Practice Report David Rodrigo Mora Leal
Practice Report David Rodrigo Mora Leal
Practice Report David Rodrigo Mora Leal
UNIR 2019/2020
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................1
2. CONTEXT …………………………………………………………………………………2
2.1. Contextualization of the center …….……………………..…………........2
2.1.1. Description of the institution ………………………….…….…………………………2
2.1.2. Location of the institution …………………………….………………….…………….3
2.1.3. Type of center ……………..……………………………….…………….………………….3
2.1.4. Educational levels …………………..……………………………………………….…….3
2.1.5. Student profiles ……………………………………………………………………………..4
2.2. Observation and application in the classroom ……………………….5
This process of teaching practice took place in Universidad Santo Tomás Abierta
y a distancia, which is part of another superior education institution called
Universidad Santo Tomás. The largest difference between the two entities is that
the USTA (Universidad Santo Tomás Abierta y a distancia) works with students in
a virtual modality, similar to the one used by the UNIR in this master studies,
meanwhile the original Santo Tomás university, works in a in person education
modality. Because USTA works in a virtual modality, the population that it
manages is distributed along the Republic of Colombia. The fact of working in a
university means that the students of the university are adults, which age, can vary,
and the social condition of each student is variable according to the living
conditions that each student has in the place each one of them lives. This part of
the center will be expanded on the part of contextualization.
This report brings to me a new experience, which is working with a new type of
population. I have been used to work with children starting from 7-year-old kids to
16-year-old teenagers, teaching English as a second language in a bi-national U.S
center, and right now, my day job is still related to working with kids, because I
work in a school, teaching English as a foreign language. Nevertheless, the part I
want to highlight on is the fact of working with adults, which required a new way of
planning and creating lessons. On the other hand, there are two things that I like to
highlight about of what will be registered in this report. First, the topic chosen as
content. This practice will be based on the creation of a reading club with the
students of USTA, and the topic selected was “the space race”. Because the last year
there was the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of Apollo XI and this year (2020) is
the fiftieth anniversary of Apollo XIII, which are the two most important events
after the moon landing was done. However, there is another reason about why I
selected this topic. I did it because this year (2020) my grandfather would turn 100
years old, and 12 years since his death. Hence, he was the person that awoke in me
that enjoyment for the flight in space world, because he was an aviation mechanic,
but he also had the privilege of contemplating the launches of both Apollos XI and
XIII, because he was working as chief mechanic for Avianca in Miami, FL on that
time. Moreover, the topic practice process is a tribute to him, because he harvested
on me the love for flying, and he had the dream of seeing me speaking a second
language, preferably English. However, the thing he would not expected is the fact
that I will become a teacher of English, and due to the conditions, I think this was
the perfect time to do that tribute to him.
The main points that will be developed in this report are three elements that are
following this order. First, the contextualization of the center where the practice
process was performed, Second, a unit planned taking into account the model of
hard CLIL, because this lesson will be focused more on the content than on the
language, and third, finally the reflection and conclusions of my experience while
performing the process in the center.
2.1. Contextualization of the center
2.1.1. Description of the institution
This report is focused on the open and distance education modality, therefore in
a normal circumstance situation, the lessons would be dictated in the office of the
Distance modality Academic Dean. However, due to the situation of quarantine
because of the COVID-19 disease, that is taking place both in Colombia and in
Spain, the sessions with the students will be given from the home of the
practitioner teacher.
In the part of Undergraduate programs, the university has two schools: first, the
school of education, and second, the school of sciences and technologies. The
school of education offers seven different bachelor programs (plastic arts, biology,
kindergarten education, religious education, foreign languages: English, theology
and technology and informatics). On the other hand, the school of science and
education offers five academic programs (Environmental and natural resources
administration, enterprise administration, Architecture and engineering
construction, Informatics engineering, logistic and operations engineering and
The part of graduate education is offered under the same school of the university
(education and sciences and technology). The school of education offers six
programs of graduate education (Specialization in pedagogy for superior education,
master in didactics, master in education, master in management and educative
evaluation, doctorate in education and post doctorate in education, social studies
and interculturality). Besides, the school of sciences and education offers five
educative programs (specialization in management of agricultural enterprises,
specialization of management to the enterprise development, specialization in
ordering and integral management of watersheds, specialization in pathology of
construction, and master in management of watersheds).
Lastly, the continuous education is divided in the same two schools (education
and sciences and technology) offers diplomats and courses. The school of education
offers three courses (diplomat in pedagogy to non-bachelor teachers, diplomat in
knowledge society; learning and innovation, and a course in neurological
education). In addition, the school of science offers nine courses. (Seminar in
digital marketing, seminar in sustainable tourism to the economic and social
development, TQM seminar (total quality management seminar), updating course
of project management, updating course of management abilities, diplomat of
buildings and living complexes administration, diplomat in new tendencies in
management and leadership in the knowledge society, diplomat in current
perspectives in economy of colors to circular economy, and diplomat in emotional
“To the student in a distance modality, learning is voluntary and comes from
personal necessities, the disposition to learn is moved by each student’s vital
interests, and the mere accumulation of knowledge does not have any sense to the
student. The expectative of the student against the educative fact has the
relationship of applying to his/her own reality the knowledge he/she learns in the
2.2. Observation and classroom practice