sm1 086a PDF
sm1 086a PDF
sm1 086a PDF
KNOWN: Solar radiation is incident on an asphalt paving.
FIND: Relevant heat transfer processes.
q conv Convection heat transfer from the surface to the air, and
q ′′cond Conduction heat transfer from the surface into the asphalt.
q S,abs − q ′′rad − q ′′conv = q ′′cond .
COMMENTS: (1) q ′′cond and q ′′conv could be evaluated from Eqs. 1.1 and 1.3, respectively.
(2) It has been assumed that the pavement surface temperature is higher than that of the
underlying pavement and the air, in which case heat transfer by conduction and
convection are from the surface.
(3) For simplicity, radiation incident on the pavement due to atmospheric emission has been
ignored (see Section 12.8 for a discussion). Eq. 1.6 may then be used for the absorbed
solar irradiation and Eq. 1.5 may be used to obtain the emitted radiation q ′′rad .
dT ⎤
qS,abs − ε σ Ts4 − h ( Ts − T∞ ) = − k .
dx ⎥⎦ s