(Routledge Perspectives On Development 7) Jennifer Elliott - An Introduction To Sustainable Development-Routledge (2012) PDF
(Routledge Perspectives On Development 7) Jennifer Elliott - An Introduction To Sustainable Development-Routledge (2012) PDF
(Routledge Perspectives On Development 7) Jennifer Elliott - An Introduction To Sustainable Development-Routledge (2012) PDF
Sustainable Development
Jennifer A. Elliott
First edition published
by Routledge 1994
Second edition published
by Routledge 1999
Third edition published
by Routledge 2006
This edition published 2013
by Routledge
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by Routledge
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© 1994, 1999, 2006, 2013 Jennifer A. Elliott
The right of Jennifer A. Elliott to be identified as author of this work
has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78
of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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List of plates ix
List of figures xi
List of tables xvi
List of boxes xvii
Acknowledgements xix
Introduction 1
1 What is sustainable development? 8
2 The global challenges of sustainable development 57
3 Actors and actions in sustainable development 120
4 Sustainable rural livelihoods 189
5 Sustainable urban livelihoods 249
6 Sustainable development in the developing world:
an assessment 302
References 332
Index 351
rising food, fuel and commodity prices that impact hardest and first
on the poorest people in societies. Finding ways to address and
prevent these crises requires interconnected and interdisciplinary
thinking that is also at the core of sustainable development.
Evidently, the context in which sustainable development is currently
being pursued is significantly different to that in the 1990s. An
increasingly globalised world has brought new challenges and
opportunities for the environment and for development. New actors
(such as transnational corporations and civil society organisations)
and new technologies (particularly in computing, information and
communication) now shape outcomes in resource development and
management to a much greater extent than previously. However, the
closer and deeper integration of people and places around the globe
brings new risks as well as opportunities. Farmers, for example, may
be able to access new and wider markets for their produce but have
less direct control over decisions regarding what to grow and when
to sell, to whom. They become increasingly vulnerable to changes in
price and consumers’ tastes set at great distances away.
Climate scientists have also now established the human causes of
climate change. Yet existing patterns of economic development
remain closely associated with increased energy demands and rising
fossil fuel use. Moving towards lower carbon patterns and processes
of development is a challenge for individuals, business and industry,
governments and international organisations globally. However,
contributions to processes of climate change, the experiences of its
impacts and capacity to cope with change already occurring are not
evenly distributed; within current societies, across different countries
or between generations. This is one illustration of the complex
interconnections between environmental resources and the functions
and services they provide for human wellbeing and development. It
also highlights that the challenges and opportunities of sustainable
development are context specific, that is, they lie in the
interconnections of factors of the natural and human environment in
particular places and points in time ensuring that there is no simple
or single ‘route’ to sustainable development.
Economic growth in the past two decades has delivered vast
improvements in human well-being including moving over 400
million people out of poverty. Many of the fastest rates of economic
growth currently are now in countries of the Global South. Brazil,
Russia, India and China (the ‘BRIC’ economies) for example, are
Introduction • 3
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
G We recognise that poverty eradication, changing consumption and production patterns, and
protecting and managing the natural resource base for economic and social development
are overarching objectives of, and essential requirements for, sustainable development.
G The deep fault line that divides human society between the rich and the poor and the ever-
increasing gap between the developed and developing worlds poses a major threat to
global prosperity, security and stability.
G The global environment continues to suffer. Loss of biodiversity continues, fish stocks
continue to be depleted, desertification claims more and more fertile land, the adverse
effects of climate change are already evident, natural disasters are more frequent and
more devastating and developing countries more vulnerable, and air, water and marine
pollution continue to rob millions of a decent life.
G Globalisation has added a new dimension to these challenges. The rapid integration of
markets, mobility of capital and significant increases in investment flows around the world
have opened new challenges and opportunities for the pursuit of sustainable development.
But the benefits and costs of globalisation are unevenly distributed, with developing
countries facing special difficulties in meeting this challenge.
G We risk the entrenchment of these global disparities and unless we act in a manner that
fundamentally changes their lives, the poor of the world may lose confidence in their
representatives and the democratic systems to which we remain committed, seeing their
representatives as nothing more than sounding brass or tinkling cymbals.
Achieving a Sustainable Economy Promoting Good Governance Using Sound Science Responsibly
Building a strong, stable and Actively promoting effective, Ensuring policy is developed
sustainable economy which participative systems of and implemented on the
provides prosperity and governance in all levels of basis of strong scientific
opportunities for all, and in society – engaging people’s evidence, whilst taking into
which environmental and creativity, energy and account scientific uncertainty
social costs fall on those who diversity as well as public attitudes
impose them (polluter pays) and values
Figure 1.5 Defining and interpreting the contested concept of sustainable development
‘In principle, such an optimal (sustainable growth) policy would seek to maintain an
“acceptable” rate of growth in per-capita real incomes without depleting the national capital
asset stock or the natural environmental asset stock.’
(Turner, 1988: 12)
‘The net productivity of biomass (positive mass balance per unit area per unit time)
maintained over decades to centuries.’
(Conway, 1987: 96)
‘Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.’
(WCED, 1987: 43)
‘A sustainable society is one in which peoples’ ability to do what they have good reason to
value is continually enhanced.’
(Sen, 1999)
‘Like motherhood, and God, it is difficult not to approve of it. At the same time, the idea of
sustainable development is fraught with contradictions.’
(Redclift, 1997: 438)
‘Its very ambiguity enables it to transcend the tensions inherent in its meaning.’
(O’Riordan, 1995: 21)
Social Natural
What is sustainable development? • 21
Box 1.1
Critical natural capital: capital that is required for survival. It can be viewed
as functional (such as the presence of the ozone layer or the atmosphere in
general) or valued (for example rare species valued in terms of their potential
for health care).
Constant natural capital: capital that must be maintained in some form but
can be adapted or replaced.
Tradable natural capital: natural capital which is not scarce or highly valued
and which can be replaced.
The notion of critical natural capital (whilst still debated) has informed ideas
of ‘weak’ and ‘strong’ sustainability in practice. A weak interpretation of
sustainable development is where the total capital stock passed onto the next
generation is constant or growing and all forms of natural capital can
therefore be traded off and substituted with human capital. Strong
sustainability demands the protection of critical natural capital because once
lost, these assets are lost forever, and they cannot be recreated.
Source: compiled from Pearce et al. (1989); Barr (2008).
24 • What is sustainable development?
Poverty, hunger, disease and debt have been familiar words within the
lexicon of development ever since formal development planning
began, following the Second World War. In the past decade they have
been joined by sustainability.
(Adams, 2001: 1)
Exploitation of
Investment in manufacturing advantages in
exceeds 10 per cent of international trade
national income; development High mass
of modern social, political and consumption
economic institutions Drive to
Installation of physical Development
infrastructure and emergence of welfare
of political/social elite Take-off services
Transition triggered Development of
by external influences, wider industrial and
interests or markets Preconditions commercial base
Development of a
for take-off
Traditional Commercial sector
society exploitation of
agriculture and
extractive industry
Limited technology
Static society
Table 1.1 Economic growth rates in the world economy, 1971–2000 (annual growth
rates in constant 1990 $US)
Cuts in:
G government expenditure
G public sector employment
G real wages
Table 1.2 Inward foreign direct investment, by major world region, 2000
World 1,167,337
Low income countries 6,812 0.6
Middle income countries 150,572 12.9
High income countries 1,009,929 86.5
East Asia and Pacific 42,847 4.0
Europe and Central Asia 28,495 2.4
Latin America and Caribbean 75,088 6.4
Middle East and North Africa 1,209 0.1
South Asia 3,093 0.3
Sub-Saharan Africa 6,676 0.6
Figure 1.12 Uneven regional patterns of ICT: a) mobile phones per 1,000 people;
b) internet users per 1,000 people
a b
Number of subscribers Number of users
600 Europe 600
North America
North America
500 500
400 400
300 300
Source: UNEP (2007).
Box 1.2
Technocentric Ecocentric
Environmental Human-centred: humanity has Earth-centred: the Earth nurtures
philosophies: a desire to manipulate nature humanity’s existence and should
and make the world a more be treated with respect and
certain place in which to live. humility.
Green labels: ‘Dry Green’ ‘Deep Green’
Reformist in that the present Radical in that quite rapid and
economic system is accepted, fundamental changes in economy
but considered to require some and society are desired.
gradual revision.
Belief in political status quo, Supports devolved, political
but more responsible and structures with emphasis on self-
accountable institutions. Self- reliant communities and pursuit
regulation through ‘enlightened of justice and redistribution
conscience’. across generations.
Environmental Reliance on scientific Management strategies geared to
management credibility, modelling and retaining global stability based
strategies: prediction. on ecological principles of
diversity and homeostasis.
Promotes the appropriate New and fundamentally different
manipulation of markets to conservation solutions required
create cost-effective solutions which are flexible and adaptable.
to environmental improvements.
Sustainable development Alternative and appropriate
through rational use of resources, technologies.
better planning and clean
technologies, for example.
Sources: compiled from Pepper (1996), O’Riordan (1981) and O’Riordan (1995).
42 • What is sustainable development?
G The dematerialisation of production processes to make them more energy and resource
efficient, i.e. reducing the energy/resources for each unit of output, will lead at an
aggregate level, to a decoupling of economic growth and resource use.
G Improvements in income and standards of living thereby become less dependent on natural
resource inputs and result in less environmental degradation.
G Pollution prevention pays: businesses reduce costs through technological changes that
reduce waste and pollution.
G Large scale, ‘smoke-stack’ industries that cannot be made ecologically sound are gradually
phased out.
G Markets for pollution abatement equipment and other ‘green technologies’ are growing.
G Green consumerism is stimulating demand for goods that minimise environmental damage
in the way that they are produced and that have reduced environmental impact when used.
G Science and technology support the integration of environmental considerations into the
design, production and final disposal of all products such as through integrated product
policies and life cycle assessment.
G Businesses take account of longer-term, environmental outcomes such as through
environmental management systems and are encouraged to do so through government
taxes and permits that penalise environmentally damaging activities.
G Markets have a key role in the transmission of both ecological practices and ideas.
Knowledgeable consumers encourage manufactures and retailers to advertise the
environmental credentials of their products, processes and outcomes.
action and bringing these to public attention (rather than being led by
environmental professionals as in mainstream environmentalism).
One case that received high profile media attention (including being
the basis of the film Erin Brockovich) was at ‘Love Canal’, a suburb
within Buffalo, New York State in the US. In the late 1970s, the
health impacts of toxic chemicals buried by a plastics company two
decades earlier started to be seen in widespread miscarriages and
birth deformities within neighbouring low income and largely
coloured communities. Lois Gibbs was a resident of the area
concerned about the constant ill-health of her son and linked it to the
location of his primary school. She collected information on illnesses
within the locality, organised petitions and lobbied the authorities to
undertake environmental testing. Further widespread public action
and pressure on local politicians led to the eventual declaration of the
area as unsafe for human habitation and to the relocation of families.
In 1991, more than a thousand activists from the US, Canada and
Central America came together at the First National People of Color
Environmental Leadership Summit. The 17 principles of
Environmental Justice listed in Figure 1.14 that were adopted at the
summit are widely considered to be the defining document for the EJ
movement. As seen, the principles confirm a much expanded
conception of environmental issues to include a range of health,
spiritual and education concerns. The strongly activist stance and call
for efforts to secure justice for all peoples (not only racial justice) is
also seen.
Concurrently through the 1990s, environmental concern and action
was being expressed through a growing range of movements within
developing countries. Martinez-Alier (2002: 14) identifies
‘environmentalism of the poor’ as growing out of thousands of
‘local, regional, national and global ecological distribution conflicts
and caused by economic growth and social inequalities’. Their action
and concern centres on the impacts of ecological conflict on the
livelihoods of peasant farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities,
for example, who are often poor and in many of these countries,
comprise the majority of the population (Martinez-Alier, 2002). As
with the EJ movement, environmentalism of the poor emphasises
what are considered the inevitable distributional conflicts of
continued economic growth and persistent inequality and the
geographies of the environmental and social impacts being felt
currently. It therefore challenges not only mainstream environmental
thinking but also the prevailing development models for the way in
52 • What is sustainable development?
Figure 1.14 The principles of Environmental Justice, First National People of Color
Environmental Leadership Summit, 1991
Environmental Justice:
G affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of all
species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.
G demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples, free
from any form of discrimination or bias.
G mandates the right to ethical, balanced and responsible uses of land and renewable
resources in the interest of a sustainable planet for humans and other living things.
G calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production and disposal of
toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons and nuclear testing that threaten the fundamental
right to clean air, land, water and food.
G affirms the fundamental right to political, economic, cultural and environmental self-
determination of all peoples.
G demands the cessation of the production of all toxins, hazardous wastes, and radioactive
materials, and that all past and current producers be held strictly accountable to the
people for detoxification and the containment at the point of production.
G demands the right to participate as equal partners at every level of decision-making,
including needs assessment, planning, implementation, enforcement and evaluation.
G affirms the right of all workers to a safe and healthy environment without being forced to
choose between an unsafe livelihood and unemployment. It also affirms the right of those
who work at home to be free from environmental hazards.
G protects the right of victims of environmental injustice to receive full compensation and
reparations for damages as well as quality health care.
G considers governmental acts of environmental injustice a violation of international law,
the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and the United Nations Convention on
G must recognise a special legal and natural relationship of Native People to the US
government through treaties, agreements, compacts and covenants affirming sovereignty
and self-determination.
G affirms the need for urban and rural ecological policies to clean up and rebuild our cities
and rural areas in balance with nature, honouring the cultural integrity of all our
communities, and provide fair access for all to the full range of resources.
G calls for the strict enforcement of principles of informed consent, and a halt to the
testing of experimental reproductive and medical procedures and vaccinations on
people of color.
G opposes the destructive operations of multi-national corporations.
G opposes military occupation, repression and exploitation of lands, peoples and cultures
and other life forms.
G calls for the education of present and future generations which emphasizes social and
environmental issues, based on our experience and an appreciation of our diverse cultural
G requires that we, as individuals, make personal and consumer choices to consume as little
of Mother Earth’s resources and to produce as little waste as possible; and make the
conscious decision to challenge and reprioritise our lifestyles to ensure the health of the
natural world for present and future generations.
1. Approximately 60% of the ecosystem services examined are being degraded or used
unsustainably; including fresh water, capture fisheries, air and water purification and the
regulation of regional and local climate, natural hazards and pests. Many ecosystem
services have been degraded as a consequence of actions taken to increase the supply of
other services, such as food. These trade-offs often shift the costs of degradation from one
group of people to another or defer costs to future generations.
2. There is evidence that changes in ecosystems are increasing the likelihood of nonlinear
changes in ecosystems (including accelerating, abrupt and potentially irreversible changes)
that have important consequences for human well-being. Examples include the creation of
‘dead zones’ in coastal waters and shifts in regional climate.
3. The harmful effects of the degradation of ecosystem services (the persistent decreases in
the capacity of an ecosystem to deliver services) are being borne disproportionately by the
poor, are contributing to growing inequities and disparities across groups of people and are
sometimes the principal factor causing poverty and social conflict.
Discussion questions
Further reading
Adams, W.M. (2009) Green Development, third edition, Routledge, Abingdon. This
is a more advanced text but provides a thorough review of both mainstream ideas
in environment and development thinking and how these have been challenged,
including from within the developing world.
Potter, R.B., Binns, J.A., Elliott, J.A. and Smith, D. (2008) Geographies of
Development, third edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow. A good
overview text for understanding the major issues in development.
WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) (1987) Our Common
Future, Oxford University Press, Oxford. The landmark text that first defined the
concept of sustainable development and identified the linked challenges of
environment and development for the global community. It continues to shape
how sustainable development is understood and pursued in practice.
Willis, K. (2011) Theories and Practices of Development, second edition, Routledge,
Abingdon. A very accessible and readable introductory text for understanding the
key development theories and how these have shaped development interventions
in practice.
www.unstats.org An important source for many internationally compiled and
authoritative statistics including regarding progress on the Millennium
Development Goals.
www.maweb.org Home page for the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the
extensive research and reports regarding the current condition and trends of the
world’s ecosystems and the services they provide and the consequences for
human well-being.
www.worldbank.org Host to extensive data, resources, reports and publications
concerning development including country-level Poverty Reduction Strategy
Papers and the annual World Development Reports.
www.uncsd2012.org Official website for the forthcoming (2012) UN Conference
on Sustainable Development, ‘Rio +20’.
2 The global challenges of
sustainable development
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
Figure 2.1 Human impact on climate warming confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (emphases added)
1995: The balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate
2001: most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities
2007: warming of the climate is unequivocal. Most of the observed increase in globally
averaged temperatures since the mid twentieth century is very likely due to the observed
increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.
The global challenges of sustainable development • 59
12,000 Biofuels
10,000 Nuclear
Natural gas
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009
Domestic use
Cubic km per year
1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025
The theoretical point at which half or more of the world oil supplies are used up. Given that oil
was formed through geological processes in the deep past, this means that all the oil that
there will ever be in a human lifespan already exists. Once society moves past the point of
Peak Oil and into using the second half of the inevitably limited supply, it is argued that oil
becomes more scarce, more scattered and more costly to extract. As such the era of cheap
oil and fossil fuel dependence ends.
Box 2.1
More and more Nigerians today have access to computer facilities at home,
school, business centres and Internet cafes. A great number also have access to
mobile telephones and this is now playing a huge role in the development of the
Nigerian economy . . . These advancements in ICT depend to a large extent on
second-hand/refurbished electrical and electronic equipment.
E-waste imports can be seen as a way of supplying the rapidly increasing demand for
ICT in these countries, supporting the breakdown of the global ‘digital divide’ and
providing opportunities for social and economic development. The economic sense is
also confirmed by the fact that used PCs can be bought in Nigeria at 30 per cent of the
cost of new whilst demand for such ‘second-hand’ goods in exporting countries such as
in Europe and the US is often low. The costs of recycling in exporting countries are also
high, partly because of regulations on landfill and incineration of electronic goods.
However, a study by the Basel Action Network (BAN) found that of over 500 container
loads of second-hand PCs and accessories that are imported for reuse through the
Nigerian port of Lagos every month, 75 per cent were in fact unusable, irreparable,
‘e-scrap’ (cited in Obsibanjo and Nnorom, 2007). BAN is one of many NGOs that are
campaigning for a global system of labelling to confirm usability of second hand
appliances intended for export.
