Ipresas Flood User Guide
Ipresas Flood User Guide
Ipresas Flood User Guide
iPresas Flood
Version 1.0.3
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 5
iPresas is a software for flood risk analysis. iPresas Flood is a simplified version of the software
iPresas Calc, designed to carry out flood risk analyses in urban areas that may be affected by
river flooding and to introduce these results in a Cost Benefit Analysis.
In the following pages, an introduction to the theory and background supporting the software is
given, the details of using the software are explained and an example is solved using iPresas
Flood, which analyze three potential flood risk reduction investments.
For further information (downloads, iPresas full version, etc.), please visit our website
(www.ipresas.com) or contact us by email ([email protected]).
2.1 Definitions
Failure probability
In the context of flood risk analysis, the concept of failure can be applied to any flood defence
infrastructure and flood management system, such as the catastrophic failure of a dam or the
failure of dikes, and it may also include any event with negative consequences. Conceptually, the
failure probability can be defined as the product of:
The probability of occurrence of certain loads (for instance a high reservoir level or
an earthquake of a certain magnitude)
The conditional probability of failure of flood management system, given the load.
There are several adverse effects or consequences associated to urban flooding:
Direct economic damages: caused by the direct impact of the flooding and can be of
great magnitude. They may include the damage to the flood defence infrastructure.
Indirect economic damages: are the damages which happen in the aftermath of the
event, including the interruption of economic activities in the area.
Damages to people: the most important damage is the loss of life, but other damages
such as number of injured people can also be included in the analyses.
It is common practice in risk modeling to include two consequence terms in the analysis: one
accounting for all economic damages and another one for loss of life. Hence, two risk results are
obtained: economic and societal risk.
Risk is a combination of three concepts: what can happen, how likely it is to happen and what its
consequences are. In Quantitative Flood Risk Analyze, this concept is usually reduced to one
single number: the product of the probability of the flood event and its consequences.
Consequence analysis: Estimation of the consequences that would happen in all the
considered scenarios. The iPresas Flood model includes economic consequences and
loss of life.
1 Overtopping is, by itself, not a failure mode. The overtopping failure mode of the iPresas Flood model encompasses
in a simplified way all failure modes that could be triggered by an overtopping. More detailed analysis can be carried
out with iPresas Calc.
Figure 3 shows how influence diagrams and event trees are linked. In this example the influence
diagram has 3 nodes. The first node represents a variable or event with 2 possible outcomes, and
so is transformed into 2 branches of the event tree. In the same way, the second and third nodes
represent variables with 3 and 2 possible outcomes, respectively. Figure 3 shows how the
software starts with a 3-node diagram and it turns into an event tree of 2x3x2=12 branches.
Loads: This part of the model (blue nodes) is used to specify the flood events due to the
natural flow regime of the river that may result in flooding at the urban area. This part
comprises 3 nodes:
Season: Definition of two time periods within the year to specify different
conditions for consequence estimation.
Moment: Definition of two periods during the day to specify different conditions
for consequence estimation.
Fatalities: Relationship between peak discharge and loss of life in a flood event.
The components of the second influence diagram (Figure 5), the simplified model for the analysis
of river flooding when the river is regulated by a dam located upstream the study area, are:
Season Previous WL
FatalitiesNF DamagesNF
Floods Routing
Loads: This part of the model (blue nodes) is used to specify the maximum water level
which will be reached, as a function of floods, starting pool level and gate functionality.
This part also includes nodes to specify time categories. Therefore, this part comprises 6
Season: Definition of two periods within the year to specify different conditions
for consequence estimation.
Moment: Definition of two periods during the day to specify different conditions
for consequence estimation.
Previous WL: Specifies the starting reservoir levels when the floods reach the
Routing: This node calculates the maximum water level and discharges for no
failure scenarios as a function of floods, starting pool level and gate functionality.
System response: These nodes (red colour) introduce the failure probability of the dam
due to overtopping, as a function of maximum water level and dam type. Standardized
fragility curves for earthfill, arch and gravity dams are used. This version of the software
only allows for this single failure mode to be considered. In order to analyze several
failure modes, iPresas Calc can be used. There are 2 nodes:
FatalitiesF: Relationship between peak break discharge and loss of life in a dam
failure scenario.
Depending on the case study, one or several of the aforementioned simplified models may be
used to compute flood risk in terms of societal or economic risk.
Quantification of risk reduction benefits aims to promote this type of investments, endorsing a more
robust decision making process. The benefits introduces by a risk reduction investment can be
quantified like:
Flood risk in the base case – Flood risk with the investment
The iPresas Flood graphical interface has three main parts (Figure 6):
Menu and toolbar: They allow creating, saving and opening files. It is also possible to run a
risk model and obtain results that are introduced in a Cost Benefit Analysis. The following
menus are available:
File menu: It is used to create, open and save iPresas files. The options of this
menu are explained in detail in section 3.2.
