CSEC Inti Sci June 2003 P1

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Item 1 refers lo the following diagram ofa !.t..ems .i - 5 refer to the f,_,llnwin::?; diagram
vertical section ofa flower. . \\hich repr·~~·.ents the c.:irbun cyck. Certain
processes l>.cur at EACH of the points, (A),
(8), (C) anJ (0).
r-· ----1 r·---
1 Almosp_henc I..~ Fo~.sil
, carcond1c,x1de , co-.i I ruc1s
. I
·- ---~ L____ ~---

Ill (r\ I (C)

1.---_ -,-)_l-a1-~1_-.. ~---_-_: (B '{-A-,-,;~

When you ure m1swcri11:.; rhe it.:Jms in this

Which of the label led parts of the flower has group, a p11rl icular c/11 •let! may he made
a similar function to the testes in humans? 111on.: 1ho11 nncf!, one..: er 1101 at all.

.... ln which l'IT>cc.ss are c:1rbohydrates pro-
(C) II I
(D) IV
5. \Vhich pllH.:~ss contributes to global warm-
It.em 2 refers to the following diagram.

6. Which of th~ followingt:quations BESTrep-

rc~cnts the process ol'ph1tosynlhesis?

~n ; ;;:

(,\1 12.C()~:rllH.z..U -> C,:11 1 .0 11 + 120:

cncr gy
The structure label led I is the
( I~ ) 2.\ 0 2 - ~11:0 -1'- C:H,C>l·I • 30:
(A) cotyledon
Ln•..:rg ·
(B) hy1xx:otyl
(C) radicle
IC i CO.:..+ 21 iLO --> c + 20: ... 211:

(D) testa t.: n t: I ~: :\

(DJ 6CO._ · (iil:n --> L',H,!O,, + 60.

_3. Which of the following areas are MOST
likely to be affected ifhuman populations of
countries are NOT controlled?
7. \Vhich o(thc fc I lowing process~s BEST rep-
l. Recreational activities resents hll'-'. \\ atcr is taken up by the vacuole
II. Land availability of a root h:,ir' 7
111. Food production

Environmental conditions

( H)
(B) I, II and IV only ( D) ·11ansp! rati• m
(C) I, lll and IV only
. "' 11 fll "'nrf J\/ (")1'" ;~

8. Whichofthefollowingisafunctionofthe 13. Liquids and gases normally expand when

- whitebloodcells? heated arrd contract rvhen crtoled. This
behaviour explains the workinl3, ofa
(A) Transportingofoxygen
(B) Transportingofcarbon dioxide (A) \\'ater pump
(C) Production ofantibodies (B) Yacuurll cleaner
(D) Formation ofclots (C) $'re-pressure gauge
(D) mercury themrometer
9. Which ofthe following structures protects the
heart? Item 14 refers to the followirrg processes
i nvolv'ed in heat transfer.
(A) Pelvicgirdle
(B) Ribcage (A) Conduction
(C) Myelin sheath (B) Convecrion
(D) Synovialfluid (C) Evaporation
(D) Radiation

I 0' which ofth:

l"I:::q:F:y"iiT:::1": 14. which process isthe method bvrvhichthesun
as a digestive -- o---and also
- organ - produces
r- " -- - -- - heats the Earth's atmosphere?
(A) Gallbladder Items 15 - 16 refer to the processes named
(B) Liver belorv'
(C) Pancreas
(D) Pituitary (A) Condensation
(B) Evaporation
(C) heciPitation
11. Mr Jones is near-sighted. To correct his (D) Respiration
vision he should use
In anstvering the itents in this group, a
(A) amagniryingglass particular choice ntay be made nrcre than
(B) apairofbinoculars once, once or not at oll.
(C) spectacles with concave lenses
(D) spectacles rvith convex lenses During u'hich process

15. does water pass from the ocean to the atm os-
12. Which of the follorving problenrs is MOSl' phere?
Iikely to develop in asunbather, with unpro-
tected eyes, if he faces the sun for a lons does*,aterretumtothelandfrorntheatmos-
time? phere?

(A) Change in colour of the iris

(B) Doublevision 17. Whichofthel'ollowingsubstancosorsources
(C) Damage to the retina of energy is NOT necessary to :;tart a fire?
(D) Drying out the aqueous humour
(A) Fuel
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Ox1'gen
(D) Ileat


00255 t/F2003
r8. Wh ich o fthe fol lo',vi rrg pl I val ues are asso() | _
21 In tlre Car ibbearr. the encrqv usecl in thc
ated r.vjth acidic soiltypes?
prod ucti r_tn o I'e lectricitl is dr:ri vecl M A tN L Y
t. 5
II. 6
(A) fossilfuels
III. 9
(B) solarparels
(C) rvatcrf alls
(A) I and II only, (D) r,.,ind turbines
(B) Iand III onty
(C) II and III ont1, -)1
(n) By rvhich ol'the labelled :tnrctures in the
l, II ;;,il ITI
rJrlgr:rrrr r;l tlre e;, e l;5l1rrr., ;rre irrrptrlscs e rrr_
ried io the brairr?
19. Vr'h ic h ofth e fo I low ing c ircu i td i agranrs s horvs

three resistors in series rvith a porver sorrrc,:./



(B) (c)

