2011 Utah Big Game Guidebook
2011 Utah Big Game Guidebook
2011 Utah Big Game Guidebook
wildlife.utah.gov Utah Big Game • 2011
Utah Big Game • 2011
Who makes the rules?
The Utah Wildlife Board passes the rules What’s new this season?
and laws summarized in this guidebook.
There are seven board members, and Nine-day rifle deer hunt in most areas: In
each serves a six-year term. Appointed by the 2011, the general-season rifle deer hunt will be
governor, board members are not Division extended to nine days, running from Oct. 22–30
employees. across most of Utah. For a complete list of season
The Division’s director serves as the dates, please see page 6.
board’s executive secretary but does not have Shorter deer hunt in a few areas: There are
a vote on wildlife policies. a few hunting units where the general-season
Before board members make changes rifle deer hunt will be shortened to five days.
to wildlife rules, they listen to recommenda- In 2011, the hunting season will last from Oct.
tions from Division biologists. They also 22–26 on the following units: Oquirrh-Stansbury;
receive input from the public and various Monroe; Plateau, Boulder/Kaiparowits; and South
interest groups via the regional advisory Slope, Vernal. For a complete list of season dates
council (RAC) process. in those four units, please see page 6.
If you have feedback or suggestions for
board members, you can find their contact Attention Dedicated Hunters: Before you
information online at wildlife.utah.gov. sign up for the program this year, you need to
be aware of changes that may occur during
Wildlife Board members your enrollment. To learn more, please see the
Jake Albrecht Rick Woodard, Chair information box on page 24.
Del Brady Ernie Perkins, Vice Chair
Bill Fenimore James F. Karpowitz,
Tom Hatch Division Director
Keele Johnson Executive Secretary
And keep in mind
Utah Big Game • 2011
How many permits will
be available in 2011? Hunting license required: Before you can
The Utah Wildlife Board will set permit apply for a 2011 big game permit, bonus point
numbers for both the big game and antler- or preference point, you must have a valid Utah
less hunts when it meets on May 5, 2011. hunting or combination license. Please see pages
This meeting occurs after the big game 10–11 for more information.
application period and before the antlerless
Mandatory reporting: Many big game
application period.
hunters must report hunt information within 30
Division biologists will collect and ana-
calendar days after the end of the hunting season
lyze the most recent harvest and population (even if they did not harvest an animal). To see if
data before making their recommendations you are required to report—and to learn how to
to the Wildlife Board. report—see the information box on page 27 or
visit wildlife.utah.gov/harvestreporting.
Apply online for depredation hunts:
Occasionally, the Division issues depredation Collecting shed antlers: If you want to collect
permits. These permits allow hunters to remove shed antlers and horns from Feb. 1 to April 15, you
nuisance animals that affect homeowners and must complete an online course. You will receive a
livestock. To apply for a depredation permit, visit course-completion certificate that you must carry
wildlife.utah.gov/depredation. on your person while collecting the antlers and
horns. For more information, see page 22.
Guidebook correction: If errors are found in
Utah Big Game • 2011
Sportsman and
Utah Big Game • 2011
Bighorn sheep permit Dedicated Hunter
Utah Big Game • 2011
Are you planning to hunt big game in Utah this year? Before you apply for a permit,
make sure you meet Utah’s age, hunter education, license and permit requirements.
While in the field, the youth and the see the information box on page 11 or visit
adult must remain close enough for the wildlife.utah.gov/huntereducation.
adult to see and provide verbal assistance to
the young hunter. Using electronic devices,
such as walkie-talkies or cell phones, does
not meet this requirement.
Do you have a license? Do you have a permit?
It’s required: Hunter ties, you should register for and complete the
education hunter education course as soon as possible
If you were born after 1965, you must take after purchasing your registration certificate.
and successfully complete the state’s hunter After completing the course, you will
education course. It’s an easy process: receive your official hunter education card
1. Obtain a hunter education registra- (commonly known as the “blue card”) by mail.
tion certificate. Each certificate costs only It will be sent to the address listed on your
$10, and you can obtain them online at registration certificate. This card certifies that
wildlife.utah.gov or over the counter from the you passed hunter education.
Division or a license agent. You should also keep the following in mind:
2. Register for a class with your local • Hunters under the age of 16 must be ac-
hunter education instructor. companied by an adult while hunting.
