The Effortless Vegan PDF

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01 Reasons for vegan nutrition 3

How to go vegan
How to be a healthy vegan
02 How to gain / lose weight 8

How to calculate your TDEE

How to calculate your macronutrients
How to control micronutrients
How to use supplements
03 Effortless vegan meals 16

04 The 7-day vegan meal plan 19

05 Grocery list 24

06 Looking forward 26

The Effortless Vegan kickstarts your vegan trans-
formation. It does not matter if you are new or al-
ready a seasoned vegan. After applying the princi-
ples from the nutrition guide & meal plan you will
change your body and relationship to food completely.
The Effortless Vegan teaches you how to change
your body composition, how to thrive on a ve-
gan diet and gives you a lot of examples of
easy & delicious vegan meals. Read through
the ebook, soak in all the knowledge, apply all
of it and I promise you, you will love the results!

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for sur-
vival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
- Albert Einstein -



Avoiding or even reversing diseases, recovering better from

physical exercise, clearing your skin, feeling energized are
just some of the benefits of a whole food plant-based diet.
But what is the reason why you experience all of these benefits?
Mainly because of the food you put into your body!
As a vegan you:
eat more fiber

get more antioxidants
develop food awareness
avoid disease causing animal products

A balanced plant-based diet supplies you with all the

needed nutrients in order to thrive on a daily and connects your
body & mind on the deepest level. You feel how that vi-
brant vegan meal you just ate literally fuels your who-
le being and gives you the energy to take on anything.

In addition, healthy vegan nutrition allows your body to excel in

physical & mental activity. It is shown that different food cau-
ses different moods, that food intake can even affect your will-
power and that plant-based nutrition lets you recover faster.
Choosing vegan nutrition sets you up for success and your body
thanks you with more energy, a clearer mind and overall just a
warm glow of knowing you did something good for your body.

This is the reason why the plant-based diet is the best deci-
sion you can make for yourself, the planet and the animals.


1.1 How to go vegan





Find your why

Find out how animals are treated, see the impact on the
environment or experience the benefits of a plant-ba-
1 sed diet yourself. You need a driving force behind your de-
cision to go vegan. A force that reminds you everytime
you question yourself or get criticised by friends/society.

Inform yourself
Use resources like this ebook, plant-based doctors and know-
ledgeable people to acquire the needed information to live a
2 healthy & thriving all plant-based life. If you blindly dive in and
do not manage to take the necessary steps in the right di-
rection, then you might quit veganism and never try it again.

There is no tried and true way of transitioning into a plant-based
diet. Most people start with cutting out meat and live vegetari-
an for a while, some people may benefit from cutting out dairy
first. Choose a transition that fits your current circumstances
and puts you in a position to succeed. Cut out the meat/ dairy/
eggs meal per meal or day per day there are so many variations!

OR Go cold turkey
Going vegan cold turkey means you cut out all animal products
from one day to another. In this case, make sure to hit all your
calorie & micronutrient needs, stay consistent with your su-
gar intake and overall listen to your body. Use the follo-
wing chapters and the meal plan as a starting point and
I guarantee you, you are already ahead of most people!


1.2 How to be a healthy vegan

Going vegan is the best thing you can do for your health.
That said it is definitely not healthy for your body if you only
eat fries, vegan burgers & vegan Ben & Jerrys all day. You can still
eat those things, but you need to find a healthy balance and 80-90%
of your daily nutrition should come from healthy plant-based food.
I put together a comprehensive list of things to eat and things
to avoid in order for you to be the healthiest version of yourself!

- Legumes - Trans fats
- Whole grains - Not drinking enough water
- Berries & other fruit - Not eating any vegetables
- Cruciferous vegetables - Consuming too many oils
- Greens & other vegetables - Eating more than 50-60g of
- Nuts & seeds fructose coming from industry
- Spices sources
- Beverages - Fast food (only in moderation)
(1 liter per 23 kg bodyweight) - Drinking fizzy drinks
- On occasion:
meat replacements
- On occasion:
vegan treats
- Use relevant supplements
The “Eat” list is inspired by Dr. Michael Gregers “Daily Do-
zen” and I highly suggest you look up that list! The 1-Week Meal
Plan shows you how to integrate all of these with ease.


