Dissertation Final Draft
Dissertation Final Draft
Dissertation Final Draft
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree
I hereby declare that the work which is presented in this dissertation report, entitled,
“Integration of Photovoltaic System in Existing Distribution Network in Nepal”,
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master
of Technology in “Alternate Hydro Energy Systems” in Alternate Hydro Energy
Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, is an authentic record of my own work
carried out during the period from June 2016 to April 2017 under the supervision of Dr. D.
K. Khatod, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian
Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee (India).
I also declare that I have not submitted the matter embodied in this report for award
of any degree.
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of
my knowledge.
(Dr. D. K. Khatod)
Associate Professor,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Chapter - 1 INTRODUCTION 1
1.1 General 1
1.2 Distributed Generation 1
1.2.1 Definition 1
1.2.2 Benefits of DG 2
1.2.3 Adverse effects of DG 3
1.3 Solar Photovoltaic 3
1.3.1 Solar photovoltaic cell 4
1.3.2 Types of solar PV system 7 Isolated solar PV system 7 Grid-connected solar PV system 8
1.3.3 Photovoltaic power output 9
1.4 Distribution system 9
1.5 Dissertation objectives 10
1.6 Organization of report 11
2.1 General 12
2.2 Review of literature 12
2.2.1 Solar photovoltaic related studies for Nepal 12
2.2.2 Review of solar cell material 13
2.2.3 Review of load flow method for distribution systems 14
2.2.4 Review of impact of photovoltaic on grid 15
2.2.5 Review of optimization for distributed generation sizing and locating problems 16
2.3 Gaps identified 21
3.1 General 22
3.2 Problem Statement: 22
3.3 Analysis of distribution system for load flow 23
3.4 Mathematical modeling of distribution line 23
3.4.1 Load flow analysis 26
3.5 Problem formulation 27
3.5.1 Formulation of optimization problem 27
3.5.2 Constraints 29 Equality constraints 29 Inequality constraints 29 Constraints Handling 30
3.6 Genetic Algorithm 31
3.6.1 Introduction: 31
3.6.2 Outline of Genetic Algorithm 31
3.6.3 GA based Solution Methodology 33 Coding of the solution 33 Objective Functions 34 Selecting the best result 34 Setting of parameters 35
4.1 General 36
4.2 Estimation of solar radiation on tilted surface 36
4.3 Selection of solar PV unit 40
4.3.1 Capacity Factor (CF): 42
5.1 General: 44
5.2 Case Study: 44
5.3 Result and Discussion 47
5.3.1 Result of energy loss minimization 48
5.3.2 Result of cost minimization 51
5.3.3 Result of Multi-Objective Optimization 51
5.3.4 Result Analysis 56
6.1 General 57
6.2 Conclusion 57
6.3 Future Work 58
Appendix: A 64
Appendix: B 68
Appendix: C 73
Table 4.1: seasonal average global solar radiation (Wm-2) on horizontal surface 36
Table 4.2: Specification of different modules 40
Table 4.3: CF of the PV modules available 42
Table 5.1: Line Data and Load Data of the distribution system 44
Table 5.2: Parameters of Genetic Algorithm 46
Table 5.3: Result for PV size and location 47
Table 5.4: Annual total energy loss reduction with PV 48
Table 5.5: PV location and size for cost minimization 49
Table 5.6: Summary of multi-objective optimization results 52
Table 5.7: The best result based on fuzzy theory 53
OF: Objective Function
PSO: Particle Swarm Optimization
P-V: Power-Voltage
RES: Renewable Energy Sources
RET: Renewable Energy Technology
SA: Simulated Annealing
SPV: Solar Photovoltaic
STC: Standard Test Condition
Chapter - 1 INTRODUCTI
1.1 General
1.2.1 Definition
Distributed generation (DG) is small power generating unit that serves
electricity closer to the consumer load. The main sources of distributed generator are
solar photovoltaic, small hydropower, wind energy, biomass, etc.[ CITATION
Ack01 \l 1033 ]. Nowadays, it has gained many popularity in power sector due to its
ability in voltage improvement, power loss reduction, low investment cost, and
increased reliability. DG can be used as in isolated way or integrated with grid. In
distribution system, DG may provide benefit to the consumers as well as to utilities.
According to [ CITATION Jha14 \l 1033 ], the DGs can be classified based on source
of energy and size.
Based on energy source employed in power generation, the DG are categorized
as renewable DG and non-renewable DG. The renewable DGs includes small
hydropower, solar power, wind, biomass, geothermal, etc. While non-renewable DGs
are diesel, gas or natural gas which cannot be replenished. Based on capacity of
generation the distributed generation belongs the size smaller than 50MW[CITATION
Shi16 \l 1033 ].
Integration of DG requires to analyze several factors, such as: technology to
be used, numbers and capacity of DG, best location and type of network connection.
The operating characteristics of the network should be evaluated properly and the
impact of DG addition should also be evaluated. Otherwise, improper location and
sizing of DG may lead to higher system loss, increase in voltage and increase in
investment cost which is opposite as desired. Due to this reason, the proper
optimization method capable for the best solution in the given network is useful for the
1.2.2 Benefits of DG
The role of distributed generation (DG) is increasing day by day in the
emerging modern power systems. The main reasons for usage of DG are as follows:
Decrease the overall system losses.
Decrease transmission and distribution related costs.
Easy operation and maintenance.
Generally, gestation period is shorter and investment risks are relatively low
for distributed generation (DG) plants.
Improve both the reliability and efficiency of the system.
Improve the system voltage and load factor.
It is easier to find the location for DG installation for small generators.
Latest technology available for wide range of capacity.
More flexibility in energy management system.
Renewable energy based DGs are more environmental friendly compared to
coal, oil or gas fired power plants.
Despite the numerous benefits of DG, there are certain drawbacks also:
The intermittency of the renewable energy based DG causes the instability
to the system.
Consumers that uses solar PV connected network are likely to be blackout
in night time because PV does not supply electricity at night time.
Voltage variations and power fluctuations and hence decreases quality of
power and increases instability in the system.
Power demand requires both active and reactive power but most of the DGs
like SPV supply active power only.
Integration of DG changes the direction of power flow; hence potential
effects on the metering and protection systems.
Inappropriate location and sizing of DG may degrade the quality of the grid.
Solar and wind based DG units are highly variable due to weather
conditions and hence these types of DG units do not support in base load or
peak load.
