscience
16. It concerns an individual’s conduct of
behavior and practice when carrying out 22. When a person judges what is
professional work- really good as good and what is really
a. Ethics evil as evil from the authentic principles
b. Health Ethics of ethics, then he applies which
c. Code of Ethics conscience below?
d. Professional Ethics a. Antecedent conscience
b. Consequent conscience
17. The key elements in the Code of Ethics c. True conscience
for Nurses by ICN includes the following d. Lax conscience
a. Nurses and People 23. A patient is terminally ill with cancer
b. Nurses and Practice and was given 2 months to live. As a
c. Nurses and the Profession health care provider and his nurse for
d. Nurses and Co-workers you is it right to keep the truth from the
e. Nurses and Environment patient?
a. No, because it is our duty not to
18. Situation: A woman who is 3 months lie.
pregnant is suffering from cervical cancer. b. Yes, considering the health
She was informed by her physician that an condition of the patient, so it is
immediate operation must be done to perfectly alright to keep it a secret.
protect her from her disease. However the c. No, because the patient has the
operation implies the death of her baby. right to full disclosure of his condition
What principle is presented in this case? but must be explained to him in a
a. Principle of Double Effect discreet manner.
b. Principle of Justice
c. Principle of Autonomy d. Yes, because the doctor tells you
so. d. All of the above
surgical procedure, possible risks, Situation: Nurse Louise knows that the
complications and alternatives is the practice of nursing involves basic knowledge
responsibility of the-- regarding R.A 9173.
a. Registered Nurse
40. How would Nurse Louise maintain
b. Surgeon competence in her practice?
a. Taking post graduate courses
c. Anesthesiologist
b. Attending continuing professional
d. Attending Physician education
c. Registering under the Philippine
Nurses Association
Situation: Safety d. Participating in nursing and human
resource development programs
36. When in doubt about drug names,
what is the best nursing action
41. Which among the following are
a. Ask the nursing supervisor included in the scope of nursing
practice in the Philippines?
b. Read the patient chart
1. training of nursing students
c. Ask the attending physician 2. health education
3. using nursing process
d. Ask another nurse
4. coordination with health care
Situation: Provisions of “The New Nursing Law 5. decision making skills
of 2002” 6. primary health care
7. promotive health care
37. Manolo passed the recent Nurse’s a. 1,2,3
Licensure Examination. As a professional b. 2,4,7
nurse, he knows that the basis of his c. 2,5,7
practice is legally governed by? d. All of the above
a. R.A 9173
b. The Constitution 42. What is the required procedure if a
c. R.A 7164 nurse has inactive practice for 2
d. The 2002 Code of Ethics consecutive years?
a. None of these
38. If he plans to be employ as a general b. 1 month didactic / 3 moths practicum
nurse practitioner, his basic qualification is c. 2 months didactic / 2 months
which of the following? practicum
1. 1 year nursing experience d. I.V. training and 2 months didactic
2. registered nurse
3. good moral character 43. A professional license has the
4. units in M.A.N following characteristics, except.
5. I.V. therapy trained a. Temporary right to those who passed
6. 9 units in any post-graduate the licensure examination
degree b. Issued after an oath administered by
a. 1 and 2 the Board of Nursing
b. 3 and 4 c. Can be revoke for ground stated
c. 2 and 3 under CHED
d. 5 and 6 d. Expires after three years upon
39. After few years, he plans to join registration
nursing education. The basic qualifications
to be an educator is? 44. How many years in general nursing
a. 3 years nursing practice experience is required if Nurse Louise
b. 9 units in M.A.N applies for the positions of a nursing
c. 1 year clinical experience supervisor?
d. Attended didactic trainings before a duty a. 3 years
accredited nursing organization b. 5 years
c. 2 years
d. None of this predecessor
45. The minimum academic qualifications d. 10 years
required for chief nurses in a primary
hospital include the following, except?