Gain weight
In order to gain weight you need to eat in a caloric surplus.
Which means you need to calculate your TDEE (your maintenan-
ce calories) and eat more calories than that. To keep fat gain
to a minimum I highly suggest you only eat slightly above your
maintenance level. Also: “It’s impossible for me to gain weight”
is not an excuse. If you’re not gaining weight (& muscle),
then you’re simply not eating enough calories. As a vegan
you may struggle with getting enough calories in since
plant-based food is so satiating and rich in nutrients. In
that case work with calorie dense foods, smoothies &
“hack” your way to achieve your calorie goal. It is possible!

Lose weight
In order to lose weight you need to eat in a caloric deficit.
Calculate your TDEE and eat less calories than that.
How many calories exactly? This depends on your goal:
a higher deficit will make you lose more weight & faster,
but is not very sustainable for a longer period of time.
A moderate deficit of 500 calories will make you lose weight
at a slower but constant rate and you are more like-
ly to stay on track, because you have more calories to play with.
The best tactic would be to start with a hig-
her deficit and increase your calories over time.

3.500 calories equal 0.5kg weight.

A 500 calorie deficit over 7 days results in ≈0.5kg weight loss.


2.1 How to calculate your TDEE

Google “TDEE calculator” and put in your numbers to
get the TDEE. THEN test this number and track exact-
ly this amount of calories for 1-2 weeks and see how
your weight changes. Weigh yourself everyday and at the
end of the test period add all weight numbers together
and divide by the days tested to get your average weight.
Apply the calorie - weight rule from above and reverse cal-
culate your TDEE depending on how your weight changed.

Your weight has plateaued over the last few weeks and
months? And you tracked some of the days/weeks?
Then you “accidentally” found your TDEE, because when your
weight doesn’t change at all, you’re eating at maintenance level.

Use a fitness tracker and track your daily calories burned
over 1-2 weeks, so that you get a baseline to work with!

As you can see you have to TEST a lot in the beginning, but
once you got your average TDEE you can manipulate your body
however you want, working with the knowledge in this chapter.


2.2 How to calculate your macronutrients

Calories are made out of macronutrients. And the right macronutrient
distribution is key when you want to change your body composition &
gain muscle! There are three (fourth = alcohol) basic macronutrients:
Carbs, Fats, Protein. Each has an important function in your body.

Provide your body with energy and fiber which is vital for a healthy
digestive system.

Provide energy, store excess calories for later use and have a va-
riety of other roles in the body, from forming cell membranes
to making hormones.

Are broken down into their building blocks amino acids, form
muscles and control/ trigger the body’s vital chemical processes.

As you can see they are all super important! Now different
people need different amounts of each one of them. We have
to differentiate between people who don’t do any sports and
bodybuilders that want to get the most use out of their potential.


My personal recommendations,
supported by science literature and studies:

Sedentary Bodybuilders

Protein 1g 1.3 - 1.7g 1.8 - 2g

per kg bodyweight per kg bodyweight per kg bodyweight

Fats 0.5 - 1g 0.5 - 1g 0.5 - 1g

per kg bodyweight per kg bodyweight per kg bodyweight

rest of your rest of your rest of your

calories calories calories

Calculate your own macros by using these numbers:

Protein: 4.1 cals/g Fat: 9.3 cals/g Carbs: 4.1 cals/g

The ranges depend on whether you’re cutting bodyweight or

putting on weight & muscle. If you’re in a caloric deficit,
aim for the upper limit on protein intake and the lower-middle end
for fat intake. Avoid going below 0.5g per kg bodyweight of fat.

It is possible to lose/gain weight and muscle and not caring

about these numbers, but if you want to maximize your potential, bu-
ild muscle, recover from your workouts & feel good, then apply these!


2.3 How to control micronutrients

Now you know how to set up your calories and macros.
This is already a big step into the direction of a healthy & thri-
ving plant-based lifestyle! But what about micronutrients?
Aren’t vegans always iron, calcium and B12 deficient?
Micronutrients are essential for your body’s growth,
vitality, well being and general function! Contrary to popular opi-
nion, a whole-food plant-based diet takes care of most of the
micronutrients your body needs. That said, you should de-
finitely make sure that you’re getting 100% of everything,
so check the website:

Put in your stats and this site calculates your daily micronu-
trient (vitamins and minerals) needs. You’re missing nutrients?
Eat more legumes, whole grains, green vegetables, nuts & seeds,
fruit and all the good stuff! If you’re still not hit-
ting a certain nutrient, then consider supplementing
it. Some micronutrients & fats are more difficult to hit
when eating a plant-based diet, so I put together a list of supplements
I recommend to take!

