Transfer Station Design
Transfer Station Design
Transfer Station Design
his article continues discussion about the design of avoid system failure. DEM and CFM models can be
transfer chutes in the iron ore industry of Western Aus- helpful tools in this process.
tralia. It reviews one typical transfer chute and analyses
the changes to the operation of the chute when the capacity
of the conveyor system was increased and also the flow
properties of the iron ore changed.
The transfer throughput capacity and the flow properties of the This article looks at reasons why chute blockages occur by re-
material influence the design of the chute. The drop height of the viewing an installation that was built in the early 1960s and was
transfer chute is 5 m and the article reviews the operational im- upgraded in the 1990s. This installation is still operating success-
pact for wear and blockages when the drop height is increased to fully but still suffers in particular from chute wear but changed
7 m which is typically the current design practice in the Pilbara. flow properties of iron ore make chute blockages a cause for ris-
The chute design is analysed using DEM technology but supple- ing concern.
mented by flow property test work and the continuum flow
method (CFM). This article uses real data when the information is available in the
public domain, but, is heavily influenced by experience on the
operation of the system and, where there are gaps in the big pic-
1 Introduction ture, selective data from other operations in the industry is
The earlier approach for the design of transfer chutes was based
on judgement based on experience. Today the methodology has
moved on and designs are based on DEM and CFM methodolo- 2 Description of Facility
gy. Physical modeling is also used but, this method is not dis-
cussed in this article. 2.1 Export Terminal
The required design capacity for conveyor belts has been nomi- The terminal was commissioned in the 1970s. It was constructed
nally 11 000 t/h but, demand requires capacity increases up to with one berth and one shiploader. The feed to the ship loader is
14 000 t/h. This increase has usually been satisfied by operating reclaimed from on ground yard stockpiles which have been built
conveyors at 5.5 m/s. With these speeds the impact of wear on in the chevron pattern using long travel luffing stackers. The iron
transfer chutes has increased significantly to be a serious con- ore is reclaimed from the stockpiles using long travel bucket
cern for future projected capacity. wheel bridge reclaimers.
Simultaneously the transfer height has increased to 7.5 m with The system was originally designed to operate at a design capac-
the objective to minimize chute blockages by providing steeper ity of 7500 t/h. If we assume that the net ship loading time is
chute angles and addressing the dribble problem from belt 3000 hours per year this equates to 22.5 million tons per year
cleaners fitted around the head pulley. Unfortunately chute shipped from the terminal. The conveyors are 1500 mm wide
blockages are still a major operational concern. and were operated at 3.8 m/s belt speed.
Fig. 2:
Flow properties of
Material I and II.
In the 1990s the system design capacity was increased to Refer to Fig. 1 for a simple sketch showing the general dimen-
11 000 t/h by increasing the belt speed to 5.5 m/s. This equates sions and arrangement of the transfer station. The DEM draw-
to an increase of terminal capacity to 33 million tons per year. ings represent the working surfaces of the chute, features such
The facility was also upgraded by introducing a layby berth to as access doors, skirt covers and wear billets or lip liners have
increase ship ready for loading berth times and reducing waiting been omitted.
for ship to berth times which increased terminal capacity to
about 36 million tons per year.
3 Material Flow Properties
2.2 Transfer Chute The tests to determine the material flow properties were under-
taken using the J tester. In the 1970s the design were based
The transfer chute is located on the wharf. It receives feed from on J [1]). In the 1990s the design was based on TUNRA [2].
the Jetty conveyor and discharges to the wharf conveyor which
then discharges from a traveling tripper to a long travel, luffing Fig. 2 shows the flow properties that for the purposes of this ar-
and slewing ship loader. ticle are considered typical for the different decades. This figure
shows the results from test work and gives the variation of bulk
The jetty and wharf conveyors are nominal at 90°. The discharg- density, internal friction and flow function of the material to the
ing material was directed down by a flat impact plate. The face of major consolidating stress.
the impact plate was fitted with removable rubber blocks. The
redirected flow stream was collected by a loading boot formed The flow function indicates which material has the more difficult
by the material, i.e. a rock box. The loading boot discharged the flowability characteristics. Other important properties given by
material on to the receiving conveyor. the testwork for a conical outlet and duaplate liners are shown in
Table 1.
The impact plate had features which allowed for adjustment of
its position, vertical and lateral, skew and tilt angles. (6 degrees of
freedom) This was used to ensure that the discharging material Table 1: Important properties given by the test work for a conical
was directed to load the receiving conveyor centrally. outlet and duaplate liners.
Material I Material II
The upgraded chute included replacing the flat impact plate
with a curved impact plate and the lower loading boot rock box Bmin [m] 0.6 0.5
was replaced with a steel chute with nominal wall angles at 70° to Hopper half angle [°] 10 8
the horizontal. The impact hood had similar features for adjust-
ment as the flat impact plate. Wall friction angle [°] 40 42
5.2 Original Chute handling Material II
The testwork results were reviewed and the parameters shown in
Table 2 were assumed for the particle properties. Observing Fig. 4 shows the ratio of chute volume to area of flow
stream has decreased . The chute is operating at 11 000 t/h.
