A2 27 2012 Ylmazetal TheDomesticatedDonkeyIEconomicImportanceUncommonUsageetc 13 14 PDF

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Can J App Sci 2012; 4(2): 339-353 Orhan et al.

, 2012

Table 2: Comparison of donkeys with cattle

ADVANTAGES of donkeys cf cattle DISADVANTAGES of donkeys cf cattle
Process food more efficiently With only one stomach, must eat frequently,
particularly before working
Can work almost twice as hard Young must drink mother’s milk frequently
Will eat only about 1/5th total food No breed produces milk surplus to what is
needed by young
Will eat only about 1/12th high value food Only work well with friends, so they need to
be bought in pairs
Will drink only about 1/4 water Can go far, and quickly, so they need
Kilogram for kilogram, donkeys thus produce
more work for less food
Manage heat better
Can live up to 50 years and thus produce
around 50.000 hours of work in a lifetime
Range long distances to find food, so exhaust
less of environment
No slower than oxen, often faster
Very easy to train
Socially acceptable for women and children
to use
Suffer from fewer diseases
Do not suffer from Foot and Mouth Disease

Figure 22.Browsing on twigs (www.donkeypower.donkecology.com)

Religion and myth
The donkey may have been the manifestation of the Egyptian God of Seth, and is also the
animal associated with the Greek god Dionysus. In the Christian Gospels, Jesus rides a
donkey into Jerusalem. 19 As this donkey is also a colt, a deeper symbolism is probably
represented, but certainly the association between Hebrew kings and donkeys is intended.
Outside of the scriptures, there are other myths associating donkeys with Jesus. In Hindu
mythology a donkey (in Sanskrit) gardbha is the vahana (vehicle) of the god Kalaratr. 17 In
parts of India the ritual marriage of two donkeys is supposed to usher in good monsoon rains.

Can J App Sci 2012; 4(2): 339-353 Orhan et al., 2012

Figure 23.Donkey defying dog Figure 25.Foal circa 6 months

(www.donkeypower.donkecology.com) (www.donkeypower.donkecology.com)

Figure 24.Easy to ride and with children (www.donkeypower.donkecology.com)

Donkeys are favourable for human life for centuries.Some studies showed that a couple of
donkey can produce a draught force of 15-20% of their combined body weight for three hours
a day. In this way a couple of donkeys is enough to do all tillage work in light soil and can do
secondary tillage and inter culture in other soil types. The speed of working donkeys is
generally higher than oxen. 4 Each year fossil fuels lessen and one day will be finished. Other
energy sources are either too expensive or not developed enough yet to use. Power of donkey
should not be ignored and humanity will need it in the future. Donkey is apotential of world’s
livestock heritage.They will be an important actor of the world’s domestic livestock genetic
resources and biodiversity. All of those reasons donkey will have a significant role in the
future. All breeds should be conserved as a genetic material in donkey genetic pool.


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