OFDM Inspired Waveforms For 5G: Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny Hussein Moradi
OFDM Inspired Waveforms For 5G: Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny Hussein Moradi
OFDM Inspired Waveforms For 5G: Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny Hussein Moradi
Accepted Manuscript
OFDM Inspired
Waveforms for 5G
Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny
Hussein Moradi
May 2016
As the standardization activities are being formed to lay the foundation of 5G wireless networks, there is a
common consensus on the need to replace the celebrated OFDM by a more effective air interface that better serves
the challenging needs of 5G. To this end, in the recent past, a number of new waveforms have been introduced in the
literature. Interestingly, and at the same time not surprising, these methods share a common fundamental principle
with OFDM: each data packet is made up of a number of tones that are modulated by information symbols. In this
tutorial article, we build a common framework based on the said OFDM principle and derive these new waveforms
from this point of view. This derivation provides a new prospective that facilitates straightforward understanding of
channel equalization and the application of these new waveforms to MIMO channels. It also facilitates derivation
of new structures for more efficient synthesis/analysis of these waveforms than those that have been reported in the
In the past, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has enjoyed its dominance as the most popular
signaling method in broadband wired, [1], [2], and wireless, [3], [4], channels. OFDM has been adopted in the broad
class of DSL standards, as well as in the majority of wireless standards, e.g., variations of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE
802.16, 3GPP-LTE, and LTE-Advanced. OFDM is known to be a perfect choice for point-to-point and downlink
communications. It offers a minimum complexity and achieves good bandwidth efficiency. The low complexity of
OFDM is a consequence of the fact that each OFDM symbol is synthesized as a summation of a number of pure
tones that are modulated by a set of quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) data symbols. Moreover, channel
distortion is taken care of trivially by adding a cyclic prefix (CP) to each OFDM symbol.
It has been noted that OFDM has to face many challenges when considered for adoption in more complex
networks. For instance, the use of OFDM in the uplink of multiuser networks, known as OFDMA (orthogonal
frequency division multiple access), requires full synchronization of the users’ signals at the base station input. Such
synchronization has been found very difficult to establish, especially in mobile environments where Doppler shifts
of different users are hard to predict/track. Morelli et al. [5] have noted that “carrier and timing synchronization
represents the most challenging task in OFDMA systems.” To combat the problem, in LTE and LTE-Advanced
resource intensive close-loop procedures have been included to achieve the tight synchronization requirements. On
This manuscript has been authored by Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC07-05ID14517 with the U.S. Department
of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the United
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manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. STI Number: INL/JOU-14-33556
the other hand, some researchers have relaxed on the need for a close to perfect carrier synchronization among
users, and have proposed multiuser interference cancellation methods, [6]–[9]. These methods are generally very
complex to implement. Their implementation increases the receiver complexity by orders of magnitude [10]. These
solutions are either too slow and/or too resource intensive to be of interest in may applications of 5G where low
Another limitation of OFDM appears when attempt is made to transmit over a set of non-contiguous frequency
bands. The poor response of the subcarrier filters in IFFT/FFT filter banks of OFDM introduces significant out of
band egress noise to other users and also picks up significant ingress noise from them. The same problem appears
if one attempts to adopt OFDM for filling in the spectrum holes in cognitive radios. Methods of reducing OFDM
spectral leakage proven to be very limited in performance and may add significant complexity to the transmitter. For
instance, the side lobe suppression techniques, like those proposed in [11]–[13], can achieve an out of band emission
suppression of only 5 to 10 dB, while they may substantially increase the transmitter complexity. Furthermore, they
add significant complexity to the transmitter and they will incur some loss in bandwidth efficiency.
Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) is an alternative transmission method that resolves the above problems by using
high quality filters that avoid both ingress and egress noise. Also, because of the very low out of band emission of
the subcarrier filters, application of FBMC in the uplink of multiuser networks is trivial [14], [15]. Accordingly,
FBMC can be deployed without synchronization of mobile user nodes. In the application of cognitive radios, the
filter bank that is used for multicarrier data transmission can also be used for spectrum sensing [16]–[21]. On the
other hand, compared to OFDM, FBMC falls short in handing multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels,
although a few solutions to adopt FBMC in MIMO channels have been reported in the literature, e.g., see [22]–
[24], and research in this domain still continues. Moreover, the ramp-up and ramp-down of an FBMC signal at the
beginning and the end of each packet, respectively, can lead to a significant loss in bandwidth efficiency when the
data packets are short. Unfortunately, this can be problematic, at least, in part of 5G applications where machine-to-
machine (M2M) communications and internet of things (IoT) involve exchange of very short messages and possibly
Following the above arguments, it is obvious that none of the existing waveforms are sufficient to serve all
aspects of the 5G. Noting this, in recent past, a number of attempts have been made to propose waveforms that
resolve the problems of both OFDM and FBMC. Generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) that was first
introduced in 2009 by Fettweis and his co-workers, [25], is an improvement to OFDM in which filtering is imposed
on each subcarrier band to minimize the overlapping among subcarriers, thus facilitate multiuser application without
worrying about accurate synchronization of the users. Moreover, the waveform design in GFDM is such that one
may choose to use one CP for many symbols or only one CP for the whole packet, assuming that channel variation
over each packet remains negligible. This, clearly, improves the bandwidth efficiency of the packet significantly. The
down side of these changes is that adjacent subcarriers suffer from some level of interference whose compensation
adds some complexity to the receiver and may incur some loss in performance. The term non-orthogonal waveform
is often used to refer to this property of GFDM, [26]. Since its invention in 2009, a broad set of papers have
explored different aspects of GFDM, e.g., [27]–[32]. A summary of these works have been recently collected and
reported in [26].
More recently, it has been noted that the concept based on which GFDM waveform is built can be extended
to FBMC, [33]–[36]. The waveform that results from this extension may be called circular FBMC (C-FBMC),
because of the reasons that become obvious later. Interestingly this extension preserves the orthogonality of the
subcarrier symbols, hence, no complicated intercarrier interference (ICI) cancellation processing would be necessary
and, consequently, any loss in performance is avoided. Another interesting outcome of C-FBMC waveform is that
its extension to MIMO channels is found straightforward, in the same way as GFDM. Although, there are multiple
publications in the literature that talk about extension of GFDM/C-FBMC to MIMO channels, e.g., see [26], the
trivial solution that is presented in this article is from one our recent publications [37].