In addition to this question of trade in e-waste occurring in the name of recycling but
actually constituting ‘dumping’, there are substantial concerns regarding the
environmental and health impacts during the methods and processes of reclamation and
recycling and in the ultimate disposal of wastes. In many receiving countries, a lack of
national regulation and/or enforcement has enabled the rapid growth of an informal
sector centred on trading, repairing and recovering materials from e-waste. Whilst this
Figure 2.4 E-waste recycling sources and destinations
Islamabad CHINA
Sher Shah
INDIA Nanhai
from the Shantou
Arabian Ahmedabad BURMA Hong Kong
Peninsula VIETNAM Macao
from North America
Mumbai Gulf of
Bangai South
from Europe
suspected AUSTRALIA
main ports where e-waste is received and dispatched
Source: adapted from Basel Action Network, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, Toxic Links India, SCOPE (Pakistan) and Greenpeace China.
The global challenges of sustainable development • 63
64 • The global challenges of sustainable development
provides opportunities for some people to gain an income (and to build a business if they
have sufficient capital and networks, for example), much of the recycling activities are
actually taking place within crude ‘backyard operations’ and at landfill sites with little
formal regulation and where the health costs fall largely on the urban and rural poor. The
persistence of an international trade could also mean that there is less incentive within
exporting countries to invest in the infrastructure necessary and develop the market for
recycling and disposal ‘at home’. Figure 2.4 identifies the principal destination countries
and cities for e-waste.
In Guiyu town in the southern Guandon Province of China, an estimated 100,000 people
are employed in processing e-waste largely from the US, but also from Japan, South
Korea and Europe. Ship loads of containers come through the port of Nanhai and then
hundreds of trucks depart each day to Guiyo town (BAN, 2002). The work is based on
receiving and recycling obsolete and broken computer equipment: heating printed circuit
boards over charcoal burners to release possibly reusable computer chips; burning of
wires in the open air to recover copper; treatment of circuit boards in open acid baths
next to rivers to extract precious metals; dismantling printer cartridges to collect remnant
traces of toner and for recyclable plastic and aluminium parts. Workers in these
enterprises are totally unprotected: there is no basic safety equipment, they breathe in
toner fumes and are exposed to heavy metal contaminants. Local water sources have
been contaminated to the extent that drinking water has to be trucked in. As a method for
resource/material recovery, this is also inefficient in that it does not fully release the raw
materials that could be.
Whilst China is a signatory to the Basel Convention and has national legislation
prohibiting imports of solid wastes that are unusable as raw materials and severely
regulates imports of wastes that can be used as raw materials, the infrastructure to enforce
the legislation is extremely lacking (with some additional concerns as to the political will
to enforce it). The illegal nature in turn ensures opportunities for exploitation:
impoverished farmers are willing to take the health risks and risks of prosecution through
their desperate need for money, as evidenced by the fact that such activities often take
part under the cover of darkness or re-start immediately once officials leave. Corruption is
also evident as officials take money from operators in the e-waste business.
Concern for the ‘sink’ limits of the earth’s systems also underpins
the global challenge of climate change. Rising concentrations of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to human activities are now
understood to be causing unprecedented increases in the average
surface temperatures worldwide. Whilst the implications of climate
warming for the functioning of various environmental systems and
for societies continue to be closely researched (and debated), many
earth system scientists are now exploring environmental limits in the
sense of thresholds or ‘tipping points’. In short, in these cases,
environmental changes do not progress slowly or in a linear manner
The global challenges of sustainable development • 65
(as in the build-up of domestic wastes, for example) but may change
suddenly, dramatically and possibly irreversibly.
However, what constitutes an environmental ‘limit’ on development
is also shaped by the values and decisions of society; in determining
‘acceptable’ levels of resource degradation and which groups of
people, living where should bear the cost of such degradation, for
example. Furthermore, different interests and groups in society may
value different and competing resource and environmental functions
at the same time and in particular places. Reconciling these
differences will be seen to underpin many of the challenges of
sustainable development through this chapter. As Buckles and Rusnak
(1999: 2) suggest, ‘conflict over natural resources such as land, water
and forests is ubiquitous’. Whilst the causes of human conflict are
complex, natural resource use, by the very nature of biophysical and
ecological processes, connects the actions of one individual or group
to another and thereby contains the potential for conflict.
Figure 2.5 Total primary energy supply per capita 2007, selected regions and countries
Tonnes of oil equivalent per capita
Latin America
Middle East
Box 2.2
Box 2.3
Whilst there are now international standards (such as the Roundtable on Sustainable
Palm Oil) developed by the industry in conjunction with conservation organisations and
social justice groups (and Indonesia has its own laws protecting customary rights), there
remain concerns that legal reforms will take some time to be effected and much of the
expansion of biofuels will continue to be at the expense of existing tropical rainforest and
local livelihoods.
available. Forty per cent of energy use in Brazil, for example, comes
from renewable energy sources (Flavin, 2008). Whilst China remains
heavily dependent on carbon-intensive coal sources for energy
production, it has set ambitious targets on renewables in recent years
and is achieving annual improvements in energy efficiency and in
lowering the carbon intensity of production (IEA, 2009). However,
there are no simple linkages between levels of development and
carbon intensity. Energy use is influenced by the structure of
economy (manufacturing and mining are more energy intensive than
agriculture, for example) as well as by climate, which influences
energy use such as for domestic heating and cooling. Energy policies
are also key: countries with higher energy prices and more stringent
regulations tend to be more energy efficient (World Bank, 2010a).
Evidently the challenges of lower carbon growth include enhancing
the use of renewables (such as solar, wind, biofuels, nuclear and
hydro-electric sources) that provide low to zero carbon emissions.
Several developing nations are now world leaders in the use of
renewable energy, suggesting further optimism for lower carbon
growth in future. Brazil is currently the world’s largest producer and
consumer of renewable energy and India has the fourth largest wind
power industry worldwide (Flavin, 2008). Investments in renewable
energy have been rising globally with many countries now having
national commitments and targets on renewable energy, often closely
linked to climate change actions (see Chapter 3). Such patterns and
the substantial known potential of technologies and policies for
further energy efficiencies have led to the suggestion that developing
nations can ‘leap-frog’ more developed nations in their energy
trajectories and lead the way towards lower carbon futures. However,
‘the fact that so much efficiency potential remains untapped suggests
that it is not easily realized’ (World Bank, 2010a: 190). There is also
concern as to whether such ‘decarbonisation’ of development
trajectories can occur at a rate fast enough to stabilise climate
warming at an acceptable level, as discussed below.
Recent efforts to enhance the use of renewable energy sources have
confirmed that the challenges of sustainable development encompass
difficult political choices and trade-offs concerning sustainability
objectives. Renewable energy technologies are expensive to ‘get
started’ and put into operation, at a scale that is understood as
essential to substantially influence national and global energy futures.
Such investments have often relied on political will in the form of
government subsidies and have been closely influenced by general
The global challenges of sustainable development • 71
Water ‘scarcity’
The close relationship between past development and rising demands
for water was seen in Figure 2.2b and is the basis of long-standing
sustainability concerns over water availability and of securing future
sources to support development. In the early 1990s, the fears were
that increasing physical scarcity of water could lead to ‘water wars’.
Over 60 per cent of the world’s freshwater supply lies in over 260
international river basins, spanning borders of more than two
countries (Clarke and King, 2004). Two in every five people globally
live in such basins (UNDP, 2006: 20). The concern was that
competition over water could threaten already fragile ties between
states in key regions like the Middle East. In 2005, water scarcity
was identified as a ‘globally significant and accelerating condition’
(MEA, 2005: 51). Global water use relative to accessible supply
increased by 20 per cent per decade from 1960 to 2000 (ibid.). It is
predicted that water withdrawals in developing countries will
increase by a further 50 per cent to 2025 (UNEP, 2007). By the same
72 • The global challenges of sustainable development
Box 2.4
In July 2010, record breaking monsoon rainfall in Pakistan led to over 1,000 deaths and
1 million people affected through flooding. Yet, many more perish daily from water-
related diseases (630 children a day from diarrhoea, for example) and water availability
per person per year has fallen in the country by 80 per cent in the last 60 years. One
factor has been population growth; Pakistan is currently the sixth most populous country
in the world with a population of 175 million that is growing at 1.6 per cent per annum.
In addition, much of Pakistan’s water comes from glaciers that are shrinking with climate
change. Water supply in Pakistan is also heavily dependent on the flows of six rivers
from Indian-controlled Kashmir and the Indian Punjab. Whilst these rivers are the subject
of the 1960 Indus Water Treaty, the treaty is under strain and was an issue that featured
in the recent failed peace talks between the two countries. India is currently constructing
a water diversion scheme in Kashmir that could prevent water from the Jhelum river
reaching Pakistan, and also has more than 20 hydro projects active on three western
rivers (allocated to Pakistan under the treaty). India argues that these hydro schemes will
return water downstream and therefore don’t violate the treaty.
Ninety per cent of water use in Pakistan is for agriculture, which employs approximately
half of the national workforce and accounts for a quarter of exports. Declining water
supplies are already affecting production in the Punjab (the country’s ‘bread basket’),
where small scale producers have had livelihoods ruined and there are concerns of rising
local unrest that could provide a focus for militant activity. Whilst water- and sanitation-
related diseases are estimated to cost Pakistan’s national economy nearly £1 billion a
year, investments in water infrastructure, in treatment technologies and in improving
agricultural techniques to reduce waste and enhance efficiency, for example, have yet to
be implemented.
Source: compiled from Waraich (2010).
G People living in the slums of Jakarta, Indonesia; Manila, the Philippines; and Nairobi,
Kenya, pay 5–10 times more for water per unit than those in high-income areas of these
cities – and more than consumers pay in London or New York.
G High-income households use far more water than poor households. In Dar es Salam,
Tanzania, and Mumbai, India, per capita water use is 15 times higher in high-income
suburbs linked to the utility than in slum areas.
G Inequitable water pricing has perverse consequences for household poverty. The poorest
20 per cent of households in El Salvador, Jamaica and Nicaragua spend on average more
than 10 per cent of their income on water. In the UK, a 3 per cent threshold is considered
an indicator of hardship.
I’ve never seen a problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve with fewer people,
or harder, and ultimately impossible, with more. Population is reaching its
optimum and the world cannot hold an infinite number of people.
(Attenborough cited in Bahra, 2009)
78 • The global challenges of sustainable development
Northern Oceania
America 0.5%
Latin America
and Caribbean
Projected 2050
Northern Oceania
America 0.5%
Latin America
and Caribbean
Figure 2.8 Projected average annual rate of population change by major regions,
2010–2100 (medium variant)
Latin America and the Caribbean
Northern America
Annual population growth (percentage)
Source: adapted from UN-DESA (2011) World Population Prospects: the 2010 Revision, New York.
The global challenges of sustainable development • 81
and action to shape a life you value (Sen, 2000; MEA, 2005). Figure
2.9 illustrates how opportunity to benefit from a consistent education
is shaped by, among other things, wealth, location and gender. Based
on data from 42 developing countries it confirms that inequalities in
wealth are important in shaping the chance of children gaining an
education, with fewer children out of school amongst wealthier
households. However, rural children are twice as likely to be out
Percentage of children
Poorest 20% Second 20% Middle 20% Fourth 20% Richest 20%
Percentage of children
Rural Urban
84 • The global challenges of sustainable development
this goal of sustainability . . . would make little sense if the present life
opportunities that are to be ‘sustained’ in the future were miserable
and indigent. Sustaining deprivation cannot be our goal, nor should we
deny the less privileged today the attention that we bestow on
generations in the future.
Figure 2.10 The Millennium Declaration commitments to the challenge of global poverty
and inequality for sustainable development
‘We have a collective responsibility to uphold the principles of human dignity, equality and
equity at the global level. As leaders we have a duty therefore to all the world’s people,
especially the most vulnerable and, in particular, the children of the world, to whom the future
Millennium Declaration statement 2
‘We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and
dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty, to which more than a billion of them are currently
subjected. We are committed to making the right to development a reality for everyone and to
freeing the entire human race from want.’
Millennium Declaration statement 11
‘We reaffirm our support for the principles of sustainable development, including those set out
in Agenda 21, agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Millennium Declaration statement 22
Figure 2.11 The number of people living on less than $1.25 a day
People (millions) living on less than $1.25 a day
1990 1995 2000 2005
Table 2.2 Child mortality rates by wealth, There also remain substantial
selected countries (under-five mortality
rates per 1,000 live births)
inequalities globally in the
opportunity to build healthy and
Country Poorest 20% Richest 20% long lives. A child born in Norway
Brazil 99 33
today can expect to live to beyond
Peru 63 11
the age of 80, whereas in Zambia,
Philippines 66 21 life expectancy is currently below
South Africa 87 22 40 years and the gap between
Nicaragua 64 19 wealth and the very poorest
Namibia 55 31 countries is increasing (UNDP,
India 141 46 2009). Life expectancy in 14
Kenya 149 91 African countries was lower in
Nigeria 257 79 2000–5 than it was in 1970–75
Bolivia 105 32 (UNDP, 2007). Wealth inequalities
within countries also shape these
Source: UNDP (2007).
basic opportunities to live a long
and healthy life. In the UK, for example, the difference in life
expectancy between ‘professional’ and ‘unskilled’ social classes are
7.3 years in the case of men and 7 for women (ONS, 2007).
Table 2.2 confirms the large gaps that exist between richer and
poorer groups within countries in terms of child survival.
Whilst differences in wealth and income inequality are evidently
important in explaining spatial patterns of child mortality across
scales, factors of the environment are also key. For example,
90 per cent of all child deaths due to malaria occur in Africa
(UNICEF, 2010). However, more children die before the age
of five in West Africa than in East Africa, linked to the
environmental conditions and the disease ecology of malaria
(Hill, 1991). Research has also shown that children born in
drought years in East Africa were more likely to suffer stunted
growth (and additional afflictions that don’t go away when the
rain comes) that impact on nutritional status, the likelihood of
attending primary school and even their ability to bear children
in the future (UNDP, 2007). A key challenge for sustainable
development is that many of the main killers of children,
such as malaria and diarrhoea (see Figure 2.12), are particularly
sensitive to changes in ecosystems and the abundance of human
pathogens, making children particularly vulnerable to the
effects of climate warming (UNICEF, 2009).
Children are amongst the poorest groups in all societies. They are
also responsible for very little pollution but are themselves extremely
88 • The global challenges of sustainable development
Figure 2.12 Major causes of death in neonates and children under 5 globally
Other neonatal causes Injuries
Neonatal causes –
Neonatal causes –
Other causes
Source: adapted from UN-DESA (2010).
Defining poverty
‘Poverty’ is a term open to many different definitions and
interpretations. The earliest and most widespread measure used to
quantify ‘development’ achievements across a population has been
Gross National Product (GNP) per capita (as compiled by the World
Bank, for example). GNP refers to the total value of all the goods
and services produced and sold domestically and overseas by a
nation. The estimates of ‘$1.25 dollar a day’ as reported by the
United Nations in the MDGs above is an example of attempts to
establish an international ‘poverty’ line and enable comparisons
between countries. It is based on national assessments of the
expenditure of households required to consume a certain number of
calories or basket of goods and services. The ‘purchasing power
parity’ adjustment widely attached to these assessments enables
differences across countries in the costs of services and value of
currencies and inflation rates to be accounted for.
In 2000, the World Bank undertook a ‘participatory poverty
assessment’ with 40,000 poor women and men in 50 countries as
part of the preparation of the World Development Report on
Attacking Poverty. It was a significant departure from their previous
work on poverty and involved working with focus groups, where
people discussed how they themselves defined their sense of
well-being and impoverishment. The multidimensional nature of
‘poverty’ and ‘development’ that the research revealed is evident
in Figure 2.13, where factors of security, autonomy and self-esteem
(as well as income) were important in shaping peoples’ own
definitions of well-being.
Other institutions and authors incorporate a number of components of
‘human development’ to consider poverty and deprivation. Since
1990, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has
reported a ‘Human Development Index’ (HDI) drawing heavily on
the work of Amartya Sen (1981, 1999). Sen considers human
development in terms of individuals’ capabilities to achieve, to
flourish and live lives they have reason to value. In turn, poverty is
considered as a set of interrelated ‘unfreedoms’ that constrain
people’s choices and opportunity to exercise their individual agency.
The HDI (Figure 2.14) combines four indicators that measure three
dimensions considered essential to enlarging people’s choices and
opportunities to engage in processes of human development: the
90 • The global challenges of sustainable development
G Material well-being: food, shelter, clothing, housing and certainty of livelihood in terms of
possession of assets
G Physical well-being: physical health and strength (in recognition of how quickly illness can
lead to destitution)
G Security: peace of mind and confidence regarding personal and family survival. Includes
issues relating to livelihood, but also war, corruption, violence, lack of protection from
police and access to justice and lawfulness
G Freedom of choice and action: power to control one’s life, to avoid exploitation, rudeness
and humiliation. Ability to acquire education, skills, loans and resources to live in a good
place. Having means to help others and fulfil moral obligations
G Social well-being: good relations with family and community, being able to care for elderly,
raise children, marry. Ability to participate fully in community/society, in gift-exchange,
festivities, weddings, etc.
Education Development
Living standards
Box 2.5
Figure 2.15 Loss in HDI due to multidimensional inequality (largest and smallest
losses across HDI groupings)
31% 8% Inequality-adjusted HDI
44% 14%
South Czech Peru Ukraine Namibia Moldova Mozambique Ghana
Korea Republic
Very high High Medium Low
Note: Numbers beside bars are percentage loss due to multidimensional inequality.
Educational attainment
(secondary level and above)
Empowerment Inequality
Parliamentary representation
Adolescent fertility
Maternal mortality
a) Northern Nigeria
Source: Hamish Main, Staffordshire University.
b) Southern Tunisia
Source: author.
96 • The global challenges of sustainable development
steep hillsides and river beds prone to flooding and mass movements.
In addition, they regularly reside in environments impoverished
through their ‘acquired’ characteristics, such as alongside hazardous
installations or railway tracks. This often reflects the operation of
market forces, these environments having low commercial value (i.e.
demand from other uses) because they are poor. For low-income
groups who are often also politically marginalised, this may enable
them to afford to live there and be able to avoid eviction.
Poorer groups in society also have less power to resist and prevent
‘detrimental developments’ – those that make their environments
more impoverished in some way. As identified in Chapter 1, notions
of environmental justice developed in the US context that centred on
issues of race and class, have more recently been extended to include
concerns for the capacity of low-income groups worldwide to
influence decisions that shape the distribution of and access to both
environmental ‘goods’ and ‘bads’. The climate justice movement
considered below raises a central question of how developing
countries as a whole contribute very little to greenhouse gas
emissions yet are already suffering from and are likely to be
impacted most by further climate change. Box 2.1 illustrated how
toxic waste materials continue to be transferred from higher incomes
countries to generally lower income countries and how it is regularly
the poorest who suffer environmental damage and health impacts
through such processes. People in the most disadvantaged areas
across England (identified using the Index of Multiple Deprivation)
have also been shown to suffer the least favourable environmental
conditions including proximity to waste management facilities,
industrial and landfill sites, greater flood risk and poorer air quality
(Walker et al., 2005). The lack of voice that poor people often have
in environmental decision-making has been confirmed in China: for
citizens with similar levels of pollution exposure and education,
those living in high-income provinces were more than twice as
likely to file complaints as those residing in low-income provinces
(WRI, 2003). There are many further examples throughout this text
of ‘development’ processes undermining both environmental and
human health, and empowering local voices to enable communities
to resist detrimental developments is seen in Chapters 4 and 5 to
be a critical feature of more sustainable development processes.
