MBA105 - Almario - Parco - Assignment 4

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Case Study:

Westpac – Creating a Sustainable Business

A Case Analysis Submitted to the Faculty

of the Graduate School of the
AMA Online University

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement

for the Degree of Master in
Business Administration


Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................1

I. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND................................................................3

II. POINT OF VIEW...........................................................................................4

III. TIME CONTEXT...........................................................................................5

IV. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..............................................................5

V. STATEMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES..........................................................6

VI. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION (S.W.O.T)..................................................7

VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION....................................................8

VIII. STRATEGY FORMULATION....................................................................9

IX. ACTION PLAN/PROGRAMS....................................................................10

X. CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................11

XI. ATTACHMENT..........................................................................................12

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I. Introduction

Most of the current financial service today has been concentrating

on the maintainability, as it encourages the company to encounter high-
overall revenue inside the focused-on course of events. The conversation
has been directed dependent on Westpac bank, which is the most
established bank in Australia or in the Western Pacific. Westpac has been
adopting a few vital strategies to pick up manageability in the business.
The bank was established in the 19th century. It is the primary Australian
bank to embrace known as Equator Principles, which is a structure for
dealing with the social and ecological dangers in a proficient way. By
receiving the Equator Principles, Westpac focuses on giving advances just
to socially dependable activities that don't cause hurt nature. By talking
about the estimation of the company, it very well may be evaluated that
the specific bank is centered around giving the improved client benefits to
upgrade the buyer's base inside the focused-on course of events. The
most significant issue of the company is that the specific bank has been
encountering an absence of progress in the customer services. Westpac
has been concentrating on taking new activities like "Green items" for
improving the company in a productive way. Westpac likewise has headed
Australia's Corporate Sustainability Index for every one of the four years of
its reality. Like its universal partner, the file evaluates the frameworks that
organizations use to address social and ecological issues. Maintainability
is something other than a way of thinking, it is acceptable business
practice. Being a capable bank has become Westpac's key image trait. It
supports Westpac's center business system and is the focal driver of long-
haul investor esteem. Social duty isn't unimportant talk planned for
expanding piece of the pie. It requires a certified endeavor to lives up to
society's desires. It is exhibited by day by day practice, not unclear
thoughts. It includes at between an organization's line of business, the
manner in which it works, and the external environment.

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II. Point of View

The research shows us concerning how Westpac distinguished the

significance of manageability in the business. In the article, the writer has
plainly referenced that not at all like past business procedures, the
associations have been concentrating on the picking up the maintainability
for encountering long haul accomplishment. The specific article features
that the maintainability is the acceptable business practice which in fact
encourages the company in accomplishing objectives and goals inside a
specific course of events. In this unique circumstance, the researcher has
examined that Westpac's definitive objective is to execute business and
convey exceptional yields to their investors. For getting the specific
destinations, the most established bank in Australia named Westpac has
been adopting a few vital strategies. For examples, the specific bank has
been concentrating on upgrading the corporate social obligation so as to
build the piece of the pie inside the given course of events. In the article,
various activities of the specific bank have been talked about in a
productive way. According to the publisher’s perspective, Westpac centers
around its interest of their stakeholders including employees, customers,
shareholders, and other stakeholders. Other than this, the company gives
satisfactory chances to the employees to convey superior in the business.
Consequently, the creator fundamentally centers around featuring the
business techniques of Westpac so as to acquire manageability in an
efficacious way. One of the business techniques they talked about will be
about maintainability of their employees or talent management, satisfied
customers, environment and community. They portray an undeniably
significant development that associates organizations with society.
Westpac has regard for the environment and the community is a stage
that all organizations must take in having their impact in thinking about the
benefit of everyone. It is acceptable that they are caring for stakeholders
and the environment, not just for society and the natural world – but also

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good for business. Westpac's supportability reasoning and its drives have
upgraded its thriving and the community.

III. Time Context

Westpac is a financial institution that backs on the sustainability of

environment around 1990s to 2005.

IV. Statement of the Problem

The study emphasizes on sustainability and corporate social

responsibility of Westpac. The study attempts to answer the question
regarding with the existing environmental policy of the company.

1.) How to provide effective customer support and to gain the

competitive advantages in an efficient manner;

2.) How to adapt changes in environmental behaviors which most

of the stakeholders perceive the business in a different way; and

3.) How the management evaluating the environmental footprint

that considered one the most crucial step for gaining the long-
term profitability in the business.

V. Statement of the Objectives

The objective of study for Westpac to have a supportable and

sustainable business that is valuable to its stakeholders, employees,
customers, the environment and the community that will carry
accomplishment to their organization and fulfillment to their company

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objectives. They will give this all by improving their client benefits inside
the business. The item explicitly expresses that company would improve
the customer support inside a half year. Prior to setting up the goal, the
specific organization needs to examination its current procedure. The
company needs to evaluate its current customer service procedure so as
to recognize the key advancement zones. For the achievement of this
target, the specific organization would take a half year timetable.