2.4 How to use supplements

B12 Vitamin D Omega-3

250 mcg daily daily 250 mg daily
4000 IU


As a vegan you lack B12. This is a fact. Yes you CAN get
your B12 from fortified foods like soy milk or nutritional yeast,
but I highly recommend you just supplement with a B12 cyanocobalamin
supplement either once a week with 2.500 mcg or daily with 250 mcg.
A vitamin B12 deficiency does not set in immediately since you have a
B12 storage, but it’s super dangerous in the long-term if you don’t
supplement it.

B12 is involved in metabolism and making red blood cells. Defi-

ciencies can be devastating.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not just a vitamin vegans lack, human beings in ge-
neral don’t get enough Vitamin D because you get most of it
from the sun. Higher intakes than the ones recommended above
have shown benefits as well, but don’t go over 10.000 IU daily.

Vitamin D is important for bone health, testosterone produc

tion & the immune system.

Although you get ALA (short chain) Omega-3 from flaxseeds/chia
seeds, the ALA first has to get converted into EPA & DHA (long chain)
and since the conversion rates may be different for everyone, I re-
commend supplementing with an algae based omega-3 supplement.

Important for brain health, effects testosterone and insulin &

amino acid resonance.


for YOU to take right now

1 Determine your goal

2 Calculate your TDEE

3 Calculate your macronutrients

4 Check your micronutrients

5 Get started!


The Effortless Vegan provides you with a number of different

effortless vegan recipes that you can easily recreate (see Chapter
04)! But I also want to explain how you can actually create easy,
delicious and nutritious vegan meals yourself without ha-
ving to follow complicated recipes from the web! Now of
course you have to put in „effort“, but it’s not as complica-
ted as it seems when you apply this framework. There are two
parts you have to keep in mind when creating plant-based meals.


For the nutritious part you just need some basic ingredients:

Vegetables and fruit Carb source

Protein source Fat source

Protein and carb sources overlap in the plant-based diet, since

lentils & beans have both protein and carbs, but you get the point.
Imagine your meals like you’re putting together building blocks
of a new building! Aim for a decent amount of protein in your
meals, load up on the carbs to fuel your body, add fat sources
for extra taste and absorption of the other nutrients and vegeta-
bles/fruit for more micronutrients. Easy! Of course, this varies
and meals without a vegetable/carb/fat/protein source are legit
too, but this is a basic framework for your main meals every day.

Try to spread your daily protein intake over 2-3 or more meals
per day. Better for your digestion and protein absorption.



The taste of a meal comes down to the seaso-
ning and sauces/dips that you add to the meal!
Fat “holds” the taste. Ever wondered why mayonnai-
se or just really fat fries and burgers taste so good? Most-
ly because of the huge amounts of fat they contain.

I don’t want you to add large amounts of oil or margarine to

your meals, but rather that you choose healthy & delicious
fat sources that enhance your meals taste and nutrient wise.
I’m talking about: avocado, tahini, hummus, nuts, nut-but-
ters, coconut milk, homemade cashew creme etc!

Mustard dressings, tomato sauces & even ketchup are op-

tions as well! You just have to build a repertoire of five to
ten sauces/dips that you can use anytime you want and this
way create delicious meals. Don’t know which ones to use? Let’s
dive right into the meal plan for some inspiration!

Sauces, dips and cremes add texture and hold the taste of
your meal.

04 THE 7-DAY

This is the 1-Week Vegan Meal Plan that kickstarts your vegan
journey or puts your current plant-based diet on another level.
It contains easy & delicious daily recipes that you can use as a daily
inspiration and that you can even rotate for more than seven days!

I wrote all the specific calories & macronutrients next to the me-
als, so that you can look into my brain and extract how I create me-
als that are high in protein, delicious and contribute to a healthy
vegan diet. Everyone has different calorie & macro goals, so adjust
the amounts of food used to your daily goal! You won’t see results
by just following this plan, you need to eat calories and macros ac-
cording to your goals! I just provide you with seven example days.

Day 1 1.979 Calories I 284g Carbs I 60g Fat I 107g Protein


Calories Carbs
Tofu scramble: 150g tofu (crumbled), 3g oil for 329 35g
the pan, onions, bell pepper and mushrooms
Fat Protein
& one slice whole grain bread 13g 24g
Calories Carbs
Big salad: All kinds of raw vegetables, 495 71g
150g broccoli, 1/2 avocado mashed and
Fat Protein
200g chickpeas 17g 24g
Calories Carbs
392 73g

4 rice cakes, 1 banana, 3 tsp’s peanut butter and

100g other fruit Fat Protein
10g 8g
300g potatoes, 250g peas, 150g mushrooms + Calories Carbs
763 105g

onion + 3g oil, 100g seitan and 5g nutr. yeast

& sauce: 25g tahini, juice of 1/2 a lemon, Fat Protein
1 tsp cumin and some water
20g 51g

* Lentils, rice, tofu, potatoes, pasta, quinoa etc are measured in raw numbers.
** Peas, chickpeas, kidney beans are measured in cooked numbers, basically everything that you can buy pre-cooked.
*** Dinner and lunch the next day are mostly the same meals, this way you can cook more amount of food the night
before and use it for lunch the next day.

