12 Characteristics of Good Exam Essays: WWW - Brad.ac - Uk/academic-Skills

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12 Characteristics of Good Exam Essays

1. Answers the precise question set, rather than presenting information that is
broadly relevant to the topic.
2. Has a clear argument or perspective, so that the examiner knows from the
outset what you intend to say, and can trace the development of your
argument throughout the essay.
3. Is it critical and analytical, engaging with debates in the subject, and
explaining why something is significant, rather than simply describing what
research there is or what theorists have said.
4. Is structured: includes a brief introduction, short paragraphs each dedicated
to one key conclusion, all structured around the main argument.
5. Provides reasons, based on sound evidence, to support the main argument.
6. Has good paragraphing: the main point of each paragraph in introduced
clearly, and paragraphs follow logically from each other.
7. Evaluates different perspectives: it weighs up the relative value or significance
of different points of view or theories, evaluating the key arguments and
evidence for these, and making it clear why one set of arguments, reasons or
evidence is more convincing than others.
8. Refers to theories and schools of thought relevant to the question,
demonstrating an understanding of the significance of these to the subject.
9. Includes references: where relevant, exact references (names and dates) for
key theories and research articles included.
10. Is selective: it includes just the information and detail that is most relevant to
answering the question, and leaves out less relevant material.
11. Is written clearly and to the point, without waffle, repetition, grand
generalisations, pompous language, unnecessary jargon, or personal
12. Has been proof-read to make sure it makes sense, and says what you
intended to say. Minor errors are removed and all words made legible.


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