Increases losses and power factor modification.
SPV like DG increases total harmonic distortion.
The sun delivers its energy in the form of light and heat. In solar PV based
generation, sunlight is directly converted into the electricity by using solar cell which
is called photoelectric effect. A solar cell is a diode that converts solar radiation into
electricity without any form for mechanical or thermal interlink. A PV cell is made of
silicon material having similar properties to p-n junction diode[ CITATION Nav \l
1033 ]. Because of the positive charge on one side and negative charge on the other
side, movement of this charge in the material creates an electric field in the material.
When solar radiation strikes on the PV cell, electrons are dislodged from
depletion region. If an electrical conductor attached to the negative and positive
terminals of the cell, forming an electrical circuit, electrons will flow in the form of
electric current that is electricity. The electricity thus generated is in the form of direct
current (DC) as shown in Fig. 1.1[ CITATION Boy09 \l 1033 ]. An inverter, a power
electronic device that transforms dc power generated from PV array into ac power that
is the most useful form of power used in ordinary electrical equipment.
Solar photovoltaic cells are made of thin coating of light-sensitive
semiconductor materials that use photons to dislodge electrons to drive an electric
current. There are two types of technology used for PV cell: crystalline silicon, as
shown in Fig. 1.2; and thin film, which is newer and growing technology.
Fig. 1.3A: Solar PV panel Fig. 1.3B: Solar PV Array
The V-I and P-V characteristic curve for a typical value of solar radiation and a
fixed temperature is shown in Fig. 1.4. The curve shows the behavior of the PV system
under all load conditions from open circuit to short circuit. The current-voltage
characteristic curve of a SPV cell/module is non-linear which makes it difficult to
determine the maximum power point[ CITATION Sur14 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, a
maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is required so that the PV array always output
maximum power. This will increase the efficiency and reliability of the PV array.
Fig. 1.5A: I-V curve for various Fig. 1.5B: I-V curve at constant
PV modules in the field are not working on the standard test condition (STC)
i.e. cell temperature 25oC, solar radiation 1000 W/m2 and spectrum distribution with an
air mass AM=1.5. The above Fig. 1.5A & Fig. 1.5B show the effect of solar radiation
and temperature on solar PV modules. The short circuit current varies proportionally
with the effective solar radiation (H) while the open circuit voltage varies
logarithmically with H for constant temperature. As the cell temperature of PV module
increases, the open circuit voltage falls drastically while the short circuit current has
minimal increment at fixed solar radiation (H).
Fig. 1.6: Isolated solar PV system
In this system, the power generated by the PV array can be either used by the
consumers or injected into the utility grid. Grid-connected solar photovoltaic (SPV)
system reduces the dependency on the grid and gives financial benefits to the users by
injecting the generated power into the grid. In a grid-connected PV system, the grid
acts as an unlimited energy storage capacity. This increases the overall reliability and
efficiency of the system. This type of solar system gives benefit to the grid as well as
users. During day-time when there is excess power generated from the solar system,
the power can be delivered to the grid and when there is shortage of power generation
electricity may be taken out from the grid. A typical grid-connected solar system is
shown in Fig. 1.6 below that consists of the following components:
PV Module/array: this convert sunlight directly to electricity.
Energy storage (optional)
Inverter: converts the DC current generated by the solar PV modules to
AC current.
Transformer (for Voltage step/down)
Utility Grid
system is connected to the power system, it is necessary to analyze the
dynamic study of the entire system. Inverter plays an important role in
the design of grid-connected PV system, because it acts as an interface between the PV
system and utility grid. The main function of inverter is that it helps in conditioning the
power output of the PV array and simultaneously provides a control that helps in
allowing the PV generated power to the grid.
output V × I
efficiency ( η PV )= = (1.2) V and I are the voltage and current
input H × A
1.4 Distribution system
The electric power system consists of generating stations where primary energy
is converted into electric power, transmission lines and distribution systems. A
distribution system is the final stage in power delivery network which carries
electricity from the transmission system to the individual consumers. Industrial and
large commercial users usually get three-phase supply directly from the primary
distribution feeder, as they have their own transformers and in certain cases can
directly utilize the higher voltages. However, for the remaining consumers, who
generally require only single-phase power, power is usually transmitted for the last
half-mile or so over lateral feeders that carry one phase. A distribution transformer,
typically mounted on a pole or located underground near the customer, steps this
voltage down to the secondary distribution level, which is safe.
The power distribution system is generally operated in radial configuration
where there is only one source and power radiates from source to the load, but
integration of solar photovoltaic in the existing system will change the direction of
power flow which makes difficult for planning and operation[ CITATION Ten03 \l
1033 ]. In addition, that, other parameters such as voltage control, power quality,
protection system, faults and system losses also get affected.
Generally, load flow studies are performed to determine the normal steady-state
operation of the power system. A load flow study uses simplified diagram represented
by per unit (pu) system and focuses on various forms of ac power (i.e. voltage, voltage
angle, real power and reactive power). The distribution networks have the following
Radial or weakly meshed networks
High R/X ratios
Multi-phase, unbalanced operation
Unbalanced distributed load
Distributed Generation
The distribution system has high R/X ratio and hence higher voltage drop. Due
to this nature of the distribution network the conventional load flow methods are not
1.5 Dissertation objectives
This dissertation report is organized in a total of seven (7) chapters. These are
introduction, literature review, problem formulation and solution algorithm, solar
energy resource assessment, result and discussion, conclusion and future work, and
Chapter - 2 LITERAT
2.1 General
This chapter reviews literature studies and work done on previous similar
studies for the harnessing and development of solar photovoltaic system. An extensive
literature search was conducted to collect the available information on integration of
photovoltaic in existing grid.
Pokharel [ CITATION Pok03 \l 1033 ], introduced the main characteristics of
alternative energy technologies used in Nepal and discussed the barriers for the
promotion of these technologies. Gurung et al.[ CITATION Gur12 \l 1033 ], reviewed
about the renewable energy situation in Nepal and highlighted the policies and
subsidies for the optimal utilization of the REs in rural and isolated communities.
K.C. et al.[ CITATION KCS11 \l 1033 ], presented the status of renewable
energy technologies (RETs) such as micro-hydro, solar power, wind energy, bio-fuel
etc. and highlighted the opportunities and barriers for the RETs.
