Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and Its Impact On The Overall Well Being of The IT Employees in Chennai
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and Its Impact On The Overall Well Being of The IT Employees in Chennai
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and Its Impact On The Overall Well Being of The IT Employees in Chennai
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and its Impact on the Overall Well
Being of the IT Employees in Chennai
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2 authors, including:
Gayathri Sivasubramanian
Vels University
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Abstract—The employees of the corporate world spend most of should be considered in a vast mode. Sedentary lifestyle also
their office hours at their table. It is no wonder, that the office has a huge impact on the mental health which leads to
environment is sedentary. After a long day work, there is very less psychological stress or insomnia (sleeplessness) and many
chance that the employee finds time for healthy physical activity.
other mental issues. Prolonged physical inactivity also leads
Employees are involved in a sedentary lifestyle, and are bound to
have a negative impact over health leading to psychological stress to poor rate of metabolism which is the origin to the poor
and many other physiological problems. This paper concentrates BMI rate. In recent days researches reveal that sedentary
on bringing out the impacts of sedentary lifestyle among IT lifestyle also leads to infertility both in male and female. Thus
employees with reference to Chennai. Besides in sedentary the sedentary lifestyle has many considerable health impacts
lifestyle, practices such as no appropriate balanced diet, intake of which has to be sorted using the necessary alternative like
more junk foods and less consumption of water marks them to
engaging in regular physical activity like walking, yoga,
encounter many other health hazards which also is considered in
the study. The study is descriptive in nature and has been cycling, etc. so as to reduce the risks over the sedentary
conducted among a sample size of 180.Chi-square analysis and lifestyle. This paper discusses the cause, impacts, and the
correlation analysis were used to interpret the results. Thus effects of sedentary lifestyle and provides the necessary
organization should make some corrective actions to help the remedial actions that can be performed to reduce the health
employees to save them from being subjected to continual risks of the sedentary lifestyle.
sedentary lifestyle. The employees need to take necessary measure
to use the facilitations given by the organization. Thus a brief
analysis on the ill health issues as an effect of technology and the II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
ignorance by the employees is made and offered for
supplementary analysis.
To analyse the relationship between sedentary lifestyle
and elevated psychological stress
Key words: sedentary, lifestyle, stress, health, implication, IT To comprehend the impact of sedentary behaviour and
professionals. its ill health effects
To study and recognize the actual concept and the
I. INTRODUCTIONTO SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE significance of sedentary lifestyle
Over the last 10 to 15 decades, there is a massive To provide valid suggestions to overcome the ill health
significant transformation in the nature of human labor jobs hazards of the sedentary lifestyle
like manufacturing, walking on building constructions,
To create an awareness about the consequences of the
farming are rehabilitated to office desk jobs. This is the fright
sedentary lifestyle by disseminating the outcomes to IT
to the sedentary lifestyle jobs. Sedentary lifestyle leads to
increased BMI and thus human being are subjected to obesity
or over weight. There is lack or deficiency in regular physical
activity that causes premature death which is one of the
greatest ill hazards that has to be considered. Researchers The rate of disease is increasing high. Diabetes, stress
have demonstrated that proper physical activity can reduce related health issues, blood pressure related problem like
the risk of many cardio vascular disease, diabetes and hypertension etc. are found to be increasing in the younger
overweight or obesity. Thus the practice of this kind of generation. The critical problem is increasing, now a days
sedentary lifestyle is becoming a public health issue which there is fertility problem in both men and women. Many don’t
commit themselves to regular physical activity as they find it
ineffective to make a proper work life balance. Thus this
Revised Version Manuscript Received on August 19, 2019. study is needed to analyze and sort out all the problems
Dr. D. AnithaKumari,Assistant Professor, Department of Management
Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology& Advanced Studies related to sedentary behavior among the IT employees
(VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.(Email:
[email protected]) IV. SCOPE OF THE STUDY
Dr.S.Gayathri, Associate Professor, Department of Management
Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology& Advanced Studies This study is beneficial to both the employees and the
(VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai, TamilNadu, India.(Email:
[email protected])
Mrs.G.Ramya,M.Phil. – Research Scholar, School of Management
Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology& Advanced Studies
(VISTAS), Pallavaram, Chennai, TamilNadu,
India.(Email:[email protected])
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1489 & Sciences Publication
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and its Impact on the Overall Well Being of the it Employees in Chennai
organization as this creates awareness over the impacts of the Rodrigues Lopes (2014) evaluated the significant systematic
sedentary lifestyle and the remedial corrective measures that reviews of sedentary lifestyle and its outcomes on the health
can be implemented. As the employees are considered to be perspective. The author has interpreted that children and
the great asset to the organization it is the responsibility of the adolescent have a strong relationship on the time spent on
organization to implement wellbeing actions to the sedentary behavior and obesity and has revealed the result
employees. The organization could help their employees by and states that further study is merited. HarriHelajarvi (2016)
providing physical activity outlets or centers for recreational intents to identify the association of sedentary behavior with
activities etc. This study also creates a consciousness on the obesity and weight increase and has also investigated the
employees over their sedentary behavior and its effects which relationship between sedentary behavior and fatty liver. The
they are supposed to recognize. Thus in this way this study author adopted interventional studies to analyze and has
helps to identify and implement the remedial actions on obtained a positive association on the above stated aspects.
sedentary lifestyle.