Significant steps in understanding the complex linkages between
poverty and the environment have been made recently, including
through the work of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA,
The global challenges of sustainable development • 97
Provisioning • Personal safety
• Food • Secure resource access
• Fresh water • Security from disasters
• Wood and fibre
• Fuel
Low Weak
Medium Medium
High Strong
Box 2.6
Celsius but no new emissions targets were negotiated (rather parties will ‘pledge’
voluntary, ‘nationally appropriate’ targets that will be internationally reviewed and
monitored). The Accord proposed short-term funding of US$30 billion to be made
available between 2010 and 2013 to support adaptation activities. A High Level Panel
was also established to identify sources and mechanisms to deliver long-term finances
from developed to developing countries for climate adaptation. This includes
consideration of payments for the protection of forests.
G African Development Bank (2003) Poverty and Climate Change: Reducing the Vulnerability of
the Poor through Adaptation
G UN Development Programme (2007) Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a
Changing World, Human Development Report 2007/8
G UN Environment Programme (2007) Environment for Development, Global Environment
Outlook 4
G Department for International Development (2010) The Future Climate for Development:
Scenarios for Low-income Countries in a Climate-changing World
G World Bank (2010) Development and Climate Change, World Development Report
G What are the relative roles of natural and anthropogenic radiative forcing mechanisms in
climate change (little is known for example about changes in solar activity or impacts of
land use change on surface albedos)?
G What interactions exist between different elements of the climate system (for example, the
impact of atmospheric changes on oceanic circulation)?
G What are the effects of feedback loops: ‘positive’ feedbacks, for example, with melting of
ice and snow, less solar radiation is reflected, thereby leading to greater warming; and
‘negative’ loops that include higher carbon dioxide concentrations speeding up plant growth
and carbon uptake, thereby reducing CO2 concentrations?
G What is the potential of ‘tipping points’ in the climate system being reached in future
(where a critical threshold in the control of the system is reached, leading to total loss and
breakdown)? Potential elements include the loss of the Greenland ice sheet and shutdown
of the gulf stream in the North Atlantic.
G What are the different time-scales at which these processes occur?
Additional people with
0.4 to 1.7 billion 1.0 to 2.0 billion 1.1 to 3.2 billion increased water stress
Increasing amphibian About 20 to 30% species at increasingly Major extinctions around the globe
extinction high risk of extinction
ECOSYSTEMS Increased coral bleaching Most coral bleached Widespread coral mortality
Increasing species range shifts and wildfire risk Terrestrial biosphere tents toward a net carbon source as:
–15% –40% of ecosystems affected
Low latitudes
Decrease for some cereals All cereals decrease
Increases for some cereals Decreases in some regions
Mid to high latitudes
HEALTH Increased morbidity and mortality from heatwaves, floods and droughts
0 1 2 3 4 5°
Box 2.7
Others Russia
UK Canada
Iran South Korea
Source: Energy Information Administration (2009).
The global challenges of sustainable development • 113
Figure 2.24 Rich countries dominate the cumulative emissions account: share of
global CO2 emissions, 1840–2004 (%)
India Russian Federation*
2.5% 8%
3% * Includes a share of USSR
China emissions proportional to the
8% Russian Federation’s current
United Kingdom Germany share of CIS emissions
6% 7%
2. Climate change is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such that action on climate
change must be focused on stopping it at this source.
G Climate justice campaigns for investments in energy efficiency and renewable
energy technologies.
G Campaigns make linkages and remind people what drives the processes of
industrialisation and over-consumption (by whom and who benefits) that are the
root cause of climate change.
G The failures of climate policy are illustrated by the continued expansion of
emissions per capita.
3. Challenging ‘false solutions’ to climate change.
G Climate justice movements campaign in particular around the aggressive
promotion of carbon trading, biofuels (expanding into new geographical
frontiers principally in the Global South) and geo-engineering solutions
(such as carbon sequestration technologies) on the basis that these maintain
the ‘development as usual’ approach and don’t prevent further climate
change or address poverty.
G Climate change results from our current and historical social relations and
to address it, fundamental changes to our political and economic systems are
114 • The global challenges of sustainable development
Adaptation approach:
Adaptation to climate change impacts → Vulnerability reduction → Development
In this view, adaptation is carried out in response to the observed and experienced impacts
of climate change on society (including ecosystems). These responses ensure that the
vulnerability to the impacts is reduced. This in turn ensures that less is lost each time a
climate-related hazard takes place, which means risk is reduced. With reduced risk,
development can be more sustainable.
a) London, England
Source: Julie Doyle, University of
b) Stuttgart, Germany
Source: Jolanta
116 • The global challenges of sustainable development
Discussion questions
Further reading
For very clear reviews of the science of climate change and the challenges of
mitigation and adaptation in practice see:
Houghton, J. (2009) Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Peake, S. and Smith, J. (2009) Climate Change: From Science to Sustainability,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Both these texts have very good supporting illustrations and pointers for student
For recent data and reviews of research concerning issues central to the global
challenges of sustainable development, see:
United Nations Development Programme (annual) Human Development Report,
World Bank (annual) World Development Report, World Bank, Washington.
Worldwatch Institute (annual) State of the World, Earthscan, London.
www.climate-justice-action.org A transnational network for people and groups
committed to promoting and strengthening the rights and voices of affected
people in confronting climate change. Site for exchange of ideas and resources.
www.ipcc.ch Website for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – the
international body that reviews the science of climate change. The IPCC does not
undertake research or monitor climate change directly, but this is a portal for
very influential publications, documents and details of current activities.
The global challenges of sustainable development • 119
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
considers the broad kinds of activity that they are undertaking and
identifies how these have changed as understanding of the demands of
sustainable development in practice have evolved. Of particular
importance is the way that these different actors in practice
increasingly work together, across different scales and through varied
mechanisms in the pursuit of sustainable development.
Forms of governance Conceptual basis Market component Role of public Examples Issues
Command and Coercive regulation of None: requires each State (and Remains most widely Regulations costly to
control behaviour of business firm and person to international) used mechanism administer and enforce
and individuals through implement same organisations set,
legislation specifying measure irrespective monitor and enforce Emissions standards Blocks innovation as
standards of pollution of relative costs to standards backed limiting gas releases no incentive to reduce
that a process or them to undertake up by legal system from factories, vehicle pollution below that
product has to meet measures exhausts, agricultural required by law
discharges to water
courses Economically inefficient
as some polluters can
Legislation to ban/ reduce pollution more
phase-out products cheaply than others
or date by which
pollution control
device in place
Cap and trade Ceiling set on total Changes are made International Used widely in Scientific and political
amount of pollutant where and by whom agreements and national energy challenge of setting
allowed they are most cost national legislation industries (trade in sufficiently ambitious
efficient to do so set overall limits SO2, Pb and NOx) ‘cap’
for pollution in a
certain time period
continued . . .
Figure 3.1 . . . continued
Forms of governance Conceptual basis Market component Role of public Examples Issues
Quotas and permits Market forces of Public authorities Newer markets in Volatility of markets
to pollute are tradable supply and demand monitor and enforce carbon – specifically hampers investment
shape trading Clean Development decisions
Mechanism of Kyoto
Protocol and EU Trading doesn’t require
Emissions Trading emissions reductions
Scheme and doesn’t address
root cause of environ-
mental problems
Questions of long-
term outcomes for
environment and
social justice
Environmental Based on Polluter Environmentally Government and Host of examples Problems of identifying
taxes/pollution Pays Principle that damaging behaviours public authorities including: who is responsible for
charges cost of preventing become more costly intervene in market, – Taxes on discharge the pollution incident or
pollution or and therefore are set and collect of pollutants e.g. outcome
minimising avoided by firms charges/taxes and use of leaded
environmental damage and individuals make decisions petrol, airline Problems of assigning
should be borne by regarding allocation flights monetary values to
those responsible of revenues from – User charges e.g. degradation of resource
for pollution taxes for vehicle use in functions like
cities and fresh atmospheric health or
Holds that price of water metering landscape beauty
goods should fully – Taxes/charges on
reflect total cost of use of harmful Unequal distributional
production including products e.g. on impacts (such as of
use of public goods pesticide sales fuel taxes)
(land, water, air) for and plastic bags
emissions that are in shops
currently underpriced
in existing markets
Payments for Based on Beneficiary Creates markets for Voluntary UN Reduced Many projects in early
environmental Pays Principle – which resource functions transactions Emissions from stages
services holds that those who (especially regulating between buyers Deforestation and
use and benefit from services such as and sellers of Forest Degradation Uncertain and
environmental services carbon sequestration environmental (REDD+) contested
make payments to and water purification) services environmental and
those who manage currently not traded UN/World Bank human welfare benefits
environmental resources Substantial role for Global Environment
to restore or establish Financial incentives governments in Facility National Scientific uncertainty
land uses with external for local actors to establishing legal programme of about links between
benefits provide/maintain framework, tenure Payments for land use decisions and
those services security, transparent Watershed Service environmental services
monitoring, protecting in Costa Rica and regarding rates
Payments put indigenous people’s of sequestration by
monetary value on rights etc. Agro-environment vegetation type,
external benefits that schemes in many for example
thereby can become EU countries and
internal to farmers’ the US Problems of
and land managers’ establishing baselines
decisions and additionality for
Subsidies Reshape economic Payments made to Public monies used Widely used within Public funding may be
incentives to business firms and individuals to support/incentivise renewable energy withdrawn
to enable change to help them private investment in sector to support
subsequently activities of public ‘start-up costs’ of Time lag between
compete in open benefit new technology investment and
markets Public authorities developments realisation of benefits
administer, accredit and/or to provide
and license etc. guarantees of future Volatility of energy
market access markets
continued . . .
Figure 3.1 . . . continued
Forms of governance Conceptual basis Market component Role of public Examples Issues
Voluntary/self- Individuals, groups, Assumes action not Not required by law Fairtrade labelling Problems of scaling up
regulation organisations take for financial incentive from diverse, local
action to protect Public authorities Green consumerism successes
environment as good May involve a may provide
ecological citizens willingness to pay infrastructure to Ethical investment Long-term success
extra for benign support (recycling) depends on
products and services Recycling internalisation of
positive environmental
Voluntary attitudes and behaviour
conservation work changes
International action
Ramsar Convention – Convention To conserve and promote the wise use of wetlands. 1971 1975 70
on Wetlands of International
Importance Especially as
Waterfowl Habitat
World Heritage Convention – To establish an effective system of identification, protection, 1972 1975 187
Convention Concerning the and preservation of cultural and natural heritage, and to
Protection of the World Cultural provide emergency and long-term protection of sites of value.
and Natural Heritage
CITES – Convention on International To ensure that international trade in wild plants and animal 1973 1975 175
Trade in Endangered Species of species does not threaten their survival in the wild, and
Wild Fauna and Flora specifically to protect endangered species from over-exploitation.
CMS – Convention on the To conserve wild animal species that migrate across or 1979 1983 101
Conservation of Migratory outside national boundaries by developing species-specific
Species of Wild Animals agreements, providing protection for endangered species,
conserving habitat, and undertaking cooperative research.
UNCLOS – United Nations To establish comprehensive legal orders to promote peaceful 1982 1994 157
Convention on the Law of use of the oceans and seas, equitable and efficient utilisation
the Seas of their resources, and conservation of their living resources.
Vienna Convention – Convention To protect human health and the environment from the effects 1985 1988 188
for the Protection of the Ozone of stratospheric ozone depletion by controlling human activities
Layer that harm the ozone layer and by cooperating in joint research.
Montreal Protocol – Protocol on To reduce and eventually eliminate emissions of man-made 1987 1989 196
Substances that Deplete the Ozone ozone depleting substances.
Layer (Protocol to Vienna Convention)
Basel Convention – Convention To ensure environmentally-sound management of hazardous 1989 1992 176
on the Control of Transboundary wastes by minimising their generation, reducing their
Movements of Hazardous Wastes transboundary movement, and disposing of these wastes
and Their Disposal as close as possible to their source of generation.
UNFCCC – United Nations To stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere 1992 1994 195
Framework Convention on at a level preventing dangerous human-caused interference with
Climate Change the climate system.
CBD – Convention on To conserve biological diversity and promote its sustainable use, 1992 1993 168
Biological Diversity and to encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arising
out of the utilisation of genetic resources.
UNCCD – United Nations To combat desertification, particularly in Africa, in order to 1994 1996 194
Convention to Combat mitigate the effects of drought and ensure the long-term
Desertification productivity of inhabited drylands.
Kyoto Protocol – Kyoto Protocol To supplement the Framework Convention on Climate Change by 1997 Not yet 193
to the United Nations Framework establishing legally binding constraints on greenhouse gas in force
Convention on Climate Change emissions and encouraging economic and other incentives to
reduce emissions.
Aarhus Convention – Convention To guarantee the rights of access to information, public 1998 2001 44
on Access to Information, Public participation in decision-making, and legal redress in
Participation in Decision-Making, environmental matters.
and Access to Justice in
Environmental Matters
Box 3.1
possible. Where wastes were to be exported, the exporting country must have ‘prior
informed consent’, that is, written consent from an appropriate authority in the receiving
country with an obligation on the exporter to ensure that the wastes at destination would
be managed in an environmentally sound manner. The only acceptable justification for
hazardous waste export under the convention is if a country lacks adequate technical
capacity to handle/manage those wastes domestically or the importing country requires
the waste as a raw material. An amendment to the convention in 1994 calls for all OECD
countries to ban export of hazardous wastes to non-OECD countries.
Whilst the Basel Convention, along with a number of regional agreements (such as the
Bamako Convention of 1991 which bans the imports of hazardous wastes into Africa)
and national legislation (including within industrialising countries such as China and
India) have served to limit the most obvious cases of the export of hazardous waste in
recent years, the international trade has not been eliminated. For example, in August
2006, the movements of a Panamanian registered ship, the Probo Koala (chartered by a
British-owned oil and commodity shipping company, Trafigura) attracted international
media attention. The focus of concern was the disposal of its waste cargo in a number of
locations around the city of Abidjan, the capital of the Ivory Coast and the subsequent
claim by thousands of local people that they had fallen ill as a result.
Before arriving in Abidjan, the ship had already been turned away from the Dutch port of
Amsterdam where local residents reported the strong smell of ‘rotten eggs’ (hydrogen
sulphide) and the Port Authorities had established the toxic nature of the cargo. A Dutch
company tendered to dispose of the waste for 500,000 Euros. However, days later the
Probo Koala departed for the Ivory Coast where a local company (allegedly registered
only days before the arrival of the ship and involving senior civil servants) was
contracted to dispose of the waste at the substantially reduced cost of 18,500 Euros. In
the weeks subsequent to the offloading of the cargo, as many as 17 people had died and
over 40,000 people had sought medical treatment for effects including headaches,
stomach pains, respiratory problems and vomiting (according to news media in the UK
and US).
The case has prompted high-profile attention including:
However, there remain questions concerning what was on board the ship, the ports
visited and who could be held responsible in future. Trafigura asserts that the cargo was
‘slops’ from routine washing of tanks, comprising a mixture of water, gasoline, caustic
soda and a small amount of hydrogen sulphide. Other suggestions are that the cargo was
a consignment of coker gasoline (bought from a Mexican, state-owned oil company) that
132 • Actors and actions in sustainable development
was subjected to a process of onboard ‘caustic washing’ and resold for a reported profit
of US$19 million. On this basis, Trafigura was looking to dispose of a highly toxic waste
including sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide and phenols. Trafigura continues to deny
responsibility and suggests that it could not have foreseen the failure of the local
company to dispose of the slops in an appropriate manner (it was allegedly spread over a
number of public dumps, waste ground and roadsides).
However, as signatories to the Basel Convention and under legally binding EU law, it is
also possible that EU countries visited by the Probo Koala could be liable to take the
waste back if they were a country of export. Evidence suggests, for example, that the
Dutch authorities had concerns about the waste on the ship and would have been
obligated under the Convention to prevent the ship from leaving with the waste.
Source: compiled from Evans (2010), Verkaik (2010).
Box 3.2
economies in the world (as well as the largest current greenhouse gas emitter). In
contrast, countries across sub-Saharan Africa have less than 3 per cent of all projects
registered. Furthermore, whilst it was intended that the CDM would stimulate investment
in renewable technologies such as wind, solar and geo-thermal energies, the majority of
projects to date have been in other sectors; in gas capture projects at major chemical and
manufacture plants addressing emissions of HFC and N2O, for example, that are in fact
more ‘minor’ greenhouse gases in terms of their contribution to climate warming than
CO2. Critics question whether companies should be being ‘paid’ to clean up a mess of
their own making. From an environmental justice perspective, the concern is that CDM
projects are being used to provide generous subsidies to companies to use existing
technologies to mop up industrial gases rather than shifting to the low carbon world that
is needed.
There are also concerns as to the contribution of CDM projects to sustainable
development. The process of identifying projects for the CDM include the host
government (through its Designated National Authority) being responsible for defining
the criteria for sustainable development in any project context. Project proposals are then
passed through a UN body for validation. However, an analysis of 65 Indian project
documents for their stated contribution to sustainable development concluded that they
‘offer just lip service regarding expected contribution to socioeconomic development of
the masses, particularly in rural areas’ (cited in Boyd et al., 2009: 822). Whilst many
projects to date have made significant emissions reductions, they are falling short in
delivering local benefits, either directly such as through employment or indirectly
through an improvement in local environmental and social conditions. Furthermore, there
is little evidence for the participation of civil society in the decisions regarding projects,
leading to enhanced local tensions where projects serve to support business and industry
that are in fact causing some of the worst social and environmental problems locally. It is
acknowledged that the CDM can be a useful approach to encourage the development of
emissions-reduction projects in developing countries, but there are a number of issues to
be addressed as part of reforming the CDM that is part of post-Kyoto negotiations.
India Turkey
1.5–3.6% Arab 6%
UN target
United Kingdom
New Zealand
United States
ODI/GNI percentage
Aid fragmentation:
In 2005–06, 38 developing countries received ODA from more than 25 DAC
and multilateral donors. In 24 of these countries, 15 or more donors collectively
provided <10 per cent of that country’s total aid (Deutscher and Fyson, 2008: 16).
The average number of donors per country was 12 in the 1960s. It is now 33
(Glennie, 2008).
Aid coordination:
In 2005, Vietnam received 791 missions from donors – more than two a day
including weekends and holidays (Deutscher and Fyson, 2008: 16).