In a solar PV system, a solar cell is used to convert energy in sunlight into a direct
current (dc).
distribution system and distributed generations (DGs) were considered to test the
effectiveness of the proposed model.
and line loading are very important parameters of a power system. Photovoltaic
integration to a grid has potential to alter the two parameters. Transmission lines and
feeders have a limit to which they can be loaded. Additionally, losses can either reduce
or increase the operation costs of a distribution grid.
Enernex [ CITATION Ene11 \l 1033 ], presented the feeder line loading in a
radial grid. With distributed photovoltaic, the line loading reduces with increased
photovoltaic penetration until reverse power flow occurs. Reverse power flow
increases the line loading with additional increase in penetration levels.
computational time. This method was tested on 69 bus, 12.66 kV test system and
concluded with the significant amount of loss reduction with voltage improvement.
Banihashemi et al.[CITATION Ban \l 1033 ], suggested a new optimization
method NSGA-II to optimize the voltage profile, loss and investment simultaneously
which facilitates the planner to avoid from the pre-judgment before decision making
and gives the opportunity to choose the best answers. They used non-dominated sorting
(NSGA-II) for the optimization of DG problems. The NSGA-II provides the collection
of optimized solution that determines the best DG units to be installed in which
Sosic and Skokljev [ CITATION Sos13 \l 1033 ], studied the optimal location
and sizing of photovoltaic plant using genetic algorithm with two-fold objective
function. The first objective was to locate the network node and second, to maximize
the sizing of the plant. They implemented genetic algorithm (GA) for optimal location
and optimal sizing of the distributed generation. Genetic algorithm is a search and
optimization technique adopting the natural selection and genetics.
In [ CITATION Sao14 \l 1033 ], Saonerkar and Bagde, presented optimized
DG placement problem in radial distribution system using reconfiguration and
capacitor placement in the system using GA. In this study, genetic algorithm (GA) was
used for finding optimum number of DG units and optimum total power loss of IEEE
33-bus distribution system.
Walla et al.[ CITATION Wal12 \l 1033 ], attempted to establish the impacts on
voltage and determination the maximum distributed photovoltaic generation to the
distribution grids in Sweden. Three grids were considered in the studies and showed
increase in voltage rise at the bus. Of the three grids, two had voltage rise but without
voltage violation and one of the grids experienced overvoltage at some buses.
Hung et al.[ CITATION Hun14 \l 1033 ], implemented biomass and wind DG
as dispatch able and non-dispatchable distributed generation respectively to minimize
energy losses by locating and sizing of DG in a distribution system. They proposed
analytical method to identify power factor and size of DG units and simultaneously
consider time-varying generation and demand also. This method has been applied to
different renewable DG with and without power factor limit to 69 bus IEEE test
distribution system. The result shows that the despatchable or a combination of
dispatchable and non-dispatchable DG sources can minimize annual energy loss
Acharya et al.[ CITATION Ach06 \l 1033 ], proposed analytical approach to
find the optimal location and size of DG for power loss minimization. This method was
implemented in three different test systems by varying size and complexity. The results
obtained from the proposed method was compared with the exhaustive load flow
method and that of loss sensitivity method. From the results the loss sensitivity method
is not suitable to the best placement for DG.
Murthy and Kumar,[ CITATION Mur13 \l 1033 ] showed that the sensitivity
based approach for the comparison of optimal DG allocation in a radial distribution
network. They combined the loss sensitivity and index vector method for optimal
allocation of DG units. The results were compared with the novel and voltage
sensitivity index method. This found out that the reactive power should also be injected
to the system to improve voltage profile and optimal size of DG units with lagging
power factor and unity power factor were separately determined. For these power
factors, they calculated the cost of loss savings and cost of power supplied through the
selected IEEE 69-bus system. Based on the obtained results, lagging power factor DGs
were better than unity power factor DGs.
Singh et al.[ CITATION Sin07 \l 1033 ] presented that the assumptions under
constant power load model may lead to an inconsistent and misleading results. The
load model affect the DG size and location in the system. They presented different load
models for different size of DG to minimize active and reactive power loss. 38 bus
system was implemented to show the effect of various load models.
Abdi and Afshar[ CITATION Abd13 \l 1033 ], proposed Monte Carlo
simulation method to determine the result from the improved PSO method for optimal
placement of DG in existing distribution network. The objective functions were to
minimize loss cost, to improve voltage and reliability in the system. Voltage dependent
load model for three consumer areas namely residential, commercial and industrial
were considered in the study. The proposed method was tested on 33 bus IEEE test
system and obtained result was better than PSO.
Jabar and Pal [ CITATION Jab09 \l 1033 ], proposed an ordinary optimization
method for locating and sizing of DG. The best location and size of DG depended on
the compromise between the maximization of DG size and minimization of loss. This
method selects few number of alternatives from the large number of potential DG units
and set objective functions for selected samples using linear programming and simulate
the functions using objective function programming. The method has been
implemented in MATLAB and tested for 69 bus distribution system. The obtained
result is fairly well for the DG system because the ordinary optimization is
deterministic and easily implemented in any software.
Ameri et al. [ CITATION Ame15 \l 1033 ], proposed a GA optimization
technique to find optimal sizing and location of multi distributed generations in
electrical networks. The objective function was based on a linearized model to
calculate the real power losses as a function of power generators. The multi DG units
have been used to minimize power loss taking DG capacity, line capacity and voltage
as constraints. This method was tested on 14, 30, and 57 IEEE bus systems to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. The results showed that the GA with
combined linear model was very efficient to reduce real power losses by finding the
optimal allocation of DG units.
Arya et al.[ CITATION Ary12 \l 1033 ], highlighted differential evolution (DE)
technique considering voltage stability for the planning of DG. A sub transmission line
was selected to minimize loss by optimal DG placement using incremental voltage (
dV /dP) method. This method was developed for wind based DG and tested on 6 and
30 bus system and compared with the bare bone PSO method. This method was less
time consuming and efficient for DG placement in a distribution system.
Ziari et al. [ CITATION Zia10 \l 1033 ], determined the placement and sizing
of DG in semi-urban 37-bus Roy Billinton Test System using Discrete Particle Swarm
Optimization (DPSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The use of DPSO was the
diversity of the optimizing variables that those variable not to be trapped in local
minimum. Junjie et al.[ CITATION Jun12 \l 1033 ], proposed immune algorithm (IA)
for DG allocation in distribution system. This method is a biometric intelligent
behavior of the biological system. Since load growth in a system is dynamic in nature
and hence dynamic load model is required. The analysis was done considering
environmental cost, DG capacity cost, purchase power cost and loss cost.