Design Cases
The flow properties of Material II (refer Fig. 2) indicates that the
The following design cases have been examined using DEM mod- rock box angle should be about 55° to horizontal. At this angle
els based on the properties given in Tables 1 and 2: the valley angle would build up to come in contact with the belt
and pulley. This condition alone would be the prime reason for
• Original chute, Material I major spillage at the transfer chute due to carry back by the belt.
- View Y: Fig. 3 Belt cleaners would be effectively bypassed due to the build up
occurring behind the primary and secondary scrapers. The flow
• Original chute, Material II function shown in Fig. 2 indicates much more difficult handing
- View Y: Fig. 4 conditions. In this case cohesive bridging should be checked par-
ticularly if the belt width is less than 1200 mm. Funnel flow crite-
• Modified chute with impact plate, Material II ria should be checked to ensure that the belt is self cleaning after
- View Y: Fig. 5 system loaded stops.
- View X: Fig. 6
• Modified chute with rock box, Material II 5.3 Modified Chute handling Material II with
- View X: Fig. 7 Impact Plate
- View Y: Fig. 8
Observing Figs. 5 and 6 shows the chute operating at 11 000 t/h.
• Modified chute with impact plate, Material II, drop height 7 m The lower chute is manufacture from steel and lined with Dura-
- View X: Fig. 9 plate wear tiles.
Fig. 3: Original chute handing Material I, Fig. 4: Original chute handling Material II, Fig. 5: Steel lower chute handling Material II
View Y. View Y. with impact plate, View Y.
The material impacts the plate in exactly the same way as in Sec- The control of flow may be enhanced by installing small ledges
tion 5.2 above. This allows a direct comparison from the discharge on the face creating mini rock boxes which in turn will reduce
chute onto the belt. In practice the curved impact plate is more the wear which would occur on the liner tiles. In either case care
popular. Blockages occur at the lower chute, therefore in this re- needs to be taken to ensure the correct angle. Fig. 2 for material
spect the alternative collecting arrangement is not relevant. The II indicates that this angle needs to be greater than 75°. Valley
alternative collecting arrangements are more an issue of wear. With angles must be considered. The chute must be checked for self
impact plates, flat or curved come a very distance last compared cleaning and similarly a chute angle of 80° may be necessary.
with a rock box. With the arrangement shown in Figs. 5 and 6 ma-
jor congestion occurs from the discharge chute onto the belt. This
condition does not indicate that a blockage will occur but that 5.5 Modified Chute handling Material II with
there is a flow restriction that needs to be improved. Obviously one Impact Plate
simple improvement is to remove the shear gate restriction by
making the opening longer. Other alternatives can be investigated. In this case it is assumed that the capacity through the chute is
However, the other important issue is the wear that occurs on the increased to 13 500 t/h and the drop height is defined as the ver-
lower chute at the impact point. In addition the chute needs to be tical distance between upper side of the delivering belt and the
checked for self cleaning after loaded system stops. upper side of the receiving belt. Fig. 9 shows serious congestion
at the discharge of the lower chute with a shear gate. The shear
Mass flow and funnel flow criteria should be checked. In addi- gate may be a design feature of the chute design. However, if no
tion the intermediate flow condition between mass and funnel shear gate is provided the lower chute will effectively provide a
flow should be checked. This requires that the hopper angles are shear plane for the material to exit the lower chute.
sufficiently steep and the liner tiles are sufficiently smooth, and
there is no corrosion of the wear tile surface, stainless steel or Obviously the design of the shear gate should be addressed with
ceramic tiles could provide these conditions. However, for iron providing relief by extending the loading boot and relocating the
ore lump product, stainless and ceramics are not recommended. shear gate. However the boiling action will still be prevalent and
Referring to Fig. 2, Material II with duaplate liner tiles the hopper may require alternative designs for the lower chute to be consid-
angle should be 80° to the horizontal. Obviously funnel flow cri- ered to reduce impact wear on the chute and belt. However
teria should be checked. In regard to the congestion indicated at chute wear or belt wear will increase with no advantage for min-
the lower chute outlet the build up must not be sufficient to
activate any plugged chute switch installed in the chute thus
causing spurious loaded stoppages
Fig. 6: Steel lower chute handling Material II Fig. 7: Steel lower chute handling Material II Fig. 9: Material drop height 7 m, throughput
with impact plate, View X. with rock box, View Y. of 13 500 t/h, View X.
imizing chute blockages. The main cause here is the increase in References
drop height for no added advantage or justification. It should
also be noted that the increased height for these conditions is an [1] J, A.W.: Storage and Flow of Solids. Bulletin 123 University of
increase of 73 kW of power consumption Utah, Salt Lake City, 1964.