V. REVIEW OF LITERATURE The job nature of the IT employees is strictly subjected to
Dr.Mfrekemfon.P. Inyang and Okey-Orji Stella (2015) sedentary practices as they are subjected to work over the
have briefly conferred the factors that involve and enhance computer over their whole working day. The implementation
the sedentary lifestyle. These factors enhancing sedentary of physical activities in between the work seems to highly
lifestyle also deduces the various health hazards in adopting impossible. Thus there is no choice for them to get rid of the
the sedentary lifestyle. This paper concluded stating various ill health effects. Thus in current situation it is highly
intended physical activities has to be worked out to avoid essential to find out the impact of the sedentary lifestyle on
those health risks and suggested that the work place and the IT employees.
public place has to be structured accordingly which could
reinforce active movements and recreational activities. VII. RESEARCH GAP
Dr.Seema G Chawardol, Dr. BhagwatiTripathi (2018) There are enormous studies in the impact of sedentary
enumerated the sleeping disturbances associated with the lifestyle in many other aspects like psychological studies,
sedentary lifestyle and also has conveyed the Ayurveda medical implications which act as one of the cause for the
remedies and dietary supplements to manage healthy chronic disease and many other stress related effects to
sleeping habits. This paper has also bought out the other humans. Thus there is no specific study sedentary behavior
causes of insomnia and the faultless ways to treat insomnia on the IT employees and is yet to be studied and needs huge
associated with sedentary lifestyle. Larissa CasteloGuedes data to analyze the actual problem. The IT industry is always
Martins, Marcos Venicios de Oliveira Lopes(2015) made booming over the last few decades, and huge number of
cross sectional study among the patients with hypertension employees are committed to work in the IT industry. These
and identified the significant cursors as the inference of employees are subjected to ethical consideration over their
sedentary lifestyle and also the feasible casual factors of the health and wellbeing. And hence study on this is highly
sedentary lifestyle. Margot Shields and Mark S. Tremblay necessary to take and perform the remedial actions and to
(2008) studied and inferred the results on the predominance avoid the negative health impacts of the sedentary lifestyle.
of obesity due to sedentary health practices among the people
of all ages. This was a huge study involving around 42K VIII. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
respondents among the entire population of Canada. The
author has inferred that regular computer users at the average Descriptive research design has been applied in this study.
of 5 hours per day are subjected and experience obesity or Convenience sampling technique is used under non
other BMI related problems. Andre Ramalho and Joao probability sampling technique to collect the samples.
Petrica(2018) computes and reveals that more research is Sample size is 180. Primary data collected through
needed of sedentary behavior for better understanding and to questionnaire. 180 IT professionals were met in Chennai.
get to a conclusion on sedentary behavior. The author has Employees from leading MNC software solutions like TCS,
targeted over the elderly people and has interpreted that there CTS, Wipro, Accenture, HCL, Infosys, Tech Mahindra,
is no significant difference to be considered on sedentary Capgemini, Virtusa Polaris were pursued to the survey. The
behavior among the elderly people and suggest that certain tools used for data analysis are, Percentage analysis,
sedentary practices would be helpful in maintaining the Chi-Square Analysis and Correlation analysis.
intellectual function among the elderly population.
Leandro Fornias Machado de Rezende, Mauricio
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1490 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S8, August 2019
Experience 2 – 5 years 57 32
5-10 years 37 21
11-15 years 23 13
15 years and above 16 08
Total 180 100
Diploma 30 17
Under Graduate 98 54
Post Graduate 52 29
Total 180 100
Single 78 43
Marital status
Married 97 53
Others 05 04
Total 180 100
0 106 59
1 62 34
No. of Children 2 9 5
3 3 2
Total 180 100
Below 20,000 12 7
Monthly Income
20,001 to 30,000 41 23
30,001 to 40,000 52 29
40,001 to 50,000 42 24
50,001 and above 33 17
Total 180 100
Source: Primary data
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1491 & Sciences Publication
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and its Impact on the Overall Well Being of the it Employees in Chennai
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1492 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2S8, August 2019
gender and awareness that sedentary lifestyle causes huge ill breaks and they used to consume 2-4litres of water per day.