Kumar and Gao [ CITATION Kum10 \l 1033 ], presented mixed integer
nonlinear programming (MINP), a mathematical programming with discrete and
continuous variables and nonlinear in objective function and constraints, to determine
the optimal location and size of the DG for hybrid as well as pool market. The
objective was to minimize fuel cost as well as line losses for conventional and DG
sources. Firstly, they selected an optimal DG placement with nodal price and power
losses. Then MINP was implemented for selected site. This showed that the actual
price and power loss reduced significantly. It was observed that the nodal price
increases when demand increases but optimal DG location nodal price goes down.
However, more DG penetration in the network has no effect on the nodal price. The
proposed method has been tested on IEEE 24 bus reliability test system.
El-Zonkoly [ CITATION ElZ11 \l 1033 ], utilized multi-objective index based
method to select the optimal location and size of multiple DG units considering non-
unity power factor in distribution system using different load models. This method
suggested that the load model can significantly affect the optimal allocation of DG in
distribution network. The proposed method considered active and reactive power loss,
voltage improvement and also considered short circuit level parameter to represent
protection devices. Integration of DG was proposed on most sensitive buses which
were likely to be collapsed. The proposed method was tested on 30-bus IEEE mesh
system and 38 bus radial system.
Wang and Singh[ CITATION Wan08 \l 1033 ], presented an Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) algorithm for optimal placement of DG with reclosers in a
distribution network. The system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) and
system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) being the composite reliability
indices that were minimized by optimal allocation of DG. The proposed method was
compared by taking two practical distribution system using GA technique.
Mohammedi et al.[ CITATION Moh131 \l 1033 ] described a multi-objective
optimization technique to determine the optimal location and size of DG in radial
distribution system. The main objectives were to minimize loss and to improve voltage
stability. NSGA-II was used to obtain the Pareto-optimal set of solutions that form a of
non-dominated set of solutions to select the best compromise solution. A fuzzy-based
technique was employed to select the best solution. The method was tested on 12, 33,
69 and 85 bus systems to validate the effectiveness of proposed method and detailed
performance was analyzed.
Vahidinasab[ CITATION Vah14 \l 1033 ], proposed a multi-objective
optimization and probabilistic design for optimal planning of Distributed Energy
Resources (DER) in competitive markets. The suggested nonlinear programming based
method has attempted to achieve a compromise between cost minimization and
pollution emission minimization considering electrical load and market uncertainties.
A hybrid fuzzy FCM-MCS model was employed for modeling of electricity prices and
a combined roulette-wheel/ Monte-Carlo simulation model was used for generation of
load scenario. The objective was to determine type, location and size of wind, PV, fuel
cell, micro turbine, gas turbine, and diesel engine. The test was done on primary
distribution network and provided to select the best Pareto-optimal solution to the
decision maker to its own preference.
Lamsal et al. [ CITATION Lam16 \l 1033 ], presented a new methodology for
locating and sizing of distributed generation to determine loss in distribution system
using B-coefficient matric method. The loss evaluation has been done by using
different combination of distributed generations (DGs). Use of B-coefficient matrix
does not require separate load flow calculation to calculate power loss in the system.
Le and Qiang [ CITATION LeJ16 \l 1033 ], carried out a research on optimal
allocation of DG to maximize the benefits of renewable energy based DG and improve
voltage profile of the system. They proposed PSO method which employed non-linear
decreasing inertia-weight to improve the convergence of the algorithm.
From the literature reviews carried out in this chapter, following gaps have
been identified:
1. There are very few and limited studies available for integration of solar
photovoltaic system with existing grid in Nepal.
2. There are limited studies related to dynamic stability analysis due to the
intermittency of solar photovoltaic energy injection to the grid.
3. Many authors have proposed a load flow algorithm for solving balanced
radial distribution network, but practical distribution network is
unbalanced in nature.
Chapter - 3 PROBL
3.1 General
This chapter presents the modelling of distribution feeder and the solution
algorithm that has been adopted. The research work began from site selection, data
collection, modeling of distribution system, solar energy resource assessment, problem
formulation, and load flow analysis for base case. Load flow analysis was performed
on the test case, problem formulation was developed to find the optimal location and
size of solar photovoltaic system to reduce the system loss and investment cost. The
problem formulation was single objective and multi-objective to implement with the
use Genetic Algorithm technique. For load flow problem MATLAB software was used
and for optimization problem MATLAB Toolbox was used. For design and economic
analysis MS Excel was used. The detailed method carried out during research work
was as below:
3.3 Analysis of distribution system for load flow
The first step to this study is to analyze load flow for the distribution network
with base case and with PV connected. This analysis is done through the MATLAB
software with multiple photovoltaic unit that can be modeled as negative PQ buses.
When the power flow program is run with this software the results obtained are the
voltages, angles, currents, power loss, total annual energy loss, total load of the system
and power supplied by the photovoltaic system. By varying the size of the PV and
location of installation the output results are obtained. Then these results obtained will
be compared with the base case.
Vmδm Vnδn
S Z=Ri+jXi
Bus m Bus n
Current flowing through the line is given by:
¿ Pi + jQ i
I ij = (3.2)
V n=V m−I ij Z i
Pi− jQi
¿ V m−
( V ¿m )
( Ri + j X i )
Pi Ri +Qi X i P X −Q X
¿ V m−
Vm ¿
) (
− j i i ¿ i j (3.3)
Vm )
The voltage magnitude and angle at bus j can be written as,
The active and reactive power losses of the line can be expressed by equations
(3.6) and (3.7):
2 (P¿¿ j)2 +Q j2
Ploss (i )=|I ij| Ri= 2
× Ri¿
|v n|
2 (P¿¿ j)2 +Q j2
Q loss (i )=|I ij| Xi= 2
× Xi ¿
|v n|
The active power loss for every hour in a distribution line is the energy loss.
4 24 ( N br )
Eloss =∑ ∑ ∑ Ploss ( i) ,t ,s . N s ,(3.8)
s=1 t=1 i=1
Where Ploss(i),t,s is the active power loss of branch ‘i’ at time ‘t’ of the season ‘s’,
Eloss is the total annual active energy loss, N s is the number of days in different season
and N br is the total number of branches.
