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Florida Chapter of The American Academy of Pediatrics, Inc.: Via E-Mail Only

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Florida Chapter of the Via E-mail Only

American Academy of Governor Ron DeSantis

Pediatrics, Inc. Office of Governor Ron DeSantis 
1400 Village Square Blvd. State of Florida 
#3-87786 The Capitol 
Tallahassee, FL 32312 400 S. Monroe St. 
(P) 850/224-3939 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001 
(F) 912/452-9050 [email protected]
(E) [email protected]
July 16, 2020

FCAAP Executive Board RE: Considerations for Re-Opening Schools

President Dear Governor DeSantis,

D. Paul Robinson, MD, FAAP
I am writing to you as president of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy
Immediate Past President of Pediatrics (FCAAP). We are an organization that represents 2,600
Madeline Matar Joseph, MD, pediatricians in the state of Florida. One of our main purposes is to protect the
FAAP safety and welfare of children, in the same manner as the national AAP. Given
this fact, I am writing to request that you and Commissioner Corcoran rethink
Vice President your order requiring superintendents around the state to open their brick and
Lisa Gwynn, DO, FAAP mortar schools in August. Many people, including you and Commissioner
Corcoran, are quoting the AAP statement that “children do best when they are
Secretary in school” as your reasoning for this ruling. Please note that the AAP meant that
Toni Richards-Rowley, MD, statement only in situations in which children can safely go to school. In their
FAAP statement of July 10, 2020, they state “science should drive decision-making on
safely reopening schools…Public Health agencies must make recommendations
Treasurer based on evidence, not politics.” 1 Currently, viral infection rates in Florida are
Patricia Emmanuel, MD, FAAP extremely high, with a rolling average of 14.2% of tests positive for new
infections over the past two weeks. 2 Public health experts and infectious disease
physicians almost universally recommend that children not go to schools until
the positive test rate is 3-5% over a rolling two week average. If children go to
school with such high infection rates, schools will be forced to close very quickly
after opening, and many children and families will likely become ill with SARS-
CoV-2. In other parts of the world where schools have successfully opened the
infection rates from SARS-CoV-2 were much lower than here in Florida.

There are current studies that show children do not become as ill with SARS-
CoV-2, and they do not spread it as efficiently as adults do. However, the fact
that children, as a group, do not become as ill as adults does not mean every
child with COVID does not become ill. There is great concern about children with
special healthcare needs (asthma, obesity, diabetes, congenital heart disease,
cystic fibrosis to name a few) infected with SARS-CoV-2, as there is in
adolescents who smoke or vape. Further, as you undoubtedly know, some
children have died of a rare multi-system inflammatory condition. In addition,
lower spread rates to adults does not mean no spread rate to adults, and it is already clear that adults have the potential
to become very ill or die at a higher rate when infected.

The FCAAP believes that each school district in the state should be able to decide when and how they re-open in person
learning based upon the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the community. Further, they should be given guidance based on
the risks involved to their community.

As the national AAP recommends, school districts need to be “nimble 3,” able to make changes to details of their plans to
reopen based on the situation in their counties during the fall and winter months. In order to be able to do this there
must be an infusion of money to the school systems. They cannot possibly keep the children, teachers, and staff safe
with the same level of funding as they have received in the past.

When it is safe to reopen schools the FCAAP is available to give guidance to superintendents, if they are interested. A
“white paper” will be available to those superintendents who want to see it within the next week.

Thank you for your consideration of this letter.


D. Paul Robinson, MD, FAAP

Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics

CC: Commissioner Richard Corcoran, Florida Department of Education

The Honorable Bill Montford, The Florida Senate

Florida DOH data on new infections
COVID-19 Planning Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry. https://services.aap.org/en/pages/2019-novel-coronavirus-

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