3. Take your registration certificate to your • Regardless of when a student graduates,
instructor on the first night of class. all hunting regulations (such as season
4. Successfully complete the course— dates and bag limits) will apply.
your instructor will then validate your • Students who are planning to hunt out
certificate. The validated certificate serves as of state should allow enough time for
Utah Big Game • 2011
serve as nonresident fishing licenses. Before you apply for a big game hunt,
it’s important to know whether you are a
legal resident of the state of Utah. See the
definition of residency on pages 51–52 to
determine whether you are a resident or a
• You drew a limited-entry, premium your customer ID and your date of birth in order
limited-entry or once-in-a-lifetime to withdraw your application. For each new
permit in 2010, but you didn’t submit application you submit, you will be charged a $10
a harvest report. nonrefundable application fee.
• You don’t have a hunting or combina- If you need help with your online application,
tion license. please call any Division office before 6 p.m. on
March 3. A Division employee will be available to May 31: Drawing results available
Utah Big Game • 2011
assist you! You’ll be notified of your drawing results by
e-mail. You can also learn your drawing results
March 10: Deadline for bonus/prefer- by visiting wildlife.utah.gov or by calling 1-800-
ence points 221-0659, starting May 31, 2011.
If you plan to apply for bonus or preference To protect applicants’ privacy—and to comply
points only, the deadline is March 10, 2011 with changes in governmental records access
at 11 p.m. laws—you’ll receive access to only your own
Visit wildlife.utah.gov to submit your applica- drawing results.
tion, and please remember that you must have a If you draw a permit, you’ll receive your
valid Utah hunting or combination license in order permit in the mail in June.
to apply for a point. If your permit requires you to complete an
March 14: Deadline for withdrawing online orientation course, you must first complete
your application the course in order to receive your permit.
If you decide not to hunt, you can withdraw Please be aware that if you receive your
your online permit application at no cost until 11 permit, and then the credit card you used for pay-
p.m. on March 14, 2011. ment is refused, your permit is not valid.
Please remember that the $10 application fee July 19: Remaining limited-entry
is not refundable. permits available
Any limited-entry permits remaining after
the big game drawing will be available begin-
More youth permits ning July 19 at 7 a.m. You can buy permits at
Twenty percent of the general buck wildlife.utah.gov and at license agent locations
deer permits in each region are reserved and Division offices.
for hunters who will be 18 years of age or Remaining permits are available on a first-
younger on Aug. 20, 2011 (the opening day come, first-served basis. You must have a valid
of the general archery buck deer season). hunting license or a combination license to buy
If you meet the age requirements, you one of these permits.
can participate in the youth drawing by A license agent list is available at
submitting an application as an individual wildlife.utah.gov/licenses/agent.html. Before you
hunter. You won’t be included in the youth visit any of the agents, contact them to verify their
drawing if you apply as a member of a group. hours of operation.
If you do not obtain a permit in the
July 27: Remaining general season buck
drawing, you may still have an opportunity
deer permits available
to hunt. An additional 1,500 youth archery
Any general season buck deer permits remain-
deer permits will be available to young
ing after the drawing may be obtained beginning
hunters beginning July 27, 2011.
Utah Big Game • 2011
Drawing process Applying as a group
Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-19 Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-7 and R657-62-19
Big game permits are drawn in the Instead of applying as an individual
following order: hunter, you and your friends and family can
• First—buck deer (premium limited- apply together as a group.
entry, limited-entry, CWMU and Both residents and nonresidents can
management buck deer) apply together. However, if you’re a Utah
• Second—bull elk (premium limited- resident and you decide to apply with
entry, limited-entry and CWMU) a nonresident, make sure nonresident
• Third—buck pronghorn (limited- permits are available for each hunt your
entry and CWMU) group is applying for. If nonresident permits
• Fourth—once-in-a-lifetime are not available for a hunt your group is
• Fifth—youth general buck deer applying for, the nonresident and everyone
• Sixth—general buck deer and else in the group—including the Utah
general buck/bull combination residents—will not be allowed to draw for
• Last—youth any bull elk that hunt unit.