Risk computation menu: It is used to run the risk model and to manage risk
results. When the computations have finished, this menu allows obtaining failure
probabilities and risk-results. The options of this menu are explained in detail in
section 4 and 5.
Cost Benefit Analysis menu: It allows defining the investments analyzed and
comparing them in a Cost-Benefit Analysis, including risk reduction benefits. The
options of this menu are explained in detail in section 6.
Options menu: The language of the program can be changed with this menu.
Available languages are Spanish and English.
Diagram window: It is used to select nodes of the risk model in order to introduce the
required data.
Node window: In this part, data for each node is introduced in the risk model. Input data
are explained in detail in section 4.
Open…: Open a previously created risk model. Risk models created with this software
have the extension .rsk.
Save: Changes in the risk model can be saved in the current working file. Risk models
created with this software have the extension .rsk.
Save as…: The risk model can be saved in a different file. Risk models created with this
software have the extension .rsk.
Export diagram…: Export the influence diagram of the risk model in an image file with
Windows Metafile format (extension of .wmf).
General data…: This menu is used to define the main data of the economic analysis for
the investments comparison. Data that should be introduced in this menu are shown in
It allows creating a new risk model with one of the two predefined structures included by default in this
program (see Figure 9):
River flooding in a regulated river: Open a previously created risk model for the analysis
of river flooding in case studies where flooding may occur due to the natural flow regime
of the river. The risk model architecture is described in section 4.2.
River flooding in a unregulated river: Open a previously created risk model for the
analysis of river flooding in case studies where structural measures such as dams or
levees do exist. The architecture of this simplified risk model is described in section 4.3.
Next, the data that must be introduced in each node of the risk model are explained for each
simplified model.
In every risk model node, new data are introduced or a new variable is computed with the data
introduced in previous nodes. So, all the nodes have input data or variables and an output variable
computed with them. When input data are introduced in the risk model, it is important to pay attention
to the names assigned to the variables. These names must be maintained in the spreadsheets used
to introduce the model data. For example, the maximum water pool level reached during the flood
event must always have the same name in all the spreadsheets, MaxWL.
Figure 11: Predefined influence diagram for river flooding (unregulated river)
Figure 14: Discretization of the flood return periods range made in the Floods node.
In river flooding analyses due to natural flow regime, it is common practice to include a range of return
periods from 1 to 10,000 or 100,000 years with the aim of being able to compare the resulting flood
risk with the situation with structural measures. In the example included with the software, the
considered return periods range from 1 to 10,000 years as shown in Figure 15.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is Q river.
B. File: File which contains all information regarding peak flow discharges (in a column
named QMax) and related annual probabilities of exceedance (in a column named
AEP). The name of the variables should be introduced in the first row of the
spreadsheet as shown in Figure 17.
C. Sheets: Selection of the sheet of the spreadsheet where the data is introduced.
B. File: Spreadsheet which contains all information regarding potential loss of life for
each time category and runoff rate. As shown in Figure 19, this spreadsheet should
include the computed loss of life for the four cases of season and moment of the day
through the columns Season and Moment.
C. Sheets: Selection of the sheet of the spreadsheet where the data is introduced.
C. Sheets: Selection of the sheet of the spreadsheet where the data is introduced.
As explained in Section 4.2.3., the minimum and maximum return period of the floods considered in
the analysis must be introduced. With the inverse of the return period, the program estimates the
Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP), which is the output variable of this node.
4.3.3 Previous WL
The function of this node is to introduce the previous water levels in the reservoir when the flood
begins. Hence, a spreadsheet is introduced to indicate the probability (Prob) of different pool levels in
the reservoir (PrevWL). This probability distribution can be computed based on the historical register
of pool levels. The sum of the all the probabilities must be equal to 1. The structure of this
spreadsheet is shown in Figure 23.
Changing the value introduced in this node, the effect of a change in the previous pool levels in
the reservoir on the overtopping failure probability can be evaluated. These data are introduced in
the node window, which is in the left part of the program and is shown in Figure 24.
85%: When the outlet is well maintained but has had some minor problems
0%: When the outlet is not reliable at all or it has never been used.
If an outlet is considered to have 100% reliability (for instance, an uncontrolled spillway were clogging
is not an issue), it must not be included in this node.
The effect of gate functionality on risk due to overtopping can be analyzed. For instance, the effect of
an improvement of spillway gates may be obtained. These data are introduced in the node window,
which is in the left part of the program and is shown in Figure 25.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is Gate op.