In 2006, Tanzania received 541 donor monitoring missions (Glennie, 2008).
Aid priorities:
In Rwanda, 75 per cent of ODA goes directly through NGOs and/or donor-
managed projects. Malaria is the leading cause of mortality in Rwanda, but
donor funds to anti-malaria activities are one-third of those to HIV/AIDs
(Curto, 2007).
‘Even India is giving aid to Africa . . . with 400 million poor people of its own to
attend to, this largesse is obviously not about poverty reduction’ (Glennnie,
2008: 111).
Box 3.3
the carbon market (the latter being preferred by the World Bank and EU governments).
The UN suggests that REDD+ could generate a North–South flow of finances of
US$30 billion per year (cited in FoE, 2010: 5). As such REDD+ can be considered
a global-scale ‘payments for environmental services’ mechanism, as considered in
Figure 3.1.
Whilst there is currently no international agreement on REDD+, there are several large
scale initiatives including the UN-REDD programme that are already supporting
countries in capacity building, strategy development and pilot projects in preparation to
implement REDD+. ‘Interim’ activities are underway in 54 developing countries (FoE,
2010) with the majority funded through bilateral aid. Norway, for example, is currently
in collaboration with both Indonesia and Brazil for projects worth US$1 billion in each
(FoE, 2010: 11). However, there are fears that without international agreement, decisions
will be donor driven and fragmented. In addition, such top-down policy driven by global
agencies and governments could have serious negative impacts, as seen in Figure 3.5, on
forest-dependent communities and indigenous peoples whose culture and livelihoods are
closely linked to those forests. There is also the overarching ethical concern regarding
carbon markets, where industrial and corporate interests pay for carbon credits to be used
within schemes such as REDD+ whilst continuing to pollute and extract fossil fuels
elsewhere (potentially at a cost to other people). Further problems include the fact that
REDD+ does not address the underlying drivers of deforestation to reduce demand for
timber and agricultural commodities or the fundamental challenge of creating lower
carbon economies to mitigate climate change. A suggestion is that REDD+ could become
about creating new carbon markets and opportunities to make money.
G State and NGO zoning of forests without informed participation of forest dwellers
G Increasing inequality between those in receipt of funds and those who are not
The World Bank Group also includes the international Finance Corporation (IFC), the
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the International Centre for Settlement of
Investment disputes (ICSID).
Turkey Afganistan China
West Bank Lebanon Pakistan East Asia and Pacific
and Gaza FY10 New Commitments
Arab Republic IBRD | $5,865 million
Saudi India IDA | $1,652 million
of Egypt
Arabia Bangladesh Portfolio of Projects | $28.4 billion
Mexico Vietnam Philippines
Nigeria Thailand
Côte Ethiopia Sri Lanka
d’Ivoire Ghana Cameroon
Demographic Tanzania
Peru Brazil Indonesia
Latin America and the Caribbean of Congo
FY10 New Commitments
IBRD | $13,667 million
IDA | $240 million South Asia
Portfolio of Projects | $32.1 billion FY10 New Commitments Australia
South IBRD | $6,689 million
Africa IDA | $4,645 million
Argentina Portfolio of Projects | $33.7 billion
FY10 New Commitments
IBRD | $4,258 million
IDA | $7,179 million
Portfolio of Projects | $35.3 billion
The World Bank certainly has its opponents and as Nelson (2008:
552) suggests, has regularly been a ‘lightning rod for criticisms of
the international economic system and of development aid’. It has
been and remains a key target of environmental critics. A recent
independent evaluation, however, has suggested that World Bank
support for the environment has evolved from a preventative
approach of ‘do no harm’ to a more proactive ‘do good’ approach in
recent years (World Bank, 2008a). The following sections consider
the evidence for changes in the World Bank operations in relation
to the environment, in terms of its investment and policy lending and
in the way in which it works with other institutions towards
sustainable development.
Biodiversity Climate
33% change
Persistent Organic
3% Ozone
3% Multi-focal
area Land International
8% degradation waters
2% 11%
G In Cameroon, the IMF-recommended export tax cuts and devaluation of the currency in
1995 led to increased incentive to export timber. The number of logging enterprises rose
from 194 in 1994 to 351 in the following year. Exports of lumber grew by 50% between
1995 and 1997.
G Under SAP guidance since the mid-1980s, Guyana has implemented policies to increase
large-scale, foreign-owned mining ventures. There are now 32 foreign mining companies
active in the country with mining permits, covering 10% of the country.
G SAP in Tanzania resulted in rising costs of inputs for agriculture. Production increases were
pursued through increased land clearing at a rate of 400,000 hectares per year. Between
1980 and 1993, a quarter of the country’s forest area was lost (40% of which was to
G In Brazil, government spending on environmental programmes was cut by two-thirds in order
to meet the fiscal targets of the IMF.
G Benin, Guinea, Mali and the Central Africa Republic all established new mining codes to
promote exploration and development.
Figure 3.11 The core principles of the specific conditions and needs of
PRSP approach
particular countries as defined by
Poverty reduction strategies should be: multiple stakeholders. The World
G Country driven, promoting national Bank also ‘encourages’
ownership of strategies through broad-based governments to consider
participation of civil society environmental factors in their
G Result-oriented and focused on outcomes
PRSPs, ‘because of the links
that will benefit the poor
between environment and poverty,
G Comprehensive in recognising the
multidimensional nature of poverty and because a poverty reduction
G Partnership-oriented, involving coordinated strategy must be environmentally
participation of development partners sustainable over the long term’
(governments, domestic stakeholders, and (World Bank, 2001a: 144).
external donors) and
G Based on a long-term perspective for An analysis of 40 countries
poverty reduction. implementing PRSPs to 2005
Source: IMF (2010). suggests that this approach has
made important progress in putting
poverty as a stronger focus within government, engaging civil society
to an unprecedented extent in policy activities and enhancing
coordination of donors at a country level (Driscoll and Evans, 2005).
However, there is also considerable variation across countries in the
extent to which the environment is integrated. In a review of 53
PRSPs, Bojo et al. (2004) looked at mainstreaming of the
environment in terms of: how environmental issues were explained;
any analysis of poverty–environment linkages; identification of
environmentally relevant actions; the extent to which participation
and consultation allow environmental concerns to be heard; and any
alignment with MDG7 (on sustainable development). Whilst some
PRSPs had very thorough engagements, in others it was only
marginal. The authors identified that environmental health issues
generally got more attention than natural resource management issues
and only a few took a longer-term perspective. Only 14 had any
explicit targets aligned to MDG7 and in most cases this was focused
on the water and sanitation target.
Share of world exports (per cent)
1990 2000 2005 2008 1990 2000 2005 2008
Exports of goods Exports of services
Low-income economies
Figure 3.14 The uneven and concentrated the developing world and the rapid
geographies of production, trade and foreign
economic growth of countries such
as China and India, ‘the
G Approximately three-quarters of global geographies of production, trade
manufacturing and services production and and FDI remain highly uneven and
four-fifths of world agricultural production
are concentrated in just 15 countries. strongly concentrated’ (Dicken,
G Around one-fifth of world trade in goods, 2011: 25), as summarised in
services and agriculture is accounted for by Figure 3.14. Furthermore, there are
the leading two countries in each sector. ‘persistent peripheries’ within these
G More than 80 per cent of outward FDI stock
geographies embracing ‘most of the
originates from 15 countries (30 per cent
being accommodated by US and UK continent of Africa, parts of Asia
together). and parts of Latin America’ (p. 36).
G Half of all inward FDI is concentrated in five
countries (30 per cent in China and Hong Globally, the substantial growth in
Kong). trade has been outpaced by that of
Source: compiled from Dicken (2011).
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
As identified in Chapter 1, FDI
refers to investments made overseas
by one firm in another for the purposes of gaining a degree of control
over that firm’s operations. It also includes a firm setting up a branch
or subsidiary in another country. From the mid 1980s, the rate of
growth of FDI started to exceed and become ‘de-coupled’ from the
expansion of exports and trade. This is explained by the rapid growth
of transnational corporations and the amount of trade that occurs
between different parts of the same firm (although across national
boundaries). In 2009, there were an estimated 82,000 parent
company TNCs controlling around 810,000 foreign affiliates
(Dicken, 2011). These TNCs account for two-thirds of world exports
of goods and services and approximately one-third of world trade is
transactions between different parts of same firm. This dominance of
TNCs currently in world trade and the overall size of their assets
(that are often larger than many countries of the world, as seen in
Table 3.4) creates a number of concerns including their power to
influence public policy both within international trade negotiations at
the World Trade Organisation and domestically. TNCs are not
accountable to the public or any elected body, but only to a small
number of shareholders (Korten, 2001).
Reforming world trade became highly politicised in the 1990s as part
of the wider challenge to neo-liberalism. Unprecedented protests by a
wide range of development organisations, unions, NGOs and many
individuals in 1999, for example, (the ‘Battle for Seattle’) led to the
abandonment of the annual meeting in that city of the World Trade
Actors and actions in sustainable development • 153
Table 3.4 The state and corporate power Organisation (the international
Country or corporation Total GDP*
institution charged with setting the
or corporate rules and resolving disputes in the
sales** (millions arena of international trade).
of US$, 2008) Several international NGOs
Belgium 471,161 (INGOs) such as Oxfam have long-
Exxonmobil Corporation 459,479 standing and important campaigns
Sweden 406,072 concerning trade reform that focus
Wal-Mart stores 401,244 on exposing the ‘double standards’
Saudi Arabia 375,766 and ‘rigged rules’ of the
BP 365,700 international trading system that
Argentina 307,155 they suggest work in favour of the
Chevron Corporation 273,005 rich and prevent the potential for
Thailand 263,772 trade to reduce poverty. The nature
Ford Motor Company 146,277 of Oxfam’s concern is illustrated in
New Zealand 126,679 Figure 3.15 and is seen to include
IBM 103,630 the activities of governments,
Nestle 101,466 multinational business and the
Vietnam 97,180 World Bank as well as the WTO.
Electricite De France 94,044 There is also a recognition amongst
Deutsche Telekom 90,221 major international institutions that
Bangladesh 89,360 the challenge of ensuring positive
Sony Corporation 76,795 linkages between trade, economic
Rio Tinto Plc 58,065 growth and poverty alleviation are
Luxembourg 52,296 complex. For example, the UN
Sources: *World Bank (2010b); **UNCTAD (2011). Development Programme identifies
that whilst trade has been an
‘indispensable engine’ for economic
growth across the world throughout human history (UNDP, 2003:
xi), the experience of trade liberalisation in recent decades suggests
that ‘the expansion of trade guarantees neither immediate economic
growth nor long-term economic or human development’ (p. 1).
There are also different views on the impact of trade liberalisation on
the environment, summarised in Figure 3.16. Whilst the debate had
tended to be very polarised, evidence can be identified to support
both ends of the spectrum. The impact and outcomes of trade on the
environment will vary, among other things, according to the nature
of the product being exported and the effectiveness of domestic
environmental policy. However, the operation of international trade
rulings is also considered to be key. The majority of world trade
takes place according to a set of rules administered by the World
Trade Organisation.
Figure 3.15 The Oxfam ‘Making Trade Fair’ campaign
G Improving market access for poor countries and ending the cycle of subsidies, agricultural
over-production and export dumping by rich countries
G Ending the use of conditions attached to IMF–World Bank programmes which force poor
countries to open their markets regardless of the impact on poor people
G Creating a new international commodities institution to promote diversification and end
over-supply, in order to raise prices to levels consistent with a reasonable standard of living
for producers, and changing corporate practices so that companies pay fair prices
G Establishing new intellectual-property rules to ensure that poor countries are able to afford
new technologies and basic medicines, and that farmers are able to save, exchange and
sell seeds
G Prohibiting rules that force governments to liberalise or privatise basic services that are
vital for poverty reduction
G Enhancing the quality of private-sector investment and employment standards
G Democratising the WTO to give poor countries a stronger voice
G Changing national policies on health, education, and governance so that poor people can develop
their capabilities, realise their potential and participate in markets on more equitable terms
Figure 3.16 Different views of the effect of trade liberalisation on the environment
G Trade liberalisation promotes economic growth. As societies become richer, they acquire
both the will and the resources to protect the environment.
G Trade liberalisation promotes the efficient allocation of resources (including environmental
resources), allowing the production of a given economic product with the least possible use
of resources.
G Trade liberalisation promotes the international transfer of environmentally-preferable technologies.
G Trade liberalisation promotes the convergence of environmental standards for products and
processes towards the higher levels of rich countries, and increases the markets for
environmentally-preferable products.
G Trade liberalisation promotes international co-operation in other areas, notably
environmental protection.
G Trade liberalisation amplifies environmental externalities through its promotion of economic growth.
G Trade often involves long-distance transport, which is one of the principal sources of
environmental externalities.
G Because of competitiveness pressures, trade liberalisation will result (at best) in political
drag on environmental policy making by governments, and (at worst) in an environmental
‘race to the bottom’ through competitive deregulation.
G Trade rules arising from trade liberalisation impede national governments in their attempts
at environmental protection, either because of possible trade effects (e.g. through
mandatory re-use of containers) or because of perceived discrimination (e.g. eco-labelling).
G Trade rules may inhibit the use of trade measures in multilateral environmental agreements.
G The production of some highly-traded goods (e.g. cotton, cigarettes, certain foods) is more
environmentally-destructive than the production for domestic consumption which it replaces.
G Opportunities to use land for trade result in subsistence farmers being displaced onto
environmentally-marginal land, where they may cause environmental damage.
We’re doing this because it’s what you want us to do. It’s also the
right thing to do. We’re calling it Plan A because we believe it’s now
the only way to do business. There is no Plan B.
accessed 23 February 2012)
Table 3.6 Government spending: health and debt servicing compared, selected low
human development countries
whereby the current generations are liable for the debts taken out by
corrupt regimes without any responsibility being taken by the
creditors that knowingly leant to those regimes (NEF, 2008).
The first substantial attempt to reduce the external debt of the
world’s poorest and most indebted countries was initiated in 1996 by
the World Bank, the IMF and a number of G8 countries. The aim of
the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative was to remove
US$100 billion of the debt of the lowest-income countries. It was the
first time that debts to the World Bank and the IMF were considered
for reduction. The key objective was to ensure that no poor country
faced an unmanageable debt burden and could achieve ‘debt
sustainability’, defined as total external debts (to all creditors) below
150 per cent of annual exports. Before qualifying for HIPC, countries
have to take part in IMF and WB economic reforms (initially to have
an SAP and more recently a PRSP, for example) and engage fully
with other ‘traditional’ debt relief mechanisms such as those
available through bilateral arrangements. By 2000, only five
countries had completed the qualification process and were eligible
for some debt relief. Substantially in response to widespread
campaigning by INGOs, particularly the Jubilee 2000 coalition, it
was agreed in 1999 to ‘enhance’ the HIPC initiative to provide
greater levels of relief, more quickly and to more countries.
Significantly, many bilateral creditors, including all G8 countries,
also agreed at this time to 100 per cent cancellation of bilateral debts
owed to them. The influence of civil society groups in prompting this
change was again important: in 1998, 70,000 people had formed a
human chain encircling the Birmingham summit of G8 leaders to
expose the unpayable and unjust nature of current debt levels.
Pushing for further cancellation of bilateral and multilateral debts
were also central to the Make Poverty History and ‘Live 8’
campaigns coalescing in particular around the 2005 meeting of the
G8 finance ministers in Gleneagles, Scotland.
At Gleneagles, a new programme that allows for full, 100 per cent
relief on eligible debts to the IMF and the WB was announced. To
qualify for the ‘Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative’ (MDRI), countries
must have completed the HIPC initiative process and meet the criteria
shown in Figure 3.19. By the end of 2010, 32 countries had qualified
and 25 of these are in Africa. Approximately US$72 billion of debt
has been relieved through HIPC to date and has been particularly
significant for improving the situation on the African continent.
However, there remain concerns including the transparency of the
Actors and actions in sustainable development • 169
Figure 3.19 Criteria for eligibility for the qualification process for these
Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
schemes where judgements are
G Establish a further track record (i.e. since made entirely by the IMF and WB
receiving HIPC relief) of good performance with no participation of the debtor
under programmes supported by IMF/WB government or of civil society, for
example. Furthermore, these
G Implement key reforms agreed at the HIPC
decision point mechanisms are closely linked to
G Have implemented a PRSP for at least one the performance and adoption of
year WB policies and prescriptions that
are strongly contested, as seen
Creditor Beneficiary
Source: adapted from The Global Fund (no date).
Actors and actions in sustainable development • 171
a) Zambia
Source: David Nash, University of Brighton.
b) South Africa
Source: Bjorn-Omar Evju.
172 • Actors and actions in sustainable development
National action
At the Rio Earth Summit (and again 20 years later at the WSSD in
Johannesburg), governments committed to the preparation and
implementation of national Sustainable Development Strategies
intended as national reports on activities undertaken to meet the
objectives of Agenda 21. Over 100 countries are currently reporting
to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development to this effect.
However, as Bass and Dalal-Clayton (2004) note, early strategies
tended to be all-encompassing ‘perfectionist master plans’, focusing
on environmental dimensions rather than integrating social and
economic concerns and were often remote from the realities of
resource use on the ground. ‘Strategy fever’ is also known to have
limited early reporting as developing countries in particular have
been required to produce many different strategies and monitoring
reports for different audiences (including to secure aid finances, as
considered above), serving to undermine rather than strengthen the
development of internal capacity and mechanisms for sustainable
Many governments worldwide are now establishing national plans
for climate change and in energy, as seen in Figure 3.21. Many of
these national plans are shaped by regional and international targets
(such as the European Union commitments to the Kyoto Protocol)
but they are also being driven by domestic development benefits such
as of energy savings, reduced local air pollution and increased
employment in local industries. Not only is there a key role for
governments in establishing these targets, but also for providing
public monies to support the necessary developments to meet those
commitments, including through supporting research and providing
grants, loans and tax exemptions to private investors. However, there
are emerging concerns as to whether such support may constitute a
form of protectionism for domestic industry and business
development. For example, whilst China’s commitments on
renewable energy are considered to be amongst the most ambitious
globally (Flavin and Gardner, 2006), one of the largest unions in the
US, United Steelworkers has recently suggested that China’s clean
energy subsidies could contravene WTO rulings.