When solar photovoltaic is added to the feeder at the load bus then it injects
active power to the bus at unity power factor which is given in Fig.3.2. This SPV
generator is treated as negative load (PQ) bus because it will not generate reactive
power and hence no role in voltage control of the bus.
Vmδn Vnδn PV
S Z=Ri+jXi
Load (Pj,Qj)
Inverter is operating to inject unity power factor by adjusting the fire angle of
the power electronic devices, the active power generated by the PV generator is Ppv and
there is no reactive power because of unity power factor. Then, the resultant active and
reactive power losses become as shown in equations (3.9) and (3.10):
2 2
2 ( P j−P PV )2+Q j2 2 ( P j−P PV ) +Q j
Ploss (i )=|I ij| Ri= 2
× RiQloss (i )=|I ij| X i = 2
× Xi
|V n| |V n| (3.10)
At this stage, the voltage at different buses will be changed due to the change in
active power injection and hence the power loss will be changed. Then the total annual
energy loss is different from the base case which was discussed in above case.
Where, I=bus injection current vector
P=real power injection vector
Q=reactive power injection vector
V=bus voltage vector
normalized voltage |V i|/0.95 for all the buses. Then, those buses having normal
voltage value <1.0 are selected as candidate bus for PV placement.
The total active energy loss for a distribution network is given by,
4 24 ( N br )
Eloss =∑ ∑ ∑ Ploss ( i) ,t ,s . N s ,(3.11)
s=1 t=1 i=1
The total annual cost (CTOTAL) for solar photovoltaic is given as,
Minimize, f1(x) =system energy loss
3.5.2 Constraints
solar PV integration optimization problem are subjected to the following constraints:
N bus
PGi−P Li−V i ∑ V j Y ij cos ( θij + δ j−δ i )=0 (3.18)
N bus
QGi−Q Li +V i ∑ V j Y ij cos ( θ ij + δ j −δ i ) =0(3.19)
Where, i=1,2,3 , … , N bus, PGi ,Q Gi is, the active/reactive power generated at the
ith bus; P Li , Q Li is the active (reactive) power demand at the same bus and Y ij ∧θij are
the admittance and angle of branch connecting bus i and j.
2. Generation constraint:
0 ≤ P PVi ≤ Pmax
PVi (3.21)
3. Maximum PV penetration constraint:
N PV Nbus
∑ P PV ≤ 0.5 × ∑ PL (3.22)
i i
i=1 i=2
Where Pmax
PVi is, the upper active power generating unit limits of PV, Sij is the
The equality constraints are the power balance equations. These constraints are
handled by the load flow method. Backward/forward sweep method is suitable to
solve the load flow method for radial distribution system because it is very efficient
method for distribution networks.
The inequality constraints like voltage limit, line loading limits are handled by
introducing the penalty function in the fitness function.
F (x)=f ( x )+ P ( x) (3.24)
Where, F(x) is the new function from the objective function, f(x) and the
penalty function, P(x).
P ( x ) =∑ λ v ¿ ¿ ¿
Where, λ v and λ s are the penalty factors and values for these factors have been
max max
V i ,if V i >V i
lim ¿=
{ min min
¿ V i ,if V i <V i
¿ V i ,if V i ≤V i ≤V i
max max
S ij , if S ij >Sij
lim ¿=
{ min
¿ S ij ,if Sij< S ij
¿ Sij ,if S ij ≤ S ij ≤ S ij
3.6.1 Introduction:
Genetic algorithm is a method for solving optimization problems that is
inspired by the natural selection of evolution GA starts from a set of random generated
initial population of individual/string[ CITATION Ame15 \l 1033 ]. Once the initial
population is generated, each individual is evaluated by objective function. In each step
three main operators (reproduction, crossover, and mutation) are performed to create
the better new population from the current population. The genetic algorithm applies
selection and reproduction criteria at random from current population to be parents and
uses them to form new generation containing the genes of parents. The solution having
good fitness will undergo reproduction.
GA does not need to select good initial populations and the fitness value come
after the corrected value of each generation[ CITATION Hel12 \l 1033 ]. The solution
is achieved from the best individual of the last populations.
GA uses multiple search points instead of single search point, thereby finding
more hills and valleys, reducing the chance of getting struck in local
minima[ CITATION Ban \l 1033 ]. GA based solution techniques are getting more
popularity due to their ability to find global optima rapidly, robustness in convergence
rate and regardless of nature of complexity. There are major two advantages of using
GA for optimization: It does not involve many mathematical assumptions about
problems and Due to evolutionary nature, it will search for solutions rather than the
specific inner structure of the problems.
The steps involved in GA based methodology for optimization are given below
and the flow chart for GA based optimization problem is shown in Fig. 3.3.
1. Generate random population of chromosomes, that is, suitable solutions for the
2. Evaluate the value of objective function (OF) for each chromosome in the
3. Create a new population by repeating the selection, crossover and mutation
NO Check
YES Update
Generate new
Fig. 3.10:Genetic Algorithm Scheme.
The global optimization toolbox provides genetic algorithm function that search
for the global solutions to optimization problems. The input arguments to the
optimization function are:
Number of variables for the fitness function.
Fitness function.
Options structure.
The following steps are employed for genetic algorithm based optimization process:
When applying genetic algorithm to determine the location and size of SPV
unit problem, the first step is the coding of the potential solution. In a general way, the
potential solution is a configuration of the network with PV units connected in some
locations. Therefore, the coded variables are the candidate locations and the respective
size of the PV units. Hence, each chromosome is coded by a solution vector whose
dimension is the number of candidate locations and content is the size of installed
To reduce the search space, first identify the candidate buses for PV placement
|V i|
Norm [ i ] = (3.28)
Buses that have normalized values less than 1.00 are taken as candidate buses
In global optimization toolbox function, first write a file that computes the
objective functions. The function should accept the length of a solution vector and
return a scalar. For multi-objective optimization function, the function should return a
row vector of objective function values. The objective functions that are discussed in
34 Selecting the best result
f max
i −f i
μf = max min
f i −f i
Where f max
i ,f min
i are the maximum and minimum values of the ith objective
functions of all Pareto-optimal solutions. For each Pareto set k, the normalized
membership function is calculated as:
∑ μf
μ= i=1
D m
∑∑ μf i
k=1 i=1
Where D is the total number of Pareto solutions and m is the total number of
objective functions. The best solution is that having maximum value of μk .