Another relevant work that should be acknowledged here is the so called cyclic block filtered multitone (CB-
FMT), [38]–[40]. This method also builds its waveform following the same principle as GFDM and C-FBMC.
However, unlike GFDM and C-FBMC which allow some overlap of adjacent subcarrier bands, hence achieve full
bandwidth efficiency, CB-FMT is constructed such that adjacent subcarrier bands do not overlap. This, obviously,
results in some bandwidth efficiency loss. To keep the content of this article concise, no further details of CB-FMT
is pursued here. Lin and Siohan, [36], have already provided a detailed comparison of CB-FMT and C-FBMC
Another contender for 5G that has recently been proposed by a number of researchers from the Alcatel-Lucent
Bell Laboratories is universal filtered multicarrier (UFMC), [41]–[45]. UFMC may be seen as a modified form
of OFDM, where a filtering operation is applied to each group of consecutive subcarriers (e.g., a given allocation
of a single user) in order to reduce the out-of-band (OOB) interference. This, when the timing synchronization
is relaxed, minimizes the potential of multiple user interference. Moreover, the CP is removed. Instead, the guard
interval that is associated with CP in OFDM is consumed by the transient of the filters in UFMC. In the absence
of channel, UFMC holds the orthogonality of the subcarriers of each user perfectly, and approximately among
different users. However, as the time spreading of underlying channels increases, the orthogonality assumption
among subcarriers of each user as well as among different users become less accurate. In light of this property,
UFMC may also be categorized as a non-orthogonal multicarrier technique. However, the level of non-orthogonality
in UFMC is significantly lower than GFDM and it varies with the channel. As a result, one may find that the name
We note that the goal of this article is not to critically compare the various waveforms that are being under study
for 5G. Such comparison requires a broad set of theoretical studies and numerical simulations that fall beyond
the scope of this article. Our presentation is to provide a review of the candidate waveforms and, in particular,
present GFDM and C-FBMC from a point of view that reveals their close similarity to OFDM. We note that both
waveforms are synthesize by adding a finite number of tones, exactly in the same way that OFDM waveform is
built. The difference is that while in OFDM each symbol modulates a single tone, in GFDM and C-FBMC each
symbol modulates multiple tones. And it is the combination of the respective tones that (when done properly)
confines each subcarrier to the intended bandwidth. The point of view that is presented in this article also reveals a
close similarity of GFDM and C-FBMC and the fact that any advancement in one may be extended to the other. In
addition, we review some interesting features of UFMC which facilitate its comparison with GFDM and C-FBMC.
Moreover, our presentation allows us to explain the extension of GFDM, C-FBMC and UFMC to MIMO channels
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we highlight the fundamental principle based on which OFDM
waveform is constructed. Next, in Section III, we introduce a less understood, but relevant concept: frequency
spreading design of digital filters. We combine the results of Sections II and III to introduce a new construction
for GFDM waveform in Section IV. The transmitter and receiver implementations of GFDM are also discussed in
this section. Moreover, we show the same principle based on which MIMO communication is formed in OFDM is
applicable to GFDM as well. In Section V, we show the approach that was used in Section IV is readily applicable
to the construction of the respective FBMC waveform, viz., C-FBMC. UFMC is reviewed in Section VI. We find
that due to the removal of CP, UFMC deviates from the said OFDM principle. That is, from the receiver detector
point of view, data symbols may no longer be carried over pure tones. Nevertheless, data symbols separation and
MIMO processing, as in OFDM, is possible by making use of an FFT with twice the size of the one in OFDM.
The concluding remarks and suggestions for further works are presented in Section VIII.
Notations: Our presentation in this article is through a mix of continuous time and discrete time signals. We use
(t) to denote the continuous time variable and [n] to denote discrete time index. Subcarrier index is denoted by
subscript k. Discrete time index, n, when has to be added to a continuous time function is put as a subscript, e.g.,
xn (t). Bold lower case is used for column vectors and bold upper case for matrices. All vectors are in column
form. The vector and matrix transpose and Hermitian are indicated by the superscripts ‘T’ and ‘H’, respectively.
We use F N to denote discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix of size N . We also assume that F N is normalized,
such that F N F H H
N = IN , where IN denotes the identity matrix of size N . Hence, F N and F N are equal and both
denote the inverse DFT (IDFT) matrix of size N , and these may be used interchangeably. The terms FFT and IFFT
2) These tones are spaced at F = 1/T and are located at the frequencies f = 0, 1/T , 2/T , · · · , (N − 1)/T .
4) The Fourier series coefficients of xn (t) are the data symbols sk [n], k = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1, and the construction
5) If xn (t) is passed through a channel with the transfer function H(f ), the channel output, excluding its transient
response, is obtained as
N −1
X k 2kπ
yn (t) = H sk [n]ej T t . (2)
symbols sk [n] can be extracted from samples of yn (t), by applying a Fourier series analysis and equalizing
In practice, where a digital circuitry or a software radio is used for implementation, (1) is implemented through
an inverse discrete Fourier transform, or equivalently and conveniently, through an IFFT. IFFT output delivers only
cyclic prefix
cyclic prefix
cyclic prefix
cyclic prefix
s2 [M − 1]
.. .. .. ··· ..
. . . .
sN −1 [0] sN −1 [1] sN −1 [2] sN −1 [M − 1]
one cycle of the sampled version of xn (t); say xn [m], for m = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1. Similarly, the data extraction
at the receiver is performed by applying an FFT to the samples of a single period of yn (t), say, yn [m], for
m = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1, and equalizing the results by multiplication to the inverse of the channel gains, as noted in
Clearly, it will be resource inefficient to transmit xn (t) for any period of time beyond the minimum duration that
one needs for correct extraction of the data symbols sk [n] at the receiver. This minimum duration is T (one period
of xn (t)) plus the duration of the channel impulse response, Tch . The latter is needed to absorb the channel transient
response. To serve this purpose, in digital implementation of the transmitter, a number of samples, equivalent to
Tcp ≥ Tch , from the end of the IFFT output are prefixed to its beginning. The prefixed samples, because of obvious
reasons, are called cyclic prefix (CP). At the receiver, the FFT is applied after removing the CP samples.