Up to four hunters can apply together
Because of the order in which permits
for limited-entry, premium limited-entry
are drawn, you won’t be included in the
and resident CWMU deer, elk or pronghorn
drawing for a once-in-a-lifetime permit if
permits. Group applications are not ac-
you draw any of the following permits:
cepted for management buck deer hunts.
• Buck deer (limited-entry, premium
Up to 10 hunters can apply together
limited-entry, CWMU or management
for general buck deer and buck/bull
buck deer)
combination permits.
• Bull elk (limited-entry, premium
NOTE: If you’re a youth, and you want
limited-entry or CWMU)
to be included among those who draw for
• Buck pronghorn (limited-entry
buck deer permits that are reserved for
or CWMU)
youth, you must apply as an individual
hunter. Do NOT apply as part of a group.
A license agent list is available at Please see page 14 for more information
wildlife.utah.gov/licenses/agent.html. Before you about youth hunting opportunities.
visit any of the agents, contact them to verify their Up to two youths may apply together
hours of operation. for youth any bull elk permits.
July 27: General bull permits available If your group is successful in the draw-
General bull elk permits may be obtained ing, all of the applicants in your group who
beginning at 7 a.m. on July 27, 2011 at have valid applications will receive a permit.
wildlife.utah.gov and from license agents and
Division offices. General bull elk permits are avail- A license agent list is available at
able on a first-come, first-served basis. You must wildlife.utah.gov/licenses/agent.html. Before you
have a valid hunting license or a combination visit any of the agents, contact them to verify their
license to buy a general bull elk permit. hours of operation.
Waiting periods
Utah Big Game • 2011
Once-in-a-lifetime permits
Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-19 CWMU, conservation,
Bull moose, bison, Rocky Mountain bighorn convention and landowner
sheep, desert bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain permits
goat permits are once-in-a-lifetime permits. Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-19
For example, if you obtain a once-in-a-lifetime If you obtain a limited-entry CWMU, conser-
permit, such as a bull moose permit, you may not vation, convention or landowner permit—for
apply for or obtain a bull moose permit again. deer, elk or pronghorn—you won’t be subject to
You can still apply for once-in-a-lifetime spe- a waiting period.
cies that you haven’t drawn a permit for, however. The rules regarding CWMU and once-in-a-
Also, if you’ve been convicted of unlawfully lifetime permits are as follows:
taking a once-in-a-lifetime species, you may • If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime
never apply for or obtain a permit for that permit in the public drawing in the past, you
species again. may buy a once-in-a-lifetime permit from a
landowner or a CWMU operator.
Permits obtained after the • If you have not obtained a once-in-a-
drawing lifetime permit in the public drawing—and
Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-15 you buy a once-in-a-lifetime permit from a
If you’re under a waiting period for a certain landowner or a CWMU operator—you may
species, you can still obtain any permit that re- not obtain a permit in the public drawing
mains for that species after the drawing, but your for that species in the future.
waiting period will start all over again. • If you have obtained a once-in-a-lifetime
For example, if you have two years left on your permit in the wildlife convention drawing,
bull elk waiting period, and you buy a limited- you may not apply for that species in any
entry bull elk permit that remains available after other public drawing.
the drawing, you’ll begin a new five-year waiting
period that will prevent you from applying for a Bonus points
limited-entry bull elk permit for the next five years. Utah Admin. Rule R657-62-8
If you’re not already under a waiting period— Utah’s bonus point system has been put in
and you obtain a limited-entry or once-in-a- place to increase your chance of drawing a big
lifetime permit that remains available after the game permit.
drawing—you will lose your bonus points for Every time you apply for a limited-entry,
that species and incur a waiting period. premium limited-entry, management buck deer,
you are unsuccessful in drawing a limited-entry,
Draw a permit, receive a considered, and before all of the groups or
(1.5) and rounded down to one. You and your ence points
hunting companion would then be included in the If you obtain a general season buck deer
1 preference point group. permit, and then you find that you won’t be able
Applications in the 1 preference point group to use it, you can get your preference points back
are considered after all the groups or individuals if you surrender the permit before the season
with two or more preference points have been begins. You’ll also receive a preference point for
that year and be eligible to purchase reallocated Members of the group may not surrender
Utah Big Game • 2011
permits or permits that are still available after their permits individually unless the surrender
the drawing. occurs because of:
Refunds are subject to Utah Code § 23-19- • Activation in the military
38. Please see Sales final on page 21 for more • An injury that will prevent the individual
information. from hunting
• Death
How permit surrender affects waiting Refunds are subject to Utah Code § 23-19-
periods 38. Please see Sales final on page 21 for more
If you surrender your permit before the season information.
