sm1 064 PDF
sm1 064 PDF
sm1 064 PDF
KNOWN: Inner surface heating and new environmental conditions associated with a spherical shell of
prescribed dimensions and material.
FIND: (a) Governing equation for variation of wall temperature with time. Initial rate of temperature
change, (b) Steady-state wall temperature, (c) Effect of convection coefficient on canister temperature.
ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible temperature gradients in wall, (2) Constant properties, (3) Uniform,
time-independent heat flux at inner surface.
PROPERTIES: Table A.1, Stainless Steel, AISI 302: ρ = 8055 kg/m3, c p = 535 J/kg⋅K.
& − E& &
ANALYSIS: (a) Performing an energy balance on the shell at an instant of time, E in out = Est .
Identifying relevant processes and solving for dT/dt,
( ) ( ) ( 4
q′′i 4π ri2 − h 4π ro2 ( T − T∞ ) = ρ π ro3 − ri3 c p
dT 3 ⎡ q′′i ri2 − hro2 ( T − T∞ ) ⎤ .
p (
dt ρ c r 3 − r 3 ⎣o i ) ⎦
q′′i ⎛ ri ⎞
105 W/m 2 ⎛ 0.5m ⎞
T = T∞ + ⎜ ⎟ = 300K + ⎜ ⎟ = 439K <
h ⎝ ro ⎠ 500W/m 2 ⋅ K ⎝ 0.6m ⎠
Continued …..
PROBLEM 1.64 (Cont.)
(c) Parametric calculations were performed using the IHT First Law Model for an Isothermal Hollow
Sphere. As shown below, there is a sharp increase in temperature with decreasing values of h < 1000
W/m2⋅K. For T > 380 K, boiling will occur at the canister surface, and for T > 410 K a condition known
as film boiling (Chapter 10) will occur. The condition corresponds to a precipitous reduction in h and
increase in T.
Temperature, T(K)
100 400 800 2000 6000 10000
Although the canister remains well below the melting point of stainless steel for h = 100 W/m2⋅K, boiling
should be avoided, in which case the convection coefficient should be maintained at h > 1000 W/m2⋅K.
COMMENTS: The governing equation of part (a) is a first order, nonhomogenous differential equation
( )
with constant coefficients. Its solution is θ = ( S/R ) 1 − e − Rt + θi e − Rt , where θ ≡ T − T∞ ,
( ) ( )
S ≡ 3q′′i ri2 / ρ c p ro3 − ri3 , R = 3hro2 /ρ cp ro3 − ri3 . Note results for t → ∞ and for S = 0.