B. Add: This button is used to introduce a new outlet work in the risk model.
C. Outlets: In this part of the node, the individual reliability of the elements of each
considered outlet work is introduced. The necessary data are:
C.1. Output var.: Chosen name for the output variable, which in this node is the
functionality of each outlet works. For example, Op_gate.
C.3. Number: In this node, the number of elements of each outlet work is introduced.
These elements are the vanes or the conducts, depending on the outlet work
C.4. Reliability menu: This drop down menu defines the individual reliability for each
outlet work depending on its state, as it has been explained previously.
The dam of the example included with the software has a 1-vane spillway (SpAv) and a bottom
outlet with one conduit (BOAv), both with individual reliability of 95%, as it is shown in Figure 25.
The name used for the output variable of each bottom outlet must be the same that it is used in
the Flood routing spreadsheet.
Figure 26: Structure of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) used in the example to introduce flood routing data.
In this spreadsheet, each row shows the results of a single flood routing simulation. It is necessary to
have enough rows to represent all the combinations of inflow floods and outlet works functionality.
Furthermore, there cannot be repeated combinations of input variables.
The first row of this spreadsheet must have the name of the input variables that are used in the
flood routing and they must be equal to the name introduced in the different nodes of the risk
model (PrevWL, AEP and all the variables introduced in the Gate Op. node). The columns with
the results should be labeled as MaxWL and QNo_Fail. Columns of this spreadsheet for the
example included with the software are:
PrevWL: It is used to introduce the previous level in the reservoir when the flood
Op_gate: It defines the number of elements of each outlet work that is working in
each flood routing case. There must be a column for each outlet work introduced in
the node Gate op. and their names must be equal to the output variables introduced
in this node.
MaxWL: In this column, the maximum pool water level reached in each flood routing
simulation is introduced. The name of this column should be the same input variable
introduced in subsequent nodes: Failure and Q failure nodes.
QNo_Fail: This column is used to introduce the peak outflow discharge for each flood
routing simulation. This discharge is the sum of the outflow discharge through all the
outlet works and the outflow over the dam crest in overtopping cases, so it is the total
downstream discharge in each case. The name of this column must be equal to the
name introduced in the input variable of the consequence nodes.
These data are introduced in the node window, which is in the left part of the program and is
shown in Figure 28.
This node is used to calculate the failure probability of the dam due to overtopping 2 depending on
the maximum water level reached in the reservoir for each flood event. In this node, the crest
level must be introduced, along with dam type with the aim of estimating the failure probability
based on fragility curves.
2 Overtopping is, by itself, not a failure mode. The overtopping failure mode of the iPresas Flood model encompasses
in a simplified way all failure modes that could be triggered by an overtopping. More detailed analysis can be carried
out with iPresas Calc.
Failure Probability
Gravity Dams
Arch Dams
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Overtopping Height (m)
Figure 29: General curves used to obtain the failure probability depending on the overtopping height.
If input data in terms of dam crest level are modified in this node, then the effect on risk can be
Figure 30 shows the node window for this node of the influence diagram. In the given example,
the dam crest level is located at 1048 masl.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is Failure.
C. Type: In this node the type of dam is specified (embankment, gravity or arch dam).
This version of iPresas software estimates the probability for one failure mode, overtopping
failure. In order to compute the failure probability of other failure modes, it is necessary to use the
complete version, iPresas Calc.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is Q failure.
C. Ref. level: Water level in the reservoir for which the peak break discharge has been
previously computed.
D. Ref. discharge: Peak break discharge obtained for the pool water level introduced in
the previous point.
In the example included with the software, the level of the dam foundation is 976 masl.
Furthermore, according to the available information in the Emergency Action Plan, the peak break
discharge when the water pool level reaches the crest level is 116,870 m³/s.
QFail: Series of peak break discharge whose loss of life has been computed. The name
of this column must be equal to the name introduced in the output variable of the node Q
FatalitiesF: Each row represents the results of loss of life estimations obtained for each
floode vent due to failure (identified by the corresponding peak discharge).
Figure 32: Structure of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) used in the example to introduce failure loss of life.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is FatalitiesF.
B. File: Path of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) with the failure loss of life results.
As shown in Figure 32, this spreadsheet should include the computed loss of life for
the four cases of season and moment of the day through the columns Season and
Figure 34: Structure of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) used in the example to introduce failure economic
The first row of this spreadsheet must have the name of the variables which are used in this
discharge-consequences relation and they must be equal to the name introduced in the different
nodes of the risk model. The columns of this spreadsheet for the example included with the software
QFail: Values of peak break discharges whose economic consequences have been
computed. The name of this column must be equal to the name introduced in the output
variable of the node Qbr.