/.J- 'fhe diacrarrr belorv
sho*'s an athletic track
ri,ith parrs labelicd (A), (B). (C), (D)



20. 1-he pitch of a note nray NO-l'be altered try


(A) colour ofthe vibrating body

(ts) density ofthe vibrating body A lace .,r as held alc,ng the track above. l'he
(c) lenglh ofthe vibrating body u,ind * as blril., ing in the d irection of'8,.
(D) tension ofthe vibrating body
z\ lone u Ir ich part the rracri rvi
of | | tlre_ ath Ietes
nt ove i\'1 OS-l- slo*,1.,,'? (i

r 'r-.' r',,N Ttr Ti ii, N t:.,\ I t',\LiI

000255 t/I:2003

24. Which of the following devjces is NOT a 28. \/arious lengths of w'ood cut from the same
water safety device bearn are stooci in tum on aplane rvhich is thetl
inclined at a fixcd angle Which system is the
(A) Inflatable balloon LEASTstable?
(B) Inflatable tube
Life raft
Lifejacket (A) -t-

25. The handle ofa cricket bat is usually elastic. 16\

This properry Y.i-t
(B) -t_

(A) enables the batsman to apply large

(B) makes the bat sturdy
(c) absorbs more shock if the batsman
gets hit on his fingers (c)
(D) reduces the shock to the batsman's

26. A land breeze is caused by

(A) cool air rising and hot air taking its 29 Which of the following weather systems is
place NOT a cyclonic storm?
(B) hot airrisingand cool airtaking its
place (A) Hurricane
(c) hot air falling and cool airtaking its (B) Tomado
place (c) Trphoon
(D) cool air rising rvith the hot air (D) Thunderstorm

30. During an earthquake, the sea withdrerv for

27. Wh ich ofthe following statements about fric- several kilometres along the cgast and re-
tion isNOTtrue? turned as immense waves. What kind of
\\'aves are these?
(A) It causes surfaces in contact to wear
away (A) Ground
(B) It can be reduced by oiling the sur- (B) Lorrg
faces (C) Seismic
(c) It causes the surfaces in contact to (D) Tidal
get hot
(D) It is greatest between smooth sur- 31. A very high blood-sugar levelmayresult from
(r\) ntalfunctiottingofthepancreas
(U) eating a meal containing a large
arxount of sugar
(C) defect of the gonads
(D) too nruch protein in thc diet

00255 l/F2003

32. Which ONE, ofthe fol lowi n g arrangernetrts,tf 35. Jane nrade a chicken and potato salad at
the metals aluminium, copper, iron aud zinc is 6.00 a.rn. Alier a long hike, she ate the salad
in DECREASING order of chemicalactiv- and fel I il l.'l'he reason lbr her i llness could bc
itv? that

(A) Aluminium,copper,iron,zinc (A) the chicken in the s rlad had soured

(B) Copper, iron, zinc, aluminiunr (B) the ltotato in the salad had sourcd
(C) Alurninium, zinc, iron, co1'lper (C) thet'e rvas a build up of bacterial
(D) Copper, zinc, iron, alutttinium action in the sala<l
(D) the re rvas a build up of fungal grorr4h
in the salad
33. One characteristic of an acid is that it

(A) neutralizes a base 36. \\/hich of the follorving stnrctures helps our
(B) has a pH greater than seven sense ofbalance?
(C) seldomconductselectricitt'insolu-
tion (.\) Cochlea
(D) reacts witlt carbonates to producr: (B) Ossicles
hydrogen and salt (C) Eardrum
(D) Setni-circulzucanals

34. Carbon monoxide has an affiniry forthe hite-

moglobin inthe
If the load on a maclr ine is 2 5 N and the effort
is 30N, thc mechanical ad'iantage is
(A) plasma
(B) platelets
(A) 25 - 30
(C) redbloodcells
(B) 3C)- 25
(D) whitebloodcells
(c) 30- 2s
(D) 30 - 25

38. In orcler to determine wltic h rype of il, (A), (B), (C). gr (D), retainerl the
mOSt water, Kim carried ou t an experirnent using apparatus shown belorv.

100 cm3

Cotton wool

100 ml cylinder

\Yater drained

Which ofthe soils retaittecl the MOSl rvater?



000255 t/F2003

39. Which of the fbllowirrg word ecluations represents the clremical

reaction wltich occurs during respiration?