Government support for ‘green investment’ has also been adopted
within many countries as part of their response to the recent
economic crisis. Figure 3.22 shows the proportion of selected
countries’ overall ‘stimulus package’ (the public spending aimed to
secure the necessary financial recovery) that simultaneously seeks
to ensure lower carbon economic development in the future. In total
Figure 3.21 National plans on energy and climate change
European Union 20 percent emission reduction from 1990 to 2020 20 percent of 20 percent energy 10 percent transport
(30 percent if other countries commit to substantial primary energy savings from the fuel from biofuel by
reductions); 80 percent reduction from 1990 to 2050 mix by 2020 reference case 2020
by 2020
United States Emission reduction to 1990 levels by 2020; 25 percent of Increase fuel
80 percent reduction from 1990 to 2050 electricity by 2025 economy standard to
35 miles a gallon by
China National Climate Change Plan and White Paper for 15 percent of 20 percent 35 miles a gallon fuel
Policies and Actions for Climate Change, a leading primary energy by reduction in energy economy standard
group on energy conservation and emission reduction 2020 intensity from already achieved; plan
established, chaired by the prime minister 2005 to 2010 to be the world leader
in electric vehicles;
and mass
construction of
subways underway
India National Action Plan on Climate Change: per capita 23 gigawatts of 10 gigawatts of Urban transport
emissions not to exceed those of developed countries, renewable capacity energy savings policy: increase
an advisory council on climate change created, by 2012 by 2012 investment in public
chaired by the prime minister transport
South Africa Long-term mitigation scenario: emissions peak in 4 percent of the 12 percent Plan to be the world
2020 to 2025, plateau for a decade, and then power mix by energy efficiency leader in electric
decline in absolute terms 2013 improvement vehicles; and expand
by 2015 bus rapid transit
Brazil National plan on climate change: reducing 10 percent of the 103 terawatt hours World leader in
deforestation 70 percent by 2018 power mix by 2030 of energy savings ethanol production
by 2030
Note: Some of the above goals represent formal commitments, while others are still under discussion.
Source: adapted from World Bank (2010a), World Development Report.
Actors and actions in sustainable development • 175
586.1 94.1
485.9 221.3
103.5 104.8
38.1 1.3 13.8
26.7 30.4 31.8 33.7
2.1 2.8 7.1
Australia United Canada France Republic Italy Germany Japan China United States
Kingdom of Korea
Box 3.4
G Voice and accountability: the extent to which citizens within a country are able to participate
in selecting their government, freedom of expression and association, and free media
G Political stability and absence of violence: perceptions of the likelihood that government
will be destabilised by unconstitutional or violent means including terrorism
G Government effectiveness: the quality of policy formulation and implementation and the
quality of public services, the civil service and inpendendence of these from political
G Regulatory quality: the ability of government to develop and implement policies and
regulations that promote private sector development for example
G Rule of law: the extent to which all agencies have confidence in and abide by rules of
society including the quality of contract enforcement, the police and courts and the
likelihood of crime and violence
G Control of corruption: the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain,
ranging from ‘petty’ to larger forms of corruption and including the ‘capture’ of state and
government by elites/private interests
a) Botswana
Source: author.
NGOs are one aspect of ‘civil society’ that has been receiving
substantial interest in the thinking and practice of sustainable
development in recent years (Edwards and Gaventa, 2001).
Commonly, civil society is identified as ‘an arena for association and
action that is distinct and independent from the state and the market,
a voluntary, self-regulating, “third sector” in which citizens come
together to advance their common interests’ (Potter et al., 2008: 317).
This broader arena of civil society also encompasses ‘social
movements’, the term generally used to refer to coalitions and
networks of actors (some of whom may be members of more
formalised NGOs), which have been seen in previous chapters and
sections to be important in mobilising action transnationally and
promoting change around a number of inter-related issues of
environmental and social justice, among other things around climate
change and debt. Some authors suggest a distinction between social
movements and NGOs on the basis that the former tend to work
outside existing structures and work to present a more radical
challenge to those than is the case with the latter (Ford, 1999).
Perhaps some of the best-known NGOs are international.
Organisations like Greenpeace, the World Development Movement,
Oxfam and the World Wide Fund for Nature are relatively long
established, have paid professionals and tackle issues of global
concern through lobbying, campaigning, direct action and the
implementation of aid projects. Typically, these INGOs work for
public benefit rather than for that of their members. At the other end
of the NGO spectrum are many more numerous, local, ‘grassroots’ or
‘community’ organisations. Particularly in the developing world,
groups of people come together for all kinds of reason to help
themselves collectively: by pooling labour, to assist in gaining credit
or to enable them to purchase goods in bulk, for example. People
may also form community groups in response to the failure of
government to provide services such as water or sewerage to low-
income housing developments or in response to the unacceptability
of what governments do, such as in reaction to political repression or
police brutality. Quantifying such groups is difficult as many are very
fluid in nature and often lack formal registration. In 2001, it was
estimated that there were over 200,000 grassroots or ‘community
benefit organisations’ in Asia, Africa and Latin America (Thomas
and Allen, 2001).
National-level NGOs have regularly been formed to coordinate the
activities of local organisations. In the Philippines, for example, there
Actors and actions in sustainable development • 181
Figure 3.24 Types of World Bank (WB) and civil society engagement
G Support to bring senior officers of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to annual meetings of
WB and to engage in policy development
G CSO participation in country-level discussions including development of Country Assistance
Strategies and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
G CSO recourse to Inspection Panel – where people affected by WB projects can raise
concerns and request reviews
G Involvement in Bank-funded operational projects – in design, implementation and evaluation
G Civic Engagement and Social Accountability activities – funding of projects, meetings and
training activities for example that aim explicitly to further strengthen civil society
participation in development generally (i.e. beyond just WB projects). In particular towards
rising grassroots demand for better local accountability and governance
G Grant funding to CSOs – typically small grants to youth and faith groups and community-
based organisations
G Engagement with specific groups such as youth, persons with disabilities and labour unions
towards mainstreaming joint working into the future
G World Bank staff attending meetings of international civil society networks such as the
World Social Forum
G Collaboration around specific themes – such as water privatisation, extending urban supply
and sanitation to the poor and on odious debts.
Discussion questions
G Identify the arguments for and against the World Bank now
being a greener institution.
G Why are the actions of TNCs so central to the prospects for
sustainable development?
G Research in more depth one of the campaigns of an INGO such
as Oxfam on reforming world trade or the Jubilee Debt
Campaign on debt cancellation. What have been their successes
and failures?
G What do you think the significance of carbon-labelling schemes
could be in future for more sustainable development?
Further reading
Dicken, P. (2011) Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World
Economy, sixth edition, Sage, London. A very good source for more detailed
insight into how the world economy works, the key organisations involved and
patterns of geographical integration, and includes how companies are responding
to issues of sustainable development.
Evans, J.P. (2012) Environmental Governance, Routledge, London. A clear
introduction to the field of environmental governance, the principles of and
approaches in practice. A good source for more detail regarding ideas of
ecological modernisation and of market mechanisms in particular.
George, S. (1002) The Debt Boomerang, Pluto Press, London. A classic study of
how debt is detrimental to both lenders and recipients.
Mohan, G., Brown, E., Milward, B. and Zack-Williams, A.B. (2000) Structural
Adjustment: Theory, Practice and Impacts, Routledge, London. A useful source
188 • Actors and actions in sustainable development
to consider how the policies designed to address the problems of debt regularly
caused greater environmental and social hardship.
Potter, R.B., Binns, J.A., Elliott, J.A. and Smith, D. (2008) Geographies of
Development, third edition, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow. A good
overview text on issues in development that includes consideration of the major
institutions in development
Riddell, R.C. (2007) Does Foreign Aid Really Work? Oxford University Press,
Oxford. A readable and balanced assessment of the positive attributes and
failings of aid by an author with substantial direct experience in the aid industry.
www.worldbank.org Home page for the World Bank on which you can search
through ‘topics’ for details of work on the environment, sustainable development
and poverty reduction strategies, for example.
www.wto.org Home page of World Trade Organisation through which details of
the Doha Development Agenda can be found.
www.oecd.org/dac For statistics and reports on aid flows (including to the
environment) from countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
www.theglobalfund.org Home page for Global fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis
and Malaria with details of the Debt2Health swap initiative.
www.corpwatch.org An organisation committed to research and investigative
journalism that monitors and exposes environmental and human rights violations
by corporations.
www.jubileedebtcampaign.org.uk Site for the UK organisation campaigning for
debt cancellation – provides links to similar southern-based organisations.
www.tradejusticemovement.org.uk A coalition of NGOs campaigning to make
trade more fair for southern producers and countries.
www.globalreporting.org A not-for-profit network that supports the development of
consistent and quality reporting of corporate environmental and social
responsibility. Most widely used by large business and international financial
4 Sustainable rural
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
In 2008, for the first time in human history, the world’s population
became predominantly urban based. However, there are significant
differences in the levels, patterns and processes of urbanisation
worldwide. Currently, of the 5.5 billion people in developing
countries, 3 billion live in rural areas (WB, 2008b) and it is projected
that developing regions as a whole will remain predominantly rural
190 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
Box 4.1
Agriculture’s contribution to growth, 1990–2005, percentage
Agriculture-based Burundi
poverty data over time countries
Cameroon Malawi
40 Nigeria (1965–94)
Bulgaria Lao PDR
Kenya Ethiopia Nepal
Zambia Mali
Mozambique Uganda
Senegal Vietnam
Philippines Bolivia Indonesia Guatemala Bangladesh CHINA
Russia Morocco (1981–2001)
Venezuela Turkey
BRAZIL Dominican INDONESIA Sri Lanka
Chile Republic (1970–96)
0 (1970–96) Mexico Romania Tajikistan
Hungary South Africa
Belarus Transforming countries
Urbanized countries
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Box 4.2
24 Rural areas
Sub-Saharan Africa 44 Urban areas
Southern Asia
Oceania 81
Eastern Asia 61
Latin America and the Caribbean 86
South-Eastern Asia 79
Western Asia 94
Northern Africa 94
CIS 93
0 20 40 60 80 100
Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility,
2008 (percentage)
Box 4.3
As a communication tool:
Learn of job opportunities and market prices before travel
Improve coordination between small businesses
Ease and enhance communication between family members
Decrease costs of telephone calls
Receive/send/deposit money (‘m-banking’)
Foster good governance – e.g. through citizen-based monitoring (‘crowd sourcing’) of elections
abnormalities or to report post-election unrest
Provide advanced and quicker warning of weather and pest-related shocks and decrease
As a development tool:
Provision of mobile-enabled services (‘Apps’) across sectors including agriculture, health and
education. Providing information and services that can:
G Monitor health outbreaks
G Extend reach of medical and agricultural workers – through providing hotlines for service
G Send health education messages
G Improve operation of markets and address supply chain inefficiencies
G Support diffusion of innovation
Since the late 1980s, the concept of rural ‘livelihoods’ has been
developed to better understand the many dimensions of securing a
living at a household level in rural areas and how these change over
time. A number of key concepts that have become central in
understanding rural change are identified in Figure 4.6. The
contribution of these ideas in shaping more sustainable approaches
to rural development is considered in more detail below. It is
now understood that livelihood diversity is very much the norm
among rural households, where a range of activities that may
include direct involvement in agricultural production are often
combined (such as highlighted in Figure 4.7) as a means for
accessing the products, labour and finance needed to securing
adequate stocks and flows of food and cash to construct livelihoods.
Dynamism (i.e. diversity over time) is a further fundamental
characteristic of rural livelihoods. Indeed, the capacity to move the
emphasis of any particular element within the livelihood system or to
introduce new components has been central often to survival itself
(Mortimore, 1998). Research into how poor households cope with
food insecurity in times of drought, for example, has highlighted
the varied adaptations to changing environmental and social
circumstances which households can and do make, such as
engaging in off-farm activities, including wild foods in their diet
and drawing on social relationships for temporary support,
such as loans of cattle.
A livelihood comprises: the capabilities, assets (stores, resources, claims and access)
and activities required for a means of living: a livelihood is sustainable when it can cope
with and recover from stress and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets,
and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for the next generation; and which
contributes net benefits to other livelihoods at the local and global levels in the long
and short term.
(Chambers and Conway, 1992: 7–8)
c) Fishing, Malawi
Source: Huw Taylor, University of Brighton.
Agriculture, self-employed 56.6 33.1 46.8 24.6 8.5 38.4
Agriculture, wage earner 4.0 21.8 9.4 9.4 10.1 20.9
Non-agriculture, self-employed 6.9 11.8 11.5 8.8 7.4 9.2
Non-agriculture, wage earner 8.6 15.4 17.4 30.9 31.3 17.2
Non-active or not reported 21.7 14.6 14.4 26.0 27.5 13.4
Agriculture, self-employed 53.5 12.7 38.4 38.6 6.9 22.8
Agriculture, wage earner 1.4 11.4 5.7 1.0 5.4 2.3
Non-agriculture, self-employed 6.8 2.9 11.3 2.8 1.6 11.7
Non-agriculture, wage earner 2.8 2.7 8.4 3.9 18.1 11.5
Non-active or not reported 32.7 64.3 35.5 53.3 46.9 51.2
Paddock Field
Herd Crop
Animal-environment Plant-environment
Source: adapted from Conway (1987).
208 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
Billions of consumers
very small number of major MNCs (earning a profit through all the
transactions involved).
The globalisation of agriculture has had wide-ranging implications
for the relationship between people and between people and the
environment in rural areas of the developing world. For many
commentators, the overall impacts have been generally negative, as
summarised in Figure 4.10. A key concern is the degree (and
increasing concentration) of control that major agri-business
companies now have over decision-making throughout the agri-food
system. For example, the chemical pesticide industry increasingly
bought up biotechnology, plant breeding and seed interests across the
world through the 1990s. In 2000, 10 corporations supplied 33 per
cent of the global seed market compared to thousands of companies
20 years previously (Actionaid, 2003). Monsanto alone bought 60 per
cent of the Brazilian maize seed market in the two years 1997 to
1999. The production of many agricultural commodities now
involves entering into advanced contracts of some kind (including
210 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
Figure 4.10 The negative impacts of the with these MNCs) regarding the
integration of rural producers in the global
South into the global agri-food system
types of crop grown, price and
quality, for example, that introduces
G The options and capacity of governments in new risks for farmers and generally
the global South to influence national decreases their control over
agricultural development become
increasingly circumscribed. livelihood and natural resource
G National self-sufficiency in basic food stuffs management decisions. Whereas in
has been compromised as production the past, for example, farmers were
becomes focused on international demand dealing with several different (and
for non-traditional crops.
G Farmers are tied into unequal and
smaller) firms as well as with
dependent relationships with agri-business, public bodies such as government
often with negative social and controlled marketing boards to
environmental effects. purchase seeds and fertilisers or to
G Vulnerable groups, whether farmers or
workers, find their livelihoods under threat
sell produce, their exposure to
‘as they are sandwiched between market forces is now very different
downstream suppliers (providing for (Thompson et al., 2007). Such
example, patented genetic material, transactions are also now made in
chemical inputs and advice) and upstream
buyers (dictating size, appearance and the context of decreasing public
presentation of the product)’ (p.100). support for training, extension and
Source: compiled from Rigg (2007).
innovation (as well as for price
support for inputs and products)
that has occurred through liberalisation policies. Box 4.4 confirms the
very serious financial and emotional distress that farmers and their
families in India are experiencing as a result of the opening of Indian
agriculture to the global market in recent decades.
Box 4.4
These kinds of pattern and evidence led to a call for a new ‘Doubly
Green Revolution’; one that is ‘even more productive than the first
Green Revolution and even more “Green” in terms of conserving
natural resources and the environment’ (Conway, 1997: 45).
However, in the last decade, the debate has shifted from a ‘Green’ to
a ‘Gene’ Revolution and the potential of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) to deliver further increases in global food
production (Atkins and Bowler, 2001). Proponents of the Gene
Revolution argue that biotechnology offers the means to feed an
expanding population from a restricted land base with fewer
environmental costs. GMOs are those where alien genetic material is
introduced artificially rather than through traditional breeding or
cross-breeding from one organism to another. Crop varieties are
being created to require less pesticide, to be herbicide tolerant, to fix
their own nitrogen, to yield in very challenging conditions and to be
drought resistant, all of which can, for example, reduce overall
energy requirements (Madeley, 2002). However, there are a range of
concerns regarding GMOs in agriculture and food systems,
summarised in Figure 4.11. Significantly, whereas it had been public
monies and charitable foundations that had funded the
experimentation and research centres of the Green Revolution,
commercial biotechnology companies have become the major
financers of agricultural research and development and are
increasingly the architects of this Gene Revolution. The further
corporate control over the food chain encompassed by these
developments and the implications for small farmers who become
tied into dependence on certified seeds and external inputs, for
example, are a particular concern for many civil society organisations
within the developing world (see Shiva, 2000).
Figure 4.12 shows the expansion of biotech crops globally since the
first commercial planting in 1996. In 2010, the area under biotech
crops exceeded 1 billion hectares, an expansion of 10 per cent over
the previous year (James, 2010). The principal countries and crops
are shown in Table 4.2. Over 90 per cent of farmers growing biotech
crops are now small-scale farmers in developing countries. However,
as Robinson (2004: 196) suggests, ‘the application of GM
“solutions” is regarded by many as the antithesis of a sustainable
option for further agricultural development’. Opposition to GM crops
is evident in the UK, for example, where public concerns continue to
prevent both the trialling and production of such crops. Certainly, the
characteristics of this externally and technology-led approach to
‘sustainable’ agricultural development are very different from those
Sustainable rural livelihoods • 215
Environmental concerns
1 Most agricultural crops have toxic ancestors and introduced genes could
switch back on ancestral genes making agricultural crops toxic.
2 Genes inserted into GMOs will spread to other non-target organisms with
unknown and unpredictable consequences.
3 We do not know enough about ecological interactions to be able to predict
accurately the long-term consequences of the introduction of genes into the
4 It is possible that development of herbicide-resistant plants could cause
changes in the patterns of herbicide use in agriculture in ways that will be
more environmentally damaging than existing systems.
5 It is difficult to predict what will turn into a plant or a weed. Once an organism
becomes a pest it can be difficult to eradicate.
6 A gene does not necessarily control a single trait. A gene may control several
different traits in a plant and the placement of genes is a very imprecise
science in many cases.
7 A gene which is safe in one country and one soil type may behave differently
under changed conditions. Therefore there are problems of scaling from field
trial to commercial release.
8 The majority of the new GM crops require high-quality soils, high investment in
machinery and increased use of chemicals. They do not solve the food needs
of the world’s poorest people.
9 GMOs encourage continuous cropping and thus discourage rotations,
polycultures and the conservation of biodiversity.
Socioeconomic concerns
1 Genetic engineering is leading to the patenting of life forms, genetic
information and indigenous knowledge of local ecology. Such commodification
or privatisation of nature and knowledge is morally wrong.
2 Corporations are concentrating research and development on the most
profitable elements of biotechnology rather than the applications that best
promote sustainable development.
3 The control of the global food economy by fewer large corporations is leading
to more genetic uniformity in rural landscapes.
4 Competition to gain markets and hence profits is resulting in companies
releasing GM crops without adequate consideration of the long-term impacts
on people or the ecosystem.
