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Wild Talents Reference Wild Talents Reference

Character Costs Superpower Qualities and Costs

Stats 5 per die Base Will 3 per Base Will point Attacks (2): Inflicts width in Defends (2): Allows a defense Useful (2): Does . . . something
Hyperstats 4 per die Willpower 1 per Willpower point Shock and Killing. roll to “gobble” attack dice. else.
Skills 2 per die Superpowers 2 per quality per die Extra Attacks levels (1 each): Extra Defends levels (1 each): Extra Useful levels (1 each):
Hyperskills 1 per die Each adds +1 Shock and Killing. Each adds +1 “gobble die.” Each offsets one penalty die.

Stats and Skills Extras Spray

Add Stat + Skill to determine your dice pool. Base Will = Charm + Command. Area +1
Augment +4 Traumatic +1 Manufacturable +2
Body Mind Booster +1 Useable By Others +2 Operational Skill +0
Athletics First Aid Research Burn +2 Variable Effect +4 Secret +1
Block Knowledge (Type) Security Systems Controlled Effect +1 Flaws Unwieldy –1 or –2
Brawling Language (Type) Streetwise Daze +1 Fragile –1
Always On –1
Endurance Medicine Survival Deadly +1 or +2 Full Power Only –1
Armored Defense –2
Melee Weapon (Type) Navigation Tactics Disintegrate +2 Go Last –1
Attached –1 or –2
Duration +2 Horrifying –1
Automatic –1
Coordination Charm Electrocuting +1 Backfires –2
If/Then –1
Lie Endless +3 Limited Damage –1
Dodge Base Will Cost –4
Performance (Type) Engulf +2 Limited Width –1
Driving (Type) Delayed Effect –2
Persuasion Go First +1 Locational –1
Ranged Weapon (Type) Depleted –1
Hardened Defense +2 Loopy –1
Stealth Direct Feed –2
Command High Capacity (Type) +1 Exhausted –3
Mental Strain –2
Touch Only –2
Sense Interrogation Stability Interference +3 Focus –1
No Physical Change –1
Empathy Scrutiny Intimidation Native Power +1 Accessible –1
Leadership No Physics +1 Obvious –1
Perception Adaptation –2
No Upward Limit +2 One Use –4
Booby-Trapped +1
Non-Physical +2 Reduced Capacities –1
Bulky –1
Spending Willpower Gaining Willpower On Sight +1 Crew –1
Scattered Damage –1
Gift: Donate WP to an ally. Rest: Gain 1 WP per night up to Base Will. Self Only –3
Penetration +1 Delicate –1
Improvement: Improve a Stat, Skill or superpow- Heroism: Gain 1 WP for voluntarily risking your- Slow –2
Permanent +4 Durable +1
er, usually during “down time”. self to protect another. Uncontrollable –2
Power Capacity (Type) +1 or +2 Environment-Bound –1
Inspiration: Pay 1 WP to gain a bonus die Performance: Gain 1 WP for spectacular action. Willpower Bid –1
Radius +2 Friends Only +2
Intuition: Add 1d to Sense for the declaration Luck: Gain 1 WP for rolling a set at height 10 Willpower Cost –2
Speeding Bullet +2 Immutable –1
phase only. (Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice don’t count). Willpower Investment –1
Resist Influence: Pay 1 WP to reduce the width
of an effect on you by 1.
Victory: If you defeat a superhuman, gain his or
her Base Will in WP.
Wild Talents Dice
Normal Dice (d): Roll no more than 10d and look Bonus Dice: Add +1d or +2d due to preparation,
Shake It Off: Pay 1 WP for –1 Shock damange, Loyalty: Gain WP by supporting, serving and
for sets of matching dice. Dice penalties remove aiming, or some other advantage before rolling.
or 2 WP for –1 Killing. protecting the subject of your loyalty, and get-
normal dice after Hard Dice. Penalty Dice: Each removes one die from your dice
Stay Alive: One round for 1 WP. ting recognition and other affirmation for it.
Hard Dice (hd): Set each hd to “10” before rolling pool: Hard Dice, then normal dice, then Wiggle Dice.
Wake Up: Pay 1 WP to gain an Endurance roll to Passion: Gain WP by fulfilling your personal
the rest. Dice penalties remove Hard Dice first. Gobble Dice: Each removes one die from an oppos-
regain consciousness. passion in some way.
Wiggle Dice (wd): Set each wd to any value you ing set of equal or lesser height and width.
want after rolling the rest. Dice penalties remove Loose Dice: Dice that don’t match any others in the
Zero Willpower Wiggle Dice last. roll.
Each power’s Hard Dice and Wiggle Dice become normal dice; all power dice pools are halved. Any further
Willpower loss comes from Base Will instead.
Insubstantiality (A D U+1; 6 per die) other powers by “transferring” Psychic Arti-
Wild Talents Reference You can become completely immaterial. facts dice into the new powers.