Chapter - 4
4.1 General
This chapter explains about the solar energy potential of Kathmandu valley for
the study period of one year. The study period is further divided into four seasons:
spring, summer, autumn and winter. March, April and May are considered under
spring season. June, July and August under summer season. September, October and
November falls on autumn season and remaining three months December, January and
February are under winter season. The average hourly equivalent data of each season
are estimated to evaluate the irradiance. The day of the year is selected in accordance
with the seasonal days. Based on aforementioned data solar potential is estimated and
suitable size of PV is determined to connect at the load buses.
Table 4.1: seasonal average global solar radiation (Wm-2) on horizontal surface
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
6:00 0.0 10.0 0.0 0.0
7:00 40.0 70.0 15.0 0.0
8:00 130.0 160.0 85.0 25.0
9:00 270.0 290.0 200.0 100.0
10:00 415.0 380.0 320.0 200.0
11:00 560.0 440.0 425.0 300.0
12:00 620.0 480.0 490.0 370.0
13:00 650.0 500.0 450.0 395.0
14:00 550.0 460.0 375.0 340.0
15:00 450.0 370.0 290.0 275.0
16:00 300.0 255.0 180.0 180.0
17:00 180.0 150.0 70.0 65.0
18:00 70.0 50.0 0.0 0.0
Solar radiation is the most important parameter for the design and development
of various solar energy systems. Generally, global solar radiation is measured on
horizontal surface and rarely on inclined surface. The solar radiation depends on the
latitude of the place, day of the year, hour of day and metrological conditions. The
initial solar radiation data are recorded on continuous basis and the data obtained from
the metrology department is daily averaged data.
The average seasonal global solar radiation on horizontal surface which were
obtained from the Department of Hydrology and Metrology (DHM), Nepal are given in
Table 4.1 and the pictorial representation is shown in Fig. 4.1.
700 Spring Summer Autumn
Solar radiation (Wm-2)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Local time (hours)
Maximum global solar radiation can be received by tilting the receiving surface
perpendicular to the incident radiation.
In that reason, receiving surface should be tilted to match with the latitude of
the earth. Following assumptions are made to translate the given solar radiation in
tilted surface.
Reflectivity of ground surface = g =0.2
Latitude () =27o
Tilt angle (s) = 30o
Number of days for:
Spring: 105; Summer: 196;
Autumn: 288; Winter: 15.
From these values, tilt factor for beam radiation (R b), diffused radiation (Rd)
and reflected radiation (Rr)are determined[ CITATION Adh13 \l 1033 ].
(i) Declination angle of Sun:
The declination angle of the sun can be approximated using Cooper’s equation (4.1) as:
h s=cos (−tan ∅ tan δ ) (4.3)
(v) The clearness index, KT, which is the ratio of the horizontal insolation at the site
Hm to the extraterrestrial insolation on a horizontal surface above the site and
just outside the atmosphere Ho.
KT= (4.6)
(vi) Diffuse sunlight
The diffuse insolation is given by
H d= H [1-1.13KT]
H=total solar radiation on horizontal surface Wh/m2
(vii) Beam radiation is given by
H b= H-Hd
Rd = ( 1+cos
2 )
s (4.10)
1−cos s
Rr =ρ g ( 2 )
Where, ρ g is the reflectivity of surrounding surface and is taken as 0.2.
(ix)Total global solar radiation on tilted surface is given as:
H t =H b R b + H d Rd + H r R r
Spring Summer
Autumn Winter
Solar radiation(W/m2)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Time (hour)
Fig. 4.2 shows the average seasonal solar radiation in 30o tilted surface. These values
are used to determine the size of solar PV unit.
Parameters A B C D E F G
Peak Power Output
100 150 240 250 310 300 320
(Pmax) W
14 14.5 14.4 15 16 15.5 16.5
Efficienty(η) %
Voltage at
maximum rating 17.6 18.1 30 30.7 36.3 35.8 37
(Vm) V
Current at
maximum rating 5.68 8.27 8.03 8.16 8.53 8.37 8.64
(Im) A
Open circuit
21.8 22.5 37.3 38.1 45.6 45.2 46
voltage (Voc) V
Short circuit
6.15 8.68 8.52 8.58 8.99 8.86 9.18
current (Isc) A
NOCT (oC) 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
Module 1202 x 1504 x 1667 x 1960 x 1960 1960 x
Dimensions ( L x B 661 x 661 x 1000 x 990 x x 990 990 x
x T) in mm 38.5 38.5 33 40 x 40 40
x 33
Number of cell in
36 36 60 60 72 72 72
series (Ns)
coefficient of Voc -2.931 -2.931 -3.305 -3.305 -3.2 -3.2 -3.2
coefficient of Isc 0.442 0.442 0.638 0.638 0.5 0.5 0.5
0.758 0.748
Fill Factor (FF) 0.7456 0.7664 0.7663 0.7553 0.7570
0 2
N oc−20 I=[Isc+αI(Tc-25)]Ht
T c =T s+ Ht (4.14)
temperature coefficient in V/oC. The actual power output from a PV array can be
Where, Fill Factor, FF, depends on the material of PV module and is given by
the following relation:
V max I max
V oc I sc
The selected modules with their characteristics are given in the Table above.
The actual S. N. Module CF (%) output
capacity of 1 A 13.704 the module
2 B 13.688
is different from the
3 C 13.727
standard test 4 D 13.750 condition
which 5 E 13.711 depends
6 F 13.710
upon the available
7 G 13.081
solar radiation and
ambient temperature. The actual power output can be determined by the equation
Based on the actual power produced by the module in a year the capacity factor
(CF) of each module is calculated.
The actual power output is calculated using solar radiation and temperature
during the study period. The seasonal output variation of module ‘D’ with 1.0 kWp
solar PV array is shown in Fig.4.3 below. It is found that the maximum power output is
0.65 kW at 13 PM in spring season and there is less power output at other seasons. In
winter season the output power is lowest among all season.
Power outpur (p.u)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Chapter - 5 RES
5.1 General:
This chapter presents the results and discussions related to the load flow analysis
comparing the energy losses obtained from the different size of PV units for 21 nodes
distribution feeder. The investment cost is calculated considering the different size of PV
units. Multi-objective optimization is formulated combining both the objectives. The
formulations are determined with the help of MATLAB Optimization Toolbox and the
results obtained will be discussed.