From the above discussion, it follows that each OFDM symbol has a duration of T + Tcp , and a data packet
To facilitate our discussions in the subsequent parts of this paper, we have presented in Fig. 1 the structure of
an OFDM packet. As follows from the above discussion, each OFDM symbol (consisting of N QAM symbols)
Matrin, [46], suggested a method of designing a class of finite impulse response (FIR) square-root Nyquist (N )
where L = M N is the filter length, N is the spacing between zero-crossings of Nyquist pulse-shape q[n] =
p[n] ⋆ p[−n], and the parameter M is referred to as overlapping factor. Mirabbasi and Martin, [47], later, presented
cl , 0≤l ≤M −1
c̃l = 0, M ≤l ≤L−M (6)
cL−l , L − M + 1 ≤ l ≤ L − 1.
This observation implies that in the frequency domain, over a grid of L frequency bins, p[n] is characterized by
the 2M − 1 non-zero coefficients c̃l or, equivalently, 2M − 1 complex frequency bins/tones. According to [46] and
[47], the choices of M ≥ 4 usually lead to very good designs, with stopband attenuations of over 70 dB.
Next consider the case where p[n] is used as the prototype filter to realize a filter bank consisting of N subbands
pk [n] = p[n]ej2πfk
X 2π(M k+l)n
= c̃l ej L
X 2πln
= c̃(l−M k)L ej L . (7)
where (·)L means modulo L. The result in (7) shows that each of the modulated filters, in the filter bank, also, is
characterized by 2M − 1 non-zero coefficients/tones. These coefficients are obtained through circular shift of the
coefficients [c̃0 , c̃1 , · · · , c̃L−1 ] of the prototype filter p[n] in (5). We will make use of this property of the prototype
filter p[n] in the rest of this paper to propose effective implementations for the transmitter and receiver of GFDM
and C-FBMC.
cyclic prefix
s2 [M − 1]
.. .. .. ··· ..
. . . .
sN −1 [0] sN −1 [1] sN −1 [2] sN −1 [M − 1]
Relevant to our discussions in the rest of this article, it follows from (7) that the DFT coefficients of the time
sequence pk [n] (equivalently, the corresponding subband frequency respond) are all zero, except those that lie within
its passband.
A. Derivation
As opposed to OFDM, packet construction in GFDM is such that only one CP is needed to take care of the
channel transient response. Fig. 2 presents the structure of a GFDM packet, as given in [25]–[32]. For the reasons
that are explained below, we refer to the collection in Fig. 2 as a GFDM block, and leave the term ‘packet’ for
a collection of blocks. The data symbols are spread across time and frequency, as in OFDM. However, the data
stream in each subcarrier is controlled through a filter which confines its frequency response to a limited bandwidth.
Similar to OFDM, the data symbols (the columns of a GFDM block) are transmitted at an interval T and subcarrier
As will be shown later, the detection of data symbols that are carried within each GFDM block is only possible
after receiving the complete set of samples of the block. Hence, when dealing with long packets of data, it may
be unreasonable to put the whole packet in one block, as this will introduce a long latency in the detection of the
transmitted information at the receiver. Moreover, long blocks can be affected by time-variation of the channel and
lead to a significant degradation of the receiver performance. To avoid these problems, a large packet of data should
be divided into a number of segments, each of which will be synthesized in one GFDM block. Hence, a complete
packet in GFDM may be a concatenation of multiple blocks, as multiple symbols in OFDM. Short packets, like
those that may be encountered in M2M communications, may consist of only one block.
Before we begin our derivation of GFDM, the reader should be reminded that the derivation that follows builds on
the frequency spreading design of digital filters that was presented above. This derivation is different from what has
appeared in [25]–[32] where GFDM was derived based on circular convolutions. The use of circular convolutions
instead of linear convolutions was to construct a periodic signal and, thus, to allow the addition of CP as dictated
by the OFDM principle. Our derivation, [37], also leads to the same periodic signal, however, at the same time,
reveals some interesting properties of the GFDM waveform which otherwise were hard to see.
From the discussion presented above, for OFDM, one may deduce that to allow the use of a single CP per
GFDM block, the modulated signal that carries all the data symbols in a GFDM block should be a single cycle of a
periodic signal with the length of M T . This is indeed the case in GFDM and such a periodic signal is constructed,
following the OFDM signal synthesis, according to the formulas that follow. The contribution from the n-th data
Note that this synthesizes the data symbols s0 [n] through sN −1 [n], over the N subcarrier bands, by following the
frequency spreading method of the previous section. We also note that xn (t), effectively, is the sum of L = M N
tones at the frequencies 0, 1/M T , 2/M T , · · · . Since all these tones may be considered as periodic with a period
The complete waveform carrying all the data symbols in the GFDM block of Fig. 2 is obtained by summing up
Obviously, since the components xn (t) are periodic with a period M T , x(t) is also periodic and has the same
period. The GFDM block is thus obtained by taking a segment of x(t), of (9), over the interval −Tcp ≤ t ≤ M T .
Following the above concept, synthesizing a block of GFDM in discrete time can be performed according to
the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 3. Here, each data symbol sk [n] is fed into an IFFT block through a number
of tones which construct the corresponding subcarrier filter according to the method of frequency spreading (the
frequency spreading coefficients c̃l ). The frequency spreading coefficients, in Fig. 3, are signified by the filter
responses that indicate the frequency responses of different subcarrier bands. The “circular shift and accumulate”
block adds up the results of IFFT for each set of data symbols, after applying a circular shift. The circular shift
is to take care of the time delay between the successive data columns, as indicated in the block/packet format of
Fig. 2. The delay associated with the symbol set at the time index n in continuous time is nT . In discrete time, this
corresponds to nN sample delay/circular shift. Note that this implies there are N samples of x(t) is each symbol
IFFT (size M N )
circular shift and accumulate
··· x[n]
add CP and serialize to output
period T . Note that here delay and circular shift are equivalent because of the periodic form of the synthesized
signal, x(t).
B. Transmitter Implementation
Direct implementation of GFDM transmitter according to the schematic diagram of Fig. 3 requires a total of
M IFFT operations of size M N , plus additional operations prior and after IFFT. This complexity can be reduced
significantly, by some rearrangement of the operations as explained next. The detailed formulations that are presented
The equation that relates the input data symbols sk [n] and the IFFT output, denoted by the length M N column
x[n] = F −1
M N Cse [n] (10)
where se [n] = [s0 [n] 0 s1 [n] 0 · · · sN −1 [n] 0]T , 0 is a row of M − 1 zeros, and
c0 c1 · · · cM −1
c1 c 0 · · · cM −2
.. .. .. ..