Day 2 2.004 Calories I 299g Carbs I 47g Fat I 123g Protein


Calories Carbs
Oatmeal: 30g oats + hot water, 5g flaxseeds, 338 42g
15g protein powder, 100g frozen berries and
Fat Protein
15g cashews 11g 20g
300g potatoes, 250g peas, 150g mushrooms + Calories Carbs
onion + 3g oil and 100g seitan & sauce:
744 103g
25g tahini, juice of 1/2 a lemon, Fat Protein
1 tsp cumin, some water
20g 48g
Calories Carbs
332 46g

20g almonds, 1 banana, 100g other fruit and

15g protein powder + water Fat Protein
10g 18g
Calories Carbs
300g kidney beans (out of a can), 150g corn, 590 108g

150-200g tomato sauce and 5g nutr. yeast

Fat Protein
& 150g broccoli at the side 6g 37g

Day 3 2.332 Calories I 337g Carbs I 65g Fat I 126g Protein


Calories Carbs
Intermittent fasting:
0 0g
(lemon) water, coffee or tea Fat Protein
0g 0g
Calories Carbs
Stir fry: 250g vegetables, 150g chickpeas
398 53g
and soy sauce & 20g cashews on top Fat Protein
14g 23g
Calories Carbs
4 slices whole grain bread, 1/2 avocado mashed, 632 83g

1 tomato, flaxseeds and lemon juice on top

Fat Protein
& 30g protein powder & 200g fruit (separately) 17g 41g
Burger patty: 200g red lentils, 50g raisins, bread Calories Carbs
1.302 201g

crumbs, 40g crushed walnuts and 2 tbsp mus-

tard & 2 burger buns (mustard/ketchup as sauce) Fat Protein
full recipe on: onegreenplanet. org (modified!)
34g 62g

* Lentils, rice, tofu, potatoes, pasta, quinoa etc are measured in raw numbers.
** Peas, chickpeas, kidney beans are measured in cooked numbers, basically everything that you can buy pre-cooked.
*** Dinner and lunch the next day are mostly the same meals, this way you can cook more amount of food the night
before and use it for lunch the next day.

Day 4 2.474 Calories I 377g Carbs I 56g Fat I 147g Protein


Calories Carbs
Smoothie: 150g frozen berries, 200ml plant milk, 410 58g
1 banana, 30g protein powder, 5g flaxseeds and
Fat Protein
60g spinach 6g 36g
Calories Carbs
300g sweet potatoes, 200g smoked tofu + 3g 800 105g
oil, 150g peas, 50g spinach cooked, 100g broccoli
Fat Protein
and 50g hummus 26g 44g
Calories Carbs
412 59g

6 carrots, 30g hummus as dip and 20g cashews

& 100g fruit Fat Protein
18g 9g
Calories Carbs
200g red lentil pasta, 150g mushrooms + onions, 852 155g

3g oil for the pan, 200g tomato sauce and 5g

Fat Protein
nutr. yeast & 100g corn on the side 6g 58g

Day 5 2.566 Calories I 422g Carbs I 51g Fat I 132g Protein


Smoothie bowl: 150g frozen berries, 1 banana, Calories Carbs

30g protein powder, 5g flaxseeds and
448 73g
40g spinach & toppings: puffed quinoa Fat Protein
and 20g granola
5g 31g
Calories Carbs
200g red lentil pasta, 150g mushrooms + onions, 852 155g
3g oil for the pan, 200g tomato sauce and 5g
Fat Protein
nutr. yeast & 100g corn on the side 6g 58g
Calories Carbs
200g soy yogurt, 150g fruit, 15g almonds and 547 66g

cocoa powder & one serving (102g) vegan

Fat Protein
Ben & Jerry´s 28g 15g
Calories Carbs
200g gnocchi, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 150g mixed 719 128g

vegetables, 200g peas, 100g kidney beans,

Fat Protein
1 tsp olive oil and 10 olives 12g 28g

* Lentils, rice, tofu, potatoes, pasta, quinoa etc are measured in raw numbers.
** Peas, chickpeas, kidney beans are measured in cooked numbers, basically everything that you can buy pre-cooked.
*** Dinner and lunch the next day are mostly the same meals, this way you can cook more amount of food the night
before and use it for lunch the next day.