(A) Glucose I Carbolr dioxide + Epergl,+ oxyge n * water

(B) Glucose + oxygel --+ Energy + Carbon d ioxide + water
(c) Carbohydrates + g lucose -> Enerry * Car bon d ioxide + water
(D) Carbon dixoidc + oxygen - Enerql + carbolrl,drates * water

40. A ship is made of irorr and is to be used in the 43. Adding common salt to $,itter produces a
sea. Which ofthe following metals is MOS f liquid that is, rvhen compared rvith water,
suitable as a coat to prevent if from rustinp?
(A) greater in pH
(A) Alurninium (B ) greater in density
(B) Znc (C) Iess in chemical reac tivity
(C) Magnesium (D) lessinelectricalconductivity
(D) Copper
44. The force u'hich acts on all bodies in water
causing them to appear to have less rveight is
41. The following are physiological processes called
which can take place in the body.
(A) upthnrst
I. ProductionofVitaminD (B) rift
II. Sweating (C) gaviry
III. Sunbum (D) thrust
tV. Tanning ofthe skin
45. Windorvs made from iron willrustquickly by
Which of the above may result from long the seaside. This is because the air by the
exposure to the sun? seaside has a high percenta5;e of
(A) Ionly (A) carbon dioxide
(B) II and III only (B) iodinevapour
(C) Il,lll and IV only (C) ox-.o'gen

(D) I, II, III and IV (D) sodiumchloride

46 Wh iclr com bi nation ofthe fol Iorving coloured

42. Physical exercise is NOT irnportant in thr: bearns of light ,"vou ld yield white light rvhere
prevention of the beams overlap?

(A) obesity I. Greerr

(B) heart disease IL Red
(C) scuny III. Blue
(D) hlpertension
(A) I and II only,
(B) [and III only
(C) II and IIIonlv
(D) I. ll and III r' .



/ A1
, at- Which ofthe fol lowing NOT a conductor.of
is 50'['rosourrdsc,f-differentpitchrrustdifferin
(A) loudness
(A) Copper
(ii) trequency
(B) lro12
(c) tinrbre
(c) Plastic
(D) overtones
(D) fap water

51. [:nerg1, fiorn lbod is chcmical :nergy. Whar

48. Which fearure affects the loudness of the
rs the IIEST sequence of energy changes
sound from a guitar string?
involved u,hen a nran is cutting canes?

(A) Amplitude
(B) Tension
Sound J kinctic -) chenrical
(C) Thickness
(B) Clremical--+ kinetic
-> Souild
(D) Densiry
(C) Kinetic-> chemical-* sound
(D) Chernical-> sound -+.kinetic

49. Which TWO of the diagrams below show

how a beam of light is reflected from the 52. \\/hich of the foIIou,ing forms crfenergl,does
surface of a plane mirror? a srv ingin g pen d u lu m bob h ave ?

I. Krnetic Energv
JI. PotentialEnergy
IIi. Radiant Energ;,

(A) Iq,rrlr
(B) UI onl.r,
llTT - (C) II and III orrly
(D) I and II only,

53. The follo* ing conditions exist i n space.

t. Rcduced gravin,
Ii. No atnrosphere
III. R;rdiation
IV. Extrenres oftentperatrrre

Iv S'lrich ofthese conditions arc overcorne br.

ar) astl ollaut's spacesuit?

(^) I.ll.lllonl;-
(B) I,ll. iV onlv
(A) I and lI only (c) ll,lll. I!'only
(B) I and III only (D) II,l.I\u only
(c) II and IV on11,
(D) IIIand IV only


lorv in g is a resu lt of transptra-
:)/. Wh ich of the fol
tion onl;'?
<d which of the f:l1ll?,'o'ffi,:i..?::l
horv the lot rvaier droplets on
I \
/a l'he formation of
aircraft is causeo the edge of a leaf hatrs
f nt of water by root
(A)'::l?11""#["""'tT fB) 'ptutt" a plant during
i:fi::'"*" icl The *'iltrng of
'fhe high tempera$re of its enBtnes rveather

( B)
(D) i"'t'*l11T;T:1'ff:5::?:fi
'lhe raPto ra
(D) dt;iff"ningoflea'vesduringratn

bY its engtnes rvr:re mixed with

58. lf dust from a chalkboard tl'e formation of a
water, the result 'uJJO"
5). Parallelraysoflightemergeasparallelrays
afterhittinga (A\ colloid
(B) susPenslon
(A) concave lens (C) sotunon
i"i Plano'convexlens (D) compouno
(C) concavemuror
(D) Planemtrror
digested food
absorption of
59. in man, MOS'I
in the takes Place in
gastric juice produced
56. What is the pH of
stomach? (A) coion
igl duodenunr
(A) 2 a\
{ ilelrrt
(B) s (D) stomacn
(c) 'l
(D) il

produce electrical
60. A rau'material used to
reactor is
energy in a nuclear

(A) Petroleum
(B) uraniunt
(C) biogas
(D) coal


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