For many naturally deposited clay soil, the unconfined compression strength is much
less when the soil are tested after remolding without any change in the moisture
content. This property of clay soil is called sensitivity. The degree of sensitivity is
50.1110.00037 sPId
PI 5 plasticity index (%) cu(VST) 5 undrained shear strength from vane shear
50.1110.0037 sPId
c5 preconsolidation pressure
Mesri (1989) cu
for PI . 50%
50.118 sLId
normally consolidated
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St 5
The sensitivity ratio of most clays ranges from about 1 to 8; however, highly
flocculent marine clay deposits may have sensitivity ratios ranging from about 10 to
80. Some clays turn to viscous liquids upon remolding, and these clays are referred to
as “quick” clays. The loss of strength of clay soil from remolding is caused primarily
by the destruction of the clay particle structure that was developed during the original
process of sedimentation.
Phase relations are useful in computing the masses and volumes of the different
phases in the soil and in determining the moisture content, void ratio, degree of saturation, and unit
weights. Two major soil classification systems used in geotechnical
engineering are USCS (Unified Soil Classification System) and AASHTO (American
widely used for roadwork, USCS is used in all other geotechnical applications.
constant head or falling head permeability test in the laboratory or estimated using
empirical correlations.
spaces of a saturated clay is squeezed out by external loads. The parameters required
for consolidation settlement calculations are determined through oedometer tests on
is influenced by
the preconsolidation pressure, compression index, swelling index, initial void ratio,
initial effective overburden stress, applied loads, and the layer thickness. How fast
the consolidation occurs depends on whether the clay is singly or doubly drained and
Soils fail in shear and follow the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion. The failure
envelope is defined by the two parameters cohesion cand friction angle f, which can
shear tests.
2.1 A large piece of dry rock has a mass of 2450 kg and volume
of 0.925 m
and 15.3%, respectively. If the specimen is soaked in a bucket of water for several days until it is fully
saturated, what should the saturated
density be?
2.3 The top 500 mm of a site consists of a clayey sand with void
ratio of 0.90 and water content of 20.0%. The specific gravity of the soil grains is 2.68. When the ground
is compacted
thickness of this layer. Determine the new void ratio and the
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, what
pit? How much water would be added to the soil from the
borrow pit?
fall into?
are as follows.
Soil LL PL
A 58 34
B 42 22
D 75 31
Percent finer
fiGure p2.7
10° inclination to the horizontal, which connects the reservoir and the ditch. The hydraulic conductivity
of the sand is
2.6 3 10
Elev.38 m
Elev.30 m
Elev.28 m
200 m
Sand seam
(Not to scale)
fiGure p2.8
1.5 3 10
Impervious stratum
Retaining wall
fiGure p2.9
the ground level. The moist and saturated unit weights of the
, respectively.
clay layer?
2.11 The depth of water in a lake is 4 m. The soil at the bottom of the
lake consists of sandy clay. The water content of the soil was
is 2.70. Determine the void ratio and the unit weight of the soil.
What would be the total stress, effective stress, and pore water
e151.10 s9
1565.0 kN/m
e250.85 s9
2 5240.0 kN/m
b. What will be the void ratio when the next pressure increment raises the pressure to 460.0 kN/m
problemS 63
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2.13 The soil profile at a site is shown in Figure P2.13. The moist
20.0 kN/m
2.0 m
3.0 m
3.0 m Clay
fiGure p2.13
2.14 A clay layer with two-way drainage reached 75% consolidation in tyears. How long would it take
for the same clay to
stratum that can be assumed to be impervious and incompressible. The water table is at 1.5 m below
the ground level. The
moist and saturated unit weights of the sand are 17.0 kN/m
, and coefficient
of consolidation of 0.0014 cm
, the settlement
was 160 mm in the first year. What would be the consolidation settlement in the first two years?
b. If the clay is normally consolidated, what is the compression index of the clay?
2.16 The soil profile at a site consists of a 2.0 m thick sand layer
bulk and saturated unit weights of the sand are 16.0 kN/m
a. The ground level is raised by placing a 1.5 m high compacted fill with unit weight of 20.0 kN/m
. What is the
consolidation settlement?
2.17 A direct shear test is conducted on a 60 mm 360 mm overconsolidated clay specimen. The loading
was very slow,
confining pressure.
there is no build-up of pore water pressure within the specimen. The specimen failed when the
additional axial stress
200 kN/m
2.19 A consolidated-drained triaxial test was carried out on a normally consolidated clay specimen, and
the following results
115 kN/m
2.20 The specimens obtained from a clay layer at a site gave the following shear strength parameters
from a consolidated-drained
and f9526°. A consolidatedundrained triaxial test is carried out on this soil, where a specimen is
consolidated under confining pressure of 100 kN/m
. What is the
Cell pressure
Additional axial
stress at failure
Pore water
pressure at
failure (kN/m
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2.22 Steel plates with mass of 1500 g each were stacked on top
2.23 Estimate the friction angle of the soil C in Problem 2.7 (see
a. Eq. (2.87)
b. Eq. (2.88)
Steel plate
fiGure p2.22
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