impacts (health risks) physically and psychologically and it
denotes null hypothesis is accepted and the level of XII. SUGGESTIONS
significance is .000. There is no positive relationship between Some employees may be workaholic where they could
education and sedentary life style. never move from their work desk. They could not find the
ambience for relaxing which means a suitable place to relax
XI. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY or go for a walk. This has to considered and produced by the
96% of the respondent’s job life style are sedentary in organization to the employees to make a change in their
nature. 65% of respondents are not aware that sedentary sedentary behavior.
lifestyle causes huge ill impacts physically and The optimal temperature is also another environmental
psychologically. factor that has to be taken into consideration. The
37% of employees are aware and 50% of are not aware temperature has to be maintained in such a way it balances
that sedentary life style is associated with elevated perceived the external environment up to certain extent.
stress. 98% of the respondents are those who sit in front of the The employees have to be facilitated with stress buster
computer to work the whole day. activities in the work place which could help them to reveal
from their sedentary behavior to certain level. These stress
99% of the respondents are opinioned that in IT buster activities could also enable the employees to relax and
organization it is mandatory for employees to work in a
proceed their work with comprehensive efficiency. In other
lifestyle that is sedentary in nature.
way the work could also be made effective by assigning
32% of respondents feel that male employees are mostly substitutes during the relaxation time. In this way the
affected due to sedentary lifestyle, 42% of respondents feel employee could relax and stay health and also the work could
that female employees are mostly affected due to sedentary be effectively completed. In this way the organization could
lifestyle. provide opportunity to many employees for the healthy living
16% of the respondents gained more Wight than the of the employees. This could enable the employees to take
actual BMI (Body Mass Index). 42% of them are perfect in regular break for refreshment. The worst case includes, the
their weight. 26% of the respondents are under their actual employees could be workaholic and they would ignore their
BMI and 15% of the respondents are not having any idea physically necessary attributes like using the toilet etc. these
towards their weight relevant with BMI. things can be avoided only by the organizations facilitation.
46% of the respondents are highly stressed due to the The organization can provide healthy snacks like
sedentary work style that they undergo. 56% of the sprouts, malt, organic tea, etc. rather unhealthy chats or
respondents are experienced INSOMNIA (sleeplessness) or beverages.
poor sleeping habits/sleep disturbances which are due to the The organization should also consider to provide
stress and sedentary lifestyle. training of the eye relaxation exercises and exercises to
56% of the respondents understood that sedentary reduce muscle stiffness so that employees could do and get
lifestyle is associated with many vitamin deficiency and relaxed with the stiffness in the muscle and joints. These
consequences such as hypertension osteoarthritis. changes in the consideration of the employees in the
workplace could create a great asset to the organization as
38% of the employees undergo regular master health this could eliminate the risk of Anxiety, Metabolic disorders,
check up to make sure that they are healthy enough in all
Nerve related problems, Cardio vascular disease and other
scenarios. 45% of the employees stated that the people
heart related issues, Diabetes (type1 and type2), Obesity,
around them feel physically inactive
Vitamin deficiency, Abdominal distension, Blotted tummy,
49% of the employees feel that sedentary lifestyle Low energy level, Joint swelling, Accumulation of excess
makes them lazy, sluggish and lethargic. calories and hence unsaturated fatty acids etc.
36% of the respondents strongly agreed that they are
unhappy with the sedentary lifestyle XIII. CONCLUSION
55% of the respondents strongly agreed that the This paper gives us an elaborate understanding on the
continuous stress to eyes to computers causes eyesight various difficulties and health impacts that the IT employees
problems in young age. 55% of the respondents agreed that are subjected to and the various remedial actions that can be
they have a bloated tummy or heavy abdominal muscle mass performed to avoid these negative health effects. And this
as the result of sedentary lifestyle. 51% of the respondents implies that there is a positive relationship between sedentary
strongly agreed that they experienced poor metabolism, poor lifestyle and elevated stress. This study will create awareness
bowel movements or constipation. to the employees on the consequences they would face due to
Majority of the employees experienced fatigue or tired the sedentary behavior. The cause for the ill effects cannot be
after work hours and stiffness in the muscle. Majority of the subjected only to the organization or only to the employees.
respondents don’t do any activities like Brisk The employees have to take the necessary actions while the
walking/jogging, Cycling, Yoga, Aerobics, zumba and organization facilitates accordingly. Both the organization
63% of the respondents work 3-6 hours per day over the
computer systematically. Majority of the respondents use to
have Cheesy sandwich/pizzas as snacks during their lunch
Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1493 & Sciences Publication
Effect of Technology in Sedentary Lifestyle and its Impact on the Overall Well Being of the it Employees in Chennai
and the employees should act as the pitch and the timbre to
play successful music i.e. to stay healthy.
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: B10880882S819/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1088.0882S819 1494 & Sciences Publication
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