Developmental Plans 19 20

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Roxas Street, Pag-asa District, Talavera, Nueva Ecija, 3114


The signatures below confirm that the employee and his/her superior have agreed on content of the appraisal form and the performance rating.
Name of Employee: RIZALYN T. ACOB Name of Superior: RACQUEL C. DIAZ
Signature: Signature:
Date: June 21,2019 Date: June 21, 2019

Developmental Interventions)
A. Functional Competencies

Objective 1, KRA 1 Objective 1, KRA 1 Attend seminars, workshops, Year round Learning and Development
Applied knowledge of content To apply knowledge of LAC session, mentoring and Team/ Master teacher, Group
within and across curriculum content within and across coaching. Head, or co-teacher.
teaching areas. curriculum teaching areas.

Objective 2, KRA 1 Objective 2, KRA 1

Used a range of teaching To use a range of teaching Attend seminars, workshops, Year round Learning and Development
strategies that enhances learner strategies that enhances learner LAC session, mentoring and Team/ Master teacher, Group
achievement in literacy and achievement in literacy and coaching. Head, or co-teacher.
numeracy skills. numeracy skills.

Objective 3, KRA 1 Objective 3, KRA 1 Attend seminars, workshops,

Applied a range of teaching To apply a range of teaching INSET and LAC, coaching, Year round Learning and Development
strategies to develop critical strategies to develop critical mentoring and peer-coaching Team / School Heads and
and creative thinking as well and creative thinking as well Master
as other higher-order thinking as other higher-order thinking
skills. skills.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Roxas Street, Pag-asa District, Talavera, Nueva Ecija, 3114

Objective 4, KRA 2 Objective 4, KRA 2 Mentoring, coaching and pear June – October 2019 Master teacher, School Heads
Managed classroom structure To manage classroom teaching and teachers with the same
to engage learners, individual structure to engage learners, subject taught.
or in group, in a meaningful individual or in group, in a
exploration, discovery and meaningful exploration,
hands-on activities within a discovery and hands-on
range of physical learning activities within a range of
environments physical learning

Objective 5, KRA 2 Objective 5, KRA 2

Managed learners behaviour To manage learners behaviour Youth Development Program Year round School Heads, Guidance
constructively by applying constructively by applying and Guidance Program Counselor, Adviser and
positive and none-violent positive and none-violent Parents
discipline to ensure learning discipline to ensure learning
focused environments focused environments

Objective 6, KRA 2 Objective 6, KRA 2

Used differentiated, To use differentiated,
developmentally appropriate developmentally appropriate Students Activities: inside and Year round School head, Faculty officers,
learning experiences to learning experiences to outdoor activities Group Heads, P.E Teachers
address learner’s gender, address learner’s gender, SSG officers, other Club
needs, strength, interest and needs, strength, interest and officers and advisers
experiences experiences

Objective 7, KRA 3 Objective 7, KRA 3 Attend seminars, workshops. Year round Learning and Development
Planned, manage and To plan, manage and coaching and mentoring Team / School Heads and
implement developmentally implement developmentally Master Teachers
sequences teaching and sequences teaching and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Nueva Ecija
Roxas Street, Pag-asa District, Talavera, Nueva Ecija, 3114
learning processes to meet learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and curriculum requirements and
varied teaching contexts. varied teaching contexts.

Objective 8, KRA 3 Objective 8, KRA 3 Demonstration teaching,

Participated in collegial To participate in collegial coaching and mentoring Year round School head, Group Heads,
discussions that use teacher discussions that use teacher Master teachers and all
and learners feedback to and learners feedback to teachers
enrich teaching practice. enrich teaching practice.

Objective 9, KRA 3 Objective 9, KRA 3

Selected, developed, organized To select, develop, organize Attend seminars on ICT Year round School heads, Group Heads
and used appropriate teaching and use appropriate teaching integration, INSET, and and All ICT teachers
and learning resources, and learning resources, coaching
including ICT to address including ICT to address
learning goals. learning goals.

PLUS FACTOR Professionalism and ethics Attend seminars Regular School head, Local funds
Performed various related Teamwork coaching All teachers
works/ activities that Service Orientation In-service training
contribute to the teaching and Results Focus
learning process Self- management


Prepared by:
RIZALYN T. ACOB Approving Authority
Ratee Rater

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