5 Without adequate labelling, consumers have no choice as to whether they eat
food derived from GMOs.
6 There is no conclusive evidence that GMOs are superior to conventional crops.
They may divert resources from exploring more appropriate, sustainable low-
technology alternatives to intensive agriculture.
7 Using GMOs to increase agricultural productivity in the North may lead
to reduced imports from the South. Farmers in the South may then turn to
more environmentally damaging alternatives with adverse effects on
Total hectares
140 Industrial
Million hectares
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Box 4.5
Political, social and economic forces do operate; but when they are
dissected, sooner or later we come to individual people who are acting,
feeling and perceiving . . . all are to some degree capable of changing
what they do . . . the sum of small actions makes great movements.
(Chambers, 1983: 191–2)
goods for farmers and markets but also contributing to wider public
goods such as flood protection and habitat conservation); using the
knowledge and skills of farmers (improving self-reliance and
substituting human capital for costly external inputs); and making use
of people’s collective capacities to work together to solve common
agricultural and natural resource problems (Pretty, 2008).
The types of resource-conserving technology which are delivering
favourable changes to several components of the farming system
simultaneously are highlighted in Figure 4.14. Techniques such as
intercropping and agro-forestry demand a close understanding of the
specifics of local ecological and environmental conditions, substantial
Intercropping The growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of
land. Benefits arise because crops exploit different resources, or
interact with one another. If one crop is a legume it may provide
nutrients for the other. The interactions may also serve to control pests
and weeds.
Rotations The growing of two or more crops in sequence on the same piece of
land. Benefits are similar to those arising from intercropping.
Agro-forestry A form of intercropping in which annual herbaceous crops are grown
interspersed with perennial trees or shrubs. The deeper-rooted trees can
often exploit water and nutrients not available to the herbs. The trees
may also provide shade and mulch, while the ground cover of herbs
reduces weeds and prevents erosion.
Sylvo-pasture Similar to agro-forestry, but combining trees with grassland and other
fodder species on which livestock graze. The mixture of browse, grass
and herbs often supports mixed livestock.
Green manuring The growing of legumes and other plants in order to fix nitrogen and
then incorporating them in the soil for the following crop. Commonly
used green manures are Sesbania and the fern Azolla, which contains
nitrogen-fixing, blue-green algae.
Conservation tillage Systems of minimum tillage or no-tillage, in which the seed is placed
directly in the soil with little or no preparatory cultivation. This reduces
the amount of soil disturbance and so lessens run-off and loss of
sediments and nutrients.
Biological control The use of natural enemies, parasites or predators, to control pests.
If the pest is exotic these enemies may be imported from the country
of origin of the pest; if indigenous, various techniques are used to
augment the numbers of the existing natural enemies.
Integrated pest The use of all appropriate techniques of controlling pests in an
management integrated manner that enhances rather than destroys natural controls.
If pesticides are part of the programme, they are used sparingly and
selectively, so as not to interfere with natural enemies.
Mental model of Supply through Learn through Collaborate in Innovation network centred on co-development;
activities pipeline survey research involving multi-stakeholder processes and messy
Farmers as seen Progressive Objects of study Colleagues Partners, collaborators, entrepreneurs, innovators,
by scientists adopters, laggards and sources of info organised group setting the agenda, exerting
demand: ‘the boss’
Scientists as seen Not seen – only saw Used our land; Friendly consumers One of many sources of ideas and information
by farmers extension workers asked us questions of our time
Knowledge and Single discipline Inter-disciplinary Inter-disciplinary Extra/trans-disciplinary – holistic, multiple, culturally
disciplines driven (breeding) (plus economics) (more, plus farmer rooted knowledges
Farmers’ roles Learn, adopt, Provide information Diagnose, Empowered co-generators of knowledge and
conform for scientists experiment, test, innovation; negotiators
Scope Productivity Input–output Farm based Beyond the farm-gate – multi-functional agriculture,
relationships livelihood/food systems and value chains across
multiple scales, from local to global; long time
continued . . .
Figure 4.16 . . . continued
Core elements Technology Modified packages Joint production Social networks of innovators; shared learning and
packages to overcome of knowledge change; politics of demand
Drivers Supply push from Scientists’ need Demand pull from Responsiveness to changing contexts – markets,
research to learn about farmers globalisation, climate change; organised farmers,
farmers’ conditions power and politics
and needs
Key changes sought Farmer behaviour Scientists’ Scientist–farmer Institutional, professional and personal change:
knowledge relationships opening space for innovation
Intended outcome Technology transfer Technology Co-evolved Capacities to innovate, learn and change
and uptake produced with technology with
better fit to better fit to
farming systems livelihood systems
Institutions and Technology transfer Ignored, black Acknowledged, but Central dimensions of change
politics as independent: boxed sometimes naïve
assumed away populism
Innovators Scientists Scientists adapt Farmers and Multiple actors – learning alliances
packages scientists together
Figure 4.17 Where farmers’ priorities might diverge from those of scientists
Whilst the first Green Revolution took as its starting point the
biological challenge inherent in producing new high-yielding food
crops and then looked to determine how the benefits could reach the
poor, this new revolution has to reverse the chain of logic, starting
with the socio-economic demands of poor households and then seeking
to identify appropriate research priorities. Success will not be achieved
either by applying modern science and technology, on the one hand, or
by implementing economic and social reform on the other, but through
a combination of these that is innovative and imaginative.
(Conway, 1997: 42)
Box 4.6
During the 1950s and 1960s, there was tremendous optimism for the role of western
science in raising agricultural production throughout the world, encapsulated in the
research and extension activities associated with the ‘green revolution’. The locus of
research was the experimental station and the challenge was to transfer the new
technology to the farmers’ fields. When it subsequently became clear that farmers were
unable to gain yields on their own farms comparable to those achieved at experimental
stations, the ‘blame’ was passed between ‘ignorant farmers’ and ‘poor extension
It is now appreciated more widely that rarely do farmers fail, through ignorance, to effect
land-use decisions which will raise productivity or conserve resources. Rather their
behaviour is, more regularly, rational in the light of their political-economic, social and
environmental circumstances. It is now thought that research conducted at experimental
stations has limitations for solving the ‘real-life’ problems of the farmer (particularly the
resource-poor farmer). Scientists have an important role to play in conducting research
Sustainable rural livelihoods • 229
about a problem, for example how potatoes grow. But for solving a problem, such as
how to grow potatoes, it is thought that farmers in fact have a lot to teach scientists
(Chambers et al., 1989). The problem for research and extension activities, therefore,
becomes not how to transfer technology from research station to farmer but how to close
the gap between the two so that insights from both can be shared and built upon.
However, as more has become known regarding the ways in which farmers learn and
experiment, often in very contrasting ways to modern science, it has also become clear
that there are differences amongst rural people in terms of their knowledge and power.
‘The issue is not just “whose knowledge counts?”, but “who knows who has access to
what knowledge?”and “who can generate new knowledge, and how?”‘ (Chambers, 1993:
xv). Not only, therefore, are there substantial and continued challenges in instilling
changes in attitudes, behaviour and methods in the work of institutions and extension
agents, but new insights are required into how those who are variously excluded at the
local level can be:
strengthened in their own observations, experiments and analysis to generate
and enhance their own knowledge; how they can better seek, demand, draw
down, own and use information; how they can share and spread knowledge
among themselves; and how they can influence formal agricultural research
(Chambers, 1993: xv)
the umbrella term used to refer to the tools and ways of working that
have done much to move understanding forward of the knowledge,
values and priorities within local communities and the ‘complex,
diverse and risk-prone environments of resource-poor people’
(Scoones and Thompson, 1994: 4). PLA is centred on trying to see
the world from the point of view of those directly affected by
development (Mohan, 2008). PLA is most commonly used in natural
resource management and in agriculture, but also in programmes
addressing empowerment, equity and rights issues (Chambers, 2008).
Through the types of research tool and approach identified in
Figure 4.18, more appropriate research priorities and more inclusive
approaches to development interventions are being realised. Box 4.7
shows how PLA approaches are being used to support local capacity
to adapt to future climate changes in the Andes.
However, there are also continued challenges for sustainable rural
development despite the substantial progress made through these
alternative approaches. There is concern, for example, that the
‘frenzied levels of global interest in participatory methodologies’
(Guijt and Shah, 1998: 4) through the 1990s led to the production
of so many handbooks, guides and courses that a ‘manual and
230 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
and action
Box 4.7
stream flows will decrease, for example. In 2005, a project was started in
two highland locations in Bolivia and Ecuador amongst the poorest regions
of the Andes, combining the work of two national NGOs, the Ecuadorian
Network for Community-based Natural Resource Management (MACRENA)
and the Bolivian Programme for Integrated Development of Potosi
(PRODINPO), and an international NGO, World Neighbours. The project
adopted a participatory approach involving communities in locally led
learning and practical activities, based on the farming experience, local
knowledge and technologies already in use and starting in small simple ways
then diversifying over time. The aim is to enhance knowledge of climate
change and improve resilience and opportunities for coping with its impacts.
Initial activities centred on understanding local knowledge on climate and
priorities for the future. Water management was found to be key –
communities were already suffering from both droughts and floods at
different times of year – and was central to learning how to cope with
climate change. Practical activities were designed (including visits to
particularly innovative farmers, site testing of alternative types of irrigation,
composting and water harvesting, for example) towards building knowledge
and evaluating options. Over time, support and facilitation was increasingly
to collective rather than individual activities; where participants worked
together to design and install soil and water conservation efforts on different
farms, to reforest a vulnerable hillside, plant windbreaks or to establish their
own savings and loan funds to help finance local purchase of fencing
materials, micro-irrigation and water harvesting technologies, for example. In
northern Ecuador, four communities living on the Ilalo Volcano which had
initially been involved in very local priorities of soil conservation and water
harvesting for home consumption and garden cultivation subsequently came
together through group work parties and cross-visits to develop a more
ambitious, watershed level agenda identifying water sources, vulnerable
areas and conflict zones. A management plan was developed, that was turned
into a project proposal that was later funded by the municipality.
Box 4.8
now the biggest milk producer in the region. However, the movement has suffered
substantial opposition within the Brazilian media, from wealthy landowners and their
supporters in Government and business. As many as 1,500 people have been killed in
land conflicts. Two separate massacres of landless squatters in 1996 brought international
and national attention to the plight of the rural poor in Brazil.
In 1998, President Cardoso announced a new programme of agrarian reform aimed at
reducing the social tensions around land and enhancing access to land by the poor. This
is widely recognised to have been as a result of rising populist pressure, in particular
from the MST. It was a ‘market-led’ policy (with World Bank finance) that was designed
to reduce state involvement in the implementation of land reform and to stimulate the
market in land. In other words, the thinking was that separating land reform from state
involvement and allowing price to determine how land is allocated would serve to
improve the transparency of the process and in turn decrease support for the MST. Loans
were made available to people who had previously worked in agriculture and had
incomes of below US$15,000 to help them purchase land. People had to form
associations with other interested buyers to purchase land from existing farmers.
However, from the outset the programme generated significant dissent from MST.
Targets for land transfers were low and were not achieved. Land prices also rose steeply
through the period of the programme as activities of agri-business expanded. Not only
did this give problems of land supply for the programme, but the costs of re-payments on
loans also rose, creating problems of indebtedness. An estimated one-third of families’
loans were in default in 2007. Progress on land reform faded further through the decade
of President Luiz da Silva. This was despite optimism for his term given his working-
class background and previous founding involvement in the Workers’ Party. In 2005, the
MST organised the biggest march in Brazilian history to push for implementation of the
promises of the constitution that land left unproductive for two years is subject to
agrarian reform.
Source: compiled from Zobel (2009); Wolford (2008); Sauer (2009).
Box 4.9
districts. At the village level women are organised into unions and cooperatives, often
according to the different occupations that they are involved in.
In 1986, the State Water Board in Gujarat was aware of the failings of centralised
management of local water resources in the districts. It approached SEWA, knowing
their expertise in grassroots development, to look into involving local communities in
building, operating and managing a water supply system. On the basis of its previous
experiences, SEWA understood that it would be easier to recruit members into water
development activities if these could be linked to economic improvement. SEWA
mobilised women around eight economic activities ranging from embroidery to anti-
desertification measures. By 2000, nearly 200 groups have been formed under the
‘Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas Programme’ – a joint initiative
of the Indian government and UNICEF.
Historically, water infrastructure such as bore holes and dams was regarded as male
territory. Many women were therefore often reluctant to come forward into this area and
men were widely critical of women entering this public domain. Despite this, many of
the water user committees established in Gujarat (pani samities) were all women or at
least equal in number to male members.
SEWA has initiated many different types of activity amongst the water committees in
various districts. These include visits to other functioning cooperatives to see how
democratic frameworks operate and meetings with water engineers to understand water
supply systems. Much of their work has involved assisting women to understand and
negotiate their way through the maze that is India’s system of governance of water
resources. There are seven bodies solely at the national level, for example, that have
some authority and responsibility over water. This gets more complex as it moves to
district and sub-district and then to local panchayat levels.
In order to take steps to restore traditional sources of water, women had to learn about
the roles of different agencies, decide which to approach and how. SEWA assisted in
bringing engineers from the Minor Irrigation Departments together with the villages to
plan, design, source and pay for materials.
The continual training, support for women to deal with the technical, institutional (and
social and cultural demands) of water related activities has been fundamental to SEWA’s
success in securing the sustained participation of villagers. It has also been of paramount
importance for institutionalising grassroots governance in the water sector whereby new
institutions dominated by women have been created with strong links to existing
governing institutions at wider levels. A shift in attitudes towards women has also been
identified: they have earned respect within their families and their communities for their
knowledge and abilities and mainstream institutions are now willing to accept illiterate
women on their training programmes, for example. There have also been cases of
districts abandoning contracts with private sector companies in favour of local
Source: compiled from WRI (2003); www.sewa.org
240 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
Box 4.10
For some time, the debates about both the environment and
development have been dominated by the interests and values of the
rich rather than the poor, men rather than women, and the urban
rather than the rural. The challenges of reversing these priorities have
been seen within this chapter to be wide and substantial, yet integral
to the prospects of sustainable rural development. Whilst individual
farmers ultimately make many of the land-use and resource-
management decisions in rural areas, ensuring that these are
sustainable depends evidently on many broader factors. Enhanced
integration into the global agri-food system has brought new risks for
246 • Sustainable rural livelihoods
Discussion questions
Further reading
individuals and households and draws on a very wide number of case studies
within countries of the developing world.
Scoones, I. and Thompson, J. (eds) (2009) Farmer First Revisited: Innovation for
Agricultural Research and Development, Practical Action Publishing, Rugby.
A critical reflection on the achievements and limitations of the original ‘Farmer
First’ approaches to rural development.
Unwin, T. (ed.) (2009) ICT4D: Information and Communication Technology for
Development, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. A good source for
understanding the ways in which new information and communication
technologies are bringing challenges and opportunities in development.
http://www.steps-centre.org A research organisation (Social Technological, and
Environmental Pathways to Sustainability) located at the Institute of
Development Studies at the University of Sussex that has a long-standing
reputation for leading new ideas in rural development thinking and practice.
www.mstbrazil.org English language website of a network of individuals and
organisations working to support the Brazilian Landless Workers movement
www.iied.org Website of the International Institute for Environment and
Development, which has done a lot of work in the past on participatory learning
and action and produces a host of news, briefings and research reports related to
natural resources and sustainable development.
www.sewa.org For details of the activities of the Self Employed Women’s
Association – a trade union that works to support poorer self-employed women
throughout India.
5 Sustainable urban
Learning outcomes
G Realise that levels of urbanisation are rising but there are key
differences between regions and within countries
G Be aware of the strong links between urbanisation and socio-economic
development, but also that rising economic prosperity is a key factor
shaping the environmental burden of cities
G Understand the factors underpinning the rising informality of urbanisation
in the developing world
G Identify the key features of the urban environmental challenge at a
number of spatial scales
G Understand how and why taking decisions as close as possible to urban
citizens is understood as key to more sustainable urban developments
Key concepts
In 1800 only 3 per cent of the total world population lived in towns
and cities. In 2010, this figure was 50.6 per cent (UNHSP, 2010).
Figure 5.1 confirms the trend worldwide for the increased
concentration of people in cities rather than rural areas. Whilst such
urbanisation occurred in Europe, North America and Latin America
through the mid twentieth century, the trend is now increasingly
being seen in developing regions and particularly within Asia and
Africa. Whilst Latin America is the most urbanised region in the
developing world, Asia has the largest number of people living in
cities (over 1.5 billion people) and it is in Africa that some of the
250 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
Percentage of urban population
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
fastest annual rates of urban growth are found (exceeding 4.5 per cent
in some countries). Currently, there are more people living in cities of
the developing world than in cities in more developed regions and it
is predicted that 80 per cent of the world’s urban dwellers will live in
cities of the developing world by 2030 (UNHSP, 2010).
In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development
suggested that the urban challenge lay ‘firmly in the developing
countries’ (WCED, 1987: 237), due in the main to the unprecedented
growth rates being observed and the challenge of meeting the
immediate needs of an expanding urban poor. In that year the World
Bank had estimated that approximately one-quarter of the developing
world’s absolute poor were living in urban areas (World Bank,
1990). By 2000, it was increasingly recognised that whilst
urbanisation (and globalisation) are powerful forces of economic
growth, innovation and creativity, they are also drivers of exclusion
and environmental degradation. At the time of the Millennium
Declaration for example, an estimated one-third of all city dwellers
were living in slums. Improving the lives of slum dwellers was
recognised as a major development challenge (rather than an
unfortunate consequence of urbanisation). Addressing global poverty
is at the core of the Millennium Development Goals, as seen in
previous chapters, and achieving the goals is understood to be
heavily dependent on how well cities perform:
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 251
Box 5.1
Whilst affluent cities can be considered to have performed better in terms of meeting the
needs of their current populations, historically these have been met by displacing the
environmental burdens over space (elsewhere) and time (delayed). For example, sewers
have been put in to take human waste out of the city and goods whose production may
have been resource intensive or damaging have been imported. The burden of dealing
with the levels of waste generated or high levels of fossil fuel combustion will fall on the
next generations through their contribution to global warming, for example. In wealthier
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 253
cities, the key challenges for action lie in reducing excessive consumption of natural
resources and the burden of wastes on the global environment (WRI, 1996).
In contrast, the environmental burdens of low-income cities are generally falling now and
within the city. In addition, it is the most impoverished groups who suffer ill-health,
vulnerable and shortened lives. The spatial shift in environmental burdens with urban
economic development is modelled in Figure 5.3. As identified by McGranahan et al.
(2001: 10):
As we move into the twenty-first century . . . the importance of the ‘brown’
agenda is undiminished . . . economic change is outpacing urban environmental
management and the achievement of social justice. Moreover, there is a serious
danger that as new ‘green’ concerns are added to the environmental agenda, the
‘brown’ concerns will be neglected or misrepresented.