. . .
cM −1 cM −2 ··· 0
C= 0 cM −1 ··· 0
.. .. .. ..
. . .
cM −1 0 · · · cM −2
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
c1 c2 ··· c0
1) The circular convolution of the first column of C and the vector se [n] is performed to obtain Cse [n].
The complexity of this procedure, which should be repeated M times for each packet, is dominantly determined
where c1 is the first column of C, ⊙ denotes point-wise multiplication, and the circular convolution of the vectors
c1 and se [n] is performed through point-wise multiplication of their respective IDFTs and then applying a DFT
to the result. Here, we have chosen to use IDFT domain instead of the common approach of using DFT domain,
because this, as explained next, gets us to a low complexity implementation of the transmitter.
x[n] = p ⊙ (F −1
M N se [n]) (12)
where p = F −1
M N c1 is the vector of prototype filter coefficients of GFDM, in the time domain. We note that the
computational complexity of (12) is still dominantly determined by the complexity of the operation F −1
M N se [n],
i.e., computation of IFFT of se [n]. However, since se [n] is the M -fold expanded version of the length N column
Next, we note that the final content of the circular shift and accumulate block in Fig. 3, upon including all the
where circshift(·) means downward circular shift. After adding the CP to xgfdm , we have a complete GFDM block
to transmit.
The results presented in (12) and (13) have the following interpretation. According to (12), each set of data
symbols modulate the set of carrier tones, added together, and the result is shaped by a well designed window
defined by the prototype filter p. The results for different choices of time index n are then (circularly) shifted and
s[n] IFFT (N) circular shift add CP x[n]
and ⊙ and and
expand accumulate serialize
Now considering the results of (12) and (13) and the discussions following these equations, the simplified
transmitter block diagram of Fig. 4 is obtained. Following this block diagram, the computation of each GFDM
block involves M FFT operations, each of size N , M dot multiplication of p by the expanded output of IFFT,
and M vector additions. For convenience, as a measure of complexity, each complex multiplication followed by
a complex addition is referred to as one operation. Accordingly, the number of operations for IFFTs will be
(M N/2) log 2 N . We note that the elements of p are real-valued and it has a length of M N . We count each real
by complex multiplication as half a complex multiplication. Hence, point-wise multiplications by p and additions
to the circular shift and add block are counted as M 2 N/2 operations. Adding our results, we find that the number
C1 = log2 N + operations. (14)
2 2
Taking the formula (7) of [30] (a previous paper on efficient implementation of the transmitter in GFDM) and
assuming that the number of active subcarriers is equal to N (i.e., in formula (7) of [30] we have replaced K by
N ) to match our assumption here, the reported result in [30] will be1
3M N
C2 = log2 M N + 2M N operations. (15)
A quick comparison of (14) and (15) reveals that, for typical situations where M is not a large number (typically
3 or 5), the implementation proposed here is about three times less complex than that of [30].
At this point, it is important that a comment be made on the impact of an abrupt start of a GFDM packet at the
beginning of the preamble and an abrupt stop to the packet at the end of the payload. This is equivalent of applying
a rectangular window to the underlying periodic waveform that the GFDM packet originates from. Application of
a rectangular window in time translates to a convolution of the spectrum of the periodic waveform with a ‘sinc’
pulse in the frequency domain. This, in turn, spreads the subcarriers’ spectra over the whole of the transmission
bandwidth and effectively nullifies the filtering operation that was applied earlier to confine the spectrum of each
In [30], the number of operations to perform an FFT of size N is assumed to be N log2 N . Here, we have replaced it with the more
accurate figure (N/2) log2 N , [48].
subcarrier to a limited bandwidth. It also results in a significant OOB emission. The solution to this problem is
trivial. The rectangular window is replaced by a window function with smooth corners at the two sides, e.g., raised
cosine shapes at the beginning and at the end of the packet is done as in filtered OFDM, [19], [20]. Alternatively,
a bandpass filter may be applied to each synthesized GFDM signal, as done for OFDM signals in LTE.
C. Receiver Implementation
The key idea for development of any receiver implementation for GFDM is to recall that after removing the CP,
the received signal vector y, of size M N × 1, may be thought as one period of a periodic signal whose spectral
content are those of the transmit signal vector xgfdm , scaled by the channel gains at the respective frequencies
(i.e., the transmitted tones). Channel equalization at the receiver, thus, becomes a trivial task. An FFT is applied
to the received vector y and each element of the result will be divided by the channel gain at the frequency of the
respective tone. The result will be the frequency domain equalized vector yf,e = xgfdm,f + vf , where xgfdm,f and
vf are the FFTs of xgfdm and the channel noise vector v, respectively.
The procedure presented in [28] is a computationally efficient method for extracting the data symbols from yf,e .
This procedure works as follows. The portion of the yf,e that corresponds to each subcarrier is extracted through
a frequency domain filtering; by applying a frequency mask. The extracted portion is shifted to the baseband and
converted from the frequency domain to the time domain through an IFFT (of size M ). The results for the kth
subcarrier band are the estimates of transmitted data symbols sk [0], sk [1], · · · , sk [M − 1]. A point that needs our
attention here is that these estimates, even in the absence of channel noise, are not perfect. Because of the overlapping
of the adjacent subcarrier filters (see Fig. 3), the estimates are subject to ICI among adjacent subcarriers. This point
has been acknowledged in [28] and an iterative method for successive interference cancellation (SIC) of ICI has
been proposed. The successive ICI cancellation clearly has some drawbacks that put GFDM in a disadvantage when
In [28], it has also been noted that the iterative ICI cancellation may be avoided through a single step ZF
or MMSE solution which follows by noting that the transmit vector xgfdm is related to the vector sgfdm =
[sT [0] sT [1] · · · sT [M − 1]]T of all the transmitted symbols, within the packet, as
where A is a non-singular matrix that is determined by the packet parameters; e.g., see [28] or [26] for details.
Also, see [27] for the necessary condition for A not to be singular. One point that should be quoted from [27] is
that for A to be non-singular, M has to be an odd integer. Hence, the ZF detector that is presented below is strictly
applicable to the cases where M odd. The MMSE detector should also be applied to the cases where M is odd,
as when M is even, the receiver will suffer from a larger noise enhancement.