a. BSN degree holder
b. 9 units earned in nursing management
at the graduate level
c. 2 years general nursing practice
d. None of these
Community Health Nursing
Situation 1 - Community Health Nursing a. Nurses at the primary and supervisory
(CHN)is a unique blend of nursing and levels
public health that is aimed at developing b. Nurses and midwives
and enhancing health capabilities of c. Nurses, Nursing Attendants, and
people. auxiliary workers
d. Nurses, Midwives and Barangay Health
51. The practice of CHN is based on the Workers (BHWs)
philosophy of upholding the worth and
dignity of human beings. When the CH Situation 2 The application of Community
Nurse provides care to all ages at all Health nursing process leads to desired
levels, she is reiterating this characteristic outcome of health status of individual,
of CHN as families and groups in the community
a. People-oriented
b. Health-focused
c. Comprehensive and integrated 56. Assessment process involves
d. Community-based participation of clients. Which step utilizes
the different instruments of the varied
52. The ultimate goal of the CH Nurse is methods in the study of the community?
a. Raise the level of health of the citizenry a. Analysis of data
b. Health in the hands of the people b. Collection of data
c. Health promotion and disease prevention c. Interpretation of data
d. Self-reliance in health d. Presentation of data
53. The CH Nurse provides the link 57. The gap between what should be and
between the clients and the members of the current status is categorized as
the health team. The health team a. Health problem
members are able to clarify their roles and b. Health threat
contribution to totality of patient care c. Health need
through the nurse. Hence the nurse d. Health deficit
performs this role
a. Supervisor of health services 58. Which of the following is health threat:
b. Manager of health services a. Relocation
c. Monitor of health services b. Widespread under-nutrition
d. Coordinator of health services c. Death or illness in the community
d. Low immunization level
54. As a provider of care, the nurse
collaborates with the other members of 59. To identify disease patterns, the best
the health team. The specific function of yet practical data collection technique is
the nurse in the development of the a. Records review
community health plan is b. Sample survey
a. Provide the link between assessment c. Interview
and planning d. Spot mapping
b. Ensure the nursing element in the
translation of goals to objectives 60. Data gathered will not betray identity
c. Assist in developing criteria for of respondents. This refers to
prioritization a. Confidentiality
d. Take lead in maintaining good working b. Anonymity
relationship and team work c. Privacy
d. Encroachment
55. The nursing personnel of the health
unit will provide vital contribution to the Situation 3: CHN as a specialty in Nursing
success of community health. Nursing
personnel will refer to 61. According to Florence Nightingale, the
individual must be regarded as
66. The most common method for
a. Part of the ever- community diagnosis that accounts for the
changing environment bulk of data yet very practical is
b. Capable of self-care a. census
c. With capacity for Self-repair b. records review
d. Unique and autonomous c. interview
d. sample survey
62. The PH Nurse can say that the
community had achieved its goal of 67. The following are steps in processing
optimal health when people the data
a. learn self-care
1- data analysis 3- data presentation
b. become involved in determining
2 -data collection 4- data collation
health care policy
c. assume responsibility for their own a. 2, 4, 1 and 3
health b. 2, 3, 4 and 1
d. all these c. 2, 4, 3 and 1
d. 2, 3, 1 and 4
63. In CHN, the nurse applies a most basic 68. Major factors affecting population
include the following EXCEPT
intervention to address community
a. births
problem b. deaths
a. client teaching c. migration
b. primary health care d. morbidity
c. community organizing
d. risk appraisal 69. A population pyramid with triangular
shape and broad base indicates the
following EXCEPT
64. To generate subjective data, the nurse
a. high death rates
utilizes b. poverty
c. young population
1 Nursing history d. more females
2 Physical examination
3 Laboratory exam results 70. The sampling method used for a
4 Process Recording reliable community diagnosis is
a. simple random
a. 1 and 2 c. 1 and 4 b. multi-stage
c. cluster
b. 1 and 3 d. 1 only
d. systematic random
1 Nursing History
71. Health is viewed today on a more
2 Physical examination
individual basis as
3 Laboratory exam results
4 Process Recording a. Absence of disease in an individual
b. Psychosomatic well-being of a person
a. 1 and 2 c. 1 and 4 c. Complete physical, mental and social well-
b. 1 and 3 d. 1 only being
d. Each person’s maximum capacity to live
Situation 4: Community Diagnosis happily and productively
d. School-community linkage
72. The level of community health is
influenced by the following factors EXCEPT
77. On September 23, there will be a fire
a. Political drill in the school. This is an activity of
b. Cultural this component of school health nursing
c. Economic
d. None of these a. School health services
b. Healthful school living
73. The objectives of CHN include c. School health instruction
d. School-community linkage
a. Health promotion and disease
prevention 78. Isolation of communicable diseases,
b. People’s participation referral and follow through are being
c. Health promotion, disease prevention, performed by the School Health Nurse in
early diagnosis, treatment, disability relation to
prevention and rehabilitation
d. Health promotion, disease prevention a.School health services
and community participation b.Healthful school living
c. School health instruction
74. In the community, a persons d.School-community linkage
psychosocial somatic well-being is
influenced by which of the following 79. Which of the following is NOT an
factors? activity of the School Nurse in
implementing the component of healthful
a. Heredity school living
b. Health care services
c. Heredity, person’s behavior, a.Drug watch committee
environmental conditions b.Environmental sanitation
d. Personal behavior c. Rehabilitation of substance abusers
d.Food sanitation
75. The concern of the CH Nurse is the
health of all segments of the population. 80. What is the role of the nurse in the
The priority will always be the people. component of healthful school living
This concept pertains to
a.health educator-counselor
a. CHN is people-oriented b.provider of care
b. CHN emphasizes health of people c. health monitor
c. CHN is comprehensive and integrated d.community health organizer
d. CHN utilizes multi-sectoral approach
Situation 7 - As the new nurse of Barangay
Situation 6: School Health Nursing Targus, you conduct regular home visit to
priority families in the community.