begins, the waiting period will be waived. General
season permits are not subject to waiting periods. How permit surrender affects waiting
Groups If members of a group surrender their permits
How permit surrender affects bonus before the season begins, the waiting period will
points be waived. General season permits are not subject
If you obtain a permit through a group ap- to waiting periods.
plication—and then you decide to surrender it— Dedicated hunters
you will not have your bonus points reinstated or If you’re enrolled in the Dedicated Hunter
earn a new point unless your entire group meets program, and you decide to surrender your
the following conditions: permit, you must return it to the Division before
• All group members must surrender their Aug. 20, 2011 (the day the general archery deer
permits season opens).
• Permit surrenders must occur more than 30
days before the start of the season Private landowner and
Members of the group may not surrender CWMU permit holders
their permits individually unless the surrender If you obtain a limited-entry landowner
occurs because of: permit or a CWMU permit, you can surrender it.
• Activation in the military Limited-entry private landowner permits
• An injury that will prevent the individual must be surrendered before the season the permit
from hunting was issued for opens.
• Death To surrender a CWMU permit, there are two
Refunds are subject to Utah Code § 23-19- options. If possible, you should surrender your
38. Please see Sales final on page 21 for more CWMU permit before the CWMU season opening
information. dates listed on page 6.
To surrender your permit after the CWMU
How permit surrender affects prefer- season has started, you and the person who
ence points
In some cases, you can still receive a refund please contact the agency. The Division has
Turn In a Poacher
Please see Utah Code § 23-19-38.2 and Utah
Utah Big Game • 2011
Admin. Rule R657-42 at wildlife.utah.gov/rules for Gathering shed antlers
more information. Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-22
You may possess antlers or horns—or
Duplicate licenses parts of antlers or horns—that were
Utah Code § 23-19-10 & Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-5 obtained:
Q—If I lose my license or permit, can I get • From lawfully harvested big game
another one? • By lawfully meeting the require-
A—Yes. If your unexpired license or permit ments listed in the “Purchasing or
is destroyed, lost or stolen, you can obtain a Selling Big Game or Their Parts” rule
duplicate from a Division office or a license agent (see Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-21 at
for $10 or half of the price of the original license wildlife.utah.gov/rules)
or permit, whichever is less. • From lawfully gathered antlers or
To obtain a duplicate, the Division may require horns shed by big game animals
that you sign an affidavit testifying that the You may gather shed antlers or horns—
license or permit was lost, stolen or destroyed. or parts of shed antlers or horns—state-
If you drew a license or permit, but you never wide, but there are a couple of seasonal
received it, the Division may waive the fee that requirements.
you would normally have to pay to get From Feb. 1 to April 15, 2011, you must
a duplicate. have an antler-gathering certificate on
your person while collecting shed antlers
Permit exchanges
or horns. You can obtain this certificate free
Q—I’d like to exchange my general buck
of charge by visiting wildlife.utah.gov and
deer permit, or my general bull elk permit, for
completing an online education course. You
a general season permit for a different region
do not need an antler-gathering certificate
or area. Or, I’d like to exchange my general buck
at any other time of the year.
deer or bull elk permit to hunt during a different
“Shed antlers” are antlers that a big
season in the region or area I obtained the permit
game animal has dropped naturally as part
for. Can I do that?
of its annual life cycle. Shed antlers have
A—You can exchange your permit for
a rounded base that’s commonly called an
another available region or area, but you must ex-
antler button or burr.
change your permit for a permit for the same spe-
A “shed horn” is the sheath from the
cies and sex. For example, you cannot exchange a
horn of a pronghorn that the animal has
buck deer permit for a bull elk permit.
dropped naturally as part of its annual life
You can also exchange your permit to hunt
cycle. Pronghorn are the only big game
during a different season in the region or area
animals that shed their horns.