For locating and sizing of solar PV unit, a radial distribution network having 11 kV
voltage level is selected which is located in Kathmandu. The general layout of the feeder is
shown in the Fig. 5.1 below. The details of the line data and maximum connected load of
each bus which were obtained by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) are given in the Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
13 14 15
The main features of the distribution system are as follows:
The average load of the system is determined as 1.4 MW whereas the peak system
demand is 2.12 MW. In winter and autumn, the system peak load occurs at 6 PM,
while in spring and summer the system peak is shifted around at 8 PM.
It is short feeder highly unbalanced load.
It has overhead lines that are three phase with different spacing between them.
Autumn and winter peak is greater than the spring and summer peak load.
During night time the system load is below average load and in day time the demand
is average load.
Table 5.4: Line Data and Load Data of the distribution system
This section presents the result obtained by considering the objective functions one by
one and then simultaneously forming the multi-objective function. After obtaining the results
a comparative study was carried out. Optimal location and size is obtained with the energy
loss value. From the multi-objective optimization function, different results are obtained and
the best results are selected from those values. Various parameters need to be specified for
GA before running the optimization program. Table 5.2 shows the GA parameters set in this
Proposed GA based program was run and the best result obtained to minimize the
energy loss is plotted in Fig. 5.3. When the maximum capacity of PV unit at selected bus is
set to 400 kW the best location/bus and the size for the system is given in Table 5.3.
Best: 397.926 Mean: 397.926
Annual Total Energy Loss (MWh)
Fig. 5.16: Fitness function evaluation for 21 Bus
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 5.17: Optimal size and allocation of PV units for 21 Bus
Current Best Individual
It is observed
from the Fig.
5.4 that 0.3 the GA
Size of PV per unit
0.2 gives the
0.15 optimal
locations of PV as
0.05 16,17,18,
19 & 21 with their
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
corresponding size
Number of buses
(rounded up to) as given in Table 5.3. The maximum size of PV is 296 kW at bus number 18
and the minimum size is 3.5 at bus number 19. The total system losses for time-varying load
conditions with PV and without PV connection to the buses is given in Table 5.4. The base
case load flow and after PV integration load flow MATLAB programs are given in Appendix
A, B & C. During base case load flow analysis, the total annual energy loss is obtained as
478.25 MWh. After integration of PV, the energy loss reduced to 394.64 MWh saving 18 %
of energy loss. The percentage of loss saving is less because at the peak load, there is no solar
power available. If the energy storage devices connected to the system the loss saving will be
478.25 397.92 17
The impact of PV connection to the voltage profile is also studied in this report. The
comparison of voltage profile has been done for maximum load condition which is shown in
Fig. 5.5 below. The voltage profile of the 21-bus system is improved significantly after
connecting the PV units which is depicted in Fig. 5.5. The voltage regulation is improved and
better quality of voltage profile is obtained after integration of DG. The voltage regulation
before DG addition is 9.25 and this value is reduced below 2% after addition of the DG units.
The voltage regulation within 5% is acceptable limit.
Bus Voltage Profile (in per unit)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Bus Number
Fig. 5.18: Comparison of voltage profile with PV during maximum load condition
Table 5.8: PV location and size for cost minimization
x 10 Pareto front
Annual PV cost (Rs.)
370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450
Annual Energy Loss (MWh)
Objective Functions Optimal Bus Locations and Capacity (kW)
S.N Loss
. PV Cost
(MWh 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21
(Rs. In lacs)
1 448.07 212.33 59 14 15 11 45 1 38 93 49 24
3 380.24 922.14 170 167 167 156 75 169 119 186 133 173
4 439.91 255.63 47 18 15 13 27 46 39 99 91 25
5 388.00 757.79 71 114 146 144 29 153 120 166 130 171
6 389.64 739.37 108 162 88 112 29 150 108 168 117 172
10 381.90 884.01 157 163 164 156 63 154 118 182 127 170
11 381.91 867.52 157 156 158 152 34 160 118 185 132 173
12 384.42 823.16 126 163 141 140 35 162 111 180 131 164
16 379.84 939.74 171 169 171 158 94 169 117 188 133 176
18 445.33 229.87 54 43 16 13 41 18 39 75 54 25
20 427.50 340.78 29 32 27 60 18 98 84 85 79 48
21 443.61 244.68 68 15 18 13 47 32 48 84 51 25
23 379.84 939.74 171 169 171 158 94 169 117 188 133 176
24 378.43 968.27 171 185 171 158 94 169 117 188 164 176
25 386.71 776.81 71 114 146 175 29 153 120 166 130 171
26 379.72 958.76 171 169 171 158 125 169 117 188 133 176
31 387.90 762.04 112 162 101 118 25 147 127 169 126 164
32 385.52 803.34 154 109 157 155 28 162 117 176 108 154
34 385.87 789.30 94 132 145 150 23 164 119 168 129 173
35 447.43 214.76 56 24 15 13 41 2 38 88 51 25
The maximum and minimum ranges of objective function values along with the PV
capacity is summarized in Table 5.7 below:
1 378.43 968.27 1591
2 448.07 212.33 349
The optimal range of PV capacity vary from 349 kW to 1591 kW. Similarly, the
corresponding optimal range of total annual energy loss varies from 448.07 MWh to 378.43
MWh. This shows that the higher the values of PV smaller is the energy loss and vice versa.
It is observed from the Fig. 5.7 below that the relationship between PV capacity and energy
loss is non-linear.
Energy Loss (MWh)
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700
PV Installed Capacity (kW)
PV cost in lacs(Rs.) 700
300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700
PV Installed capacity (kW)
The cost of PV in multi-objective optimization varies from Rs. 212.33 lacs to Rs.
968.27 lacs. It is observed from the Fig. 5.8 that the cost of PV is directly proportional to the
installed capacity of the PV units. At lowest cost, only 349 kW SPV can be installed and for
highest PV capacity as 1591 kW maximum cost is required.
The selection of the best solution depends upon the purpose of the study and
importance given to the objective function. From the fuzzy set theory, the best compromise
solution is obtained at the total penetration capacity of 952 kW which is the intermediate
range of PV capacity. The energy loss at the best capacity is 401.72 MWh and the
corresponding PV cost is Rs. 579.42 lacs. The best result is shown in Table 5.8 below:
Objective Functions Optimal Bus Locations and Capacity (kW) Capacity
PV Cost
(Rs. In 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21
5.3.4 Result Analysis
The solar energy potential for 30o inclined solar panel has been determined in Fig. 4.2
and the corresponding per unit capacity for 1 kWp solar module is given in Fig. 4.3 for
different seasons. For each season a lot of solar power generation has determined to the
selected site. The production of solar power is higher in the seasons spring and autumn has
identified than the other seasons. The outputs from solar has obtained from 6 am to 6 pm in
all the seasons and there are no outputs from the solar during night times.