The channel clearly has some impact. The received vector, after stripping CP from it, has the following form
y = HAsgfdm + v (17)
where H is a circular matrix arising from the channel impulse response and v is the channel additive noise vector.
szf −1
gfdm = (HA) y. (18)
smmse H H −1 H H
gfdm = (Rvv + A H HA) A H y (19)
The direct solutions (18) and (19) may be prohibitive in complexity as the size of underlying matrices may
be a few thousands in practice. Beside, as shown in [26] they both may incur some loss in performance, arising
from some possible weak conditioning of H and/or A. Taking note of these, the general consensus seem to be
utilization of an SIC method, [25]–[32]. Nevertheless, we note that, recently, algorithms that reduce the complexity
The key idea that has made application of OFDM to MIMO channels trivial relies on the fact that each subcarrier
signal is a pure tone (after removing the CP) and thus for each channel link it will be affected by a complex gain.
For instance, if we consider a MIMO channel with Nt transmit antennas and Nr receive antennas that multiplexes
Nt data streams in space, the equation relating an Nt × 1 transmit data vector sk of the kth subcarrier and the
uk = Hk sk + vk , for k = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1 (20)
where uk is the received signal vector, vk is the channel noise vector and Hk is the channel gain matrix at the kth
subcarrier frequency. Applying a zero-forcing (ZF) or a minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalizer to (20),
Noting that GFDM waveform is made up of M N tones, the same concept can be applied here too. An FFT
of size M N is applied to the CP stripped received vector y of each received antenna and the results of the same
indexed outputs are collected to obtain an equation similar to (20). Then, a ZF or MMSE equalizer is applied for
each tone separately. This process gives estimates of the kth elements of the signal vector xgfdm for all the space
multiplexed signals. Collating the elements corresponding to each space multiplexed signal gives the estimate of
the corresponding xgfdm which then may be processed according to [28], to extract the data symbols.
For space-time coded (STC) transmission, particularly, the Alamouti codes [50], also one can benefit from the
fact that each GFDM block is made of a summation of the tones and accordingly design an effective signaling
scheme that benefit from the diversity gain provided by multiple antennas. Such a system has been developed and
presented in [26]. The proposed method follows the time-reversal single-carrier approach that was first reported in
[51] and later was adopted for FBMC systems (with linear convolution) in [52]. The method proposed in [26], for
a MIMO setup with Nt = 2 and Nr = 1, is implemented as follows. For other choices of Nt and Nr , following
the same line of thoughts, the respective designs can be made, straightforwardly.
The first antenna transmits a block of GFDM that is characterized by the frequency domain vector xgfdm,f,1 .
Simultaneously, the second antenna transmits another block of GFDM that carries a different set of data symbols
and is characterized by the frequency domain vector xgfdm,f,2 . Next, both antennas transmit a second pair of GFDM
blocks that are characterized by the frequency domain vectors −x∗gfdm,f,2 and x∗gfdm,f,1 , transmitted from the first
and the second antennas, respectively. If the channel gains at the tones that form GFDM signal are presented by
the diagonal matrices H1 and H2 , the received signal blocks, after being CP stripped and passed through an FFT,
result in
for the first block and the second block, respectively. Using (21) and (22) and following the Alamouti method [51],
x̂gfdm,f,1 = H1 H∗1 + H2 H∗2 H∗1 y1 + H2 y2∗
= xgfdm,f,1 + H1 H∗1 + H2 H∗2 H∗1 v1 + H2 v2∗ (23)
x̂gfdm,f,2 = H1 H∗1 + H2 H∗2 H∗2 y1 − H1 y2∗
= xgfdm,f,2 + H1 H∗1 + H2 H∗2 H∗2 v1 − H1 v2∗ , (24)
respectively. Once x̂gfdm,f,1 and x̂gfdm,f,2 are available, the method proposed in [28] may be used to extract the
In this section, we show how the waveform construction that was developed in Section IV, for GFDM, can be
also used to construct alternative waveforms based FBMC signaling. To this end, we first present a short review
of FBMC methods. These presentations follow the conventional FBMC systems where convolutions are linear.
Extensions to GFDM-like waveforms, where linear convolutions are replaced by circular ones, will then follow.
The prefix “C” is added whenever reference is made to the implementations that are based on circular convolution.
A. Historical notes
Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) methods were first proposed about 50 years ago, by Chang, [53], and Saltzberg,
[54]. This was before the first introduction of OFDM in 1971, [55]. The method proposed by Chang considers
transmission of a set of sequences of pulse amplitude modulated (PAM)/real-valued data symbols through a number
of vestigial side-band (VSB) subcarriers. The subcarriers spectra are overlapped such that, following the Nyquist
definition, a bandwidth efficiency of 100% is achieved. Saltzberg rearranged the real and imaginary parts of each
symbol in a set of quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) symbol sequences such that they could be also transmitted
with a bandwidth efficiency of 100%. Here, the real and imaginary parts of each QAM symbol are time staggered
by half a symbol interval. In a recent work, [56], we have shown that the methods presented in [53] and [54] are
effectively the same and the names cosine modulated multitone (CMT) and staggered modulated multitone (SMT),
Although SMT (often referred to as OQAM-OFDM) has been more popular in the literature, consideration of
CMT for certain implementations may lead to more effective receivers. In particular, in some recent works, [57],
[58], we have shown that the blind equalization capability of CMT which has been introduced in [59] may prove
very useful in overcoming the problem of pilot contamination (a serious problem) in massive MIMO systems, e.g.,
see [60]. Here, when it comes to the details of implementation of transmitter and receiver, we follow the norm in the
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . T
4T π π π
··· 0 0 ···
2 2 2
5 F =
f= 2T
4T π π
··· 0 0 0 ···
2 2
4T π π π
··· 0 0 ···
2 2 2
4T π π
··· 0 0 0 ···
2 2
−2T −T T 2T t
n = −2 n = −1 n=1 n=2
literature and provide the details for SMT. Extensions to CMT are not much different and should be straightforward
As noted above, in CMT, data symbols are from a PAM alphabet. To establish a transmission with the maximum
bandwidth efficiency, PAM symbols are distributed in a time-frequency phase-space lattice with a density of two
symbols per unit area. This is equivalent to one complex symbol per unit area. Moreover, a 90 degree phase shift
is introduced to the respective carriers among the adjacent symbols. These concepts are presented in Fig. 5. VSB
modulation is applied to cope with the carrier spacing F = 1/2T . The pulse-shape used for this purpose at the
transmitter as well as for matched filtering at the receiver is a square-root Nyquist waveform, p(t), which has been
designed such that q(t) = p(t) ⋆ p(−t) be a Nyquist pulse with regular zero crossings at 2T time intervals. Also,
p(t), by design, is a real-valued even function of time, hence, p(t) = p(−t). This implies that P (f ) is also a
Fig. 6 presents a set of magnitude responses of the modulated versions of the pulse-shape p(t) for the data
symbols transmitted at t = 0 and t = T . The colors used for the plots follow those in Fig. 5, to reflect the
t=0 ···
1 3 5 7
4T 4T 4T 4T
1 3 5 7
4T 4T 4T 4T
Fig. 6. Magnitude responses of the CMT pulse-shaping filters at various subcarriers and time instants t = 0 and t = T .