76. PH Nurse Patrice establishes a working 81. Which of the following is a family?
relationship with Marian, the School 1- a bachelor with own condominium
Nurse. This is emphasizing the component bringing lovers once in a while
of School Health Nursing called: 2-a couple with two children with no
permanent residence and sleeps on the
a. School health services sidewalk
b. Healthful school living 3 -two gay men living together
c. School health instruction 4-a pregnant woman in an apartment
5- a bachelor with own condominium concerned of the following EXCEPT
unit living together with a cook, a a. educating workers about their health
driver and a gardener b. none of these
6-a convent for cloistered nuns c. appropriate and effective ways of
promoting health of workers
a. All c. 2, 3, 5 and 6 d. planning for and administering health
b. 2, 3, and 4 d. 2, 3 and 6 services
82. In the structural functional model, first 88. The nurse understands that the goal of
level assessment means occupational health program is
a. completing the initial data base of the a. curative care of workers/employees
family b. promotion of wellness and prevention of
b. identifying a problem list illness and injury among workers
c. categorizing the problems as health c. curative and rehabilitative care of
threat, health deficit or stress point workers
d. identifying what family task is not d. promotion of wellness
performed in relation to the problem
89. In order to establish priorities in
83. Based on its nature, this is considered planning and implementing the
a priority problem: occupational health program, the nurse
a. unemployment will need which of the following data?
b. adolescence a. disease trends, birth and death rates,
c. self-medication social environment conditions
d. demolition b. birth and death rates
c. disease trends
84. Empty nest, divorce, and marital dyad d. social-environmental conditions
are features of this family developmental
stage 90. In the provision of preventive care to
a. family with teen-agers workers, the nurse must be aware of
b. family as launching center biological hazards which is or are harmful
c. middle aged family to workers and their family such as
d. Old age a. bacteria, fungi, insects
b. noise
85. An evaluation tool to identify effects of c. toxic metals, poisonous gas fumes, and
the nursing interventions to a family is dust
a. objectives of care d. stress
b. case study
c. measurable outcome criteria Situation 9: The nurse plays an important
d. criteria and standards role in the control of preventable diseases.
Situation 8: The occupational health nurse 91. The control of any preventable disease
is aware of the basic concept of depends to a large extent on the following
occupational health nursing and is EXCEPT:
responsible in preparing and implementing a. assignment of the epidemiologist
the occupational health program. b. application of effective control measures
c. nature of the disease itself
86. Which of the following specifically d. knowledge of appropriate technology
describes occupational health nursing?
a. this involves prevention, recognition and 92. The first line of defense of the body
treatment of injury and illness against disease is
b. all these statements a. intact skin
c. the application of nursing principles in b. complete immunization
conserving the health of all workers c. personal hygiene
d. planning for and administering health d. physical stamina
93. When breaking the chain of infection,
87. The occupational health nurse is which of the following is true?
a. a virulent agent can resist disinfection b.Community people
b. an appropriate portal of entry will not c. Asthma
cause infection d.data
c. mode of entry of harmful organisms is
direct entry 100. In the study, the nurse noted that
d. every link in the chain of infection can there is no significant difference in the
be interrupted proportion of those exposed to the
sintering plant among the case and the
94. Why do new born babies have a limited control groups. This will mean any of the
ability to produce antibodies against following EXCEPT:
infection? a.Those exposed are likely to develop asthma
a.their immune system is still underdeveloped b.Reject the null hypothesis
b.all babies have antibodies from their c. There is no relation between disease and
mothers risk factor
c. babies are less exposed to harmful d.Repeat the study
d.skin of babies are quite intact