you obtained a permit for. For example, you can
exchange your general muzzleloader deer permit
If you’d like to exchange a Dedicated Hunter
Long season dates — and the ability to hunt November 23, 2011: Application
almost every hunting unit in Utah — make deadline
sportsman permits the most prized permits of- You must apply online or by phone no later
fered to Utah’s public hunters. than Nov. 23, 2011. There’s an 11 p.m. deadline
Only Utah residents can apply for sportsman for online applications and a 6 p.m. deadline
permits. One sportsman permit is usually offered for phone applications. To apply, simply visit
each year for each of the following species: buck wildlife.utah.gov or call any Division office.
deer, buck pronghorn, bull elk, bull moose, desert
bighorn sheep (ram), Rocky Mountain bighorn
November 23, 2011: Withdrawing your
sheep (ram), hunter’s choice bison (excluding An- application
telope Island) and hunter’s choice Rocky Mountain If you decide not to hunt, you can withdraw
goat. Sportsman permits are also offered for black your online permit application at no cost until 11
bear, cougar and wild turkey. p.m. on Nov. 23, 2011.
Bonus points cannot be earned or used in the Please remember that the $10 application fee
sportsman drawings. is not refundable.
required to apply.
cies, you will be given a lifetime waiting period for
that species.
Utah Big Game • 2011
license and permit fees on page 9.) However, you Loyalty points are only valid in the following
Utah’s Cooperative Wildlife Management Unit can, however, obtain a permit voucher directly
(CWMU) program provides landowners with an from the CWMU landowner or operator.
economic incentive to keep their private range For more information on redeeming a
and forest lands as productive wildlife habitat. voucher and using a CWMU permit, please
The landowners receive vouchers for hunting visit wildlife.utah.gov/cwmu and click the Infor-
permits, which they can sell for profit, as long as mation tab.
they also allow a percentage of public hunters on If you draw a permit to hunt on a CWMU,
their lands. you must contact the CWMU operator to obtain
CWMUs comprise more than two million essential information about when and where
acres of land in Utah. They will provide more than you’ll be hunting. The operator will also provide
3,400 hunting permits for bucks and bulls in the CWMU rules.
2011. About 14 percent of those permits are avail- For more information on CWMU season dates,
able to the general public through the state’s big see page 6. For information on individual CWMU
game drawing. properties, visit wildlife.utah.gov/cwmu.
ply for a CWMU permit in the public drawing. You your harvest report online.
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
Muzzleloader hunts
Hunt # Hunt name Season dates
1506 Northern Sep. 28–Oct. 6
1507 Northeastern* Sep. 28–Oct. 6
1508 Central* Sep. 28–Oct. 6
1509 Southeastern Sep. 28–Oct. 6
1510 Southern* Sep. 28–Oct. 6
Muzzleloader hunts
Hunt # Hunt name Season dates
1005 Henry Mountains Sep. 28–Oct. 6
1006 Paunsaugunt Sep. 28–Oct. 6
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
* Public lands only • † USFS lands west of I-15 only
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
* Public lands only • † USFS lands west of I-15 only
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Public lands only
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Public lands only
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
Muzzleloader hunts
Hunt # Hunt name Season dates
3075 Beaver Sep. 28–Oct. 6
3076 Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek-South Sep. 28–Oct. 6
3077 Book Cliffs, Little Creek (Roadless) Sep. 28–Oct. 6
3078 Cache, Meadowville Sep. 28–Oct. 6
3079 Cache, North Sep. 28–Oct. 6
3080 Cache, South Sep. 28–Oct. 6
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Public lands only
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Public lands only
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
Limited-entry pronghorn
Permit fee: Resident $50, Nonresident $288
Use the 4-digit hunt number to apply. Pronghorn bonus point code: PRO
Archery hunts
Hunt # Hunt name Season dates
5000 Beaver Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5001 Book Cliffs, Bitter Creek Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5002 Book Cliffs, South (Cisco) Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5003 Box Elder, Pilot Mountain Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5004 Box Elder, Promontory* Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5005 Box Elder, Puddle Valley Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5006 Box Elder, Snowville Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5007 Cache, North Rich Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5008 Fillmore, Black Rock Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5009 Mt. Dutton/Paunsaugunt Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5010 Nine Mile, Anthro Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5011 North Slope, West Daggett/Three Corners Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5012 Pine Valley Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5013 Plateau Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5014 San Rafael, Desert Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5015 San Rafael, North Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5016 South Slope, Bonanza/Diamond Mountain Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5017 South Slope, Vernal Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5018 Southwest Desert Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5019 West Desert, Riverbed Aug. 20–Sep. 16
5020 West Desert, Rush Valley Aug. 20–Sep. 16
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Mostly private lands
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Mostly private lands
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only • * Mostly private lands
Utah Big Game • 2011
The Division does not guarantee access to any private or public land. Hunt unit boundaries may include private property or
other excluded areas. Hunters must research land accessibility before hunting.