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . T /2
T π π
··· 0 ···
2 2 2
F =
2 T
T π π
··· 0 0 0 ···
2 2
T π π π
··· 0 0 ···
2 2 2
f =0 π π
··· 0 0 0 · ·t ·
2 2
−T −T /2 T /2 T
n = −2 n = −1 n=1 n=2
SMT may be thought as an alternative to CMT, [56]. Its time-frequency phase-space lattice is obtained from that
of CMT (Fig. 5) through a frequency shift of the lattice points down by 1/4T , scaling the time axis by a factor
1/2 and hence the frequency axis by a factor 2, [56]. This leads to the time-frequency phase-space lattice that
is presented in Fig. 7. The magnitude responses of the SMT pulse-shaping filters at various subcarriers and time
D. Transmitter implementation
The transmitter implementation for both C-CMT and C-SMT follows the same procedure as GFDM. Minor
changes are required to consider the phase adjustment of π/2 among adjacent symbols. Also, some adjustment to
t=0 ···
1 2 3
t = T /2
1 2 3
Fig. 8. Magnitude responses of the SMT pulse-shaping filters at various subcarriers and time instants t = 0 and t = T /2.
the width of subcarrier bands and their position have to be noted, in the case of C-CMT. In C-SMT, on the other
hand, it should be noted that phase and quadrature parts of QAM symbols have a time offset of T /2. In the rest
of this section, we only discuss C-SMT and leave the C-CMT details for an interested reader to work out.
1) For m = 0, 1, · · · , M − 1, let
and sI,e [n] are the M -fold expanded versions of sR [n] and sI [n], respectively.
3) Compute
X −1 M
X −1
xc-smt = circshift(xR [n], nN ) + j circshift(xI [n], nN + N/2) (25)
n=0 n=0
4) Add a CP to xc-smt
FN sR [n] and F −1
N sI [n], respectively, at the top of each other. Moreover, further reduction in complexity is possible
by removing the factors of j in sR [n] and sI [n], calling the results s̃R [n] and s̃I [n], calculating F −1
N s̃R [n] and
FN s̃I [n], and cyclicly shifting the result by N/4 samples, to get F −1 −1
N sR [n] and F N sI [n], respectively. This
procedure simplifies the calculations, since the FFT of the pair of real vectors s̃R [n] and s̃I [n] can be performed
with a complexity that is approximately equal to that of one FFT with a complex input, [48].
The implementation procedure discussed here has a complexity that is comparable to its GFDM counterpart.
This implementation has some similarity with the one presented in [34] and [36], however, these works did not
E. Receiver implementation
The receiver implementation in C-FBMC systems can also follow the steps mentioned in Section IV-C. Here, as
opposed to GFDM, the embedded data symbols in yf,e are carried by a set of bases functions that are orthogonal
with one another, where orthogonality is the real orthogonality defined in the FBMC literature, e.g., see [61], [19],
and [20]. This, in turn, implies that the procedures mentioned in the second paragraph of Section IV-C will result
in perfect recovery of data symbols free of intersymbol interference (ISI) and ICI. In other words, here, no SIC is
C-FBMC extension to MIMO channels is not different from that of GFDM. ZF or MMSE equalizer is applied
in the frequency domain to separate the tones that correspond to different spatial sequences. Subsequently, the
data extraction for each spatial stream is carried out separately according to the procedure that was discussed in
the previous subsection. Alamouti STC can also be applied to C-FBMC following a similar procedure to the one
discussed in [26] for GFDM. Detailed implementation of the Alamouti STC in C-FBMC has been reported in [62].
A. Transmitter implementation
Fig. 9 presents a block diagram of the UFMC transmitter. A set of data symbols that corresponds to a given
allocation of a single user are modulated over the assigned subcarriers through an IFFT processing block. The
unused (zero) inputs to the IFFT block in Fig. 9 are reserved for other users in the network. The IFFT output is
serialized and passed through a bandpass filter before transmission. The bandpass filter removes the OOB spectral
leakage that arises due to truncation of data carrying tones to the length of IFFT. By taking this filtering step, we
are assured that different users in the network remain (approximately) orthogonal even under the conditions that
Unlike OFDM (as well as GFDM and C-FBMC), UFMC does not rely on a CP to absorb the channel transient
response. Instead, the output samples of IFFT are padded with a number of zeros equal to the duration of the
impulse response of the bandpass filter. Moreover, the bandpass filter is designed such that the duration of its
bandpass output
impulse response be equal to the common CP length used in OFDM, [41]–[45]. This choice, although not necessary,
equalizes the length of UFMC and OFDM symbols, hence, makes any comparison between the two straightforward.
