Definition of Trend: 2nd Semester Weeks 1-2
Definition of Trend: 2nd Semester Weeks 1-2
Definition of Trend: 2nd Semester Weeks 1-2
Week of the Most Essential Learning competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Grading Learning resources developer available (provide a link if
Period available online) online)
Definition of Trend
2nd Semester
1.1 The process of identifying a trend IN THE 21ST CENTURY om/sites/bemardmar/ The learner derives an idea
CULTURE (PAGES: 1-23) 2016/08/16/how-to- through a 100-word essay,
- Explain the process on how to spot a trend use-analytics-to- artwork, and other graphic
1.2 Differentiating a trend from a fad (DIWA identify-trends-in- representations. (Formative)
PUBLISHING your-market
- Explain the process on how to spot a trend HOUSE) Article Analysis
1.3 Elements of a trend www.rohitbhargava.c
- Point out the elements that make up a trend o./2012/how-to-spot- Developing a concept map.
a-trend-7 -social-
1.4 The characteristics of a trend media-trends that- Summative
- Describe the different characteristics of a trend matter-in-2013.html
Understanding Local Networks TRENDS,NETWORK AND
Weeks 3-4 CRITICAL THINKING Learners will watch a 4
2.1 Strategic analysis IN THE 21ST CENTURY com/watch? minute Video Clip
-Defining strategic analysis and intuitive thinking CULTURE v=fwicURDoDI8
The learner draws a color-
2.2 Intuitive thinking coded map of the networks of
- Explain Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking power relations.
Global Networks
Week 5-6 3.1 Labor
- Identify and discuss the different contributions of the
parts to a whole.
3.2 Migration
- Stress the important role of the creative imagination
in putting together the various parts of a whole