Day 6 2.152 Calories I 483g Carbs I 65g Fat I 125g Protein


Calories Carbs
300g soy yogurt, 100g frozen berries, 5g flax-
274 25g
seeds and 10g protein powder Fat Protein
9g 22g
Calories Carbs
200g gnocchi, 2 tbsp tomato paste, 150g mixed 737 130g
vegetables, 200g peas, 100g kidney beans,
Fat Protein
1 tsp olive oil, 10 olives and 5g nutr. yeast 12g 31g
Calories Carbs
167 21g

100g fruit,
celery stalks and 3 tbsp peanut butter Fat Protein
8g 5g
Calories Carbs
Wraps: 2 tortilla wraps, 300g tofu (crumbled), 974 117g

chopped vegetables, 50g red lentils,

Fat Protein
1/2 avocado (mashed) and 100g corn 36g 67g

Day 7 2.567 Calories I 376g Carbs I 66g Fat I 157g Protein


Vegan pancakes: mix 60g oat flour, 40g protein Calories Carbs
powder, 1 tbsp baking powder and cinnamon.
746 105g
Then mix 1 mashed banana and plant milk. Fat Protein
Mix it all, put it in a pan & add toppings.
17g 51g
Calories Carbs
2 tortilla wraps, 300g tofu (crumbled), chopped 974 117g
vegetables, 50g red lentils,
Fat Protein
1/2 avocado (mashed) and 100g corn 36g 67g
Calories Carbs
103 26g

200g fruit
Fat Protein
0g 1g
Calories Carbs
744 128

75g quinoa, 250g chickpeas, 200g tomato sauce,

100g mushrooms, indian spices and 150g broccoli Fat Protein
13g 38g

* Lentils, rice, tofu, potatoes, pasta, quinoa etc are measured in raw numbers.
** Peas, chickpeas, kidney beans are measured in cooked numbers, basically everything that you can buy pre-cooked.
*** Dinner and lunch the next day are mostly the same meals, this way you can cook more amount of food the night
before and use it for lunch the next day.

Carbs: Fat: Protein:

(Sweet) potatoes Avocado Peas

Rice Chia seeds Chickpeas

Quinoa Flaxseeds Kidney beans

Oats Nuts Bean pasta

Buckwheat Nut butters Lentils

Bulgur Tahini Tofu

Pasta Hummus Tempeh

Gnocchi (vegan) Olive oil Seitan

Tortilla wraps Coconut oil Bread

Tomato sauce Dark chocolate Protein powder

(Dried) fruit Ice cream Soy products

Vegetables Wheat products

General guideline: Orient yourself towards these 6 groups of

food: fruit, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.


The Effortless Vegan ebook was created to give you a

head start into vegan nutrition knowledge! After you
read through it you can set up your own weight loss
/weight gain diet, know what to take care of in order to
be a healthy vegan and have lots of meal examples
at your disposal. That said, now you need to take action
and follow the advice in this ebook! In the be-
ginning you have to discipline yourself, but after
a while it becomes a routine and you understand that
you have your nutrition & well-being in your own hands.

If you liked this nutrition ebook to start off, but want

to really change your body, confidence and ultimately life,
then I’m here to do just that. I offer fulltime coaching,
nutrition protocols, meal plans and workout routines
that are customized to your needs & wants and with
my help you’ll achieve the body you always wanted.

Email me here: [email protected] or check out my web-

site and we will transform YOU!

I want to THANK YOU for getting The Effortless
Vegan and for supporting me all over social me-
dia with your love, it really means the world to me!

If you recreate my meals from the vegan meal

plan, start your body transformation journey or
in general use this guide to win in 2018, then
use the hashtag #FTEV (Fritzness The Effortless Ve-
gan) on Instagram, so that you can support & motivate
each other and I can see who is starting their journey!

Read through the nutrition guide, apply my prin-

ciples and live the life of an Effortless Vegan!



Fritz is not a doctor or registered dietitian.

The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advi-
ce. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health
problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.
Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any
matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this pro-
gram is strictly at your own risk. The author will not assume any
liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result
including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death.

All the documents included are intellectual property of FRITZNESS and

are not to be copied, sold or distributed without my written consent.


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