A2 27 2012 Ylmazetal TheDomesticatedDonkeyIEconomicImportanceUncommonUsageetc 11 12 PDF
A2 27 2012 Ylmazetal TheDomesticatedDonkeyIEconomicImportanceUncommonUsageetc 11 12 PDF
A2 27 2012 Ylmazetal TheDomesticatedDonkeyIEconomicImportanceUncommonUsageetc 11 12 PDF
, 2012
• There are commonly light areas or ‘points’ around the eyes (eye rings), muzzle and belly
and on the insides of the legs. When these areas are light, so, also, is the inside of the
• Many donkeys also have dark markings on the ears, and as ‘garters’(or zebra marks)
around the legs or as ‘zippers’down the inside of the forelegs.
• Smaller dark markings can often be found on the side of the neck (collar buttons), and
above and below the eyes – see Fig. 12.
Can J App Sci 2012; 4(2): 339-353 Orhan et al., 2012
10. A donkey’s crupper and rump are also not as pronounced as those of horses, it pelvis
having a slightly different angle compared to that of a horse.
11. A donkey generally has a straight back and a dipped loin, with the spine pitched slightly
above the ribs, whereas a horse commonly has a slightly swayed back and is level across
the spine and rib joins and over the pelvis.
12. The donkey mane is usually coarse, stiff and upright, but all horse manes are long-
13. A forelock is generally absent on donkeys, but all horses have forelocks.
14. In an emergency situation donkeys behave purposefully and calmly, regrouping if they
can and facing the danger, but horses can bolt for long distances.
15. The gestation period for a donkey can vary between 10 and 14 months, but the gestation
of a horse is about 11 months or 336 days.7, 9, 14, 18
Figure 18. Jenny and foal (Photo by Shaun Figure 19.Jenny and foal (Photo by Shaun
Farmer) Farmer)
Figure 20.Jenny and foal (Photo by Shaun Figure 21.A happy rider (Photo by
Farmer) MashuduMaroge)