For the discussions that follow, we let the size of IFFT in Fig. 9 be N , and assume the duration of the impulse
response of the bandpass filter be equal to N ′ + 1, where N ′ = NCP is the CP length in OFDM. Accordingly, each
UFMC symbol will have a length of N + N ′ . Following [41]–[45], we assume successive UFMC symbols of this
B. Key points
A few key points that help us in understanding the main features of UFMC are in order. First, we note that a
UFMC symbol that has been generated according to the procedure in Fig. 9, before going through the channel,
preserves the orthogonality of the intended user’s symbols perfectly. This fundamental point is the basis for the
receiver structure that has been proposed in UFMC literature, e.g., [41]–[45], and is presented below. An explanation
to this observation in provided in the next subsection, below. Second, the presence of channel expands the duration
of each UFMC symbol beyond the length of N + N ′ samples. This concept is depicted in Fig. 10, where a stream
of UFMC symbols (S1, S2, · · · ) is depicted at the channel input and channel output. Obviously, channel introduces
ISI among successive symbols. Also, if the processing at the receiver is made based on the segments of N + N ′
samples of the received signal, some loss in the orthogonality of the intended user’s data symbols will incur. By
increasing the length of the segments, this loss of orthogonality can be recovered at the cost of an introduction
of some ISI. It may be argued that although, strictly speaking, in the presence of a channel, UFMC has to be
categorized as a non-orthogonal multicarrier system, the loss of orthogonality in many practical situations may
remain insignificant. Thus, more often, UFMC is categorized as a quasi orthogonal signaling method.
S1 S2 S3 ···
S1 S2 S3 ···
Fig. 10. A UFMC symbol stream (a) before channel, and (b) after channel.
C. UFMC orthogonality
The IFFT output in Fig. 9 is the summation of set of sine-waves/tones that are time limited to an interval T
seconds (equivalently, N samples) and spaced in frequency by 1/T Hertz. In the frequency domain, these truncated
tones are characterized by a set of sinc pulses, as depicted in Fig. 11. The orthogonality of the tones is characterized
by the fact that they do not interfere with one another as along as they are sampled in the frequency domain at the
middle of the sinc pulses; the vertical dashed lines in Fig. 11.
no ICI
Fig. 11. Demonstration of the orthogonality of a set of tones that are time-limited to an interval T seconds and spaced by 1/T Hz.
Passing the summation of the tones through the bandpass filter at the UFMC transmitter output attenuates the
amplitude of the side-lobes that fall out of the band of interest, but, as depicted in Fig. 12, has no impact on the
orthogonality of the subcarriers. This, clearly, shows that the filtering step in Fig. 9 does not affect the orthogonality
of the subcarriers in UFMC. The presence of channel, as demonstrated in Fig. 10, extends the length of each UFMC
symbol beyond N + N ′ samples. Obviously, this does not affect the orthogonality of subcarriers and, hence, the
data symbols can be recovered free of ICI if processing at the receiver is performed based on the extended length
of the received signal samples. Nevertheless, as noted above, the detected symbols will suffer from ISI. One may
choose to process a length of the received signal samples to minimize the sum of ISI and ICI. One may also note
that both ISI and ICI can be completely removed if the length of each UFMC symbols is extended to N + N ′
plus the maximum during of the channel impulse response, by appending a set of zero samples at the end of each
UFMC symbol. This is equivalent of adding a guard interval between successive UFMC symbols.
no ICI
Fig. 12. The impact of the filtering in UFMC on the spectra of subcarrier tones.
D. Filtering options
Any bandpass filter that covers the subcarriers of the user of interest may be used. The proposers of UFMC have
emphasized on the use Dolph-Chebyshev filters, [41], but have noted that other choices are also possible, [42].
Methods to design filters that provide improved robustness to carrier frequency offset and timing offset are also
Early works on the implementation of UFMC assumed direct convolution of the IFFT output with the bandpass
filter; as in Fig. 9. This implementation may be too complex as it requires about N N ′ multiplications and additions.
A recent result, [64], suggests a method of reducing this complexity significantly, through a frequency domain
implementation of the filtering operation. Another possibility that we suggest here is to apply a separate filter to
each subcarrier, as is done in the early developments of filtered OFDM, e.g., in IEEE 802.11a and g, [65]. Here,
all one needs to do is to apply a window with smooth roll-offs at the two sides to the IFFT output. It is equivalent
of replacing the rectangular prototype filter in IFFT filter bank by a window with smooth transitions at the two
sides. The advantage of this method is a very low complexity. It only requires 2N ′ multiplications. Nevertheless,
it loses some flexibilities that direct filter design offers. A tutorial review of the filtered OFDM and a method of
E. Receiver implementation
At the receiver side, the symbol boundaries are identified as part of the synchronization process. To recover the
QAM data symbols carried in each UFMC symbol, the respective segment of the received signal, usually consisting
of N + N ′ samples, is taken and appended with sufficient number of zeros to be extended to a vector of length
2N . The result is then passed to an FFT block. The FFT outputs at the respective subcarriers (a set of odd or
even indexed outputs) carry the desired symbol, scaled by channel gains at the respective frequencies. As in the
conventional OFDM, the channel gains are compensated through a set of single tap equalizer; one per subcarrier.
From the above discussions, we note that the presence of channel may result in the loss of orthogonality
among the subcarriers. This potentially can limit the application of UFMC in MIMO channels. However, since for
channels with moderate spreading in time, the loss of orthogonality among subcarriers remain insignificant, MIMO
processing techniques may be applied to separate subcarriers as in OFDM, albeit within some approximation. Such
approximation may be avoided by adding a guard interval between the successive symbols of UFMC. To emphasize,
UFMC can be used in for both STC and MIMO space multiplexing with the same level of flexibility as OFDM.
This follows from the fact that, in UFMC, each data symbol modulate a single tone, as in OFDM.
As was noted earlier, the main motivation in proposing the new 5G contender waveforms is to reduce the
interference among different users’ signals when they are not perfectly synchronized. In this section, we make
some comments on effectiveness of GFDM, C-FBMC, and UFMC in handling multi-user signals when these
signals may not be synchronized both in symbol timing and carrier frequency.
Fig. 13 depicts a communication scenario where a set of users are transmitting in an uplink of a network. The
case presented is applicable to both GFDM and C-FBMC, but not to UFMC. The case of UFMC is discussed
separately later. Each user transmits a sequence of GFDM/C-FBMC blocks. Each block has a structure similar
to the one in Fig. 2. Each user channel introduces spreading in time to the respective GFDM/C-FBMC sequence
and as a result the successive blocks may overlap. Also, with a relaxed synchronization among the users, the data
blocks from different users may not be perfectly time aligned. Near perfect extraction of users’ information may
be achieved through a receiver signal processing algorithm as long as a correct time window of the received signal
is chosen. A correct time window is the one that does not pick any user signal that suffer from blocks overlap. In
Fig. 13, the time window B is a correct choice, but A and C both suffer from some inter-block interference. If the
time window is selected incorrectly, the portions of the users’ waveforms that belong to the transient parts will no
!"#$ !"#$ !"#$
user 1
user 2
user 3
Fig. 13. A UFMC symbol stream (a) before channel, and (b) after channel.
longer be a sum of pure tones. Thus, the balance among the tones in each data stream in the respective user signal
which results in well designed filters that were discussed in Section III will be lost and, as a result, OOB spectral
leakage will appear. This, clearly, leads to multi-user and inter-block interference.