DamagesF: Each row represents the results of economic consequences obtained for
each peak discharge. In general, input data are introduced in euros, although other
monetary units can be used.
These data are introduced in the node window as shown in Figure 35.
A. Name: Name of the node that will be used in the risk model diagram. By default, this
name is CT(Qbr).
B. File: Path of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (.xls) with the failure economic
consequences results.
C. Sheets: Sheet of the Microsoft Excel file which contains the failure economic
consequences results.
When this option is chosen, a new dialog is shown (Figure 37) and it requires the following data:
A. Results name: Name for these computations. This name is used later to display risk
results and risk graphs for this case.
B. Comments: Description or annotations that will be saved along with these results.
When the OK button is clicked, risk model computation begins based on the defined influence
Figure 38: Toolbar button for showing the Risk results manager window.
When this option is selected, the dialogue shown in Figure 41 appears. The options of this dialog
Figure 42: Probability and risk results obtained with the risk model in the unregulated river case.
Figure 43: Probability and risk results obtained with the risk model in the regulated river case.
Total probability: It is the probability of occurrence of all the flood events considered in
the selected branches, In general, it is equal to the return period inverse of the lowest
flood considered. Its units are year-1. In the pluvial flooding case with dam, overtopping
failure probability of the dam is also obtained.
Total economic risk: This is the economic risk due to flooding, which is obtained
multiplying probability by economic consequences in each branch. This risk is computed
in monetary units per year, which depend on the monetary units introduced in the general
data menu (Section 3.2). In the example case, this risk is obtained in M$ per year. In the
pluvial flooding case with dam, dam failure economic risk, no failure economic risk and
incremental economic risk (obtained subtracting non failure consequences to failure
consequences) are also obtained.
A. FN graph: In this part, the FN graph with the risk situation of the analyzed case is shown.
Each curve represents the risk situation in a results case.
B. Risk type: For the regulated river models, two types of risk results can be represented:
total flood risk and dam incremental risk (obtained with incremental consequences).
C. Classification variable: With this option, the different sections of this curve can be
classified according to a risk model variable. Each section is drawn with a different color
depending on the value of the classification variable in its associated branch.
D. Results files: This table shows all the results computed with this risk model with the
option Run analysis (Section 5.1). The selected results in this list are shown in the FN
Options and procedures to obtain this type of graphs are the same that these used to obtain F-N
curves, but using economic consequences instead of loss of life results.
Figure 50: fN graph classified by failure and non-failure cases in the pluvial flooding case with regulated river.
When this option is chosen, the menu shown in Figure 52 is obtained with the following options:
A. Name and comments: Name of the investment that will be shown in the results graphs
and descriptive comments.
B. Costs and benefits: Cost and benefits that has this risk reduction investment. They did
not include the risk reduction benefits, which are introduced in the following point. Each
cost or benefits should be defined with its name and time period when it is applied.
C. Flood risk scenarios: This menu allows linking the risk results obtained with the risk
models with the investment. This is made defining for a specific year, the risk results in
the situations without the investment (base situation) and with the investment. Risk
reduction in each year of the period of analysis is obtained with linear interpolation
between the different risk scenarios defined.
When this option is selected, the menu of Figure 54 is shown with a list of all the investments
introduced. This list shows the name chosen for each investment, the date and hour of the last
When this option is chosen, the graph shown in Figure 56 is obtained. It has the following options:
A. Cost-Benefit graph: Bar graph that compares the variation of costs (negatives) and
benefits (positives) of the investments during the period of analysis.
B. Present value: It indicates if costs and benefit represented in the graph are converted to
present value with the discount rate, introduced in the General data menu.
C. Cost and benefits represented: Cost and benefits are represented in the bar graph.
Economic risk reduction benefits, societal risk reduction benefits and other costs and
benefits can be represented for each investment through this option.
D. Value per Fatality: Economic value per each statistical fatality used to compute economic
benefits of societal risk reduction.
E. Investments included: Selected investments are represented in the bar graph.
Hence, the menu of Figure 58 is shown. It allows computing the following indicators:
NPV (Net Present Value): Sum of the present value of all the costs and benefits of the
selected investment. The investments is recommended when VAN > 0. This comparison
is made applying the defined discount rate to all the costs and benefits with the following
EAC (Equivalent Annual Cost): It is the cost or benefit per year of the selected
investment over the period of analysis. The investments is recommended when EAC > 0.
It is calculated by dividing the NPV of the project by the following factor:
When this analysis is made, the table of results shown in Figure 59 is obtained. Each row shows the
results for an economic indicator.