Invisibility (D U; 5 per die) Puppet (U; 4 per die)

Miracle Cafeteria Turn invisible. Take over a target’s mind.

Invulnerability (D D U; 20 per die) Regeneration (U; 5 per die)

Aces (A D U; 12 per die) Duplicates (D U U; 12 per die)
Gain immunity to dangerous environments Heal width in Shock and Killing on each of
Add your dice to some other action, at a cost Create duplicates of yourself to perform mul-
and armor that resists weapon damage and your own hit locations each round.
of 1/2/4 WP per die thrown. tiple actions and augment your actions.
Resilient (U; 3 per die)
Alternate Forms (A D U; 18 per die) Elasticity (U; 2 per die)
Jinx (A D U; 8 per die) Heal width in Shock on each of your own hit
Change your shape and “transfer” dice from Stretch and contort your body.
Each die removes one die of equal or lesser locations each round, after combat ends.
Alternate Forms to some other power appro-
height from an opponent’s dice pool, at a cost
priate to the new shape. Extra Tough (U; 5 per die)
of 1/2/4 WP per Jinx die. Sidekick (D U; 6 per die)
Gain width in additional wound boxes on each
Manifest an entity that acts on its own.
Bind (U; 4 per die) hit location.
Light Armor (D; 3 per die)
Immobilize a target or object at a distance.
Gain width in LAR. Size Shift (D U; 5 per die)
Flight (D U; 4 per die)
Increase or decrease your size.
Block (D; 2 per die) You can fly!
Mind Control (U; 2 per die)
Defend against an attack.
Control the target’s behavior. Telekinesis (A D U; 10 per die)
Gadgeteering (A D U U; 16 per die)
Move objects with your mind.
Containment (D U; 14 per die) Create gadgets that emulate other powers by
Minions (U; 4 per die)
Hold things in place at a distance. “transferring” Gadgeteering dice into the new
Summon a group of minions. Telepathy (A D U; 8 per die)
Read minds.
Control (Type) (A D U; 6 per die)
Multiple Actions (U; 2 per die)
Manipulate some energy or substance. If you Ghost (D U; 6 per die)
Gain bonus dice with multiple actions. Teleportation (A D U; 6 per die)
can manipulate something with mass, Control Manifest a semi-substantial clone that can
Move instantly from one place to another.
has no range unless you take the Power wander while your own body sleeps.
Nullify (Type) (U; 4 per die)
Capacity (Range) Extra.
Nullify one Archetype Source, at a cost of Time Fugue (D U; 11 per die)
Harm (A; 2 per die)
1/2/4 Willpower per die thrown. Freeze time for a single target, removing dice
Cosmic Power (A D U; 21 per die) Attack for width in Shock and Killing damage.
from all the target’s actions.
Manifest any power you wish by “transferring”
Perceive (Type) (U; 2 per die)
dice from Cosmic Power to the new power. Healing (U+1; 1 per die)
Sense some stimulus outside normal human Transform (Type) (U; 4 per die)
Heal width in Shock and Killing damage.
awareness. Either change a particular substance to
Create (Type) (A D U; 6 per die)
anything else, or transform anything to a
Create some substance or energy out of thin Heavy Armor (D; 6 per die)
Power Mimic (A D U; 15 per die) particular substance.
air. Each die removes one die of equal or lesser
Touch a target to copy his or her powers by
height from each attack against you.
“transferring” Power Mimic dice into the Unconventional Move (U; 2 per die)
Custom Hit Locations (U; 2 per die)
copied powers. Move in a way that ordinary humans can’t.
Rearrange your hit locations and wound Illusions (A D U; 6 per die)
boxes. Make the target see, hear, feel or smell any-
Precognition (U; 2 per die) Vicious (A+1; 6 per die)
thing you want.
Get answers to questions about the future, at Add damage to any attack.
Dead Ringer (U; 7 per die)
a cost of 1/2/4 WP per die.
Change your appearance to impersonate Immunity (Type) (U; 3 per die)
Willpower Battery (U; 2 per die)
anyone or anything of about the same size. You are immune to some otherwise dangerous
Psychic Artifacts (A D U; 18 per die) Store Willpower to fuel powers.
substance or environment.
Create immaterial objects that can emulate

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