[2] A, P.C., ML, A.G. and R, A.W.: Bulk Solids Stor-
age, Flow and Handling. University of Newcastle Research Associ-
6 General Discussion ates (TUNRA) Ltd., Australia.
6.1 DEM Methodogy [3] K, Z.: The Dynamics of Bulk Solids Flow on Impact Plates of
Belt Conveyor Systems. bulk solids handling Vol. 8 (1988) No. 6,
This method is a powerful tool to assist with the design of trans- pp. 689-697.
fer stations. Impact velocities can be determined at impact [4] T, H.: Guide to the Design of Transfer Chutes and Chute Lin-
points such as flat and curved plates, lower chute face faces and ings. The Mechanical Handling Engineers Association (MHEA),
at the belt surface. Therefore, comparisons can be made between 1989.
alternative designs with regard to minimizing wear rates. Abso- [5] N, L.K.: Palabora Installs Curved Transfer Chute in Hard
lute values are more difficult to determine with real data from op- Rock to minimize Belt Cover Wear. bulk solids handling Vol. 14
erating companies, and test work to determine particle coefficient (1994) No. 4, pp. 739-743.
of restitution and friction values at particle impact points, and
[6] R, A.W. and W, S.I.: Interrelation between Feed Chute,
wear resistance values of surfaces such as material used for wear Geometry and Conveyor Wear. bulk solids handling Vol. 19 (1999)
tiles and rubber used for wear tiles and conveyor belts. No. 1, pp. 35-39.
6.2 Impact Plates [7] M, A.E.: Design Review of Conical Stockpiles comparing Mass
Flow Hoppers and Vibrating Dischargers. bulk solids handling Vol.
20 (2000) No. 3, pp. 285-287.
Flat plates are used in this article while in practice curved plates
(hoods) are more widely used . However, the wear rates for hoods [8] R, A.W. and MB, B.: Chute Design Considerations for
are equally excessive, the hood is more difficult to locate cor- Feeding and Transfer. Bulkex 2006 Melbourne Australia.
rectly in the flow stream and very sensitive to being incorrectly [9] M, A.E.: Transfer Station Design – Developments in the Iron
located, more difficult to manufacture and fix replaceable liner Ore Industry. bulk solids handling Vol. 27 (2007) No. 2, pp. 94-
tiles. Therefore the flat impact plate is considered to be more 100.
cost effective.
[10] M, A.E.: Transfer Station Design – A Review using DEM Tech-
nology. bulk solids handling Vol. 27 (2007) No. 5, pp. 302-306.
6.3 Rock Box
The rock box is better to reduce wear rates in both the mass of
About the Author
tiles to replace and time to replace per tonne of ore handled.
Also it assist to control flow into the middle and lower chute ar-
eas and most importantly wear of the belt. However with wet,
sticky and ores containing clay the phenomenon of the ‘rhino A.E. Maton
horn’ needs to be addressed. Methods need to be introduced in
the chute design to prevent their initiation, and/or their early Mr. Bert Maton has been in the engi-
breakdown while still of insignificant size to prevent blockages neering industry for 50 years of which
downstream due to large lumps of material. 40 years has been in engineering
services to the mining and minerals
processing industry in Western Aus-
7 Concluding Remarks tralia. Mr. Maton graduated during 1974 in Mechanical
Engineering at the Western Australian Institute of Tech-
DEM is a powerful additional tool for the successful design of trans- nology. Services have been provided in project and de-
fer chutes in material handling systems. However it cannot be used sign engineering for a number of major developments
in isolation of other methodologies such as the continuum flow and operating facilities in the iron ore, nickel, bauxite,
method (CFM) because a significant export product is fines coal and gold. In recent years Mr. Maton has specialised
(−6 mm) material. The power of computers is limited when it in mining facilities from the ROM receival, crushing,
comes to analyse simultaneously the number of individual parti- screening, belt conveying, unit train loading and un-
cles in high capacity material handling systems. Although it should loading, shipping terminal stockyards reclaiming and
be noted that it is the best method for cohesiveless materials where shiploading.
lumps sizes >50 mm are present in the material, see N [5]. It
is also necessary to undertake test work to determine the flow Contact:
properties of the material in particular to take samples from an Maton Engineering Pty. Ltd.
existing chute that is subject to blockages. This test work is impor- Mr. Albert E. Maton
tant as it provides information about the cohesiveness of the mate- 201 Reservoir Road; Orange Grove WA 6106, Australia
rial. DEM only analyses discrete elements or particles, it is not suit- Tel.: ++61 (0) 8 9452 3486
able to analyse fine cohesive materials with clay intrusions. The Fax: ++61 (0) 8 9452 3496
forces between particles associated with cohesiveness produce E-Mail: [email protected]
non discrete particles. Further research is required in this area.