Local scale and immediate Urban–regional scale Global scale and delayed
(e.g. inadequate and unsafe (e.g. air and water (e.g. aggregate water and
water and sanitation) pollution) waste generation and
carbon emissions)
Severity of environmental
Mega-regions: economic units that result from the growth, convergence and spatial spread of
geographically linked metropolitan areas. They are polycentric urban clusters surrounded by
low-density hinterlands and they grow considerably faster than the overall country population.
Recent research suggests that the world’s 40 largest mega-regions are home to fewer than
18 per cent of the world’s population but account for 66 per cent of global economic activity
and 85 per cent of technological and scientific innovation. Examples include:
In China, the Hong Kong–Shenzen–Guangzhou mega-region that encompasses a
population of approximately 120 million people
In Brazil, the mega-region that stretches from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro that is
home to 43 million people
Urban corridors: where a number of city centres of various sizes are connected along
transport routes in a linear development often linking a number of mega-cities and their
hinterlands and often related to specific economic objectives. Examples include:
In India, the industrial corridor developing between Mumbai and Delhi stretching over
1,500 km
In Malaysia, the manufacturing and service industry corridor encompassing Kuala
Lumpur, the Klang Valley conurbation and through to the port city of Klang
In West Africa, the greater Ibadan–Lagos–Accra urban corridor spanning over 600 km
across four countries
Urban corridors are changing the way that cities and towns function, creating new forms of
interdependence amongst cities and leading regional economic growth. They can also lead to
unbalanced regional development as they strengthen ties to existing economic centres rather
than diffuse development.
City regions: City regions have grown enormously in recent decades as major cities extend
beyond their formal boundaries to engulf and absorb intermediate city centres, smaller towns,
semi-urban areas and their rural hinterlands. Some of these city regions are now bigger in
surface area and population than whole countries. Examples include:
The Bangkok region in Thailand that is expected to expand another 200 km from its
current centre by 2020 and to grow far beyond its current population of 17 million
In Brazil, Metropolitan Sao Paulo currently spreads over 8,000 square kilometres and
has a population of 16.4 million
South Africa’s Cape Town city-region draws daily commuters from over 100 km
Whilst Africa as a whole has some of the highest urban growth rates
in the world, such urbanisation is suggested to have occurred despite
poor economic growth, inequitable distribution of resources and
rising urban poverty (UNHSP, 2010). These factors are exacerbated
by high levels of unskilled labour and the HIV/AIDS pandemic, for
example, all of which are both a cause of persistent poverty and
further impede efforts to reduce poverty and enhance the
sustainability of many cities in Africa. However, whilst many
commentators are quick to suggest the ‘exceptional’ case of Africa,
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 259
Small-scale production
Distributive trades
Processed food trading (nuts, snacks) Clothes, shoes and leather goods
Unprocessed produce (fruit and vegetables) Jewellery and cosmetics
Commercial food trading (Chiclet, Coca-Cola) Newspapers
Suitcase trading (imported items) Household items
Hot food and drinks Music and electrical items
Advantages Limitations
More buoyant and elastic in generating jobs Low productivity of sector and its lack of
for an increasing urban labour force than bargaining power means incomes generally
the formal sector. lower than in formal sector.
Small scale of operations and low levels Nature of employment means that earnings
of capital required lowers costs of creating tend to be more intermittent and erratic,
employment. making access to formal credit mechanisms
by households difficult.
Produces jobs that require fewer skills Irregular and often illegal nature of many
and less training than the formal sector. activities makes operators in the informal
sector vulnerable to official and non-official
harassment and persecution.
Lack of regulation and control and ease Unregulated nature of informal sector makes it
of entry makes informal sector well suited difficult for people to obtain access to services
to absorption of migrants and other and supports necessary for increasing earnings
newcomers to the urban labour market. and moving out of poverty.
Provides a safety net in times of economic Informal nature makes it difficult to protect
crisis for those made redundant. those who are engaged in them, whether as
paid workers or as unpaid family members,
against child labour abuses or against hazards
in the workplace, for example.
Informal sector jobs don’t produce government
revenues to support welfare policies, social
safety net programmes.
there are some problems with quality data, it is estimated that the
sector provides employment, goods and services for as much as
60 per cent of the urban population. Recent research suggests that
informal sector activities contribute between 80 and 90 per cent of
all new job opportunities in Latin America and over 90 per cent in
Africa (UNHSP, 2010). In New Delhi, approximately one-third
of investment in housing has been from informal sector revenues
generated by slum dwellers. Certainly, ‘the extent and impact of
poverty on urban populations, as well as on urban and national
economies would be much greater were it not for the informal
sector’ (UNCHS, 2001: 212). The linkages between the informal
and formal sectors of the economy and the contribution of the
informal sector to national GDP are now better recognised (UNHSP,
2006). However, there are a number of challenges of employment
within the informal sector, as shown in Figure 5.7.
Poverty is a common reality for many urban residents of the
developing world. This is despite the generally positive relationship
262 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
prices for many basic foods between 2007 and 2009 is understood to
have impacted particularly strongly on the urban poor who spend
upwards of 70 per cent of this income on food (UNHSP, 2010).
Many goods and services are more commercialised in urban centres
and urban residents are more reliant on cash income to secure these,
which also brings a certain vulnerability to price rises and any drop
in income. An understanding of urban poverty has become even
more important in recent years as many basic services and housing,
for example, are often no longer provided by the public sector but
have to be accessed in the marketplace where people’s ability to pay
is critical. In recent years, there has been mounting evidence that the
privatisation of public utilities including water and electricity
(considered further below) has led to increased costs for consumers
to levels where poor families cannot afford sufficient quantities to
secure their most basic needs.
In continuity with the discussions of poverty in Chapters 2 and 4, the
extent of urban poverty is unlikely to be captured by indicators based
on income alone. Thinking only in terms of income can hide other
aspects of deprivation such as poor-quality housing or people’s
capacity to challenge detrimental changes in their local environments.
Figure 5.8 displays the multiple aspects of urban poverty and some
of the wider factors underpinning these dimensions. Through this
chapter, some detail of how these aspects of poverty impact on the
prospects for sustainable development will be highlighted: the
inadequacy of basic services and their links to good health and
education, for example, and the significance of representative,
democratic and accountable local authorities for ensuring people’s
rights to organise and for their protection against eviction will be
seen. As Mitlin and Satterthwaite (2004: 12) state:
of the multiple deprivations that most of the urban poor face, many of
these deprivations have little or no direct link to income levels, while
many relate much more to political systems and bureaucratic structures
that are unwilling or unable to act effectively to address these
needs. Fundamentally, the poor are unable to afford the locations that
are more desirable in terms of the inherent or acquired characteristics
of the land. Wherever the urban poor are concentrated in cities of the
developing world, it is commonly at high densities in areas of low
rent. Poor groups do not live here in ignorance of the dangers; they
choose such sites because they meet more immediate and pressing
needs. These places are often the only ones where they can build
their own houses or rent accommodation. The sites remain cheap
because they are dangerous (Hardoy et al., 2001).
266 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
A slum household consists of one or a group of individuals living under the same roof in an
urban area lacking one or more of the five amenities:
1. Durable housing (a permanent structure providing protection from extreme climatic conditions)
2. Sufficient living area (no more than three people sharing a room)
3. Access to improved water (water that is sufficient, affordable and can be obtained without
extreme effort)
4. Access to improved sanitation facilities (a private toilet, or a public one shared with a
reasonable number of people)
5. Secure tenure (de facto or de jure secure tenure status and protection against forced
NB: since information on secure tenure is not widely available, UN statistics use only the first
four indicators to define slum households and then to estimate the proportion of urban
population living in slums.
modest. Indeed the MDG slum target has been achieved: 227 million
people were moved out of slum conditions between 2000 and 2010,
over half of whom were in China and India alone, confirming the low
target that was set. Table 5.2 confirms that whilst substantial progress
has been made across many regions (and particularly in Asia and
North Africa), absolute numbers of people living in slum conditions
continues to rise. Sixty-one million new slum dwellers were added to
the global urban population in the decade from 2000, for example.
Box 5.2 highlights the approach taken in Morocco towards cities
without slums, or ‘Villes sans bidonvilles’ as it is known locally.
Whilst not all of the world’s urban poor live in slums (nor are all
slum dwellers income poor), the MDG target on slums has helped
put the physical dimensions of urban poverty to the fore, that is,
the deprivations of water, sanitation, shelter and overcrowding
associated with urban poverty. The visible manifestation of housing
that lacks basic services, space and security can take many forms.
‘Stereotypical’ forms of slums include the shanty towns often
cramped together on the edges of cities but also dilapidated
houses within city centres (typically one-story units that are visibly
‘temporary’ constructions and are often officially unauthorised).
Less obvious forms of slum housing are the ‘legal’ dwellings that
may look permanent from the outside, such as multi-storey public
housing, tenements and dormitories, but where living conditions
are seriously compromised through overcrowding, decay and poor
upkeep. These are found on the urban periphery and within city
centres. Figure 5.10 summarises a range of low-income options for
268 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
Box 5.2
increase the affordability of low-income housing. A central part of the strategy was
towards slum rehabilitation and clearance, known as the ‘Villes sans bidonvilles’
programme. Backed by a World Bank loan of US$150 million, the programme aimed to
provide decent and affordable accommodation for 212,000 households across urban
Morocco by 2010.
The programme was led by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning and included
finance from World Bank, government and private sources. It was organised as a
partnership between all stakeholders: developers, slum dwellers, municipal authorities
and NGOs. The programme has involved:
G On-site upgrading of slum areas through the provision of roads, drainage and water
supply, public lighting and electricity networks
G The provision of serviced plots on urban land on which households will build new
G The resettlement of slum households to newly built apartment buildings.
Whilst the first option is identified as the most beneficial and least disruptive for people,
in practice the major part of the programme has involved the resettling of households
away from poorer areas (typically areas of the more central Medinas) to newly built
neighbourhoods on the edges of cities.
In the decade to 2010, the proportion of the urban population of Morocco living in slums
declined from 24.2 per cent to 13 per cent (UNHSP, 2010). An estimated 2.4 million
people have been moved out of slum conditions. Factors underpinning this success are
considered to include the strong political leadership and pro-poor stance under the
constitutional monarchy of King Mohammed VI; a centralised role of the Ministry of
Housing that was also able to coordinate the large number of public authorities, private
banks, NGOs and community groups involved; and sustained budgetary resources for the
programme (UNHSP, 2010). However, the World Bank’s Poverty and Social Impact
Analysis of the programme of slum upgrading (World Bank, 2006) highlighted a number
of issues including:
G A lack of knowledge within the programme of the preferences and diverse needs
of slum-dwellers themselves that was a contributing factor in local resistance and
limited participant engagement
G Insufficient participation of slum dwellers in the design and implementation of
the housing programme
G Lack of affordability of apartments for the lowest income groups and the need for
a more flexible approach to the housing design and supply
G A need for housing improvements to be integrated with programmes to enhance
access to community and municipal services and employment opportunities if
poverty alleviation goals are to be achieved.
Whilst many families appreciated their new-found legitimacy and ownership, the
apartments do not provide sufficient space for extended families (important for the care
270 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
of the elderly for example); they tended to be located at some distance from employment;
and led to a decline in the potential for informal commercial activities. In some cases,
economic and social hardship for those re-housed had increased (World Bank, 2006).
The government of Morocco has recently introduced legislation towards requiring greater
public participation in all planning decisions and launched a national strategy of human
development towards better integrated poverty solutions. In short, there is an
acknowledgement that ‘top-down’ approaches to slum improvements can only go so far
(UNHSP, 2006).
Figure 5.10 The different kinds of rental and ‘owner occupation’ housing for
low-income groups in cities of the developing world
Type Characteristics
Source: extracted from UNCHS (1996), but based originally on Hardoy and Satterthwaite (1989).
272 • Sustainable urban livelihoods
influenced by the rate and scale of urbanisation itself and the degree
of concentration of such growth. Fast-growing cities may provide
particular challenges for planning and management but serious
environmental problems can also occur in declining industrial centres
and stagnant smaller towns, for example (UNCHS, 1996).
The geographical location of cities is a further factor shaping the
nature of the environmental challenge: cities in cold climates
consume greater levels of fossil fuels for domestic heating, for
example. Mexico City is a widely cited case where altitude and
topology (the city being surrounded on three sides by mountains)
combine to present particular challenges for the dispersal of
atmospheric pollutants, especially from industry and the motor car.
Location is also a major determinant of the type and frequency of
natural hazards that a city may experience. Eight of the ten most
populous cities in the world are located on earthquake faults, for
example, and are also at risk from a number of ‘natural’ disasters, as
seen in Table 5.3. Coastal areas (where some of the highest rates of
urban growth are currently occurring) are clearly more at risk from
many of the impacts of climate change including sea level rise,
tropical cyclones and flooding that are distinct from the
environmental problems of cities further inland.
However, it is important to move beyond such broad patterns to
understand the nature of the environmental burden of cities and how
cities are responding to these. Wealth differences occur within cities
(not just between them) and it is suggested that more competent,
Tokyo 35.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mexico City 19.4 ✓ ✓ ✓
New York 18.7 ✓ ✓ ✓
São Paulo 18.3 ✓ ✓
Mumbai 18.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Delhi 15.0 ✓ ✓ ✓
Shanghai 14.5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Kolkata 14.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Table 5.4 Proportion of urban population with improved water sources and
sanitation facilities, selected countries, 2008
Angola 60 86
Argentina 98 91
Bangladesh 85 55
Brazil 99 87
Chad 67 23
Gambia 96 68
India 96 54
Indonesia 89 67
Mexico 96 90
Nigeria 75 36
Peru 90 81
Uganda 91 38
Box 5.3
garbage. Water and sanitation are intimately linked, not least where
inadequate sanitation facilities lead to contamination of water and the
spread of diseases such as cholera and diarrhoea that commonly occur
in the cramped conditions of urban centres. However, it is a link that
has also been overlooked. For people living in poverty, their need for
drinking water and sufficient food, for example, may take precedence
over concerns regarding poor sanitation. There is also a wider
reluctance to ‘talk about toilets’ (Black, 2008) that extends to urban
planners and across societies. The ‘illegal’ nature of slum settlements
is also a factor that has limited government investments in sanitation
and international donors have been steered towards the more overtly
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 281
Figure 5.11 The key lessons of the recent privatisation of basic services
G By its very nature, privatisation is increasingly forcing public authorities (both central and
local) to become more profit-oriented in the provision of essential services. Among
developing nations, where a significant proportion of the population lives in poverty, many
segments of society are in no position to guarantee sufficient or adequate rates of return
to the shareholders of private companies now providing basic services. Therefore, unless
the rates charged by those utilities are subsidised in some way, already underprivileged
people will likely be forced to forgo basic services altogether.
G Private corporate entities place strong emphasis on profit generation and cost recovery, which
often has the effect of fragmenting service scope and delivery. If no potential or actual user
can pay the full price for the new services, the project may become financially unsustainable.
G Private operators are accountable to investors rather than to the communities they serve.
Of particular concern are the growing incidences of unethical practices by private suppliers
and other institutions that aggressively push for increased privatisation. The need to
strengthen participatory monitoring mechanisms could not be more acute, since
privatisation is extremely difficult to reverse once effected.
Figure 5.12 Proportion of population by sanitation practices 1980 and 2008 (percentage)
100 4 4 3
7 8 6
1 6 7
14 17 5 17
6 2 85 14 21
8 80
75 27 22 5 80
32 14 32
36 9 72
69 14
Percentage of population
44 16 38 18 45 47
22 18 13
6 56 55 53
50 10 20
12 52
46 9
66 10 43
2 41
7 36 16
25 28
1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008 1990 2008
Southern Sub-Saharan South-Eastern Eastern Northern Western Latin America and Oceania Developing
Asia Africa Asia Asia Africa Asia the Caribbean regions
Improved facilities Shared facilities Unimproved facilities Open defecation
Note: Data for Latin America and the Caribbean and Oceania are not sufficient to provide regionally representative estimates of the proportion of the population who use
shared sanitation facilities.
discussed below. Figure 5.12 identifies the progress that has been
made at a regional scale towards enhancing access to improved
sanitation. Whilst improvements in the extent of open defecation (the
greatest threat to human health) are seen in all regions, the largest
relative declines are in those regions where it was already practiced
least (such as North Africa). In contrast, progress has been more
limited in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia
where OD rates continue to be highest.
However, as with the data on drinking water, there are some
problems with definitions and official reporting. There are also
concerns as to how ‘access’ to sanitation is occurring in practice.
Official statistics, for example, assume use of a facility that
physically exists, yet research reveals many social, religious and
cultural factors (as well as physical and economic) that shape access
to particular sanitation facilities. There are particular problems for
women and young girls, for example, in finding secluded spaces for
open defecation. Research has also shown that many people may not
use public or community facilities because they do not have the time
to accompany their children and young girls to them or they are too
far from their homes to use after dark (UNCHS, 2001). Adult women
may feel too ashamed to use a public latrine in front of men during
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 283
daylight hours and run the risk of rape when using such facilities
after dark (Huggler, 2004). In particular cultures, there may be
taboos regarding putting excreta underground where it will
contaminate the dead, or layering one person’s excreta on another
(Black, 2008). Practical reasons for not using a facility may be
because it is extremely foul smelling or is not constructed or
maintained in a way that ensures personal dignity and social codes
can be upheld. In short, all such poor sanitation contributes not only
to individual poverty and ill-health, but also dangers for the wider
community including direct exposure to faeces near homes and the
contamination of drinking water. The cramped conditions of many
informal settlements also aggravate the rapid transmission of disease
between individuals, such as cholera, diarrhoea and tuberculosis.
Box 5.4
services, and providing health care and education. They may not be
directly responsible for all these tasks (the increased privatisation of
service provision has been referred to above), but national and city
authorities are responsible for providing the framework within which
private as well as community-based developers operate, including the
political context in which markets and local democracy work.
Issues of the capacity and responsiveness of local and sectoral
institutions are an important determinant of the quality of the
environment in a city. It was seen in Figure 5.8 that many aspects of
urban poverty are linked to the limited capacity of local government
agencies and departments to meet their responsibilities. Yet many city
governments in the developing world are seriously constrained in
terms of the finances and professional and technical competencies
necessary to provide the investments, services and pollution control
central to healthy urban environments. In many developing countries,
city authorities depend on central governments for financial assistance
to a much greater degree than in more developed countries.
Furthermore, as identified in Chapter 1, governments themselves were
often highly centralised, and often with authoritarian regimes, in
many developing regions until quite recently. These governments
often sought to consolidate their power through the establishment of
(and the concentration of financial resources within) national urban
development corporations and national housing authorities, for
example. The result was often the construction of large, expensive
infrastructural developments in urban centres, but inadequate financial
resources at the local authority level to operate and maintain them.