A correct choice of a window (of length M T ) of the received signal that was discussed above avoids ISI, but
cannot resolve the problem of inter-user interference, if the users are not perfectly carrier synchronized. Here,
an attempt is made to clarify this point through couple of numerical examples without digging into the detailed
mathematical equations. More on the subject of multi-user interference in GFDM and C-FBMC can be found in
[66], [67].
Fig. 14 presents two samples of the prototype filter in a GFDM/C-FBMC for the case where N = 16 and M = 4.
These filters have been designed using the Matrin and Mirabbasi method, [46], [47]. The prototype filter hb (t) is
for shaping the data symbols at the beginning of the packet, and hm (t) is for shaping the data symbols at the middle
of the packet. Similar filters are used at the receiver for matched filtering. We also recall that these prototype filters
are modulated to the various subcarriers before being amplitude scaled by the respective data symbols.
Looking at the plots in Fig. 14, one may note that hm (t) is a proper pulse shape as commonly seen in digital
communication systems and hb (t) is obtained by circularly shifting hm (t) within the a window of length M T . The
magnitude of the Fourier transforms of hb (t) and hm (t) are presented in Fig. 15. Here, we note that while Hm (f )
has a common lowpass response that we often see for pulse shaping filters, the magnitude response of Hb (f ) is
hb (t) hm (t)
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 14. Impulse responses of two samples of the prototype filter in a C-FBMC system for shaping the data symbols at the beginning of a
packet (red) and the data symbols at the middle of the same packet (blue).
vastly different. However, Hb (f ) and Hm (f ) have the following common features. (i) Hb (0) = Hm (0) = 1. (ii)
1 1
Hb (f ) and Hm (f ) share the same null frequencies. These null frequencies are at the positions T, T + M1T , 1
T + M2T ,
· · · . We also note that the less seen form of Hb (f ), particularly, its high side lobes beyond the point f T = 1,
arises because of the sharp cut-offs at the beginning and the end of hb (t).
Next, if we think of the modulated versions of hb (t) and hm (t) to the subcarriers center frequencies that are
located at integer multiples of T, and recall that the sinusoidal tones synthesizing each subcarrier band are located
at integer multiples of MT , one immediately finds that the position of the null points in Hb (f ) and Hm (f ) implies
that, in GFDM/C-FBMC, any pair of non-adjacent subcarriers remain orthogonal to each others if they are perfectly
carrier synchronized. Clearly, if the pair of subcarriers are originated from the same transmitter/user, they will be
synchronized and, thus, have no interference with one another. However, if they originate from different transmitters
and, thus, there may be some mismatch between their respective carrier frequencies, multi-user interference can
occur. For the data symbols at the middle of each packet such interference will remain insignificant, because of high
attenuation in the stop-bands of the respective filters/pulse shapes. But for the data symbols at or near the beginning
and the end of each packet, the level of interference can be significant, obviously, because of poor responses of the
respective filters.
Different measures can be taken to avoid multiuser interference in GFDM/C-FBMC. Among these, [67] has
adopted the received signal windowing that was originally proposed in [68]–[72], to avoid out-of-band interference
|Hm (f )| |Hb (f )|
! " # $ %
Fig. 15. Magnitude response of the prototype filters whose impulse responses are presented in Fig. 14.
in digital subscriber lines (DSL) modems. This method requires an extension of the CP at the transmitter, and at the
receiver a window of the received signal with a length larger than M T is used for signal processing and extraction
of data symbols of different users. Interested readers are referred to [67] for the details.
Fig. 16 presents a similar scenario to that of Fig. 13, for the case where transmission is based on UFMC. Each
UFMC symbol has a transient at the beginning and a transient at the end. Each transient has a duration that is equal
to the sum of the durations of the channel impulse response and the impulse response of the bandpass filter that is
used at the transmitter to contain each user signal within the desired bandwidth, as well as any other processing in
the transmitter/receiver chain. Here, the choice of the time window should include the transients on both sides of
each UFMC symbol, for all the users, to benefit from filtering operation applied at the respective transmitters to
resolve multi-user interference. Also, complete coverage of the transients assures the orthogonality of subcarriers
for each user. However, as also noted earlier, an extended time window has the drawback of introducing ISI. Hence,
in practice, a balanced decision has to be made on the size of the time window. The presented time window Tw ,
in Fig. 16, covers the transient periods of the middle symbol for the three users. However, because of the time
misalignments of the users, this choice results in extra ISI from the adjacent symbols beyond the transients of
the individual users. As noted earlier, by adding guard intervals between successive UFMC symbols, ISI can be
user 1
user 2
user 3
Fig. 16. A UFMC symbol stream (a) before channel, and (b) after channel.
In this paper, we presented a novel point of view of GFDM and C-FBMC modulation techniques; two new
contender waveforms of the upcoming fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication systems. We showed both
GFDM and C-FBMC waveforms can be synthesized on the same principle that OFDM waveform is built. The
constructed waveforms can be viewed as a summation of a number of tones that at the receiver can be separated
through application of an FFT. We showed that this property of GFDM/C-FBMC is the key to simple (single-
tap) equalization in the frequency domain and straightforward adoption of these waveforms to MIMO channels.
Moreover, we reviewed UFMC, the third contender waveform that has recently been proposed for 5G, and showed
that this waveform also preserves the key features of OFDM. The application of GFDM/C-FBMC and UFMC to
multiuser networks was also discussed briefly. It was noted that special receiver signal processing is needed to
avoid multiuser interference in GFDM/C-FBMC. UFMC was found to be more relaxed to such needs. It was noted
that the non-orthogonality of GFDM is a disadvantage that make this waveform less attractive than C-FBMC and
UFMC. However, more research is needed to weight the advantages and the disadvantages of C-FBMC and UFMC
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