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VI. Areas of considerations


1.)Westpac is the oldest bank in 1.)In the recent times, the

Australia, and it has huge brand equity organization has been facing challenges
in the domestic market. in gaining the trust of the customers.
2.)Trust has become a crucial issue.
2.)The particular organization has a Customers want a bank that they can
huge customer base which indeed trust to do the right thing for the
leads them in experiencing the high community and the environment and
growth in the business. the right thing by the people it serves.
3.)Adopting the Equator Principles
helps make this happen, together with
the development of environmentally- 3.)The lack of improvement in the
responsible products, such as green customer service policy has created
home loans and credit cards. intricacies in satisfying them.
4.)Creating new products including
Green products. Westpac has created
several environmentally-responsible 4.)Lack of involvement in the
products. environmental program.


E 1.)Westpac has given license to the 1.)Regulatory changes would have

X open banks in the other countries certain impact on the bank.
T which can facilitate in developing the
E new market.
R 2.)The organization has high financial 2.)Lack of involvement in corporate
N resources. social responsibility.
A 3.)A chance to monitor consumer’s 3.)Increasing competition in the
L satisfaction with their business. market .
4.)Any lack of responsibility can carry
negative repercussions and ultimately
lead to a loss of business.

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VII. Alternative course of action

For improving the customer service inside the focused-on course of

events, the organization needs to concentrate on making strategic
approaches. These procedures must incorporate the accompanying. The
objective of the business is to improve the customer services in a
proficient way. They should offer some incentive to the clients. Try not to
make the client hang tight for accepting specific administrations.
Administration must be accessible for the clients. The management needs
to concentrate on tackling the key issues if the clients rapidly and
reasonably. The dependable region for this activity ought to be finished by
customer service team and manager. Activity things, strategic plans and
methods must be recorded for them to envision future issues they may
experience. Procedure improvement ought to be persistently talked about
and recommended for Westpac business methodologies. As new
innovation happens, they have new opportunity to apply proficient
procedure for the association like by making a wellbeing and security an
essential concern, consistently consider potential mischief to the
environment and they can normalize their items to their clients. Westpac
Australia ought to likewise roll out critical improvements in different zones
of ts operations: customer service, quality and speed, and its physical
impact on the environment.

VIII. Strategy Formulation

To decide your system or policy on a financial institution,

considering the both internal and external environmental factors that affect
the company. With that understanding, you can distinguish your
reasonable focal points and utilize these to be effective. From that point,

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you can settle on educated decisions and execute your system

In the Westpac Australia case study, they can be fruitful in picking

up the manageability in the business if the organization centers around
expanding the competitive advantages in a viable way. So as to pick up
the competitive advantage, the organization needs to concentrate on
various parts of the business. For instance, the management of the
organization has concentrated on talent management. Without improving
the talent management program, the specific organization would not have
the option to hold the current employees for extensive stretch of time. The
specific arrangement of picking up maintainability through the competitive
ad*vantage has been picked, as it would be liable for improving the
business opportunities in an effective way. By leading the outside
research, it very well may be surveyed that the business supportability is
one of the key goals of the associations in the huge local market. Westpac
has taken a few activities so as to pick up the upper hands in the
business. Without increasing upper hands in the business, the association
would not have the option to encounter the supportability in the trade.


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IX. Programs

Action Specific Tasks Responsible Area

In the banking sector, the most
important aspect of the business Westpac has revised their service
is to provide flawless support to facilities in order to gain the
Westpac top management
its customers so that the business competitive advantages in an
can be improved within the appropriate manner.
targeted timeline.

The organization needs to

Besides the customer services,
accumulate the feedback from
the company must gain the trust
the customers in order to
of the customers. Without gaining
understand the key development
the trust of the customers, the Westpac customer service
areas in the business. Without
particular banks in Australia department
accumulating the feedbacks, the
would not be able to enhance the
management of the organization
customer’s base in an appropriate
would not be able to implement
the strategies.

The environmental concerns are

For avoiding such circumstances,
the biggest issues to the
the organization needs to focus
business. The environmental
on engaging them in the various
behaviors create big differences
environmental programs.
to the way stakeholders including
However, Westpac has taken the
customers, shareholders,
initiatives, as they have started
employees and local community Westpac
reducing its waste. Besides this,
perceive the business. It has been
the particular organization needs
noticed that due to the lack of
to focus on the corporate social
responsibility, the organization
responsibilities in order to
has lost its brand equity in the
improve the brand equity in an
market. Moreover, it leads the
effi cient manner.
business to the loss.


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X. Conclusion

To conclude, Westpac has given a concise feature of the strategies

and initiatives taken by their organization. Diverse purpose of perspectives
on the management has been talked about in a compelling way. The
issues looked by the company have likewise been broke down in an
itemized way. The business has formulated the strategy. The activity plan
has been framed in setting to the accomplishment of the goal of the
business. It surveyed that Westpac should concentrate on key executions
so as to pick up the drawn-out sustainability in the business. Westpac
concentrated on its demand of their stakeholders which composed of
employees, customers, shareholders, and the local communities. Other
than this, the organization gives satisfactory chances to the employees to
convey elite in the business. The business procedures they talked about
will be about manageability of their workers or ability the executives,
fulfilled clients, condition and network. Westpac has regard for the
environment and the community is a stage that all organizations must take
in having their impact in thinking about the benefit of everyone. They
describe an increasingly important movement that connects businesses
with society.

It is good that they are caring for stakeholders and the environment,
not just for society and the natural world – but also good for business.

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XI. Attachments

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