However there have been major transformations in city governance
across developing regions in the last two decades, including through
processes of ‘decentralisation’ whereby power and responsibilities are
increasingly being devolved from national to local governments. This
includes decentralisation of administrative authority in decision-
making and responsibilities, of political representation and of financial
control over local budgets: ‘Decentralisation exists in its most
advanced form when elected local governments are empowered and
capable of setting development priorities, making major development
and expenditure decisions, and determining and collecting local
revenue’ (UNHSP, 2006: 170). These processes of decentralisation are
complex and contested, particularly as overall government budgets
have been cut (often under the pressure of debt servicing and the
requirements of structural adjustment programmes) and are being
restricted further by the current economic recession. A legacy of past
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 291
The fact that capital is limited demands a more profound knowledge of the
nature of environmental problems and their causes to allow limited
resources to be used to best effect . . . potential solutions will need to be
discussed locally and influenced by local citizens’ own needs and priorities.
(Hardoy et al., 2001: 398)
The analysis of the nature of the Brown Agenda above also highlighted
how the environmental concerns of the poor are intricately linked in
the same space and time to economic and social goals. However, the
traditional sectoral policies of urban authorities (and this applies in
more developed economies as well) may be ill-equipped to balance
such concerns. As Hardoy et al. (2001: 400) suggest:
Box 5.5
Box 5.6
Community toilets
In 2001, the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai began a programme of slum
sanitation improvement with support from the World Bank under its Mumbai Sewage
Disposal Project. In contrast to previous practice whereby the city organised the
construction of public toilets, paid contractors to build them and municipal departments
maintained them, the programme sought to involve communities in the processes of
design, construction, management and maintenance. The municipal authority successfully
Sustainable urban livelihoods • 297
persuaded the World Bank to agree to change the funding and tendering arrangements to
enable more community management and NGO involvement. On the basis of their
previous successes in other cities, SPARC was contracted to provide toilets in 14 wards
of Mumbai. Two hundred and eleven toilet blocks were developed in the first phase of
the programme, benefitting over 200,000 people.
Local people were involved in the design and construction of the toilets, supported by
engineers and architects from SPARC. There were significant differences in the design of
the toilet blocks over conventional government models: they were bright and well
ventilated, were better constructed allowing easier cleaning and maintenance, had large
water storage tanks enabling water for bathing as well; each block had separate entrances
for women and men giving women more privacy and saving time in queuing, and a block
for children was included. Toilet blocks also included a room where a caretaker lived
that meant that lower wages needed to be paid for maintenance. The cost of the toilet
blocks was 5 per cent less than the municipal corporation’s costing. SPARC is now
working on the second phase of the project to build a further 150 toilet blocks. Through
the success of the project, a Zero Open Defecation campaign is also being promoted
across the country and a National Task Force for Sanitation was created in 2005.
Several factors underpin the success of the programme. The Mumbai Metropolitan
Regional Development Authority in charge of the railway project was willing to give up
some of the powers normally held by government agencies in such resettlement projects,
giving responsibility to the NGOs for determining eligibility, obtaining information on
the community and allocating housing, for example. While all these functions had
previously offered opportunities for corruption and rent-seeking, the long-standing
relationships between the community and the NGOs involved in the programme ensured
levels of trust and good lines of communication. Households agreed the criteria for
allocating accommodation in the new settlements and families formed lending
cooperatives to assist families who had lost income as a result of the move. It is evident
that the mutual trust and flexibility on the part of both community and government
agencies were very much part of enabling poor people to act collectively for their own
benefit and that of wider urban society.
Sources: Mitlin and Satterthwaite (2004); World Bank (2003a), www.sparcindia.org.
Discussion questions
Further reading
Environment and Urbanization. An international journal that prioritises policy-
relevant papers written in an accessible style.
Jones, G.A. (2010) ‘The continuing debate about urban bias: the thesis, its critics, its
influence and its implications for poverty-reduction strategies’, Progress in
Development Studies, 10,1 pp. 1–8. A good paper for understanding the
continued relevance of the concept and outcomes of ‘urban bias’.
Hardoy, J. et al. (2001) Environmental Problems in an Urbanising World, Earthscan,
London. A landmark text in detailing the environmental problems of urbanisation
at a range of scales.
UNHSP (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) (2010) State of the World’s
Cities 2010/11, Bridging the Urban Divide, Earthscan, London. The latest annual
report of the UN body whose mission is to promote sustainable development. This
report examines the drivers underpinning urban poverty and deprivation, the
characteristics of the ‘urban divide’ and ways in which local authorities and
national governments are working towards more sustainable urban development.
http://www.iied.org/human-settlements/home A good site for investigating recent
research and policy activities relating to human settlements. This group (part of
the International Institute for Environment and Development) is committed to
supporting NGOs and academics in the fields of poverty reduction, urban
governance and more sustainable patterns of urban development.
www.unchs.org The website for UN-HABITAT, the UN Human Settlement
Programme that has a remit to promote sustainable development.
www.sparcindia.org For further details of the work of the Society for the
Promotion of Area Resources Centre (SPARC) that works in collaboration with
other NGOs through many cities of India in the field of pro-poor and sustainable
urban development.
http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/ Gateway to understand more about the United
Nation’s work on and progress towards the MDGs.
6 Sustainable development
in the developing world:
an assessment
Learning outcomes
Key concepts
It has been seen through the preceding chapters of this book that
the notion of sustainable development encompasses a wide range
of concerns. These include the capacity of the planet to absorb
the changes brought about by human activities and the substantially
compromised development opportunities for many people in the
world, particularly in the developing countries. From the
investigation of the varied definitions and use of the term in
Chapter 1, it was clear that there are different ‘interests’ in
sustainable development and contested views of what should occur
(the priorities for action and the nature of envisioned change) in
future. As a result, the practice of sustainable development has to be
understood as an inherently political and conflictual endeavour where
Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment • 303
those with more power are often best able to influence outcomes in
their favour (Peet and Watts, 2004; O’Riordan, 2000).
The preceding chapters of this book have confirmed that the idea of
sustainable development has been a strong influence in shaping many
changes in environmental management and development worldwide:
in terms of the way individuals act, businesses operate and
communities organise themselves, for example, but also in directing
the nature of state activities, in prompting the formation of new
international institutions, and in fostering new ways in which all such
organisations relate to each other in the search for patterns and
processes of change which are more sustainable. One of the aims of
the book was to highlight this ‘institutional learning’ and through
considering the outcomes for people and environments in practice, to
identify the continued challenges for further moves towards
sustainable development. However, as more institutions of
development declare an interest in ‘sustainable development’ as a
policy goal and as further issues (such as global security) are
articulated in terms of sustainable development, the requirement for
continued critical questioning of the political nature of sustainable
development becomes stronger. The experiences of more sustainable
processes and outcomes (as in Chapters 4 and 5) confirm that
sustainability rests on inclusivity and reconciling different needs and
interests at the local level. Furthermore, it has been seen that new
opportunities for sustainable development have emerged when
previously dominant interests are challenged: as NGOs, for example,
engage in international fora on environment and development and as
rural development professionals work in more participatory ways that
value local knowledges and priorities. Without continued critical
reflection therefore, opportunities for more sustainable development
are likely to be missed or compromised.
This chapter identifies the contribution of the expanding field of
sustainable development indicators and appraisal towards assessing
progress made. The final section reflects on evidence that has
emerged through the substantive chapters of the book for a ‘common
future’ for sustainable development.
Indicator Measure
Indicator Measure
Indicator Measure
36. Household and dwellings Households, single person households and dwelling stock
(contextual indicator)
37. Active community Informal and formal, volunteering at least once a month
38. Crime Crime survey and recorded crime for (a) vehicles,
(b) domestic burglary, (c) violence
39. Fear of crime (a) car theft, (b) burglary, (c) physical attack
40. Employment People of working age in employment
41. Workless household Population living in workless households (a) children,
(b) working age
42. Economically inactive People of working age who are economically inactive
43. Childhood poverty Children in relative low-income households a) before
housing costs, b) after housing costs
44. Young adults 16–19-year-olds not in employment, education or training
45. Pensioner poverty Pensioners in relative low-income households a) before
housing costs, b) after housing costs
46. Pension provision Working-age people contributing to a non-state pension in at
least three years out of the last four
47. Education 19-years-olds with level 2 qualifications and above
48. Sustainable development (to be developed to monitor the impact of formal learning
education on knowledge and awareness of sustainable development)
49. Health inequality Infant mortality (by socio-economic group)
50. Healthy life expectancy Healthy life expectancy (a) men, (b) women
51. Mortality rates Death rates from (a) circulatory disease and (b) cancer,
below 75 years and for areas with the worst health and
deprivation indicators, and (c) suicides
52. Smoking Prevalence of smoking (a) all adults, (b) routine and manual
socio-economic groups
53. Childhood obesity Prevalence of obesity in 2–10-year-olds
54. Diet People consuming five or more portions of fruit and
vegetables per day and in low-income households
55. Mobility (a) number of trips per person by mode, (b) distance
travelled per person per year by broad trip purpose
56. Getting to school How children get to school
57. Accesibility Access to key services
58. Road accidents Number of adults and children killed or seriously injured
59. Social justice (social measures to be developed)
60. Environmental equality (environmental measures to be developed)
61. Air quality and health (a) annual levels of particles and ozone, (b) days when air
pollution is moderate or higher
62. Housing conditions (a) social sector homes below the decent homes standard,
(b) vulnerable households in the private sector in homes
below the decent homes standard
continued . . .
Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment • 311
Indicator Measure
63. Households living in fuel (a) pensioners, (b) households with children, (c) disabled/
poverty long-term sick
64. Homelessness (a) rough sleepers, (b) households in temporary
accommodation (i) total, (ii) households with children
65. Local environment quality (to be developed using information from the Local
Environmental Quality Survey of England)
66. Satisfaction in local area Households satisfied with the quality of the places in which
they live (a) overall, (b) in deprived areas, (c) non-decent
67. UK international assistance Net Official Development Assistance (a) per cent of Gross
National Income (comparison with selected countries), (b)
per capita (comparison with selected countries)
68. Well-being (well-being measures to be developed)
Figure 6.4 The Bellagio STAMP: SusTainability Assessment and Measurement Principles
1. Guiding vision
Assessing progress towards sustainable development is guided by the goal to deliver well-
being within the capacity of the biosphere to sustain it for future generations.
2. Essential considerations
Sustainability Assessments consider:
G The underlying social, economic and environmental system as a whole and the interactions
among its components
G The adequacy of governance mechanisms
G Dynamics of current trends and drivers of change and their interactions
continued . . .
312 • Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment
G Risks, uncertainties and activities that can have an impact across boundaries
G Implications for decision-making, including trade-offs and synergies
3. Adequate scope
Sustainability Assessments adopt:
G Appropriate time horizon to capture both short- and long-term effects of current policy
decisions and human activities
G Appropriate geographical scope ranging from local to global
5. Transparency
The assessment of progress towards sustainable development:
G Ensures the data, indicators and results of the assessment are accessible to the public
G Explains the choices, assumptions and uncertainties determining the results of the assessment
G Discloses data sources and methods
G Discloses all sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest
6. Effective communication
In the interest of effective communication, to attract the broadest possible audience and to
minimise the risk of misuse, Sustainability Assessments:
G Use clear and plain language
G Present information in a fair and objective way, which helps to build trust
G Use innovative visual tools and graphics to aid interpretation and tell a story
G Make data available in as much detail as reliable and practical
7. Broad participation
To strengthen their legitimacy and relevance, sustainability assessments should:
G Find appropriate ways to reflect the views of the public, while providing active leadership
G Engage early on with users of the assessment so that it best fits their needs
It is beyond dispute that GDP fails as a true measure of societal welfare. While it measures
the economic value of consumption, GDP says nothing about overall quality of life . . . GDP
gives no indication of sustainability because it fails to account for depletion of either human
or natural capital. It is oblivious to the extinction of local economic systems and knowledge to
disappearing forests, wetlands, or farmland; to the depletion of oil, minerals, or groundwater;
to the deaths displacements, and destruction caused by war and natural disasters. And it
fails to register costs of pollution and the non-market benefits associated with volunteer work,
parenting, and ecosystem services provided by nature. GDP is also flawed because it counts
war spending as improving welfare even though theoretically, at best, all such spending really
does is keep existing welfare from deteriorating.
(Talberth, 2008: 19)
GDP is . . . merely a gross tally of products and services bought and sold, with no distinctions
between transactions that add to well-being, and those that diminish it. GDP, rather than
leading us down the right path, points us in a completely random direction. It is no measure
of progress. It increases with polluting activities and then again with their clean-up.
(www.foe.co.uk/community/tools/isew/annex1.html, accessed 13/7/10)
Box 6.1
Figure 6.6 The shared ethical framework of the Earth Charter Initiative
A common future?
Whilst the emphasis within this text was has been on the particular
environment and development challenges and progress in the
Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment • 323
for example) that dominate policy and action. The failure to find
an international consensus on the shape of the Climate Convention
after 2012 and the end of the current Kyoto Protocol was seen in
Chapter 2 to encapsulate the different and disputed understandings
of the climate challenge. Indeed, a key part of the dispute and
contestation at the Copenhagen meeting in 2010 concerned how to
take forward into the future the existing mechanism for recognising
‘common but differentiated’ responsibilities in action on climate
change, that is, the legally binding targets for emissions reductions
that to date referred only to Annex 1 countries. However, it also
exposed how ‘northern’ and ‘southern’ understandings of the future
challenges of action on climate change are also differentiated; the US
adopting a very different stance on future targets to the European
Union, for example, and as also seen between the BRIC economies
and the Small Island states.
Evidence was also provided of research and practice that puts
difference and inclusivity central to the future challenge of climate
warming for sustainable development. The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, for example, is working with the
understanding that different ‘emission scenarios’ or ‘pathways of
development’ (i.e. what happens in practice in economic, political
and social terms) will be key in terms of influencing the scale and
distribution of global and regional impacts of climate warming
(Parry, 2004). Hence, it is understood that mitigation efforts will not
prevent climate change from occurring and closer attention is needed
to the challenges of adaptation. This includes understanding how
development opportunities are being compromised through climate
change, finding ways to integrate climate change adaptation
throughout development strategies and policies and ensuring that
future donor support (including as comes through the international
carbon market) is focused on developing adaptation capacity in
developing regions.
Disputed understandings of the notion of ‘common futures’ in the
global challenges of sustainable development were also identified in
Chapter 3 in the arena of trade. Whilst proponents of free trade (and
neo-liberal development ideas generally) emphasise the global
benefits that will flow from enhanced trade and economic activity,
the campaigns of NGOs such as Oxfam are centred around how the
international trade rules currently don’t constitute a ‘level playing
field’. Their argument is that multilateral trade arrangements do not
constitute a common starting point, nor do they present equal
326 • Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment
Discussion questions
Further reading
www.neweconomics.org New Economics Foundation is an independent think tank
that seeks innovative solutions and challenges mainstream ideas on environment,
Sustainable development in the developing world: an assessment • 331
economy and society. It works across all sectors including government, academia
and civil society, produces some very useful reviews of research and provides
guidance for those institutions looking to promote more sustainable development.
www.globalreporting.org Website for the Global Reporting Initiative and the
research and policy advice that they provide for organisations looking to improve
the quality and scope of their sustainability reporting.
http://sd.defra.gov.uk For full details on how the UK government is developing
policy and action and providing support towards more sustainable development.
www.earthcharterinaction.org For details of the origin of the Earth Charter
Initiative and how it is supporting people, organisations and communities to now
take action on the initiative in arenas of education, business, the media, religion
and in law-making for example.
Joshi, D., Fawcett, B. and Mannan, F. (2011) ‘Health, hygiene and appropriate
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Urbanization, 23,1, pp. 91–111.
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Knox, P.L. and Martson, S.A. (2009) Human Geography: Places and Regions
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Korten, D.C. (1990) Getting to the Twenty-First Century: Voluntary Action and
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References • 347
economic growth: and development 26, 31, First National People of Color
32, 32; and environment 46–7, 48; Environmental Leadership Summit
slowing of in 1980s 32, 32; and (1991) 51, 52
sustainable development 47 Five ‘Rural Worlds’ typology 218, 219
ecosystems 97–9, 98, 101 Flexibility Mechanisms 132
Ecuador 231 flooding 72; impact of climate change on
education: inequality in access to 83–4, 83 106, 107; in Pakistan 73
emissions trading 132–3 food prices: rise in 68
employment: urban areas 205–6, 206, 259 Ford Foundation 134
energy: and the challenges of low-carbon foreign direct investment (FDI) 36, 36, 152
development 65–71; growth in demand Forum for the Future 159
of 65; inequality of access to sources of fossil fuels 65; burning of and carbon
66, 66; national plans for 173, 174; dioxide emissions 104
world supply 60 fragile lands 94
energy consumption 60, 65; cities 81, 251 France 175–6
energy policies 70 Frank, Andre Gunder 28–9, 30
environment 100–14; and aid 138–40; Friends of the Earth 321
changing perceptions of 39–54; and Friends of the Earth International 162
development 40–8; and economic fuelwood: urban demand for 286–7
growth 46-7, 48; and international debt
166–71; and poverty 94–100; and trade G8 meeting (Gleneagles) (2005) 135, 168
150–4 GDP (gross domestic product) 90, 91, 315,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 317; carbon intensity 69, 69; failings of
144, 145 as measure of progress 315, 316
environmental justice 50–3, 96, 324 gender: and agriculture 205; division of
Environmental Justice and Climate Change labour 237, 238; and experience of
Initiative 110 environmental change 100; inequalities
environmental limits 59–65 84, 92, 93; see also women
Environmental Rucksack 313 Gender Inequality Index (GII) 92, 93
environmental taxes 22 Gene Revolution 214, 223
environmentalism of the poor 50–1, 53, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
324 (GATT) 26, 155
equity 24; growth with 31; genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
intergenerational 167–8; 214, 215 see also GM crops
intragenerational 47, 84 Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) 315–16,
Escobar, A. 37 317, 321
European Commission 317 George, S. 167
European Union 322; national plans on Gibbs, Lois 51
energy and climate change 174 Gibson, R.B. 24
exclusion 11, 15; measuring of in human Giddens, A. 108
development 92 Glennie, J. 39
export processing zones (EPZs) 284, 285 Global Environment Facility (GEF) 144,
146, 147
Fairtrade 163, 213 Global Footprint Network 313
Fairtrade Labelling International 163 Global Fund 169–70
Farmer First movement 223–32, 226–7, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 162, 306
327 global warming see climate warming
farmer suicides (India) 212 globalisation 33, 38, 57, 190, 250; and
farmers’ markets 213 agriculture 208–11; and expansion of
farming see agriculture 191 information communication technologies
Index • 355