The integration of above mentioned PV units in the radial distribution system reduces
power loss in the day time only. Therefore, at the peak time period there is no share of the
solar power to the grid. Hence, relatively smaller percentage of savings in the system loss as
assumed to the whole day availability of the solar power/ storage system.
Integration of PV units in the buses reduce the current flowing through the branch of
the network and loss is minimized. Similarly, voltage drop in the line is reduced and hence
the profile of the voltage level increases. System loss is proportional to the size of PV unit.
But greater the size increases the cost of the installation and maintenance. The system
loadability has improved due to the integration of PV at the best location and of optimal size.
In addition, that, voltage stability is improved and hence the quality of the power increases
Chapter - 6
6.1 General
6.2 Conclusion
In this study, optimal location and sizing of PV units has been implemented. A multi-
objective function was formed for optimum PV placement, considering minimization of
annual energy loss and SPV system cost. The solar energy resource assessment has been
done considering hourly seasonal values of solar radiation and the load profile of the system
was also considered hourly basis for different seasons. The backward/forward sweep method
was implemented in MATLAB to perform the load flow analysis. The multi-objective GA
program has formed using Optimization toolbox in MATLAB to find the Pareto-optimal
solution. Finally, a fuzzy-based technique has been utilized to select the best solution. The
proposed method was tested on 21 bus radial distribution system which is situated in
From the single objective optimization, energy loss minimization is achieved up to
18% by installing 1058 kW of PV units with SPV system cost Rs. 643.91 lacs. While from
the multi-objective optimization energy loss minimization is around 16.3% with annual PV
cost Rs. 579.42 lacs. The annual loss saving is proportional to the size of the PV unit which is
proportional to the PV cost. By minimizing the loss of the system, voltage level of the system
is also significantly improved.
In multi-objective optimization case, the results obtained for each objective function
is higher than the corresponding single objective function. Because GA takes care about the
other function while computing one single objective function.
This work deals with the finding of optimal location and size of PV units and it is
tested for 11 kV, 21 nodes radial distribution system which is located in Kathmandu. Future
work would be to find the location and size of the renewable resource as well as
dispatchability based DG for mesh type of network using real and larger realistic system data
and consider space constraint for particular site. Future work would also be to consider
different models of DG and compare the results. Optimization function can be extended to
include other objective functions such as switching/reconfiguration of the distribution
network and this can be tested with different optimization techniques like Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) and other intelligent techniques.
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bibc(: LD(i,3)-1) =bibc (: LD(i,2)-1);
bibc(LD(i,3)-1, LD(i,3)-1) =1;
Pload=BD (: ,1);
Qload=BD (: ,2);
Ns= [92 92 90 91];
vbr=ones (20,1);
for k=1:4
for j=1: size(lp,1)
Qld( :,j)=lp(j,k+1)*Qload;
Vo=ones(20,1);% initial bus votage value
% loop starts
while (diff>1e-4)
%backward sweep
I=conj(s(:,j)./v(:,j));% injected current
Z=complex(R,X);%branch impedance
ZD=diag(Z);%making it diagonal
IB=bibc*I; %branch current
%forward sweep
if abs(min(v(:,j)))<=abs(min(vbr))
fprintf('\nNumber of iteration=%d\n',itr);
% voltage profile plot
title('Minimum bus voltage at different nodes');
xlabel('Bus Number')
ylabel('Bus Voltage Profile (in per unit)')
axis([1 no 0.91 1.005]);
grid on
% daily average energy loss plot
fprintf('\nTotal Annual Active Energy Loss(MWh)=%.4f\n',AEL);
fprintf('\nTotal Annual Reactive Energy Loss(MVARh)=
plot(y, Pl'*1000, 'rx--', y, Ql'*1000,'c.-');
title('Plot of Daily Power Loss and time in hour');
xlabel('Time in hour');
ylabel('Daily Active Loss(MW)');
legend({'Active Loss(MW)','Reactive Loss(MVAR)'});
axis([1 24 0 140]);
grid on
%power loss calculation
% handling of voltage constraint
for i=1:size(R)
if abs(vbr(i))<0.95
elseif abs(vbr(i))>1.0
%Non-linear constrain function
function [c, ceq]=myconst(x)
%main program for PV location and size
%objective function
rng default;
%find candidate bus location
for i=1:20
%A*x <=b (linear inequalities)
%Aeq*x=b (linear equalities)
%Non-linear constrain function
%GA options
%setting options
100,'Generations',50,'FitnessLimit',0','TolFun',0.00000, ...
'PlotFcns',{@gaplotbestf, @gaplotbestindiv});
%calling genetic algorithm function for optimization
[xpv, ploss]=ga(FitnessFunction, Nvars,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,UB,...
nonlcon, options);
S=complex(P_new,Qload);% complex power
Vo=ones(Nvar,1); % initial bus votage
%main loop
while (diff>1e-4)
%backward sweep
I=conj(S./v);% injected current
Z=complex(R,X);%branch impedance
ZD=diag(Z);%making it diagonal
IB=bibc*I; %branch current
%forward sweep
for i=1:size(LD,1)
hold on
plot(x,v_old,'mx-', x, vnew, 'b*-');
title('Plot of Bus number & voltage profile');
xlabel('Bus Number');
ylabel('Bus Voltage Profile (in per unit)');
axis([1 no 0.90 1.025]);
grid on
fprintf('The minimum loss of the energy is=%f
% handling of voltage constraint
for i=1:size(R)
if abs(vbr(i))<0.95
elseif abs(vbr(i))>1.0
val(1)=sum(Pl)+t*kp;%eof first objective function
%% second objective function
r=0.12; %discount rate is 12%
%multi-objective genetic algorithm main program
%objective function
for i=1:20
%A*x <=b (linear inequalities)
%Aeq*x=b (linear equalities)
%GA options
options =gaoptimset('PopulationSize',100,...
[xpv,Fval] = gamultiobj(FitnessFunction,Nvars,...