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A 395/A 395M For grade 65-45-15, drawing indicating critical ar- 7.2 Hardness:
ea(s) of casting (see 7.2.2 and 7.3.2). 7.2.1 For Grade 60–40–18 the hardness of the castings and
4.1.2 Quantity (weight or number of pieces), test specimens shall be within the limits in Table 1.
4.1.3 ASTM designation and year of issue, 7.2.2 For Grade 65–45–15 the hardness of test specimen
4.1.4 Grade (See Table 1), if a Grade is not specified, the and the critical area(s) of the casting, as identified on the
manufacturer shall supply grade 60-40-18. casting drawing, shall be within the limits in Table 1. If the
4.1.5 Heat treating requirements (see 5.2.1), grade 65–45–15 casting drawing does not have critical area(s)
4.1.6 Pressure test requirements (see 7.4.3), of the casting identified, all areas of the casting shall be within
4.1.7 Test samples from castings (see 11.1.1 and 12.1.1), the hardness limits in Table 1.
4.1.8 Test coupons size (see 11.2), 7.3 Microstructure:
4.1.9 Metallographic option (see 12.1.1), 7.3.1 For Grade 60-40-18 the microstructure of the sepa-
4.1.10 Place of inspection (see 16.1), rately cast test coupon or the casting shall be essentially ferritic
4.1.11 Certification requirements (see 17.1), and contain no massive carbides, and have a minimum of 90 %
4.1.12 Identification marking (see 18.2), and Type I and Type II Graphite as in Fig. 1 or Plate I of Test
4.1.13 Supplemental Requirements (see 1.4, 7.4.2, S1 and Method A 247.
S2). 7.3.2 For Grade 60-45-15 the microstructure of the critical
5. Materials and Manufacture areas of the casting, as identified on the casting drawing, shall
be 45 % pearlitic, maximum, contain no massive carbides, and
5.1 The melting method and the nodularizing practice shall have a minimum 90 % Type I and Type II Graphite as in Fig.
be optional with the foundry. 1 or Plate I of Test Method A 247.
5.2 Except as provided in 5.2.1, all castings Grade 60-40-18 7.4 Pressure Test Requirements:
shall be given a ferritizing heat treatment that produces 7.4.1 Each pressure retaining Grade 60-40-18 casting shall
essentially a ferritic structure that contains no massive car- be tested after machining to the test pressure specified by the
bides. applicable standard of ANSI, ASME Boiler and Pressure
5.2.1 When specified in the purchase order, Grade 60-40-18 Vessel Code, or other pertinent code, and shall show no leaks.
castings may be provided in an as cast condition provided they 7.4.2 Castings, Grade 65-45-15 manufactured under this
comply with the requirements of 7.1 and 7.2.1. specification shall be capable of passing hydrostatic test(s)
5.2.2 Castings supplied in accordance with 5.2.1 may be compatible with the rating of the finished cast component.
stress relieved by agreement between the manufacturer and Such tests shall be conducted by the casting manufacturer only
purchaser. when supplementary requirement S2 is specified.
5.3 Castings Grade 65-45-15 may be provided in as cast 7.4.3 Castings Grade 60-40-18, ordered under this specifi-
condition or heat treated, provided they comply with the cation not covered by ANSI standards and ASME Pressure
requirements of 7.1, 7.2.2 and 7.3.2. Vessel Code, and castings for special service applications, shall
6. Chemical Requirements be tested to such pressures as may be agreed upon by the
6.1 The casting shall conform to the following requirements manufacturer and the purchaser.
for chemical composition (Note 2): 7.4.4 For castings Grade 60-40-18, it is realized that the
Total carbon, min, % 3.00
foundry may be unable to perform the hydrostatic test prior to
Silicon, max, % 2.50 shipment, or that the purchaser may wish to defer testing until
Phosphorus, max, % 0.08 additional work or machining has been performed on the
6.1.1 The chemical analysis for total carbon shall be made casting. Castings ordered in the rough state for final machining
on chilled cast pencil type specimens or from thin wafers by the purchaser may be tested hydrostatically prior to ship-
approximately 1⁄32 in. [0.8 mm] thick cut from test coupons. ment by the manufacturer at pressures to be agreed upon with
Drillings are not reliable because of the probable loss of the purchaser. However, the foundry is responsible for the
graphite. satisfactory performance of the castings under the final hydro-
6.1.2 For each reduction of 0.01 % below the maximum static test.
specified phosphorus content, an increase of 0.08 % silicon
8. Workmanship and Finish
above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a
maximum of 2.75 %. 8.1 The surface of the casting shall be examined visually
and shall be free from adhering sand, scale, cracks, and hot
NOTE 2—Silicon contents above 2.75 %, or phosphorus contents above tears. Any other surface discontinuities shall meet visual
0.08 % have a tendency to lower the impact resistance of the material. If
the carbon content is below 3.00 %, excess cementite may form during
acceptance standards specified in the order.
cooling and if this is not removed during heat treatment, the impact
9. Repair
resistance of the material may be lowered.
9.1 Castings for valves, flanges, pipe fittings, pumps, and
7. Requirements other piping components ordered under applicable ANSI stan-
7.1 Tensile Properties: dards shall not be repaired by plugging, welding, brazing, or
7.1.1 The ductile iron as represented by the test specimens impregnation.
shall conform to the mechanical property requirements in Table 9.2 Castings Grade 60-40-18 not covered in 9.1 which leak
1. on hydrostatic tests may be repaired by plugging, provided the

COPYRIGHT 2000 American Society for Testing and Materials
Information Handling Services, 2000

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