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
† Nonresidents may hunt all Kaiparowits subunits—Apply for hunt #6601
‡ Nonresidents may hunt both the North and South San Rafael subunits—Apply for hunt #6609
BLACK TEXT: At least one nonresident permit • BLUE TEXT: Resident permits only
§ Nonresidents may hunt both the Nine Mile, Range Creek and the Book Cliffs, South (Rattlesnake) subunits—Apply for
hunt #6703 • # Nonresidents may hunt all Wasatch Mountains subunits—Apply for hunt #6810
Utah Big Game • 2011
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November deer hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November deer hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
Utah Big Game • 2011
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November deer hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November deer hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
Utah Big Game • 2011
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November deer hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November elk hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
Utah Big Game • 2011
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November elk hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
* These units must give public hunters the option to choose a November elk hunt. Contact the operator for more information.
Utah Big Game • 2011
Utah Big Game • 2011
Boundary descriptions
Looking for a map and a boundary de-
scription for your hunting area? A boundary
description will be printed on your permit.
You’ll also find detailed maps and
boundary descriptions online. Visit
wildlife.utah.gov/maps to download and
print your boundaries today.
Big game means species of hoofed Once-in-a-lifetime permit means any permit
protected wildlife. obtained for a once-in-a-lifetime hunt by any
means, including conservation permits, sports-
Certificate of registration means man permits, CWMU permits and limited-entry
a document issued under any rule or proclamation landowner permits.
of the Wildlife Board granting authority to
engage in activities not covered by a license, Permit means a document, including a stamp,
permit or tag. which grants authority to engage in specific
activities under the Wildlife Resources Code or a
CWMU means Cooperative Wildlife Management rule or proclamation of the Wildlife Board.
Possession means actual or constructive pos-
Hunter’s choice means either sex may session.
be taken.
Resident means a person who has a fixed perma-
Hunting means to take or pursue a reptile, nent home and principal establishment in Utah
amphibian, bird or mammal by for six consecutive months immediately preceding
any means. the purchase of a license or permit, AND DOES NOT
claim residency for hunting, fishing or trapping in
Limited-entry hunt means any hunt that is any other state or country.
identified as limited-entry and listed in the hunt An individual retains Utah residency if he or
table of this guidebook, and that does not include she leaves Utah to serve in the armed forces of the
general or once-in-a-lifetime hunts.
• the member is NOT on temporary duty in Tag means a card, label or other identification
Utah Big Game • 2011
Utah and does NOT claim residency for hunt- device issued for attachment to the carcass of
ing, fishing or trapping in any other state protected wildlife.
or country.
• the member presents a copy of his or her as- Take means to:
signment orders to a Division office to verify • hunt, pursue, harass, catch, capture, pos-
the member’s qualification as a resident. sess, angle, seine, trap or kill any protected
wildlife; or
A nonresident attending an institution of
higher learning in Utah as a full-time student may • attempt any of the above actions.
qualify as a resident if the student has been pres- Valid application means:
ent in Utah for 60 consecutive days immediately • it is for a species for which the applicant is
preceding the purchase of the license or permit eligible to possess a permit;
and does NOT claim residency for hunting, fishing
• there is a hunt for that species regardless of
or trapping in any other state or country.
estimated permit numbers; and
A Utah resident license or permit is invalid if a
• there is sufficient information on the appli-
resident license for hunting, fishing or trapping is
purchased in any other state or country. cation to process the application, including
An individual DOES NOT qualify as a resident personal information, hunt information,
if he or she is an absentee landowner paying and sufficient payment.
property tax on land in Utah. Applications missing any of the above items
may still be considered valid if the application is
Sell means to offer or possess for sale, barter,
timely corrected through the application correc-
exchange or trade, or the act of selling, bartering,
tion process.
exchanging or trading.